Sup everyone it's Vance again, NOT THE BAZ, so please don't flame him over starting another story. Every time someone leaves a review on one of his stories asking for him to update one of my stories he comes to my house and starts blasting 'You Spin Me Right Round' by Dead or Alive before reciting graphic and lewd poetry. My neighbors have started to complain. Anyway I love One Piece and I love Law so I decided to write another story alongside my other (neglected) stories. Let's do this.

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or One Piece, nor do I make any money of any kind off of this story, this is written purely for entertainment. All credit goes to the respective owners.

Ruby skipped happily along the side walk of Vale as she made her way towards the airships that would take her to her Island of Patch, she was beyond excited to tell Yang and her dad that she'd just been accepted into Beacon academy two years early.

Everything was completely as one would expect from a simple walk down the street, until something fell from an alley onto the sidewalk in front of her causing her to jump in surprise. Stopping for a moment her eyes widened when she saw what it was. "One my gosh you're gorgeous!" She squealed bending down and picking up the sword. It was a long nodachi with a grey handle and an oddly furry guard, it sat within a black sheath with a series of crosses running down the side and a red rope tied near the mouth of the sheath.

Ruby practically drooled over the blade as she unsheathed several inches of it revealing a pristine blade. "Be careful with that, it's a cursed blade. It doesn't like just anyone touching it." Ruby jumped again turning towards the source of the voice, her eye widened even further in shock at what she saw, a man was sitting in the alley against the side of a building covered in blood and wounds. He wore a long black open coat which revealed his bare chest, on his head was a white spotted hat and he had spotted blue jeans.

All his clothes were tattered and deep cuts littered his body leaking blood from all over, so much that a puddle had begun to form around him. "You just gonna stare at me all day kid?"

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" She ran over to him before kneeling down next to him.

The man actually chuckled lightly before coughing up a glob of blood. "No, I'm not." The man looked down at himself for a moment. "I've rupture several organs, half my ribs are broken, I'm pretty sure I've fractured my skull, and I've lost a lot of blood. If I had to guess I'd say I've got about ten minutes left. If you want you can take it, but just remember, I warned..." Before he could say any more his eyes closed and he went limp.

Three days Later

"How is he?" A familiar female voice asked off to Law's side, it was hard to focus as his entire body throbbed.

"He's stable but we're still watching him closely. The damage he had when he arrived was enough to kill even the strongest of huntsmen, for someone without an aura like him to have lasted as long as he did without medical treatment is beyond miraculous. His chart says you found him in the condition he was in, in some alleyway?" Another voice asked.

"Yeah, he said that he was gonna die, but he didn't sound worried about it at all. He even gave me his sword." Before more could be said Law's consciousness began to fade once more.

Another three days later

"Hey there, I'm back! And today I brought my big sister Yang and my dad!" The voice spoke again.

"Uh Rubes, I think he's asleep." Another voice added.

"I know, he's been asleep for almost a week now."

"So when you said you've been going to see a guy you'd met you meant some dude in a coma?" There was a brief silence after the older male sounding voice asked. "Well I guess I don't have to kill him, so who is he?"

"I don't know, I found him all hurt and bleeding the night Professor Ozpin accepted me into Beacon. The doctors couldn't find any identification, and his DNA isn't in any criminal or hunter databases." The girl sounded sad. "I just felt kinda bad for him, he was so hurt, he doesn't have a name, and when I found him he didn't even seem to care that he was about to die."

"Ah sweety don't cry." The male spoke again. "So that's why you've been coming up here everyday."

"It's just that if I don't nobody will come see him..." And again the voices began to fade.

One week later

"So now I'm the leader of team RWBY! Weiss, my partner, is really strict but she's got a good heart. Blake is all mysterious and quiet, but she likes books and is nice enough. Then of course you've met Yang."

"Ruby!" A new voice screeched earning a yelp from the girl.

"I told you she'd be here." Yang spoke entering the room. "She always visits the hotty around this time on the weekends."

"Yang that's gross, he's in a coma." Ruby whined.

"He's still a hotty, I mean have seen his muscles." Yang purred.

"None of that is important right now, Oobleck has a quiz on Monday and your coming back to Beacon right now to study!" The new voice spoke.

Ruby groaned. "Fiiiiiiine, just let me say goodbye."

"Whats the point, it's not like he can't hear you."

For the first time since he had started hearing people Law felt a small bit of energy returning to him, like he could actually do something. He groaned lightly causing a silence to fill the room. "Did he just?" Then Law managed to turned his head slightly. "Should we get the doctor?" Ruby asked watching him.

After several more moments and a lot of effort Law cracked open his eyes before looking at the four wide eyed girls standing around the bed he was laying in. He looked to the girl who'd found him and noticed something about her. "Can I have my hat back?"

Several minutes later

"Are you an idiot, the spacing on these stitches is beyond amateur. Your lucky no bacteria managed to slip through the gaps." Law berated the doctor who had rushed in when he got word that Law had regained consciousness. What he hadn't be expecting was for his patient to begin lecturing him on every error he could find in his treatment. Though unlike most disgruntled patients that tried to complain, this man was incredibly well educated in the field of medicine. "Whatever, it doesn't matter now. Just get these tubes out of me and I'll be on my way."

"Very well." The doctor sighed as he began pulling the IV tubes from his arm. "If you don't mind my asking sir, where did you study?"

Law stood from the bed once the last tube had been pulled and walked over to the small cabinet against the wall and opened it to find a bundle of clothes, pulling off his hospital gown he began dressing himself, though slowly as his body was still in the process of recovering. "My father was a doctor, he taught me everything I know." Pulling his coat, which he found to surprisingly be repaired, he could see where it had be the rips and hole had been patched. The same went for his pants as well. Turning back to the doctor who was writing on his chart Law asked a very important question. "Where is my sword?"

"Ah yes, the young girl who brought you here has it."

Law nodded as he hazily remember giving it to the girl as he thought he was about to die. "Thanks."

Without saying anything else Law exited the room and was almost instantly surrounded by the four girls he'd seen upon waking up. "Yo."

"Whoareyouwhatsyournamehowdidyougetsobadlyhurtwhatareyougonnadonow?" The black and red colored girl.

Law just looked down at her for several seconds. "Where's my sword?" Was his only reply.

"What? I uh..."

"It's a simple question, where is my sword? I will not ask again." His voice was cold.

"Hey!" He heard from beside him just before his coat was grabbed and the blonde girl pulled him around to her. "Don't talk to my sister that way, especially not after all she's done for you!" He noticed the girls eyes were now red and her hair was glowing slightly.

Law remained stone faced. "I didn't ask her to help me, I don't owe her anything." This only seemed to make the blonde even angrier as her hair caught fire, but Law still didn't look surprised. "I don't suppose any of you considered whether or not I wanted to die, did you?"

This surprised all four girls, enough for Yang's hair to return to normal as she let go of his coat. "Why would you..."

"Doflamingo won, and the moment he learns you've helped me your all dead." This didn't earn the reaction he'd been expecting, he thought he'd get looks of horror but instead he got confused faces.


Now it was Law's turn to be surprised. "Doflamingo, the warlord? How do you live in Drossrosa and not know his name?"

The four looked between themselves confused. "We're in the city of Vale... I've never heard of this dress place." Ruby explained before Weiss handed her her scroll. "Oh! Here, where is your home located." She handed him the scroll with a map of the world pulled up.

Law took the odd device into his hands and looked it over, it was like nothing he'd ever seen in his life. Looking over the map on the front of the device Law frowned a bit. "Is this a map of the Island?" He looked up at the four girls who were once again looking confused.

"That a map of the world." The youngest of the four responded.

Law looked back to the map on the small device for a little while longer before looking around at the area around him, for the first time really looking closely at everything. All the machines and medical tools looked more advanced than anything he'd ever seen before. "Have any of you ever heard of the Grand Line?" Law finally spoke up after nearly three minutes of silence, looking at the four closely as they shook their heads. A smile grew on his face slowly as he started chuckling to himself, the light chuckles soon became laughs which then turned into loud hysterical laughter causing the pirate to have to lean against a wall while holding his still healing stitches. He ignored the looks people were giving him as he continued to laugh well past the point that tears were falling from his eyes and he was struggling to breath. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" He choked out in between laughs. "That fucking Straw Hat rubbed off on me a little to much." He continued as he began to calm himself back down slowly. "This is exactly the kinda shit that'd happen to him." Law wiped his eyes clear of the tears while catching his breath.

"Uh, are you okay?" The young girl asked him for the second time and got the same response as before.

"No, but this is something I can work with." Looking over the four girls he put on a grin. "The name's Law."

You all know the drill, leave me a review and tell me what you all think. And don't worry about my other stories, I've got new chaps already started for both of them. Also I'm still deciding who I want to pair Law up with so let me know what you guys think of that, keep in mind that he is 26 years old. See you next time.