Epilogue: We Shall Meet Again
It's been two months since they returned to Ylisstol. Constructions were now going underway and trade had been extended with other nations. Kamui took another turn away from the marketplace and found what he had been looking for. He smiled. A cottage with a stable outside and a long fence that stretched around it. Subaki smiled as he patted the nose of his Pegasus. Ever since Reflet vanished in the battle, Kamui and his Nohrian siblings occasionally came to check up on Cordelia who now had to call for temporary leave from the militia. Her future daughters made sure to come by and check up on their mother daily. Their Severa hurried up to the gates and pushed it open for them to walk through. She hurried over and knocked on the door. As the door opened, a familiar face popped out, "Future Big Sis?! Yay!"
Morgan jumped out and hugged the woman.
"Is Caeldori here with you today too?" she asked with a bright smile.
"She's busy helping Prince Shigure with the mounts today, Morgan." Severa responded, "Still you realize that we have guests, right?"
"Obviously!" Morgan grinned, "Hi, King Kamui! Hey, Subaki! Snacks are already out on the table! I'll go get the tea done!"
"Watch the stove this time, Morgan!"
"I know, mother!" the girl replied before hurrying to the kitchen.
As they walked in, another figure came to greet them. The woman smiled, "King Kamui! I certainly wasn't expecting you to come by with Subaki and my daughter! Please have a seat."
She gestured to the table in the middle of the room surrounded with chairs. It was large enough to seat seven people and hold a large dinner for them. But it now holds sweets and fruits. Kamui took a seat and smiled, "Thank you, Cordelia."
As she also took a seat, Kamui noticed the bump under the red and white dress. Severa was the first to speak, "How have you been feeling, Mother?"
"I'm doing well, Severa. Thank you for asking." She smiled, "Princess Lissa came by the other day and said that you'd be born in a matter of a few more months."
"That's good news." Kamui nodded, "My siblings couldn't come by today since bandits started to appear in the outskirts of town again. Leo and Frederick is still trying to help Chrom get to his meeting on time too. He still dotes on his child till the last minute. Other than that, everyone else is busy helping the citizens with the constructions. Robin is still trying to juggle between finding Morgan and her husband since Gaius kept bringing him to a candy store. In fact, she went looking for them right before we left the castle today too!"
As he sighed, Cordelia chuckled, "I see milord is doing well. If I may, how is everyone else doing back at the castle? I heard that some of Severa's and Morgan's friends are starting to arrive."
Subaki smiled, "Lady Lissa had finally called for leave yesterday. It seems the younger Owain is on his way."
Kamui nodded again, "Sumia too. Henry wouldn't stop cracking jokes in the castle for the past three days. You can tell that he's ecstatic with the news."
"That's great!" Cordelia smiled before she frowned anxiously, "What about Sully? I heard-"
Severa shook her head and sighed, "Obviously, still training the new Shepherds. Geez, you'd think she'd take it easy for the little Kjelle's sake. Well, she was like this too back in our timeline."
Kamui chuckled, "It seems the next generations is finally coming to our world. I'm just worried about one thing…"
As Severa nodded, Cordelia raised a brow, "Is something wrong?"
Subaki strained a smile, "I wouldn't say 'wrong', mother-in-law. Just that… the other day, Lady Nowi surprised us all with a large egg two days ago. It seems that she has to stay at home and keep watch over it."
"Really?!" Cordelia gasped, "An egg? As in…"
Kamui sighed as he kept his mouth shut. Silently, he thanked the dragons that his mother didn't have had to go through any of that during their birth. Regardless, Cordelia looked to them, "Have Lady Tiki figured out a way to send you back to your time, Milord?"
Kamui nodded, "Yes, but it'll take a while before she could finalize everything for our trip. In the mean time, Nyx and Orochi will aid her. They're our best Sorceress and Onmyouji at the moment."
"I see…" Cordelia nodded quietly.
Seeing her touch the womb, Kamui could already assume what's currently going through the Pegasus knight's mind at the moment. Ever since the new came to her, Cordelia has been rather quiet. Rarely speaking a word about her husband unless mentioned. However, there was a moment in time when he saw he touch her womb that he hesitantly questioned her thoughts. Her only response was a soft smile.
"I'm just hoping that Severa would arrive safely when my husband returns."
It worried Kamui at first, but he agreed that Reflet would come back to them regardless if Kamui and his friends would be there or not. He wanted nothing more, but to help the tactician's family with their missing, important family member while he's away. Especially, since he believed that Cordelia would have to act as the only parent for some time before Reflet returns. For now, they wait for his return as they help the other kingdoms. His elder Hoshidan brother had gone to help Say'ri learn how to run a kingdom rebuilding from the war and attacks of Risens to the best of his ability. So far, they've already began establishing trade between Chon'sin and this continent. So, in a way, it seems that they're doing well. His elder Nohrian brother had gone to check on Plegia as they heard that their new ruler was none other than the son of a Plegian general they knew of. Xander was accompanying Chrom there in hopes of being on a more favorable side after all that had occurred during those tragic years of wars. In his absence, Leo helped Robin keep an eye on things back in the capital while their sisters busied themselves with training the soldiers with their battle techniques and healing skills or helping the Exalt's wife babysit the young princess. It would be an understatement if he mentioned that the young princess was getting a lot more attention now that she's finally began to crawl about her nursery. Speaking of Lucina, the future-past princess have finally gotten the blessings of her parents and her beloved's parents just the other day. Yesterday, they told them of their plans to leave for Wyvern Valley on the other continent where Gerome's mother, Cherche, met Minerva and live their life there after their wedding. Chrom still has problems hearing that his future daughter was already leaving their side so soon, but Olivia was on their side and is ready to snap some sense into her husband if need be. Kamui was grateful that, no matter how angry his wife was, she wouldn't physically harm him as Olivia had. At least, Chrom hadn't chosen Sumia as his wife which he heard was the rumor during the Plegian wars. This marriage event was rather important due to all the things that his friend nearly did out of confusion and shock, such as chasing after Gerome with Falchion through the castle while Frederick wasn't around. They certainly couldn't really tell the retainer after he returned from training the Shepherds either. Now he worried about the day when his son would find himself someone such as how he and Azura came to be together. He was the eldest of the two he has at the moment, which shouldn't be surprise if he returns with a partner they know little to nothing about. Regardless to say, they already have their hands full despite not being from either of the kingdoms.
After their chat, Kamui left the cottage alone to return to the castle. As he entered the center of the capital, he was greeted by some of the passerbys.
"King Kamui! Visiting the towns again today?" An elder man smiled and waved, "Thank you for saving my friend the other day. Please pass my gratitude to the Exalt as well."
"I will, sir." Kamui smiled and waved back.
"Oh! King Kamui! You're here again?" A shopkeeper grinned as she pulled out a couple loaves of bread, "Please have some of this bread I made with the sesame seeds from Chon'sin! They're made just this morning. Oh! I also made some for that polite butler of yours too. He seemed to like the garlic bread I made the other day!"
"Of course." Kamui strained a smile as he took it and gave her the payment, "Thank you, ma'am. I'll make sure Jakob receives it too."
As he walked away, he knew he could never tell her that Jakob was actually attempting to poison check the food that day. He knew the butler was a really loyal retainer and butler, but that worried him and Corrin after that attempt. Thankfully, he never did that again under their persuasion. At least, he found something he likes.
"King Kamui! It's King Kamui!"
He turned around and saw the children running over to him with bright smiles as the tallest amongst them asked, "Hi, King Kamu! Will Princess Elise and Princess Sakura be here today?"
"Is Princess Lissa still very busy?" the girl asked nervously, "I want to show her these flowers we found in the woods the today…"
Kamui nodded as he got down to their eye level, "Yeah. I'm afraid my sisters won't be here today, I think. Also, Lissa is really busy and I don't think she'll come to see you for a while. If you want, I can bring the flowers to her for you?"
The girl looked up with a bright smile and nodded before handing him some pretty wild flowers. Kamui nodded and gently held the items before getting up and looking to them, "I'll let my sisters know that you were looking for them. I'm sure they'll stop by soon. Also, make sure you stay out of those woods. If something happens, no one would be there to help you when you're so far away. So, stay within the capital at all times, got it?"
"Yes, sir!" They nodded before bidding him farewell and running off.
Kamui smiled and waved before turning around and making his way back to the castle. After the war, it was widely known of their presence as many began to recognize them. In the end, Chrom had little choice, but to reveal who they really were and the situation that brought them here. As a result, they received more attention then they initially had as Shepherds, but now more of rulers and soldiers of the mythical kingdoms. At the very least, none knew of their relation to the royal families and the existence of the sacred weapons. Speaking of Sacred weapons, with the increase in bandits, Cordelia have decided to allow Marc take Seigfried as the second wielder of it in hopes of quelling the sudden rise of criminals preying on the weak. Each day, Xander trained the young tactician as he had with the young man's uncle. However, with the mind like his mother's, the boy found other ways of winning that the king had little knowledge of such as petty traps that was exaggerated into a more literal sense that it took them nearly a day to help get the king out of the pitfall he dug someway somehow. The memory still struck Kamui as somewhat funny since he rarely seen something like this happen to all of his siblings, minus Takumi. As he thought this, he soon recalled the day his father led him and his retainer into a pitfall with Takumi. A bittersweet memory he and Takumi still have of his biological father. After all these weeks, Kamui and Corrin still held onto the orb their biological father had gifted their elder Hoshidan brother. They were prepared to set in a chest that they would bring with them back to their time. The thought of his parents and the truth of their fates still ached him and his sister at times, but, for their father's sake and theirs, they've decided to move on and carry the lessons they've learned from the experience. Since then, the three retainers spoke more freely with those around them as they continue with their career as his Nohrian sibling's retainers. Thanks to this, he felt closer to the retainers though still keeping a distance to ensure they don't get overwhelmed with it all. As for their younger selves, the three children have decided to leave their families for the sake of their child selves' growth. But, it would only be temporary for the time before they return to Ylisstol for visits. Regardless, they never really interacted with their future lieges and, whenever they did, it was curt and awkward due to the fact that they see no reason to pledge themselves as their retainers. But, they never pushed for it for they knew that it would happen eventually. They just don't know how.
Chrom had just returned from Plegia and was resting up in the castle. The first thing he did wasthe obvious. Passing through the halls and corridors, he soon found himself before a door. He smiled as he knocked on it.
"Olivia? Lucina?" He called out with a chuckle as he soon heard the giggles.
Olivia's voice came through, "Please come in! The door's unlocked."
He opened it and came to sight with his wife playing with their younger Lucina in the chair. The Exalt smiled as the child began to play with the blue teddy bear once more, "She's gotten bigger."
"She has." Olivia giggled, "Oh! Guess what? This morning, Lucina spoke her first word!"
His jaw nearly dropped as he couldn't seem to help but smile wider, "Seriously?! By the gods! If only I was here this morning! Of all times to miss such an important event."
Olivia patted his shoulder, "There's other chances, dear."
"Ear… B…ear…"
Olivia gasped, "Oh! She did it again!"
Chrom laughed, "I see now! Bear, huh?"
The infant went on again saying the one word and grasping the toy's ear. Olivia smiled and picked up the infant with the bear in the child's arms. Chrom smiled as he petted his daughter's head, "Lucina has gotten big now… Eventually, the nursery will become too small for her."
Olivia nodded as she picked up the bear again to the infant, "If not for Kinomoto and her friends we probably wouldn't have seen this day with her."
Chrom nodded as he looked to the caged butterfly next to the crib. He nodded, "Yes. If not for them, I don't want to think the best of Lucina's future after that."
Olivia smiled, "They're safe back in their home right now, Chrom."
Chrom nodded again, "Yeah. As long as we remember them, they'll always be there for us too."
As he says this, he falls silent again.
"Dear?" Olivia called out to him in question.
Chrom shook his head, "I was thinking. Maybe… If Reflet was here too…"
"Dear…" Olivia said quietly as they knew that it's been two months without a single world, much less rumor of him.
They knew that Robin was also on the lookout for her brother as they have. Gaius have also been seen inquiring some in Plegia of the tactician's whereabouts after the war. However, there was no avail.
Leo looked up to Vaike in surprise, "You're going to return to your town?"
"Ah." Vaike laughed nervously, "Been a while, see. Also, Miriel want ta see Teach's town!"
Leo nodded, "I see… So far, it seems everyone is going to leave the Shepherds."
"Not everyone…" Frederick smiled as he walked in, "Some are staying, such as Kellam and Sully. However, milord and I never expected Stahl to join you in your cause, milord."
Leo shook his head with a smile, "If anything we were just as surprised as you were. But, I believe that it's not us that made him want to join my siblings."
Frederick sighed, "Yes. Their maid is certainly impressive to make my student leave the Shepherds. I believe there will be many things he will find interesting back in your time."
"He has Flora and my siblings' soldiers for help when that happens." Leo nodded, "But, I see what you mean, it was confusing the first time we went there as well. But, he'll be fine after a few days there."
"I see." Frederick nodded, "Speaking of which, has Lady Tiki ever replied?"
Leo nodded, "It seems we'll be leaving in the next couple of weeks."
"In the next couple of weeks, is it?" Frederick nodded, "So that's why there's a celebration held in the next week."
Leo sighed, "It seems Chrom won't let us go without a proper good bye, or so he says."
Frederick smiled, "It'll only be the Shepherds attending, but the town is also in preparations for a festival as well. Perhaps, your departure may become another holiday for the capital."
"That's a surprise." Leo chuckled, "I never knew that you would jest as well."
"Oh no, milord." The man smiled, "That was certainly no jest."
"Uh… what?" Leo raised a brow and looked to Vaike.
The berserker just laughed, "More booze for the Teach!"
Leo sighed as he shook his head, "I should've known…"
Needless to say, a week after that, a celebration was made in honor of Kamui and his allies that aided Chrom in the war. Many arrived to the party. Say'ri came alone with Hinoka who went to escort her there. Yen'fay, who had gone on a journey throughout Ylisse had also returned to the castle in secret. Cordelia, who was suppose to be at home, also arrived with the help of her family. Many who had gone on their journey returned when news of the celebration reached them. In time, the party was soon in full swing. The musicians played numerous songs, and couples and friends danced and ate throughout the night as soon as Chrom finally finished his speech which Frederick helped him with. Needless to say, Leo wasn't too pleased to hear of this either, but decided to let it go as he knew that the exalt would have to figure it out for himself one of these days. He wasn't Leo or his son after all and neither was the retainers like them. When those days of celebration that stretched to two days were over, Lady Tiki called them back to her mother's temple and created a portal. After bidding their friends farewell, Naga appeared before them and handed them back the orb Anankos had given the generation.
"A gift…" she said, "for saving mankind."
Kamui and Corrin thanked the goddess before bidding their longtime friends farewell once more.
"Sir Reflet? Are you asleep again?"
"Reflet, please wake up. Chrom and everyone else will be worried about you."
The tactician wearily opened his eyes.
"Where am I?" He muttered.
Upon seeing the two figures, his eyes widened, "Kinomoto! Syaoran! That's right…"
He muttered as the scenes came back to his head, "I… died…"
Kinomoto shook her head, "No… you're going back home. The goddess told us… that as long as your bond with Chrom and the others are strong you will return. You're going back home, Reflet."
Syaoran nodded, "Remember. Remember it all, sir. Chrom. Lady Lissa. Cordelia."
"Cordelia…" Reflet's eyes widen, "That's right! She and Severa is still waiting for me."
"That's right." Kinomoto smiled as she stretched out her hand and grasped a falling petal, "Take it, Reflet, and imagine… the calm breeze from the hills of Ylisstol over the bustling towns and the castle from afar under the light of the sun."
Her description really hit the point of the image Reflet formed in his mind of his home. His new home. He could see the vivid scenery of the hill around Ylisstol and, in the capitol, his wife and friends all waiting for him.
"We have to do something, Chrom!"
"Well, what do you propose we do?"
As his eyes opened once more to the overly familiar scene of the figures, the woman and the man, Chrom, saw him awoke. The woman gasped, "Ah!"
"I see you're awake now." Chrom said with a smile.
"Hey there." The woman called out to him with a soft grin and a giggle.
He nodded back to her with a smile.
"There are better place to sleep than on the ground, you know." Chrom smirked as he offered a hand, "Give me your hand."
Reflet took his hand with his own… unbranded hand. As Chrom helped him up, Chrom chuckled, "Welcome back. It's over now."
It's been a few months since his return to the capitol. Reflet has been busy was a lot of things since his return. The moment he arrived, he was greeted by a tearful younger sister and crowd full of citizens in the capitol as he went to get a quick gift for his daughter. It's been two years since he was gone from this world. However, this morning was rather peculiar as they soon received a message from the older Lucina who had gone to meet up with her husband with her cousin, brother, and best friend. It wrote a troubling situation where the three had gone missing in just a few hours after they left. Chrom and Reflet wanted to worry because this was their future children they were talking about, but, at the same time, they couldn't for some unknown reason. Finally, by the fourth day, everything came back to them. The competition between the Khans, the battles, Lucina's arrival as Marth. Everything regarding the three mythical kingdoms returned. Along with the fact of where the three had gone, Chrom spoke to his tacitican with a firm smile, "We've done our part. Now, it's time for them to face their own destiny."
Reflet nodded as he polished his sacred weapon, "I agree."
Chrom looked out to the training ground before he raised a brow, "So, Morgan has finally gone as well…"
Reflet looked up with a smile, "She left with Marc and her fiancée. Since, her younger self in now on the way."
Chrom chuckled, "Somehow it doesn't surprise me that she'd catch the attention of Vaike's son."
Reflet shook his head, "I don't know, Chrom. I still find that rather surprising. Then again, this is Morgan we're talking about. Marc certainly any surprise in the least. Morgan will make anyone open up to her in time."
Chrom chuckled, "You mean the last time she persuaded the entire band of bandits to surrender without any bloodloss."
Reflet chuckled, "There was that too."
Chrom sighed and nodded as he looked up to the blue skies, "I hope they are all right from here on out."
Robin, who had been silently looking out the window giggled, "How about we ask Kinomoto and the others to watch over them for us too? I'm sure Stahl would also need their help in their future where he's with Flora."
Chrom chuckled as he responded, "That pairs surprises me as much as Virion and Tharja. And I wondered where he had gone to in all these years. Naga really does chooses ways to save us from loosing something so important to us. Speaking of which, I heard they finished repairing the damage done to the temple. In time, Libra would be going there with Panne."
"I visited their orphanage a few days ago." Reflet smiled, "They're doing really well taking in orphanages. Panne seems like she enjoys taking care of the children as Libra is."
"That's good." Chrom smiled, "I was worried when she didn't give much of a response before. Perhaps a change of heart?"
Robin shook her head, "Panne has always been rather nice, Chrom. I think it's just the way she's expressing her agreement to things."
"Bear! My Teddy!"
They turned around from the window and saw the young Lucina running after the floating bear as the young Noire ran after her timidly in tears, "I-I-I-I'm sorry! WAHH!"
Chrom sighed as he strained a smile and walked over to them, "It seems that our children still need the time to develop as well. This time, with a brighter future."
Reflet and Robin nodded as they followed after Chrom to retrieve the toy and calm the children. While doing this, Reflet looked to the skies once more with a soft smile as he muttered quietly, "Kinomoto, Syaoran, thank you… for everything."
Back in the kingdom of Valla, Kamui and Azura was sitting around the small lake in their castle with their children when Corrin ran up to them with the orb in hand.
"Kamui! Azura! Look at this!" the manakete princess shouted as she pulled out the orb to them.
A bright light glowed from it as they soon saw Reflet lying on the grassy plains outside of a very familiar town. Kamui smiled, "South Town! Reflet's there?"
Soon, Chrom and the others appeared running over to him as the tactician woke up and got to his feet. Azura smiled, "So, he's returned. That's a relief. It seems Severa was right. In the next two year, her father would return."
Caeldori smiled, "That would mean that this is when mother and my uncles decides to leave for our time, then…"
"That's right."
They looked up and saw Camilla and her retainers following her. Soon, the other royalties followed her into the garden. The princess looked to the orb, "Oh look! My, their Lucina has gotten so big now."
It was as she said. The scene switched to the children that visited the castle of Ylisstol where Chrom and all of his shepherds were present. Kamui smiled and looked over to the familiar green knight, "Stahl! Come here, quick! Reflet is back!"
"H-He is?!" the man smiled before he walked over to them nervously.
His eyes widen as he saw the castle of Ylisse. Ryoma nodded, "With this, everything is now in place once more."
Xander smiled, "Our kingdoms are also back where it should be years before too."
Kamui nodded. It's been a couple years since they returned from the future. Since then, they did everything they could to repair the damages done from their own wars and, in time, they also mended most of the relations that was lost from the years of isolation. Kamui then assigned Stahl as one of the commander to their army. There was doubt at first, but, in time, everyone came to recognition of the knight's techniques in battle. Thought it confused them, Kamui and his siblings kept quiet of the origin of the knight as he then earned his own residence in their capital.
"My, Selena looked so adorable as a child as well." Camilla giggled as her retainer soon grew red.
"M-Milady?" the retainer muttered in shock.
However, the retainer just giggled. Kamui sighed as he soon saw the younger distince Owain and a surprising timid infant with blue hair bawling behind his cousin's cape. Corrin strained a smile and pulled back the orb, "How about let's stop here?"
As they nodded, Laslow was blushing red as he gave a curt bow, "Th-Thank you, Princess Corrin…"
There was some chuckles and quiet sighs as the sound of peace and quiet echoed through the winds.
When Chrom opened his eyes, he found himself before a very familiar looking space. He muttered in surprise, "Tokyo tower?"
It's been a while as he looked about the modernized technology and culture. Amongst them stood some very familiar figures who walked about.
"Kinomoto! Syaoran and Tomoyo!" Chrom watched them walk by him in shock.
However as they did, Kinomoto stopped. Chrom held his breath as he saw that they were in a similar uniform as the photos her great grandfather had shown them. She turned around and looked to him in the eyes with confusion. He looked to them quietly as Syaoran raised a brow, but, soon their eyes widen as Kinomoto gasped, "Ch…rom…?"
A smile came over his face as he saw this and, suddenly, a familiar figure floated down from above the three children. He knew who it was as he looked back to them and patted Syaoran and Kinomoto on the shoulders as he said quietly, "It's long over, Kinomoto, Syaoran, Tomoyo… We've won and Grima's dead. Thank you... for everything you've done for us. All I ask is that you don't forget us again. Just as we won't forget you."
As he said this, he opened his eyes once more to the dark ceiling of their room. As he got up, he notice Olivia began to stir as well, "Chrom dear? … I just had the strangest dreams."
"Really?" Chrom raised a brow and chuckled, "I had one just now too. It was about Kinomoto and her friends remembering us."
"It's the same in my dream too!" Olivia gasped as she soon sat up.
The two couple looked between one another before they giggled and laughed. Finally, everything have been restored.
YueTian: I'm done!
Kero: Congrats! But… where was I?
YueTian: (sigh) As if I can make you appear whenever you like. Also, there's no way I can just create a scene where it shows Sakura's rescue so easily, idiot! It takes time. A lot of time!
Kero: Seriously?!
Kamui: Come on, guys. We finally ended things on a happier note, can't we just get along?
Reflet: It's fine, Kamui. They'll always be like this.
Corrin: Reflet! At least, you're back!
Chrom: It took us a while before he found him by chance around South town.
Reflet: Sorry about that, Chrom.
Chrom: As long as you're back were you belong.
Takumi: Well, can we get back to the main topic now?
Leo: They're still busy arguing… Oh well… (Clears throat and opens paper…) According to the graph and numbers, a total of 34 Favorites and 28 Followers have been recorded to have marked this story with at least 34 reviews since the upload of the previous chapter. YueTian has predicted that there would be at least 35 reviews within the next week or two depending on various conditions. Though there are no communities for this story, there has been 10,792 views on the story itself within the last year or so. ( Folds paper) With this, our adventure finally comes back to an end and… are you seriously crying?
YueTian: No! Well, maybe a little, but still! What can you expect? I spent over one year on this and my first journey has finally come to a close. It was a bitter sweet tale in its own right after all this time I spent on this story! It was just one of the things I always think about when I watch the walkthrough or play the Awakening game! And, yes, I just got my brother the game over the summer and have played it with him. It was awesome! My pairing here is the same as my game! It was really difficult to get that whirlwind thing between Chrom and-
Chrom: You can stop there!
Robin: Haha… YueTian, how about the other story or if there's anything coming up with this story?
YueTian: Oh, that's right! I'm planning on creating side chapters for this story and will be focusing more on FE Fates of The Worlds! There is also FE Fate of The Sky where I'll be keeping the minimum around thirty pages and hold a poll rather to continue with that or not! Anyway, I hope everything enjoyed our journey through the chapters of FE: Awakening with Blossoms! This marks the official end of the story! Though the story will be marked complete, I will occasionally add in the side chapters with numbers marked in between certain chapters, such as 13.5 referring to the chapter taking place between chapter 13 to chapter 14 or in the chapters itself. I hope everyone enjoys the story as this is also heartbreaking for me as well since I've enjoyed writing the story so much! I hope everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving and Veterans Day! I shall see you again on either the other stories or in future occasional chapters! See you next time! Bye!
Kamui: I shall see you in further chapters or in the other stories! See you all later!
Chrom: Perhaps in future stories we shall meet again!
Kero: Wait! It's ending already-
Reflet: We shall meet again, then!
Robin: See you!
Corrin: Never stop believing in the friends you trust! See you all later!
Takumi: Well, it's not really farewell between us here. I shall see you all in the next stories.
Leo: (Shrug) True…
Kinomoto: Good bye! Let's meet again in the side chapters!
Syaoran: See ya.