![]() Author has written 10 stories for Pokémon, Misc. Games, Avalon Code, Megami Tensei, Final Fantasy: Tactics, Fate/stay night, Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis, Mega Man, Naruto, Persona Series, Ni No Kuni, Legend of Zelda, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア. Okay, so my profile was a bit scarce before, and I usually didn't bother with it other than putting up some stock interests and stuff but I realized that I could do better. So here goes. In most forums I go by Kishou, but Vegeta the 3rd is my name here. The very first screen name I had when my older sister introduced me many years ago and even helped picked out the name for me. I wasn't a very good writer back then IMO, and I think my age showed in my wicked age old reviews of older stories. I deleted all my really old and bad stories aside from Naruto and Arashi because of a fondness of it, but I'm finally spreading my wings and growing as a professional writer. I hope to keep coming back to this even when I publish my own original work because writing is fun, and I tend to like the idea of people liking my work before them liking it enough to pay me loads of money. Not much to know about me except I'm a big fan on fantasy stories and tend to be critical on what I feel are bad story telling elements. Also, I'm lucky enough to do be able to work on developing video games by writing stories for them. Right now they're indie games but I hope the experience will build my resume to my dream career as a novelist. Now, I think of myself as a simple guy. So I won't do chain posts, lists of what I like or dislike, or even extended lore of my stories. Read them and see what you think. Also, while I like to be friendly with others and appreciate whatever comments and questions you may have, I don't like seeing pointless reviews asking me to write stuff for them. I studied English enough to know what makes for a good story, and I like to write what I want. Anyone should have the choice to write or read what they want, especially here. But trying to force down what we should is just an insult to free speech. As well as an insult to ourselves for thinking we need to have someone else write what we believe. Finally, I'm considering leaving Naruto and Arashi up for adoption. I have mixed feelings about Naruto as a series, but have come to accept that it was a good run and not nearly as bad or polarizing as the fandom made it out to be. But my interest in going back to the story is very much waned. I had planned to give it a proper apology/cancel/footnote for some time but didn't get to it. I'll probably leave it as unfinished and here on my profile for others to read, but it is not nearly as good as my recent works, particularly the fic that somehow made me popular, Fate/Reach Out. So if anyone is willing to adopt Naruto and Arashi and try something with it, PM me and we can talk about the story and stuff. Until then, it's dead (in fact, it HAS been dead but I've been putting off officially stating so, and I apologize). So, welcome to my page and thanks for reading or scrolling down my profile. Enjoy my stories. -Vegeta the 3rd |