Reviews for Same Difference
I.D.'s Fantasy chapter 70 . 6/28
I just binge read this entire fic and I've gotta say it's amazing! It's well written, the characters ate in character, and all around fun to read! 11/10
animegamefanatic chapter 58 . 5/31
that's low Shredder. I guess he figures if he can't have Leo as a son, he can at least use him against his father and as a minion. He does recognize Leonardo's leadership skills, abilities, and dedication to ninjitsu, but the fact he's too much like Splinter sickens Shredder, even if he's shen's child.

poor leo probably feels like garbage now, even if it wasn't his fault. The others know it, but Leo's gonna take it the hardest now that Shredder has his mom.

Though if there's one this shredder will NEVER comprehend; it's love...REAL love. THe love of siblings, the love of parent and child, the love of romantic partners, and the love of friends.
animegamefanatic chapter 42 . 5/31

Jase Don't need his folks and forget the ingrates; he knows who the real supporters are, along with his family.

Heh tons of tmnt references from the past series :). I could even see other characters allying themselves with the Mutanimals willingly; Joi, Tora, Adam, Faraji, Lotus, Zack, Catlin, Vern (the movie style the most), Carter, Burne (maybe), Woody, Keno, Danny, and basically any other human ally the tmnt had over the franchise.
animegamefanatic chapter 30 . 5/28
Slash is back baby! And now he's on their side :D

Casey you little monkey XD

I don't blame Miwa; honestly her counterparts are basically karai (It honestly wasn't a shocker for me that she turned out to be splinter's daughter in the 2012 universe) and given Karai's reputation (in all the tmnt universes) its natural she'd feel out of place and feel haunted. Though for all we know there could be other universes within the tmnt franchise where she does exist as Miwa; or both Karai and Miwa exist as separate people (If not like a yugioh thing then probably as two different people but still somehow related...idk alternate realities have unlimited possibilities). in the end, reguardless of how different each world is, she can't forget what makes her unique.
animegamefanatic chapter 29 . 5/28
Jase doesn't need the sorry bunch who call themselves parents...honestly I wonder if they were still horrible people even before he mutated. Besides LH is a better dad figure for Jason anyway.

April's right Raph; you didn't mutate for nothing - April might be immune to mutagen, but you saved her dad, and even with her powers April's not invincible, she can still get hurt and die.
animegamefanatic chapter 10 . 5/24
Honestly its kind of everyone's fault (mostly Tim's and the Foot's) for Pulverizer's mutation (especially in the cannon)
Splinter for his stubbornness. While I never believe he would put his kids in danger on purpose, and to be honest the guys got arrogant (especially in the show) but honestly, sometimes they need to learn how to master their stuff at their own pace, and frankly splinter picked the worse time to force them to learn how not to be complacent, and his teachings can be pretty tough compared to the other versions of him.
I also blame Leo for being foolish enough to send Timothy off with the foot despite Donnie constantly warning him that its a bad idea; Especially since the foot are monsters (seriously Shredder makes the biggest baddies like Armaggon, Dregg, Kavakas, and all the other villains look nothing even if they have supernatural powers...Shredder literally obliterated those who should have had an advantage over him before he got mutated)
still ultimately Tim's the one to blame for his own mutation since he made his choice. WHile he wanted to help, he wanted to be seen as a hero to the point where he didn't think of the consequences, and he left Donnie with the emotional mess...
FreddieMercury1 chapter 67 . 5/20
To Sunny Lighter:

Are you making a sequel for this story? PLEASE let us know!
FreddieMercury1 chapter 2 . 5/12
To C.S. Allen:

Hello? It's me, DC. The guy who you talked to in the YouTube comments about 2012 Shredder and Wilson Fisk (Vincent D'Onofrio) in a crossover while watching that one video about 2012 Shredder? You quoted Wilson Fisk's Good Samaritan speech from Marvel's Daredevil show on Netflix? Ring a bell?

I can't use my real codename on fanfic because a former colleague of mine and I are not on good terms recently. Long and complicated story.

So, just PLEASE call me FreddieMercury1.

I like your ideas! You and I may have something in common when it comes to fanfics and crossovers like this. I hope I can hear more. Especially ones that REALLY interest me like ideas for Organized Crime!

Ideas based on The Godfather, Al Pacino's Scarface, Boondock Saints, Kill the Irishman, Casino, Goodfellas, A Bronx Tale, GTA: San Andreas, Saint's Row 2, Sleeping Dogs, Mafia 2, Yakuza 0, The Warriors, Red Dead Redemption 2, True Crime: Streets of Los Angeles, The Usual Suspects, GTA 3, GTA 4, Max Payne, John Wick, The Dark Knight, Marvel's Daredevil, Marvel's Punisher, Scarface: The World Is Yours, The Getaway, Gangs of New York, Pulp Fiction, Boardwalk Empire, Godfather of Harlem, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, Mayans MC, Power, Animal Kingdom, Snowfall, The Sopranos, American Gangster, Black Lightning, Untouchables, Donnie Brasco, Reservoir Dogs, and GTA: Vice City!

That's all I have for now. Thank you.
animegamefanatic chapter 56 . 5/11
heh cute :)

I wonder if in the future the 3 along with Donnie will get mutated again but like shen can change forms...

I love this story and I hope you continue :)
C.S Allen chapter 67 . 4/23
Hey Sunny, Something that I thought that you could do was show how during the Invasion by the Triceratons, an orphanage ended up getting destroyed and it's children abandoned. St. Robert's. I was thinking that Yoshi & Shen and a few of the others that are left on Earth could take them in and train them like what Splinter did in the IDW comics. Also, I was hoping that we could get a "City at War" Storyline that didn't suck ass. Basically after the Shredder's demise at the hands of Leonardo, all hell breaks loose. All of the other crime lords whom Shredder ordered to either serve him or be destroyed? They are now attacking the Foot Clan and each other in order to fill up the power vacuum that the Shredder left behind. What's worse, the Foot has fallen apart without it's master, and has split into several factions, such as those led by Tiger Claw aka Takeshi and by Hattori Tatsu. It's like a game of chess mixed with dominoes, with the various criminal elements nearly destroying the city in their attempts to hold supremacy over the others. Such players include Don Antoine Puzorelli of the Puzorelli Crime Family, Don Vizioso of the Vizioso Crime Family, Don Turtelli of the Turtelli Crime Family, Big Lou of some unnamed Crime Family (that big guy from the 2003 Episode "Lone Raph & Cub"), Hun of the Purple Dragons, Xiang Fei Tong of the Ghost Boys (another triad gang), and Ivan Steranko (who has retaken his place as the head of the Russian Mob).
C.S Allen chapter 21 . 4/13
You know, in the comics for the 2012 series, they actually had a crossover with Batman: The Animated Series. If you ever do that, Donnie could probably get an internship at Wayne Enterprises. I bet that he would love to meet Lucius Fox.
Guest chapter 70 . 4/2
love everything you wrote and patiently waiting for you to write the sequel.
sonavelkovskaa5842 chapter 67 . 2/6
Проду плиз. Это очень круто. Я все время перечитываю ваш фф и все интереснее и интреснее. Удачи вам и вдохновения
FreddieMercury1 chapter 67 . 5/9/2019
Hello, Sunny Lighter?! Please respond back to me if you get this, okay?

How are you doing?

I've read all of the chapters of this great tale and I have to say that it's an art masterpiece!

Long before I started reading this story, I was reading a fanfiction crossover called "Heroes in the Shadows" by Musical Ninja, and I heard that Musical Ninja was inspired by you to make a story that almost compares to this one.

Musical Ninja is working on an epic crossover story between the Hamato Family and the MARVEL Comics Universe called "Heroes in the Shadows"!

After Leo, Raph, Karai, Donnie, and Mikey luckily survived their first battle with The Shredder, Tony Stark himself made an appearance!

Before him was Bruce Banner when he turned into the Hulk in order to escape a hidden Kraang facility alongside the Hamato Siblings!

Then finally after Master Hamato Yoshi survived from being injured by his old nemesis, Director Nick Fury of SHIELD himself made an appearance along with the rest of the Avengers including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye in the SHIELD Helicarrier! The heroes were talking about helping the Hamato Family save New York City and possibly the world from being destroyed by Shredder, the Foot Clan, the Kraang Hive-Mind, and maybe the evil HYDRA Organization itself if they make an appearance!

For the last 12 or 13 months, I and other fellow comrades including David Case, Solid Dog, Black Cobra, and RIPCarrieFisher have reviewed "Heroes in the Shadows" by Musical Ninja with lots of epic ideas for an Ultimate Alliance in this crossover!

For instance, Shredder and his Foot Clan organization should make a deal with New York City's "Big Man of Crime" and "Boogeyman of Hell's Kitchen" himself, Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin!

Together, Oroku Saki and Wilson Fisk would lead the Foot Clan and become two of New York's most feared and powerful crime lords with the goal to take over all of the mafias, gangs, and organizations of the underworld such as the Kraang, Red Skull, Arnim Zola, Baron Strucker, HYDRA, Doctor Doom, Magneto, Loki, Amora the Enchantress, the Mutant Brotherhood, Erik Killmonger, Ulysses Klaue, Baron Mordo, Kaecilius the Zealot, Ultron, Hun and the Purple Dragons, Hammerhead and the Maggia syndicate, AIM, The Mandarin, Scientist Supreme, MODOK, the Ten Rings, Silver Samurai, Sabretooth, Technovore, The Leader, Abomination, Don Vizioso, Don Fortunato, Don Costa, Don Mauchio, and Don Cicero of the Italian Mafia, Tombstone and his Gang, Ivan Steranko and the Russian Mob, Xever Montes and the Brazilian Gang, Doctor Octopus and the Sinister 6, Baron Zemo and the Masters of Evil, Mister Negative and the Inner Demons, Madame Gao and The Hand, the Chinese Triads, Nobu Yoshioka, Alexandra Reid, the Yakuza, the Irish Mob, the Wrecking Crew, the Weapon X Program, Colonel William Stryker, Ajax, Kilgrave, Red Hulk, Graviton, Taskmaster, Bullseye, Iron Monger, Crimson Dynamo, Batroc, Crossbones, The Blacksmith, Mister Sinister and his Marauders, the Hellfire Club, the ROXXON Corporation, the KRONOS Corporation, Titanium Man, the Leviathan Organization, and finally Molecule Man in order to destroy their common enemies and build an international underworld empire that will rule the Earth!

Meanwhile in the Galaxy, the mad titan Thanos himself is leading his disciples of the Black Order and his legions of Chitauri Soldiers, Bloodthirsty Outriders, and Sakaaran Mercenaries to plague the stars and build his own alliance with the Triceraton Empire ruled by Emperor Zanmoran and Admiral Mozar, Lord Vringath Dregg and his Vreen Hive, The Newtralizer, Armaggon the Bounty Hunter, the Kree Empire ruled by The Supreme Intelligence, the Skrull Empire ruled by The Skrull Empress, Ronan the Accuser, Korath the Pursuer, Malekith the Accursed and his Dark Elves, the Frost Giants ruled by King Ymir, Hela and her Army of the Dead, The Collector, Ego the Living Planet, Kang the Conqueror, The Grandmaster, Korvac, Mephisto and his son Blackheart, Surtur and his Fire Giants, the Sovereign ruled by High Priestess Ayesha, Stakar Ogord, Taserface, the Ravagers, Maximus the Mad, Deathbird, Dormammu, Annihilus, The Red King, The Champion of the Universe, The Beyonder, The Magus, Kavaxas, and finally Ch'Rell all for the purpose of Thanos to possibly lead a massive army to invade Earth, form another alliance with Shredder, challenge the heroes, and seek out the 6 Infinity Stones so that he can combine their unlimited cosmic powers with his Infinity Gauntlet and become a Cosmic God spreading genocide throughout the Universe!

Also, Galactus is out there and is coming to devour Earth again, but not as a fucking cloud!

Deadpool needs to enter the story and annihilate the 4th Wall again while having as many cameos and guest starrings as the late great Stan Lee!

Super Shredder vs. Thanos for the Infinity Gauntlet!

Organized Crime in New York City ruled by Shredder and Wilson Fisk as if it's like a tale from Rockstar Games like Grand Theft Auto 3, Saints Row 2, Scarface: The World is Yours, The Warriors, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, The Godfather, Sleeping Dogs, Mafia 2, Max Payne, Yakuza 0, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, True Crime: Streets of Los Angeles, Grand Theft Auto 4, The Getaway, Mafia 3, Grand Theft Auto 5, and Red Dead Redemption 2!

I'm talking turf wars, drive-by shootouts, classic mob and gangster shit! Gangsta's Paradise for the "Heroes in the Shadows" fanfiction story by Musical Ninja!

Let's not forget great Organized Crime stories like Boondock Saints, Gangs of New York, Casino, The Usual Suspects, Sons of Anarchy, The Mayans MC, Boardwalk Empire, Animal Kingdom, The Untouchables, Al Pacino's Scarface, The Godfather, Live By Night, Kill the Irishman, Rush Hour, A Bronx Tale, Goodfellas, Die Hard, Pulp Fiction, Hateful 8, Lethal Weapons, Fast and Furious, Get Shorty, Watchmen, RoboCop, Baby Driver, Dead Presidents, Reservoir Dogs, Heat, Skyfall, Ain't No Country For Old Men, Bugsy, Donnie Brasco, Black Mass, Miller's Crossing, The Departed, Once Upon A Time In America, Green Hornet, and finally The Dark Knight!

Anyway, that's all I have for tonight. Thank you for listening, please try to convince Musical Ninja to at least consider these ideas for the "Heroes in the Shadows" fanfiction story. If not, that's okay. I just hope you like them too. Have a wonderful summer.

"Heroes in the Shadows" fanfiction by Musical Ninja.

R.I.P. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
RICEBALL300 chapter 70 . 4/26/2019
Do the 2003 Turtles ever talk with Yoshi and Shen about the differences between their worlds?
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