Reviews for The Will to Live
xSean chapter 12 . 5/11/2019
So, while there was a lot wrong it was at least somewhat entertaining. The whole thing going on with Kyoko especially was really interesting!

The description for Tenkai though, is quite frankly pointless. How can pushing smaller amounts of chakra through your coils 'stress' your body and the coils. Chakra travels through those pathways, you can't 'thin' it. You can transform it, shape it and do many other things. What you described though sounds like he would need to waste stupid amounts of chakra to even prepare for such a technique. It is honestly stupid.

Back to this Rift Energy too, why didn't Kurama tell him? He is interested in his own survival, keeping his Jinchuriki weak an helpless in an unknown world is beyond stupidity... Especially when he knows methods of changing that.

Kurama knowing multiple Taijutsu styles to teach Naruto is beyond retarded. Yes he is very old, yes he is very knowledgable, yes he is also a fox bigger than a god damn mountain so who the fuck is going to attack it with Taijutsu or even let it sit and observe or even explain the inner workings of their Styles to him. One of the stupidest things I have ever seen in any fic.
xSean chapter 8 . 5/11/2019
Battle Scars that he asked the Kyuubi not to heal, you mean like the Kyuubi gave a shit? No... The whole idea of forcing the rift energy out is crap, I get why he needs his power back but if the Kyuubi was really interested in survival the first moment of peace he would have suggested this. What good is a host who can't defend himself? A bad one, Kyuubi would have purged it if he could. All going down hill.
xSean chapter 7 . 5/9/2019
Now I remember this fic, I more than likely stopped reading because of Sasuke's appearance. It's not that Sasuke himself appeared, it's that there is no way you can justify how he survived to me. If Naruto with Kyuubi and a Healing Factor almost died then Sasuke without either definitely would have died... And that unfortunately pisses me off. Will read to the end anyways, fics long dead. Written better than most of the garbage in this Xover.
xSean chapter 3 . 5/7/2019
Was ok as far as the opening chapter goes, interactions have been good so far and the story is well written. A few things I wanna get off my chest though, even though the story is looooong dead!

Really was no need to nerf or give Naruto the Rinnegan here, he isn't OP enough to guarantee the safety of a group. Only himself. Rasengan and Shadow Clones is really all he has here. Rasengan is easy, it hits one target at a time. Shadow Clones however, when fighting large groups of zombies and being surrounded by them its more likely that regardless of his allies being aware of it, the technique would cause more confusion than not among the normal people, leading to death. Especially when they pop into smoke. Mass amounts of Shadow Clones would hinder a groups attempts at surviving in my opinion.

I always wonder why people write these crossovers without the intention of making it a Harem. I can read Harems and Single Pairings but when it is a world like this where the population is very small Harems are kinda natural. Especially amongst a group like that you would imagine There is what 4 Chicks and 2 Lads to start with, thats without including potential saved members like Kyoko, the 2 best friends that I don't remember and people like Rika who if I remember right joins them later.

When I say small population by the way I don't mean that Lads need to shag every Lass to 'repopulate' the Earth. I just mean that most of the party are curious teenagers and older mature woman who know how to deal with stress. It's not a stretch for them all to get cozy to deal with it is there? In fact I would imagine it would be all to common in real life.

I am kinda getting off track here, it seems I am arguing for Lemons even though I don't read them more than half the time, I do read all the fluff that ensues between the main character and love interests though.

All I am saying is this is a scenario where a Harem is kind off expected in fanfiction, especially when the women so heavily out number the dudes that have survived. It's like doing a Naruto x Highschool DxD Crossover where the Supernatural females are literally attracted to power yet Naruto ends up with one chick and no one else pays any interest in him. It's even weirder when people get upset about it, in these crossover it should honestly be expected.
Prince Sky chapter 12 . 4/9/2019
Nice fic love to read more
TeraBaapBSDK chapter 2 . 4/5/2019
i just read some shit, people must have come here for pussy
TeraBaapBSDK chapter 1 . 4/5/2019
come on dude, middle finger to you
YeTianshi chapter 7 . 9/6/2017
Not gonna lie, Naruto's handicap is starting to grate on my nerves. I know that he'd be too overpowered otherwise, but OP Naruto is a fun Naruto xD The thing that makes HOTD fun isn't the fighting or their struggle, it's mainly the interaction between the characters. Plus, even if he was at full strength, that would only mean that he's untouchable, but it doesn't mean that he's God and can protect everyone at the same time.
Guest chapter 12 . 8/26/2017
Why doe all way the good fanfiction die off like it was nothing plz some one and anyone restart this fanfiction it still can be great
Silvereye-BW chapter 12 . 7/30/2017
Loving it. Can't wait for more. Will Naruto have a pairing?
LetsSeeIfICanDoThisToo chapter 5 . 6/24/2017
I cannot get past fanfics where another character allows shido to come like that. The guy is such an asshole that i simply cannot get past that point in the story.
Blackflagbaby chapter 1 . 4/20/2017
Why did you abandon this fic? You should consider continuing it. It's a good fic.
ReaderSilence chapter 3 . 4/6/2017
nice story...
carwash36 chapter 12 . 3/14/2017
Stratos263 chapter 12 . 2/25/2017
Good luck naruto and his allies
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