Hey everyone. I am so sorry for the long wait. I honestly did not mean for the next update to take this long. It took me a while to get out of the writer's block, you now. But, you're wait is finally over. As always, I do not own The Legend of Zelda.

Chapter 7: To the Village of Flight

Night had set upon the world and after helping the Gorons with their mining, Daruk and Link were relaxing in the hot springs. Of course, they invited the other Champions to join them.

"Ahhhhhhh," Daruk sighed as he relaxed with Link and Revali. "Who knew that a week of nonstop fighting for your life against Bokoblins and Lizalfos could make a guy so tense."

"Indeed," said Revali. "We're half way through with our mission to reclaim the Divine Beasts, so I say we deserve the night off."

"If we're in Goron city, I can't think of a better way to spend it," said Link.

"Really Link?" called a female voice from over the ridge.

"Wha- Urbosa?!" asked Link.

"You sure you wouldn't rather spend your time in the hot spring with your lovely bride?" the Gerudo asked teasingly.

"Wait WHAT?!"

"Urbosa!" cried Mipha. "It's far too soon for that!"

"What do you mean? You two are engaged, aren't you? Shouldn't you two get used to seeing each other in the naturel?"

"Come on, Urbosa! Cut it out!" Link cried out as Daruk was having the laugh of his life.

"Link and Mipha's embarrassment aside," said Revali, "might I ask you something Link?"

"Huh? Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"I noticed that you made a stop at the weaponry shop in the city earlier today. Why is that? I doubt it was to get a backup sword, seeing as how the Gorons don't sell any one-handed ones that are small enough for you to use."

"Oh, that?"

"Oh? I must admit, this also has my interest piqued," said Urbosa.

"Well, here's the thing. You guys each have your own skills, right?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. My Protection, Mipha's Grace, Revali's Gale, and Urbosa's Fury."

"Well, I've actually been working on a little something myself."

"Oh! You have?" asked Mipha.

"But all the skills you mentioned are bordering on the ways of magic," said Urbosa. "Are you telling me that, in addition to your already mind-bending skills with a sword, you've been working on using magic?"

"I do have a little something in mind."

"Well?! Don't keep us in suspense! What is it?!" asked Revali.

"Yeah, come on, little guy! What do ya call it?!"

"Easy guys. I haven't exactly mastered it yet to the point where I can use it in battle. It doesn't even have a name yet either. But if I get it right, it should help deal with my sword breaking problem."

"Interesting," said Mipha. "I am eager to see it."

The next day, as the sun rose, the Champions were preparing to leave and the Gorons were giving them a big farewell.

"I'll be waiting for your return, sir," said Yunobo as he shook Daruk's hand.

"'Till then, youngster. Just remember, work hard, watch out for your brothers, and eat lots of tasty rocks. Do that, and you'll be stronger than me someday!"

"I'll work hard!"

"Hey, Master Link?" said Bludo. "Sorry if I'm bein' rude by askin' this, but aren't you supposed to be carryin' a legendary sword?"

"Oh yeah," said Link. "The sword that seals the darkness. Unfortunately, it wasn't there at the shrine when we woke up. I'm not sure where it is honestly."

"Well then ya might wanna here this. They say the sword sleeps in a forest somewhere… Waiting…"

"A forest you say?" asked Urbosa.

"Link, do you suppose…" said Mipha.

"Must be, but we can think about that afterwards. Right now, we need to focus on freeing the two remaining Divine Beasts."

The Champions were off and waved back to the Gorons, who cheered for them as they left. Their destination being the village of flying warriors. Revali's place of birth, Rito Village. The distance to Rito Village from Goron City was far greater than the one between Zora's Domain to the volcanic city though. After a full day's worth of traveling, the Champions found a place to make camp for the night. They now sat with each other around a fire while enjoying dinner.

"If we keep it up at this rate," said Link, "we should reach Rito Village before nightfall tomorrow."

"You must be eager to see your hometown again, Revali," said Mipha.

"Yes, but not out of excitement," said the Rito, catching everyone's attention. "I am eager to return to my village, but only to see if the Rito are still doing well. When I think about it, I can't fathom that it's been 100 years… That means there's no one left who would even know me." It was quiet for a bit before Revali looked up at the stars. "But then again, even so, the memories of my childhood, growing up there. They are everlasting. So, in the end, I suppose it will always be my home."

The other Champions smiled at Revali for this, Urbosa and Daruk feeling proud of Revali as they see how much the young Rito had grown up since they had first met him.

Their attention was snatched away when they heard the voice of a child cry out. Not wasting a second, they grabbed their weapons and began running. They saw an old Sheikah man and a small Sheikah girl who couldn't be much older than five. Both surrounded by what appeared to be a horde of Bokoblin skeletons.

"Stalkoblins," said Urbosa. "I hate those things."

"Looks like they're lookin' for a fight," said Daruk.

"Then let's not keep them waiting for one any longer," said Link as he charged forward with his sword drown, the others doing the same.

As the undead skeleton monster was about bring its sword down onto the two Sheikahs, it felt something hit its hand, soon followed by the sound of ice shattering and the sword dropping to the ground. It looked up to see that its hand was gone. It tuned its head to see the Champions charging towards them. Revali notched three more ice arrows, firing all three and each one found its mark in the head of a Stalkoblin, incasing them in ice and shattering them. Mipha swung her trident across to decapitate them before plunging it into their skulls. Urbosa used her shield and sword to block and parry the attacks while slashing them apart. Daruk put his Boulder Breaker to good use, smashing the skeletal monster to smithereens. Link, still using his Zora Sword, hacked apart any Stalkoblin that was foolish enough to attack him. The skull of one was still bouncing around towards him but was soon crushed beneath Link's boot.

"Well, that takes care of that," said Mipha as she put her spear away.

"You folks okay?" asked Urbosa.

"Yes, we're fine," said the old man. "Thank you so much for your help, strangers."

"Ha! They may be strangers to you, Symin," said the little girl, "but I've been waiting for these guys to come back." This earned the girl some confused looks.

"Excuse me?" asked Link. "Sorry, kid, but I think you've got us confused with someone else."

"KID?! Come on, Linky! Even if it's been 100 years, you should remember me! Snappity snap!"

Hearing these words from the girl got the gears in the heads of the Champions turning.

"Wait…" mumbled Link. "…Linky…snap…no way."

"PURAH?!" all five of them gasped at ounce, their eyes the size of dinner plates.

"Hey, guys! It's been a while, huh?"

"It most certainly has," said Urbosa.

"I must say Purah," said Mipha, "I was not expecting for us to run into you again. Especially not seeing you look like…this."

"Let me guess," said Link, "one of your experiment went wrong, there was probably a big explosion like there normally is with you, and it resulted in you being stuck looking like this?"

"…Yeah, that's pretty much what happened," Purah said as if it was no big deal.

"You haven't changed a bit," said Revali as Daruk laughed.

"And just look at you guy. You all don't look like you've changed a bit in the last 100 years. Oh, by the way, this is my assistant, Symin."

"It's an honor to meet you all," Symin said with a slight bow. "I have heard the legends of you five."

"So Purah, what are you doing all the way out here?" asked Link.

"Research actually. You all remember the Guardians, right?"

"Ah, yes," said Revali. "Those mechanical soldier that were built to be an army meant for protecting Link, but instead proved to be only of use to Ganon."

"Come on, Revali," said Purah. "They were takin over by Ganon, just like the Divine Beasts. They're not-"

Before she could finish her sentence, they area around them was bathed in a sickening red light. They all looked up to see that the full moon had turn red.

"What the? What is that?" asked Daruk. "A red moon?"

"Oh, that's not good," said Purah.

Malice began to gather around them and from the Malice, Bokoblins rose from where they slain the Stalkoblins.

"What in the name of…?" gasped Link at the event he just bore witness to.

"On the bright side, they're flesh this time," said Daruk. "That means they feel pain and fear again. I can handle this one guys."

Daruk readied his weapon and spun around to build momentum as he smashed it into the chest of one of the monsters, sending it flying into another one which caused them both to fly away. He then smashed the ground with his weapon, causing a large shockwave to take place, sending all the other monsters flying back. As they collected themselves up, they saw the imposing figure of Daruk through the cloud of dust. Not wanting to be revived only to die again, they turned tail and ran as fast as their legs would allow them to.

"Hmph! Spineless little cuccos!" Daruk called out to them.

"What was that all about?" asked Link.

"The blood moon," said Purah.

"Blood moon?" asked Revali.

"It's Ganon," said the Sheikah girl, getting their attention. "His power grows…it rises to its peak under the hour of the blood moon. By its glow, the aimless spirits of monsters across the land that were slain in the name of the light return to flesh."

"Hold on!" said Daruk. "You sayin' that every monster we Champions have taken down since we woke up have come back to life?"

"I'm afraid so. Well, except the ones you've already slain in the Divine Beasts. Don't worry, I know because I've already checked on Ruta back on a previous night." The Champions let out a sigh of relief at that.

"Still, this means we can't waist time," said Link. "We'll have to sleep now and get up early, so we can start making our way to Rito Village. Purah, you and Symin are more than welcome to share in our camp fire for tonight."

The two Sheikahs followed the Champions back to their fire, where they continued their talk.

"YOU'RE ENGAGED?!" Purah gasped as Link and Mipha told her.

"I know, right?" asked Daruk. "I didn't even think the little guy had it in him."

"Quite the happy occasion," Urbosa added.

"But wait. Mipha. Aren't you supposed to be the crowned princess of the Zora?" asked Purah. "You know? Their next queen? Sure, you've been asleep for a hundred years, but still, most of the Zora's you knew back then are still around. They wouldn't object to you becoming queen."

"Thank you, Purah," said Mipha, "but it's quite alright. We already considered that at the moment we told my father and the others. Sidon was with the Zoras the entire time I was asleep, so we all agreed that he would make a much more appropriate heir. I can be at ease knowing that the Zoras are in good hands."

"Ok, that settles that problem. But then, what will you two do while having a family? Come to think of it, what are all of you gonna do?" This caught the attention of the Champions.

"Pardon?" asked Revali.

"Come on. You know. After Ganon. What are you all gonna do after he's been dealt with?"

The Champions put on surprised faces at the realization.

"After Ganon?" asked Mipha.

"Huh. Guess we never really put much thought into that," said Link.

"That's true," said Urbosa. "I mean, sure, we know you and Mipha tie the knot, but what about after that and the rest of us?"

"Something to think about," said Daruk. "For now, we should probably just get some sleep. We've got a long journey ahead of us tomorrow." The others agreed to that and slipped into sleep.

The very next day, after giving their goodbye to their old friend, The Champions resumed their journey to Rito Village. They knew they were practically their ounce it began to snow.

"First it's hot, now it's freezing," said Link as he shivered.

"Brrrrrr. No offence, Revali," said Daruk, "but I don't think your home town agrees with me."

"I suppose the weather around here would be ill suited to a Goron," said the Rito.

They made a stop at the the Rito Stable, where Revali picked up some fire arrows and the others bought some warmer cloths to bundle up. Revali then walked up to the guard at the front of the bridge.

"You there, my friend, I was hoping you could tell me who the current chief of Rito Village was and where we could find them?"

"Huh? Kaneli of course. He's up in the village, but you should already know…wait. Who are you? I don't remember seeing anyone who looks like you leave the village." That last part caused Revali's face to be stricken with some sorrow.

"Well, let's just say that I've been away from home for a very long time."

Without another word, they began to walk across the bridges that lead into the village. As they walked, they were stopped by what sounded like the scream of a giant bird.

"I know that scream anywhere," said Revali.

They all looked up to see a giant eagle made from the ancient technology of the Sheikah. It seemed flying around in an endless circular path.

"Medoh…" was all Revali could say. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Link.

"Don't worry. We'll get them back," he said, trying to encourage his friend.

Revali nodded and the group continued to walk towards the village. They eventually came across a Rito guard.

"A group of travelers in this weather?" he asked. He then turned his attention to his fellow Rito. "Sorry, friend. I'm sure you'd like to show your friends around, but now's not really a good time."

"Tell me, my friend, what's going on?" asked Revali. The guard pointed up towards the sky and they all looked to see Medoh.

"You haven't forgotten about the beast in the sky, right? That's Divine Beast of Wind, Vah Medoh. In case your Rito friend here hasn't told you four, it showed up a while back. The Rito warriors who flew up to check it out were shot down."

"Shot down? Is everyone okay?" asked Mipha.

"No worries. They got banged up pretty badly, but no deaths yet. They say that beast used to be a divine being that protected the village, but it doesn't seem very divine to me. Thankfully, the thing only shoots at anything flying high up above the village."

"But…For us Rito…" said Revali.

"Yeah. It's pretty demoralizing for us to have to fly so low to the ground."

"Well don't you worry!" Daruk declared as he walked up and gave a big painful pat on the guard's back. "The Champions of Hyrule are back to set things right and take back what's ours!" He then laughed as he walked into the village with the other Champions following him.

"Wait! The Champions?!"

Gather the villagers," said Revali. "They'll want to know of our return."

The Champions continued to walk up through the village. As they did, word of their return began to spread. Eventually, they found themselves at the top, where they met with an old owl-looking Rito sitting in a chair. They assumed it was Kaneli.

"Ah, visitors. Welcome to…" His talking paused on itself when he saw the Sheikah Slate on Link's hip. "Oh. OH! That object on your hip… Could it be… Forgive me. Where are my manners? I am Kaneli, elder of Rito Village. Now then… You, young Hylian. Is that not a Sheikah Slate dangling from your hip?"

"That's right. It is," Link answered.

"Oh, my! So it is true! That means you must be a Champion like Master Revali – one of the few able to board Divine Beast of Wind, Vah Medoh!" The look of excitement disappeared from his face ounce he started to think. "No… What am I thinking? The Champions have all been dead for 100 years."

"Actually, my friend, the news of our deaths was somewhat inaccurate," said Revali.

As a crowed began to form behind them, Revali caused the wind around him to pick up, the start of his Gale. The other Champions showed off their abilities as well, proving who they where in doing so. All the Rito watching where wide-eyed in shock as they watched. After words, all the Rito where surrounding the Champions, asking them questions.

"How…How is this possible?" asked Kaneli.

"It's a bit of a story," said Mipha.

Later on, they were sitting down in a circle with the elder, explaining their situation.

"And that brings us to now," said Urbosa. "We've succeeded in freeing the Divine Beasts of Water and Fire. Now we're here to do the same with Wind."

"To think the Champions were alive and healing for all these years," said Kaneli. "I never thought I'd receive the honor of meeting you all in the world of the living."

"And I'm happy to see my home is still around," said Revali. "Though it pains me to see is so demoralized like this. And by my own Divine Beast no less."

"Ah yes," said Kaneli. "Champion's, I know it is why you came here, but still, I must ask of you. Please, deal with Divine Beast of Wind, Vah Medoh. Only a chosen one, a Champion, can stop a Divine Beast. Master Revali, I ask you to enter the beast and bend it to your will. I tried explaining this to the more headstrong Rito warriors, but they wouldn't listen to reason."

"Yeah. We've heard that some of your warriors have already been injured," said Link.

"Indeed. Teba and Harth tried to confront Medoh, but it did not go well, and Harth was injured. Teba escaped unscathed, but I fear he now plans to face Medoh alone."

"What?!" gasped Mipha.

"But that's suicide," said Urbosa.

"Exactly. Please, find Teba and talk some sense into him."

"Fret not, Kaneli," said Revali. "Now that we're here, everything shall be taken care of. Also, I'm eager to meet this Teba fellow."

"Excuse me," came a female voice. They turned to see a female Rito with lavender colored feathers standing in the door way. "Forgive my intrusion, but I overheard you speaking of my husband, Teba."

"Ah, yes." Said Kaneli. "Champions, this is Saki, Teba's wife."

"Greetings, Saki," said Revali. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And it is an honor to meet you, Master Revali," Saki responded with a slight bow. "Now, as for my husband, I recall seeing him head towards the Flight Range."

"The Flight Range?" asked Revali. "I'm afraid I don't remember any place named that in our village."

"That's because you knew it as something else in your day, Master Revali. Do you recall your personal training grounds?"

"Personal training grounds?" asked Link.

"Ah yes. The village elder of my day asked me for a prize for my achievements and I asked for an archery training ground where I could refine my skills. So it's called that Flight Range now, is it?"

"Yes. Now it's a place where Rito warriors prepare for aerial combat… I imagine he's gone there to gather weapons for another run at Medoh."

"Well then, let's go find him before he gets himself hurt," said Urbosa as she got up.

"If you all take off from Revali's Landing, it's a straight shot down to the Flight Range," said Saki.

"Revali's Landing?" asked Mipha as the Champions looked towards Revali.

"Don't look at me. I recall no such place from our day."

They followed Saki as she led them to a landing that was indeed around one hundred years ago, but was not called Revali's Landing.

"This landing has a name now?" asked Revali.

"Yes sir. Revali's Landing is now a memorial for you. So named in the hope that none might forget the events of that horrible day. Although it seems you are in no need of a memorial."

"True, though I do appreciate the thought."

"Master Revali! Before you go!" came a voice. They turned to see a group a Rito coming towards them, one of them holding a greyish-blue bow with yellow trimmings and a blue scarf tied to it.

"My Great Eagle Bow," said Revali as he took the bow. "Glad to see it wasn't destroyed. Thank you for holding it for me."

"Our pleasure, sir."

Following the Rito Champion has he took off, the others took out their paragliders and sore over to the snow-covered lands as the sun began to set. They soon found themselves at the Flight Range, but saw Revali paid no heed to his old grounds. They continued onward to what appeared to be a shack, where they found a white Rito sitting down, tuning his bow. Either he did not notice them, or he did not care for their presence.

"Excuse me?" asked Mipha.

"Yeah…?" he said, finally turning to look at them.

"Pardon me, but are you Teba?" she asked.

"I am, but I don't know any of you. And I'm actually pretty busy here. You should probably go."

"I'm afraid we can't do that," said Urbosa.

"And why not? Do you need something? I told you, I'm busy here."

"That's just it, Teba. We're here to help you," said Link.

"Help me? With what exactly?"

"With that big bird, Medoh," said Daruk.

"Let me get this straight… Five random strangers want to help me bring down Divine Beast of Wind, Vah Medoh? I'm not buying it. Who are you strangers anyway?"

"You probably wouldn't believe us if we told you," said Revali. "Just now that your plans to deal with Medoh would improve drastically with us with you."

"Oh really? I'm guessing the elder asked you all to come here and talk some sense into me. Am I right?"

"Well, we can certainly agree that taking on a Divine Beast all by yourself is indeed reckless," said Mipha.

"Just like the elder to trust any fool wandering into town," Teba muttered. "Look – you all seem like all-right people, but let's make one thing clear: I'm not going anywhere. As a Rito warrior, I can't rest until my people are safe." The Champions could not help but smile in improvement at this. "There's only one way I'm going back to Rito Village."

"And that is…?" asked Link.

"Once Divine Beast of Wind, Vah Medoh falls from the sky." This surprised that Champions greatly.

"What?! Falls from the sky?!" asked Mipha.

"If I have to kill Medoh…so be it. Only then will I return to the village."

"Wow wow wow! We need that thing!" said Daruk as he waved his hands in front of him.

"Need it? You telling me you plan to take control of that thing?"

"That's right, genius," said Urbosa. They weren't surprised as the white Rito laughed.

"So not only are most of you wingless…you're brainless too. Let me fill you in – the only people able to control the Divine Beasts are the five Champions of old. And unfortunately for us and the rest of Hyrule, they all died a hundred years ago. If it hadn't been for Ganon…" The Champions noticed his fist started to tighten in frustration. "Never mind. You all should probably head out." He then turned his attention back to his bow.

"Pardon me," said Revali as he got his attention, "but before anything else, I would like to show you something." He walked off till he was cleared and spread his wings out, Teba only now noticing the bow on his back.

"Wait, that's the Great Eagle Bow. Why does he have it? What is…?"

The wind then began to swirl around Revali, causing an updraft. He then flapped his wings hard, sending him souring upwards. The others could only watch as he reached higher and higher until he could see the entire Flight Range down below. He took a few glances around, spotting up to three targets spread out. He removed the bow from his back and grabbed it with his feet as he dove down. As he dived, he flipped to through the bow in front of him and grabbed as he pulled out three normal arrows. As he let loose, the others were impressed to see each one hit the bullseye of a separate target. Before he could touch the ground, he turned back up and flew around, letting loose more arrows and hitting the bullseye of every target. As he finished, he descended and landed next to his companions.

"I believe the display of such skills should be enough to grab your attention, correct?"

"But that bow…" Teba tried to say. "And the updraft… How did…?"

"Simply return to the village with us and all shall be made clear."

After getting his thoughts straitened out a bit, Teba returned to the village with them. After hearing the story from the villagers, he now stood with them watching as Mipha healed his friend, Harth.

"I still can't believe it," said Teba. "To think, you all were still alive."

"I can understand your surprise," said Urbosa. "Anyway, before we do anything to deal with Medoh, we should probably come up with a plan first."

"She's right," said Revali. "If we approach Medoh recklessly, its cannons will blast us out of the sky before we even get close."

"Then it's settled," said Daruk as he got everyone's attention. "We have the fastest Rito warriors fly us up there and fly with us, acting as a distraction. While that happens, Revali and Link will use their bows and the village's supply of bomb arrows to take out those cannons. That'll give us the chance we need to get inside that thing and take it back from Ganon."

"Can't say I like the idea of being a moving target for cannon fire," said Harth, "but it's better than nothing."

"I agree," said Mipha.

"Let's give it a shot," said Link.

"First thing tomorrow then," said Revali. "Everyone, I hope you all have trained in aerial combat."