A/N: Hi everyone.

First, my sincerest apologies because this fic turned into a dead fic. I know how terrible that can be for readers. It was very rude of me to leave everyone hanging, so I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I felt so ashamed that I thought about just never showing my face here again. But several people left kind comments requesting a status update, and I figured it was the least I could do to formally announce that this fic is being discontinued.

There are a number of reasons for this. First, I have graduated school and am working now, and I simply don't have time to invest in a long fic like this one right now. Second, the details of the first half of the Grand Line are REALLY fuzzy at this point, and I can't muster the energy to go back and research it all to map out my plot. Third, I'm realizing that this thing is terrible as a piece of written work in general, and am loath to continue it for the sake of my own integrity. I might take it down at some point; it's physically painful for me to look at.

Again, I am very sorry. Please, go on and look up fanfics that are loads better than this one. Goodness knows they exist in droves. Thank you to everyone who commented and liked and otherwise supported this fic while it lasted.

I may return at some point with one shots or short fics (maybe). But I know myself, and I won't start another long fic like this one just to have it turn into a dead fic again.

Thanks again, OP fan community. Best wishes and stay safe!