The names will be explained later, ok?

Disclaimer: I don't Tsubasa.


The tide was high that day. The people of the Indian tribe watched as the Japanese Trade Ships crashed and burned against the solid rocks called cliffs. No one was sure what to do when a mother cradling her infant washed up on shore the next day. She was dead, but the baby, crying and screaming, had survived the brutal, shallow waves. A young woman with children of her own was the first to come to the baby.The only thing he was wearing was a blanket with a red gem tying it together. His black hair stuck straight up, stubborn even against the salty waters. When he opened his eyes, the embers that they were, the woman immediately claimed him as her own, for he would fulfill the prophecy. A prophecy of the stars that were told every night around her cooking fires. The man that the boy was to become, would be named a name that meant Strong Panther to the Indians, but Black steel to any other trade group:
