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Joined 07-04-13, id: 4841695
Author has written 2 stories for One Piece, and Psyren.
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Raise Your Voice Against Liars by W.I.T.C.H.-and-Naruto-Gurl reviews
"We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin." -Andre Berthiaume. A chance encounter on a school trip warps the reality between two groups of heroes.
Crossover - Persona Series & Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 40 - Words: 155,446 - Reviews: 249 - Favs: 151 - Follows: 169 - Updated: 4m - Published: 3/5 - [Marinette D-C./Ladybug, Luka C.] Akira K./Ren A./The Trickster/Joker, Makoto N./Queen
Rewriting the Past by jbriz reviews
Everything was gone. With one attack, Madara had wiped out everything I held dear. I was about ready to give up, but then I was offered another chance. A chance to do it all over again. A chance to save everyone. Time travel. good Kyuubi, Pairings: Mina/Kushi, Naru/Hina (later on), others to follow. rated T for violence, some language, and minor mature references.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 19 - Words: 99,861 - Reviews: 1137 - Favs: 2,727 - Follows: 2,930 - Updated: 6h - Published: 12/11/2012 - Naruto U., Minato N., Kushina U.
Fairy May Cry by Iron117Prime reviews
Dante's shop is trashed (again), but now it's time to move on. Our favorite devil hunter joins Fairy Tail, and meets people as crazy as him. He loves it. However, when his past comes back to haunt him and targets his new friends, Dante questions on whether he is truly worthy of Fairy Tail, or having friends. Post Oracion Seis arc. Pre Edolas Arc.
Crossover - Devil May Cry & Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 76 - Words: 633,893 - Reviews: 1107 - Favs: 995 - Follows: 1,029 - Updated: 6h - Published: 3/7/2015 - [Natsu D., Lisanna S.] Dante, Erza S.
Fate-In time by Parcasious reviews
He was a hopeless man, a man who would amount to a little more than a fool. Yet this man pursued an endless dream, a dream in which he could hold her again... (A Shirou medieval Britain Fic-beginning before Saber drew Caliburn)
Fate/stay night - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 87 - Words: 547,120 - Reviews: 10704 - Favs: 7,807 - Follows: 8,372 - Updated: 20h - Published: 3/16/2016 - Shirō E., Arturia Pendragon
Quirk: Magical Girl Mascot by Emma Iveli reviews
AU. Izuku Midoriya has a weird quirk. Not only does it turn him into a talking animal but also lets him bond with people. And in return they get a power-up... that's a frilly dress and a special weapon... that's a magical wand... So in other words... he's a magical girl mascot. At least he gets a copy of their quirk and can turn human... so it's not that weird... right? Please R&R
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 31 - Words: 82,049 - Reviews: 343 - Favs: 490 - Follows: 602 - Updated: 7/28 - Published: 5/30 - Izuku M., Ochako U., Katsuki B., 1-A Students
The Road to be a Pokemon Master: Hoenn Arc by FanaticLAguy06 reviews
Sequel to the Johto Arc. With Ash now a Pokemon League Winner and Serena a Pokemon Performer Queen, they decide to get a fresh start in the Hoenn region. Ash takes on a student as a testament to how much he's learned while Serena finds her own. While there, they meet two teams claiming to improve the world, but they may be hurting it more than helping it.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 31 - Words: 314,322 - Reviews: 899 - Favs: 724 - Follows: 672 - Updated: 7/28 - Published: 1/1/2019 - [Ash K./Satoshi, Serena] May/Haruka
RWBY Watches Classic Movies by Old Wolf Logan reviews
Exactly what it says on the tin; Teams RWBY and JNR watching classic Earth movies and reacting to them. Inspired by 'The Infinite Realities of Jaune Arc' by Genital WarThunder.
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 79 - Words: 281,415 - Reviews: 2884 - Favs: 1,475 - Follows: 1,627 - Updated: 7/28 - Published: 11/22/2018 - Ozpin, Team RWBY, Team JNPR
Hope of the Shield Hero by Allen Blaster reviews
Naofumi Iwatani was summoned to Melromarc as the Shield Hero. Everything looked great... until he overheard Itsuki and Motoyasu talking about parties sharing experience from kills outside his inn room. He then finds out some stuff from his help guide that Malty hadn't told him about. (Rest of Summary Inside) Cover by Aron1095. Chapter Fifty-Two: Liberation of Melromarc, Part Two
Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 52 - Words: 505,991 - Reviews: 1351 - Favs: 1,776 - Follows: 1,969 - Updated: 7/27 - Published: 7/29/2019 - Naofumi I., Raphtalia
Digital Extra by Boyzilla reviews
While being erased from existence as the Moon Cell deletes her, Hakuno Kishinami makes an additional wish by accident. Her desire, to experience the real world for herself. Now Hakuno, along with her Servant(s), are sent into the Digital World during the time of the Digimon Emperor. With no 'digivice', a world on the edge, and 'magic' on her side. Can she really achieve her wish?
Crossover - Digimon & Fate/stay night - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 88 - Words: 266,430 - Reviews: 1265 - Favs: 941 - Follows: 1,046 - Updated: 7/27 - Published: 12/28/2016 - EMIYA, Nero, Tamamo, Hakuno K.
Warrior of the Wild by Kamen Rider Dimension reviews
He had served his purpose and he was content with living out his life aiding his Princess. Now however, both He and Zelda find themselves facing the darkness once more. A world he fails to recognise, with dangers he's unfamiliar with. can new friends, weapons and abilities help them bring an end to the darkness that plagues this world as well?
Crossover - Legend of Zelda & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 19 - Words: 121,257 - Reviews: 130 - Favs: 414 - Follows: 509 - Updated: 7/27 - Published: 6/24/2018 - Link, Zelda, Ozpin, Team RWBY
The Daemon Eater's Rose by RyuJudge6614 reviews
Velvet Crowe has defeated Artorius, but is fatally injured in the process. However, fate is a mysterious thing as after she dies, she is somehow transported to the world of Remnant. Here, she will face new challenges and have a second chance at life, and meet a certain silver-eyed huntress along the way.
Crossover - RWBY & Tales of Berseria - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 103 - Words: 367,806 - Reviews: 563 - Favs: 548 - Follows: 608 - Updated: 7/26 - Published: 5/9/2017 - [Velvet C., Ruby R.] Team RWBY
An Artist Among Monsters by ClanCrusher reviews
Ranma had been certain he'd never find a group of women more forward, aggressive, and crazy than his fiancees in Nerima. Of course, that was before Ryoga got him stranded in a world full of monster girls.
Ranma - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 76,569 - Reviews: 95 - Favs: 360 - Follows: 419 - Updated: 7/26 - Published: 11/30/2018 - Ranma
A Certain Musical Diva by Boyboy180 reviews
Two Psychics from another world the 'Azure striker' and 'the Muse' fall into academy city, how will they deal with this new world so similar and yet different to their own?
Crossover - A Certain Scientific Railgun/とある科学の超電磁砲 & Azure Striker Gunvolt - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 70 - Words: 113,239 - Reviews: 65 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 36 - Updated: 7/26 - Published: 3/10/2019 - Mikoto M., Gunvolt, Joule, Lumen
A Storm of Swords by A Dyslexic Writer reviews
Emiya Shirou was kind, understand, helpful, and completely brutal to anyone who hurts his loved ones. A near perfect fit for the role of the Guardian of the Storm. But Reborn would have to be careful with this one. After all, even a broken sword is dangerous. (fem!Tsuna)
Crossover - Katekyo Hitman Reborn! & Fate/stay night - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 19 - Words: 100,910 - Reviews: 1609 - Favs: 2,850 - Follows: 3,243 - Updated: 7/25 - Published: 10/27/2019
An Essence of Silver and Steel by James D. Fawkes reviews
At the moment of transformation, when the connection was to be established and a young girl's life forever changed, the Red Shadow intervened, and the Administration shard became its tool on the path to human salvation. With the power of every hero ever immortalized in myth and legend, what can that girl do but be a hero herself? -A not-quite-crossover with FSN/Prisma Illya-
Worm - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Fantasy - Chapters: 97 - Words: 514,808 - Reviews: 3249 - Favs: 4,176 - Follows: 4,592 - Updated: 7/25 - Published: 6/3/2017 - Skitter, Tattletale, Panacea
Louise Summons Raphtalia by y1fellas reviews
What it says on the tin. She was cuter as a kid anyway.
Crossover - Familiar of Zero & Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 49 - Words: 74,810 - Reviews: 517 - Favs: 822 - Follows: 1,110 - Updated: 7/24 - Published: 6/1/2019 - Louise, Raphtalia
A Familiar Void by Rexis19 reviews
Louise needed a Familiar that resembled her, so that she could prove herself to be a Mage. So what better way to represent herself, than a small being filled with the Void?
Crossover - Familiar of Zero & Hollow Knight - Rated: T - English - Fantasy - Chapters: 33 - Words: 112,134 - Reviews: 322 - Favs: 915 - Follows: 1,130 - Updated: 7/24 - Published: 8/15/2019 - Louise, the Knight
Chronicles of Regeneration by HeroR reviews
The Journey of Regeneration has began. Now a young Chosen must travel across the land in order to become a true angel and save the world. However, another journey has also begun. One that will change fate of two worlds and end the reign of a god.
Tales of Symphonia - Rated: T - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 47 - Words: 230,012 - Reviews: 99 - Favs: 61 - Follows: 57 - Updated: 7/24 - Published: 5/24/2012 - Lloyd I.
Shield Kid's Bizarre Adventure! by Allen Blaster reviews
Collaboration with RLTygurr. Naofumi Iwatani was your typical 10-year-old kid. Young, energetic, and so done with boring old school. Now, he's been summoned to another world as the Shield Hero! Watch as our innocent young hero goes around in this new world. Causing all sorts of trouble on this adventure alongside his kid friend Raphtalia! Chapter Fifteen: Scrupulous Spelunking
Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 15 - Words: 136,992 - Reviews: 284 - Favs: 619 - Follows: 664 - Updated: 7/24 - Published: 4/3 - Naofumi I., Raphtalia
Family by Major144 reviews
Simon gets the power of the crown, but he doesn't lose his sanity or Betty. The war happens and Simon and Betty find Marceline and raise her as their own. The new family face many difficult challenges. A story in which a hero will rise and help defeat a great evil in the distant future. A different Ooo will rise and take shape. Also there will be many crossovers.
Adventure Time with Finn and Jake - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 395 - Words: 1,036,525 - Reviews: 1823 - Favs: 365 - Follows: 326 - Updated: 7/23 - Published: 9/20/2014 - Finn, Marceline A., Betty, Simon P.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V! An Alternative Universe by HereICome reviews
Taking place in an alternative universe where many things are the same but many things are not. What if Yuzu was the main character? What if the Pendulum history was different? Maybe if there was five dimensions? The story follows Yuzu and her best friend Yuya as a strange day changes their lives forever and opens up a whole multiverse of mystery. With help/ideas from Romadrox8975
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 184 - Words: 823,151 - Reviews: 981 - Favs: 123 - Follows: 115 - Updated: 7/23 - Published: 11/23/2016 - Reiji A., Yuya S., Yuzu H., Lancers Selection
Joseph Joestar: Hamon Hunter by lolrus555 reviews
Beacon Academy was already a strange place to begin with, but with the trickster of the Joestar bloodline now attending the school, Team RWBY and Team JNPR's next four years here are now guaranteed to be truly bizarre. Rated T for language and the usual amount of blood you'll find in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Image by Chappy-chan.
Crossover - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 28 - Words: 390,178 - Reviews: 772 - Favs: 1,326 - Follows: 1,441 - Updated: 7/23 - Published: 7/24/2015 - Joseph J., Team RWBY, Team JNPR
Hero Academia DxD by dinocam3 reviews
Izuku was told by almost everyone that he was worthless. That he'd never be a hero no matter how hard he tried. But he refused to accept that. So when he's killed and then turned into a devil by the beautiful Rias Gremory, his life changes in ways he never could've imagined. (Izuku x harem) (cover art by knilzy95)
Crossover - High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Humor - Chapters: 30 - Words: 217,596 - Reviews: 306 - Favs: 919 - Follows: 985 - Updated: 7/23 - Published: 9/15/2019 - [Rias G., Izuku M., Ochako U., Shiozaki I.]
Senran Persona: Ninjas of Hearts by UknownHero reviews
Collab with JGResidentEvil. Fate can be an interesting thing within life. It can bring unexpected changes that no one can truly see. For two girls, those that were destined to be rivals between good and evil, changed under the masks of rebellion to forge their own true paths. Now get up and stand your ground because these sexy ninjas are gonna steal your heart!
Crossover - Persona Series & Senran Kagura/閃乱カグラ - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 45 - Words: 759,995 - Reviews: 461 - Favs: 297 - Follows: 297 - Updated: 7/23 - Published: 4/5/2017 - Phantom Thieves, Akira K./Ren A./The Trickster/Joker, Asuka, Homura
Bloody Sakura Rose by Icetail of WindClan - Meta-If reviews
Taiyang Xiao Long was Ruby's father. He was always her father. Until one day, Ruby discovers that this was a lie. Taiyang wasn't Ruby's father. Her Mother had fallen in love with someone who couldn't love her back. A Nobody. A man named Marluxia. Then, that same week, a pink haired man named Lauriam shows up in Vale, looking for Summer Rose. Additional tags inside. Cross Posted AO3
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 23 - Words: 76,614 - Reviews: 73 - Favs: 119 - Follows: 166 - Updated: 7/22 - Published: 2/16 - [Marluxia, Summer R.] Lauriam, Ruby R.
Taylor Varga by mp3.1415player reviews
Taylor has a bad day that ends in a locker. Everyone has heard that one. It goes somewhat differently after that, as her call for help is answered by something from a lot further away than one might expect... A story in which Taylor makes a very large friend, the world gets confused, and Danny comes into his own.
Worm - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 382 - Words: 1,819,066 - Reviews: 1865 - Favs: 2,459 - Follows: 2,183 - Updated: 7/22 - Published: 3/14/2017
Linked in Life and Love by l OmegaInfinity l reviews
A single intimate night together... and it lead to so much more. Follow as Team RWBY dive into a relationship none of them could have imagined, trying to make sense of their new situation, as well as deal with the reactions of the people around them. All the while facing White Fang drama, family secrets, and most devastating of all: homework. Pollination, with no Enabler.
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 79 - Words: 458,859 - Reviews: 3510 - Favs: 2,978 - Follows: 3,414 - Updated: 7/22 - Published: 12/24/2015 - [Blake B., Ruby R., Weiss S., Yang X.L.]
Son of the Sannin by Ander Arias reviews
Naruto lost his parents the night of his birth due to the Kyubi escaping, but fortunately Jiraiya and Tsunade are willing to take care of him in their place. Watch how his life unfolds while being raised by the Sannin, and how such actions will change not only Naruto's life, but the lives of those around him. Slight AU
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 107 - Words: 963,142 - Reviews: 3928 - Favs: 3,857 - Follows: 4,202 - Updated: 7/22 - Published: 10/11/2016 - [Naruto U., Hinata H.] [Jiraiya, Tsunade S.]
Shinobi's Creed by Leaf Ranger reviews
I was alone. Alone and hated in my village. Until my mentor found me. Until he trained me. And he taught me a valuable lesson. That Nothing is True, and Everything is Permitted. Who am I? I am Naruto Uzumaki. And I'm an Assassin. NaruHina, OCAnko. Rated M for blood, language, and hinted sexual situations. Some Kakashi, Jiraiya, and possibly Sasuke bashing, and Hyuuga clan bashing.
Crossover - Naruto & Assassin's Creed - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 46 - Words: 424,233 - Reviews: 2569 - Favs: 3,471 - Follows: 3,831 - Updated: 7/22 - Published: 11/20/2012 - [Naruto U., Hinata H.] [Anko M., OC]
Fire Emblem: Gods Inheritor by AxelDrevbon reviews
A kingdom burns, having been overrun by a ruthless Conqueror. A queen and her children, descendants of the Saint King, flee the continent to save their lives and find themselves becoming wrapped up in the Royal Family of Ylisse. How will history change as Alm and Celica's descendant's live and fight along side the Shepherds against Plegia and the return of their dark god, Grima.
Fire Emblem - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 8 - Words: 57,552 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 51 - Follows: 70 - Updated: 7/21 - Published: 4/29/2019 - [OC, Cordelia] [Chrom, Sumia]
Hero of Love and Peace by AssassinRider2 reviews
Izuku Midoriya: a boy born without a quirk trying to become a hero. Sento Kiryu: a boy with no memories of who he is, hoping to become a hero to find out who he truly. After a faithful meeting, they set out to become the worlds best heroes, all while encountering the difficulties of high school and super hero life. They will Be The Ones who change everything. GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA!
Crossover - Kamen Rider & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 15 - Words: 103,226 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 84 - Follows: 81 - Updated: 7/21 - Published: 1/12 - Sento K./Takumi K./Build, Ryuga B./Cross-Z, Izuku M., Momo Y.
Bringer of Nightfall by RoseDragonWitch reviews
Now hailed as a hero throughout the Source, what next awaits the Warrior of Light, soon to become a Warrior of Darkness? The time has come to move on only now we are heading to not a different country, but rather an entirely new world! The path to the First is open to us and a new battle awaits… the most epic one yet… discovering the truth of what lies at the heart of the Star...
Final Fantasy XIV - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 27 - Words: 489,238 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 57 - Updated: 7/21 - Published: 8/6/2019
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: The Fifth Circuit by scififan599 reviews
To Yuji, Den City is his home. Fighting to protect it as Kingmaker, he ends up pulled into a war between dimensions alongside the Lancers. Follow alongside him and his comrades Hanako Zaizen and Go Onizuka as they navigate the dimensions and do their best to restore peace to their world and others. AU of ARC-V with the addition of the Link Dimension. Second Arc: Synchro Arc
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 23 - Words: 402,374 - Reviews: 1005 - Favs: 269 - Follows: 245 - Updated: 7/21 - Published: 11/7/2018 - OC, Yuya S., Lancers Selection
Persona Q2: The Ace Edition by eiranerys reviews
Many crazy things have been thrown Ken's way since he went to Tokyo on the Shadow Operatives' behalf to investigate the Phantom Thieves, the biggest being him joining them. But getting sucked into a movie theater and having to change its movies' endings in order to escape has really got to take the cake. PQ2 spinoff of Ace in the Hole.
Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 8 - Words: 52,933 - Reviews: 81 - Favs: 162 - Follows: 198 - Updated: 7/20 - Published: 6/24/2019 - [Ken A., Makoto N./Queen] [Akira K./Ren A./The Trickster/Joker, Ann T./Panther]
The Death and Life of Erza Scarlet by Goshinzilla reviews
Death is only the beginning. Erza learns that much at the tower of heaven. But the afterlife, it turns out, isn't much better than life, with all its flaws. As she becomes a shinigami, Erza seeks to make a better world- but Aizen has the same idea... (ErzaXMomo)
Crossover - Bleach & Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 107 - Words: 1,223,337 - Reviews: 1835 - Favs: 828 - Follows: 857 - Updated: 7/20 - Published: 10/25/2014 - [M. Hinamori, Erza S.] Ichigo K., S. Aizen
Senran Kagura: Shinobi Chronicles by Clearwing Yuta reviews
10 years ago, a tragedy happened, devastating him and many others. Follow the adventures of Kamui Yukio, Kamen Rider Shinobi, as he fights to regain what he once lost and tries to find something truly precious to cure his broken heart. Good or evil ninja? Which side is he? Revenge or justice? He fights while pursuing the truth.
Crossover - Kamen Rider & Senran Kagura/閃乱カグラ - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 52,629 - Reviews: 91 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 102 - Updated: 7/20 - Published: 4/18/2019 - OC, Asuka
Digimon Trinity by Crazyeight reviews
The War is over, or so it is thought. For the Digidestined, life goes on, but with digimon emerging once more into the real world, the world will change once more. Divided they fall, but a new generation of heroes, the Tamers, will rise to unite against the new threat.
Digimon - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 157 - Words: 655,019 - Reviews: 1179 - Favs: 509 - Follows: 468 - Updated: 7/19 - Published: 2/21/2015 - Hikari Y./Kari K., Takeru T./TK, Takato M., Ruki M./Rika N.
Titania Falls by Emma Iveli reviews
AU. Dipper and Mabel Pines were never normal kids since their mother Erza is a wizard from another universe. But when they move to Gravity Falls they discover there are stranger things than magic from another universe. Will they be able to figure out the secret to the town using only their wits… Well their wits and maybe a little magic...Please R&R.
Crossover - Fairy Tail & Gravity Falls - Rated: T - English - Humor/Fantasy - Chapters: 90 - Words: 451,707 - Reviews: 656 - Favs: 382 - Follows: 337 - Updated: 7/19 - Published: 8/1/2015
Fairies of the Shattered Moon by TheMaster4444 reviews
When Team RWBY discover a mysterious book right before the Vytal Festival, they are blasted to a place of magic and wonder. A few days later, they return, having spent six months as Fairy Tail wizards, forging bonds that would stay with them for the rest of their lives. But answers still allude the young huntresses. Who sent the book? And what link does it have with Fairy Tail?
Crossover - Fairy Tail & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 47 - Words: 385,180 - Reviews: 809 - Favs: 724 - Follows: 817 - Updated: 7/19 - Published: 8/2/2018 - Wendy M., unknown 1, Pyrrha N., Team RWBY
Everyday Life with a Futa by snakebit1995 reviews
In a different version of the story Miia and the others are placed in the care of Desirae Hanafuda, a Japanese girl. Only she's not just a girl she's a Futanari. Now Desirae has to deal with the unique needs of her new roommates and the struggles of managing her own little dream Monster Girl Harem. Contains Futa and LEMONS
Daily Life with a Monster Girl/モンスター娘のいる日常 - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 65 - Words: 97,875 - Reviews: 655 - Favs: 1,534 - Follows: 1,462 - Updated: 7/18 - Published: 10/25/2015 - [OC, Miia, Papi, Centorea]
Legend of Finn the Hero by jtbruce reviews
Deep within in the web of the multiverse. Prismo detected the presence of a great and familiar evil. To deal with it, Prismo sent his best man for the job.
Crossover - Adventure Time with Finn and Jake & Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 5 - Words: 21,943 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 170 - Follows: 224 - Updated: 7/18 - Published: 12/25/2019 - Finn
Alea Iacta Est by ack1308 reviews
Taylor gets a different set of powers, and canon begins to diverge almost immediately ...
Worm - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Drama - Chapters: 15 - Words: 107,537 - Reviews: 742 - Favs: 2,697 - Follows: 3,258 - Updated: 7/18 - Published: 7/11/2015
Blades of Remnant by Novice4129 reviews
With the first semester over and with their Blades. Team RWBY is ready to tackle Beacon, and possibly the world as Huntresses-in-training and as Drivers.
Crossover - RWBY & Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 85 - Words: 590,818 - Reviews: 371 - Favs: 153 - Follows: 148 - Updated: 7/18 - Published: 3/18/2018
Shokugeki no Nikola: The Beginning by Coral the Leviathan reviews
The omake/prologue of Shokugeki no Nikola. Read here to see how Nikola first met the some of the diners, as well as her life before the Shokugeki no Nikola storyline.
Crossover - Shokugeki no Soma/食戟のソーマ & Restaurant to Another World/異世界食堂 - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Family - Chapters: 5 - Words: 22,355 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 50 - Updated: 7/16 - Published: 7/28/2019 - OC
RWBY: Aqua's Mission by TPoynt reviews
Aqua didn't know what would happen when she fell into the Realm of Darkness. The last thing she expected was having to raise two little girls. With one of them being a Keyblade Wielder, she has her work cut out for her.
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 17 - Words: 103,971 - Reviews: 256 - Favs: 281 - Follows: 376 - Updated: 7/15 - Published: 6/30/2019 - [Aqua, Qrow B.] Ruby R., Yang X.L.
RWBY: Black Rebellion - Act II by Starlight's Poet reviews
The die has been cast. There is no more going back. From here on, the choices you shall make shall forever be engraved into the present of the world. You possess a great power, yet it shall forever force you to lead a life of solitude. Are you prepared for this? "Of course. After all, I made a deal with the Devil."
Crossover - Code Geass & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Suspense/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 29,333 - Reviews: 150 - Favs: 523 - Follows: 601 - Updated: 7/15 - Published: 2/21/2018 - Lelouch L., C.C., Team RWBY, Team JNPR
Knights of the Otherworld by Ten-Faced Paladin reviews
The clash of Royal and Rebel has begin, but the story says there is no end in sight. One meddling sorcerer from a lost story decides otherwise. Reaching out and finding the heroes who can break fate. It's time for everyone to get the Happily Ever After they deserve. It's time for a new story. It's time for the Knights of the Round Table to return.
Crossover - Kamen Rider & Ever After High - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 36 - Words: 376,019 - Reviews: 458 - Favs: 160 - Follows: 160 - Updated: 7/15 - Published: 5/5
Professor Shockwave by KtyouVsWriting reviews
Shockwave pursued the Autobots into the collapsing space bridge, but ended up blinded. His fate should have been clear. What he found to be completely illogical was how he ended up on another world teeming with organic life, him being one of them; despite the irrationality of his situation, he adapted, joining the ranks of Beacon as a teacher of science. Primus, give him strength!
Crossover - Transformers/Beast Wars & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 23 - Words: 126,782 - Reviews: 781 - Favs: 1,458 - Follows: 1,611 - Updated: 7/15 - Published: 3/5/2017 - Shockwave, Team RWBY, Team JNPR
Naruto: The Game of Life by SeerKing reviews
Uzumaki Naruto wakes up one day to find out that his life has been turned into a RPG game, thanks to his 'Gamer' ability. What should he do about this? Smart(er) Naruto. Elements of Romance Games included in later chapters, so possible upgrade to M later. NarutoxHarem. Now has a TVTropes page!
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 175,216 - Reviews: 3769 - Favs: 11,878 - Follows: 14,164 - Updated: 7/15 - Published: 1/15/2015 - Naruto U.
My Ideal Academia by Saraak reviews
As Shirou was dragged into the hole left behind by the grail, the grail itself reaches out to him, acknowledging him as the true winner of the Fifth Holy Grail war. His wish of becoming a Hero is closer to being granted than he originally thought. Now in a world where being a Hero is a feasible profession, will he become a true ally of justice?
Crossover - Fate/stay night & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Supernatural - Chapters: 32 - Words: 305,588 - Reviews: 4543 - Favs: 7,608 - Follows: 9,348 - Updated: 7/14 - Published: 8/14/2017 - Shirō E., Shouta A./Eraserhead, Yu T./Mount Lady
Code Prime - R1: Rebellion by Iron117Prime reviews
Lelouch Vi Britannia made a vow to destroy the Holy Empire of Britannia and create a peaceful world with for his sister Nunnally. However, he will soon learn that while he has gained valuable allies he will face an enemy far more evil than Britannia could ever hope to be. Battle lines are drawn as two wars collide into one. (Transformers: Aligned Continuity (Prime, WFC, FOC, RID))
Crossover - Transformers/Beast Wars & Code Geass - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 28 - Words: 419,267 - Reviews: 1017 - Favs: 399 - Follows: 387 - Updated: 7/14 - Published: 12/19/2018 - Optimus Prime, Megatron, Lelouch L., C.C.
Ruby-B312 by GreenTheRyno reviews
After Reach has fallen, Noble Six finds herself back on her uncharted homeworld. She may not remember much about the world of Remnant, but that won't stop her from doing anything she can to avoid losing yet another family.
Crossover - Halo & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 32 - Words: 262,418 - Reviews: 576 - Favs: 846 - Follows: 994 - Updated: 7/14 - Published: 8/15/2018 - SPARTAN-B312/Noble Six, Ruby R., Winter S., Team RWBY
Mending the Knots by azndrgn reviews
When Jaune's forged transcripts were rejected, his only choices were to return home or stay in Vale. In a random act, Jaune decides to open a massage parlor! He had the training for that! Jaune starts a new chapter while still trying to become a Huntsman, while also making friends with both civilians, Huntsmen, and .. criminals? Life's never been more interesting! Coverart by Kegi!
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 32 - Words: 140,194 - Reviews: 1564 - Favs: 4,416 - Follows: 5,153 - Updated: 7/12 - Published: 12/19/2017 - Jaune A.
Universe Falls by MiniJen reviews
What if, instead of Beach City, the Crystal Gems had settled down in a little backwoods town just west of weird? What if, upon coming to Gravity Falls for the summer, Dipper and Mabel were to befriend Steven and Connie? How would they fare against the combined threats of merciless Homeworld Gems and a certain triangular demon? Find out what happens when Magic and Mystery unite...
Crossover - Gravity Falls & Steven Universe - Rated: T - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 96 - Words: 1,635,201 - Reviews: 3675 - Favs: 1,348 - Follows: 1,289 - Updated: 7/11 - Published: 9/29/2015 - Dipper P., Mabel P., Steven U., Connie M.
The Dragon Of Inaba by t3h maniac reviews
All Kazuma Kiryu needed to do now once his life was over was to start a new one. Moving away from the big cities and into the sleepy town of Inaba under a false name leaving only one problem: What to do about a certain kid trying to constantly sneak his cat in everywhere.
Crossover - Persona Series & Yakuza - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 12 - Words: 27,838 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 169 - Follows: 242 - Updated: 7/11 - Published: 8/17/2019 - Akira K./Ren A., K. Kiryu
Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My by Vimesenthusiast reviews
Ranma leaves after the events with Saffron to find a cure. Thinking he might have he heads to Rome and instead winds up adopting Asia, and getting introduced to the world of the Threeway War. Being his usual self Ranma befriends Asia and fights off the Fallen. Ranma and a few new friends will enter this conflict and make their mark. Paring: Ranma/Rias/Saeko-hotd/Gabriel
Crossover - Ranma & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 259,110 - Reviews: 876 - Favs: 2,950 - Follows: 3,051 - Updated: 7/11 - Published: 5/17/2014 - Ranma, Rias G., Gabriel
Queen of Hearts by UknownHero reviews
Weiss Schnee has been having these weird thoughts lately. But once she is taken from her world, she has no choice but to make some new friends and stop Organisation XIII. But why is the Organisation so interested in Remnant? And why does she have a giant key for a weapon? Well, no matter what, "May your heart be your guiding key."
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 18,627 - Reviews: 48 - Favs: 61 - Follows: 74 - Updated: 7/11 - Published: 4/14 - Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy, Weiss S.
Code Geass: Paladins of Voltron by W.I.T.C.H.-and-Naruto-Gurl reviews
One day on a hiking trip, the student council from Ashford Academy discover a cave filled with lion and catlike drawings. Within the cave they discover a huge robotic lion that is one of seven pieces to a giant robot named Voltron: the Defender of the Universe. Will Voltron be enough to free Japan? (I own nothing.)
Crossover - Code Geass & Voltron: Legendary Defender - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 31 - Words: 279,217 - Reviews: 582 - Favs: 278 - Follows: 269 - Updated: 7/11 - Published: 2/25/2017 - Lelouch L., Suzaku K., Kallen S., Princess Allura
Gravity Springs by Emma Iveli reviews
AU. When Dipper and Mabel explore the forest they find a bunch of springs. However now they are cursed to transform when splashed with cold water and transform back with hot water. They must deal with the curses while also trying to find a cure. Can they do it while making new friends, enemies and possibly dealing with love triangles? Maybe...? Please R&R
Crossover - Ranma & Gravity Falls - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 24 - Words: 69,629 - Reviews: 135 - Favs: 114 - Follows: 112 - Updated: 7/9 - Published: 12/11/2015 - Dipper P., Mabel P., Grunkle Stan
Persona 5 New Game Plus, Joker's Second Chance by GreyKing46 reviews
The Game... wasn't fair. The deck was stacked from the beginning. Joker did his best, he tried his best, he managed to win... so where was his reward? He was went 'home'... and he was alone.He did his best, but decided he needed one last act of Rebellion. Luckily a force of free will decided to give him a second try. Let's try this game again, the Wild Card was in play. Joker/Harem
Persona Series - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 72,035 - Reviews: 363 - Favs: 763 - Follows: 945 - Updated: 7/9 - Published: 1/7 - [Akira K./Ren A./The Trickster/Joker, Ann T./Panther, Lavenza] Morgana
The Blind Hero: Toph Beifong by ninjastorm95 reviews
Toph Beifong has had enough sheltering and pampering for several lifetimes and has had enough. With the help of her best friend Yaoyorozu and a weird short man (who claims to be an animal?), she is determined to become the greatest blind hero in the world. And don't you dunderheads ever forget it! (Coverart commission by @LunLucyArt, check her out on Instagram!)
Crossover - Avatar: Last Airbender & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 14 - Words: 90,254 - Reviews: 144 - Favs: 317 - Follows: 391 - Updated: 7/9 - Published: 5/19 - Toph, Izuku M., Katsuki B., Momo Y.
Petrichor by Huinari reviews
Tomoe Hotaru is a reincarnated princess of Saturn who has died more than once, protects the solar system, and can destroy the world. Somehow she is NOT the weirdest person to live in Namimori.
Crossover - Sailor Moon & Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 47 - Words: 227,734 - Reviews: 164 - Favs: 204 - Follows: 237 - Updated: 7/8 - Published: 2/1/2019 - Hotaru T./Sailor Saturn, Sailor Senshi/Sailor Scouts, Kawahira, Vongola 10th Generation
Uzumaki Naruko: To the Victor, the Spoils V2 by SeerKing reviews
Uzumaki Naruko has just graduated from the Konohagakure Ninja Academy after defeating Toji Mizuki when her apartment is blown up. Fortunately, she receives a new home thanks to a little known Clan Law dating back to the time of the Nidaime Hokage. Yuri Harem. Weapon Mistress and Chakra Chain Naruko. Now has a TVTropes Page! That needs to be updated!
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 42 - Words: 352,725 - Reviews: 1404 - Favs: 4,479 - Follows: 4,935 - Updated: 7/8 - Published: 9/29/2014 - [Naruko U., Hinata H., Ino Y., Tenten]
Thieves Can Be Heroes! Side Stories by Mugiwara N0 Luffy reviews
A collection of side stories made by both me and several fans! Most if not all will be non-canon but fun adventures, so please enjoy the ride! (warning, some chapters will contain endgame spoilers and will have so indicated at the beginning of them)
Crossover - Persona Series & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 9 - Words: 23,027 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 190 - Follows: 194 - Updated: 7/7 - Published: 6/1/2019 - Izuku M.
This Bites! by Xomniac reviews
Sea Kings, sea-sickness, sunburns, a 95% genocidal Navy and more than a million and one other assorted ways to die. It's official: Being inserted into an anime sucks ass... Buuut I guess it could be worse. I mean, look on the bright side: At least I'm sailing with the future king of the pirates. (Self-Insert)
One Piece - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 85 - Words: 1,735,247 - Reviews: 7918 - Favs: 6,989 - Follows: 6,616 - Updated: 7/6 - Published: 9/19/2015 - unknown 1, OC
The King's Women by Niko Niko Ni01 reviews
[Sequel to The Sisters' Reward] After Nami and Nojiko showed him the wonders of making love, Luffy slowly becomes a sex master, ready to conquer every women on his path to become the King of Pirates. Luffy/MassHarem. No need to make suggestions, I'll go by arc order.
One Piece - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 8,008 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 214 - Follows: 247 - Updated: 7/6 - Published: 5/4 - [Luffy, Nami, Robin, Boa Hancock]
Making Waves by Vimesenthusiast reviews
After realizing how bored his life is and getting some good advice, Ranma accidentally eats the age reducing mushrooms, after which he is sent through a portal by Gosunkugi screwing up more than usual. Found by the ancient water dragon Typhon and with no way to return he moves on with his life in this strange new land of Earth Land changing quite a lot LOL. Pairings undecided.
Crossover - Ranma & Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 586,876 - Reviews: 595 - Favs: 2,203 - Follows: 2,190 - Updated: 7/6 - Published: 5/14/2018 - Ranma, Erza S., Mirajane S., Laxus D.
The New Era of Remnant by I Am The Prophet reviews
"Destiny...Fate...Dreams...These unstoppable ideals are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life. These things shall not vanish from the earth." One night, RWBY goes on an adventure on the high seas with the Straw Hat crew. When they come back, little did they knew that Remnant is already about to enter a new era of pirates.
Crossover - One Piece & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 8 - Words: 44,172 - Reviews: 123 - Favs: 158 - Follows: 175 - Updated: 7/6 - Published: 1/29
Gamer Riders of Remnant by monkeycyborgninja reviews
Jaune Arc, more widely known by his gamer tag Ultra Player J, has always wished he could be a Huntsmen, but the only thing he has ever been good at was playing video games. Now, when a new type of Grimm begins threatening the people of Remnant, Jaune might just get his wish as he becomes Kamen Rider Ex-Aid to fight this newly emerged Bugster Virus. Clear the Games, Save the World!
Crossover - Kamen Rider & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 10 - Words: 136,508 - Reviews: 101 - Favs: 166 - Follows: 175 - Updated: 7/6 - Published: 12/28/2016
The Holy Man of The Church Creek by Parcasious reviews
He was an anomaly not meant to be in this world, yet fate would deem otherwise. After all, the fate of the world just may hang in the balance.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 58 - Words: 370,591 - Reviews: 8164 - Favs: 7,633 - Follows: 8,415 - Updated: 7/4 - Published: 3/16/2016 - Shirō E.
Ace In The Hole by eiranerys reviews
Shido has barred the Shadow Operatives from action for two years. But when the Phantom Thieves appear, Mitsuru decides that they have to take action. Luckily, there's a certain former member Shido doesn't seem to be aware of: Ken Amada. But when Ken meets the Phantom Thieves in person, he can't help but agree with their goals. He can't help but befriend them. Phantom Thief!Ken AU.
Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 42 - Words: 442,886 - Reviews: 396 - Favs: 542 - Follows: 627 - Updated: 7/4 - Published: 7/30/2018 - [Ken A., Makoto N./Queen] [Akira K./Ren A./The Trickster/Joker, Ann T./Panther]
Justice League: The Brave and The Bold by Writing Avenger 2016 reviews
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Some have powers beyond imagination, while others are simply working with what they have. While alone they are formidable, as a team, they have a chance to be something greater than themselves. They have a chance to truly make a difference
Justice League - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 47 - Words: 232,074 - Reviews: 149 - Favs: 68 - Follows: 59 - Updated: 7/3 - Published: 5/14/2019
Kim Possible: Axess Hero by SuperHeroTimeFan reviews
Kim and Ron live in M-Tech City. Their NetNavis are Miracle and AncientMysticMan. In this World, there are all different kinds of threats, legacies of World Three, Grave and Nebula. But what happens when Bass gets involved? Everyone's after something. Unless Kim and Ron band together with their friends, no one's safe. Who is the Comet? Who is the ultimate NetNavi? Read to find out!
Crossover - Mega Man & Kim Possible - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 43 - Words: 501,000 - Reviews: 125 - Favs: 92 - Follows: 87 - Updated: 7/3 - Published: 9/7/2014 - Lan Hikari, OC, Kim P., Ron S.
Gravity Falls for Devils by Wolfpackersson09 reviews
Dipper and Mabel aren't normal, being the twin children of Serafall Leviathan doesn't help. They get shipped off to Gravity Falls for one last American summer vacation before going to Kuoh. Of course when a mysterious journal written by an unknown author finds its way into Dipper's hands, things are never quite the same. Then again, normalcy is overrated. Rated M due to DxD.
Crossover - High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D & Gravity Falls - Rated: M - English - Supernatural - Chapters: 18 - Words: 165,956 - Reviews: 300 - Favs: 369 - Follows: 348 - Updated: 7/3 - Published: 10/20/2016 - Serafall L., Dipper P., Mabel P.
She Could Only Watch by SonicCrazyGal reviews
Gehenna, more commonly known as the Ghost Zone, loved watching her many children grow. One day though, a very special child was reborn on the edge of her realm. A Halfa, one she loved dearly and longed to help in any way she could. But most days, she could only watch...
Danny Phantom - Rated: K+ - English - Family - Chapters: 15 - Words: 16,732 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 284 - Follows: 319 - Updated: 7/3 - Published: 3/21/2018 - Danny F.
Star Wars: Legacies of Old by Advena Phillips reviews
Sequel to 'The Sith, Zero'. Apprentice Louise has been given a task by her master, Darth Zash, to find and collect ancient stones of power belonging to the legendary Dark Lord, Tulak Hord. However, it will not be an easy journey for the Sith Apprentice as pain and betrayal follow her every step of the way.
Crossover - Star Wars & Familiar of Zero - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 13 - Words: 93,285 - Reviews: 160 - Favs: 330 - Follows: 383 - Updated: 7/3 - Published: 7/30/2017 - [Sith W., Louise] Khem V., Sith I.
The Remnant Reactor by KtyouVsWriting reviews
Stark Industries, the number one manufacturer of weapons in the world of Remnant. It's CEO and head is Anthony Edward Stark, or simply Tony Stark. He has enough fame and fortune to rival even the Schnee Dust Company, and he accomplished this all in the span of a measly few year. He's also known as a womanizer and a man of genius intellect. That's what's known to the general public.
Crossover - Avengers & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 15 - Words: 87,304 - Reviews: 364 - Favs: 971 - Follows: 1,141 - Updated: 7/1 - Published: 2/13/2019 - Iron Man/Tony S.
Code Geass: Lionheart of the Revolution by Karndragon reviews
Lelouch made an important decision when he was a child and it leads him to make different choices in his life and now as he decides to fight against his own country of Britannia and the injustice that goes with it, Lelouch takes action on a different path of his rebellion.
Code Geass - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 63 - Words: 396,487 - Reviews: 985 - Favs: 1,400 - Follows: 1,481 - Updated: 6/30 - Published: 12/15/2014 - Lelouch L.
Worm: More Than Meets The Eye by Zero-metallix reviews
When Primus sees the destruction caused by the Entities, he decides to take action before earth can become another victim to their cycle.
Crossover - Transformers/Beast Wars & Worm - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 121 - Words: 580,389 - Reviews: 1972 - Favs: 2,658 - Follows: 2,728 - Updated: 6/30 - Published: 10/29/2014 - [Skitter, Panacea]
Demon Emperor and Demon King by Imperator's slave reviews
Lelouch expected many things after his death. What he didn't expect was to find himself in the war between seven wizards and historical figures. Still, the prize seems nice enough so he might as well take it. Not to mention working with a fellow demon might be a unique experience.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Code Geass - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 9 - Words: 60,560 - Reviews: 223 - Favs: 672 - Follows: 819 - Updated: 6/29 - Published: 2/11 - Saber, Avenger, Oda Nobunaga, Lelouch L.
Go ask Alice by Cyblade Silver reviews
She hadn't expected it; hadn't expected anything like it, really. Of course, dying wasn't something that people generally expected when they were her age; and then, there was the matter of being reborn in a place she barely knew about. Still, whatever else came, her new life was bound to be a bizarre adventure...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Rated: M - English - Family/Supernatural - Chapters: 59 - Words: 236,904 - Reviews: 219 - Favs: 453 - Follows: 460 - Updated: 6/29 - Published: 1/3/2016 - Dio B., Jonathon J., Joseph J., OC
Career Week by t3h maniac reviews
All Third Year students in Shujin Academy have to spend a week getting work experience to help prepare them for life ahead, and now in his senior year Ryuji's one of them. Although there's very little that could prepare anyone for having to deal with the craziest boss in Japan. Crazy in a good way. Hopefully.
Crossover - Persona Series & Yakuza - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 21 - Words: 47,532 - Reviews: 99 - Favs: 126 - Follows: 177 - Updated: 6/28 - Published: 5/27/2019 - [Ryuji S., Haru O.] G. Majima
Lulu's Bizarre Rebellion by Ezit Meti reviews
Lelouch Lamperouge was a boy with an ambition; To one day bring down the corrupt nation of Britannia and create a peaceful world for his sister. However, a single arrow gifted him a power that will help him reach his ambition. Stands... Ripple... A feud between two bloodlines that transcends time... And that's only the beginning of this bizarre rebellion!
Crossover - Code Geass & JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 85 - Words: 1,385,400 - Reviews: 268 - Favs: 621 - Follows: 571 - Updated: 6/28 - Published: 9/28/2013 - Lelouch L.
Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - An Alternative Universe by HereICome reviews
In another universe Aoi Zaizen is the main focus. Aoi is trying to move on from a difficult past while having to deal with everyday issues. Duels take place within LINK VRAINS which hides many secrets including links to Aoi's past. Despite this, Aoi wishes to keep away from the network. Two paths will collide which begun in the past. With help/ideas from Romadrox8975.
Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 37 - Words: 130,397 - Reviews: 87 - Favs: 46 - Follows: 50 - Updated: 6/28 - Published: 5/28/2018 - Yusaku F./Playmaker, Aoi Z./Blue Angel, Ema B., Ryoken K./Revolver
I, Panacea by ack1308 reviews
Amy Dallon is a teenage girl in Brockton Bay. She is better known as the superhero Panacea. She is caught in a robbery at the Brockton Bay Central Bank, and is knocked out. When she wakes up, she's not alone in her head ...
Worm - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Drama - Chapters: 24 - Words: 143,579 - Reviews: 646 - Favs: 2,068 - Follows: 2,559 - Updated: 6/28 - Published: 1/7/2015 - Skitter, Tattletale, Victoria D./Glory Girl, Panacea
A Salvager and a King by Lightning Lord Kaji reviews
The world is falling apart. Titans are dying and people are looking to fight but hope still remains. A honest Salvager will realize his place in the world's destiny and a boastful youth will rise to meet the opposition with him. Together they will shape the future of Alrest and decide its fate or die trying. (Xenoblade 2 story with some Fate series characters and elements)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 75,103 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 68 - Updated: 6/27 - Published: 4/25/2018 - [Rex, Pyra/Mythra, Nia]
One to Find All by TheMaster4444 reviews
When his classmates are taken into another world, Izuku Midoriya makes a bargain to enter that world and bring them home. But he has an entire planet to search and only the knowledge that his friends would only ever want to be heroes to go on. Huntsmen seem to be like heroes, so maybe he'll find them at this Beacon Academy. Along with a red hooded girl just as heroic as him.
Crossover - RWBY & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 5 - Words: 58,059 - Reviews: 131 - Favs: 398 - Follows: 507 - Updated: 6/27 - Published: 9/8/2019 - Ruby R., Izuku M., Ochako U., Katsuki B.
Fairy Boy Forgotten by Icy Cake reviews
While out on a mission, Wendy and her teammates discover an ancient temple where they find a mysterious, injured boy. Much to their disappointment, the child suffers from severe amnesia and is devoid of any memories. It's up to Wendy and her friends to help him remember who he really is. Many thanks to The Epic Legion for the fantastic cover!
Crossover - Legend of Zelda & Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Family/Fantasy - Chapters: 30 - Words: 323,158 - Reviews: 761 - Favs: 916 - Follows: 1,023 - Updated: 6/27 - Published: 11/4/2012 - Link, Wendy M.
Remnant's Phantom Thieves by Phoenix Champion reviews
Huntsmen and Huntresses are trained to protect human's and faunus and abide by the law to do so. The Phantom Thieves on the other hand steal away the corrupt desires of the crooked folks that are avoiding justice one way or another. Both are on the side of the good, though on opposites sides of the law, and of course both side get results.
Crossover - Persona Series & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Crime - Chapters: 25 - Words: 71,374 - Reviews: 796 - Favs: 1,311 - Follows: 1,552 - Updated: 6/26 - Published: 4/9/2017
How Eating a Strange Fruit Gave Me My Quirk by azndrgn reviews
Straight from the poll! Izuku was quirkless... until he ate a strange fruit that gave him a quirk! Now with a quirk, he will strive to become the greatest Hero! Strong Izuku, Izuku x harem due to poll. Slight One Piece x-over for just the devil fruit.
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 19 - Words: 201,710 - Reviews: 1457 - Favs: 5,730 - Follows: 6,607 - Updated: 6/26 - Published: 9/21/2018 - [Izuku M., Itsuka K., Momo Y., Ochako U.]
Bladed Horizon by Saraak reviews
Illya loves her family. Everyone in the Emiya Household was precious to her and she'd do anything to be with them longer. However, that wasn't something that her dying body would allow. So instead, Illyasviel's last wish was to at least play a certain game with Shirou, Sakura, and Rin – her favorite game – Elder Tale... So why are they waking up in the ruined streets of Akihabara?
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Log Horizon/ログ・ホライズン - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 18 - Words: 181,096 - Reviews: 1325 - Favs: 3,159 - Follows: 3,941 - Updated: 6/25 - Published: 4/23/2018 - Shirō E., Rin T., Illyasviel von Einzbern, Sakura M.
Thieves Can Be Heroes! by Mugiwara N0 Luffy reviews
Izuku Midoriya thought he was down on his luck the day that he was convicted of a crime for trying to save someone. As if being Quirkless wasn't enough, how was he supposed to become a hero with a criminal record? As it turns out, fate had another plan for him.
Crossover - Persona Series & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Adventure - Chapters: 36 - Words: 378,247 - Reviews: 1522 - Favs: 2,433 - Follows: 2,643 - Updated: 6/24 - Published: 6/16/2017 - Morgana, Ann T., Ryuji S., Izuku M.
FIGHTING CRIME IS A CRIME THUS LEGAL by Kamen Rider Chrome reviews
In "Bought and Scold", Princess Morbucks becomes mayor and makes all crime legal, putting the Powerpuff Girls out of the job. But Mr. Rogers decides to help and the Powerpuff turns Princess' new law against her.
Powerpuff Girls - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 631 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 5 - Published: 6/24 - Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, Princess Morbucks - Complete
Unity by Finmonster reviews
Months have passed since the Second Battle of San Fransokyo, and the newly christened Big Hero 9 have settled into the routine of being the city's local superhero. But when a new villain with his eye on not just them, but all the world's superheroes comes knocking, the rookie heroes will have to team up with heroes new and old to take him down. Sequel to Empathy.
Crossover - Big Hero 6 & Inside Out - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 99,956 - Reviews: 468 - Favs: 195 - Follows: 214 - Updated: 6/23 - Published: 5/22/2018 - [Hiro Hamada, Riley]
Joker's Bizarre Adventure by VenomSpider33 reviews
P5/Part 6 AU. Jolyne Cujoh has found herself in the grasp of a twisted game. Together with her new friends, she must work with them in order to overcome this dark game. Her bizarre adventure is just beginning. Edited by Ghost Fire 6
Crossover - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 25 - Words: 186,655 - Reviews: 171 - Favs: 256 - Follows: 300 - Updated: 6/22 - Published: 5/21/2017 - Jolyne C., Phantom Thieves
Voyageuse by Boyzilla reviews
Louise Valliere is desperate to seek a miracle to bring her out of shame for being a Zero. Yet, despite studious efforts and prayers, she failed to summon anything but a stone mitre. As she cries alone, a voice echoes in her head, imparting her the knowledge of the heavens. Now, Louise finds herself with the Cleric Job Class, and access to the Menu system of Octopath Traveler.
Crossover - Familiar of Zero & Octopath Traveler - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 3 - Words: 10,417 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 97 - Follows: 147 - Updated: 6/22 - Published: 5/28 - Louise
The Rising of The Four Heroes by Pretty Lazy reviews
(AU) Naofumi, Ren, Itsuki, and Motoyasu were once apartment roommates, but they find themselves all summoned to a land called Melromarc, being heeded as the Four Cardinal Heroes. Excited to fulfill their roles, it soon became clear that not everything was what it seemed. Will their bonds be able to push them through or will they fall apart in pieces?
Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Drama - Chapters: 22 - Words: 213,785 - Reviews: 44 - Favs: 252 - Follows: 284 - Updated: 6/22 - Published: 12/28/2019 - Naofumi I., Motoyasu K., Ren A., Itsuki K.
Kamen Rider Kikai: Automata by Clearwing Yuta reviews
What being human really means? Is it about our flesh and blood? Is it about how we are able to 'properly think' unlike the rest of the animals around Earth that mostly rely on their instincts? Or could it be about the fact that we are able to feel emotions and express ourselves? What would you do if you somehow stopped being one? What if you turned from a human to a machine?
Crossover - Kamen Rider & Nier - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 17,890 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 53 - Follows: 63 - Updated: 6/20 - Published: 4/11/2019 - OC, 2B, 9S, A2
Futari wa Pretty Cure: A New Legend by Ashbel Longhart reviews
Ichi Dai had a somewhat good life. Working at his uncle's orphanage, taking care of the kids, and so on. But on his birthday, he was suddenly transported to PreCure no Sekai. After a year of living in this new world, he later finds out that Grongi are here, causing chaos and death wherever they go. As the new Kamen Rider Kuuga, he must protect this world's smile. "Chou Henshin!"
Crossover - Kamen Rider & Pretty Cure - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 26 - Words: 431,297 - Reviews: 236 - Favs: 228 - Follows: 223 - Updated: 6/19 - Published: 5/15/2016 - [OC, Nagisa M./Cure Black] Honoka Y./Cure White
Shattered Skies: The Morning Lights by BHS reviews
Usagi Tsukino, Sailor Moon. Sakura Kinomoto, the Cardcaptor. Nagisa Misumi, Cure Black. Nanoha Takamachi, the Ace of Aces. Madoka Kaname, the Law of Cycles. Five legendary magical girls from five universes lead a war to save all existence... A Sailor Moon / Cardcaptor Sakura / Precure All-Stars / Lyrical Nanoha / Madoka Magica mega-crossover. Please read and leave comments!
Crossover - Sailor Moon & Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Horror - Chapters: 48 - Words: 381,482 - Reviews: 243 - Favs: 165 - Follows: 184 - Updated: 6/18 - Published: 10/14/2014
Thou Art a Contractor by jkawsome reviews
Even with over fifteen years of peace between Britannia and the world at large, corruption and evil still seep through the cracks. Ren Amamiya hopes to change this with his friends as Phantom Thieves. The problem is, Ren was once Lelouch vi Britannia - even if he doesn't know it yet - and his past life isn't going to let him go so easily.
Crossover - Code Geass & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 27,573 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 81 - Follows: 105 - Updated: 6/17 - Published: 12/24/2019 - Lelouch L., C.C., Akira K./Ren A.
Another Way by ack1308 reviews
Ten years previously, the Brockton Bay Brigade attacked Marquis in his home and defeated him; in time, he was sent to the Birdcage. What would happen if things went ... another way?
Worm - Rated: T - English - Drama/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 24 - Words: 159,003 - Reviews: 575 - Favs: 1,357 - Follows: 1,536 - Updated: 6/17 - Published: 8/31/2015 - Panacea, Lady Photon, Brandish, Marquis
A Dragon's Destiny by Magi Mana reviews
Talesverse. Kisara is a new student at Domino, returning after years of being away. She sees her childhood friend Seto has become cold and distant while she quickly makes friends with his soon-to-be rivals Yugi Muto and Joey Wheeler. While facing the return of the Shadow Games, Kisara will have to face both her past with Seto and the truth about the Millennium Items.
Yu-Gi-Oh - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 20 - Words: 203,548 - Reviews: 118 - Favs: 124 - Follows: 133 - Updated: 6/16 - Published: 8/8/2017 - [Kisara, S. Kaiba] K. Jounouchi/Joey W., Yūgi M.
STRQ Future by GhostFireGirl reviews
Team STRQ are starting their third year at Beacon Academy when they are transported to another dimension to watch their future. Can they change the future and protect the world from the catastrophe to come? (HIATUS until I can finish V2)
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 28 - Words: 118,697 - Reviews: 364 - Favs: 708 - Follows: 836 - Updated: 6/14 - Published: 3/6/2019 - Team STRQ, Ghira B., Kali B.
Wings of Rebellion by aiyumi reviews
Contains major spoilers. Sequel to "Unfiltered." Akechi has had enough. So, he... tries to be a better person. Can he mislead the Conspiracy, and prevent the Phantom Thieves from falling into the trap? He isn't sure, but this is his last chance to do something right for once, and he has no intention of wasting it. His mind is set. This is his resolve. Crow's wings of rebellion.
Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 32 - Words: 367,022 - Reviews: 305 - Favs: 347 - Follows: 402 - Updated: 6/13 - Published: 12/2/2017 - Female Protagonist, Morgana, Futaba S., Goro A./Crow/Black Mask
Straw Hats Creed - Grand Line by Readmeplz reviews
Now that Connors secret has been relieved the Straw Hats continue their adventures, but will he stay with them? With the East Blue behind them and the Grand Line in front of them the journey to find One Piece continues. -The Sequel to Straw Hats Creed-
Crossover - One Piece & Assassin's Creed - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 92 - Words: 365,561 - Reviews: 254 - Favs: 207 - Follows: 199 - Updated: 6/12 - Published: 1/6/2016
Hearts of True Steel by Ray O'Neill reviews
What 2B desired more than anything was for the cycle of suffering to stop, what she got in return however wasn't what she wanted. Now faced with a world that is foreign to her, will she keep hanging on her past or find new meaning in existence and move forward.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Nier - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 10 - Words: 90,402 - Reviews: 781 - Favs: 2,000 - Follows: 2,537 - Updated: 6/11 - Published: 5/21/2019 - Shirō E., 2B
King Explosion Murder the Shield Hero by BKL777 reviews
This is the story of hero in training Katsuki Bakugou being transported into the world of Melromarc and is the new cardinal shield hero in their darkest time of need. Bakugou will go on many new adventures in this fantasy world to become their world's greatest hero whether they want him to or not.
Crossover - Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 7 - Words: 104,523 - Reviews: 327 - Favs: 794 - Follows: 988 - Updated: 6/11 - Published: 11/14/2019 - Ren A., Malty/Mein, OC, Katsuki B.
Link: Mage of Fairy Tail by Tenrousha reviews
After his defeat, Ganondorf attempts to drag Link into the dimension of his banishment with him. Link retaliates, but the result sends him hurling through dimensions to land in Earthland.
Crossover - Legend of Zelda & Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 44 - Words: 334,611 - Reviews: 884 - Favs: 1,544 - Follows: 1,444 - Updated: 6/8 - Published: 5/15/2010 - Link
Tribal Influence by snakebit1995 reviews
Leona Lionheart is from a very small tribe of all female warriors that live in the jungle, after first contact is established with her tribe she is selected to study at Beacon and learn about the cultures of the main world. It's an OC Story.
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Friendship - Chapters: 36 - Words: 48,814 - Reviews: 59 - Favs: 116 - Follows: 142 - Updated: 6/7 - Published: 5/9/2017 - OC, Team RWBY
Heroes, Dreams, and Destiny by Lord of Penguin reviews
With his final breath, he destroyed the Holy Grail. Devoid of purpose after discarding his ideals, he laid down to die. Through the work of fate Emiya Shirou does not die, but instead awakes in a new world. Now, he who no longer wishes to be a hero will have to forge his path once again in a world in need of heroes.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 29 - Words: 317,107 - Reviews: 2751 - Favs: 6,096 - Follows: 7,563 - Updated: 6/7 - Published: 1/26/2017 - Shirō E., Ruby R., Team RWBY, Team JNPR
My Heroes Reborn by Emma Iveli reviews
AU Multi-Cross. Durring the USJ Incident, five students run afoul of a villain's quirk. Forced to remember their most recent past lives they must pull themselves together to become heroes. With new skills and memories can they become the heroes they're meant to be? Or will their newly acquired baggage drag them down? Please R&R!
Crossover - One Piece & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 46 - Words: 132,993 - Reviews: 355 - Favs: 647 - Follows: 699 - Updated: 6/6 - Published: 9/5/2019 - Sanji, Izuku M., Ochako U., Tooru H.
RWBY and JNPR watch the show by Turniphater reviews
Between Volumes 2 and 3 the members of team RWBY and JNPR are taken to a mysterious location and shown videos of the past and future.
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Drama - Chapters: 44 - Words: 297,116 - Reviews: 1833 - Favs: 2,083 - Follows: 2,371 - Updated: 6/5 - Published: 7/15/2018 - Team RWBY, Team JNPR
Kingdom Hearts: Our Fated Steps by Hexalys reviews
If you were stuck inside the last video game you played, how screwed would you be? For Heather, the answer is very, seeing as she loses her heart to a few Shadows scarcely fifteen minutes in. Fortunately, she gets a second chance as a Nobody, joins Organization XIII, and even manages to makes some friends along the way. [Follows KHUχ/KH/CoM/Days/KHII/3D/KHIII]
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 7 - Words: 54,683 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 136 - Follows: 182 - Updated: 6/4 - Published: 3/11/2014 - Axel, Xigbar, Organization XIII, OC
Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V N' Nature by Coral the Leviathan reviews
A person from our world ended up in a world centered on the one thing she used to love. Join Qing Jungle as she, Yuya and friends try to enter the Miami Championship and meet up with surprises that are out of all worlds.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 31 - Words: 185,401 - Reviews: 160 - Favs: 138 - Follows: 130 - Updated: 6/4 - Published: 10/9/2015 - OC, You Show Duel School
Land Before Time: Secret of Saurus Rock Retold by Elise Lowing reviews
The Gang is back once again. Join Littlefoot, Aylene, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, and Spike as they embark on their next adventure. Joined by Aylene's grandmother, Elaine, they soon encounter a friend from her past. Shortly after, unusual disasters start ravaging the Valley. Wanting to know the cause, the Gang travels to an ancient landmark that is rumored to be enchanted: Saurus Rock.
Land Before Time - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 16 - Words: 42,068 - Reviews: 593 - Favs: 243 - Follows: 217 - Updated: 6/4 - Published: 8/14/2016 - Littlefoot, Cera, Doc, OC
Together, forever, just like you promised me by Zerodone reviews
Minako or Ib as very few people knew her, was aware it came pretty close to suicide just to buy Mary's painting. At the same time, she owed it to the girl to at least try to find a way to bring her back. However, she didn't expect for her plans to go THAT well.
Crossover - Persona Series & Ib - Rated: T - English - Family/Supernatural - Chapters: 5 - Words: 18,654 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 56 - Updated: 5/30 - Published: 3/26/2018 - Female Protagonist, Ib/Eve, Mary
Ashikabi of Thunder and Lightning by SeerKing reviews
Sahashi Takami decides that it is pointless to try and prevent her children from entering the Sekirei Plan and gives Minato a hand in starting his 'flock'. Minato x Harem, starting with Hikari and Hibiki. Has a TVTropes Page!
Sekirei - Rated: M - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 22 - Words: 112,686 - Reviews: 1230 - Favs: 3,143 - Follows: 3,453 - Updated: 5/29 - Published: 1/15/2015 - [Minato S., No. 11/Hikari, No. 12/Hibiki, No. 88/Musubi]
Digital Culmination by Boyzilla reviews
Hakuno Kishinami made a wish she couldn't recall and awakens within a strange room. Now, thrust into a new world with oddities and strange events, the Digital Human must search for the road that will pave the way to hope, while keeping together the branches of the tree that revolves around her. She will do so resolute in her choice to not join the Phantom Thieves.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 16 - Words: 42,393 - Reviews: 308 - Favs: 618 - Follows: 799 - Updated: 5/28 - Published: 4/10/2019 - Hakuno K.
FateVRAINS - Laplace by TheStrangerThatCameFromNowhere reviews
Six months have passed since the creation of the New World. Life has begun to return to normal for the Zaizen siblings, but it is not long before they once again find themselves in the center of a new conflict, this time against the Knights of Hanoi. They are not alone, however. Another battles the Knights of Hanoi. An emissary of vengeance called Playmaker. [Sequel]
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 46,052 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 105 - Follows: 119 - Updated: 5/28 - Published: 1/18 - Hakuno K., Yusaku F./Playmaker, Aoi Z./Blue Angel, Ryoken K./Revolver
Strawhats Plus Vampire by Mugiwara N0 Luffy reviews
After entering a mysterious cave, Luffy, Zoro and Robin are taken to the world of Yokai Academy! What will the pirates do while stuck at the school for monsters? Discontinued
Crossover - One Piece & Rosario + Vampire - Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 37 - Words: 177,180 - Reviews: 1104 - Favs: 915 - Follows: 860 - Updated: 5/28 - Published: 1/22/2012 - Luffy, Zoro, Tsukune A., Moka A. - Complete
Before The Rebirth of a Realm by RoseDragonWitch reviews
Prequel to 'Eyes Ever Heavensward' and 'Hells Open, Heavens Weep' We know of the journey that the Warrior of Light has led so far. But what about their story from the beginning? Forgetting the past could be as dangerous as losing sight of the future. Perhaps it's time to look back and see where we came from and how far there is still to go. This is the story from the very start… b
Final Fantasy XIV - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 15 - Words: 197,948 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 32 - Updated: 5/26 - Published: 9/9/2018
Code Eternal by Spartan719 reviews
Kamen Rider Eternal was just defeated by W but instead of the Eternal Memory being destroyed, it and the other 25 T2 Memories end up scattered in the Code Geass World. What will happen when the Eternal Memory picks Lelouch to be its' new user? (Pairing Confirmed)
Crossover - Code Geass & Kamen Rider - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 15 - Words: 95,098 - Reviews: 184 - Favs: 235 - Follows: 192 - Updated: 5/24 - Published: 4/19/2013 - [Lelouch L., C.C.]
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by CloudFry reviews
The world Velvet Crowe once knew has changed. Now, the only way the former Lord of Calamity can achieve her goals is to play along with the rest of the sheep. Cloaked in self-hatred as a monster borne of irredeemable sin, Velvet is determined to twist the young Shepherd into a tool to suit her needs through whatever means available.
Crossover - Tales of Zestiria & Tales of Berseria - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 23 - Words: 252,028 - Reviews: 139 - Favs: 235 - Follows: 271 - Updated: 5/24 - Published: 1/1/2019 - Sorey, Velvet C.
Tales of The Ninja, Ladybug and Cat Noir by VanguardLuard reviews
When Randy Cunningham moved he and he's family moved to Pairs soon Hawk Moth appeared now the Ninja, Ladybug and Cat Noir must work together to save Pairs.
Crossover - Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja & Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 11 - Words: 20,450 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 66 - Updated: 5/23 - Published: 10/4/2018 - Randy C., Marinette D-C./Ladybug, Adrien A./Cat Noir
Keys to the Contract by Dragonexx reviews
That which is caged yearns to be free. That which is broken yearns to be whole. For all things, there is a key. After one such key comes to Madoka, it sets her on the path to discovering the truth.
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 35 - Words: 123,594 - Reviews: 200 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 105 - Updated: 5/23 - Published: 2/16/2019 - [Madoka K., Homura A.] [Sayaka M., Kyoko S.]
A Quincy's Fairy Tail by Goshinzilla reviews
Bambietta Basterbine finds herself a stranger in a strange new world. Separated from the life she once knew as a Stern Ritter in the employ of the Vandenreich, she will now have to find her place in the kingdom of Fiore. However, what the volatile Quincy never expected was to discover her salvation within the guild known as Fairy Tail.
Crossover - Bleach & Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 54 - Words: 811,967 - Reviews: 726 - Favs: 628 - Follows: 644 - Updated: 5/22 - Published: 12/21/2015 - [Bambietta B., Lucy H.] Erza S., Wendy M.
Nothing is Impossible by Finmonster reviews
Kim Possible is a normal teenage girl. Or, at least, she thought she was. But when unexplained changes bring undue attention, Kim has to go on the hunt for answers to the question of who she really is.
Crossover - Jackie Chan Adventures & Kim Possible - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Mystery - Chapters: 9 - Words: 40,637 - Reviews: 64 - Favs: 67 - Follows: 79 - Updated: 5/21 - Published: 4/1/2016 - Jackie C., Kim P.
How I met the Justice League by Author of the Insane reviews
Kari Miller was an average girl until the day she lost everything. Left without a family, or the use of her legs, Kari feels isolated until a strange being from outer space crashes in her backyard. With any chance of a normal life gone, Kari finds herself with an unlikely batch of friends and protectors: The Justice League. (My own DC AU based on various media)
Justice League - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 11 - Words: 57,968 - Reviews: 115 - Favs: 248 - Follows: 238 - Updated: 5/20 - Published: 12/6/2016 - Clark K./Kal-El/Superman, Bruce W./Batman, J'onn J./Martian Manhunter, OC
Of Magical Girls and Phantom Thieves by YAqkawer reviews
It was just like that night about a year ago. Only this time it was a little girl with a ferret, and instead of a drunk politician it was a literal monster. The only thing he could do was what he thought was right. But just when did things get so pink?
Crossover - Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Friendship - Chapters: 20 - Words: 212,784 - Reviews: 381 - Favs: 601 - Follows: 741 - Updated: 5/19 - Published: 3/6/2018 - Nanoha T., Akira K./Ren A.
It's Playtime Mages by Cheeta4797 reviews
Mew, with her near infinite power, has grown bored of her home: She has battled thousands of Mons, and seen all her world has to show. So in an act of boredom, she decided to travel to new lands for adventures. Arceus help those poor souls. R&R
Crossover - Pokémon & Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 31,390 - Reviews: 64 - Favs: 259 - Follows: 253 - Updated: 5/19 - Published: 10/20/2014 - Mew
A Quirkless's Daughter by Coral the Leviathan reviews
If you think being Quirkless was tough, try being a child of one. Rena Trobe is tired of people badmouthing her father and vowed to be a hero that symbolizes hope for all Quirkless out there. While it will be easy for her to be a hero with her Quirk, it will be a hard road to be one for the people who was always looked down upon. But she won't stop until she reach her goal.
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 5 - Words: 30,475 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 50 - Follows: 58 - Updated: 5/19 - Published: 5/4/2019 - OC
Musical Melodies by Nyx the Author reviews
We all know the story of Taylor and the Locker. But what if a much more significant event happened slightly differently? Things are going to get jazzy. (Flute is Trigger/Musical!Taylor, based off of Cacophony from Space Battles.) No Longer on Hiatus, though updates take a while because I have other personal projects and other story ideas.
Worm - Rated: T - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 9 - Words: 45,676 - Reviews: 192 - Favs: 695 - Follows: 909 - Updated: 5/18 - Published: 3/6/2018 - Skitter, Tattletale, Panacea, Danny H.
Sword Art Kingdom III by Jacob Pendra-Huth reviews
After so many years of waiting, the next chapter of SAK, with the final battle awaiting the trio of Keyblade wielders, Sora, Asuna and Kirito. With swarms of enemies coming from all sides, the heroes must not only gather the Guardians of Light, but also the Lost Princesses of Hearts, all the while doing their best not to let the enemy win, in any world, in any dimension.
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 11 - Words: 156,257 - Reviews: 356 - Favs: 150 - Follows: 122 - Updated: 5/17 - Published: 1/26/2019
Path of the King by Neoalfa reviews
"With swords that aren't yours, with skills that aren't yours, for dreams that aren't yours. Your entire existence is a lie!" - "Then I'll show you that even fake dreams can become reality." A different choice, a different path, a different FATE. Shirou/Multi
Fate/stay night - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 54 - Words: 423,905 - Reviews: 6117 - Favs: 9,198 - Follows: 9,779 - Updated: 5/17 - Published: 12/21/2011 - Shirō E., Caster
Promises of a Wandering Hero by Neoalfa reviews
He promised to be a Hero capable of saving everyone. But before that he made other promises he can't remember under a different name. How will Shirou react when he finds his lost past? - Shirou/Multi Mature Contents.
Crossover - Love Hina & Fate/stay night - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 27 - Words: 170,309 - Reviews: 3391 - Favs: 5,856 - Follows: 6,422 - Updated: 5/17 - Published: 2/2/2012 - Shirō E.
Gargoyles: Modern Day by Author of the Insane reviews
A.U. Willow is the daughter of Xanatos, who soon becomes part of the Manhattan clan. As time passes, the gargoyles become like family to her. Soon, she finds herself particularly drawn to Brooklyn, the young hot head of the group who is also drawn to her. As their adventures together continue, Willow learns the truth about loyalty, family, home, trust, and most importantly... love.
Gargoyles - Rated: K+ - English - Supernatural/Drama - Chapters: 35 - Words: 255,708 - Reviews: 311 - Favs: 301 - Follows: 247 - Updated: 5/16 - Published: 8/24/2015 - [OC, Brooklyn] Elisa M., Goliath
Quintessence by Darth Marrs reviews
The Galaxy Far Far Away did not fall easily to the Entities. With their last breath, the survivors of that galaxy planted a seed of hope for any other worlds that might fall. Naturally, with Taylor Hebert's luck, that seed planted itself in her. A Star Wars/Worm Crossover.
Crossover - Star Wars & Worm - Rated: M - English - Sci-Fi/Drama - Chapters: 49 - Words: 226,747 - Reviews: 3316 - Favs: 2,873 - Follows: 3,237 - Updated: 5/16 - Published: 7/20/2019 - Skitter - Complete
Desolation by Agranulocytosis reviews
Long before the Great Collapse, Zemuria and its sister continents went by a markedly different name: Desolation. With the fall of the Liber Ark and retrieval of the Aureole, a lone therion reawakens in a world unrecognisable from her own. Kevin Graham and Velvet Crowe must navigate their way through spectres of their respective pasts, and change the course of Zemuria's future.
Crossover - Legend of Heroes & Tales of Berseria - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 2 - Words: 9,783 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 23 - Published: 5/16 - Velvet C.
Digital Supreme One by Boyzilla reviews
Hakuno Kishinami had made a hopeful wish, a desire she wanted to experience again. After time spent in YGGDRASIL, Hakuno, alongside Momonga, are brought into the New World by mysterious means. Only, the magus girl had been trapped into a comatose state after that incident for months! Now awakened, Hakuno must keep Nazarick in check and discover the true threat that endangers all.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Overlord/オーバーロード - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 35,454 - Reviews: 476 - Favs: 1,204 - Follows: 1,489 - Updated: 5/13 - Published: 1/4/2019 - Hakuno K., Ainz
A Devil's Diamond by Mugiwara N0 Luffy reviews
Issei and Josuke expected life to be a lot simpler. That was until the day one of them was killed by a fallen angel. Now Issei has become the servant of a devil, and Josuke's coming along for the ride with him. Join these two as they go through a bizarre adventure together with Rias and her peerage. rating raised due to cursing and violence.
Crossover - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 45 - Words: 453,378 - Reviews: 1344 - Favs: 1,478 - Follows: 1,560 - Updated: 5/13 - Published: 8/18/2015 - Josuke H., H. Issei, Rias G.
The Divine Spirit by Ashen Messenger reviews
Awakening and remembering only his name and Personas, Arisato Minato wondered what kind of hand fate had dealt him. Becoming involved in battles and dates with beings called Spirits was not something he expected, however. And why was he a Spirit himself?
Crossover - Date A Live/デート・ア・ライブ & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 54,270 - Reviews: 291 - Favs: 1,045 - Follows: 1,279 - Updated: 5/12 - Published: 4/2/2014 - [Minato A./Makoto Y., Kurumi T.] [Shido I., Tohka Y.]
Colors Flying High by Starlight's Poet reviews
Kasumi Yoshizawa was expecting a lot of things when she transferred to Shujin Academy. Becoming a Phantom Thief was not one of them. Joker/Violet
Persona Series - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,623 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 87 - Follows: 122 - Published: 5/12 - [Akira K./Ren A./The Trickster/Joker, Kasumi Y.]
Mercury Mrs Tendo by Tritan Z reviews
Soun Tendo passed away long ago. Luckily, Mrs. Tendo survives in this world. The identity of Mrs. Tendo, in this particular world, however, is perhaps a far more important and interesting then anything Mr. Tendo ever was. (AU Crossover)
Crossover - Sailor Moon & Ranma - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 4 - Words: 10,426 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 111 - Follows: 186 - Updated: 5/11 - Published: 4/3/2018 - Ami M./Amy/Sailor Mercury, Chibiusa T./Rini/Sailor Chibi (Mini) Moon, Ranma, Akane
Unexpected by Radiklement reviews
Noctis meets Luna by the side of the road. She's got bad news from the capital, but she's also heavily wounded. The young couple turned fugitives must evade the empire advances and protect Lucis. But Lunafreya isn't sure her place is with Noctis right now. If she couldn't save the father, can she guide the son? Noctis only care about keeping her safe. And proving himself to Eos.
Final Fantasy XV - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 94 - Words: 686,169 - Reviews: 958 - Favs: 611 - Follows: 692 - Updated: 5/10 - Published: 12/13/2016 - [Noctis Lucis Caelum, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret] [Aranea H., Ignis Scientia]
Ars Goetia by FoxOnPie reviews
Byleth Eisner knew she was born a mercenary, she decided to live as a mercenary, and she assumed she would die a mercenary. The cards, however, told her that a different fate was in store for her, and meeting it would require the two skills she lacked in life: understanding people and understanding herself. *Now with a TV Tropes page!*
Crossover - Fire Emblem & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 4 - Words: 30,255 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 119 - Follows: 158 - Updated: 5/9 - Published: 1/7 - [Avatar/Byleth, Edelgard] Claude, Dimitri
A Different Professor by AsphodelWolf15 reviews
"Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever." Ginny has been taken to the Chamber of Secrets and Harry may know where that is. How would things have turned out if he had gone to a Different Professor? Rated T for violence and gore
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 39 - Words: 365,137 - Reviews: 2249 - Favs: 5,334 - Follows: 6,918 - Updated: 5/6 - Published: 5/16/2016 - [Harry P., Hermione G.]
Zero no Tsukaima: Saito the Onmyoji by SeerKing reviews
Freshly graduated from the Imperial Academy of Onmyoji, Hiiraga Saito decides to take the longer scenic route on his way to his posting. Then, all of a sudden, he is teleported to a strange country ruled by Western Wizards by a small pink-haired mage. Saito has one question: What the heck is going on here? Harem, M-Rated later on. Cover Image by DARKPHANTOM13. Has TVTropes Page!
Familiar of Zero - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 172,392 - Reviews: 1490 - Favs: 4,093 - Follows: 4,694 - Updated: 5/6 - Published: 2/7/2014 - [Louise, Saito, Tabitha, Siesta]
Something Wicked This Way Comes by VereorFaux reviews
Lelouch thought his life over as the sword stabbed him. Instead, he woke up in a different world without his people, his power, and his money. Turning to the magic of this world to achieve his goals, Lelouch begins a crusade when the people he left behind are threatened. Even if it meant dying over and over again to achieve his goals.
Crossover - Re:Zero & Code Geass - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 23 - Words: 123,604 - Reviews: 1077 - Favs: 2,557 - Follows: 2,880 - Updated: 5/5 - Published: 6/25/2016 - Lelouch L., Emilia, Felt, Reinhard A.
Dark Side of Light by deathwing17 reviews
After a failed assassination attempt, Outworld, and Earthrealm are dragged into Remnant's war only to discover that the fate of this backwater Realm may be tied to every single Realm in existence.
Crossover - Mortal Kombat & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 5 - Words: 34,550 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 5/5 - Published: 2/15 - OC, Team RWBY, Team JNPR
Confrontation II: the Reckoning by ack1308 reviews
While embarking on therapy-mandated activities, Taylor and Sophia literally run into someone on the Boardwalk. This will have far-reaching consequences. (This is the sequel to my other fic, Confrontation.)
Worm - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Drama - Chapters: 7 - Words: 36,106 - Reviews: 133 - Favs: 651 - Follows: 837 - Updated: 5/4 - Published: 7/25/2015 - Skitter, Grue, Imp, Shadow Stalker
Fate: Reach Out by Vegeta the 3rd reviews
A chance decision leads to an unlikely discovery. The mention of a rumor leads to an unbelievable mystery. And the connection to a long forgotten family leads to an unforgettable experience. Welcome to Inaba, Yu Narukami... or should I say Shirou Emiya? (Co-Authored by Nameless Flame Wielder up to Ch.21)
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Mystery/Supernatural - Chapters: 43 - Words: 354,818 - Reviews: 1745 - Favs: 3,337 - Follows: 3,782 - Updated: 5/4 - Published: 1/3/2013 - Shirō E., Izanagi
Shokugeki no Nikola: 2nd Plate by Coral the Leviathan reviews
After passing the preliminaries of the Autumn Election, Nikola now faces a new challenge, and not just from the rest of the tournament. Come new challenges, new opponents, and new dishes to be made, Nikola will strive on through with her friends and her cooking experience by her side.
Crossover - Shokugeki no Soma/食戟のソーマ & Restaurant to Another World/異世界食堂 - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,680 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 69 - Published: 4/30
Code Geass: The Prepared Rebellion V2 by SeerKing reviews
Imagine if Lelouch had prepared himself both mentally and physically for his war with Britannia. Lelouch X Harem. Has a TVTropes page!
Code Geass - Rated: M - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 49 - Words: 326,482 - Reviews: 2654 - Favs: 5,635 - Follows: 5,969 - Updated: 4/30 - Published: 9/29/2014 - [Lelouch L., Kallen S., C.C., Kaguya S.]
Starry Eyes by helnae reviews
Where a girl finds true friends when she looks within. And where friends see what lies beneath the surface.
Crossover - Worm & Cthulhu Mythos - Rated: T - English - Horror/Humor - Chapters: 28 - Words: 63,350 - Reviews: 901 - Favs: 3,178 - Follows: 3,565 - Updated: 4/29 - Published: 12/12/2013 - Skitter, OC
Garo Flames of Gold by EvaShinobiKaiserKnight reviews
A long time ago in ancient times demon beasts Horrors entered our world through objects of Inga called Gates and devoured humans to satisfy there hunger. But sense those ancient times there have been hunters of such creatures, the Makai Knight. Now the latest inheritor of the Golden title of Garo has appeared with the Avatar and with there powers they will shine hope upon the world
Crossover - Avatar: Last Airbender & GARO/牙狼 - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 370,380 - Reviews: 117 - Favs: 77 - Follows: 62 - Updated: 4/28 - Published: 3/6/2016 - [Aang, Katara] [Ty Lee, OC]
Rising of the Straw Hat Pirate by Starlight's Poet reviews
Before the day Motoyasu declares his challenge to Naofumi, the Shield Hero and Raphtalia happen upon a bizarre gold coin with a Jolly Roger branded on it that sends them into another world. One full of adventure, insanity and plenty of quirky characters. Naofumi swore he would never trust anyone ever again after Myne, but it seems fate has other plans in mind for him...
Crossover - One Piece & Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 18,572 - Reviews: 56 - Favs: 292 - Follows: 321 - Published: 4/28 - unknown 1, Naofumi I., Raphtalia
As N Approaches Infinity by Corisanna reviews
Despairing as yet another timeline goes horribly wrong, Homura wanders into Karakura. There she discovers that while the spiritually-aware people of Karakura were distracted by Ichigo Kurosaki and Xcution, Kyubey contracted the Kurosaki sisters as magical girls. Drawing the attention of the shinigami could be just the advantage Homura needs.
Crossover - Bleach & Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 83 - Words: 486,785 - Reviews: 2402 - Favs: 1,264 - Follows: 1,289 - Updated: 4/28 - Published: 3/15/2015 - K. Urahara, Karin K., Yuzu K., Homura A.
Bringer of DxD: Destruction x Doom by Wacko12 reviews
Sent away by Samuel Hayden, the Doom Slayer arrives on Earth in a different time with no memories. But that quickly changes one night in a town called Kuoh. Restored and with a new power, how will the Doom Slayer react to the supernatural and these new beings called Devils? How will the supernatural react to him? One thing is for sure: He'll rip and tear anyone that gets in his way
Crossover - Doom & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Fantasy - Chapters: 9 - Words: 50,663 - Reviews: 471 - Favs: 1,537 - Follows: 1,817 - Updated: 4/28 - Published: 12/16/2018 - Doomguy, 666/Trihexa, Mephisto P.
Silver Millennium by Amber Evans Potter reviews
When Queen Serenity's spell goes haywire, the entire population of Earth must watch the chain of events that led to the Moon Kingdom's destruction. Sequel to Lunar Expedition.
Sailor Moon - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 21,555 - Reviews: 80 - Favs: 146 - Follows: 225 - Updated: 4/27 - Published: 4/17/2011
The Shield's Dragon by Mugiwara N0 Luffy reviews
Kazuma Kiryu didn't think he had much left to do in his life in regards to fighting. But as it turns out, he still had a lot more work to do. But this time, he'll be the one to help share the burden with a broken hero. (SPOILER ALERT: Yakuza 6 endgame spoilers)
Crossover - Yakuza & Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 9 - Words: 66,852 - Reviews: 372 - Favs: 1,167 - Follows: 1,409 - Updated: 4/27 - Published: 1/27/2019 - K. Kiryu, Naofumi I., Raphtalia
A Semblance of Hope by Vimesenthusiast reviews
After a unlucky moment with the gang back in time, Ranma's forced to seek out the then-present day Happosai to steal his Namban Mirror to get home. When an explosion cracks the mirror, he's flung through time and space to land on Remnant, but he isn't alone. And what are these weird white and black creatures? Pairing undecided but will be either Yang or Pyrrha not a harem or multi!
Crossover - Ranma & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 363,140 - Reviews: 850 - Favs: 2,251 - Follows: 2,247 - Updated: 4/27 - Published: 3/2/2016 - Ranma, Yang X.L., Pyrrha N.
The New Ranger by Chaos-Guard reviews
Ichigo moves to Reefside after the Thousand Year Blood War. He has no powers and now is trying to live a peaceful life. Yeah, like that's gonna happen. Watch as Ichigo begins a new journey as a Power Ranger. Power Ranger Dino Thunder/ Bleach crossover. Ichigo/Kira
Crossover - Power Rangers & Bleach - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 12 - Words: 19,478 - Reviews: 124 - Favs: 290 - Follows: 309 - Updated: 4/25 - Published: 7/6/2013 - Kira F., Ichigo K.
Ricochet by Nellychan19 reviews
"May your heart be your guiding key." Fancy words for "Figure it out yourself." But what she really couldn't grasp was why her heart led her to him; was it destiny, or random chance? Somehow, their pieces lined up. And it ruined her.
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 11 - Words: 53,183 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 21 - Updated: 4/24 - Published: 4/12/2019 - Xigbar, Xehanort, Braig, Luxu
Sonderweg by Muse of Schleissheim reviews
Often we tell ourselves we would have done things differently. But can one really expect reality to change for them when they themselves often will not? It is difficult to change the past, when one already has a preconceived expectation of it. Perhaps it is for the better that Darth Vader has traveled to the past without his memories. Or perhaps it is worse. Only time can tell.
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Drama - Chapters: 9 - Words: 50,119 - Reviews: 330 - Favs: 1,019 - Follows: 1,477 - Updated: 4/24 - Published: 7/3/2017 - Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker
Emiya Shirou: Ace Attorney by aciakatura reviews
After finishing high school, Emiya Shirou pursues his dream of becoming a Hero of Justice...in the court of law! Follows an alternate Zero and Stay Night scenario, with elements from Ace Attorney. Featuring Bad Pun Shirou. (Turnabout Wakame - complete, Turnabout Traitors - in progress)
Crossover - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney & Fate/stay night - Rated: T - English - Mystery/Fantasy - Chapters: 13 - Words: 27,452 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 78 - Updated: 4/23 - Published: 4/29/2018 - Shirō E., Rin T., Illyasviel von Einzbern
Equivocation by Agranulocytosis reviews
Yu Narukami wakes up in a world where things are nothing like they should be. Once more, he must see through the veil of deceit, and find his way to the truth.
Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 4 - Words: 20,879 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 56 - Follows: 84 - Updated: 4/22 - Published: 4/20 - Souji S./Yuu N., Akira K./Ren A., Suzui S., Phantom Thieves
Gyms, Rivals and Blast Offs, oh my! by Zerodone reviews
Lunala brought the Protagonist of Red/Blue Rescue Team and her Teammates back together in the Anime world, using her ability to travel between the worlds. Now they would like to know why the legendary Pokémon left them there in the first place.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 20,997 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 35 - Updated: 4/21 - Published: 1/23/2019 - Ash K./Satoshi, Absol, Blaziken/Bursyamo, OC
Made In Heaven by Urizen's Throne reviews
Worried for her brother's safety, and angry after an argument with her boyfriend, Claire Redfield heads off to Raccoon City to find Chris herself. But Tony Redgrave isn't about to let some stupid argument hang over them, and follows after her. Unfortunately for both of them, a petty argument is the least of their worries once in Raccoon City... Co-written with Da-Awesom-One.
Crossover - Resident Evil & Devil May Cry - Rated: M - English - Horror/Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 136,633 - Reviews: 117 - Favs: 249 - Follows: 281 - Updated: 4/20 - Published: 3/29/2019 - Claire R., Ada W., Dante, Vergil
Warning Letter by TheStrangerThatCameFromNowhere reviews
Shortly after stealing Madarame's heart, the Phantom Thieves receive a request from Sayu Yagami that leads them into the Palace of perhaps their greatest target yet.
Crossover - Death Note & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Mystery - Chapters: 10 - Words: 98,524 - Reviews: 135 - Favs: 274 - Follows: 307 - Updated: 4/20 - Published: 8/2/2018 - Light Y., L, Goro A., Akira K./Ren A.
Code Geass R1: Chaos and Change by Red Prince of Ruin reviews
After dying I didn't expect to get another chance at life, but here I am stuck in the world of Code Geass. Now a member of the Britannian royal family I'm forced headfirst into the life of a prince. But I will not stand by as the world around me collapses into chaos, no this is my story now. And this world will know the name of Charlemagne el Britannia (SI/Slight AU).
Code Geass - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 26 - Words: 212,215 - Reviews: 557 - Favs: 1,461 - Follows: 1,586 - Updated: 4/19 - Published: 9/2/2015 - [OC, Milly A.] Lelouch L., Suzaku K.
Wyvern by ack1308 reviews
Taylor becomes a dragon. Hijinks ensue.
Worm - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Drama - Chapters: 15 - Words: 83,902 - Reviews: 627 - Favs: 2,298 - Follows: 2,878 - Updated: 4/19 - Published: 8/4/2015
Scorched Earth by DeathscytheVII reviews
AU. What if the Fire Nation had won the war? Twenty years after Sozin's Comet, Korra is born and raised as a soldier of the Fire Nation, not knowing the immense power and legacy she inherits. It is up to the old Gaang to show her the way, so that she can defeat the Fire Nation and bring balance back to the world. Featuring Korra and the older Gaang plus LOK characters
Crossover - Avatar: Last Airbender & Legend of Korra - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 69 - Words: 375,728 - Reviews: 1193 - Favs: 768 - Follows: 842 - Updated: 4/18 - Published: 9/16/2012 - Korra
A Jewel Without a Crown by TPoynt reviews
Brighid was the Crown Jewel of the Empire. For as long as the Empire of Mor Ardain had existed, she was a treasure of the Imperial Royal Family. And that was true for centuries. Until one day, it wasn't. 50 years before the return of the Aegis, Brighid was lost to the Empire, and for the first time in history, she was a Jewel without a Crown.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,388 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 10 - Published: 4/18 - Brighid, OC
From Fake Dreams by Third Fang reviews
Emiya Kiritsugu was happy living the rest of his short days. He had put his past behind him... until he began to dream of futures that had yet to be. Let it be known that the Magus Killer was not dangerous simply because he was dying and had no plans to fight.
Fate/stay night - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 58 - Words: 1,063,838 - Reviews: 9285 - Favs: 9,847 - Follows: 9,602 - Updated: 4/17 - Published: 7/22/2011 - Shirō E.
Sword Art Kingdom: Heart's Origin by Jacob Pendra-Huth reviews
A prologue to the first 'Sword Art Kingdom', and taking place at the beginning of 'Kingdom Hearts'. This tells of a forgotten friend of Sora, Donald, Goofy and Jiminy; a girl named Philia. As she was freed from SAO, she ended up in Traverse Town, instead, with no memory of her past. In order to discover it, she joins Sora and the gang on their journey to stop the darkness.
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 14 - Words: 201,388 - Reviews: 171 - Favs: 115 - Follows: 96 - Updated: 4/16 - Published: 3/23/2016
Dekiru: The Fusion Hero! by l OmegaInfinity l reviews
Izuku was so excited when he manifested his Quirk. Being able to combine with objects to make himself stronger? So cool! However, what he didn't expect, what no one expected, was what happened if he used his Quirk on people... (Or, What if Izuku's Quirk was the Fusion Ability from Dragonball Z/Steven Universe?)
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 14 - Words: 107,160 - Reviews: 1931 - Favs: 5,403 - Follows: 6,027 - Updated: 4/12 - Published: 11/23/2018 - Izuku M., Toshinori Y./All Might, Ochako U., Katsuki B.
Miss Targaryen's Dragon Maid by sakikui reviews
Anyone else a fan of both of these? No? Just me? xD
Crossover - Game of Thrones & Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid/小林さんちのメイドラゴン - Rated: M - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 44 - Words: 109,307 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 4/11 - Published: 2/8 - Daenerys T., Jon S., Tōru, Fafnir/Ō. Takeshi - Complete
Fire Emblem Fates: Bloodlines by Antex-The Legendary Zoroark reviews
Luke was your average everyday teenager. That is, until he died and somehow awoke in the world of Fire Emblem Fates. Now, with both the Gamer ability and a fragment of Grima inside him, will he, along with the Twins of Fate defeat Anankos? SI-OC/Gamer Fic. R&R Please!
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 22 - Words: 65,566 - Reviews: 210 - Favs: 633 - Follows: 809 - Updated: 4/9 - Published: 3/2/2017 - [OC, Avatar/Corrin] Anankos, Grima
The Story of Illya Emiya by LunarSkies2383 reviews
Refusing to believe her father abandoned her, Illya runs away to Japan. Being reunited with one another, the course of fate has now been changed. Under the care and tutelage of Kiritsugu, how will the fifth holy grail war turn out? R&R please.
Fate/stay night - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 28 - Words: 125,367 - Reviews: 477 - Favs: 907 - Follows: 1,044 - Updated: 4/9 - Published: 3/16/2014
Code Geass: Redo of the Rebellion by Sir Kai reviews
Zero Requiem is in tatters and the world is on fire. Watching as his greatest plan crumbles before his eyes, Lelouch is offered the ultimate chance: to go back and redo his Black Rebellion. If he succeeds, he can enjoy the fruits of his labor with those he loves. If he fails, however, he will cease to exist. The battle for salvation begins.
Code Geass - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 26 - Words: 187,970 - Reviews: 699 - Favs: 1,558 - Follows: 1,760 - Updated: 4/7 - Published: 12/11/2013 - Lelouch L.
Paleblood by Arrixam reviews
Bell had the strangest dream. Problem is... he can't remember what it was about. But the Dream remembers him. The Dream will never forget what he had done. And within the Waking World, the Hunters he had wronged will be coming for him. Oedon does not forgive those who disrupted his slumber.
Crossover - Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka & Bloodborne - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 21 - Words: 270,692 - Reviews: 1073 - Favs: 2,031 - Follows: 2,076 - Updated: 4/7 - Published: 1/2/2016
Fighting for Freedom by NoxisZero reviews
After winning a competition featured by CAT, Neku Sakuraba is drawn into the death game know as Sword Art Online. Faced with numerous obstacles, Neku must meet them head on, or die trying.
Crossover - World Ends With You & Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 11 - Words: 69,423 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 49 - Updated: 4/4 - Published: 5/12/2018 - Neku S., Shiki M., Kirito/Kazuto K., Asuna/Asuna Y.
Persona 5: Hoshi to Bokura to by Starlight's Poet reviews
Rewrite in progress. See "Persona 5: With the Stars and Us."
Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Suspense/Adventure - Chapters: 26 - Words: 137,564 - Reviews: 417 - Favs: 824 - Follows: 1,037 - Updated: 4/4 - Published: 4/20/2017 - Complete
Honoka's Bizarre Adventure: µ's Is Unbreakable by Miyu Shinohara reviews
In the school year of 2013, it was announced Otonokizaka would close. Determined to keep their beloved school open, three schoolgirls form a School Idol group in the hopes of keeping their school open. But when an arrow awakens latent Stand abilities in Tokyo, Honoka and her friends will find themselves in a much more bizarre adventure. (LGBT themes, including a trans character.)
Crossover - Love Live! School idol project & JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 21 - Words: 215,253 - Reviews: 107 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 59 - Updated: 4/3 - Published: 10/6/2018 - Yoshikage K., Honoka K., Umi S., Eri A.
Son of Sparda DxD by DarkAkatsuk1 reviews
Imagine Dante's surprise when a bizarre development in a mission gone awry lead him to a new reality, complete with all the things he'd expect in his own world… EXCEPT he was a teenager once again and had no apparent way back home. Well then. If he's given a chance to live his youth again, he may as well make the best of it. Didn't make his debt problem any better though…
Crossover - Devil May Cry & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Supernatural - Chapters: 17 - Words: 158,144 - Reviews: 1688 - Favs: 4,918 - Follows: 5,458 - Updated: 4/3 - Published: 8/5/2014 - Dante
Kamen Rider Ghost: Bleached by Ten-Faced Paladin reviews
Ichigo Kurosaki thought that the world of the supernatural was now beyond his reach for the rest of his life. He quickly discovers otherwise as he falls face first into the conflicts of the Ganma and the search for the Legendary Hero Eyecons. Well, busting evil spirits is nothing new to him, but does he really need the singing belt?
Crossover - Bleach & Kamen Rider - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 5 - Words: 63,678 - Reviews: 82 - Favs: 205 - Follows: 178 - Updated: 4/1 - Published: 2/16/2016
Shattering Lenses by Pegistar5 reviews
A mysterious new guild had descended onto the battlefield of Crocus. No, it wasn't Raven Tail- which was more sinister than mysterious- nor was it the renowned all-female guild Mermaid Heel. No, it was a complete dark horse, the wizards guild Magia… but was it really a "wizards" guild?
Crossover - Fairy Tail & Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 99,455 - Reviews: 84 - Favs: 234 - Follows: 314 - Updated: 4/1 - Published: 10/20/2016 - Crime Sorciere, Homura A., Nagisa M.
Whom She Found by HylianHero5465 reviews
Before the battle with Nergal, before the fight for Caelin, before her journey began, Lyn found a young man unconscious on the Plains of Sacae, only he wasn't a tactician or even from the same world. LegendofZeldaFireEmblem cross. Please R&R.
Crossover - Legend of Zelda & Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 27 - Words: 274,797 - Reviews: 883 - Favs: 804 - Follows: 785 - Updated: 3/31 - Published: 10/10/2005 - Link
Russian Roulette: Second Chamber by Vixen Tail reviews
Part 2 of 2. No one ever said an SI gets a place in canon events, or that they would be ideally placed at all. How much would you recall if you had decades to go before anything in a long forgotten story comes to be? AU, Thief!SI/OC, Pre!Fated Day Arcobaleno, very Pre!Canon
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - Rated: M - English - Crime/Family - Chapters: 40 - Words: 447,033 - Reviews: 966 - Favs: 1,428 - Follows: 1,321 - Updated: 3/30 - Published: 4/1/2018 - Timoteo/Vongola IX/Vongola Nono, Arcobaleno, OC
Twisted Hearts by Heaven's Chocolate reviews
The tensions on Brockton Bay keep piling up as the city tries to recover from the battle against Echidna. It looks at all the capes, it looks at them trying to adjust and it twists one heart. It's time to break the chains of the Shards and let them loose in the Metaverse.
Crossover - Persona Series & Worm - Rated: M - English - Suspense/Adventure - Chapters: 34 - Words: 92,591 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 60 - Follows: 78 - Updated: 3/29 - Published: 10/24/2019 - Skitter
Worm - Waterworks by SeerKing reviews
Taylor Triggers with the power of Hydrokinesis. She will wash away those who stand before her. Alt!Power! Taylor. Worm belongs to Wildbow. TaylorxLisaxAmy. Now has a TVTropes Page!
Worm - Rated: M - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 91,583 - Reviews: 909 - Favs: 3,243 - Follows: 4,050 - Updated: 3/26 - Published: 3/18/2016 - [Skitter, Tattletale, Panacea] Victoria D./Glory Girl
HARRY'S SECOND DESTINY by Potterwing reviews
The Dursleys Go to Japan on a business trip and unfortunately for them they have to take Harry with them. Find out what happens to him. This is A Harry Potter/Sailor Moon Story Serena/Darien Harry/Hotaru other pairings will Come later
Crossover - Sailor Moon & Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 17 - Words: 27,701 - Reviews: 429 - Favs: 680 - Follows: 738 - Updated: 3/25 - Published: 3/15/2009 - Hotaru T./Sailor Saturn, Harry P.
Digital Lunar Hearth by Boyzilla reviews
A different wish, an alternate path, while vanishing inside the Moon Cell's Core, Hakuno Kishinami wishes for the chance to experience a world of magic. Now the digital magus finds herself in a realm where gods walk among mortals. However, a distant star seeks her annihilation, a Regalia on her finger had split in two, and the blessing of Falna given to her barely functions...
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 37 - Words: 110,888 - Reviews: 837 - Favs: 1,240 - Follows: 1,546 - Updated: 3/25 - Published: 1/6/2018 - Saber, Hakuno K., Attila the Hun, Hestia
Familiar of Zero: Zero's Grace by CroweAndAria reviews
She died tragically, with pieces of regrets left behind. She wasn't able to help the person she truly wished to aid, and this burned her until her very death. She lives in shame, constantly faced with failure, a zero. She seeks for retribution, for aid in the form of her familiar. It seemed like the goddesses had something up in their sleeve. No pairings yet!
Crossover - Legend of Zelda & Familiar of Zero - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Fantasy - Chapters: 16 - Words: 187,927 - Reviews: 108 - Favs: 213 - Follows: 282 - Updated: 3/25 - Published: 4/16/2018 - Link, Mipha, Louise, Saito
Dark Knights: Souls of the Guardians by Karndragon reviews
Takes place after the events in the Soul Society with Lelouch and his group ending up being sucked in but circumstances leads them to places they did not expect and they continue on they now confront and take on their enemies while settling things from their pasts continuing their paths as Shinigami. Sequel to Lelouch of the Shinigami Path.
Crossover - Bleach & Code Geass - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 12 - Words: 54,484 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 131 - Follows: 129 - Updated: 3/25 - Published: 11/20/2018 - Lelouch L.
One More Trigger by ack1308 reviews
Taylor Hebert triggers in the locker, and the story begins. But what if someone else had a trigger of their own, years earlier? How would the story change?
Worm - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 29 - Words: 146,792 - Reviews: 485 - Favs: 1,494 - Follows: 1,642 - Updated: 3/24 - Published: 2/1/2014
The Pines Twins and the Chamber of Secrets by Emma Iveli reviews
AU. When the Chamber of Secrets is opened, two groups trying to solve the mystery, quickly find out about each other. Can Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermoine Granger, Mason "Dipper" and Mabel Pines solve the mystery before all of the muggleborn students are petrified or worse? Only time will tell! Please R&R.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Gravity Falls - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 9 - Words: 13,929 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 71 - Updated: 3/23 - Published: 8/31/2017 - Harry P., Dipper P., Mabel P.
Brandish's Celestial Mage by Niko Niko Ni01 reviews
What if the meeting between Lucy and Brandish in her bathroom went differently? Smut Brandish/Lucy One-Shot
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,300 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 16 - Published: 3/23 - [Lucy H., Brandish] - Complete
D-Fibers by Tatsurou-san reviews
When Honnouji Academy fell, Ryuko and her friends thought that was the end of their troubles, that they could move on to pursue their dreams. Unfortunately, due to a computer mishap and the rest of the world 'forgetting' the Life Fiber conflict, their school records are gone. So they need to go back to school...at Kuoh Academy. Their troubles are just beginning.
Crossover - High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D & Kill la Kill/ キルラキル - Rated: T - English - Humor/Fantasy - Chapters: 39 - Words: 55,116 - Reviews: 198 - Favs: 370 - Follows: 442 - Updated: 3/22 - Published: 8/28/2018
The Four Guardians-Season 2 by Phantom Fan 21 reviews
After New Years, Danny Fenton is left in a coma leaving Liv, Fred and Henry to protect the town without him. However things go from bad to worse when Dr. Weil finally makes his move. It time for the Four Guardians to step up if they really wants to save their home.
Crossover - Mega Man & Danny Phantom - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 30,373 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 3/22 - Published: 3/1 - [Fairy Leviathan, Danny F.] Dr. Weil, Elpizo
RWBY and friends watch Resident Huntsman by Gravenimage reviews
As Team RWBY and co are worried to what became of their friend Jaune Arc the God of Darkness intervenes and decides to tell them as a way to get even with his brother showing them the events of what Jaune's been through since he was sent to another world and the horror he has experienced. Collaboration project with warrior of six blades.
Crossover - Resident Evil & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Drama/Horror - Chapters: 6 - Words: 120,339 - Reviews: 202 - Favs: 647 - Follows: 693 - Updated: 3/21 - Published: 4/1/2019 - Ozpin, Team RWBY, Qrow B., God of Darkness
Blessed by the Crystal by Kaleidoscope89 reviews
With the starscourge eliminated, the King of Light and Oracle have fulfilled their duties. As they lay to rest, another crystal has sought to bless the two once more. A new adventure awaits them both, reborn into a new realm.
Crossover - Final Fantasy XIV & Final Fantasy XV - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 13 - Words: 123,139 - Reviews: 58 - Favs: 201 - Follows: 241 - Updated: 3/21 - Published: 1/10/2017 - Warrior of Light, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
War of the Knight Sky by Hero Slayer reviews
Sequel to Mahou Senki: Lyrical Days. They were small wishes. To cherish those new loved ones. To see the new year. To become just a little stronger than before. But, these fragile wishes need to be defended. Welcome to the War of the Knight Sky.
Crossover - Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha & Fate/stay night - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 12,187 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 530 - Follows: 662 - Updated: 3/19 - Published: 12/29/2019 - Fate T., Nanoha T., Yuuno S., Shirō E.
Running With Death by Tatsurou-san reviews
When a strange old man stumbles across a baby in a basket one Halloween Night, the Boy Who Lived finds himself with a family that's a lot more welcoming of his oddities. After all, nothing wrong with being a little creepy and cooky...when you're an Addams. Hogwarts - and Voldemort - are in for a very different Harry this time around.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Addams Family - Rated: T - English - Humor/Horror - Chapters: 9 - Words: 13,055 - Reviews: 244 - Favs: 1,016 - Follows: 1,304 - Updated: 3/19 - Published: 10/17/2019 - Harry P., Ron W., Hermione G., Rubeus H.
Recovery by NonaryNathan999 reviews
After rehabilitation, there is still recovery. The Phantom Thieves of Hearts may be finished at Shuujin Academy, but how did they get involed in the affairs of Kuoh Academy?
Crossover - Persona Series & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 35 - Words: 214,352 - Reviews: 779 - Favs: 1,296 - Follows: 1,522 - Updated: 3/17 - Published: 3/25/2017 - Phantom Thieves
Lucy the King of Heroes by Gilgamesh The King of Heroes reviews
What if after his defeat in the Fate route Gilgamesh was reincarnated? What if he reincarnated as Lucy Heartfillia with both his memories and access to his his Gate? How would Earthland deal with a girl struggling between herself and her past life as the arrogant King of Heroes? What if others had reincarnated as well?
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 39 - Words: 209,480 - Reviews: 668 - Favs: 1,900 - Follows: 2,072 - Updated: 3/17 - Published: 10/27/2014 - Gilgamesh, Arturia Pendragon, Erza S., Lucy H.
The Journey to Redemption by Gravenimage reviews
In the aftermath of the final battle Velvet Crowe gets an offer from a powerful Empyrean a second chance in a new world. Now she and her brother Laphicet has to journey and get adjusted in the world of Remnant. A story about meeting new faces, forming friendships, saving the world, finding love and redemption pairing Velvet/Jaune other pairings in the future Berseria/RWBY.
Crossover - RWBY & Tales of Berseria - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 77 - Words: 895,499 - Reviews: 708 - Favs: 598 - Follows: 621 - Updated: 3/15 - Published: 2/3/2017 - [Velvet C., Jaune A.] Team RWBY, Laphicet C.
Levels by The Other Side of Darkness reviews
AU. Taylor triggers as a Thinker. It makes her the strongest cape. Ever. Changed the Rating to M at behest of a reviewer, just to be safe. Rewrite begins in Chapter Sixteen.
Crossover - Dragon Ball Z & Worm - Rated: M - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 19 - Words: 57,528 - Reviews: 631 - Favs: 1,369 - Follows: 1,275 - Updated: 3/11 - Published: 1/12/2016 - Skitter, Tattletale - Complete
Breaking Out by Rundas Prime1 reviews
Jack Morrison and Jesse McCree lead a daring attempt to rescue the wrongly imprisoned hero, Aleksandra Zaryanova, from the most secure prison on the planet. The enigmatic hacker, Sombra, however, has other plans. All are ignorant that the prison itself contains secrets that not even its wardens know. (Overwatch: Ultimate - Part Four.)
Overwatch - Rated: M - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 12 - Words: 29,459 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 3/11 - Published: 12/30/2017 - Lena O./Tracer, J. Morrison/Soldier: 76, J. McCree, Aleksandra Z./Zarya - Complete
Fire Emblem Three Houses: White Horizon by Starlight's Poet reviews
The Officers Academy was created for the purpose of the three ruling powers of Fodland to come together and create new relationships. With the future Emperor, King and Duke together, Rhea saw an opportunity. And so it came to be that Byleth, alongside his colleagues, were told they would be teaching not one, but all three Houses together. A new future is looming over the horizon.
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 5 - Words: 25,531 - Reviews: 58 - Favs: 242 - Follows: 319 - Updated: 3/11 - Published: 11/24/2019 - Claude, Avatar/Byleth, Edelgard, Dimitri
A Sword Named Archer by A Dyslexic Writer reviews
Nameless Archer reincarnated as a sword.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Tensei shitara Ken deshita/転生したら剣でした - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 42 - Words: 135,946 - Reviews: 1947 - Favs: 2,626 - Follows: 3,074 - Updated: 3/10 - Published: 11/10/2019 - Archer, Fran
Cards of Remnant by TheMaster4444 reviews
Ruby Rose has wanted to be a Hunting Duelist all her life, to train her aura to manifest the monsters in her deck to fight the Grimm. So when she gets an invitation to join her sister at Beacon Duel Academy, she jumps at the chance. But old powers are stirring, and ancient summoning methods not seen in eons are about to clash, with the fate of Remnant in the balance.
Crossover - Yu-Gi-Oh & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 3 - Words: 14,910 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 81 - Follows: 105 - Updated: 3/8 - Published: 1/18 - Ruby R., Weiss S., Blake B., Yang X.L.
Prima Materia by Innate Lymphoid Cell reviews
When the alchemy of Amestris proves insufficient to restore their bodies, the Elric brothers turn to knowledge of another world. Truth's toll is uncharacteristically forgiving, but perhaps Remnant's ills will be their payment to come. Nonetheless, if their quest requires dealing with yet another shadowy organisation intent on surpassing the domain of humanity, then so be it.
Crossover - Fullmetal Alchemist & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 8 - Words: 59,959 - Reviews: 72 - Favs: 310 - Follows: 400 - Updated: 3/6 - Published: 2/29 - Alphonse E., Edward E., Team RWBY, Team JNPR
The Legend of Fairy Tail Revised by HylianHero5465 reviews
Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus. There are many guilds named after magical creatures, yet no one is really sure if these creatures even exist. But that might change when a green clad boy from another world falls into the lives of a certain Guild and brings along a tiny glowing companion. Revised version of my first Fair Tail Fic
Crossover - Legend of Zelda & Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 7 - Words: 61,768 - Reviews: 87 - Favs: 339 - Follows: 398 - Updated: 3/3 - Published: 2/28/2017
Ranma: Happenstance Gone Right by SeerKing reviews
A different outcome to the Lady-killer Band-Aid incident leaves Ranma with just Ukyo and Shampoo as his fiancées. How will this change the lives of the three and the rest of the Wrecking Crew. Story idea from rewind gone nuts. Ranma/Shampoo/Ukyo pairing. Maybe Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung as well. Needs a TVTropes Page!
Ranma - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 22 - Words: 138,906 - Reviews: 411 - Favs: 1,266 - Follows: 1,394 - Updated: 3/2 - Published: 1/17/2017 - [Ranma, Shampoo, Ukyo] Cologne
A Certain Musical Diva Side Story by Boyboy180 reviews
In the main line story (Also on my profile) GV and Joule went missing to another world. What on earth was Copen and everyone else doing at that time. While this is a sidestory to ACMD, it lacks any real connection to Toaru and is thus not a crossover
Azure Striker Gunvolt - Rated: K+ - English - Supernatural/Friendship - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,191 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 3/1 - Published: 12/25/2019 - Copen
The Four Guardians-Season 1 by Phantom Fan 21 reviews
In the year 22XX, four teenagers with different lives find four mysterious armors to protect the earth. Henry Windsor-Sage Harpuia, Fred Firestorm-Fighting Fefnir, Livia "Liv" Whitewater-Fairy Leviathan, and Daniel "Danny" Fenton-Hidden Phantom, The Four Guardians. Season 2 is up!
Crossover - Mega Man & Danny Phantom - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 17 - Words: 71,375 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 2/29 - Published: 6/6/2017 - Sage Harpuia, Fighting Fefnir, Fairy Leviathan, Danny F. - Complete
Chaldea in Remnant by Starlight's Poet reviews
Da Vinci's latest experiment results in Chaldea mysteriously landing in a brand new world. One where myths and legends are forgotten. For better or worse, Ritsuka Fujimaru is about to revive those fairy tales while simultaneously getting involved in a secret war between an immortal and a witch. Just another day at the office.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 7 - Words: 64,316 - Reviews: 408 - Favs: 1,235 - Follows: 1,564 - Updated: 2/26 - Published: 9/6/2018 - Mashu/Shielder, Ritsuka F., Team RWBY, Team RNJR
Harem of Geass by Lord22 reviews
When Kallen Kozuki is unexpectedly captured by Britannia she finds that Cornelia Li Britannia has plans for her. And Kallen is only the first of the beautiful women who will fall victim to those plans... MIND CONTROL LEMON FIC.
Code Geass - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 12,294 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 208 - Follows: 198 - Updated: 2/26 - Published: 4/29/2019 - Lelouch L., C.C., Kallen S., Cornelia L.B.
Dragonslayer by KitsuneDragon reviews
He said he saw great potential in my small body and he raised me. Because of him I lived, I learned, and I finally found someone I could call nakama. Even if he didn't call me the same. I am his son, I am his student...The Dragonslayer of Acnologia.
Crossover - Naruto & Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 61 - Words: 1,028,085 - Reviews: 4416 - Favs: 5,601 - Follows: 5,157 - Updated: 2/25 - Published: 5/8/2012 - Naruto U., Ultear M.
Duty of the heart by chloemcg reviews
Milla gives birth to Jude's daughter, named Ami, and allows Jude to raise the small child alone in the mortal realm but what happens if the Spyrite researcher bites off more than he could chew when he discovers that there is more to the situation than meets the eye?
Tales of Xillia - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 15 - Words: 47,089 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 27 - Updated: 2/25 - Published: 9/14/2015 - Jude M., Milla, OC
Date Night by t3h maniac reviews
It's been a long year but now Sky Finances and the Niijima Law Firm are finally up and running... Or at least they would be if friends and family didn't feel that the people running it could do with a break and a good time.
Crossover - Persona Series & Yakuza - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 7,886 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 38 - Updated: 2/23 - Published: 7/23/2019 - [Sae N., S. Akiyama]
Mortal Kombat Ryujin by Dragon of Mystery reviews
Balance is a delicate thing, easy to offset. When Spyro and Cynder get sucked into the world of Mortal Kombat, just as Kronika begins her plans, they fall into the middle of a war of gods and titans. Can they stop the New Era? Or will the timeline be forever rent asunder? I own nothing. Rated M because it's Mortal Kombat. Enjoy the show!
Crossover - Spyro the Dragon & Mortal Kombat - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 15 - Words: 52,718 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 2/23 - Published: 12/1/2019 - Spyro, Cynder, Liu Kang, Raiden - Complete
The Realities of a Magical Post Apocalyptic World by wd50 reviews
When a mature, pragmatic YGO fan is stuck in the Satellite, and her struggles for survival in this abandoned city. Priorities: Food, water, laptop, WiFi; not necessarily in that order. Oh, and saving the world. Right, probably. Full summary now inside.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 68 - Words: 280,942 - Reviews: 183 - Favs: 191 - Follows: 194 - Updated: 2/21 - Published: 3/4/2016
The Goose Chronicles by umbreonblue reviews
What happens when Naofumi turns into a goose...and then proceeds to wreak havoc like in the Untitled Goose Game. #Inspired by the Untitled Goose Game.
Crossover - Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり & Untitled Goose Game - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,227 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 22 - Published: 2/21 - Naofumi I., Motoyasu K., Ren A., Itsuki K. - Complete
FateKaleid Prisma Taylor by Rater202 reviews
There are many facets of the Kaleidoscope. Lord Zeltretch is curious as to why one seems to lack Magecraft, and so sets a Kaleidostick to the task. For good or for ill, that kaleidostick has chosen Taylor Hebert as her master. Rated for language
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Worm - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 34 - Words: 95,635 - Reviews: 201 - Favs: 869 - Follows: 1,008 - Updated: 2/20 - Published: 12/8/2017 - OC, Skitter
RWBY Extella by XenoBlaze reviews
After falling for a trap by Archimedes, Hakuno and her Servants have wandered into the world of Remnant. Their flesh and blood restored and their abilities cut in half. Now they have to help the hunters of the world stop an evil that is bent on wiping out humanity. Could Remnant be the next target for the Umbral Star?
Crossover - Fate/stay night & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 28 - Words: 120,629 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 156 - Follows: 188 - Updated: 2/18 - Published: 5/20/2019
Monkey and Butterfly by Emma Iveli reviews
AU. Star Butterfly is the Princess of Mewni. Monkey D. Luffy is a boy who dreams to be King of the Pirates. And despite being from different dimensions they are sworn siblings. Watch as they go on adventures with their new friend Marco and sometimes their older brothers Ace and Sabo, fighting all sorts of monsters, pirates and other evils with magic and rubber powers! Please R&R!
Crossover - One Piece & Star Vs. The Forces of Evil - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 66 - Words: 172,674 - Reviews: 373 - Favs: 112 - Follows: 95 - Updated: 2/17 - Published: 3/24/2019 - Luffy, Star B., Marco D.
Strange Visitors From Another Century by Izzyaro reviews
The destruction of the time turners in the Department of Mysteries throws Harry, Ron and Hermione a thousand years into the past. There they meet the Founders of Hogwarts, who are not at all pleased about what has happened to their school. They decide that something must be done.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 28 - Words: 259,140 - Reviews: 2783 - Favs: 5,961 - Follows: 7,155 - Updated: 2/15 - Published: 9/23/2012 - Harry P., Ron W., Hermione G., Salazar S.
Tales of RWBY: The Defenders of Remnant by Gravenimage reviews
The watchers make a risky gamble in summoning four heroes from four different worlds in order to protect Remnant from the threat of Salem. When they accept to volunteer without realizing a great cost of having their memories erase regarding their homes. Each of them will learn to live in Remnant as they will slowly learn of their destiny. RWBY/Symphonia/Vesperia/Graces/Xillia.
Crossover - Tales of Symphonia & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 16 - Words: 184,154 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 63 - Follows: 67 - Updated: 2/14 - Published: 12/10/2016 - [Lloyd I., Ruby R.]
Sealed Legacy by Psycho G reviews
(New Chapter Posted) After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results. NaruHina
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 48 - Words: 618,342 - Reviews: 4627 - Favs: 7,005 - Follows: 7,315 - Updated: 2/14 - Published: 9/1/2011 - Naruto U., Hinata H.
I will summon a dragon! by Snipern0sniping reviews
Louise's mouth writes a check that she isn't sure she can carry out, but if she can it would be the most important event to happen in Tristan. Dragon Dovahkiin and elf problems ahead. Any advice would be a great help, I am watching and playing both stories as I write this so please help by giving me all the lore you guys can while I 'Study' them.
Crossover - Elder Scroll series & Familiar of Zero - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Romance - Chapters: 91 - Words: 493,894 - Reviews: 2232 - Favs: 1,545 - Follows: 1,785 - Updated: 2/11 - Published: 1/31/2016
Dreams of a Ten Faced Paladin by Ten-Faced Paladin reviews
An anthology of one-shots that I dreamed up int he course of writing fanfiction. I hope you all enjoy them.
Anime X-overs - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 35 - Words: 438,577 - Reviews: 598 - Favs: 164 - Follows: 94 - Updated: 2/8 - Published: 3/19/2008
My Kamen Rider Academia by Ten-Faced Paladin reviews
In a world of Quirks and superheros, can one person with a belt and a desire truly stand out. Joseph Josuke, a young man out of his element in a world where everyone is super, must stand up and face a threat which could bring down such a structured society of Heroes and Villains. His Kamen Rider Academia begins now!
Crossover - Kamen Rider & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 39,831 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 128 - Follows: 126 - Published: 2/2
Finding the Way by ack1308 reviews
Taylor and Danny Hebert trigger at the same time, and get linked powers. As Compass Rose and Pathfinder, they must explore their new abilities, and the effects of these powers on the world around them.
Worm - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 29 - Words: 88,557 - Reviews: 440 - Favs: 1,356 - Follows: 1,428 - Updated: 2/2 - Published: 4/16/2014 - Tattletale, Panacea, Miss Militia, Danny H.
Sisterhood by RoyalDragoon reviews
After tragedy leaves Weiss and Blake on Patch with no memories, they are taken in by Summer and Taiyang and raised alongside Ruby and Yang as sisters. Now the four girls go to Beacon to become the greatest Huntresses ever, but they will face many obstacles that will test their bonds. Grimm, criminals, terrorists and their own forgotten past. Includes Pollination and Juniper Berries
RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 121,826 - Reviews: 212 - Favs: 525 - Follows: 656 - Updated: 2/1 - Published: 5/13/2017 - Ruby R., Weiss S., Blake B., Yang X.L.
Lyrics of Sorrow: Assault by LoneWolf218 reviews
The Book of Darkness: an object that even the Bureau fears. Now, this black tome and its deadly knights have appeared on an Earth where most still believe they are alone in existence. But as the heroes of light and darkness gather and prepare to do battle… it may be that not all is as it appears to be.
Crossover - Castlevania & Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 16 - Words: 200,617 - Reviews: 132 - Favs: 104 - Follows: 116 - Updated: 1/31 - Published: 4/19/2014 - Soma C., Nanoha T., OC
Persona 5: The Phantom Rebellion by Captain Bell reviews
On a fateful night, a mysterious girl in blue offers Rias Gremory the opportunity to obtain two powerful Pawns instead of one. When a brand new supernatural society is forced upon him, the former Phantom Thief Joker has one response: to reform the world again. The open rebellion of the Phantom Thieves will change the Underworld forever.
Crossover - Persona Series & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 74,227 - Reviews: 241 - Favs: 708 - Follows: 987 - Updated: 1/31 - Published: 7/6/2018 - Akira K./Ren A., Phantom Thieves, Lavenza, H. Issei
A Chance Meeting by Alpine992 reviews
How can a chance meeting from 400 years ago, change so much? Finding out he's to go to the future and kill a Dragon, Natsu runs off to think things over. Running into another Dragon just as lost in her own way as he is. How will Natsu meeting the Mother of Dragon's change what happens 400 years since their meeting?
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,091 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 139 - Follows: 165 - Published: 1/30 - [Natsu D., Irene B.]
Animation Attenuation (Sharp)FE by brawlingwolf reviews
Two years after the conflict with the Mirages, Itsuki Aoi finds himself juggling running Fortuna Entertainment as its president and adjusting to life as a boy who prevented an apocalypse that very few people knew about. But soon, he discovers that the Mirages were just the beginning, and it's not only his world that is threatened by darkness. What exactly are these "Outrealms?"
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 23 - Words: 62,759 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 71 - Follows: 71 - Updated: 1/29 - Published: 11/7/2016 - [Itsuki A., Tsubasa O.] Chrom
Operation: Kaine Island by LadyAugust reviews
When Josephine Augustine joined the Cooper Gang she didn't expect to spend a year just traveling. She expected more fighting, more heists... Of course things never stay stagnant for long. Soon she's running with Sly and Bentley again, looking for a team of master thieves to break down the doors to the Cooper Vault. Set during Sly 3, with added in levels.
Sly Cooper - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 39,947 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 33 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 1/29 - Published: 6/27/2016 - Sly C., Carmelita F., OC
The Magical Child by xMidnightDreamsx reviews
Bloom was adopted by Lily and James Potter as their daughter, thus becoming a younger sister to Harry Potter. After the attack on Halloween Night 1981—Voldemort wasn't killed exactly. He still looms in the dark shadows, waiting, seeking out someone who might resurrect him back to life. Follow the two siblings as they enter Hogwarts a School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. . .
Crossover - Harry Potter & Winx Club - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 28 - Words: 227,499 - Reviews: 176 - Favs: 297 - Follows: 307 - Updated: 1/28 - Published: 7/17/2016 - Harry P., James P., Lily Evans P., Bloom
Dance, Dance, Rumble by Cheb reviews
Our favorite half-Genie meets our favorite half-girl at the Tendo Dojo resulting in many fights that end in friendship, WAFF and culture shocks. Wearing her heart on her non-existent sleeve, the pointy-eared newcomer is happy to learn the secrets of this unfamiliar Nerima Land and offer her help. But well-intentioned wishes and inexperienced gung-ho Genies don't mix well.
Crossover - Ranma & Shantae - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 76,291 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 90 - Follows: 85 - Updated: 1/27 - Published: 8/19/2017
Chimeric lunar sea of steel by celian Cogitore reviews
Hakuno Kishinami (F) survives the obliteration in the Moon Cell to find herelf in a world where humanity is assailed by stranges warships led by A.I.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Arpeggio of Blue Steel/蒼き鋼のアルペジオ - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Fantasy - Chapters: 16 - Words: 54,366 - Reviews: 93 - Favs: 135 - Follows: 188 - Updated: 1/27 - Published: 8/6/2019 - Francis Drake, Hakuno K., Yamato, I-402 - Complete
No Chance for Fate by Tribun reviews
Ranma's fate is written in stone. Right? Right...? Actually not. And in the wake of a guardian finally freeing herself from her chains, fate loses its hold on Ranma.
Crossover - Sailor Moon & Ranma - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 48 - Words: 618,580 - Reviews: 1068 - Favs: 1,649 - Follows: 1,719 - Updated: 1/25 - Published: 5/28/2008 - [Ami M./Amy/Sailor Mercury, Ranma] - Complete
Tales of Academia by Magi Mana reviews
Talesverse. Legacies are a challenge to live up to. Especially when those legacies involve the King of Games. Ready to forge a new path, Mana joins her brother Atem at the prestigous Duel Academy and soon meets the Hero who will lead them on adventures not unlike their parents'. It must be a Muto thing.
Crossover - Yu-Gi-Oh & Yu-Gi-Oh GX - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 21 - Words: 205,202 - Reviews: 93 - Favs: 159 - Follows: 162 - Updated: 1/21 - Published: 6/8/2017 - Atem, Mana, Jaden Y./Jūdai Y., Syrus T./Shō M.
Service with a Smile by Coeur Al'Aran reviews
When Jaune's forged transcripts were rebuffed, his only option was to return home in disgrace or forge a new life in Vale. Opening a diner was an impetuous decision, being good at it a stroke of luck. Becoming the favourite haunt for students, teachers and criminals alike…? That was neither, but it sure did keep things interesting. Wasn't the civilian life supposed to be easier?
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 62 - Words: 413,348 - Reviews: 8660 - Favs: 8,492 - Follows: 8,566 - Updated: 1/21 - Published: 8/8/2017 - Jaune A. - Complete
A twist in time by Beej88 reviews
"I'm going to send you back to the beginning. When Serenity-Usagi- first became Sailor Moon in this life. This time you are going to remember everything. Listen to me carefully Endymion, this is very important, you need to save your Shitennou this time. It is imperative that you do so. " Set in the dark kingdom, slightly AU universe. Time travel and epic romance.
Sailor Moon - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 185,393 - Reviews: 325 - Favs: 487 - Follows: 269 - Updated: 1/20 - Published: 6/17/2018 - [Mamoru C./Darien S./Tuxedo Kamen, Usagi T./Serena/Bunny/Sailor Moon] [Sailor Senshi/Sailor Scouts, Shitennou/Generals] - Complete
Hands of Fate by RGM-96S Stark Jegan reviews
Spider-man has to make and live with his choices in a new world. The curse of power consumes all.
Crossover - Spider-Man & Legend of Korra - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 18 - Words: 264,064 - Reviews: 563 - Favs: 696 - Follows: 790 - Updated: 1/20 - Published: 4/16/2013 - Peter P./Spider-Man, Madame Web, Korra, Gommu
The Flower Princess and the Alchemist by BloodPokemon101 reviews
"How can you bypass the laws of Equivalent Exchange without a Philosopher's Stone?" "I don't think my powers have anything to do with alchemy." After fighting a Hollow, Orihime mysteriously finds herself in the world of FMA. With the meeting of the Elric brothers, she is tossed into another adventure with joy, heartbreak, and romance along the way.
Crossover - Fullmetal Alchemist & Bleach - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 43 - Words: 355,151 - Reviews: 226 - Favs: 376 - Follows: 403 - Updated: 1/20 - Published: 11/4/2017 - [Edward E., Orihime I.] Alphonse E.
Questions and Reasons by YueTian reviews
Sakura finished gathering all the Clow cards, changed them into Sakura cards and saved the world. Corrin, Robin, and Chrom defeated their own respective dragons, Grima and Anankos, and peace was brought to their land. But something doesn't plan to let things just rest there. Someone's after something and it's pulling Sakura and Corrin into Robin's world! (discontinued)
Crossover - Card Captor Sakura & Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Mystery - Chapters: 15 - Words: 138,108 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 1/17 - Published: 6/26/2017 - [Sakura K., Syaoran L.] Chrom, OC - Complete
Tales of a Crossover by Zerodone reviews
In order to save humanity from malevolence once and for all, Velvet once again dons the cape as the Lord of Calamity. Now if only her son would stop interfering with her plans on every possible occasion...
Crossover - Tales of Zestiria & Tales of Berseria - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 50,387 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 237 - Follows: 289 - Updated: 1/17 - Published: 6/8/2017 - Sorey, Symonne, Velvet C.
Naruto: Great Clan Days by Kenchi618 reviews
Senju Hashirama's dream to unify all of the warring clans of his country under one village remained just that; a dream. Generations later, the ninja world still consists of pure clan affiliation. Enacting peace through understanding has fallen to the side. A catalyst is needed for any kind of change to occur, and it is all found in a little boy... for better or for worse. AU.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 31 - Words: 397,008 - Reviews: 2617 - Favs: 4,904 - Follows: 4,909 - Updated: 1/16 - Published: 5/18/2013 - Naruto U.
Nightmare's End by sakurademonalchemist reviews
Haruhi thought moving to Japan would give her a break from the sheer craziness that was Potter Luck. She couldn't be more wrong. Once again supernatural forces conspire to make her the leader of an unusual group of friends to uncover the mystery of a force bent on world domination. A hero's work is never done...
Crossover - Harry Potter & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 17,555 - Reviews: 169 - Favs: 852 - Follows: 843 - Updated: 1/15 - Published: 1/1 - [Harry P., Yusuke K./Fox]
In the Eye of the Beholder by HopeGale reviews
Lydia White is new to the small city of Quartz, having had to move there due to her dad's new job. When people start disappearing into the nearby woods, the ones that come back have an insatiable need to stare at their own reflection. With the power of Persona, Lydia and her new friends delve into this mystery. Set in the Western world!
Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 86 - Words: 432,057 - Reviews: 129 - Favs: 88 - Follows: 98 - Updated: 1/13 - Published: 5/18/2015
Making Up For Lost Time by Reixe reviews
On the night the Kyuubi attacked Konoha, the Shinigami tried to take the lives of both Minato and Kushina, but a loophole allowed their souls to remain free. For twelve years, Danzo has kept them hidden but now they've escaped. A family reunited, they will have their revenge, and help their son become the legend he was destined to be. NaruHina. Starts up after the Wave ARC.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 88,559 - Reviews: 979 - Favs: 3,004 - Follows: 3,609 - Updated: 1/12 - Published: 11/11/2014 - [Naruto U., Hinata H.] [Minato N., Kushina U.]
Let's Just Live (Free) by OtakuWithHazelEyes reviews
On one world, Luffy finds his crew on the vast ocean, seeking the greatest of treasures and following their dreams. On another world, one of bloody evolution, there is no great treasure. But they still have dreams to follow, and each other- that's all they really need. (Or, what if the Straw Hats were born on Remnant?)
Crossover - One Piece & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 10 - Words: 7,461 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 1/12 - Published: 1/7 - unknown 1 - Complete
A Raven's Flock by Innate Lymphoid Cell reviews
Her quest for revenge was over. Velvet Crowe thought that her journey would have concluded there, a fitting end for the Lord of Calamity, but fate had other plans for her. Now, thrust into another world of demons on yet another Scarlet Night, she might just have the chance to live a very different life.
Crossover - Tales of Berseria & Kimetsu no Yaiba/鬼滅の刃 - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 58,045 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 133 - Follows: 180 - Updated: 1/11 - Published: 1/4 - Velvet C., Tanjirou K., Kanae K., OC
Fake x Fate by kyugan reviews
Shirou only had the best intentions that night he chose to cast aside his ideals. Now trapped in a strange world where Gods, Angels & Devils run rampant, he's about to learn just what kind of road said intentions have built...provided he can finish his second year without accidentally kick-starting another Holy War.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 21 - Words: 130,792 - Reviews: 1990 - Favs: 6,367 - Follows: 7,715 - Updated: 1/10 - Published: 8/20/2015 - Shirō E., Azazel
Champions of a Fallen Age - Revised by Ebony McCloud reviews
Because of the rewrites of CoaFA becoming so massive, I have decided to migrate CoaFA into this, so that I can avoid writing chapters that are far too long or having to deal with the nightmare of trying to integrate new chapters between the old ones. Not everything will be posted in here all at once, but it will replace CoaFA once I am satisfied with the rewrites.
Legend of Zelda - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 14 - Words: 130,041 - Reviews: 247 - Favs: 201 - Follows: 219 - Updated: 1/10 - Published: 4/24/2019 - [Mipha, Link] Urbosa, Revali
InuYasha: Adventures in Taishou by TheStrangerThatCameFromNowhere reviews
After choosing to stay in the Feudal Era, the Bone-Eater's Well had ceased to function. Or at least, so Kagome thought. A month after the battle with Naraku, the group encounters a bizarre man. Following this confrontation, the Bone-Eater's Well sends them to a different time period. What adventures now await Kagome in this new era?
Crossover - Inuyasha & Kimetsu no Yaiba/鬼滅の刃 - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 10,665 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 98 - Published: 1/7 - Inuyasha, Kagome H., Tanjirou K., Nezuko K.
Misplaced Memories by Riku Kingdom Hearts reviews
Kairi brought Sora back to normal through his Heartless...but what if when Sora returned but had none of his memories? All of his memories went to his Nobody. Now Roxas has all of Sora's memories while Sora is in an amnesiac state, unable to remember anything about himself or his past, or anything else.
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 26,760 - Reviews: 60 - Favs: 74 - Follows: 96 - Updated: 1/7 - Published: 11/29/2017 - Sora, Kairi, Roxas
Sun and Moon: Michael's journey by Toa Solaric reviews
The final battle taken a different turn as Michael was left die on the island by an vengeful villain without any way to returned to his family. But Michael find himself in a world similar to his own as he appear on the sand of Alola where a new beginning for him and journey to regain something lost to his heart.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 23 - Words: 178,263 - Reviews: 108 - Favs: 80 - Follows: 74 - Updated: 1/2 - Published: 6/21/2017 - Michael/Ryūto, Espeon/Eifie
Pyrrha Fantasy: Crisis Core by venom rules all reviews
After her death at the hands of Cinder. Pyrrha Nikos gains a second chance at life in a new world that is both similar yet very different from her own. Will her new life be better? Or will it be a repeat of her last one?
Crossover - Final Fantasy VII & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 24 - Words: 66,386 - Reviews: 260 - Favs: 133 - Follows: 150 - Updated: 1/2 - Published: 1/22/2018 - Tifa L., Sephiroth, Zack F., Pyrrha N. - Complete
Sky Forge by sakurademonalchemist reviews
Learning the family trade isn't easy, but it does come with some perks. Like the ability to see sword spirits and cut through misfortune with a well made blade. Some misfortunes are harder to get rid of than others, like being born into a very bloody familigia as one of the heirs. Fortunately he won't be alone...the clients he gains are more than willing to help him avoid that fate
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - Rated: T - English - Family/Spiritual - Chapters: 7 - Words: 17,696 - Reviews: 413 - Favs: 1,855 - Follows: 1,748 - Updated: 1/2 - Published: 12/24/2019 - Tsuna/Tsunayoshi S.
The Dragon, The Devil, and The Deviluke by RoboVolcano4 reviews
Issei Hyoudou: pervert, older brother, pawn to the Gremory family heiress, future Harem King, and...King of the Universe? I'm pretty sure that one is a mistake. The young devil had life going pretty well for him, but, his life and his entire family and friend's lives were all changed, whether for better or worse, with the appearance of a pink haired alien in his bathtub.
Crossover - To Love-Ru & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 28 - Words: 173,786 - Reviews: 401 - Favs: 691 - Follows: 747 - Updated: 1/1 - Published: 11/24/2017
The Masks We Wear by BarelyPresent reviews
Taylor's story doesn't always need to start in the Locker. Nor does her power need to be granted by Scion. What if a golden being a little more ... benevolent decided to lend a hand?
Crossover - Bionicle & Worm - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 92,021 - Reviews: 98 - Favs: 479 - Follows: 556 - Updated: 1/1 - Published: 4/20/2017
The Princess Who Carries the Blood of the Goddess by The Loud Guy reviews
One hundred years have passed since the Calamity was freed. One hundred years since the princess fell. One hundred years since the hero beat back the darkness, driving it into the heart of Hyrule Castle. Now Zelda wakes in the Chamber of Resurrection, and must reclaim her memory while setting right a world that she let go terribly wrong. Link waits for her; she cannot fail again.
Legend of Zelda - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 52 - Words: 363,633 - Reviews: 141 - Favs: 278 - Follows: 254 - Updated: 12/30/2019 - Published: 6/25/2018 - Link, Zelda, Prince Sidon, Paya - Complete
Mahou Senki: Lyrical Days by Hero Slayer reviews
The wheel of fate is derailed as Emiya Shirou is brought up in Uminari City. Watch the birth of a Magical Hero as the boy with a body of swords meets the White Devil.
Crossover - Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha & Fate/stay night - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 76,232 - Reviews: 355 - Favs: 1,090 - Follows: 1,023 - Updated: 12/29/2019 - Published: 6/13/2011 - Nanoha T., Yuuno S., Shirō E. - Complete
2B(a)DEMON SLAYER by TheStrangerThatCameFromNowhere reviews
Humans believed in the idea of reincarnation, and when humanity once thrived, there was a genre called "isekai." 2B had no real reason to learn about things unrelated to her objectives. She was a machine. She didn't have a soul. Someone upstairs thought otherwise. Her mission had not changed, even as a reborn human in a world inhabited by demons. Glory to mankind
Crossover - Nier & Kimetsu no Yaiba/鬼滅の刃 - Rated: M - English - Horror/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 26,569 - Reviews: 71 - Favs: 320 - Follows: 416 - Updated: 12/28/2019 - Published: 11/18/2019 - 2B, Tanjirou K., Zenitsu A., Inosuke H.
Mega Man Star Network by Kindom Rider92 reviews
Lan Hikari of 20XX and Geo Stelar of 22XX thought their battles were over. But when a similar crisis affects both of their eras and sends Lan his Net Navi MegaMan/Hub to Geo and Omega-Xis' time, the two Mega Men have to team up for an adventure that takes them over 200 years! Rated T to be on the safe side.
Mega Man - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 32 - Words: 223,370 - Reviews: 324 - Favs: 226 - Follows: 221 - Updated: 12/25/2019 - Published: 5/18/2014 - Geo Stelar, Omega-Xis, MegaMan.EXE, Lan Hikari
Seven Days in Corona by Finmonster reviews
It's been almost a year since the events that changed Rapunzel's life forever, and she's beginning to get a handle on what being a princess is truly about. But is she ready to meet someone of equal standing or will the fiery Highlander be more than she can handle? Sequel to Heaven's Light and prequel to the Dragon and the Bow.
Crossover - Tangled & Brave, 2012 - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 11 - Words: 48,240 - Reviews: 129 - Favs: 115 - Follows: 103 - Updated: 12/21/2019 - Published: 2/17/2013 - Rapunzel, Merida - Complete
The Smallest Straw Hat by pikaace reviews
Being a pirate is no easy feat. Especially if you're an amnesiac Pikachu with nowhere to go and no clue of who you really are or where you came from. That's me, by the way. Luckily, that's what the Straw Hats are for, and I have a feeling I'm going to experience adventure and danger like no other. And maybe, along the way, I can find my way home...wherever home is.
One Piece - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 102 - Words: 420,404 - Reviews: 1992 - Favs: 1,806 - Follows: 1,747 - Updated: 12/18/2019 - Published: 6/16/2015 - Sanji, unknown 1, OC
Knight of Betrayal and Taiga Cub by Quatermass reviews
(Based on my 'Taiga! Taiga' and 'Mordred's Second Chance' challenges) When his relatives perish in the Fuyuki Fire, Harry is adopted by Taiga Fujimura. Their home just gets crazier when Harry comes back from Britain with Mordred Pendragon (who's actually a girl!). But now the Holy Grail War has arrived, and a knight and a cub must team up to stop things from getting worse...
Crossover - Harry Potter & Fate/stay night - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 22 - Words: 69,616 - Reviews: 394 - Favs: 1,213 - Follows: 1,340 - Updated: 12/14/2019 - Published: 12/12/2018 - [Harry P., Mordred] Shirō E., Taiga F.
Warlock by Quatermass reviews
Zero was not the first masked rebel to appear in Area Eleven. The mysterious Warlock appeared some months before. His true identity was Harry Potter, a wizard from another world, and the boyfriend of Kallen Kozuki. But when Lelouch gains his Geass, will he be allies with Harry, Kallen, and the rebels they fight with? Or will dissension and distrust tear them apart from within?
Crossover - Harry Potter & Code Geass - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 76,182 - Reviews: 429 - Favs: 782 - Follows: 883 - Updated: 12/14/2019 - Published: 7/8/2018 - [Harry P., Kallen S.] [Lelouch L., C.C.]
Raptor of the 20th Ward by Quatermass reviews
(Based on my 'Harry Fueguchi' challenge) Harry Fueguchi had a fairly normal childhood, for a wizard raised by Ghouls. Feared and loathed by the CCG as the vigilante 'Raptor', he polices the Ghouls of the 20th Ward for Anteiku. But when Ken Kaneki goes through his metamorphosis, Harry must guide the new One-Eyed Ghoul through a hostile world...but will it be enough?
Crossover - Harry Potter & Tokyo Ghoul/東京喰種トーキョーグール - Rated: M - English - Horror/Fantasy - Chapters: 19 - Words: 48,676 - Reviews: 141 - Favs: 488 - Follows: 516 - Updated: 12/14/2019 - Published: 10/19/2018 - [Harry P., Touka K.] [Hermione G., Kaneki K./Haise S.]
Indomitable by Magi Mana reviews
Talesverse. One-shot. After the tragedy of Zero Reverse, Rex Goodwin seeks closure on the loss of those closest to him. Dedicated in memory of my wonderful grandma.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,982 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 4 - Published: 12/12/2019 - Rex G., Rudger G., Dr. Fudō/Mr. Fudō - Complete
Endless Lives by CloudFry reviews
When all things in life cease to matter save for one, the boundaries of dedication and obsession fade into obscurity. When one finds themselves in the depths of such mania, their only hope for redemption is through the potential helping hands of others. No non-canon pairings.
Crossover - Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII & Tales of Berseria - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Fantasy - Chapters: 5 - Words: 23,901 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 12/12/2019 - Published: 12/25/2018 - Lightning, Velvet C., OC
A Dragon's Prerogative by sakurademonalchemist reviews
It's in a dragon's instincts to hoard and collect things. Most dragons prefer gold, knowledge or other rare items. Ddraig's current host apparently has the inclination to hoard PEOPLE. One thing's for sure...Albion is never going to let him live this particular host down, especially since she's dating her rival! Being the neutral party for the three factions is sure to be amusing.
Crossover - Katekyo Hitman Reborn! & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Family/Supernatural - Chapters: 9 - Words: 23,663 - Reviews: 283 - Favs: 1,389 - Follows: 1,297 - Updated: 12/9/2019 - Published: 11/28/2019 - Tsuna/Tsunayoshi S., Vali L., Ddraig
Hostage Situation by ack1308 reviews
When Amy Dallon encounters someone from her distant past, her life will change forever.
Worm - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Drama - Chapters: 8 - Words: 51,710 - Reviews: 268 - Favs: 978 - Follows: 1,102 - Updated: 12/8/2019 - Published: 8/9/2015 - Victoria D./Glory Girl, Panacea, Brandish, E. Piggot
Friends, Old and New by 105ttt reviews
Years before the events of Pokémon Sword and Shield, Kabu has arrived in Galar and is becoming accustomed to his new home in Motostoke. He has become friends with two children, Milo of Turffield and Nessa of Hulbury, who come to visit him often. On one day in particular, they decide to listen to Kabu talk about his home in Hoenn - and an exciting phenomenon called Mega Evolution!
Pokémon - Rated: K - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,681 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 10 - Published: 12/5/2019 - Nessa, Kabu, Milo/Yarrow, Nessa/Rurina - Complete
RWBY: Memories of V by Starlight's Poet reviews
The Belladonnas discover a strange white-haired man on the beach and nurse him back to health. He remembers nothing except his name. As he wanders Remnant and encounters a certain group of Huntresses, V encounters the shadows of his past. Unknown to him, one of his shadows has found its way to Salem. Between Grimm and the demons, is Remnant ready for a new breed of Huntsman?
Crossover - Devil May Cry & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 28,350 - Reviews: 47 - Favs: 283 - Follows: 330 - Updated: 12/2/2019 - Published: 7/24/2019 - Urizen, V, Team RWBY
My Hero Academia: The Golden Light of Hamon by SeerKing reviews
Midoriya Izuku desperately wants a Quirk as a child...what if he received one? Not only that, one that was especially suited to strike down evil. Hamon/Ripple!Izuku. As always, T for Bakugō's swearing.
Crossover - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 2 - Words: 10,644 - Reviews: 178 - Favs: 984 - Follows: 1,150 - Updated: 12/2/2019 - Published: 11/6/2019 - Izuku M.
Keeping Them Together by DarkPuddlesofInk reviews
Axel managed to save Roxas and Xion from disappearing thanks from help Riku and Namine but there is a price for cheating fate. Now the longer Roxas, Xion, and Sora are apart the weaker they all get. Not only is the trio forced to stay close to Sora, but they have to hide from the Organization as well. Did Axel truly save his friends or just delay the inevitable? Canon divergence AU
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Chapters: 12 - Words: 26,206 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 67 - Follows: 101 - Updated: 12/1/2019 - Published: 2/13/2019 - Sora, Axel, Roxas, Xion
Bleached Marimo by Emma Iveli reviews
AU Crossover with Bleach. Zoro has always hid the fact he can see ghosts from the crew. Now, after an attack from an evil sprit, he now has the abilities of a Soul Reaper. Can he keep this a secret for long? Please R&R
Crossover - One Piece & Bleach - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Adventure - Chapters: 49 - Words: 84,051 - Reviews: 378 - Favs: 312 - Follows: 252 - Updated: 11/29/2019 - Published: 2/23/2007 - Zoro, Rukia K.
Miraculous and the Ink Machine by Mewx42 reviews
The story is about Marinette and her friends journey through Bendy and the Ink Machine and how they work together to survive and get out of the studio. In this story Henry is Nathaniel's father cause you know Nathaniel's an artist and Henry's an animator so I thought it would fit. Nathaniel brings everyone along with him and his dad to see the studio. Read and find out what happens
Crossover - Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir & Bendy and the Ink Machine - Rated: T - English - Parody/Mystery - Chapters: 8 - Words: 21,103 - Reviews: 210 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 39 - Updated: 11/24/2019 - Published: 2/18/2018
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R-eset by Starlight's Poet reviews
When you're granted an offer to change the past, would you take it? When you're granted power surpassing that of the King, would you accept it? Lelouch vi Britannia, formerly the 99th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire, has returned to the day when it all began... and he intends to change everything. Time-Travel Fic
Code Geass - Rated: T - English - Drama/Supernatural - Chapters: 39 - Words: 159,863 - Reviews: 1634 - Favs: 2,808 - Follows: 3,013 - Updated: 11/22/2019 - Published: 9/20/2014
The Requiem of Remnant by The Black Mage of Phantasm reviews
He was not aware of how he got to this new world. He could not see a way to return home. Some might say he had nothing...but they would be wrong. He had his wits, his skills, and most of all, his ambitions. And even in a new world, there was still an underworld of crime he could rise to the top of. A golden wind is about to sweep through Remnant.
Crossover - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 8 - Words: 116,584 - Reviews: 446 - Favs: 1,204 - Follows: 1,433 - Updated: 11/22/2019 - Published: 4/30/2017 - Giorno G.
Dragon Ball Z: A Good Man by SwanofWar reviews
Book 1: In the months since Majiin Buu's defeat, peace has been restored to the planet Earth and our heroes have returned to their families to enjoy the fruits of their labor. But an unexpected threat lurks in the depths of space, a fleet called The Justice, headed by six lawmen, with a mission of capturing members of Lord Frieza's regime, and Prince Vegeta is next on their list...
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Crime - Chapters: 76 - Words: 424,340 - Reviews: 1197 - Favs: 577 - Follows: 564 - Updated: 11/22/2019 - Published: 12/5/2013 - Goku, Bulma, Trunks, Vegeta - Complete
Fate:stay night: Dragon of Dragons by Starlight's Poet reviews
In one world, Issei Hyoudou died, and came back a Servant of Rias Gremory. In another, he found himself involved in a figurative 'holy war'. A grail that can grant omnipotent wishes? Fast way to become a Harem King! ...if he can survive the other enemy Masters first. Hey, at least he's got a smoking hot Servant with him! (Up for Adoption)
Crossover - Fate/stay night & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 8 - Words: 91,460 - Reviews: 325 - Favs: 1,102 - Follows: 1,265 - Updated: 11/20/2019 - Published: 1/29/2017 - [H. Issei, Attila the Hun] Saber, Rias G. - Complete
Star Hero Mega Man by Vegeta the 3rd reviews
When Izuku's father was presumed dead, so too did his dreams of being a hero. Three years later, a sentient alien wave known as Omega-Xis lands on his planet, looking for All Might. To stop the FM invasion, they must band together and become the world's newest defender, Mega Man.
Crossover - Mega Man & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 21,873 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 187 - Follows: 222 - Updated: 11/14/2019 - Published: 4/14/2019 - Omega-Xis, Izuku M.
A Mirrored Awakening by Metagray reviews
What would happen if our favorite Awakening heroes found themselves in the others' shoes? What would the world be like if long ago, two mothers' fates had been switched? An AU where Robin is a Prince and Chrom is the amnesiac. Upon patrolling the deserts of Plegia, Robin and his, Rangers, see a man fall from a cliff...
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 26 - Words: 194,097 - Reviews: 116 - Favs: 192 - Follows: 267 - Updated: 11/9/2019 - Published: 3/15/2018 - [Avatar/Robin, Sumia] [Chrom, Cordelia]
Now and Future Queen by Emma Iveli reviews
AU. When fighting the Clock Store Youma, Sailor Moon gets older rather than younger. She gains knowledge of her past life and a bit of her future, but she can't turn back into her Senshi form until they get the Silver Crystal. Please R&R
Sailor Moon - Rated: K+ - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 15,579 - Reviews: 62 - Favs: 184 - Follows: 198 - Updated: 11/7/2019 - Published: 1/21/2011 - Usagi T./Serena/Bunny/Sailor Moon, Mamoru C./Darien S./Tuxedo Kamen
One Fleeting Moment by ThatOnePsycho reviews
Why was it that Ruby's first vacation in long time went just as wrong as everything else? Was it too much to pop in, say hi to Yang and then head back to Hydaelyn before Ifirt got summoned on another rampage or something? Eh, at least it gave her time to hang out with Lyse and Y'shtola.
Crossover - Final Fantasy XIV & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 56,494 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 75 - Follows: 96 - Updated: 11/5/2019 - Published: 8/27/2018 - Ruby R.
Of Grimm, Circus and Roses by Empty Coffee Cup reviews
It is said that a falling kingdom is the lure to a flame. A flame is the lure to their loyal servants. The king of the servants follows a ritual, nurturing his prince with his own ashes, ashes shed by the fierest of dances. The dance is special, only performed alongside the mightiest of warriors. The warrior of this kingdom soon-to-fall is chosen, not by chance, but their purity.
Crossover - RWBY & Hollow Knight - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,302 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 74 - Follows: 77 - Published: 11/1/2019
Monkey D Haru and the Goblet of Fire by Emma Iveli reviews
AU Crossover. Haru's fourth year gets interesting when a tournament is held at Hogwarts. But when someone else enters him, what will happen? Will it be fun or will it be hard? Well considering who he is, more than likely fun. Please R&R
Crossover - Harry Potter & One Piece - Rated: T - English - Humor/Fantasy - Chapters: 18 - Words: 28,704 - Reviews: 189 - Favs: 278 - Follows: 279 - Updated: 11/1/2019 - Published: 10/28/2010 - Harry P., Luffy
Kamen Rider Chalice: Crystal City Chronicles by Ten-Faced Paladin reviews
AU of Forgotten Rider. What if Kyle Jones appeared somewhere else besides Wave Country? What if he landed in a city of crystal where peace is in abundance? What if the Undead were freed? What if the peace was not what it seemed?
Crossover - Sailor Moon & Kamen Rider - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 106,899 - Reviews: 174 - Favs: 250 - Follows: 203 - Updated: 10/31/2019 - Published: 4/22/2011
Shokugeki no Nikola by Coral the Leviathan reviews
Nikola Yamagata is daughter and sous chef of the current owner of Nekoya. Given the chance to enhance her cooking even further, she heads to Totsuki Culinary Academy and joins the 92nd Generation in reaching the top seat. Even with her experience in the kitchen, though, that's easier said than done.
Crossover - Shokugeki no Soma/食戟のソーマ & Restaurant to Another World/異世界食堂 - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 18 - Words: 148,070 - Reviews: 155 - Favs: 269 - Follows: 251 - Updated: 10/31/2019 - Published: 7/20/2018 - Complete
Constellations by UnwelcomeStorm reviews
The sun rises over Brockton Bay.
Crossover - Okami & Worm - Rated: T - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 49 - Words: 117,044 - Reviews: 342 - Favs: 1,891 - Follows: 1,827 - Updated: 10/31/2019 - Published: 4/17/2018 - Amaterasu, Skitter
Transposition, or: Ship Happens by ensou reviews
Whatever she expected when she triggered, it wasn't meeting a short white-haired girl or turning into a hyper-advanced technological platform. Of course when you're Taylor Hebert, things frequently don't go as planned.
Crossover - Worm & Arpeggio of Blue Steel/蒼き鋼のアルペジオ - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 19 - Words: 99,914 - Reviews: 1078 - Favs: 3,157 - Follows: 3,639 - Updated: 10/26/2019 - Published: 8/5/2016 - Skitter, Tattletale, Vista, Victoria D./Glory Girl
Sword Art Kingdom: Final Mix by Jacob Pendra-Huth reviews
These stories happen within 'Sword Art Kingdom' and 'Sword Art Kingdom II: Dimensional Bonds'. They have little to no effect to the main stories whatsoever, though they might be important in the stories onward. This mainly involves the characters of Sora, Kirito, Asuna, Yui, Leafa, Riku, Kairi, and many other characters from the stories.
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 216,561 - Reviews: 212 - Favs: 139 - Follows: 96 - Updated: 10/24/2019 - Published: 1/2/2015
Heroic Sword of the Black Cat by A Dyslexic Writer reviews
Shishou wasn't a stranger to being in a strange world, but seriously, what are the odds of it happening twice? With Fran summoned to Melromarc to be the Sword Hero and he as her Legendary Weapon, they are about to find themselves somehow managing to get into even more trouble than normal. Melromarc was not prepared for this adorable powerhouse. (Reincarnated as a Sword Crossover)
Crossover - Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり & Tensei shitara Ken deshita/転生したら剣でした - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 7 - Words: 18,736 - Reviews: 485 - Favs: 1,618 - Follows: 1,871 - Updated: 10/24/2019 - Published: 10/9/2019 - Fran, Master
The Sound Flows by ThatOnePsycho reviews
Composer, Conductor, Producer: The three jobs that keep an Underground working. Neo, Ruby, Hei: The three in those jobs for Vale's Underground. It isn't fun juggling that between the other parts of their lives... Well, except for Neo, but she barely does her job as is. In the Realground, Team WBY is trying to figure out what's up with their leader knowing Vale's avant-guard.
Crossover - World Ends With You & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 6 - Words: 28,539 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 135 - Follows: 158 - Updated: 10/21/2019 - Published: 2/10/2018 - Ruby R., Blake B., Junior X., Neo
Recoil by ack1308 reviews
The fight against Behemoth in New Delhi goes horribly wrong. Taylor, almost the only survivor, is sent back into the past by Phir Sē to try to fix matters. But there are complications ...
Worm - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 46 - Words: 403,211 - Reviews: 1184 - Favs: 2,263 - Follows: 2,559 - Updated: 10/20/2019 - Published: 4/21/2014 - Skitter, Tattletale, Danny H., OC
RWBY: Digital Hunters by Aaron2014 reviews
The world of Remnant is filled with legends and many wonders. But what if one of those wonders were digital monsters from another world? Join Ruby and her friends as they train to become Huntsman alongside their Digimon partners to face the Creatures of Grimm and dark forces of the Digital World. RWBY AU mixed with Digimon. Pairings will vary in future. Co-Written by Tohokari-Steel
Crossover - Digimon & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 49,877 - Reviews: 103 - Favs: 172 - Follows: 191 - Updated: 10/18/2019 - Published: 5/8/2017 - Guilmon, Ruby R., Team RWBY, Team JNPR
The Fanged Hero: Deku by Blades of Chance reviews
Quirks changed society for better or worse. They are the norm for humanity. Yet, in the shadows Humans share their world. Creatures once thought as myth hide in plain sight in this age. This will not last. Izuku Midoriya is one of these creatures. Can he succeed in his dream of being a Hero has the world falls into chaos? The shadows are gathering. IzuOcha
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 12 - Words: 49,853 - Reviews: 126 - Favs: 355 - Follows: 443 - Updated: 10/17/2019 - Published: 6/23/2018 - [Izuku M., Ochako U.] Toshinori Y./All Might, 1-A Students
Grand Blue Ocean by Starlight's Poet reviews
Laut Biru, a young man in the West Blue, dreams of one day leaving his home in pursuit of a dream he has yet to discover. One day, while sorting through his grandfather's junk, he discovers an odd golden bangle. A bangle connected to a treasure, thought to be part of the One Piece. A bangle that can summon individuals from the past. A bold new adventure is on the horizon!
Crossover - One Piece & Fate/stay night - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,260 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 156 - Follows: 185 - Published: 10/11/2019 - OC, Archer, Berserker, Francis Drake
Shooting Star Sonia 3: Red Joker by ExoZadakh reviews
Earth has advanced rapidly in the year following the failed revival of Mu, but that development has come at a price: ever-rising levels of Noise, which are now being utilized by the nefarious organization known as Dealer. Harp Note has been asked to help WAZA thwart these criminals and control the danger posed by Noise, but it soon becomes apparent that far more is at stake.
Mega Man - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 39 - Words: 219,981 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 10/5/2019 - Published: 12/14/2017 - Sonia Strumm, Lyra, Harp Note - Complete
Rise of a New Moon by Icy the Frostbringer reviews
Zero Requiem was supposed to be the end. Lelouch died to bring peace to the world. However, his plan had an unforeseen consequence that nobody could have anticipated. Refused the right to rest in peace, Lelouch is forced into a new existence, and back into a familiar war. Parallel Universe. Gender Switch.
Code Geass - Rated: M - English - Supernatural - Chapters: 26 - Words: 175,266 - Reviews: 721 - Favs: 1,818 - Follows: 1,915 - Updated: 10/2/2019 - Published: 1/15/2014 - Lelouch L. - Complete
Miraculous Showdown by Sunny Lighter reviews
While at a party, Adrien is asked to befriend a strange boy. If only he knew the chaos that would come from this. Though, the fact Jack has an evil lab in his basement really should have been his first clue. Oneshot followed by drabbles. Pre Xiaolin Chronicles.
Crossover - Xiaolin Showdown & Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 34 - Words: 53,746 - Reviews: 470 - Favs: 358 - Follows: 340 - Updated: 9/29/2019 - Published: 1/25/2016 - Jack, Marinette D-C./Ladybug, Adrien A./Cat Noir
Harry Potter and the Cruxis Crystal by kopakanuvafan20 reviews
Lloyd, Colette and Raine showed up on that fateful night and took James, Lily and Harry to Symphonia and now the magical world thinks they are dead. Ten years later he comes back to attend Hogwarts as an angel named Harry Aurion.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Tales of Symphonia - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 26,995 - Reviews: 127 - Favs: 221 - Follows: 237 - Updated: 9/23/2019 - Published: 3/9/2007 - [Harry P., Ginny W.] - Complete
Universe Falls Shorts by TvFan2244 reviews
You know those Steven Universe and Gravity Falls shorts? Wish you could see them in Universe Falls but MiniJen only focuses on the episode chapters? Then see them right here! Got permission from MiniJen to write this. Also includes original one shots.
Crossover - Gravity Falls & Steven Universe - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 9,490 - Reviews: 77 - Favs: 104 - Follows: 93 - Updated: 9/23/2019 - Published: 1/13/2017
Phantom Twins by Author of the Insane reviews
Danny and Destiny Fenton were normal 17 year olds until their lives were irrevocably changed. With new powers they barely understand, and a whole mess of ghostly enemies, these twins must find a way to keep their home safe while making it home before curfew. Written in conjunction with my friend TrueUndeadHero
Danny Phantom - Rated: K+ - English - Horror/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 3 - Words: 16,591 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 9/12/2019 - Published: 7/17/2017 - Danny F., Tucker F., Sam M., OC
Teacher and Futa Student One shoot by DealtShadow35 reviews
Naruko is sick and tired of her hard ass teacher as she is now in detention and it is with this teacher. Naruko is excited and starts to plan what to do. Futa student is taking her bitch of a teacher and making her a slutty teacher for her only
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,732 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 172 - Follows: 113 - Published: 9/9/2019 - Hinata H., Naruko U. - Complete
Irene: The Magic Queen by Hyaenodon reviews
After her suicide, The Queen of Dragons suddenly found herself in a different world than her own. What will she do in this world? Beware SPOILERS.
Crossover - Fairy Tail & Magi/マギ - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 6 - Words: 22,774 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 71 - Updated: 9/7/2019 - Published: 6/21/2019 - August, Irene B., Kougyoku R., Dunya
Tales of Brave Faunus by Gravenimage reviews
During v4 ep3" of stowaways and runaways" the ship carrying Blake and Sun gets caught in a incident that sent both to a whole new world. New faces, places, new friendships will be made and love will bloom as the two faunus explore and try to find a way back home. While they choose Remnant or to fight for this new world. A world where faunus don't exist.
Crossover - Tales of Vesperia & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 10 - Words: 92,154 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 60 - Follows: 67 - Updated: 9/6/2019 - Published: 4/12/2019 - [Blake B., Yuri L.] [Sun W., Judith]
Superwomen of Eva: Emerald Fury by OrionPax09 reviews
When Misato stops the Jet Alone robot, nobody suspects the consequences she must face...or the deadly secret in her blood.
Evangelion - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 471,769 - Reviews: 280 - Favs: 292 - Follows: 236 - Updated: 9/3/2019 - Published: 6/10/2008 - [Shinji I., Misato K.] Hikari H., Mana K.
The This Bites! Omake Collection by CV12Hornet reviews
The Cross-Brain tells the main story of Jeremiah Cross and Soundbite and their travels with the Straw Hat Pirates. Here, however, is what the talented fans of This Bites! have created for "what else"s, "what if"s, and "what the ****"s.
One Piece - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 112 - Words: 224,917 - Reviews: 1239 - Favs: 716 - Follows: 692 - Updated: 9/2/2019 - Published: 11/6/2016
Overlady by EarthScorpion reviews
"A new overlady, you say? She's a little short and flat-chested, although her temper is impressively vile. Oh well. Needs must when needs must. Too long have the lands of Halkeginia gone without true Evil. There are fluffy bunnies and happy ponies all over the place, frolicking! It makes me quite sick! No, it doesn't matter if she wants to or not. Because Evil always finds a way."
Crossover - Familiar of Zero & Overlord - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Humor - Chapters: 76 - Words: 493,268 - Reviews: 2545 - Favs: 3,161 - Follows: 3,140 - Updated: 8/31/2019 - Published: 12/1/2012 - Louise
Burning Bridges, Crossed Minds by W.I.T.C.H.-and-Naruto-Gurl reviews
Haggar's attack on the wormhole zaps Team Voltron to the mysterious and deadly planet Nirn. Rescued by some unexpected natives, the team must regroup and join forces with their rescuers if only to at least survive the nightmares Tamriel, and even they themselves, has to offer. M for violence and morbid themes. Will be triggers in the future! Takes place after season 1.
Crossover - Elder Scroll series & Voltron: Legendary Defender - Rated: M - English - Drama/Supernatural - Chapters: 12 - Words: 27,886 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 8/30/2019 - Published: 2/16/2019 - OC, Keith, T. Shirogane/Shiro, Lance
Code Geass: Operation Nidhogg by snakeboy33 reviews
"The duty of a patriot, is to protect his country from its government." Thomas Paine. Princess Euphemia loves her country, and she loves her people. She would do anything for them, even if that meant she would have to consort with those her government deemed to be her country's enemies. Inspired by true events.
Code Geass - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Family - Chapters: 5 - Words: 13,408 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 74 - Follows: 99 - Updated: 8/24/2019 - Published: 10/7/2017 - Lelouch L., Suzaku K., Kallen S., Euphemia L.B.
Devil Fantasy XIII by Da-Awesom-One reviews
After the Devil May Cry team is brought back to Fortuna for a mission, Nero winds up in the world of Cocoon, and comes across new companions. Now they must run from a corrupt government, and their predetermined fate. But how will Nero react when he has to face his own demons, and an enemy from his past? (Prologue & Ch. 1-8 Revamped; GOING THROUGH REVISION; NOW RATED M.)
Crossover - Devil May Cry & Final Fantasy XIII - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 9 - Words: 126,193 - Reviews: 434 - Favs: 500 - Follows: 487 - Updated: 8/20/2019 - Published: 7/11/2011 - Nero, Lightning, Snow, Serah F.
Trump Card by ack1308 reviews
Taylor gains powers in the locker; this much is familiar. But the power she gets, and what she does with it, begins to change things around considerably. Faced with the pressure of the power she has, and official apathy, she must make her own decisions, and take a different route to achieve her goals. There will be trouble.
Worm - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Drama - Chapters: 37 - Words: 180,285 - Reviews: 1450 - Favs: 4,255 - Follows: 4,310 - Updated: 8/19/2019 - Published: 12/16/2014 - Shadow Stalker, Armsmaster, Über, Leet - Complete
Futanari Goddess by snakebit1995 reviews
After the death of the men, Robin is forced to change her remaining soldiers to save the world. So with help from Anna and Tharja she'll set out to save the future. After she succeeds she gains a power she never imagined. FORMERLY known as The Futanari Tactician.
Fire Emblem - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 63 - Words: 67,782 - Reviews: 200 - Favs: 348 - Follows: 318 - Updated: 8/16/2019 - Published: 9/3/2015 - [Avatar/Robin, Anna, Tharja, Lissa]
The Little Stark by Moon Witch '96 reviews
Drabble Series. A curious little mermaid made the mistake of annoying a Sea Witch and a man who was made of nothing but mistakes saved her. Together they make an unlikely family, and show that the world really was changing into something unlikely. Will eventually go through the events of all the Avenger movies. Please Read and Review.
Crossover - Little Mermaid & Avengers - Rated: T - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 81 - Words: 38,549 - Reviews: 197 - Favs: 381 - Follows: 422 - Updated: 8/15/2019 - Published: 12/31/2013 - [Iron Man/Tony S., Pepper P.] Ariel
Blank Slate by DrWriter21 reviews
After his first mission, Axel gave some very vague instructions about the corridor of darkness. Now stranded in a new world, Roxas needs to learn how to deal with people who passionately express their emotions, even though he lacks them. Read as this empty shell begins to understand and desire the power of a heart. And who knows, maybe even gain one himself.
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & Daily Life with a Monster Girl/モンスター娘のいる日常 - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 27 - Words: 338,972 - Reviews: 1030 - Favs: 921 - Follows: 1,002 - Updated: 8/11/2019 - Published: 11/21/2016
The Dragon's Knight by sakurademonalchemist reviews
Xanxus is at the end of his rope with his 'father'. So when a rather unique opportunity comes knocking, he doesn't hesitate to take it. Only catch is that he's stuck escorting his crazy grandmother, his Rain and his bratty Storm along for the ride. Can this "Holy Grail" really solve his problem, or will it unlock hidden secrets of his past he never knew?
Crossover - Katekyo Hitman Reborn! & Fate/stay night - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Crime - Chapters: 9 - Words: 24,524 - Reviews: 270 - Favs: 1,192 - Follows: 1,064 - Updated: 8/9/2019 - Published: 3/11/2019 - [Xanxus, Mordred] Daniela/Vongola VIII/Vongola Ottavo
A Stranded Adventure by Astra Ashes reviews
After Sora gets stranded on a whole new world he has to venture on a Pokémon journey in order to find a way back home. Course finding a way back home in world filled with it's own challenges and obstacles might be harder than it already sounds.
Crossover - Pokémon & Kingdom Hearts - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 39 - Words: 115,079 - Reviews: 83 - Favs: 117 - Follows: 109 - Updated: 8/7/2019 - Published: 8/30/2012 - Sora
Justice and Rebellion by hahy4040 reviews
When Shirou Emiya and Rin Tohsaka move to Tokyo for a year to investigate mental shutdown cases, they soon realize that they may have bitten off more than they can chew. When they become involved with whole new realities and powers beyond their imagination, they are confronted with the possibility that Magecraft may only be one of many parts of the supernatural world.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 23,494 - Reviews: 117 - Favs: 227 - Follows: 329 - Updated: 8/7/2019 - Published: 6/19/2019
Devil Hunter Yang by beefskellington reviews
Bonding to a new arm after losing her old one, Yang Xiao Long finds herself lost in an another world, one filled with creatures far more terrifying than the Grimm could ever be. Taken in by the previous owner of the arm, a man named Nero, Yang learns the ropes of being another kind of hunter, using her new skills to hunt for the demon that took her away from her home.
Crossover - Devil May Cry & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Fantasy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 30,837 - Reviews: 49 - Favs: 137 - Follows: 174 - Updated: 8/6/2019 - Published: 5/27/2019 - Nero, Nico G., Yang X.L.
Extending a Hand by erttheking reviews
After the Dominion War, Starfleet is returning to its old mission of exploration. A routine deep space mission takes a turn for the dramatic when not only is a new species discovered, but an armada that dwarfs anything the Federation has ever seen before. Patreon sponsored one-shot
Crossover - StarTrek: The Next Generation & Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,136 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 108 - Follows: 130 - Published: 8/6/2019
Hells Open, Heavens Weep by RoseDragonWitch reviews
Sequel to 'Eyes Ever Heavensward.' Their adventure in Ishgard was over, as well as the end to the Dragonsong War. But fate won't let them rest yet. A new adventure is over the horizon, one that promises to bring just as much, if not even more bloodshed than over the fields of ice. Their last battle was about ending a war… this next one is all about liberation!
Final Fantasy XIV - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 56 - Words: 713,028 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 67 - Updated: 8/6/2019 - Published: 7/1/2017 - Complete
The Spiraling Crystal by RoseDragonWitch reviews
With the end of the Ultima Weapon and having recently earned the title of a hero, the Warrior of Light is contemplating taking a rest from her new fame. But duty ever calls. For she is suddenly called away to an excavation of the Crystal Tower and learn the secrets that live inside it. Not yet realizing just how closely her destiny will be tied to this ancient pillar of crystal.
Final Fantasy XIV - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 7 - Words: 54,574 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 8/6/2019 - Published: 7/5/2019 - Warrior of Light, Cid nG., Nero tS., G. Tia - Complete
Walk Two Lifetimes by Coolio101 reviews
Surviving in the 78th district of South Rukongai was tough. When you were a ten-year-old girl with a baby to take care of, it was even harder. Getting reincarnated as Kuchiki Hisana after dying of cancer was never part of the plan. SI/OC, Pre-Canon
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 36 - Words: 360,641 - Reviews: 5330 - Favs: 6,941 - Follows: 7,107 - Updated: 8/5/2019 - Published: 7/27/2014 - [Byakuya K., Hisana K.] Rukia K., OC
Futa clan revivers by DealtShadow35 reviews
being the only two members of the nearly extinct clan, now it's up to a Pair of Mother and Daugther to bring back the clan as their will share every woman in their harem. Futa Kushina, Futa Naruko, Harem.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 33,672 - Reviews: 62 - Favs: 295 - Follows: 252 - Updated: 8/5/2019 - Published: 5/29/2019
The Endless Pursuit of Perfection by Nitramy reviews
Thanks to a rogue asteroid hijacking Taylor's trigger event, she ends up trading her bug control for an entirely new set of powers: fabulous poses, musical references and bizarre adventures are in store for Brockton Bay's newest super heroine! Also Roundabout by Yes!
Crossover - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & Worm - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 5 - Words: 36,656 - Reviews: 49 - Favs: 314 - Follows: 375 - Updated: 8/3/2019 - Published: 7/30/2018
Medafighter: Naruto Tenryo (Discontinued) by NeoNazo356 reviews
When one door closes, a window is sure to open. From a world rife with conflict and strife, through happenstance of fate, a fallen hero is given a second chance. Reborn in the twenty-second century, how will our hero fare in a time and place where sentient robots tote live ammo like the latest fashion, and adult supervision is next to nonexistant?
Crossover - Medabots & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 22 - Words: 103,465 - Reviews: 172 - Favs: 254 - Follows: 184 - Updated: 7/28/2019 - Published: 11/21/2009 - Naruto U. - Complete
It Gets Worse by ack1308 reviews
This is a Taylor Hebert centric story, starting just after the locker. Details after that are sketchy ...
Worm - Rated: T - English - Humor/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 21 - Words: 152,972 - Reviews: 1720 - Favs: 3,607 - Follows: 2,987 - Updated: 7/26/2019 - Published: 12/4/2015 - Shadow Stalker, Danny H., Emma B., Madison C. - Complete
Price of Blood by ack1308 reviews
We take the tale up in early February of 2011, when Sophia incites a group of boys to chase Taylor down and duct-tape her to a telephone pole. It all goes horribly wrong from the moment that they catch her. Things will never be the same again, for Taylor Hebert or for Brockton Bay.
Worm - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Drama - Chapters: 19 - Words: 151,548 - Reviews: 584 - Favs: 1,944 - Follows: 2,209 - Updated: 7/24/2019 - Published: 11/30/2016 - Skitter, Shadow Stalker, Armsmaster, E. Piggot - Complete
Return to Sender by PoeticPillock reviews
In the wastelands of Western America, a man known as the "Courier" has, unfortunately, become a sort of legend among Wastelanders. But he is flung far from the Mojave to a great, new world populated by their own legends. Those who have left a legacy, or are trying to, with a bygone organization called "Overwatch". The world could always use more heroes... If he even fits the bill.
Crossover - Fallout & Overwatch - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 64 - Words: 513,604 - Reviews: 653 - Favs: 1,198 - Follows: 1,449 - Updated: 7/23/2019 - Published: 9/9/2016 - Courier
WonderShock by MartyrFan reviews
What if instead of 1870s London, Alice's story took place in the city of Rapture? With Bumby dead and Wonderland restored, Alice must prepare for her greatest challenge yet: The Rapture Civil War. Inspired by TheObsessor11294's "Wondershock" on DeviantArt. Will include characters from Rise of the Guardians in later chapters. Rated T for violence and occasional language. ON HIATUS.
Crossover - American McGee's Alice & BioShock - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Horror - Chapters: 13 - Words: 141,344 - Reviews: 42 - Favs: 107 - Follows: 111 - Updated: 7/20/2019 - Published: 10/16/2015 - Alice, Cheshire Cat, Jack R., B. Tenenbaum
I'm here, in the name of the Moon! by Silver Loreley reviews
Being N 1 Hero didn't let All Might have a normal family, no matter how he wished it. In fact, a lot of things didn't work out and in the divorce he had to distance himself from his beloved daughter who, in turn, grew up with a void in her life. Years later, Usagi is asked to become a Hero by a black cat. Aka All Might has a daughter and she's Sailor Moon. Collection of One-Shots
Crossover - Sailor Moon & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,419 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 42 - Updated: 7/20/2019 - Published: 6/11/2019
Protector of the Fairies by Takei Daloui reviews
Fairy Tail. They protect their own. They stick together and fight together. Not everyone believes in the same path though. One man will decide his own path in the world, and it will lead him to the path he is destined for. He will become the strongest. He will become their shield and he will become their sword. He will become the Protector of the Fairies.
Crossover - Bleach & Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 259 - Words: 2,163,661 - Reviews: 3558 - Favs: 3,210 - Follows: 2,924 - Updated: 7/17/2019 - Published: 7/30/2013 - Ichigo K.
The Wilds Daughter by Shadow Nightblade reviews
Weiss lived her life as a Schnee, not knowing the truth that was hidden from her. One that her own true mother begged Willow Schnee to keep from her. With that secret brought a new life for Weiss, and Willow raised her as her own. Never breaking the promise she made to her old friend. Wolf Weiss story.
RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 129 - Words: 362,863 - Reviews: 914 - Favs: 427 - Follows: 528 - Updated: 7/15/2019 - Published: 2/7/2018 - [Weiss S., Ruby R.] Blake B., Yang X.L.
The Nightmare Before Hogwarts by USA Tiger reviews
On the routine scare for Halloween, the Creature Under the Stairs accidently comes across Harry Potter and leaves the door back to Halloween Town open. Harry follows the Halloween monster back, changing his life forever.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Nightmare Before Christmas - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Humor - Chapters: 21 - Words: 82,026 - Reviews: 520 - Favs: 1,432 - Follows: 1,571 - Updated: 7/11/2019 - Published: 10/20/2017 - [James P., Lily Evans P.] Harry P., Jack S.
Six Signers by Earth Beast reviews
Leo got His Singer Dragon and Mark of the Dragon before Fortune Cup. But the problem is, he in the Satellite. What will happen when Leo and Luna meet each other?
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 52 - Words: 196,567 - Reviews: 350 - Favs: 213 - Follows: 163 - Updated: 7/8/2019 - Published: 1/19/2011 - [Life Stream Dragon, Ancient Fairy Dragon] Rua/Leo, Ruka/Luna
RWBY Zero by TheMaster4444 reviews
With the Vytal Festival in full swing, Teams RWBY and JNPR are shocked when an unexpected family member arrives at the school. Elsewhere, Cinder's wild card teammate proves himself a dangerous enigma, and Arturia tries to prevent a loved one from following her old path. New players have come to Remnant, and a golden shadow is ready to change the game for everyone.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Drama - Chapters: 95 - Words: 614,638 - Reviews: 2749 - Favs: 1,351 - Follows: 1,344 - Updated: 7/7/2019 - Published: 11/5/2017 - Saber, Archer, Ruby R., Jaune A. - Complete
Bloodstone by ThatOnePsycho reviews
Ruby hadn't expected to be pulled out her quiet, and boring, retirement to join a team on the hunt for a god... but she wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Crossover - Avengers & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 8 - Words: 31,606 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 96 - Follows: 126 - Updated: 7/6/2019 - Published: 5/16/2019 - [Ruby R., Blake B.] Yang X.L.
Black Sky by Umei no Mai reviews
When you're a Black, you're a Black and nobody gets to hold all the cards except you. Not a Dark Lord with a grudge, not a Headmaster with a prophecy and certainly not the world's most influential Mafia Family... Dorea is as much a Black as a Potter and she is not about to let anybody walk over her! A Fem!Harry story. Slow Build.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - Rated: T - English - Family/Fantasy - Chapters: 333 - Words: 1,355,292 - Reviews: 18280 - Favs: 8,122 - Follows: 7,910 - Updated: 7/6/2019 - Published: 10/1/2014 - [Xanxus, Harry P.] Luna L., Varia
A New Destiny by Logan GC reviews
Instead of dying, Galen Marek is given a second chance from the Force as he is whisked away to Earth-16. There he meets a team of conflicted teenage heroes but has no memory of who he was. As he struggles to remember his past, he befriends a certain female archer who is more similar to him than he realizes. Image belongs to Nikimari. Commissioned by Paleodemon. Chapter 30 uploaded!
Crossover - Star Wars & Young Justice - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 32 - Words: 201,856 - Reviews: 547 - Favs: 653 - Follows: 690 - Updated: 7/3/2019 - Published: 7/28/2012 - [G. Marek/Starkiller, Artemis C./Artemis]
The Wonder of Devotion by wibn reviews
As a last attempt to rekindle her relationship with her brother, Suguha bought SAO without his knowledge. She hoped maybe this would help them bond. She couldn't have guessed what's in store for her, her brother, and the friends they'll meet while journeying through this game of death.
Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン - Rated: T - English - Family/Drama - Chapters: 9 - Words: 41,205 - Reviews: 69 - Favs: 174 - Follows: 224 - Updated: 6/30/2019 - Published: 2/16/2019 - Kirito/Kazuto K., Asuna/Asuna Y., Leafa/Suguha K., Argo
Futanari of the Wild by snakebit1995 reviews
Link wakes up from the Resurrection Shrine with some surprising side effects. Contains: Futanari, LEMONS CANCELED
Legend of Zelda - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 17 - Words: 18,116 - Reviews: 75 - Favs: 379 - Follows: 350 - Updated: 6/28/2019 - Published: 10/24/2017 - Link, Mipha, Riju, Paya
Fairy of Zero by Razamataz22 reviews
Louise had wished for the summon she brought forth to be both beautiful and powerful. While Fairy Tail's Titania, Erza Scarlet, fit those catagories it's quite possible that Louise should have wished for something else.
Crossover - Familiar of Zero & Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 13 - Words: 34,828 - Reviews: 198 - Favs: 471 - Follows: 648 - Updated: 6/27/2019 - Published: 5/11/2018 - Louise, Kirche, Tabitha, Erza S.
Sailor Star by Emma Iveli reviews
AU. Shortly after arriving on Earth, Star meets a talking cat named Luna who tells her she's Sailor Moon. Now with other foreign exchange students from all over the world she must battle a completely different force of evil! But can she battle this evil while trying to keep her identity secret? Or will Luna end up going crazy first? Please R&R
Crossover - Sailor Moon & Star Vs. The Forces of Evil - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 13,754 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 48 - Updated: 6/26/2019 - Published: 3/18/2018 - Luna, Sailor Senshi/Sailor Scouts, Star B., Marco D.
A Spirited Gang-Star by beefskellington reviews
One is a fabulously dressed gangster with a terrifying supernatural power. The other is an android with a human heart and a really big axe. Pannacotta Fugo and Fifth Generation Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon Labrys couldn't be any more different, but when a terrifying new enemy surfaces in Italy, the two find themselves together on a bizarre adventure that may be their last.
Crossover - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Suspense/Supernatural - Chapters: 8 - Words: 59,410 - Reviews: 69 - Favs: 117 - Follows: 145 - Updated: 6/23/2019 - Published: 5/19/2017 - Pannacotta F., OC, Labrys
The Phantom Reaper by Tricksterverse reviews
After her first day, Ruby got the impression that her and Yang's probation was gonna be... easy enough. That was until other worlds, stealing hearts and Velvet Rooms with psychotic wardens got into the mix. What's a high school student turned Phantom Thief to do?
Crossover - Persona Series & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Friendship - Chapters: 5 - Words: 49,849 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 49 - Follows: 55 - Updated: 6/18/2019 - Published: 4/2/2019 - Igor, Goro A., Team RWBY, Team JNPR
Harry Hibiki and the Philosopher's Stone by USA Tiger reviews
On the night Voldemort attacks the Potter's home, a completely different person finds Harry before Sirius Black or Hagrid. Harry is found and adopted by Nermia's very own eternal lost boy Ryoga Hibiki! Soon Harry will be joining his classmates at Hogwarts but how will Hogwarts handle this kind of Harry? And how does it affect the prophecy, what is the 'power he knows not?
Crossover - Ranma & Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 19 - Words: 168,720 - Reviews: 674 - Favs: 1,903 - Follows: 2,168 - Updated: 6/17/2019 - Published: 5/6/2013 - Ryoga, Harry P.
The Demon's Scion by snakeboy33 reviews
Liz Lamperouge was willing to live a peaceful, but lonely life in the world her father built, watching her family from a distance. But when his peace is threatened, she just may be the only one who can save it. "Adults can make peace, but it is up to the children to maintain it." Past Lelouch x Kallen.
Code Geass - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 5 - Words: 9,233 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 76 - Follows: 107 - Updated: 6/15/2019 - Published: 2/8/2019 - Lelouch L., C.C., Kallen S., OC
STARDERP TENDENCY by Jonathan Wolf reviews
In which Aqua end up banished as a Pillar (Wo)Man, Kazuma end up reincarnated as the third JoJo, Darkness being a Hamon user, and Megumin is now the little sister of Yoshikage Kira. A Crossover AU about Konosuba Gang's shenanigans in the JoJoverse! Hamon, Stands, And useless Pillar Woman abound!
Crossover - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World - Rated: T - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 36 - Words: 125,925 - Reviews: 130 - Favs: 189 - Follows: 220 - Updated: 6/12/2019 - Published: 7/26/2018 - [Megumin, Kazuma S.] Joseph J., Yoshikage K.
Breath of the Champions by AnimeEmperor reviews
What if Link wasn't the only one who was taken to the Shrine of Resurrection? What if the other Champions survived too and where taken there with him? What if they didn't lose their memories? Ganon thought he was through with them. He was wrong.
Legend of Zelda - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 7 - Words: 31,787 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 137 - Follows: 141 - Updated: 6/11/2019 - Published: 12/27/2017
The Path Forward by KingRPG reviews
Sequel to "A New Beginning", this takes place two months after the events of last chapter. Now that the schism has been dispelled, Auj Oule and Rashugal try to adapt to the addition of Elympios. Ludger and his friends struggles to adapt to this new world, Exodus still a threat and Origin's Trial still at hand. Will this new timeline end up in failure? Or can they create a new path?
Tales of Xillia - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 23,041 - Reviews: 44 - Favs: 105 - Follows: 106 - Updated: 6/9/2019 - Published: 3/18/2017 - Jude M., Ludger K., Milla, Milla M.
A Distant World by KingRPG reviews
What if Ludger, Jude and Milla entered a fractured dimension - only to discover they have entered a completely different world. Read on as the trio now join Velvet's group in her journey. Will the entrance of these three outsiders help Velvet on her quest? Or will they completely change the course of the Midgand Empire?
Crossover - Tales of Xillia & Tales of Berseria - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 17 - Words: 140,620 - Reviews: 220 - Favs: 203 - Follows: 236 - Updated: 6/9/2019 - Published: 2/8/2017 - Jude M., Ludger K., Milla M., Velvet C.
Ink Stained Leaves by Lostbasin reviews
The Nine-Tails attack on Konoha left the village feeling defeated and on edge. Will the arrival of a newly reunited clan be what it needs to make a come back and once again show the ninja world why they are the strongest? What affect will their arrival have on a certain blond haired prankster? Human Ammy, rated T for now, may change as story progresses.
Crossover - Naruto & Okami - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 16 - Words: 169,382 - Reviews: 112 - Favs: 218 - Follows: 248 - Updated: 6/3/2019 - Published: 2/4/2017 - Naruto U., Amaterasu
Sovereign by TheStrangerThatCameFromNowhere reviews
Yggdrasil, the massively popular DMMORPG, was coming to an end after twelve long years. However, when the servers shut down, a Player and his group of NPCs find themselves in a brand new world. Hakuno Kishinami, Sovereign of the Moon Cell, is about to embark on a brand new adventure, all the while taking this world by storm. And perhaps cross paths with a certain Overlord...
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Overlord/オーバーロード - Rated: M - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 19,513 - Reviews: 86 - Favs: 419 - Follows: 566 - Updated: 6/3/2019 - Published: 5/12/2019 - Hakuno K., Ainz, Lakyus, Evileye
Light Party by Meyneth24 reviews
Hope Estheim wants to learn about a magical stone that can give you powers, His best friend Snow comes along from Sharlayan. What power will they unlock? FFXIII Characters in the FFXIV world, starts during ARR, Eventual Snow/Serah and Noel/Yeul
Crossover - Final Fantasy XIII & Final Fantasy XIV - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 5 - Words: 7,006 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 5/31/2019 - Published: 11/8/2017 - [Snow, Serah F.] Hope, Vanille
Tell it to the Marines by Tsume Yuki reviews
Because sometimes a tale is too tall not to tell. Even if no one will ever believe her, this isn't Riskua's first shot at life. It is her first time as the 'big sister' of the nuisance that is Monkey D. Luffy however. Self Insert. (slow burn on the pairing)
One Piece - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 58 - Words: 325,975 - Reviews: 4060 - Favs: 5,260 - Follows: 5,529 - Updated: 5/28/2019 - Published: 10/12/2016 - [Ace, OC] Luffy, Sabo
Seraphim by Shadows of Vanity reviews
Alternate Earths have been theorized for centuries, confirmed for scant decades, and not yet understood in any sort of detail. Yet across them all, it was thought, only Humanity existed in sentience upon the physical plane. The truth, however, could not have been more different. From one of these far worlds came the Fallen Angel known to Earth Bet as Annette Hebert. Harem, AU, More
Crossover - High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D & Worm - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 73,574 - Reviews: 71 - Favs: 617 - Follows: 719 - Updated: 5/27/2019 - Published: 12/4/2018 - [Skitter, Panacea] [Miss Militia, Danny H.]
Garnet Inside Out by Westing1992 reviews
Various episodes of Steven Universe, told from the perspective of Garnet's emotions.
Crossover - Steven Universe & Inside Out - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 43,611 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 34 - Updated: 5/24/2019 - Published: 9/18/2016 - Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire
Reaction to: Tales of a Crossover by Zerodone reviews
Story request by Nerf585. Any complaints are to be directed to him. The crew of the canon Berseria and Zestiria games will react to my fanfiction Tales of a Crossover. With special guest: Princess Alisha. (Please mind the first chapter is just the set-up)
Crossover - Tales of Zestiria & Tales of Berseria - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 7 - Words: 16,348 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 87 - Follows: 112 - Updated: 5/22/2019 - Published: 11/6/2017
Digital VRAINS by Boyzilla reviews
A strange virus has destabilized the boundary between two different worlds, Hakuno Zaizen and Aoi Zaizen find themselves brought into another timeline belonging to Hakuno Kishinami and the Digidestined. With the worlds of Digital Extra and Fate VRAINS slowly collapsing, it's up to the heroes of both worlds to join together and restore the boundaries before it is too late!
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 3 - Words: 31,638 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 77 - Follows: 86 - Updated: 5/18/2019 - Published: 6/1/2018 - Hakuno K., Aoi Z./Blue Angel
Lost Penny by IceWarrior13 reviews
(AN: Undergoing rewrite) What if Penny Polendina's story didn't end that night in the arena, when she was torn apart in front of thousands of people? What if her story was just beginning? What if she did have a chance to save not just one world, but three? What if Penny Polendina became an Autobot, a member of Team Prime?
Crossover - Transformers/Beast Wars & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,761 - Reviews: 183 - Favs: 296 - Follows: 299 - Updated: 5/17/2019 - Published: 3/23/2016 - Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Pyrrha N., Penny P.
Guiding Spirit by Emma Iveli reviews
AU Crossover with Naruto. After Orochimaru takes over Sasuke's body, Sasuke finds a chance to redeem himself... being the Guiding Spirit of one Monkey D. Luffy. Can Sasuke help him become King of the Pirates? Please R&R
Crossover - Naruto & One Piece - Rated: T - English - Humor/Supernatural - Chapters: 24 - Words: 37,787 - Reviews: 161 - Favs: 214 - Follows: 219 - Updated: 5/14/2019 - Published: 3/9/2007 - Sasuke U., Luffy
Devils, Angels, and a Gamer by Phoenix Champion reviews
Vincent Lane, once had a boring life, now finds himself as The Gamer in Kuoh Academy. Now's he's got several things on his to do list: Survive, help Rias and her Peerage, and completely screw over any and all opposition to the safety of his friends and perhaps some other people. Now if only he could figure out where to draw the line on this harem he's getting. OCxHarem, IsseixHarem
High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 29 - Words: 74,543 - Reviews: 875 - Favs: 2,791 - Follows: 3,303 - Updated: 5/5/2019 - Published: 5/3/2017 - OC, H. Issei, Rias G., H. Akeno
Soul of Fire by Zeionia aka Disturbed reviews
After being betrayed by Soul Society, Ichigo and his sisters leave Karakura behind to find shelter with the remains of their grandfather's clan in the Land of Fire. Instead of the peaceful life they were hoping for, they reach Konoha just as a new danger appears to threaten the Uzumaki. Heart-broken and tired of fighting, will Ichigo be able to protect his sisters and his new home?
Crossover - Naruto & Bleach - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 30 - Words: 278,153 - Reviews: 1278 - Favs: 2,800 - Follows: 2,975 - Updated: 5/4/2019 - Published: 8/14/2014 - Naruto U., Ichigo K.
Spidey Vs The Forces Of Evil by CMR Rosa reviews
It's hard enough being Spiderman on a normal day. But when he wind up hosting a magical princess from another dimension who just wants to have fun, being Spiderman goes from tough to nearly impossible. Especially once she knows your secret.
Crossover - Spider-Man & Star Vs. The Forces of Evil - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 7 - Words: 42,072 - Reviews: 317 - Favs: 298 - Follows: 346 - Updated: 5/1/2019 - Published: 7/25/2017 - Peter P./Spider-Man, May P., Star B., Janna
Those Pesky Seven Years by Professor of Gallifrey reviews
What if Link had been sent to Fiore at the same time that the Tenrou Team was sealed away? What if they had just barely missed meeting each other? How will the guild react to hearing about the new member that had joined while they were gone? One-shot based on a theory of mine. Enjoy!
Crossover - Legend of Zelda & Fairy Tail - Rated: K - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,891 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 25 - Published: 4/30/2019 - Link, Mavis V. - Complete
Gorgon and Thanatos by Quatermass reviews
Now the curator of a magical library in Japan, Harry, along with his adopted daughter Sakura, is about to witness the Fourth Holy Grail War. But an accidental summoning brings him a Heroic Spirit who has a link to a past Harry didn't know about. But as the Grail War progresses, can Harry and Medusa, along with their loved ones, survive intact?
Crossover - Harry Potter & Fate/stay night - Rated: M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 23 - Words: 66,246 - Reviews: 424 - Favs: 2,253 - Follows: 2,538 - Updated: 4/25/2019 - Published: 12/31/2016 - [Harry P., Medusa] Sakura M., Kariya M.
P5: Phantom Drive by Jacob Pendra-Huth reviews
A re-adaptation of the Persona 5 game/anime, featuring three new OCs to the series: The trouble-prone Guren Sakura, the self-proclaimed otaku Haneru Kurosawa, and the veteran Persona-user Mia Kurosawa. The story revolves around the viewpoint of these three heroes, and how they impact the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, and those associated with them. Co-writing with Coral the Leviathan.
Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Friendship - Chapters: 13 - Words: 185,607 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 59 - Updated: 4/25/2019 - Published: 4/9/2018 - Protagonist, OC, Makoto N.
Fullbringer by Zanka no Tachi 31 reviews
Ichigo has lost his mother due to the hollow grand fisher and saw the whole thing. he finally snaps watching his mother get beaten by the hollow and gains fullbring powers. IchigoXOc (Discontinued) Rewrite is up!
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 20 - Words: 51,804 - Reviews: 168 - Favs: 281 - Follows: 270 - Updated: 4/24/2019 - Published: 5/25/2013 - Ichigo K., Karin K.
God Slaying Blade Works by Marcus Galen Sands reviews
The first Fate/Stay Night-Campione! crossover. A Heavens Feel Shirou finds that himself and Illya have been pulled into another world by a corrupted Grail. There his actions lead to him becoming the Eighth god killing Devil King. Now he has to deal with becoming someone who rules where he walks, even if he doesn't want to. That and trying to find a way back home.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Campione!/カンピオーネ! - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 45 - Words: 1,201,342 - Reviews: 6949 - Favs: 7,898 - Follows: 7,888 - Updated: 4/14/2019 - Published: 9/27/2012 - Shirō E., K. Godou
Fixing You by Flaming Trails reviews
Victor and Alice would have liked all their problems to have been over with the restoration of Victor's memories. But as 1876 starts, Alice is still dealing with Londerland hallucinations, and Victor's struggling with the after-effects of being Bumby's slave. Perhaps what they need is a change of scenery. . .and perhaps Dr. Fixxler and his uncommon cures can be of use. . .
Crossover - American McGee's Alice & Corpse Bride - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 157,712 - Reviews: 58 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 4/11/2019 - Published: 12/21/2017 - [Alice, Victor V.] - Complete
Pirate in the League by WolfBlade117 reviews
Luffy is sent to the world of DC. How will affect the creation of the Justice League? Luffy/Multiple, Lemons. NO SLASH.
Crossover - One Piece & Justice League - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 10,646 - Reviews: 343 - Favs: 790 - Follows: 817 - Updated: 4/7/2019 - Published: 7/7/2013
Deviluke's Greatest Hero by Sir Ludwig reviews
When an opportunity presented itself to Izuku Midoriya and Lala Satalin Deviluke, both of them took their chance to take control of their destiny. One took on a mantle of responsibility from the man who inspired him to become a hero. The other only wanted the chance to forge her path in this universe. So what happens when these two meet each other?
Crossover - To Love-Ru & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 24,585 - Reviews: 61 - Favs: 230 - Follows: 277 - Updated: 4/6/2019 - Published: 2/7/2019 - Lala S. D., Izuku M.
The Stars of Remnant by TwinGamers011701 reviews
The world had reset, this much was true. No one could escape the change of the world. No one was even aware. However, when familiar events start to repeat, when the ties that ran thicker than blood begin to respond, who is called? The Stars that saved another world countless times will rise once again, to save the one they live in now. 10 chapter long one-shot!
Crossover - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 9 - Words: 121,932 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 173 - Follows: 177 - Updated: 4/6/2019 - Published: 5/3/2018
P5: Another Player in the Game by Toskie reviews
Another wild card enters the game. No one but a certain party knows about this, not even the rebels.
Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 18 - Words: 99,688 - Reviews: 151 - Favs: 482 - Follows: 607 - Updated: 4/5/2019 - Published: 10/8/2018 - Minato A./Makoto Y., Akira K./Ren A., Phantom Thieves
Loud Falls by TvFan2244 reviews
In this AU, Dipper and Mabel are part of the Loud Family. Their 11 siblings accompany them to the backwood town just west of weird: Gravity Falls to spend the summer, living with their great uncle, Stan Pines. There they encounter all kinds of paranormal weirdness; getting into hectic situations even more so than usual. Lets see if this band of siblings can make it.
Crossover - Gravity Falls & Loud House - Rated: T - English - Family/Supernatural - Chapters: 5 - Words: 61,152 - Reviews: 170 - Favs: 128 - Follows: 134 - Updated: 4/2/2019 - Published: 9/25/2016 - Dipper P., Mabel P., Lincoln L.
Silent Hero in Emerald by minnichi reviews
Dai Li agents do not question their rules. Those who threaten the balance of Ba Sing Se are to be eliminated at once - no exceptions. One agent, however, finds it difficult to obey after the rules decide to silence the love of his life.
Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 27 - Words: 201,140 - Reviews: 149 - Favs: 165 - Follows: 155 - Updated: 4/1/2019 - Published: 9/16/2011 - Dai Li, OC
Remnants of blades by MonksyD reviews
Due to age and major damage to the Mor Ardian titan, Morag takes leave of Rex's party to go and help her countries evacuation, Tora and Poppi following to help. But after Morag, Poppi and two of her Blades she brought along fall into the ether mine on its back, a distortion in another world transports them to that world. Now the group needs to find a way back to Alrest.
Crossover - RWBY & Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 24 - Words: 94,103 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 54 - Follows: 79 - Updated: 3/30/2019 - Published: 3/8/2018 - J. Ironwood, Morag, Poppi
The Twilight Will by Demonabyss reviews
What if Roxas decided not to merge with Sora? What if he went on his own adventure, visiting worlds much darker than what Sora visited? What would happen and what would he become? Spoilers for KH, CoM, 357/2, and more. 5th world - Legacy of Kain: Defiance.
Crossover - Game X-overs & Kingdom Hearts - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 50 - Words: 429,946 - Reviews: 866 - Favs: 495 - Follows: 437 - Updated: 3/29/2019 - Published: 10/17/2010 - Roxas
RWBY's Bizarre Adventure: Remnant Roses by LightningLink reviews
We were just normal kids. Or as normal as Huntsmen could be. But when the Arrow showed up in our lives, the students of Beacon started seeing just how bizarre our lives can get. And team RWBY? We're caught in the middle of it all. A JoJo x RWBY crossover where the world of Remnant gains Stand powers.
Crossover - RWBY & JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Rated: M - English - Drama/Mystery - Chapters: 60 - Words: 646,377 - Reviews: 381 - Favs: 275 - Follows: 249 - Updated: 3/29/2019 - Published: 1/6/2017 - Ruby R., Summer R., Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Complete
Paradise Lost by Abel Sephaos reviews
Waking up alone in a world that didn't know his name or past, Akira Kurusu didn't want to keep going after his steep fall from grace. Forgotten, defeated and without either comrades or confidants, the former Joker must come to grips with his failures while establishing himself once more. Getting drawn into the supernatural again, though? Count him out, he has a business to run.
Crossover - Persona Series & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Drama/Humor - Chapters: 29 - Words: 151,953 - Reviews: 1614 - Favs: 2,986 - Follows: 3,393 - Updated: 3/28/2019 - Published: 1/18/2018 - Akira K./Ren A.
A Conman's Kindness by Mugiwara N0 Luffy reviews
Arataka Reigen is many things. A self proclaimed psychic. An entrepreneur. A conman. But above all, he's a genuinely good guy. And some people could use a conman's help now and then.
Crossover - Persona Series & Mob Psycho 100/モブサイコ100 - Rated: T - English - Humor/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,439 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 148 - Follows: 178 - Updated: 3/25/2019 - Published: 3/19/2019 - Sadayo K., T. Takemi, Sojiro S., A. Reigen
Fire Emblem Fates: Mark of Destiny by Cloud Link Zero reviews
The three future children did not leave Ylisse unnoticed. Four more are sent after them, causing a chain reaction that could possibly send the war between Nohr and Hoshido in a direction nobody could see coming. Beware, Silent Dragon, for Fate will not let you take hold of it so easily as before. Long Fic, branching routes, original chapters, more personality inside. First try!
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 75,567 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 77 - Updated: 3/24/2019 - Published: 8/19/2017 - Morgan, Avatar/Corrin
Of Mages and Cambions by Blades of Chance reviews
Saita lived a rather normal life all things considered. If one counts being a Cambion in a world full of humans normal. Summoned by a pinkette mage, unaffectedly called a Zero, to a world were nobles use magic to be her familiar. Between corrupt nobles, civil unrest, wars, and a brat for a master. She shouldn't have passed through the green portal. femSaito, AU, rating may change.
Familiar of Zero - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 16,381 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 98 - Follows: 135 - Updated: 3/23/2019 - Published: 3/9/2019 - Louise, Saito, Tabitha, Siesta
Dragon Hunters by IceWarrior13 reviews
Five very special children are accidentally transported to the world of Remnant. Consequences arise and bonds are tested as these five are exposed to a brand new world, brand new rules of how they are to live and act, brand new friends, and brand new enemies.
Crossover - Fairy Tail & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 10 - Words: 31,319 - Reviews: 156 - Favs: 336 - Follows: 412 - Updated: 3/21/2019 - Published: 8/31/2017 - Natsu D., Wendy M., Sting E., Team RWBY
Shinobi Trickster by PoeticFire reviews
NarutoxP5. During the final battle, Naruto steals back some of the Bijus' chakra, but gets thrown from the dimension by Kaguya. He awakens in Tokyo with no chakra and no way to return. Naruto eventually finds new purpose with the rebellious Phantom Thieves as they try to change society. He'll form new bonds & show the world what it means to be a Trickster!
Crossover - Naruto & Persona Series - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 30 - Words: 198,774 - Reviews: 624 - Favs: 1,058 - Follows: 1,262 - Updated: 3/19/2019 - Published: 7/28/2017 - Naruto U.
Visiting a Friend by whackybiscuit reviews
Request by kill king. Orihime ventures to Hueco Mundo to check up on Nel, only to catch her and Halibel in the middle of something and gets dragged into it... NelXOrihimeXHalibel!
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,117 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 97 - Follows: 55 - Published: 3/18/2019 - [Orihime I., Neliel T. O./Nel, T. Harribel] - Complete
Lucky Fox Paradox by imthepunchlord reviews
After the failure with Stoneheart, Marinette had successfully given up the earrings and thought that was that. That she was done with the hero business. Done with anything miraculous. She was wrong. And her actions sparked off a great change of events.
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir - Rated: K - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 29 - Words: 257,207 - Reviews: 579 - Favs: 843 - Follows: 804 - Updated: 3/13/2019 - Published: 1/25/2017 - [Marinette D-C./Ladybug, Adrien A./Cat Noir] Alya C./Lady Wifi/Rena Rouge, Chloé B./Antibug - Complete
Quest of Kings by Emma Iveli reviews
AU Zatch Bell One Piece Crossover. The Straw Hats find 6 strange children and a weird horse on an uninhabited island unconscious. They lost most of their memories, what are mamodos? What's this about bookeepers in the battle for king? Please R&R.
Crossover - One Piece & Zatch Bell - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 51 - Words: 90,433 - Reviews: 146 - Favs: 107 - Follows: 50 - Updated: 3/12/2019 - Published: 11/2/2005 - Luffy, Zatch
Remnant of an Iron Rose by ptabs0101's brother reviews
The Vex invasion had been thwarted but battle against the Darkness still wages on as its forces work to overthrow the Light from either behind the scenes or out in the open. Remnant faced a major change to its future as the Last City is plagued by the mistakes of its past. (Adopted by FireteamNero)
Crossover - RWBY & Destiny - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 26 - Words: 78,682 - Reviews: 415 - Favs: 508 - Follows: 620 - Updated: 3/11/2019 - Published: 4/20/2017
Towering Memories and Treasured Dreams by RoseDragonWitch reviews
Sequel to 'Warm Memories' story. Already, a few weeks had passed since their adventure on the 'ghost island'. Still, they continue forward, preparing themselves for any challenge that awaits them. But it seems that their memories aren't willing to let them go just yet. A distant tower... a mysterious force that haunts the seas... will their trust with each other be strong enough?
One Piece - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 512,019 - Reviews: 459 - Favs: 695 - Follows: 706 - Updated: 3/10/2019 - Published: 2/26/2016
ToX: The Lilium Twin by GroundZeroFirework reviews
Novelization of Tales of Xillia I and II with a new OC. Chris Outway is Gaius' daughter and Jude Mathis' friend and classmate in Talim Medical School under the name of "Chris Aifread". Joining Jude and co. in their adventures, how will the journey change with a new pawn on the board? OC-centric. Cover ain't mine. Chapter 24 edited.
Tales of Xillia - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 30 - Words: 155,117 - Reviews: 123 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 66 - Updated: 3/7/2019 - Published: 2/19/2015 - Jude M., Milla M., OC
Forged in Blood and Bone by Vherstinae reviews
A campaign of hatred left her bent, but unbroken. When the world continues to be horrible to good people, however, the bent iron will snap back and strike at the aggressors. AU, Alt-Power Taylor.
Worm - Rated: M - English - Drama/Horror - Chapters: 15 - Words: 42,450 - Reviews: 331 - Favs: 1,669 - Follows: 2,040 - Updated: 3/7/2019 - Published: 1/14/2016
Goddess Reborn by aresu reviews
Indra and Asura weren't the only ones capable of reincarnating. As the most powerful being to ever exist, Kaguya's threat was never truly removed. Now as a young girl again with no memory of who she was, will she grow up to be the same crazed deity she had been in the past? Only time will tell if she will protect the world or destroy it.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 16 - Words: 76,975 - Reviews: 489 - Favs: 1,128 - Follows: 1,308 - Updated: 3/4/2019 - Published: 5/10/2018 - [Naruto U., Kaguya Ō.] Sasuke U., Kakashi H.
Misty's Pokegirl Harem by snakebit1995 reviews
Turns out Misty is a Futanari, with the power to change Pokemon into sexy Pokegirls. Follow her as she journeys with Ash and builds a group of girls right out of a dream. Contains LEMONS & Futanari. HIATUS
Pokémon - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 85 - Words: 78,948 - Reviews: 632 - Favs: 1,117 - Follows: 989 - Updated: 3/1/2019 - Published: 7/28/2015 - Misty/Kasumi, Pikachu
Futanari Ninjas by snakebit1995 reviews
When Asuka misuses a scroll the results are something she never imagined possible. Futanari Story containing LEMONS (Formerly titled Asuka: A Futanari Ninja) HIATUS
Senran Kagura/閃乱カグラ - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 90 - Words: 109,161 - Reviews: 217 - Favs: 425 - Follows: 303 - Updated: 2/27/2019 - Published: 3/27/2015 - [Asuka, Katsuragi, Ikaruga, Hibari]
Crimson Stars by mcdinh reviews
After the Signer/Dark Signer War, Crystal and her four childhood friends move to Neo Domino City and are preparing for the WRGP. So far, everything is peaceful...or is it? With new enemies and threats appearing, all Signers and their Star Guardians will have to combine their powers to stop them. However, what they don't know was that their tragic futures are about to happen...
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 18 - Words: 56,463 - Reviews: 85 - Favs: 46 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 2/24/2019 - Published: 11/29/2014 - Complete
Does Man Make The Monster? by Millie M. Banshee reviews
Powerless after the Winter War Ichigo felt something missing in his life so he joined the CCG as a ghoul investigator. One day after tagging along on a mission he shouldn't have even be on, he witnesses the killing Mrs. Fueguchi and her sacrifice to save her daughter. The incident awoke more than just old memories of his past. Now Ichigo must make a choice if he wants to survive.
Crossover - Bleach & Tokyo Ghoul/東京喰種トーキョーグール - Rated: T - English - Drama/Supernatural - Chapters: 32 - Words: 383,526 - Reviews: 760 - Favs: 1,086 - Follows: 1,170 - Updated: 2/22/2019 - Published: 3/6/2016 - Ichigo K., Kaneki K./Haise S.
Skyward Remnants by TwinGamers011701 reviews
I wanted to save her, my best friend, the person who means the world to me. She had fallen beneath the clouds, a place no one had ever come back from. I was determined to bring her back, back to her home...back to me. So when I was given the option to save her, to bring her back from beneath the clouds, I had no choice put to raise my new sword to the moons shattered Remnants.
Crossover - Legend of Zelda & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 100,242 - Reviews: 97 - Favs: 181 - Follows: 243 - Updated: 2/19/2019 - Published: 2/13/2017 - [Link, Zelda] Team RWBY, Team JNPR
Bringing them back by DarkPuddlesofInk reviews
Cannon-Divergance AU. During Roxas's fight with Riku, Axel appears and accidentally causes shift in the KH timeline. What happens when Riku couldn't defeat Roxas?
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 27 - Words: 30,475 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 87 - Follows: 90 - Updated: 2/13/2019 - Published: 9/9/2018 - Sora, Axel, Roxas, Xion - Complete
Persona Q: Stardust crusaders by QuintinFMA reviews
When on their way to the next town they get into a lot of trouble and now stand users and Persona users must work together, how shall this end?
Crossover - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Mystery - Chapters: 11 - Words: 32,787 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 39 - Follows: 56 - Updated: 2/11/2019 - Published: 7/5/2015 - Joseph J., Jotaro K., Souji S./Yuu N., Minato A./Makoto Y.
Sym-Bionic Titan: Moments of Solomon by Starling 12 reviews
Solomon is a mysterious character who rarely makes an appearance in the Sym-Bionic Titan series. This is what I think he was doing off-screen, for nearly every episode. Whether spying, fighting, or interacting with his hidden superior, he will do whatever it takes to defend the earth.
Sym-Bionic Titan - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi - Chapters: 11 - Words: 73,336 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 2/10/2019 - Published: 5/2/2018 - Ilana L., Lance L., Solomon, General Steel - Complete
Throwing off the Chains of Fate by QueenOfDragons2 reviews
All Goro wanted at this point was to get through school, care for Futaba, and take revenge on Shido. He didn't expect someone like Ren Amamiya getting involved in his life. It turns out to not be so bad after all. AU where Goro meets Wakaba before he can start working for Shido. (Crossposted on AO3.)
Persona Series - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 11 - Words: 37,991 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 66 - Updated: 2/5/2019 - Published: 2/15/2018 - OC, Goro A., Akira K./Ren A.
Lucis Filium Alterum by Mysterious Prophetess reviews
The Rite of the Leviathan is interrupted first by the Empire and then by a giant monster of living darkness creating a large orb in the sky. Noctis is ripped from his friends, and Luna, by this darkness and awakens on a new world, being shaken awake by Sora. Sora and Noctis agree to work together, and along the way they might just save the worlds with some help from their friends.
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & Final Fantasy XV - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 15 - Words: 55,195 - Reviews: 71 - Favs: 182 - Follows: 200 - Updated: 2/1/2019 - Published: 5/23/2017 - Sora, Kairi, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Heart of a Familiar by CasualFictionWriter23 reviews
Louise Vallière whose nickname is "Louise the Zero" by her classmates wants to prove herself as not a failure mage. Meanwhile on the Destiny Island, when Sora is taking his usual midday nap he suddenly hears strange voices out of nowhere and then disappears inside a strange portal. How will the Keybearer adapt with his new role as a mage's familiar?
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & Familiar of Zero - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 10 - Words: 57,853 - Reviews: 448 - Favs: 445 - Follows: 460 - Updated: 1/29/2019 - Published: 6/27/2013 - Sora, Louise
Beyond the Pendulum by bladeWriter3 reviews
Two years have passed since the Dimensional War, and an era of peace now reigns across the universe. But nothing lasts forever, and a new threat, from a new dimension hidden from the rest, threatens to upset the order of the worlds. Against new foes and in new Dimensions, Yuya, Yuzu and their friends must fight once again to protect the balance of the multiverse...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 11 - Words: 181,333 - Reviews: 76 - Favs: 54 - Follows: 56 - Updated: 1/24/2019 - Published: 7/16/2017
Symphony of the Wild by iwantmyburd reviews
Two years after the worlds of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla were reunited, the Heroes of Regeneration awaken in a world not their own, with no memory of how they got there. Just what awaits Lloyd and company in the vast wilds of Hyrule? And where has Link gotten to?
Crossover - Legend of Zelda & Tales of Symphonia - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 5 - Words: 23,077 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 1/22/2019 - Published: 4/6/2017
Never a Memory by AyumiFallassion reviews
In times of great need, the soul has been known to pull for strength not found in a single lifetime. What if our favorite green-eyed Wizard, remembers life as an infamous Green-eyed Soldier?
Crossover - Harry Potter & Final Fantasy VII - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 36 - Words: 59,795 - Reviews: 807 - Favs: 1,969 - Follows: 2,179 - Updated: 1/21/2019 - Published: 2/6/2012 - Harry P., Hermione G., Sephiroth, Genesis R.
Ichigo's New Job V2 by whackybiscuit reviews
Request by TheAllSeeingWolf-195. Ichigo finds a new job working as a masseur for a quality resort. All is well... Until the SWA show up for their week of vacation! IchigoXSWA!
Bleach - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 33,611 - Reviews: 158 - Favs: 911 - Follows: 777 - Updated: 1/19/2019 - Published: 6/30/2018 - Ichigo K., Rukia K., Yoruichi S., R. Matsumoto - Complete
There's No Way My New Little Sister Can Be The Simurgh! by ensou reviews
Following a tragic turn of fate, Taylor is left on her own with nobody else. But less than three weeks after, she comes home to find a girl who claims to be both her new sister ...and the Simurgh. But that can't possibly be right, can it?
Worm - Rated: T - English - Family/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 22,621 - Reviews: 235 - Favs: 1,512 - Follows: 1,893 - Updated: 1/16/2019 - Published: 6/6/2017 - Skitter, Simurgh
Bound by a Similar Destiny by Sightbent reviews
A new threat has arisen in the world. Now the Legendary Warriors will have to battle it in secret in both worlds, but in doing so they will uncover a common family history that has intertwined them with the digital world since birth. 02 x 04 Crossover
Digimon - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 130,093 - Reviews: 421 - Favs: 601 - Follows: 579 - Updated: 1/13/2019 - Published: 11/25/2009 - Legendary Warriors, Chosen Children/Digidestined
The Great Kharlan War by The.Melanarchist reviews
(Prequel to ToS)The original journey of regeneration: Kratos is a Tethe'allan royal and Yuan a Sylvaranti commander. Throw in a halfling boy and the unlikely friends face a planetary crisis. Chapter 38: Nyx frantically rushes to save Kratos from the threat of execution, but she is losing hope. The others are ignorant to his plea and struggle to take down Shadow. Sporadic updates.
Tales of Symphonia - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 38 - Words: 168,401 - Reviews: 103 - Favs: 54 - Follows: 40 - Updated: 1/12/2019 - Published: 3/4/2013 - Kratos A., Yuan, Mithos Y., Martel
Oath of Blood by Icy the Frostbringer reviews
"You can't change the world without getting your hands dirty" Lelouch vi Britannia's own words as he executed his brother. But when it mattered most, he was too weak to follow his own advice. What if he was strong enough to do what was necessary?
Code Geass - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 24 - Words: 174,482 - Reviews: 633 - Favs: 1,729 - Follows: 1,578 - Updated: 1/9/2019 - Published: 10/20/2010 - Lelouch L. - Complete
Remnant in Earth by NewtypeAuthor346 reviews
In 2001, Gold miners found strange crystals within the mines of the West Coast of US California, leading the 4 Kingdoms and independent regions of Remnant, merged into the World of Earth, how will effect the lives and history between the two worlds?
RWBY - Rated: K+ - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 49,768 - Reviews: 447 - Favs: 373 - Follows: 385 - Updated: 1/9/2019 - Published: 3/17/2016
Hyrule Warriors by MiniJen reviews
It has often been told that whenever darkness covers Hyrule, a lone hero arises to restore peace and balance. However, as the Black Witch Cia rises up with the intent of conquering the kingdom, Link may not be enough to stop her on his own. As war erupts across the land, friends and foes from across the ages will come together and fight to decide Hyrule's fate. A novelization of HW
Legend of Zelda - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 291,052 - Reviews: 910 - Favs: 543 - Follows: 595 - Updated: 1/6/2019 - Published: 10/1/2014 - [Link, Zelda] Cia, Lana
Your Father is a Hero by KTWizard reviews
Forty years have passed, but the future has not changed. Jack no longer looks for the past, he no longer looks for hope in the future. He only travels, a poor means to escape his demons. But through a mountain pass, in a desolate land, he finds what he believed to be impossible. Children, filled with hope. [Cover Image by Inyuji]
Samurai Jack - Rated: T - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 12 - Words: 162,587 - Reviews: 95 - Favs: 249 - Follows: 199 - Updated: 1/6/2019 - Published: 5/21/2017 - Jack, The Scotsman, OC, Daughters of Aku
The Miraculous Ink Machine by SonicCrazyGal reviews
Adrian and his friends were hoping a relaxing summer with his Uncle Henry. But when Henry takes them to the old studio where he used to work in response to a strange letter, things get a lot more dangerous. Will everyone escape safely with monsters lurking around every corner? Only time will tell.
Crossover - Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir & Bendy and the Ink Machine - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Horror - Chapters: 58 - Words: 66,683 - Reviews: 228 - Favs: 122 - Follows: 105 - Updated: 1/5/2019 - Published: 2/23/2018 - Complete
The Seeds of Worlds by Blades of Chance reviews
Adam and Lilith. Two ancients Seeds which crashed on the Earth. They are not the only ones. With the world ravaged by the effects of Second Impact and a War between Life and Knowledge, the creations of Adams and Lilith, such secrets are bound to reappear. It seemed like things are more complicated. For Shinji a question exists. Why is there a voice in his head?
Evangelion - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 59,682 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 78 - Follows: 79 - Updated: 1/4/2019 - Published: 12/8/2018 - [Asuka L. S., Shinji I., Rei A.] Gendo I.
Prism Mayhem by Blue Hurricane reviews
Crossover between FSN and Prisma Illya. Magical Girl Illya finds herself in the fifth Holy Grail War and facing her counterpart, the Master of Berserker.
Fate/stay night - Rated: T - English - Fantasy - Chapters: 30 - Words: 118,085 - Reviews: 925 - Favs: 1,668 - Follows: 1,978 - Updated: 1/4/2019 - Published: 6/13/2015 - Shirō E., Rin T., Illyasviel von Einzbern
Massages by Stromael reviews
Jaune gives Yang a massage. Hilarity/drama/romance/thinly veiled polyship subplots ensue, but this time with better writing and less jumping the shark. Emphasis on the drama without crossing the sharkline. There will be plot, character development, blond's with deep-rooted issues, and more story than just some massages and hanky-panky.
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 67,571 - Reviews: 210 - Favs: 1,238 - Follows: 1,596 - Updated: 1/1/2019 - Published: 5/12/2016 - Blake B., Yang X.L., Jaune A., Pyrrha N.
The Last Spartan by DinoJake reviews
An AU fic in which the Halo and ME universes share the same galaxy. After a well deserved rest in Cryo-Sleep, Master Chief finally awakens...to a whole new galaxy.
Crossover - Halo & Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 55 - Words: 489,686 - Reviews: 3952 - Favs: 3,971 - Follows: 3,987 - Updated: 12/31/2018 - Published: 5/2/2010 - Master Chief/John-117
Yu-Gi-Oh! GSTART by Vile.EXE reviews
Follow the story of Kohaku Yudin, an ace Game Card collector in the bustling metropolis, Sigma City. When he receives an odd silver card from another boy, it starts him on a path that will challenge his will, strength, and determination as he realizes his true destiny. My own unique YGO series!
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 26 - Words: 355,153 - Reviews: 182 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 58 - Updated: 12/25/2018 - Published: 2/20/2013
The Oath in Our Hearts by Heaven's Chocolate reviews
He was a son dutifully making his family proud, a brother protecting the bright smile of his little sister. He was prisoner in chains, a fool with good intentions. 'Mere goodness can achieve little against the power of nature', this may be true, but he would go fight against such notion. He would take the Mages Association and the world down, for them. Always for them.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 9 - Words: 67,394 - Reviews: 195 - Favs: 532 - Follows: 733 - Updated: 12/24/2018 - Published: 7/29/2018 - Shirō E., Akira K./Ren A., Suzui S., Phantom Thieves
The Wanderer of Worlds by CloudFry reviews
A long-lost friend trying to get home to a place that's not on the map. A vengeful daemon bent on self-destruction, ignorant of her own humanity. Will Velvet Crowe find it in herself to seek redemption in the light? Or will she recede further into the darkness? No non-canon pairings.
Tales of Berseria - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 64 - Words: 316,293 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 82 - Follows: 58 - Updated: 12/24/2018 - Published: 8/28/2018 - Velvet C., Eleanor H., OC - Complete
Perfect Crime by PK.Atomyst reviews
Homura has a new plan to keep Madoka safe, but chances are Madoka isn't going to like her version of "protective custody"
Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ - Rated: T - English - Suspense/Romance - Chapters: 38 - Words: 158,925 - Reviews: 202 - Favs: 272 - Follows: 382 - Updated: 12/22/2018 - Published: 6/25/2015 - [Madoka K., Homura A.] Sayaka M., Mami T.
Devil Arts Online by Greatazuredragon reviews
We all know how far Kirito is willing to go to save Asuna, he would fight armies and challenge Gods if only that would mean her safety. Making a pact with a Devil was no exception, in her name he would even become one... Spread your wings and take flight! Let the legend of the BlackDevil begin!
Crossover - Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 32 - Words: 200,480 - Reviews: 1621 - Favs: 2,906 - Follows: 3,060 - Updated: 12/21/2018 - Published: 4/12/2014 - [Kirito/Kazuto K., Asuna/Asuna Y.] [Rias G., H. Issei]
Never Tear Us Apart by Quatermass reviews
(Inspired by Anubis of The Highway Thieves' "It Followed Me Home" challenge and, partially, DZ2's "My Dark Protector" challenge) Long ago, part of Morrigan Aensland's power was sealed away. Years later, it fused with Harry Potter's soul in the womb. Now, after the debacle of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, Harry's imaginary friend, Lilith, proves herself to be very real indeed...
Crossover - Harry Potter & Darkstalkers - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 27,215 - Reviews: 199 - Favs: 789 - Follows: 910 - Updated: 12/12/2018 - Published: 12/4/2017 - [Harry P., Lilith] Morrigan Aensland
Thus Kindly I Scatter by whitetigerwolf reviews
Harriet Potter disappeared after that fateful Halloween that Voldemort attacked Godric's Hollow. But thirteen years later, the Goblet of Fire summons a woman, fully grown, in her place. The woman's name...Summer Rose. And all she wants is to return home to her daughters. FemHarry IS Summer Rose. Rated T.
Crossover - Harry Potter & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 5 - Words: 13,066 - Reviews: 230 - Favs: 1,423 - Follows: 1,852 - Updated: 12/6/2018 - Published: 6/28/2018 - Harry P., Summer R.
United Destiny: The Hero and the Hybrid by Blades of Chance reviews
Serena Yvonne has always been a strange girl, talking to Pokemon and a few strange abilities that seem to mirror that of a Pokemon. Ash Ketchum is a boy from Pallet Town who has saved the world and has a Dream to be a Pokemon master. It seems that there destinies seeming so far apart are actually intertwined together. Amourshipping, and non-canon Pokemon.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 54 - Words: 303,735 - Reviews: 568 - Favs: 270 - Follows: 279 - Updated: 12/2/2018 - Published: 1/1/2018 - [Serena, Ash K./Satoshi] Pikachu, Team Flare
Daughter of Flame by Terra Carte reviews
Being reborn without the 'reset' button being completely pushed is awkward enough. It's doubly awkward when your father turns out to be a future famous alchemist. Add to that I didn't even realize it at first thanks to faded memories and you've got quite the story. My father is Roy Mustang. My name is Dawn. And I'm fairly certain I didn't exist before. (Paternal!Roy, Future Royai)
Fullmetal Alchemist - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 19 - Words: 137,462 - Reviews: 387 - Favs: 1,095 - Follows: 1,297 - Updated: 11/27/2018 - Published: 3/13/2017 - [Roy M., Riza H.] OC
Maiden Processing Unit by Lord22 reviews
The Maiden Processing Unit is a fully automated ship which flies through time and space. It's goal; to find beautiful women and subject them to surreal and pleasurable fates. Now it has come to the World of Geass. And it has its eye on Area 11. ECCHI LEMON FIC. Lots of fetishes. Will get very weird. You've been warned.
Code Geass - Rated: M - English - Horror/Supernatural - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,549 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 26 - Updated: 11/27/2018 - Published: 11/22/2018 - C.C., Kallen S., Cornelia L.B., Euphemia L.B.
The Road to be a Pokemon Master: Johto Arc by FanaticLAguy06 reviews
Sequel to the Orange Islands Arc. After winning the Orange League, Ash and his friends now head off to the Johto Region to compete in the tournaments there. However, an old evil resurfaces once more, and Ash isn't the only one who vows to stop it. Another one has the same goal, but his motives aren't exactly as noble as Ash's.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 80 - Words: 940,978 - Reviews: 3092 - Favs: 1,315 - Follows: 1,092 - Updated: 11/25/2018 - Published: 3/22/2016 - [Ash K./Satoshi, Serena] Silver/Rival - Complete
Same Difference by Sunny Lighter reviews
There are many what ifs. What if Tang Shen had lived? What if Miwa had never become Karai? What if the turtles were born as Hamato Yoshi's actual sons, rather than a mutagenic accident? One thing is for sure, no matter how the Hamato family got their start, with these teens, there's always going to be some crazy adventures involved. AU inspired by Turtle Loops(NOT a High School AU)
Ninja Turtles - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 70 - Words: 597,523 - Reviews: 962 - Favs: 294 - Follows: 207 - Updated: 11/22/2018 - Published: 6/12/2015 - Donatello, Raphael, Shen, Karai - Complete
Deku of the Haki! by Masseffect-TxS reviews
When Izuku was four his dreams of being a hero was crushed. However, instead of saying sorry, Inko calls in an old family member to help her son in his trying time. Reluctantly she calls in her father, a man who had mastered an old and forgotten form of martial arts. Watch as Izuku harnesses the power of Haki!
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 4 - Words: 34,083 - Reviews: 210 - Favs: 1,132 - Follows: 1,279 - Updated: 11/21/2018 - Published: 10/22/2018 - [Izuku M., Ochako U.] Toshinori Y./All Might, 1-A Students
Demi-Human's Remnant by Phoenix Champion reviews
Monster AU (Sorta) What if instead of Faunus, humans coexisted with monsters, more kindly called Demi-humans. Behold Remnant and it's human, werewolf, witch, dragon, and many other types of inhabitants as they all fight against the Grimm as Huntsmen and Huntresses.
RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,933 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 75 - Updated: 11/18/2018 - Published: 11/11/2018 - Ruby R., Weiss S., Blake B., Yang X.L.
Thaumaturgic Awakening by Xylix reviews
Enforcer Contract #CIL201009-6: Investigation of possible interdimensional threat: Type-D. This request has been jointly commissioned by the Roman Catholic Church and the Mage's Association. Contract Signed, Rin Tohsaka, Enforcer Unit 09.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Worm - Rated: M - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 23 - Words: 233,960 - Reviews: 832 - Favs: 2,589 - Follows: 2,833 - Updated: 11/15/2018 - Published: 3/2/2016 - Shirō E., Saber, Rin T., Skitter
Lelouch of the Shinigami Path by Karndragon reviews
Lelouch is killed by the Black Knights after being revealed and mysteriously ends up in the Soul Society where he becomes and rises up as a Shinigami of the Gotei 13. Based from R2 Episode 19 and the events leading up to and from the Turn Back the Pendulum Arc.
Crossover - Bleach & Code Geass - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 72 - Words: 361,282 - Reviews: 559 - Favs: 587 - Follows: 588 - Updated: 11/15/2018 - Published: 4/8/2013 - Lelouch L. - Complete
Soul Hunter (Original) by SkywalkerT-65 reviews
When Ruby Rose went to Beacon Academy two years early, she had assumed she was going to be the odd one out. Her sister, the Ice Queen Heiress and the mysterious dark-haired girl aside. What she didn't expect, what none of them expected, was that an even more mysterious teenager would join them. One with a power no other Hunter or Huntress has...and one that just may turn the tide..
Crossover - Bleach & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 140,255 - Reviews: 1408 - Favs: 3,075 - Follows: 3,483 - Updated: 11/12/2018 - Published: 1/23/2015 - Ichigo K., Ruby R., Blake B., Yang X.L.
FE: Awakening with Blossoms by YueTian reviews
Sakura had finally become the master of her own cards and is reunited with Syaoran only to be chased by monsters and end up in another world. What else can go wrong? Maybe, an amnesiac, god dragons, zombies, a magical sword and a lunatic who wants to destroy everything while Chrom and his men try to save everyone and possibly both worlds. Wait, who're those silver dragons? Oh no...
Crossover - Card Captor Sakura & Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 40 - Words: 481,421 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 34 - Updated: 11/12/2018 - Published: 8/13/2017 - [Syaoran L., Sakura K.] Chrom, Avatar/Corrin - Complete
Humans: Mysterious and Terrifying by Reid Phantom reviews
Allura cares deeply for her paladins. However, she cant help but find their species bizarre, disturbing, and sometimes downright horrifying the more she learns about them. Random oneshots and drabbles based around those "Aliens find humans weird or scary" theories from Tumblr because I have no self-restraint. Suggestions welcome. Latest Chapter: What Are Sleep-overs?
Voltron: Legendary Defender - Rated: T - English - Humor/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 8 - Words: 8,762 - Reviews: 497 - Favs: 1,367 - Follows: 1,148 - Updated: 11/10/2018 - Published: 8/3/2016 - Complete
Ring Wizard and Puella Magi Hope vs Despair by EvaShinobiKaiserKnight reviews
Hope and Despair two sides of the same coin eternally connected. ages ago magic and science went hand in hand but with the rise of civilization Magic was cast out in favor of Magic. Now a modern day Wizard has awoken wielding the Magic Rings in both hands as he changes despair into hope. But he will have help along the way in a traitor and a group of Puella Magi. Sa Showtime Da!
Crossover - Kamen Rider & Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 4 - Words: 93,316 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 34 - Updated: 11/7/2018 - Published: 8/18/2017
Coping with Superpowers by Sadhelm2 reviews
As Adrien and Marinette are beginning to learn, having secret identities means more than just concealing their faces. As their powers and miraculous begin to affect their day-to-day lives will they still keep their secrets from the world and each other? Dealing with puberty is difficult enough without this mess! Eventual romance and bonding between the two dorks.
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 91,569 - Reviews: 75 - Favs: 160 - Follows: 216 - Updated: 11/3/2018 - Published: 7/2/2017 - Marinette D-C./Ladybug, Adrien A./Cat Noir, Alya C./Lady Wifi/Rena Rouge, Nino L./Bubbler
To Keep on Rising by Sadhelm2 reviews
Darkness gathers across the digital world as new Chosen rise to defend it. But unseen foes lurk in both worlds and the older Chosen will soon find themselves embroiled in the conflict, regardless of whether they want to or not. And whilst all this occurs, the waters continue to rise. Sequel to The Teacher of All Things.
Digimon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Mystery - Chapters: 12 - Words: 108,683 - Reviews: 419 - Favs: 645 - Follows: 652 - Updated: 11/3/2018 - Published: 6/22/2015
Straw Hat Among Fairies by OnePieceFan2 reviews
While traveling through the New World, The Straw Hats are attacked by the Marines and are forced to escape a devastating cyclone. However, Luffy is injured during the fight and is sucked into the cyclone. When he awakens, he soon finds himself in a strange new world of magic and in the craziest guild in the world, Fairy Tail. Luffy/Harem. Ch. 18 coming soon!
Crossover - One Piece & Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 322,712 - Reviews: 791 - Favs: 1,400 - Follows: 1,373 - Updated: 11/1/2018 - Published: 3/2/2013 - [Luffy, Cana A., Kagura M., Ultear M.]
Leviathan by Thuktun Flishithy reviews
The Age of Monsters ended in Second Impact, or so everyone says. When Mankind finds itself besieged by the otherworldly Angels, Shinji Ikari will accept a destiny thrust upon him and rise to protect the Earth. He will not be alone, as old guardians -and their enemies- of a bygone age return. A fusion of Evangelion, the Godzilla Mythos, and Ultraman. Rebuild of Hail to the King.
Crossover - Evangelion & Godzilla - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 179,563 - Reviews: 355 - Favs: 590 - Follows: 564 - Updated: 10/31/2018 - Published: 7/5/2015
Naruto Shippuden: Millennium Wars by KitsuneDragon reviews
SEQUEL TO TAMER OF THE X-ANTIBODY! Three years have passed since the fall of Lucemon and the loss of the three who felled him. Shinjuku is safe. However, a single invasion act has set off a chain reaction resulting in the awakening of an ancient evil of the Digital World that threatens it and the worlds linked to it. A call to bear arms has been issued. War is on the horizon.
Crossover - Digimon & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 22 - Words: 304,537 - Reviews: 663 - Favs: 855 - Follows: 772 - Updated: 10/24/2018 - Published: 9/23/2013 - Ruki M./Rika N., Naruto U.
Lilith's Spawn: Tale of a Hero by Blades of Chance reviews
A near miss with death has changed Izuka Midoriya. The actions of one person may have helped her with her dreams if being a hero but what is the cost? Trails are up ahead, and the more she tries to deny what she has become the more troubling it will get for her. Can you really be a hero when you aren't even fully human? This half Succubus will find out.
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Adventure - Chapters: 19 - Words: 88,789 - Reviews: 163 - Favs: 439 - Follows: 525 - Updated: 10/18/2018 - Published: 7/21/2018 - Izuku M., Toshinori Y./All Might, Villain Alliance, 1-A Students
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Fate of Awakening by Albedo238 reviews
Crossover between Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates. Rex and his friends are brought on a mission to retrieve Core Crystals from another world, while Corrin sets off to find three friends of hers that left without saying good-bye. However, at the end of it all is an adventure none could have prepared for. Co-project with Hellion Prime.
Crossover - Fire Emblem & Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 10 - Words: 35,441 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 39 - Follows: 38 - Updated: 10/15/2018 - Published: 9/18/2018 - [Rex, Pyra/Mythra] Chrom, Avatar/Corrin
A Different Kind of Truth by The Infamous Man reviews
Johnny Joestar was a young man who had it all. A rich family, fame, respect.. everything. But an action done out of pride cost him all that, including his legs. He left for Inaba to escape from his memories, but Johnny is now dragged into to a bizarre murder case. A mystery which may teach the former genius jockey that bonds can make the most broken bird fly again...
Crossover - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Drama/Supernatural - Chapters: 51 - Words: 578,049 - Reviews: 706 - Favs: 725 - Follows: 746 - Updated: 10/12/2018 - Published: 1/5/2014 - Johnny J., Gyro Z., Chie S., Izanagi
Xenotales Genesis (Worm-Xenoblade-Xenosaga) by tsukishima7 reviews
The woman that disappeared during the experiment and the girl that could have been the world's savior. They bring new science and concepts from a ruined world to fix this dying one.
Crossover - Worm & Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Rated: M - English - Sci-Fi/Spiritual - Chapters: 2 - Words: 7,578 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 45 - Updated: 10/8/2018 - Published: 10/1/2018 - Skitter, Pyra/Mythra, Malos
Fate New Game Plus by CleverPervertedPriest reviews
Sequel to Fate Level Zero. Ten years have passed since the Fourth Grail War. Ancient powers stir once more as Masters are sought out and Servants summoned. And yet, the Chaos of the past War resurfaces as the Servants that were given were not quite as expected. Except Saber of course... and Archer.
Crossover - Game X-overs & Fate/stay night - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 32 - Words: 140,000 - Reviews: 161 - Favs: 139 - Follows: 139 - Updated: 10/7/2018 - Published: 8/1/2014 - Complete
Proving his Worth by Gravenimage reviews
Jaune Arc hated himself. He failed to protect his partner and his friends. He left Remnant without fulfilling his dream. Now he gets a second chance to live in another world, to prove to everyone he has what it takes to become a hero. Jaune/Velvet slow burn my second RWBY/Berseria story.
Crossover - RWBY & Tales of Berseria - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 62 - Words: 596,794 - Reviews: 354 - Favs: 348 - Follows: 356 - Updated: 10/6/2018 - Published: 12/4/2017 - [Jaune A., Velvet C.] OC, Laphicet
The Road to be a Pokemon Master: Orange Islands Arc by FanaticLAguy06 reviews
Sequel to "The Road to be a Pokemon Master: Kanto Arc". Ash has now decided to take his training more seriously while Serena ponders over what she wants to do in her life. However, a request from Professor Oak leads them and their friends to the Orange Islands. What awaits them there?
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 301,257 - Reviews: 1146 - Favs: 1,284 - Follows: 849 - Updated: 10/6/2018 - Published: 5/5/2015 - [Ash K./Satoshi, Serena] Pikachu - Complete
A Cold Calculus by Z98 reviews
The White Queen, the Iron Heart of Britannia, Euphemia the Just, many are the titles and appellations for Euphemia I, 99th Empress of the Holy Britannian Empire. Her ascension is remarkable not only for the means by which her majesty obtained the throne but also the many tragedies that marked the path.
Code Geass - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Tragedy - Chapters: 157 - Words: 1,304,471 - Reviews: 1160 - Favs: 619 - Follows: 546 - Updated: 10/5/2018 - Published: 6/29/2015 - Suzaku K., C.C., Kallen S., Euphemia L.B. - Complete
Hazredous' Interruptions by Eleventh Messenger reviews
Crippled in a battle with pirates beyond the edges of Administered Space, the TSAB Cruiser Arthra is forced to crash land on an unadministered world with a shattered moon. With no way to get a message out of the planet's strange field of interference, they're forced to seek help from someone in a position of power; Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon Academy. Rated M for language.
Crossover - Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 49 - Words: 325,536 - Reviews: 611 - Favs: 770 - Follows: 715 - Updated: 10/2/2018 - Published: 1/26/2016 - Complete
Ren's family by Arumage reviews
When the phantom thieves arrive at Kuoh to drop Ren off they get a surprise in the form of a secret twin sister, a person who should be dead and the offer of a lifetime.
Crossover - Persona Series & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,880 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 97 - Follows: 104 - Published: 9/30/2018 - [Akira K./Ren A., Makoto N.] Phantom Thieves, Sona S. - Complete
Naruto: Shinobi Hunters by Kurama no Kyubi reviews
Naruto - banished from Konoha after having succesfully retrieved Sasuke - finds an egg which changes his life forever. Now Naruto is the leader of the new generation of Digi-Destined, and they're all ready to take on the world. But what happens when evil forces starts stirring, and an evil being, not seen in a century is returning. Multi-Crossover.
Crossover - Digimon & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 50 - Words: 440,815 - Reviews: 182 - Favs: 494 - Follows: 400 - Updated: 9/29/2018 - Published: 10/19/2012 - Naruto U.
Healers Are Scary by SnowTime reviews
Being shipped to a new world, Tsunade does what she does best: Gambling, racking up debt and healing. And of course she runs into another blond fool. Oneshot
Crossover - Naruto & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,070 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 412 - Follows: 238 - Published: 9/25/2018 - Tsunade S., Toshinori Y./All Might - Complete
Kamen Rider Kamuro: Music of Heaven G by Toa Solaric reviews
Second Season. Kamuro and his fellow Riders and Symphogear Users stop the plan of Fine and Kougane as they brought peace back to their city. It wasn't until they have to face new threats in enemies who can uses Music as weapons along with the appearance of Dark Riders whose goal to bring Helheim forth to the world! Lapis must continued fighting and shows his worth on the stage!
Crossover - Kamen Rider & Senki Zesshō Symphogear/戦姫絶唱シンフォギア - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 22 - Words: 229,935 - Reviews: 243 - Favs: 102 - Follows: 77 - Updated: 9/24/2018 - Published: 7/13/2015 - Complete
Victims Together by Veozar reviews
Weiss and Ilia may as well be opposites, with every reason to hate each other. When an accident in Mountain Glenn leaves them stranded in the depths between the lost settlement and Vale, they will have to work together to escape the tunnels with their lives. And maybe...they aren't so different after all. Rainbow Dust story. (COMPLETE)
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 14 - Words: 39,285 - Reviews: 89 - Favs: 223 - Follows: 223 - Updated: 9/22/2018 - Published: 4/28/2018 - [Weiss S., Ilia A.] - Complete
Elemental Sky by sakurademonalchemist reviews
When Nozomi Sawada finds an old picture in the attic, she has no idea that it would lead to quite the adventure. Nor could she have expected to find herself dealing with demons of all things, courtesy of her cousin. The fate of the Elemental Nations is held in the hands of a civilian girl who has no idea what she's doing, just that it's up to her to make things right.
Crossover - Naruto & Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - Rated: T - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 9 - Words: 24,631 - Reviews: 516 - Favs: 1,827 - Follows: 1,690 - Updated: 9/18/2018 - Published: 8/15/2018 - Gaara, Haku, Tsuna/Tsunayoshi S.
Ruby vs The Machines: My Prince(ess?) Charming by bowow0708 reviews
Weiss Schnee, Heiress of the Schnee Merchant Company, is forced to attend another boring social party. Thinking that it was going to be like all the others she had attended before, she readied herself to drown her boredom with wine. That is, until a surprise guest shows up at the party. Looks like tonight won't be as boring as she thought. YURI LEMON
RWBY - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,387 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 26 - Published: 9/13/2018 - [Ruby R., Weiss S.] - Complete
Bird of Prey by A Dyslexic Writer reviews
Shirou should have realize that Alaya wouldn't take rejection kindly. Even if he wouldn't be her Counter Guardian, she still had plans for him. Dropped into the middle of a war game, Shirou has to figure out what is going on and why Alaya sent him there in the first place. He just knew Archer was somehow in on this sick joke. (Sekirei!Shirou & Female!Shirou)(Not based on In Flight)
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Sekirei - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 14 - Words: 61,786 - Reviews: 999 - Favs: 2,473 - Follows: 3,026 - Updated: 9/8/2018 - Published: 5/31/2017 - Shirō E.
Crossing Boundaries by Yua-hime reviews
When an old man and clock digimon show up in the park one evening while Daisuke is making his way home, the Chosen Children of more than one world and time will be gathered to help defeat the ultimate enemy - Quartzmon. This is the Legendary Heroes look on things from their gathering to their farewells. Rewrite in progress! Please see Crossing Boundaries, Second Edition.
Digimon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 15 - Words: 96,176 - Reviews: 90 - Favs: 97 - Follows: 91 - Updated: 8/29/2018 - Published: 10/23/2013 - Taichi Y./Tai K., Daisuke M./Davis - Complete
Skittering Campione by Greatazuredragon reviews
Taylor Hebert has been known by many titles during the course of her young life: Daughter, friend, victim, villain, warlord, hero, monster, savior… But now, awakening in a whole new world after defeating Scion, she will have to bear a new unexpected title: Campione.
Crossover - Campione!/カンピオーネ! & Worm - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 15 - Words: 83,772 - Reviews: 1712 - Favs: 3,410 - Follows: 3,992 - Updated: 8/28/2018 - Published: 7/15/2016 - Skitter
Naruko's and Hinata's Unexpected Adventure by DealtShadow35 reviews
Naruko and Hinata had read a scroll that has a justus with no name and upon using, it would lead many unexpected things, fem Naruto, this is a Lemon story its not for kids to read
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 11 - Words: 71,757 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 520 - Follows: 436 - Updated: 8/20/2018 - Published: 2/28/2015 - Hinata H., Kushina U., Naruko U.
Promise of Winter by Dhaturas reviews
A new weapons shop opens at downtown Vale run by a pair of mysterious siblings. As the embers of another great fire begin to spread across Vale, the fate of Remnant will be decided by a promise made in Winter.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 7 - Words: 30,941 - Reviews: 530 - Favs: 2,498 - Follows: 3,333 - Updated: 8/19/2018 - Published: 5/28/2017 - Shirō E., Illyasviel von Einzbern, Team RWBY
The Truth Hurts More by sfaye-chan reviews
She had never understood. Those around her claimed their hatred for the Demon Emperor, but even though she smiled and nodded she felt her heart breaking every time. No one else wished for a reason. Only she longed for the truth and what little closure she believed it would give her. She had never learnt that, sometimes, the truth hurt more. (A Watch the Series fanfiction.)
Code Geass - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Suspense - Chapters: 10 - Words: 82,997 - Reviews: 499 - Favs: 1,651 - Follows: 1,987 - Updated: 8/17/2018 - Published: 12/18/2015 - Lelouch L., C.C., Nunnally L.
A Tale of Two Swords by sakurademonalchemist reviews
Regina didn't pull the Sword of Gryffindor from the hat. Instead she pulls something far more powerful, on top of accidentally entering a contract with the famous knight of betrayal Mordred. A new destiny shall be made.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Fate/stay night - Rated: M - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 8 - Words: 20,948 - Reviews: 509 - Favs: 2,279 - Follows: 2,252 - Updated: 8/16/2018 - Published: 7/25/2018 - Harry P., Waver V., Mordred
The Gamer of Fate by Phoenix Champion reviews
Irwin was once a normal man, however normal no longer applies to him now that he's The Gamer, and now he's in the continent of the kingdoms of Nohr and Hoshido. Armed with this new ability Irwin plans to help both kingdoms as best he can, well after finding Corrin he will... and once he figures out how to do it. Well it's not like instinct has driven him wrong before.
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 36 - Words: 96,455 - Reviews: 365 - Favs: 806 - Follows: 983 - Updated: 8/2/2018 - Published: 2/16/2017 - OC, Avatar/Corrin, Camilla
Requiem for the Holy Grail by 400PercentSync reviews
Torn from his world, Giorno Giovanna finds himself in a strange new universe filled with unknown concepts such as magic; summoned into a ritual that offers him salvation. Now he's faced with a challenge that even he might not be able to handle, it'll take everything he has to survive among legendary heroes.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Adventure - Chapters: 29 - Words: 250,587 - Reviews: 183 - Favs: 560 - Follows: 540 - Updated: 7/26/2018 - Published: 1/18/2015 - Shirō E., Giorno G. - Complete
The Emperor and the Dark Mage by Isolated Wanderer reviews
The prospect of the Demon Emperor stumbling into a meeting with the Dark Mage is as unlikely as it is terrifying. They are cursed in their respective worlds, shunned for the power they possesses and feared for what they are capable of. Both have a journey of their own, but one has completed his, and the other awaits his finale. This convergence shall alter the fate of Earth Land.
Crossover - Code Geass & Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 6 - Words: 44,213 - Reviews: 188 - Favs: 780 - Follows: 912 - Updated: 7/22/2018 - Published: 4/9/2017 - Lelouch L.
Phantasmal Blades by Tiamatio reviews
After being transported to a strange dungeon by an Outrealm Gate, Lucina tries to find a way out. But after meeting two unique teenagers and a talking cat-thing, her fate will be changed. The first story I've ever done so enjoy reading it. I don't own anything, each character goes to their respective owners. ADOPTED BY RedIronFangs!
Crossover - Fire Emblem & Persona Series - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 8 - Words: 27,159 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 64 - Follows: 83 - Updated: 7/21/2018 - Published: 12/13/2017 - [Lucina, Akira K./Ren A.] Morgana, Ryuji S.
The Ice Queen Cometh! by Nox Magnus Dux reviews
In a tragic twist of fate, Shark is burned and hospitalized by IV instead of Rio, leaving her hungry for vengeance. As she pursues her vendetta, she encounters and befriends a mysterious boy. Who is he? And why does he keep calling her by the name, Merag? (Durbe x Rio) (Yuma x Kotori)
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 44 - Words: 378,202 - Reviews: 402 - Favs: 153 - Follows: 145 - Updated: 7/18/2018 - Published: 10/14/2014 - [Rio K., Durbe] Yuma T., Ryoga K./Shark
Code Starforce by Trace Carter reviews
In the climax of the battle against Crimson Dragon, MegaMan and Harp Note were sent to a different time and dimension where they have to fight a whole new Virus.
Crossover - Mega Man & Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 12 - Words: 14,639 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 44 - Follows: 35 - Updated: 7/18/2018 - Published: 11/27/2011
Daily life of Saitama, Oh! And A Monster Girl Too (Continued) by GhostColts141 reviews
Saitama finds himself in a strange land where there are monsters that roam alongside humans and don't attack them. Strange first sight sure, but atleast they aren't harming anyone. So no need to intervene. There is one problem though. He has to take care of one. Now he has two mouths to feed and take care of. Well.. it shouldn't be problem for a poor hero...wait a second it will
Crossover - Daily Life with a Monster Girl/モンスター娘のいる日常 & One Punch Man/ワンパンマン - Rated: T - English - Parody/Adventure - Chapters: 19 - Words: 25,773 - Reviews: 168 - Favs: 509 - Follows: 615 - Updated: 7/13/2018 - Published: 7/17/2017
A Tale of Two Brothers by Sunny Lighter reviews
How did Mickey Mouse go from being a lowly boat hand, to the king of an entire world? Where does his musketeer days fit in to the story? Here is a story to connect the dots, and tell the tale that all forgot.
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & Epic Mickey - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 14 - Words: 42,020 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 20 - Updated: 7/4/2018 - Published: 4/4/2018 - Donald Duck, Goofy, Mickey M., Oswald R. - Complete
Magical Girl Lyrical Taylor by P.H. Wise reviews
Worm! Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha! A crossover! Caught in the path of one of Uber and Leet's stunts, Taylor activates a certain intelligent device inherited from her mother and awakens as a mage. The consequences of this awakening are going to derail a great many plans, both on Earth Bet and in Dimensional Space...
Crossover - Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha & Worm - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 94 - Words: 316,824 - Reviews: 702 - Favs: 913 - Follows: 997 - Updated: 7/1/2018 - Published: 5/16/2016 - Yuuno S., Skitter, Tattletale, Victoria D./Glory Girl
MagicTale by KTWizard reviews
In Tristian's Magic Academy, Louise asked the void for the greatest familiar in all the land. In the depths of Waterfall, Undyne wanted to escape the Underground. What happens when these magical worlds collide? Guess this is a case of being careful what you wish for. Set before Undertale Proper. Cover credits to G0966. Rate T for (eventual) graphic fights and (possible) romance.
Crossover - Familiar of Zero & Undertale - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 301,827 - Reviews: 444 - Favs: 775 - Follows: 766 - Updated: 6/27/2018 - Published: 5/15/2016 - Louise, Undyne - Complete
Watching the Force Awakens by xxTheTruMan961 reviews
When the Jedi Council receives a mysterious holodisk that claims to show the future, they watch it to seek answers, only to find that the future isn't so certain... I DO NOT OWN STAR WARS OR THE FORCE AWAKENS SCRIPT! RIGHTS BELONG TO DISNEY AND LUCASFILMS.
Star Wars - Rated: K+ - English - Mystery/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 50,979 - Reviews: 293 - Favs: 827 - Follows: 570 - Updated: 6/25/2018 - Published: 2/7/2018 - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan K., Yoda, Ahsoka T. - Complete
Saint of Zero by Satire Swift reviews
The Gandalfr is the Shield of God, meant to protect their summoner from harm. Through faith and blade, here was a man that protected the weak from all that would do them harm, and his life ended with no regrets. Though Louise did not mean to summon a Guardian Knight, there were few greater she could have asked for.
Crossover - Fate/stay night & Familiar of Zero - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 19 - Words: 133,588 - Reviews: 847 - Favs: 1,944 - Follows: 2,268 - Updated: 6/24/2018 - Published: 2/23/2013 - Saint George, Louise, Longueville/Fouquet, Siesta
A Devil's Diamond Side Stories by Mugiwara N0 Luffy reviews
A collection of short stories and one shots revolving around Josuke and Issei's non-serious adventures. It won't directly correlate to the OVA's of DxD but they will be placed here instead of the main story. Ch. 7: Her Image
Crossover - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: T - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 22,814 - Reviews: 46 - Favs: 116 - Follows: 114 - Updated: 6/24/2018 - Published: 12/22/2016 - Josuke H., H. Issei, Rias G., H. Akeno
An Unwilling Hero by Sniperk reviews
What happens when a hero of another story gets mixed up in the shenanigans of a pervert and his crew?
Crossover - Fate/stay night & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 13 - Words: 358,053 - Reviews: 863 - Favs: 3,631 - Follows: 4,208 - Updated: 6/23/2018 - Published: 11/27/2017 - Shirō E., H. Issei, A. Asia, H. Akeno
Code Geass: Zero's Revolution by King Draconias reviews
Rebellion – A violent act against the established order. Revolution – A widespread and wide-reaching change, for better or for worse. This is the tale of Lelouch taking up the mask of Zero to become a revolutionary for the world, instead of simply the leader of a rebellion for Japan. Witness the evolution of Zero as he changes the world. This is the tale of Zero's Revolution.
Code Geass - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 18 - Words: 218,374 - Reviews: 249 - Favs: 836 - Follows: 874 - Updated: 6/22/2018 - Published: 4/29/2014 - Lelouch L., C.C., Nunnally L., Nemo
Fire Emblem: The Chosen Two by snakebit1995 reviews
A Sequel to Four Outsiders. After the events of the final chapter of Revelations the worlds of Fates and Awakening end up fused. With these worlds now struggling for a balance follow Soleil, daughter of Inigo and Morgan, as she teams up with her Cousin Ophelia and their friends to learn about their new home, but at the same time the two girls are barreling towards a dark destiny
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 46 - Words: 51,757 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 66 - Follows: 81 - Updated: 6/21/2018 - Published: 4/9/2016 - Ophelia, Soleil, Nina
Lost Kingdoms of the Empire by Phoenix Champion reviews
There are powers older than the Teigu, powers that have defeated gods. Of course, it's been centuries since these powers were seen last. Night Raid and the Empire will discover this lost power as it returns to the Capital, clasped to the back of a woman who seeks to end the corruption.
Crossover - Lost Kingdoms & Akame ga Kiru/アカメが斬る - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,393 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 19 - Published: 6/20/2018 - OC, Night Raid
SCP: Soaring to the Sky by Coral the Leviathan reviews
Sequel to SCP: Saving Arabasta. With a new member in their crew, the Straw Hat Pirates continued their journey across the Grand Line. As they continued to sail, a ship suddenly fell on top of them and the Log Pose was pointing to the sky above. How will the Straw Hats survive from their adventure in the sky above?
Crossover - One Piece & Kingdom Hearts - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 29 - Words: 182,085 - Reviews: 132 - Favs: 72 - Follows: 57 - Updated: 6/20/2018 - Published: 7/15/2015 - Complete
Naruto:The Ecclesia Files by Wolfpackersson09 reviews
Shanoa defeated Dracula, but did not return to Wygol village. Instead she was brought to a new world, a world of ninja and chakra. She has raised her grandson Naruto to be a skilled Glyph mage, and now he will prove the might of Ecclesia's secret art, but he will not be alone in smiting the forces of Darkness that are invading. Possible harem, and rated M for safety.
Crossover - Castlevania & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 4 - Words: 18,018 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 119 - Follows: 111 - Updated: 6/19/2018 - Published: 10/3/2016 - Shanoa, Naruto U.
Grand Magic Games: Team Dragons of Destruction by azndrgn reviews
Takes place right before Magical Game Arc. Natsu suddenly comes down with something. He's not the only one affected, though. It seems like most of the Dragon Slayer's of Fairy Tail have come down with a sudden case of... Heat. With this sudden change, teams and the future will be affected! Take a look to see who's on this team! Up for adoption to finish
Fairy Tail - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 8 - Words: 50,117 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 145 - Follows: 166 - Updated: 6/18/2018 - Published: 9/4/2017 - [Natsu D., Lisanna S.] [Gajeel R., Levy M.] - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Psyren: Return Call reviews
Ageha didn't enter a coma after the final battle with He died and was contacted by as in She said she could send him back to before everything started, before he entered the most dangerous game he would ever play, before he became a Time Travel fic adopted from
Psyren - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,621 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 25 - Published: 9/28/2013
Chronicles of The Observer-One Piece
The Observer is an omniscient entity that watches over all of existence, he employs proxies known as Incarnations to help maintain balance and order in the infinite worlds that he oversees. They are the protectors of our worlds and these are their stories...
One Piece - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 870 - Published: 8/12/2013