Reviews for Fate:Spiral Time
Guest chapter 18 . 9/10/2018
Your Kiritsugu is almost as pretentious as you are. What kind of utterly self-deluded person refers to THEMSELVES as a Messiah?
Guest chapter 14 . 9/10/2018
Congratulations, you've got yet another ridiculously basic fuck-up. Where you get your get your pathetically high opinion of yourself from, I cannot possibly imagine. Mages keep magic secret because it's a limited resource. Teach someone a spell and everyone else who already uses it gets weaker from that point forward. Not because of that utterly clichéd "people don't want to know about vampires and shit so they can create special forces to kill them, being ignorantly eaten is preferable" bullshit you're spouting.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/10/2018
This is the most incredibly wrong description of what a reality marble is that I've ever seen. I keep reading this story just to find more hilariously incompetent ways in which you fucked up EVERYTHING.
Guest chapter 10 . 9/10/2018
"Kiritsuga." You can't even spell the name right.
Guest chapter 8 . 9/10/2018
No magic practitioners in Britain? The Clock Tower is literally right in London! You really did know nothing about this setting except what you've read in other fanfiction, did you?
Guest chapter 5 . 9/10/2018
You know, for how incredibly full of yourself you were in the author's note of the first chapter, this is probably the most hilarious piece of out-of-character garbage I've ever read. It's like you know the entire setting only from fanfiction.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/10/2018
That must be the most pretentious author's note I've read in a long time.
AmethystPone chapter 3 . 2/18/2018
Arturia was removed from the reincarnation cycle entirely when she was moved to Avalon after she disappeared and returned to her own time and die...Same as many other heroes who were moved to the Throne of Heroes. Waiting for the day they are to be summoned...I think...How the Throne works is still a bit blurry beside the ultimate record of Heroic Spirits...
TheRisingDragon chapter 24 . 7/25/2017
This is one of the best endings I could ever read. Thank you for this amazing journey that you let me take while reading this story. I will treasure this story for a long time. Thank you!
Fullmetal11791 chapter 5 . 7/20/2017
Hey so let me start off by saying I know this is like six-eight years old, and you're prob onto other things. That said, there are some things I'm confused about.

First, why would Caster heal Sakura? I know you said it was during some kidnapping in your authors note, but I don't understand why an enemy servant would heal her. I've not seen the original FSN anime, just UBW, Zero and the first story of the VN, but I was under the assumption that Rider was summoned by Sakura, not Caster. If you could toss me a PM at some point explaining what happened (if it's not explained in the story later), that would be appreciated.

Second, why change Kiritsugu's backstory? Is this relevant to the story, or was it on a whim? I don't really have an issue with it either way, am just curious. He was hired by the Einzbern's like a decade before the fourth war, yea, but he wasn't raised by em. Against, not a huge issue.

Third, as far as Rin goes, I really like what you've done with her character, great job on that. However, I am super skeptical at her abilities. It's been roughly five years since the war ended, and she spent two of those five years solely focusing on healing Sakura's mind. That leaves her three years to not only invent this god tier mystery to help her "cheat" on her spells, but also invents this god tier spell that can destroy anyone's mind at her whim, as well as a bunch of other super lethal spells. just unrealistic, even accounting her her "genius". Not sure what other role she and her powers play, but three years to put herself hands above Matou Zouken when before he would have wiped the floor with her is...disappointing.

Fourth, as far as Zouken goes, I really enjoyed what you did with his character. Thought it was cool, and it's definitely not something I've seen before in the FSN ffverse.

Lastly... I have to say I am so far very disappointed with Arturia's character. It's just super bland at points, and at other points it seems like she's just a carbon copy of Shirou. I don't know if that was your intention, but from what I've read you're trying to have her be similar but different to her past life as Pendragon. And I think you've missed the mark. She is so far the most dissappointing and uninteresting character, by far, and that's aided by the fact she's far stronger than she has any right to be as a fledgling mage. She clearly isn't involved in mage craft much as one of the first things she asked was if Rin would be willing to teach her spells (answer clearly being no), so it's just odd that she's able to match Shirou in skill. Kills the immersion. Hoping that this changes.
Fullmetal11791 chapter 3 . 7/17/2017
No matter how you try and downplay it, a noble phantasm is a noble phantasm, and it's something that almost any mage would murder to get their hands on, the clock tower enforcers particularly if under orders to do so. I think it's kind of rediculous that not only is Arturia not at all even phased by the fact that Shirou has a noble phantasm, but that Shirou even told her in the first place.
torvalds42 chapter 24 . 6/20/2017
That was an amazing story ! I loved the characters, and how you solved the problem of einzbern and Zouken. Your characters were deep, their thoughts explored,and realistic.
So thanks a lot for this amazing story, good luck with your other works, that I am going to read now ! :D
MiniTeddyBear chapter 24 . 2/4/2016
Amazing piece of work...
AppleberryCookie chapter 6 . 9/30/2015
With Gae Bolg, I'm pretty sure Shirou's reality marble makes an *imperfect* version, so it doesn't have the exact functionality of the original but a slightly watered down version.

I'm not absolutely sure what that entails, and I'm not entirely certain on my sources either, so decide what you want c:
redemyr chapter 3 . 5/3/2015
Hey, excellent fanfic so far!

Very well written, it shows that you put time into making stuff seem logical...

My only gripe which is not an error of the story per is that as a ShirouxRin fan I was disappointed that even after working together for so long they didn't become a "thing". Rin being a little ambiguous as to that their relationship was... supposedly theirs was a high school something that faded, but apparently Saber's even shorter thing was still up... oh well, it's a Fate continuation anyway and I like saber too, even if she's not really saber... Enough rambling...

Great story, thank you for writing it and I look forward to the rest!
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