Breaking Point

By KawaiiYamato an anime fan

Disclaimer: I don't own Hotwheels Acceleracers… IT'S NOT FAIR! Bwahhhhhhh!

Wylde: Damn right you don't!

Kawaii: Yeah? Well, if I did, I'd tell Shirako Takamoto to turn down the damn music!

Taro: Ne, I think I just found my favourite fan fiction author.

Monkey: You heard that?

Over Shirako's "Music"


Kawaii shrinks back behind Tork: I… I'm sorry! I don't own him, no matter how sexy he is!

Shirako: Nani?

Kawaii: Shirako! Turn down the baka music! Kami!

A/N: Hey readers, I just wanted to say that this is my first non-anime fanfic and it kind of hard for me to write it not using Japanese, so if you don't know what I'm talking about when I use Japanese words for Shirako, scroll down to the bottom to the mini glossary. Well, here's "Breaking Point" I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1 Broken

Karma danced. Vibe was a great club. She could forget the pain… forget it all…and just dance.


Karma and Dance, two words, same meaning. She was seriously great at dancing. Not just because it was fun… but it was soothing, too. She could get drunk, then head home, and hide… and forget it all, forget them… forget him…

It hurt. God… it hurt, and like hell too. Karma Eiss always got what she wanted.

A great name in the racing world.

The Teku.

Everything that is, but him… how she wished that it would go away… the intense burn, the shivers that traveled down her spine at the mere mention of that name.

Taro Kitano.

Yes, that Metal Maniac, that tore her heart without realizing it, even.


She twirled and bowed on the stage. A new song came… it was a slow song. She got off the stage and ordered a Vodka Cranberry and sat down, and watched the couples, with an unmistakable pain in her eyes. "Hey Sweetie, you okay?" A raven-haired man said besides her, standing. Karma sighed and looked at him. " Hey Kurt"

"I know that look… you're thinking about him… again." He sat down beside her, and wrapped his arms around her. "Karma… you're ruining you're self… he's not worth this much… no one's worth this much pain…" He kissed her forehead in a brotherly way. "Let's go home Karma"

A/N: As you can see, err… read, Kurt is seriously OOC. (Out Of Character)

For the last year, everyone had split to go their own ways for a while, except for Wylde and Kurt who decided to stick together. One day, Kurt found Karma drunk and took her in; she'd been living with them for the past 6 months. But Kurt knew, that after the one attempted suicide that she was on a road trip, right down to doom.

"Okay, Kurt" She clung to his shirt. The girl he once knew was gone. He pulled her close to him. "I didn't know where you were… I was so afraid I thought that…" He trailed of… as he heard her heart beat against his.

" Ie…Kurt, I promise, that wouldn't happen again…" She mumbled against his chest. "Karma…"

"Let's go home Kurt"

End of Chapter 1!

Kawaii: My first chappie! ALL DONE ! I'm so proud…

Well, read and review please! Arigatou so much, till next time!


Ne- Right

Kawaii: my name: KawaiiYamato, also Kawaii means cute and yamato is the royal clan who ruled Japan in the feudal era.

Kami: God

Nani: What?

Arigatou: Thank you

Ie: No