Sorry that it's taken so long but I was having a major writer's block caused by *gasp* FLAMES! I've been flamed! ;-; Unlike others, I take flames personally and while one wasn't too bad, one was! Totally put me off writing for awhile but then I looked at the 30+ nice reviews that I got for Chapter 8 and that pretty much drove me to write this chapter.

Oh, and there's on reviewer that is -very- smart! I'm not gonna say who, but they figured out part of the main plot ^_~ Very good...

TIDAH: I'm gonna need you to e-mail me again cuz I lost your e-mail and I still need to send you my chapters for your site!

Just in case anyone wants to e-mail me, just to chat or anything, my e-mail is [email protected] ^^ I like e-mail, so don't feel shy to drop me a line.

Now, onto the fic!


Chapter 9

"I'd like to give fatherhood a try."

As soon as those words spilt from Kai's mouth, Rei sat gaping at him, his eyes wide and his mouth opened slightly. He wasn't sure if he had heard Kai right, so he shook his head, as if to clear the thoughts from inside, then looked back at Kai.

"What did you just say?"

Kai rolled his eyes, and repeated himself, earning the same shocked expression from Rei. He didn't say anything more, just watched with a slight smirk on his face as Rei continued to stare at him. That lasted for about a minute longer, before a smile started to slowly creep across Rei's face. Before Kai realized what was going on, Rei had lay Zhen down on the bed and pounced on him, knocking them both off the bed and onto the floor.

"Rei!" Kai gasped, shocked to suddenly feel the other teen's weight on top of him, and he looked up into a pair of amused golden eyes that were looking back down at him. He felt a slight heat arise over his cheeks, and he quickly turned his face away, not wanting Rei to see. The boy had always had that effect on him, even before they started going out. There was just something about the neko-jin that had always made Kai act unlike himself, and apparently that hadn't changed, even after being apart for nearly two years.

"Thank you," Rei said, uneffected by the shocked expression on Kai's face or when it changed to a curious, wondering look.

"For what?" Kai asked, as he arched a light blue eyebrow and put his hands on either side of Rei's waist without really realizing it since it just seemed so right.

"For being so accepting. I know it's going to take awhile for things to be completely right between us, but I'm just so happy that you're willing to give it a try. I was afraid that you wouldn't want anything to do with this, but I guess I should of known better," Rei smiled, as he put his hands on the floor just above Kai's shoulders. He then leaned forward, so that their faces were just a couple of mere inches apart, their eye contact never breaking.

"That's right, you should of," Kai replied. "Even though I told you that I didn't want the others to know about us, I also told you that you were the only person that I could stand being around. By saying that..." he trailed off, obviously starting to get a bit uncomfortable with the direction this conversation was going.

"I know what you meant, you don't have to say it," Rei smiled, as he closed the tiny distance between them and pressed their lips together. Kai was still for a moment, before he returned the gesture, wrapping his arms around Rei's trim waist and pulling him down on top of him. The old feelings that they had once felt for eachother were riled back up as the kiss progressed and like Rei has said, it would take some time for them to return to how they used to be, but this was a very nice start.

Neither of them knew how much time had passed before they heard a muted, but rather loud whispered discussion happening just outside their door. They broke the kiss off, and Kai pushed himself up, allowing Rei to crawl off of him before they both crept to the door.

"Why do you think it got so quiet in there? It was just getting good!" Tyson's voice said, and was immediately followed by a loud SHUSH!

"Tyson! Oh! Why can't you be quiet? We don't want them to hear us!" Kenny's overally worried voice chimed and Max giggled.

"Oh Chief! You worry too much! They can't hear us! They're too busy, ya know," the blonde made a clicky sound with his tongue that was followed by another giggle.

"If you guys don't be quiet, they -will- hear you!" Lei's voice said from across the room, where he sat on the couch and watched the three younger bladers who were crowded around the door, their ears pressed right up to it.

"Lei's here?" Kai whispered, looking over at Rei who nodded.

"Yeah, he came by for a quick visit since he had some things to do in Japan," Rei said, and Kai nodded before getting to his feet and waiting for Rei to do the same.

"Maybe they're busy making Zhen a little brother or sis~WHOA!" Tyson had started, before Kai had yanked the door open, causing the three younger bladers to come toppling into the door.

"For your information, we were doing no such thing and you had no right to listen in on a -private- conversation!" Kai said, as he stood looking down at them, his arms crossed against his chest and the familiar angry glare in his deep crimson coloured eyes.

The three of them gulped, before quickly clambering to their feet. They looked nervously at Kai, before looking at Rei, hoping that their much -calmer- friend would be able to help them out once again. This time though, Rei just shrugged, a tiny smirk on his lips.

"Sorry guys, but it -was- a private conversation and you really shouldn't of spied on us like that."

"But Reeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiii!" Tyson whined, as he tried to put his best puppy dog look on but failed miserably. "We were worried about you!"

"Worried about me?"

"Yay! Being stuck in that room with Kai so long..." Tyson began but stopped when he heard a growl, and turned a bit to have Kai right in his face. "Uh, hi Kai!"

"You might want to get going now," Kai said, leaving no room for argument and Tyson nodded quickly before he grabbed Kenny and Max's wrists and literally dragged them out the door, not wanting to stick around a minute longer, not when Kai was in one of his moods.

"That was easy enough," Rei said, as he went back into their room to check on Zhen, who had woken up due to all the loud voices and was now sitting up on the bed, just silently watching them.

"Hi baby," Rei said softly, as he scooped Zhen up into his arms and hugged him, causing the baby to coo and nuzzle up against him.

"Smells like someone needs a diaper change," Kai said, as he sat down on the bed. He blinked when he saw a small twinkle in Rei's eyes, and got back to his feet. "What? He does!"

"I know," Rei nodded. "and I think this is the perfect opportunity for a father in training to learn something new."

"No way..."

"Yes way. I'm gonna teach you how to change a diaper."



All the things about Rei and Kai's past relationship will be revealed in "IMAGINE" the prequel to this fic! Not too sure when the first chapter will be out, but I'll try to make it worth it. Also, in the next chapter, I'll show how Tyson, Kenny and Max react to finding out about Zhen heritage, since I didn't really say anything in this chapter.

R&R please! And I updated my user info for anyone who's interested. ^^