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![]() Author has written 24 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Saint Seiya, Beyblade, Prince of Tennis, Gundam Wing/AC, and Outsiders. Hi hi hi KaL KeY here. I’m a little energetic at times... others very depressed. I like yaoi with the pairings I think are right. My account on: Fav Pairings: (not in order) Yu Yu Hakusho -Hiei/Kurama -Yusuke/Keiko -Kuwabara/Yukina -Jin/Touya -Yusuke/Kurama Wolf's Rain -Tsume/Toboe -Kiba/Toboe -Kiba/Hige -Hige/Blue Saint Seiya (Knights of the Zodiac) -Hyoga/Shun -Shiryu/Shun -Shiryu/Seiya -Ikki/Esmaralda Digimon S1/S2 -Daisuki/Takeru (TK) -Ken/TK -Dai/Ken -Dai/Ken/TK -Tai/Yamato (Matt) S4 (Frontier) -Twins (Kouichi/Kyouji) -Takuya (i think...the one with the googles)/Kyouji S5 (Savers/Data squad) -Marcus/Thomas Beyblade -Kai/Rei -Tala/Rei -Tala/Kai -Bryan/Rei -Bryan/Tala -Tyson/Max Avatar -Jet/Zuko -Sokka/Zuko Generator Gawl -Kouji/Ryo Sukisho -Yuro/Ran -Sora/Sunao Tennis no Ohjisama (Prince of Tennis) -Tezuka/Fuji -Oishi/Eiji -Momo/Ryoma -Eiji/Fuji Lord of the Rings -Aragorn/Legolas -Twins/Legolas (either by threesome or one of the twins with Legolas) Acceleracers -Kurt/Shirako Naruto -Neji/Gaara -Naruto/Gaara -Lee/Gaara -Kankuro/Kiba Kyou Kara Maou -Yuuri/Wolfram -Conrat/Yosak Yu-Gi-Oh -Seto Kaiba/Ryou Bakura (this may very well be my fav, expessualy SetoxFemRyou) -Yami Bakura/Ryou Bakura -Marik/Malik (Can't remember which is which right now...but the Yami is the seme) -Marik(or Malik)/Ryou (or Yami Bakura) Fav characters (not in order) Yu Yu Hakusho: Kurama, Yoko (sigh), Jin (YEAH!), Kuronoue, Touya. (All the cute guys.) Genkai, Yomi, and Shura. Wolf's Rain: Toboe, Tsume (leather). Saint Seiya: Shun, Ikki (his personality is so... evil at times), Hyoga, Shiryu, Mu (the best!), Shina, Merian (Seiya's sister/teacher) Digimon: S1/S2: Takeru (TK), Ken, Daisuki (Davis), Tai, Yamato (Matt), and Izzi. S4 (frontier): Kouji and Kouichi. S4: Markus and Thomas. Beyblade: Kai, Rei, Max, Oliver (Olli's the best!) Avatar: Jet (don't know why...just do), Sokka (Can't help it), Toph (she rocks!...no pon intended), Zuko (just because he's the collest), and Tai Lee (once again...i just like her). Generator Gawl: Gawl, Kouji, Ryo, (I hate the girls) Sukisho: Ran (he’s got the best personality), Matsuri (him, his ideas, and that camera...jack of all trades!), Sunao Tennis no Ohjisama: Tezuka (Damn! It should be a law against looking that good!), Eiji (THE CAT ONE AND HIS SO CUTE!), Fuji (If you don’t like him your nuts...his so EVIL at times, plus not bad on the eyes.), Inui (juice!) Lord of the Rings: Aragorn, Legolas, and the twins (Arwen's brothers). Accleracers: Kurt, Nolo, Shirako, and Markie/Wylde (i've liked him since the first movie! Highway 35). Naruto: Ten Ten (just because she's cool), Temari (cant help it...i like all three of the sandsibs), Kankuro (Sandsib...again), Neji (have you seen him?), Kiba, Shino (bugs...what can i say?), Gaara (he's my fav along with Neji). Kyou Kara Maou: Yuuri, Conrat, Yosak, Murata, Gwendel (i dont think he gets anough love!) and Wolfram (just love him to pieces) Yu-Gi-Oh: Yami Bakura, Ryou Bakura, Malik, and Marik (i can't help but love these four guys!! the rock!!), Seto, Mokuba (just someone i loved from S1!) For the People reading my Saint Seiya Treasure stories (this is a FemShun story with Hyoga/Shun's daughter Takara), here is the timeline of events that happen (includeding birthdays). Also a picture of Takara and Shun. Stories: A Picture of Shun and Takara that someone made for me! - Picture Timeline: 1972 (I picked a year for Takara to be born in, and subtracted by the Hyoga's age to get a year he was born...then went by the shows ages to figure out the years for everyone else) Aug. 15: Ikki is born Sept. 16: Natasha (oc) is born (Natasha and Hyoga's parents discuss an arranged marriage between Natasha and unborn Hyoga) 1973 Jan 23: Hyoga is born (arranged marriage is set up between Hyoga and Natasha) Aug 25: Esmeralda is born (in show- she is born the same year as Shun) Oct 4: Shiryu is born 1974 Feb 28: Kioko (oc) is born April 15: Miho is born Sept 9: Shun is born (I couldn't believe that Shun was older then Seiya in the show/manga) Dec 1: Seiya is born 1993 Nov: Takara is conceived (Story A Singel Treasure starts here) 1994 Jan: meet Natasha (5’7"/red-brown hair/chocolate brown eyes) Jan 27: Seiya and Miho marry March 3: Shun leaves March 29: Hyoga and Natasha marry July 15: Takara is born (blond hair/green eyes) –Hyoga/Shun daughter Dec 2: Bishamon (dark blue hair/blue eyes) and Cho (dark green hair/blue eyes) are born- Ikki/Esmeralda son/daughter 1995 Jan 19: Saburo is born (red-brown hair/dark chocolate eyes)-Hyoga/Natasha son May 20: Ikki and Esmeralda marry June 25: Shiryu and Kioko (black hair/light blue eyes) marry Nov. 17: Kiyoshi is born (brown hair/brown eyes)-Seiya/Miho son 1996 Feb. 24: Mareo is born (black hair/light blue eyes)-Shiryu/Kioko son 1997 April 14: Montaro is born (red-brown hair/blue eyes)-Hyoga/Natasha son Oct. 10: Rinji is born (black hair/dark blue eyes)-Shiryu/Kioko son 1998 Dec. 27: Kuni is born (black hair/light blue eyes)-Shiryu/Kioko daughter 1999 May: Takara comes to live with Hyoga and Natasha (Story A Singel Treasure ends here) Sept: Natasha and Hyoga have a divorcee/Natasha leaves/Shun returns home/ Hyoga and Shuns first date (Stories Coming Home and First Date take place here) My new Beyblade Series Note: Master's slave, Slave's Master. This series is about our Beyblade boys. In it, some are Masters and others are Slaves. This idea came from a picture I once saw, and I had to make Kai a Pharaoh and Rei his slave (scribe). It turned our really well, but than I started to get other ideas. Ideas for stories that go hand-in-hand with the Pharaoh's Scibe story. Below is a list of all the stories I plan to write to go along side of Pharaoh's Scribe - I have already written a Lord's Thief story called Lord's Reason, Thief's Salvation. The title for the series is a play on caps. do the Masters own the slaves, or do the Slaves own the masters. Its for you to decide. The first story written was, like I said, Pharaoh's Scribe. That is not the first as the timeline goes. The first branch (the braches each have a name and a certain pairing to go with it) in the timeline would be RobertxJohnny (haven't thought of a name for this branch - message me if you have an idea), which takes place around 6 years before Pharaoh's Scribe. The next in the time Line is Lord's Thief (BXT) and this takes place about 5 years before Pharaoh's Scibe. Pharah's Scribe is actually the second story in the Pharaoh's Pet (KXR) branch. After that comes the King's Lion (MXL), taking place right after Pharaoh's Scirbe - but I'm not sure if it is going to be right in line with Pharaoh's Consort or before. We'll just have to wait and see. The Picture that started this idea, and its not even a Beyblade pic: Picture The order is the order that they go by the timeline withine each branch Prince's Knight (RobertxJohnny) - 1ST OF THE SERIES 1) A Calming Fire: A Blazing Heat Lord's Thief (BryanxTala) - Comes after the RobxJoh branch 1) Lord's Reason, Thief's Salvation Pharaoh's Pet (KaixRei)- Set after Lord's Thief branch 3) Pharaoh's Consort King's Lion (MichealxLee) -Set after Pharaoh's Scribe of the Pharaoh's Pet Branch 1) King's Assassin 2) Lion's Beau If you can read this message, you are blessed because over two billion people in the world cannot read at all: I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile! I like cheese. I have seen purple cows. If two gooses are geese, then why aren't two moose meese, or when two foots are feet, why aren't two footballs feetball? Milk tastes good. People call me crazy, but I'm just random! If you're random and proud of it, copy and paste this in your profile! YAY! WEEEE! Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Tsuyu Mikazuki, WeaselChick, Revenant666, darkflame1516, AirGirl Phantom, Agent of the Divine One, pointless people of Pluto, itachikakashi, xXxLuna-of-the-ChosenxXx, .a.broken.heart.within. The Most OOC Writer Around, Mask of Mirage, EcoliandDahChihuahua, Flower of the Desert, SarcasticallyTroublesomeGirl, LunarRose73, Serenity Silence, -True-Destiny-99-, phoenixgurl195,riana_rox, KaL KeY I know I’m a completely crazy...but it’s me. Hope you like the different stories...you must check out my favorites-authors and stories! |
Community: | The Falcon's Kitten |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Beyblade |