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![]() Author has written 2 stories for One Piece, Pokémon, and Fairy Tail. Hello People of Fanfiction I am the being known as OnePieceFan2 (Formerly known as the relatively popular The Fifth Emperor) Gender: Male Age: Unknown Location: In your current Universe Likes: Food, Soccer, TV, Manga, Animals, Video Games Dislikes: Mary Sues, Work I don't understand, Jerks, Canceling a show or series without giving it a proper end or without warning. My Favorite Manga include: One Piece (It's in the name if you didn't figure it out already) Dragon Ball Z (It's a given) Naruto (It's decent, but has too many inconsistencies) Fairy Tail (It's decent, but has gone down hill during Tenrou Island Arc and beginning of the Magic Games, YOU all know what I'm talking about) Love Hina (It's a classic, just wished it didn't popularize the Tsundere genre...) Jojo's Bizzare Adventure (I started the watching the anime and I've fell in love with it by the time of Part 2: Battle Tendency) Boku no Hero Academia (GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA!!!) Manga I'm thinking about getting into: Bleach (Might as well give it a shot but I already know a lot from spoilers online) Toriko (heard it was AWESOME, Nuff Said). Currently playing: Pokemon Y, Pokemon Omega Ruby. Pokemon Shield. Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Favorite Anime: One Piece Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Super Fairy Tail My Hero Academia Fanfiction Crossovers Likes and Dislikes: LIKES: 1.) Characters act as they are in canon, I will understand if they do something like get in a relationship only if it is believable. 2.) Epic Battles between characters, Ex. Zoro vs Kenpachi, Luffy vs Natsu, Etc.. 3.) Good Humor utilizing the strengths of both series and their respective characters. 4.) A great original storyline that utilizes both series to their full potential without portraying one series as blatantly superior or is influenced by author bias. DISLIKES: 1.) OP characters and powers. Something I detest incredibly is when some one makes one character so powerful or give him an ability so overpowered that they crush everyone beneath them from beginning to end. Which leads to the next thing, 2.) Sueruto Fics- Naruto Sue Fics. They are something that we have to destroy swiftly and painfully from this site every time as they have infected most of Fanfiction.net. Every time I look on any crossover with Naruto, there is a 4 to 5 chance that it is a story about Super/God/Badass Naruto with a harem full of hot women (Everytime I see harem in a Naruto Crossover I feel like crying for those unfortunate women), sometimes it is 5/5 for several series. I like Naruto but these fics piss me the fuck off. 3.) God or Strong Naruto Fics. These infest every group as every writer decides Naruto is so super awesome that all universes he appears in would be instantly p'wned by his "Awesomeness". There is no journey if Naruto starts out a god with no one being able to match him. You killed any resemblance of a story then. What's worse is when they say he could beat anyone with just one power. But let me ask you fanfic writers something, How is Naruto a super strong/badass/God-man if he is using rasenshurikens or (Insert Sharingan, Rinnegan, Sage Mode, Shinra Tensei, Kyuubi Mode, Mangyeko Sharingan, or any bullshit power he should not have by normal means such as devil fruits or magic) to defeat starter villains like Buggy, Saizou (Rosario Vampire for those unaware of this character and role instory, another example of a series who like so many others have suffered this plague), and Arlong? It shows how poor a writer you people are if you think that is so "badass" beating the shit out of weaker villains. 4.) Naruto with Powers he shouldn't have. Give Naruto any power he shouldn't have such as, the Byakugan, Sharingan, Rinnegan, Kekkei Genkai, Paramecia, Zoan, Logia, or any fucking powers he shouldn't have and lets see how fast the Narutards start saying "Good Story Man, Update soon." Because they like seeing a "Naru Sue" kicking people's ass without any kind of plot or story. 5.) Any story where Naruto instantly gets a harem full of women, falling for him after 5 seconds of touching that freak. But let me ask you this, "Why are all the women wanting sleep with Naruto and have his babies?" The answer is simple, it's because they aren't the real characters. They are just pathetic knock offs of the original with their personality so twisted beyond recognition they aren't even the characters we know, they are only the characters in name ONLY. Why is Naruto considered such a ladies man and is a master at seduction? The answer is simple, HE ISN'T AND NEVER WILL BE! Naruto in canon didn't even know Kurenai was pregnant(he thought she gained weight), know about Hinata's crush or even acknowledged at all after her confession to him, and oh yeah Naruto wasn't a nice guy that women instantly fell for in the beginning, he was just as much an arrogant and annoying prick as Sasuke with perverted nature that can match Jiraiya's. GIVE US STORIES WHERE NARUTO ISN'T THE MAIN CHARACTER!!! GIVE US FICS WITH OTHER PEOPLE SUCH AS LUFFY, ZORO, ICHIGO, INO, OR WHOEVER YOU WANT TO BE THE MAIN CHARACTER JUST SHOUT THIS WITH ME: STOP THE SUERUTO FICS!!!! Everyone who agrees copy the rant above and post it to your profile along and tell others to post it if they agree. If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father in the gates of Heaven. If you want to learn Japanese, copy/paste this into your profile. If you hate waiting, practically months, for highly anticipated games or shows, and wish you could speed up time, post this on your profile. Strawhat Among Fairies Current Info Hey guys, I decided to put this up here to show how far along I am in writing the next chapter in my story Straw Hat Among Fairies. Chapter 1- Has been completely updated to fix most of its grammatical issues and to make it slightly more compliant with Canon events within One Piece Canon. Check it out when you get the time. Chapter 15- Percentage completed: 100% done, Has been checked by my Beta Reader multiple times. Special Chapter- Percentage Completed: 6% done, Has been checked by my Beta Reader. Chapter 16- Percentage completed: 100% done, Has been checked by my Beta Reader. Chapter 17- Percentage completed: 100% done, Is now being checked by my Beta Reader. Chapter 18- Percentage completed: 6% done, Hasn't been checked by my Beta Reader. Chapter 19 “July 6, Year X777”- Percentage completed: 0% done, Hasn't been checked by my Beta Reader.. Chapter 20 “July 7, Year X777”- Percentage completed: 0% done, Hasn't been checked by my Beta Reader. Chapter 21 Percentage completed: 0% done, Hasn't been checked by my Beta Reader. Part 1: Rising Legends Saga! Prologue Saga: Chapters 1-12 Fairy Romance Dawn Arc Chapters 1-3 (Name is Subject to Change if Replacement is better) Gray's Arrival Arc: Chapters 4-5 (Name is Subject to Change if Replacement is better). Tower's Liberation Arc: Chapters 6-12 The Travelers' Arc: Chapters 13-? Future Story Arcs (Coming Soon!): Feijoada Arc: Chapters ? The Rising S-Class Arc: ? Dark Rain Arc: ? Larrea Arc: ? Strix Arc: ? The Guild Alliance Arc: ? Clear Wood Lake Town Arc: ? The Beast Arc: ? Blue Jade Coast Arc: ? The Umbra Tournament Arc: ? Post-Umbra Arc: ? Part 2: Fairy Tail's Rise Saga! (Year X784) * Return Arc: ? Lullaby Arc: ? Galuna Island Arc: ? Phantom Lord Arc: ? More coming soon! I now have a tumblr for Straw Hat Among Fairies and for my own personal use. Be sure to check it out for small snippets of chapter or stories I’m working on! Just type up one-adventure. tumbler. com and you should be able to find it. I think... Congratulations to Monkey D. Luffy for achieving status as The Fifth Emperor of the Sea with an unprecedented 1,500,000,0000 Beri bounty. On August 26 2018, I can finally say that I’m home after having been forced to evacuate from my home due to the flooding Harvey brought to my home city one year ago. It’s good to be back. |