Author has written 33 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, 13 Ghosts, Stargate: SG-1, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, King Arthur, CSI, Supernatural, Leverage, Psych, Boondock Saints, and Losers. Hello. I am a 22 year old actress and part-time legal assistant, I live with my boyfriend and dog and am a black belt in martial arts. I have many loves, such as: LotR: Legolas Fantastic Four: Johnny Storm Leverage: Eliot Spencer Heroes: Peter Petrelli Supernatural: Dean! Fringe: Peter CSI: Greg Battlestar Galactica: Helo Stargate: Daniel Lately I've been on a huge Leverage kick - I cannot stop writing for this fandom, it is blowing my mind the amount of fic I am putting out for it, but I'm not complaining. Not too much else to know. Enjoy the stories. |
Ashley A (92) Deana (120) | Goody-Goodie (36) Littlefish (6) |