Title: Memories
Rating: PG:13
Pairing: Allan/Dorian
Set in the Movieverse. Little ol' me owns nada.
Disclaimer: If I owned them, would I be here?
Allan remembered Dorian Gray.
He remembered how Dorian had loved to look in the mirror, he remembered the curve of his body under Allan's plain white sheets, he remembered laughing, dancing dark eyes glimmering in the candle-light...
Oh yes. He remembered Dorian Gray.
He barely had time to ponder any of that, though, before the...'mission' swooped down upon them. Rule Britannia, he thought wryly, and let his thoughts wander to Africa as he fought.
Anything so long as he didn't have to think of Dorian. Of heartbreak and being so terribly convinced his life was over, not wanting to believe Dorian had really tired of him.
"There is only so long a man can be amused by robbing the cradle, Allan."
Of laughing, dancing dark eyes that were laughing at him.
His heart nearly stopped when he saw Dorian shot -- oh, he had no doubt the man would survive, but...
(And that sort of thing can do terrible things to an old man)
"I'm complicated,"
Allan wanted to laugh. Dorian, telling the truth?
He wondered if it hurt.