Reviews for Pirates vs Ninjas: Battles of Love and Will
random guy chapter 18 . 7/4
damn this was a good read.

i too found naruto-sasuke relation annoying in the anime. more so in the later, around final parts(the last battle was insane tho, everybody's gotta admit). your conclusion were more satisfying, treating sasuke like a piece of shit he is. and luffy shows everybody how toxic friends are not worth your time, energy and respect.

it is pretty rare to see a decent Naruto-OnePiece crossover. glad i could find something i could not stop reading.

ps. LuNa never was something i thought about, and i didn't like that part. Zoro-Robin is something i could think about, but any other "couples" are... wierd.
KJSilica chapter 18 . 5/25
Ah, I believe everyone on here is being a bit too mean for my tastes. I’m honestly glad to see your portrayal of the Ninja vs Pirate fight; very engaging. Also you let the winning side be the pirates in most event others would say the ninjas would win... very impressive.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
I could somehow understand Zoro one-shotting Sasuke at that point but Brook doing the same to the Kazekage is just too much, I could already see Luffy toying with Kaguya, at least give the ninja a chance to struggle, ffs the STs are still pre-timeskip!
Drakon45 chapter 18 . 12/5/2019
Clearly someone who doesn't understand Naruto but does One Piece justice. You got all the other characters of Naruto right but fell woefully short when it came to Naruto himself. At that point in his life he is not an idiot anymore. Your mistake was using kid Naruto for teenage Naruto. While he may still be impulsive he is more strategic than his kid self. A common mistake but one that caused the fic to suffer in my eyes as a result. It just seemed you were more biased for One Piece and didn't put any effort in learning about Naruto and his personality.
Oneshippuden chapter 18 . 10/6/2019
Not impressed you got everything wrong
Made the straw hats strong and ninjas weak and you think the straw hats can beat nine tails that's not even a funny joke are you trying to be stupid
From Oneshippuden
Jeff chapter 1 . 8/19/2019
Guys have you heard of fanfiction? It lets writers express their imagination freely. It does not need a bunch of haters roasting the author for bashing Naruto. Dude, if you disagree that much, write your own fanfic about Naruto winning, kay?
Acknologia777 chapter 6 . 10/7/2018
Your story havent got accurate facts. I believe you haven't see naruto anime at all and just know some pieces of information from somewhere. Or you are just a plain one piece fan for undermining naruto anime characters.
FUCK YOUUUUU chapter 9 . 8/25/2018
Legianreader2003 chapter 18 . 7/4/2018
Thank you for puting narutards in their place
I absoluty adore one piece an always will
Cant stand the naruto vers because of all the bullshit with the
characters developing it was lacking and it was just Sad and annoying i have watched a few episodes of naruto and the only reason was because of kurama i watched a clip by acident
Love your style aint many Authors as you anymore hope you will writhe more historys
Amazing story !
lolo nade chapter 11 . 5/25/2018
some readers need to realise this is a fanfic so this level of freedom in writing is allowed so don't see why you're getting mad
lolo nade chapter 11 . 5/25/2018
never thought I'd enjoying reading konoha getting beat lool
lolo nade chapter 1 . 5/25/2018
I was hoping it'll be after the OP timeskip so it's more overkill
Guest chapter 18 . 3/13/2018
Please don't take this down. It's very good. I like both Naruto and One Piece, and when I got down on profiling Luffy and Naruto I felt Luffy would probably jar Naruto a lot because, while people seem to think they're the "same unpredictable powerful guy who kicks ass left and right with big dreams and smiles", Naruto's is fake. A canon fact that's pretty much used 90% in fic intros/prologues. Luffy's way is so, so unbelievably good, but just not really possible for a ninja considering they have to obey the absolute authority of Kage under tight chains of command. Maybe they can argue that if Luffy can be friends with marines he be friends with ninja, but marines are made to protect everyone against pirates (WG's source of corruption), ninja are made to protect their own villages and sabotage others unless they are allied and even those treaties are shaky. I'm glad you wrote this. It's painful but true. I am also sooooo glad for the reason of genjutsu/jyuuken immunity. It works only works for people who have chakra network, but most treat it as if it works for every normal person (even wizards, and if not, they explain wizards' immunity to genjutsu bc of occlumency when the art doesn't even protect the smooth flow of chakra network and is just a shield against intrusive minds).
jexcel chapter 1 . 2/24/2018
I stopped reading the moment zoro 1 shotted sasuke.
Guest chapter 18 . 9/27/2017
Well. Never in my life before i read such ridiculous bullshit. Logic? Author doesnt know what it is at all. Yoy say make fic somewhat believable? You did accuratelly opposite. And im not saying that naruto better or stronger than OP. Actually on the same level if you asc.
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