Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade or any other brand name used in this fic. I am mealy using them for my own and others amusement. I repeat, I do not own any of the characters and brand names.


Author: Moryanu

Show: Beyblade

Summary: Street gangs and fights were a common thing in Kais life. Until he meets a certain neko-jin and is forced by love to look the other way. Yaoi-don't like, don't read.

Genre: Violence/romance/angst

Pairings: KaixRei, TysonxMax, OliverxEnrique, LeexMariah, MichealxSteve

Ages: Kai : 19, Rei: 18, Tyson: 17, Max: 17, Kenny: 16, Oliver: 17, Enrique: 18, Johnny: 18, Robert: 19, Lee: 19, Mariah: 17, Michael: 20, Steve: 19, Tala: 18, Kevin: 15, Black Tiger(Kenji Ishii):21 (Deceased)

Stomach bugs suck.

Wahoo! Over 100 reviews, I feel special.

Chapter Fifteen:

Rei stared at in the glass in his hands and at it's clear, liquid contents. He couldn't believe what had happened, what had possessed him to kill another human being? He needed to get out of this city soon, or even the country, the police were crawling everywhere like worms and ferreting out anything from anybody. Well, one good thing is that bastard is out of Rei's way, one good thing. Rei hadn't seen Kai for a week, ever since that day. "Kevin, what am I going to do?"

"I don't know Rei, I don't know." The little green haired boy answered from his perch on an old scooter crate. "I had a call from Lee himself last night, demanding to know where you are."

Rei's head snapped up and his eyes widened towards Kevin. "You didn't tell him did you?"

Kevin swept off some dust with his hand from his crossed legs and replied. "Of course I didn't. Why would I do that?"

Rei lowered his head while shaking it, "I'm sorry, just a bit jumpy thats all. If Lee found out where I am" Rei lifted his head a little and swept his hand through the air gesturing around the old abandoned warehouse "and I'm fucked."

Kevin winced. "I'm not going to tell anyone, and I'm sure Tyson won't."

"Does anybody else know I'm here?"


"Not even Kai?"



"Wha?" Kevin looked at Kevin in confusion. "Why is that good? I thought he would be the first person to tell."

"It would be best if he didn't know. No harm could come to him and the police wouldn't be able to wheedle anything out of him." Rei replied after taking a sip of his drink. "Did you bring what I asked for??"

"I got in and took the things you asked for. I got your passport, some money and a couple of other things you wanted. Oh yeah, and some food." Kevin took a off-white bundle from behind him and chucked it over to Rei. "Enjoy."

"Thanks." Rei said while easily catching the bundle with his free hand. He placed the bundle by his feet and went back to staring in his cup.

"What do you need your passport for?"

"I'm leaving the country." Rei said blankly.

"What? You can't!" Kevin said while leaping off the crate in shock. "How can you? The police will stop you!"

Rei was unaffected by Kevin's outburst. "The police may be asking questions, but they still don't know that I did it. The only people who know me and know I did it are very unlikely to tell the police. I'll just go to the airport, hop in a plane and get the hell out of here."

"If it's safe here still, why don't you stay? You said yourself that the police don't know it is you yet." Kevin tried desperately.

"They don't know now but they will soon. I'm not scared of the police anyway, it's Lee that I should be scared of. Thats why I'm hiding in this God forsaken warehouse."

"I know, I know, but still. What am I going to do with out you?" Kevin whispered while collapsing to the floor. "I rely on you Rei. Whats going to happen?" He whispered while lowering his head, covering his eyes with his thick green hair.

"Then come with me."

Kevin's head snapped back up, his eyes hopeful. "You sure?" He asked, his voice unsure.

"Yeah, why not. But you have to do me a favor."

Kevin grinned. "Yeah anything."

Rei smiled to himself at Kevin's quick change of mood. "Go tell Kai where we are going, and tell him as soon as he gets out of hospital for him to come meet us there."

"Alrighty then. Uhh, where are we going?"

"England." 1)

"Really? I always wanted to go there!" Kevin said gleefully.

"Ok then, get going then. Get your passport and stuff on the way back."

Kevin snapped back on to his legs and bolted out the door throwing a "Be right back!" over his shoulder.

Rei grinned at his young friend, then let the momentary mirth slip off his face like ice on hot steel. Now that he had peace and quiet for a while, he could finally think of what he was going to do. In truth, he hadn't really thought about where he was going to go, England just popped in to his mind and out through his mouth at Kevin's question. England sounded good anyway, rent a house somewhere in North Somerset, or perhaps nice quiet Devon. He didn't have any clothes with him or anything like that, he would just have to buy them at the airport or in England. His biggest priority was getting away from Lee and the police. Yes, he had to do that.

Damn him! Why did he have to be so rash? Escaping to England, was he mad. Had he really thought any of this through? Kai thought angrily as he stared after Kevin's hurrying back. Kevin left him with no idea when Rei was going or even what part of England he was going to, how on earth was he supposed to find them? There was only one thing to it. He had to get out of here and go find Rei before he could take off, and go with him. Thank God Tyson has got a week spot towards death glares and let slip where Rei was hiding.

Kai slipped out of bed, and lifted the little clipboard at the end of his bed and noted all his prescribed medicines. He pulled the patients gown over his head and slipped on some checkered boxers and some worn blue trousers, and on top a dark t-shirt and a dark jacket. Taking a bag from his small cupboard, he shoved everything he had in it. Checking outside the ward for any nurses or doctors, he cursed when he saw a nurse behind reception, partially guarding the medicine cupboard. Seeing no one else, he crept over to the bed next to him where a middle aged man was sleeping peacefully, recovering from a recent operation. He leaned over the man and repeatably pressed the little red nurse's button that was next to the mans bed. Kai then jumped back in to bed, covering his clothes so the nurse wouldn't see.

When the nurse finally fled through the door and pulled the curtains around the newly awakened, confused man's bed, Kai dashed out of his bed and round the corner and jumped over the reception, and held his stomach when his freshly healed wound screeched in pain. He made a mental note not to do that again. Checking to make sure no one was looking, he broke in to the medicine cupboard and took a few boxes of his medication and got out of the room.

Rei better be pleased that I'm doing this AND abandoning the gang for him. Kai thought angrily. He walked calmly down the hospitals corridors, trying to seem as if he had just come back from visiting a sick friend. Keeping his face blank, he walked out the hospital doors and out on to the street. When safely out on to the street and well away from the hospital, Kai hailed a taxi and leapt in. Ordering the short fat driver to take him to his apartments, he sat in the back and thought about what was going to happen.

Well, now Kai thought about it, he didn't HAVE to abandon his gang, he could always control them by passing messages through Tyson or Micheal. That was easy enough, just had to remember to pick up his mobile. And why was that kid coming with Rei and him to England? Kai knew he wasn't very good with kids. Oh well, if Rei wanted him to come along then that was fine with him. He had to get some money from his room and get a few other things he needed, as he doubted that Rei had anything proper since he started hiding in that warehouse.

When the taxi drew up outside his apartment, he asked him to wait while he got a few things.

In his apartment, Kai collected his passport, a few set of clothes and toiletries, and his wallet with loads of extra cash. Going outside he got back in to the taxi and told the driver to take him to the old warehouses.

Rei paced the large dank warehouse while he waited for Kevin to return. When he finally did, he sighed in relief and sat down on the dirty, littered floor to calm himself. Rei sorted through Kevin's things he had brought and found quite a bit of useful things. He, thankfully, remembered to bring his passport and some money. He also brought some clothes and his Walkman, toothpaste and tooth brush and other such toiletries.

Rei nearly had a heart attack when there was a large banging on the door. He quickly retrieved his gun that was tied around his waist and aimed it at the door. "Who is it?" He called.

"Don't worry Rei, its just me."

"Oh God Kai. You scared the shit out of me." Rei said while lowering his gun and running to fling open the heavy metal doors. He flung his arms around Kai's neck, who secured his around Rei's waist. "God, I missed you. What are you doing here? You are supposed to be recovering in hospital." Rei turned on to a more serious note.

"Well, your little messenger boy here, leaved me with vary vague instructions." Said boy gave Kai a cold glare. "He didn't say what part of England you were going to or when, or how I was supposed to find and contact you. Thats why I'm here, I'm going to go with you."

"But what about your wounds and medication? Kai, your not well enough."

"Don't worry about me, I've taken more than one measly shot before. And I've brought my medication with me. Everything will be fine." Kai said, finalising his statement with a kiss.

"But..." Rei tried hopelessly.

"Shush. Now when are we leaving." Kai said while letting go of Rei's warm body.

"Today, now. We'll fly to Exeter airport, thats in Devon. A nice quiet place, we'll lay low for a while there."

"Have you got everything you need?" Kai inquired.

"No, but that doesn't matter, I can get new stuff when we get to England." Rei clutched Kai's shoulders and leaned forward to kiss him again.

"Eurgh! Get a room. Anyway, I thought we were going?" Kevin rudely interrupted.

Kai and Rei smiled at each other. "Ok then, lets get going." Rei whispered while staring in to Kai's eyes.

All three left and hailed a taxi, setting off towards the nearest airport and to their knew lives.

A/N: I hate how that chapter turned out. I thought it was positively crappy. Oh well, it ended where I wanted it to. Please review and I will continue! E-mail with any comments or suggestions at

1) Wahoo! England, the place I know and love!