A/N: Just to clarify, this crossover starts right at the end of the Frieza Saga and at the beginning of ATLA's Book 2, during the time that Goku is believed to be dead but is actually on Yardrat learning Instant Transmission. Just replace Yardrat with ATLA's Earth and you get the premise of this story.
Chapter 1: The Man in the Sphere
Chief Arnook was mourning the passing of his daughter Yue, who gave up her life to restore the Moon Spirit. The Northern Water Tribe city was slowly being rebuilt after the Fire Nation invasion, waterbenders reshaping the ice back into the frozen structures the people lived in. Work was slow, as many waterbenders had left the North Pole with Master Pakku to assist their sister tribe in the south, escorting Avatar Aang to the Earth Kingdom along the way.
Alone and missing his daughter's voice, Arnook stood in the Spirit Oasis between the ice palace and the glaciers beyond the city. Looking at the twin Koi fish swimming in the pond Arnook wondered if Yue could see him there. The fish didn't notice Arnook, content to continue the endless dance in the water. Arnook was about to return to his duties as Chief of the Tribe when he heard a loud screeching noise above.
Suddenly a metal sphere fell out of the sky at an angle and impacted the glacier wall, leaving a crater in the ice before falling straight down into the oasis. The sphere was slightly larger than a person, with a red window and a symbol that combined a yellow circle with a silver arrowhead and a blue triangle on top. The red window shattered into shards of glass, and a hatch holding the window and symbol opened above the shallow water around the oasis.
Inside an unconscious adult tumbled out of the sphere, barely clothed with tattered orange pants held up with a blue belt, and he wore black boots and blue wristbands. Cuts and bruises marked every exposed bit of light skin, while his black hair seemed to go in every possible direction. Tumbling into the shallow water, the strange man's blood bled into the clear oasis.
"Healer!" Arnook yelled as loud as he could.
Almost immediately the closest people arrived at the oasis, pulling the strange man out of the water. They carried him to Healer Yugoda's home, which was just outside the oasis's entrance. A dozen other healers were brought to Yugoda's home to assist her, as the stranger's injuries were too numerous for her to heal on her own. They laid him down on a clear bed and used waterbending to heal, covering nearly his entire body with glowing water from a dozen benders.
When the healers were finished the strange man slowly opened his eyes. "I'm alive?" he muttered, not certain if what he felt was real.
"Yes," Yugoda answered.
Arnook stepped towards the man as the healers stepped back. "Stranger, what is your name?"
"Goku," he answered, sitting up and checking his body for wounds. "Strange, I don't remember having any senzu beans left."
"Actually, we healed you," Yugoda corrected.
"Oh," Goku said. He was about to ask where he was, but instead his stomach growled loud enough for everyone to hear it. "Do you have any food?"
Despite being against his better judgment, Arnook felt he had to honor the hospitality the tribe was supposed to give lost travelers. "Of course," Arnook said, and ordered people outside to bring a meal to Yugoda's home. Within minutes a meal big enough for everyone inside arrive, and only a minute later did Arnook regret being hospitable. Though the portions for everyone had been generous, Arnook only had a few bites before Goku consumed nearly all of the food meant for everyone to share.
"More please," Goku asked, finishing off an entire platter of sea prunes.
Another full meal arrived and disappeared inside Goku's seemingly bottomless stomach. A third and fourth helping barely slowed down Goku's stuffing of his mouth, practically inhaling the food and making Arnook wonder where he could possibly be putting all of it. On the fifth helping there was little sign that Goku was full, but Arnook's generosity stopped there.
"I think that's enough," Arnook insisted, seeing a pile of dishes being carried outside.
"It was good," Goku complimented, swallowing the last of the otter-seal steak. He belched and patted his belly. "Thanks for the food."
"You're welcome," Arnook said. "Tell me, Goku, why did you come to the Northern Water Tribe?"
"Never heard of it," Goku admitted.
Arnook raised one eyebrow at that. "Does Fire Nation ring a bell?"
"Nope," Goku said.
"Earth Kingdom? Air Nomads?" Arnook asked.
"I don't even know what planet this is," Goku said. "How am I supposed to know the local countries?"
"Interesting," Arnook said. Until just a few hours ago he thought that the idea of other planets was ridiculous, but Goku's very existence was evidence to the contrary. "What planet did you come from?"
"Well I was on Namek, until Frieza blew it up," Goku answered. "I almost didn't make it off in time to escape." A memory of taking an alien spacecraft sparked a question. "Hey where is that ship I used?"
"Not far," Arnook answered. "But please put some proper clothes on."
Goku looked down, noting that it was a little cold without a shirt on. "Okay," Goku said. One of Arnook's men brought a set of clothes for Goku, a blue shirt and coat with matching blue pants. Goku tossed the coat aside and just put on the shirt and pants, while keeping his own black boots, blue wristbands, and blue belt.
When Goku was fully dressed Arnook took him to the Spirit Oasis, where the sphere that had contained Goku still laid half submerged in water. Goku picked up a large shard of red glass from the windshield, which shattered with little force. "Aw man, it's wrecked," Goku complained. "How am I going to get home now?"
Good question, Arnook wondered, not wanting Goku to remain in the tribe and consume the entire food supply. "Can you repair it?" Arnook asked.
"Bulma could, but she's not here," Goku answered. The thought of one of his earliest friends relieved any worry Goku had of being stranded on an alien world. "Oh well, I'm sure she'll just gather the dragonballs and wish me back, sooner or later."
"Wish?" Arnook questioned.
"You must not have dragonballs here," Goku guessed.
"I'm going to ignore that," Arnook stated, disgusted by the idea of gathering dragons' balls.
Goku's belly rumbled again, as the five course meal had not been enough for him. "Is there anything else to eat around here?"
"Perhaps if you come on our next hunting or fishing expedition, you can help catch as much food as you need," Arnook suggested.
"Fishing sounds good," Goku said.
Arnook was about to lead Goku to the harbor and a ship when he saw Goku clench his fists and bend his knees. Out of nowhere a white aura burst from his body, and Goku jumped high in the air, nearly disappearing in the blue sky above. Arnook saw a white streak move across the sky towards the sea, stopping beyond the ice wall protecting the tribe. He could only wonder what kind of power allowed someone to fly.
Goku floated over the sea for a few moments, getting his bearings in the unfamiliar world. Then he dived into the water outside the ice wall, plunging into the cold depths. Sensing the energy of the local sea life Goku swam for the biggest one he could find, a giant squid-whale seventy feet long and feeding on krill-plankton. He grabbed the beast by a tentacle and hauled it up to the surface, bursting out of the water and carrying the squid-whale over the ice wall.
Only a few minutes after he left Goku returned to the Spirit Oasis with his catch, dropping it between the oasis and the palace. "Is this big enough?" Goku asked as he hovered over the oasis.
Staring at the squid-whale Arnook was thankful that he was on Goku's good side. Only Avatar Kuruk had ever caught an adult squid-whale before, but not alive. The animal had enough meat to sustain the tribe for over a year, and its bones could be carved into enough weapons to arm every man woman and child. "Yes Goku, this is big enough."
Slowly Goku descended and landed next to his catch. With his bare hands Goku ripped off a slab of flesh as big as he was, still warm and steaming in the cold air. He tossed the meat into the air and aimed one palm at it, shooting a white beam of energy. The energy covered and penetrated the meat, cooking it to a healthy golden brown before letting the meat fall to the ground.
Tearing off a hand sized piece of cooked meat Goku ate it whole. "Needs seasoning," Goku commented, before tearing off more meat to continue eating.
Arnook watched Goku eat the entire slab of meat one handful at a time, having so many questions about what Goku could do. Strange forms of air and firebending had been displayed, and Arnook inferred that a strange form of waterbending had to be used to catch the squid-whale. But the strength needed to tear the fish apart wasn't covered by any bending art, and even the strongest Earth Kingdom men would need tools to carve into flesh. It was far more than enough evidence to convince Arnook that Goku was truthful about coming from another planet, and could be a valuable ally.
"Would you like to stay the night?" Arnook offered, wanting to get Goku comfortable in the tribe and establish good relations.
Goku finished eating the cooked meat and belched before responding. "Thanks, but I think I'll explore this world for a while. See the sights while I'm here. Maybe get some training done."
"Well if you need a home, there can be one here," Arnook said.
"Okay," Goku said. "Later."
Arnook watched Goku generate the white aura again and take off into the air, flying away from the Northern Water Tribe. He could only pray that Goku would sympathize with the Earth Kingdom and fight on their side in the war. Or at least be neutral in the conflict to keep his power out of Fire Nation hands.
But as Goku flew away to the south he was blissfully unaware of any evil on this world, only wondering what new martial arts it had to offer.