A/N: Who would have thought? I'm here again. I actually made it for the last chapter (Yes this it the last one, a crappy one btw and yes it took me all this time just to write the last chapter).

I didn't actually thought I was going to finish this or even continuing the other one, but... people actually asked me to continue and heh, I ended up being convinced.

I just want to thank everyone who had the time reading this even though it's not even that good. Honestly... I need to practice a lot. Oh well.

I hope you enjoy this last chapter and if you don't, eh... I don't know what to say about that hahaha.

--      ・・・     --

Chapter 18

It's such a nice day.

That's the first thing that came to Conrart's mind.

Mid-February, a sunny Saturday, it was particularly warm today. The soft breeze played with the green leafs from the trees creating a soothing sound that calmed him entirely. One particular tree took his attention as he watched the leaves dancing with the wind, letting the sun pass from the small openings between them. It was like he had been bewitched by slow movements.

It had been long since he felt so calmed.

His life had turned upside down in less then a year. It didn't left him any trauma or anything of the kind, but he had to admit that it had been very disturbing if not in some way cruel.

It all started with a friendly introduction.

That it turned into attraction.

That led to secrets.

Those were followed by even more secrets.

It ended in betrayal.

Had he been a different person Conrart would have let it stay like that. But alas, he was far from being an unforgiving cold man and he sometimes thought in some ways that could be a disadvantage for him, though this time it wasn't the case.

Everything had turned all right.

And in a strange way, everyone ended happy, even him. Because in the end…

It looked like he never let go of his first love, neither did she. She was right beside him at the moment and that's all that it mattered to him right now.

At first he thought he only felt attached to her only because she had comforted him when he had his heart broken when he found out about Wolfram and Yuuri's 'secret' relationship. But as time passed and she continued to stay by his side, he slowly started to remembered what he fell in love with her all those years ago.

Julia had always made him felt at ease. He never had to play the-ever-smiling-Conrart with her, just him.

The soft and warm hand of his already mentioned beloved touched his gently. Her tips brushing the length of his fingers in a ticklish manner, making him slip from any trance he had been a moment ago, he blinked once as he jerked his head up momentary alarmed but the sudden touch. He quickly recovered and turned to his side to smile at her. Julia instantly returned the smile.

She had decided to change her hair style, for once. Her once loose long hair was now at least four inches shorter and she had a high ponytail. Conrart just loved how she looked now.

They were both sitting on Lilith colored blanket, just on the right edge, a picnic basket on the center with several pastries, juice and sandwiches on the sides.

"What are you thinking about?" He heard her ask him. There was no ill curiosity in her voice, she merely asked him just to listen to the one who had kept silent all this time.

Conrart just shook his head as the smile on his face never leaving him. "Nothing to worry about, you could say I was making a small summary of my life in the last year. Wondering how it ended so perfect after that entire odyssey."

"Oh?" Julia's sweet voice abruptly changed to a teasing one. That was definitely not good. "I can already imagine what you are referring to with perfect."

Conrart had the decency to blush.

"Why do you have to find a double meaning to everything I say?" the brunette asked as he ran his finger through his hair, trying to die down his heated face.

Julia titled her head innocently. "Because I can."

Conrart had nothing to say against that.

Julia embraced her legs, her head resting on her knees. "Is there anything else you'd like to add besides your little biography?"

Conrart shook his head. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," she tap her chin with her index finger. "Only that you were so absorbed in your thoughts that you literally ignored everyone else here. Yuuri called you a few times but you didn't even move a muscle. Now he thinks you're mad at him again."

"Ah," Conrart felt slightly embarrassed for daydreaming while he was supposed to be hanging around with everyone. "It's not like did it on purpose." He said in defense.

"I know," Julia said merrily. "But you still have to tell him that or he'll be upset for a week and making strange assumptions as he tends to."

Conrart sighed at that, Yuuri sometimes could be… as Wolfram likes to say, a wimp.

Next to them where the rest of the group, in another blanket (this time light blue) Murata and Saralegui were doing… not exactly sure what but it was frustrating Shinou to no end, obviously pleasing immensely the other two. The three of them where on their feet while the rest where sitting on the grass. Beries as always had his straight face so Conrart had no idea if he was enjoying the 'little show' or not. Wolfram on the other hand was laughing hard, taking long gulps of air and clutching his stomach. What was more amusing was where the blonde was sitting. Right between Yuuri's legs, his back against the Japanese boy's chest. The latter was smiling while watching the two boys attacking the older man, his chin resting on the blonde's shoulder and his arms were circling the small boy's waist loosely.

Yuuri looked over his side as he felt eyes on him and saw that it was Conrart who was the one staring. His first reaction was to widen his eyes, his second reaction was to do what to he did best. He smiled sheepishly.

The nervousness in his eyes didn't go unnoticed to Conrart. The small message in his gaze asking him if he had done something wrong was so clear that Conrart had to simply chuckle on how easy was to read the raven haired boy's expressions and at the same time he wondered why wasn't he able to read the boy like this before? Maybe it was the false idea that he had about Yuuri had to do with it.

To not make things go worse, Conrart gave Yuuri a sincere smile, silently telling the raven haired one that he had done nothing wrong.

Yuuri beamed instantly and unconsciously tighten his arms around Wolfram. The latter looked curiously at his lover from the corner of his eye before turning back to Saralegui, Murata and Shinou again. Yuuri phrased a soundless 'Thank You' before turning on the same direction that his boyfriend had.

"Seems like you've finally accept their relationship."

Conrart turned to look at the beautiful blue eyes of Julia's, he let out a little laugh and brushed his hair with his hand. "You could say that," a small frown appeared on his face. "As long as Yuuri doesn't do those things to Wolfram anymore." He said as he reached for a container and a cup to pour some juice.

"I wouldn't count on that." the blue haired woman answered frankly.

Conrart almost choked with his drink.

"I don't think Yuuri would be that stupid to tell you that. I wouldn't." Julia said as in matter-of-factly.

Conrart closed his eyes and groaned at the thought if those two doing it. If it had been up to him he would ratter keep the blonde virgin until the end of time.

"Don't say that, I don' like the idea of them doing it." Conrart almost whined.

Julia arched an eyebrow. "When are you going to accept that fact Conrart?"

"Never!" Conrart almost sounded proud. Almost.

The blue haired woman sighed as she shook her head. "You such a lost case."

"Why Wolfram couldn't have just stayed small and cute forever?"

"And you said you didn't have a brother complex..."

"I don't!"

"Huh, I'm not so sure about that."

"I just worry about him, Julia. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Conrart," Julia tried for the last time. "Wolfram is in good hands. Yuuri is a great person, you know that. He is going to take good care of your brother. He is already."

Conrart hummed as he took a sip of his juice. "I know," he rubbed the plastic cup with his finger slightly. "I know that. But I just need some a little more of time to get this idea of him not needing me anymore."

"I give you five minutes to get over it and that's period."

The brunette finally managed to give her a sincere smile.


It was fine really. He knew that everything was going to be alright. Even if he still didn't completly like it, those two were just perfect for eachother... in a ver strange way.

"You Stupid Wimp!"

Of so he thought.

Both Conrart and Julia's turned quickly to where the insult was emitted. They saw a very angry looking Wolfram standing up and staring heatedly at Yuuri practically burring holes on his skull as the latter looked like someone he was about to be murdered.

"You idiotic, insensitive, perverted wimp!"

The brunette just looked how his baby brother stomped away from the group with Yuuri staring a his retreating back like... how to say it in a specific way? A retarded. It actually took him several seconds to react and jump on his feet and start running after the fumming blonde. He had started yelling said blonde's name like a broken record in a very desperate tone but the smaller boy didn't even glance over his shoulder once, it only made him walk faster. Several people who were walking around just started amused at the funny scene that those two were making, a group of girls were giggling at Yuuri's failed attempt to gain Wolfram's attention.

As everyone had their attention on the young couple, Shinou took advantage of new "entertainment" and ran for it. Saralegui barely heard the fast "run away!" that Shinou shouted before he escaped and he started yelled at the older blonde for running away from them. Murata made an annoyed sound and crossed his arms since his victim was no longer in range so he opted in getting himself something to drink and sit on the blanket.

"That was some dractic change of events." Conrart said.

"It sure was." Julia agreed.

"What exactly happened." Conrart asked Murata who had sat next to them.

"To be honest," Murata said as title his head to the sun hit directly on his glasses, making his expression unreaddle. "I'm not sure myself. I didn't hear what he said to him. He just whispered something on Wolfram's ear and by judging his reaction anyone can tell what he said."

Conrart slowly looked to where Wolfram and Yuuri had disappeared to and he felt his eye twitch. "I was willing to help him out but if that's the case than he go to hell."

"Ouch, so harsh." Murata said without an inch of pity for his dumb friend.

"Such wonderful friends you are." Julia said.

"We are, aren't we?" Murata said as he grinned. Conrart chuckled and nodded.

The group went silent. Since their main entertainment (*ehem* Shinou) escaped there wasn't much to do anymore. Beries decided to read a book while Saralegui plopped on the grass, his arms and legs as well as his long hair were spread all over the green ground.

Conrart took his time to look at everyone who was present at the moment. He had never thought that he would have ended with so many friends in such a short period of time. For what had been all his life, he had only had Julia, Yozak and Gunter during all his childhood and adolescence. Yuuri had been his only friend when he moved to America, he really didn't talked to his classmates. Now he had made four new friends in less than a Year. He already knew Saralegui from before but never bothered in get to know him.

After a few minutes Shinou decided to show himself. He still looked a little annoyed but didn't say anything. He just laid down and rested his head on his raven haired boy's lap. The latter just smiled and ran his fingers over the blond locks.

As everyone kept themselves silent. Julia finally decided to break the ice.

"Did you know," she said in a soft voice.

"Hmmm?" the brunette asked as he rested his chin on his palm.

"About your brother Gwendal and Anissina."

A warm smiled appeared on Conrart's face. "Yeah."

"Took him long enough."

"I know."

"What gave him the courage to finally take that step?"

"Oh, you know. He just needed a little push."

"Oh?" She looked at him with interest. "What did you do?"

"Nothing that wasn't necessary."

"Oh, come on! Tell me!"

Conrart laughed as Julia continued to insist. He turned around as he heard a very familiar voice. Not very far away was Wolfram with Yuuri beside him. The blonde was still mad and had his arms crossed with a big pout on his mouth. As the came close Conrart noticed the slightly disheveled hair and the swollen lips and deduced that his brother was just faking being mad. And for once he let the "those to were doing those things again" fact slide.

"So are you going to tell me?"

"Huh?" Conrart turned to Julia and blinked.

"Don't you 'Huh' me. Tell me what you did to convince him!"

Conrart cocked his head, "You know," he mustered his most innocent smile. "I don't remember."


He laughed yet again and glanced one more time at his little brother when he heard him sigh and say "Big brother and big sister are always making scenes" under his breath and couldn't help to laugh even more.

Julia sighed for the millionth time. "Great, now your crazy."

"Just a little." He managed to said between laughs and intakes of air. He took deep breaths to calm himself.

"So..." Julia started.

"No, Julia. I'm not telling you."

"Oh, come on!"

... ...

For the rest of the day everything went calmer and Julia had actually decided to drop the subject... for now.

As they finished cleaning up and picking up everything that they used for their picnic Conrart turned to his side to look at the sunset, the warm colors gently adorning the sky as the sun slowly disappeared from view. It was an everyday occurance, something that he watched almost everyday, but he still found it beautiful.


He broke his gaze at the setting sun and looked over his shoulder and Julia, Wolfram and Yuuri waiting for him as the rest went either to throw things on the tras can or making their way to their car.

"What are you doing Conrart?" Julia said as she smiled at him.

"If you continue to daydream we're going to leave you behind!" Wolfram said as he crossed his arms.

"You better hurry up, he might keep his word." Yuuri teased.

"Shut up you wimp." the blonde said under his breath.

"I'm not a wimp."

Conrart chuckled and made his way to the three people who were waiting for him.

"Come on you three." He said as he placed his hand on Julia's shoulder.

"Let's go."