Disclaimer: I do not own anything related which includes the characters of Fairy Tail.

Rated M! You have been warned!

Chapter 27: Natsu and Co Vs The Darkstalkers Part 3

Juvia and Cana ran through the town in search for Elfman and Mirajane. Luckily they managed to avoid any sort of confrontation with any of the Thunder God Tribe members that remained. If what Natsu told them was true then the remaining members were being possessed by the Darkstalkers.

The only trouble they were currently having was finding Elfman and Mirajane. They thought of splitting up, but knew very well that that was not a good idea.

"Damn it, I wished Natsu would have at least told us where they were." Cana muttered in annoyance.

"Juvia agrees."

The duo continued to run through the town and looked in every direction they possibly could to find them.

"Elfman!" Cana shouted in hopes he would be able to hear her.

"Mira-san!" Juvia shouted as well.

Nothing, but that didn't stop them.

They continued searching for the siblings, completely unaware of the man watching over them as they did so. The man could have attacked them, but he decided to wait it out. 'I guess...I could give them a little help...' The man cast a spell which allowed the duo's voices to become louder than they were to everyone besides them. 'With all four of you gathered...it will benefit us to take all of you out...'

Elfman watched as Mirajane slept quietly on the bed. He would occasionally look outside the window to make sure no one who would be a threat to his sister would find them. He would look sadly at his older sister. However, he was more mad than sad. He made a promise to protect her so that what happened with Lisanna wouldn't happen to the remaining member of his family. He knew everyone in Fairy Tail was his family, but Mirajane was his real family and would do anything to protect her.

However, he couldn't do anything when she was possessed by that monster, that Darkstalker as Natsu would call it. He felt so weak. He couldn't keep his promise and that made it hurt more than any injury he sustained. "Damn it..." He gritted his teeth in anger. Clenching his large fists as tightly as possible. He hated being weak. He had to get stronger, but how?

He then thought back to Natsu and saw how incredible he became over the past 2 years. He was so strong that it made him completely jealous. He wanted to be as strong as him. He trained almost everyday and yet he wasn't as strong as him. He knew thinking like this was manly, but he couldn't help himself.

After thinking it over for a while, he came to a decision. After this entire fiasco with Laxus and the Darkstalkers, he was going to ask Natsu to help get him stronger. He needed to get stronger and who else to ask than Natsu.

"Elfman!" His ears perked up at the calling of his name and he stood up. He walked toward the window and opened the frames. He poked his head out and couldn't find anyone that was near ear shot.

"What the...?" He asked as he looked around. "I must be hearing things..." He told himself. He moved his head back inside and when he did, he heard his name being called once more.

"Elfman!" He poked his head out again and yet he still couldn't find anyone who would be calling his name.

"I think I might be losing it..." He said to himself and rubbed his hair.

"Juvia sees him!" He turned his head to his right and finally saw both Juvia and Cana a long way down the street.

"What the hell? Cana? Juvia? They're so far away...but why can I hear them as if they're really close." Elfman wondered. He then started to grow suspicious as he watched the two of them run towards him. He looked back inside toward his sister and furrowed his eyebrows. 'I will protect you this time...' Clenching his fists, he jumped out the window and landed on the street. He turned in the direction that the two of them were coming from.

"Elfman!" Cana shouted with a wide smile on her face. "Glad we finally found you." She told him.

"Juvia is glad as well."

Both women stopped when they noticed something weird about the larger man. "E-Elfman...?"

"Why are the tow of you here?" He asked as he had his head lowered.

"We came to find you. We were told that Freed was going to come after you and Mira." Cana explained.

Freed?" He repeated his name.

"Yeah..." She replied with slight hesitation. 'Something is wrong here...' Cana made sure to not let her guard down as she sensed something was not right with the way Elfman was acting. "By the way, where is Mira?"

"Why do you want to know?" He asked, still not lifting his head.

"Why? We came here to help you." She told him.

"How do I know that's what you really came here for?" He asked with a voice that told her to choose her words wisely. Cana groaned at the way Elfman was acting and if she turned to look at Juvia, she would see a very confused and worried girl.

"It is, Elfman." She told him in a clam voice. "We were asked by Natsu to come and find you because Freed was going to come after you."

"Natsu...?" He finally lifted his head to look at her.

"Yes." Cana answered with a nod.

"Juvia can also vouch for her words."

Elfman looked at both of them, trying to find any sign of either of them lying. He still didn't fully trust the former Phantom Guild member, but he knew Cana wouldn't be lying, would she? However, he suddenly remembered what Natsu said.

'From what I can understand from his explanation, these monsters can take over someone's body and have the ability to completely become the person they take over. They can talk like them, act like them and even use their magic the same way, almost as if there was nothing wrong with them.'

He glared at the two of them and he knew he couldn't trust them. He didn't know if he could trust them, but he was not going to take nay chances, especially when it concerned protecting his sister.

To the shock of both of them, Elfman cast his take over magic as both of his arms changed. "Beast Arm: Bull!" His arms turned black as if he had the fur of a bull on his arms.

"Elfman!" Can shouted in shock. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry, Cana...Juvia..." He apologized while clenching his fists. "I have to protect Nee-san!"

"Wait a minute, Elfman! We're to help you! We don't have any Darkstalkers in us!" She shouted, hoping her voice can get through to him.

"How can I believe you!?" He yelled back. "Nee-san...Nee-san was possessed by one of them and yet she didn't show any signs of being different than she normally does!"

"Shit..." Cana cursed under her breath as it didn't look good for her and Juvia.

"I want to trust you...I really do...but...I have to protect Nee-san! I already failed to protect her and I can't fail again!" He roared and charged at them.

"If that's how you want it!" Cana gritted her teeth as she took out her magic cards and threw them at Elfman like shurikens. Elfman simply raised his arms in front of him in an 'X' formation to defend himself. Some of the cards flew past him, with some that were able to cut his skin, while others stabbed him in the arms, but he continued forward without stopping. "Elfman stop!" She pleaded again, but he was standing over the two with one of his arms raised above him.

"I'm sorry, but I have to protect Nee-san!" He went in for the attack, but both women were able to jump back in time as Elfman's fists slammed down onto the ground, creating some cracks around the area he struck.

"Elfman! Stop this! We want to protect Mira too!" Cana tried again, but it didn't help.

"Let Juvia handle this." Juvia told her as she stepped forward in front of Cana. Elfman once again ran toward the duo. She raised her arm up and pointed it at the charging Elfman. "Water Lock!" Juvia created a large circular mass of water around Elfman as he was trapped inside it. Elfman quickly tried to hold his breath, but he couldn't hold it in for long before he opened his mouth and started to suffocate from the water.

"Hey..." Cana said with worry as she saw what was happening to Elfman. "Hey! We don't want to kill him!"

"Juvia knows." She replied. "Juvia will release the water lock as soon as Juvia knows he will settle down."

"O-Okay..." Cana sighed in relief as she watched Elfman slowly lose consciousness.

"I can't have that happening now, can I?" Cana's eyes widened at the voice as she turned her head and met eye to eye with a member of the Thunder God Tribe.

"Freed!" She yelled as the green haired mage looked down at the two women. Juvia averted her eyes from Elfman and her water lock to stare up at Freed as well.

"It seems we have arrived at an interesting situation." He spoke as he looked over at the water lock Juvia had placed on Elfman."Dark Ecriture: Hold."

Juvia's eyes widened as she felt her body suddenly get tighter, which made her unable to move. "J-Juvia...can't move..."

"What!?" Can shouted in shock.

"I wonder what everyone will think of her when she kills poor Elfman. Seeing as how she's a former member of the Phantom Guild...she will be seen as a traitor and lose the trust of everyone." Freed said as he jumped down.

"Damn it Freed!" Cana growled and glared at the green haired mage.

"No...Juvia doesn't want to...lose their...trust..." Can turned her head to look at the water mage and saw the fear in her eyes.

"Juvia..." Cana whispered.

"Juvia wants to stay...to be with Gray-sama..."

"Damn you, Freed!" Cana whipped out some of her magical cards and threw them at Freed like shurikens. "Release your magic!"

Freed simply side stepped to avoid the cards and calmly looked at her with narrowed eyes. "Unfortunately your magic is too weak against me."

"Damn you..." Cana gritted her teeth. She turned her head to look at Juvia and Elfman and could see that Elfman already has lost consciousness and who knows how much time he had left. 'I have to save them.' Glaring back at Freed, she drew multiple cards and threw them all at once at Freed.

Freed drew his sword and swiped at the cards, destroying them before they could hit him. "I'm quite disappointed."

"Why are you doing this?" Cana screamed.

"Why? Because Laxus should be the true Master of Fairy Tail." Freed told her.

"Laxus..." Cana narrowed her eyes at him. 'Wait a minute if there is a Darkstalker in him then it should know that the guy Natsu was fighting was the one controlling them. Laxus should also have a Darkstalker in him so then...' Cana had an idea, but she didn't know if it would work. She took a look over at Elfman and Juvia and one look at them and she knew she had no other options. "I wonder about that." She smirked at Freed.

"Hm? What are you saying?"

"You say Laxus should be the true Master of Fairy Tail...but...doesn't he just have a simple Darkstalker inside of him?" Freed didn't react.

"Darkstalker?" He asked. Cana didn't know if he was bluffing, but she pressed on.

"That's right and apparently we found out that the one controlling them isn't Laxus, but the guy inside Master was the true mastermind behind all of this. If that is true, then...that wou-" She didn't get to finish as Freed suddenly appeared in front of her and went for an attack with his sword. Cana reacted as quick as she could, but the sword managed to leave a cut on her cheek. She winced at the cut and placed a hand over it to see blood already trickling down from it.

"I do not know what you are talking about, but don't you dare finish that sentence." Freed told her.

'Oh...interesting...I wonder if that is the Darkstalker or Freed himself that just said that...' Cana wondered. 'Whatever the case, I managed to get him angry...come on Cana...think...what is Freed's weakness...'

As she tried to think of it, Freed went in for another attack. This time he was moving much faster, which caused Cana to lose whatever thought she had and focus on dodging the incoming sword. She barely was able to dodge and backed away from him by rolling away.

"Dark Ecriture: Pain!" Freed cast his runes and aimed it at Cana. Cana couldn't avoid the runes and was meant with incredible pain coursing through her body.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!" She screamed and then fell to her knees from the pain.

"Cana-san!" Juvia called out as she struggled to get out of the spell he cast on her.

"It seems you have lost." Freed told them as he simply watched Cana get tortured and Elfman slowly dying by Juvia's water lock.

"Please stop this!" Juvia called out to him.

"Sorry, but until this game is over and Laxus wins, then I will let you all go. However, it seems one of you won't be able to make it to the end." He looked over at Elfman and saw that his skin was turning slightly blue from the loss of air.

"I...won't...let...you...do this..." Freed turned to Cana as she struggled to get back to her feet, despite the pain coursing through her body.

"Impressive that you are trying to get up, but it's no use." Freed told her and then pointed his sword. "It's time I finish you."

"Hehehe..." He raised his eyebrows at the chuckle.

"What's so funny?"

"I...just remembered...you're weakness..." She smirked and glared at him.

"My weakness?"

Cana nodded and then slowly went to get her cards and pulled out three of them. Using all the strength she could muster, she threw the cards toward him. "Sexy...Lady Card..."

The cards suddenly transformed into three beautiful ladies in swimsuits and immediately went to hug Freed. The moment they touched him, Freed's face turned deep red and the magic runes he cast on Cana were released as he lost his composure. "W-W-WHAT THE...!?"

"Oh...aren't you a cutie..." One of the woman said, rubbing her hand across his chest. Freed's face turned an even more crimson as Juvia suddenly felt her body back in control.

"Juvia is free!" Without a moment of hesitation, Juvia released her water lock as Elfman fell to the ground.

"Elfman!" Cana screamed and ran over to him, wincing slightly at the sore muscles in her body. "Hold on, Elfman!" She cried out and placed her ear to his mouth to see if he was still breathing. Her eyes widened when he wasn't. "Damn it!" She quickly placed one hand over the other on his chest and started pumping the water out of his lungs. "Come on! Don't die on us...Elfman!" She pumped as hard as she could against his chest. "Think about what Mira will do if she found out you'd die here!"

Juvia could only watch as her eyes showed fear that she killed someone from the guild she recently joined. She only wanted to be accepted. The most terrifying thought she had was how Gray would have reacted. Just the thought of the ice mage glaring at her with cold eyes and hate her forever brought fear to her very core. 'Please...'

"Damn it!" Cana shouted out with frustration as she raised her hands and formed them into a fist and slammed them down on his chest. Elfman's eyes suddenly opened and he spat out all the water in his lungs. He then began to cough and spit out whatever water remained as he started to fill his lungs with air. "Elfman!" Can shouted in joy.

"Thank goodness..." Juvia smiled.

"W-What the hell..." Elfman coughed out. He opened one of his eyes to see a grinning Cana above him. "C-Cana..."

"You baka..." She said and let out a sigh of relief.

"W-What happened..." He asked and did his best to sit up. He managed to prompt himself up with his elbows and when he did he saw Juvia with a smile on her face. "J-Juvia..."

"Juvia is glad you are okay." She told him.

Elfman stared at her as he remembered what happened before he lost consciousness. He was trapped in some sphere full of water and did all he could to escape, but couldn't. He started to lose consciousness, but then remembered something else before his consciousness faded away. Something to do with the color green.

He then caught something at the corner of his eyes and by coincidence, it was green. He turned his head and his eyes widened at the sight of Freed being hugged and touched by three beautiful women in swimsuits. Cana followed his gaze and she glared at Freed. "Cana...Freed..."

"Listen to me, Elfman. Freed is not who you think he is." She told him.

"Yeah..." His response surprised her as she turned her head to him. "I didn't know he was so manly..."

"That's not it!" She yelled and smacked him in the back of his head. Juvia could only sweat drop. She sighed in frustration. "Freed is not who you think he is. You thought one of us had one of the Darkstalkers, right?" Elfman looked at her and nodded. "Well guess what, we aren't the ones with monsters inside of us. Freed is!"

"What?" Elfman was in shock.

"I'm surprised that my magic trick was working on him. I thought the Darkstalker would change Freed and not make him weak against his weakness, but I was wrong." Cana said. "This might just be the thing that we needed to stop these monsters." She smirked.

"I see...I'm sorry for doubting you two." Elfman apologized.

"Don't mind it!" Cana smiled.

"Juvia should apologize too. Juvia is sorry." Juvia lowered her head.

"Don't worry about it." He told her and stood up once some of his strength returned to him. "A man always forgives his friends!" He yelled out.

"That's the spirit!" Cana smirked as Juvia nodded with both girls looking at each other and then smiling.

"Kyaaah!" The trio turned their heads as they saw the three beautiful women get pushed away from Freed and then poof away into cards.

"How dare you..." Freed growled as he had his head lowered. His eyes were covered by his bangs, but they can feel the anger emitting from him. "You will pay for embarrassing me like this..." When he lifted his head, the trio saw that he had activated his Dark Ecriture, with his right turning to a purple color. "Dark Ecriture: Darkness."

The trio looked in horror as Freed started to transform into a large, vicious demon. Once his transformation was complete he let out a terrifying roar. "Freed..." Cana looked at him in shock. She couldn't believe he could do something like this. She walked forward and stood next to Juvia. "Freed! Don't let that monster control you!" Freed however, didn't listen to her.

"Now..." He growled. "...prepare to die." In a flash, Demon Freed appeared in front of Cana and had a sphere of dark energy charging in his hands. Cana's eyes widened as she couldn't catch up to his new found speed.

'Oh no...' She thought as the attack was getting closer to her. She tried to move, but couldn't as her legs wouldn't listen to what her brain was telling them. She could only stand and await the attack to hit her.

She then suddenly felt someone push her out of the way and when she turned her head to look at who did, she saw strands of blue hair. "Juvia will make sure...her new friends don't get hurt..."

"Juvia!" Cana screamed.

"Darkness Flare Bomb!" The attack struck Juvia and she was blasted by the attack and sent flying in the opposite direction. Her clothes got slightly torn from the blow and lost consciousness. Elfman was in shock, but quickly got out of it to go run towards her and managed to catch her before she hit the ground hard. Elfman skidded to a stop and looked down at the water mage.

"Juvia!" He shouted. He looked at her and saw that she wasn't moving except for her chest that showed she was still alive.

Cana could only stare in shock at the wounded water mage. 'Juvia...why...?'

"That stupid Phantom Child...but I guess it would have been better to get rid of her first." Demon Freed commented as he glared at Juvia. "After all, she would betray Fairy Tail at any time, so getting rid of her first was a good thing."

"FREED!" Cana screamed in anger as she threw her magic cards at Freed. Freed looked at her and simply raised his arm to block her cards. One did however, get stuck to his hand and a few seconds later, it exploded. Demon Freed grunted a bit, but otherwise was unfazed by that explosion.

"Is this really your true strength." Freed asked in annoyance. "Honestly, it's pathetic." He turned to her. "Now then, hold still while I finish you off like I did to that Phantom girl." He told her and was ready to charge at Cana, but Elfman suddenly punched Freed in the face and sent him flying straight into a house.

"Elfman!" Cana shouted as she looked at male Strauss Sibling in shock.

"What kind of man insults and attacks a woman after doing a manly thing like sacrificing themselves for a friend? You are not manly, Freed!" He roared in anger as he transformed his arms into his Black Bull Take Over.

Freed quickly got up and walked out of the house he crashed into without any signs of damage being dealt to him by Elfman's blow. "A man? Elfman...you are an idiot..." Freed told him. "The only person you should ever call a man...is Laxus!"

With the same speed as before, Freed appeared in front of Elfman and his fists were powered up the darkness energy and punched Elfman in the face, the same way he did to him. Elfman was sent flying a long way before crashing down to the ground and skidding to a stop. "Elfman!" Cana screamed.

"Don't think I forgot about you." Freed said as he appeared behind Cana. Cana slowly turned her head and looked up to see Freed towering over her with a menacing look on his face. Unlike before, however, she was able to move her body and reached for a card and tossed it to the ground. It stabbed right into the ground and from it smoke popped out as she took this chance to get away from Freed. "Foolish woman...like a simple trick like this would work on me..."

Freed stormed through the smoke and towards her. He was gaining speed and was just about to attack her before he was intercepted by Elfman, now his arms taking the form of his Iron Bull Beast Take Over. He swung his arm for a punch, but Freed lifted his forearm and blocked the punch. "I won't let you win..." Elfman told him.

"Then you will die." Freed told him. Elfman's eyes widened when he was getting pushed back by Freed's arm.

'Damn...this is bad...' He thought as he did his best to hold back.

'No, Elfman can't win...there has to be something we can do...' Cana thought as she tried to think of something. It then hit her as she remembered what Natsu said. She looked up in time to see Elfman get punched once again. This time, however it was in the stomach and then Freed spun around and kicked him away, towards her. He landed next to her. "Elfman!"

"Damn it...he's too strong..." He said as blood trickled down the corner of his mouth.

"Elfman! There is a way for you to defeat him." At this, Elfman looked at her with wide eyes.

"There is?"

"The stone, the stone that Natsu gave you! That's the way we can defeat him." She told him.

"The...stone..." He then remembered what she was talking about and reached weakly into his pockets and took out the stone. "I see...but...Natsu said that unless we weaken him...we can't defeat that monster..."

"This isn't the time to thinking about! Natsu gave us this chance to defeat one of those monsters. It's risky, but if we don't do it then Juvia's sacrifice would be for nothing." Elfman's eyes widened when he saw Cana's eyes brimming with tears. "If we don't stop him then everyone would be in danger. Master, Gray, Erza, Mira..." At his older sister's name, he lifted himself up to his feet and glared at Demon Freed.

"I will protect Nee-san...I will protect everyone...I will protect my family! I won't lose anyone ever again!" Elfman shouted. He then thought back to another thing Natsu told him and Erza. 'I will protect everyone...I will protect them!' Clenching the stone in his hand, he stabbed himself with the stone, much to Cana's surprise.

"No! Elfman! Natsu said that it was poisonous!" Cana screamed. Elfman ignored her and closed his eyes as he felt magic enter his body. The magic felt incredibly weird, but he could also feel the power emitting from the magic. He could feel himself getting stronger. He let out a scream at all the sudden magic that was going throughout his body as a green light enveloped him and shot into the sky.

"What?" Demon Freed looked on in shock. 'Where is he getting all this power from?'

Cana could only look on in amazement. 'No way...his magic is going through the roof...'

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!" Elfman roared to the sky as the green light came down and only enveloped his body. Suddenly, his body started to transform into a beast Cana never seen before. Elfman's skin turned into green scales and his face changed to what looked like the shape of a dragon's mouth and jaw. On his back grew several sharp black spikes and his feet turned to reptilian feet. His elbows and knees transformed into black guards similar to the spike son his back. His transformation ended with a guard on his chest that left a circular hole in the middle that was about a foot in diameter. "Beast Soul: Armadigon."

Cana could only stare in awe at the new beast form Elfman transformed into. It looked like a hybrid of both an armadillo and a dragon. She didn't even know such a beast existed. She then looked at the stone that fell to the ground next to Elfman. 'Maybe...that stone came from this beast...'

"What the hell is this!?" Freed demanded an answer from either of the two.

Elfman answered for the both of them, but in his own way. He appeared in front of Freed and slammed his shoulder into him. Freed felt the full effect of the slam as he was sent flying. Elfman didn't stop his attack as he caught up to the airborne Freed and slammed his guarded elbow onto the chest of Freed. The impact cracked the ground under Freed as he coughed up blood.

"Go Elfman!" Cana cheered. "You can win!"

"Damn it...I won't lose to you!" Freed growled in anger. "Darkness...Breath!" He charged his dark energy and created a large tornado that engulfed Elfman. The Strauss sibling was lifted off the ground in the tornado and Freed took this chance to escape from under him. Once he was free, he looked up to see Elfman clenching his fists inside the tornado and with a whip of his arms, he managed to disperse the tornado. "Damn you!" Elfman turned his head to Freed's direction and watched as his form was suddenly changing again.


Cana placed her hand sin front of her ears as the deafening scream was too painful for her to hear. 'What the hell!?' She looked up and her eyes widened as she the new transformation that Freed took. She thought he looked like a demon before, but now he looked more like a mix of both a demon and a monster. 'This is insane...'

"Wryaaaahhhh!" Freed screamed again, but it was not as loud as the one previously. Freed's new transformation had added black darkness armor and his face didn't look anything like it did before as saliva drooled from the corner of his mouth and he had much sharper teeth then before. "Wryaaah!" It let out another roar and this time charged at Elfman who shielded himself with his arms. Freed struck Elfman with a strong jab that slid him back a few feet.

'This thing...it's a lot stronger...' Elfman thought as he took the initiative this time and threw a hard punch to Freed's face. The blow did more damage then Elfman thought it would, but when he thought about, he understood why. The new transformation was one where the Darkstalker fused itself with Freed, causing the Darkstalker to come out of hiding, even if it fully wasn't out. When he took a closer look, he could see some steam, like if his punch burned Freed. 'I can win this!'

"Wryaaah!" Freed roared again and jumped high into the air and dark energy formed around Freed's fists as he descended down toward Elfman. Elfman clenched his own fists and pulled his arm back before they both punched each others fists, causing a sonic boom like effect that caused Cana to get near Juvia and hold onto her so that neither she or her get blown away.

Once the wind subsided, she lifted herself up to look back to both of them as they started to throw punches at each other. Most got dodged by both parties as Cana was watching in amazement at the fight. 'This fight...it's incredible.'

"Wryaaaahhhh!" Freed roared as he and Elfman connected with each others fists, creating small gusts every time they connected. Eventually Freed dodged one of Elfman's punches and then jumped above him. Elfman looked up to see Freed getting ready to use the same move he hit Juvia with. Knowing he had to either dodge or do something, he decided to take a risk. He watched as Freed descended down toward, ready to release his attack on him. Making his decision, Elfman, crouched down and hid himself like an armadillo and the spikes on his back became erect and sharp. Freed continued his attack anyway and made contact, which only resulted in the spikes piercing through Freed's hand. "WRYAAAAAHHHH!"

Freed screamed in pain as steam once again came out from the wound. He tried to get his hand out from the spike, but he couldn't do it. Taking this chance, Elfman lifted himself up and jumped as his body did a front flip and then slammed down onto Freed's body as the spikes pierced through him. The scream that escaped from him was the loudest Cana had heard. Elfman quickly rolled off of Freed as the spike came out of his body. Steam escaped from the wounds the spikes made as Elfman rolled up to a stand up position and then turned to face his opponent.

"Did...he win?" Cana wondered. She really hoped he did, but as she looked at the steam, she was afraid that Elfman might have hurt Freed in the process. A moment later, darkness shot up into the air and they looked up to see the darkness transforming into something. "Oh great, now what?" The darkness finally finished it's transformation as the Darkstalker came into full view of both of them as it fell down and landed on one of the roofs. Cana's eyes widened in shock at the disgusting monster and placed a hand to her mouth. 'That thing...was inside Freed...'

Despite seeing it before, Elfman could not get used to the disgusting image of the Darkstalker. 'This thing...was inside Nee-san...' It made him angry just thinking about it.

The Darkstalker did exactly as it's name implied as he stalked his prey, waiting for a chance to attack. "Wryaaahhh!" It roared at Elfman.

"So, you wanna fight!?" Elfman slammed his fist into his open palm as the green light from before enveloped him again. The Darkstalker roared once again and Elfman jumped up toward him and slammed into the wall of the building it was on, but missed the Darkstalker as he jumped out of the way and landed on the roof of the building opposite of the one it was on before. Elfman turned his body to face the Darkstalker and then jumped again towards it.

Like before, Elfman crashed onto the roof as the Darkstalker jumped to avoid him. This went on for a while as they began a game of cat and mouse across the roofs and buildings. At times, Elfman would try to punch the Darkstalker, but barely miss him. Despite gaining this new strength he was still not use to the beast form and it his movements were becoming more sluggish as time went by. "Wryaaahhh!" It roared again, almost as if it was provoking Elfman.

'This thing...it's trying to waste time until I can't handle this form...well guess what you disgusting piece of shit...I won't let you!' Elfman jumped once again and was quickly falling down towards him. Elfman crashed onto the roof of the building and this time crashed right through it and inside. The Darkstalker was already on the roof of the next building as it turned it's head back to search for Elfman.

"Wryaaaahhh..." It made a quiet scream as it tried to sense his prey. However, it couldn't sense him when he jumped out from behind him. Elfman wisely entered the building from below and jumped up to surprise the Darkstalker and it worked perfectly. Clenching his fist, he punched the Darkstalker straight in the jaw, burning it's skin and send him flying and crashing into a building. Elfman took off after it and jumped down into the building he crashed him into. He looked around for any sign of the monster, but the smoke made it really difficult.

'Where is he?' Elfman wondered. It was then that the Darkstalker suddenly jumped on Elfman and then threw him into another building, despite the burning sensation the Darkstalker felt in his hands. Elfman groaned from being tossed so easily and looked around the building he was tossed into. His eyes widened when saw a familiar face. 'No...'

The Darkstalker suddenly crashed down into the building and was now towering over the person in the bed. "Wryaaaaahhhhh!"

"Get away from her!" He yelled as the Darkstalker ignored him and grabbed Mirajane with it's tail and wrapped it around her tightly.

"Aaaahhh!" Mirajane screamed from the tightness.

"Let her go, you bastard!" Elfman screamed and rushed toward the monster. However the monster quickly jumped up and landed back outside on the roof of the same building. Elfman followed it and landed on the roof as he glared at the monster. "Let her go!"

"Wryaaaahhhh!" It screamed and tightened it's hold on Mirajane causing her to scream from the pain.

"Nee-san!" Elfman screamed.

Mirajane opened one of her eyes as she stared at Elfman and then weakly said his name, "Elf...man..."

"You bastard!" Elfman had to save his sister. He got this strength in order to do just that and he was going to use it. He charged at the Darkstalker was preparing to jump again to avoid Elfman, but Elfman was ready. Right as the Darkstalker jumped up, Elfman planted his feet down and then bent his knees before jumping up at a much faster and stronger pace. The Darkstalker was in shock at Elfman's strong jump and was met with the strongest punch Elfman dealt to him as his fist was completely engulfed in the green light from earlier. The Darkstalker screamed in pain as the punch sent him straight down to the ground and the force was so strong that the Darkstalker was pushed deeper into the ground causing a a crater to be formed.

The attack by Elfman caused the Darkstalker to loosen the grip around Mirajane and let he free. Elfman quickly caught her as he landed on the ground behind the crater. He looked down at his sister, who smiled warmly up at her younger brother. "You rescued me...thank you...Elfman..." She smiled and lost consciousness once again.

"Nee-san..." He replied sadly as he let her rest. He turned around to look down at the Darkstalker as it tried to get back up, but the blow he was dealt was so strong that parts of his body was burned off. Elfman lowered Mira down to the ground gently and walked toward the crater. As he walked he noticed that his Take Over magic was dissipating with every step meaning he was running out of time. He slid down to the monster and stared at it as it continued to struggle. Clenching his fist and raising his arm, Elfman said his final words to the monster. "Go to hell." With a strong punch to the face, the Darkstalker's face was completely burned off, killing it once and for all.

Elfman sighed as his Take Over magic disappeared and he returned to normal. Taking a deep breath, he stood up, but when he took a step, his eyes widened and he began falling. Elfman weakly stared at the dirt in front of him as his body wasn't moving and he felt completely weak. He was slowly losing consciousness, but just before he did, he saw a couple of feet walking toward him. The only thing he could remember were that the person was wearing low heel boots.

"Hey, wake up...wake up you damn idiot..." Gray slowly began opening his eyes as he looked up and saw Gajeel standing over him.

"G-Gajeel...what are you...?" He started asking.

"Don't ask questions and just get the fuck up. We gotta go deal with Laxus." He told him and stood up.

"W-What?" Annoyed already, Gajeel kicked Gray in the ribs. "Ow! What the hell was that for!?"

"To motivate you into getting up." He told him.

"What the hell? How does that motivate anyone!?"

"It woke you up, didn't it?" Gajeel told him and he started walking away. "Come on, we gotta go deal with Laxus and end this god damn fighting..."

"What about Master? Isn't he going to stop Laxus?" Gray asked.

"Hmph, that old man...no...he's not so quit your yapping and come on already! If I wasn't told to find you I would have already already found Laxus and kicked his ass!" Gajeel yelled.

"Told? By who?"

"Enough with the questions damn it and let's go!" Gajeel yelled and appeared behind Gray to kick him forward.

"What the hell!?" Gray yelled at him.

"Just go, damn it!"

Natsu stared at Sekrom who was inside Bisca as she held Levy's throat. "So, what is it going to be, Natsu?"

"You fucking coward!" Natsu yelled as Sekrom only smirked at him. 'Damn...what do I do? Come on Natsu...think...think of something...'

"Looks like your time is up. Now watch as I kill this girl." Levy screamed and coughed as the hold around her neck tightened and she started to suffocate.

"Damn you!" Natsu charged at Sekrom and clenched his fist ready to attack Bisca, but was hesitating, which was not left unnoticed by Sekrom. Smirking, he looked at Natsu and swiftly kicked him in the gut. Natsu stumbled back and fell to his knees as the heel of Bisca's boots managed to stab him in the abdomen.

"Pathetic...you are just plain pathetic...how are you supposed to beat me if you can't hurt your own comrade." He told him, chuckling at the end.

"Damn you..." Natsu lifted his head. Normally he would attack her like if they were involved in one of their famous guild brawls, but he knew that in order for Sekrom to even release Levy he would have to use his full strength which might hurt Bisca far worse than a normal guild brawl. He did not want to hurt his friend, especially if his strength could potentially kill her.

"Like I said, you have to make a choice and seeing as how you don't want to make one, then I'll make one for you." He tightened his hold around Levy's neck as she screamed.

"Levy!" Natsu screamed.

"N...Na...Natsu..." Levy managed to mouth out.

"Let her go!" Natsu roared and erupted in his flames.

"If you want me to let her go then you know what you have to do!" Natsu glared at him as he clenched his fists in anger.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!" Natsu roared and once again charged at him. 'Damn it...what do I do...think...think...wait...wait a minute...I remember...I remember...'

"There is also one other thing that is interesting about the Darkstalkers and Sekrom."

"What's that?"

"Like I said before they can copy anything about the person and act like them, right?"


"Well, apparently they also copy each person's weakness, meaning...even if they are full control, they will still be weakened by a person's own personal weakness."

"Wait, what are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is...if a person is afraid of let's say a bee...then if a bee shows up in front of the person with a Darkstalker or Sekrom himself inside them, the person's fear of the bee will take over whatever control they have on them. It's a weird side effect which is why Zeref eventually got rid of them despite telling Sekrom that he was only putting him away for a future purpose. Interesting, right?"

'That's it!' Natsu found the way out of this mess as he continued to charge at Sekrom.

"Yes! Punch your own comrade, Natsu Dragneel!"

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!" Natsu screamed as he threw his arm at Sekrom in Bisca's body. However, it wasn't a punch that came.

*Anime sound effect ~WOOOOOOOOOW~

Time seemed to stop as Natsu closed his eyes and felt his face get red at the action he just committed. Sekrom, in Bisca's body was in utter shock. He was in so much shock that the grip around Levy's neck loosened and Levy fell down to the ground and began coughing to catch her breath. Once she was able to stable her breathing, she looked up to see what happened. The moment she did, her eye's widened and her face became crimson.

"W-Wha..." Levy mouthed out.

Natsu groaned as he couldn't believe he had to resort to this, but nether less, squeezed the hand he had around one of Bisca's breasts. 'I can't believe I resorted to this...Alzack is going to kill me...but it worked...' Natsu thought as he looked up to see Bisca's body react to the touch of her breast with her face getting as red as humanly possibly.

"W-W-hat the hell!?" She said and it was hard to tell if it was Bisca or Sekrom who said those words. "You pervert!" Bisca shouted and then slapped Natsu across the face.

"Gah! Natsu screamed from the pain as he fell to the floor.

"What the hell is the big deal, Natsu!?" She screamed. He sat up and looked at her while rubbing his cheek.

"Wait, does that mean you're no longer in his control?" Natsu asked.

"Huh?" Bisca asked as she didn't know what he was talking about as she covered her chest with her arms.

"You bastard..." Natsu's eyes widened as he quickly stood up and came face to face with Sekrom in Makarov's body. "How dare you..."

"Heh, looks like I know how your trick works, now I can really get fired up."

To Be Continued...

Author Notes:

I know what you all are going to say, but I've been busy with college, work and a film I'm working on so I can actually graduate and start a career in the film, television and theater world. I don't know when I would be able to update, but I am not letting this story die so don't worry about that happening alright! I plan to finish this story, the only problem is is that it might take a lot longer than I anticipated. So until next time!