Title: Dental Work
Author's Note: Drabble set during the very end of the Second David Job.
Summary: Just how will they keep Sterling from coming after them again?
Disclaimer: I don't own or profit off of Leverage, Eliot, Nate or Sterling. Sadness.
Rating: G.
That felt good, Nate mused to himself as he watched Ian Blackpoole deteriorate into a hysterical mess. Turning around Nate saw that even Sterling seemed to be pleased with the outcome as it set him up to be President of IYS. Of course, Nate knew that once Sterling was President he would have almost limitless funds and resources to try to track them down and he would have no reason not to look for them.
Well, Nate supposed he would just have to give him a reason before he left.
"Oh Sterling, also, I would recommend not trying to find any of us once you get the artwork back. Eliot said something about still owing you some dental work," Nate remarked casually.
Judging by the look of fear that passed over Sterling's face, Nate knew that they would be fine.
Hehe, Eliot is scary to others. :-)