Author has written 17 stories for Gundam Wing/AC. LATEST NEWS: 3/18/13 - Fly on Broken Wings Chapter 109 posted Right now I'm working on a story called "Fly on Broken Wings" that is Gundam Wing Alternate Universe. I've been writing it for a while. I took a hiatus between 2007 and 2011 and then again through 2013, but now I'm back and trying to be productive again. I don't think Gundam Wing is as popular as it once was, but that's okay. I'll always love it. Heero/Duo is my favorite pairing, but I equally ship Trowa/Quatre and Zechs/Wufei. A little bit more about me? I love history, cute things, and everything BL related. I read more than I watch, and I'm a bit old fashioned. Some of my favorites are Gundam Wing, Mirage of Blaze, The Tyrant Falls in Love, Silver Diamond, Kyo Kara Maou, Banana Fish, The Betrayal Knows My Name, Ouran Host Club, and Axis Powers Hetalia. Some books I enjoy are Melusine/the Virtu, PsyCop, A Song of Ice and Fire, Swordspoint, The Fire's Stone, and The Last Unicorn. My favorite mangaka are Hinako Takanaga, Yaya Sakuragi, and CJ Michalski. When I'm not writing I like to read, cook, and spend time with my husband. I work in Washington, DC. I enjoy writing and someday hope to be published. I like writing fanfiction too much to ever stop. I just have this overwhelming passion for the Gundam characters. Please enjoy reading my older stories if you wish; be warned they are very juvenile. I'm pretty embarrassed by them. The only story I am working on is Fly on Broken Wings, so please don't start one of my older WIP stories without realizing it will forever be abandoned. Firestorm may one day see a continuance, but I wouldn't hold your breath. I fear I must be a little infamous at this point for infrequent updates. I'm sorry! My goal is at least one chapter every week. If it's been longer than that between updates, I will post here with reassurance. 5-5-14: I plan to post soon! I've emerged once more from the other side of the moon to work on this story. Thank you for reading! Reviews are always appreciated. I have the best readers |