It was a quiet night at Zora's Domain where all the Zoras were sleeping except those who had guard duty, and a certain princess.

The quick sound of pen on paper echoed in the large, mechanical room she was currently in. "That's the last check," Mipha said aloud while walking outside the room to be greeted by the sight of the cliffs of the edge of the Water Reservoir.

Walking down the trunk before sitting on the edge, Mipha let out a sigh of content. "Ruta…I know you were created for battle with the previous Calamity, but I believe there is more to you. How else could I control you so easily, where even that proud Goron struggled?" Tugging the new, blue scarf over her left shoulder and tightening it around her waist, she rubbed the trunk softly and could almost swear she heard the Divine Beast respond with a purr.

In fact, she could almost hear the Divine Beast ask her a question, one her father has asked her many times.

"What is it that bothers you?"

And just like her father, she was sure Vah Ruta knew the answer.

"So much has happened...and ever since Link returned from the forest with that new blade, our time spent together has shortened greatly." Mipha subconsciously gripped her scarf. Closing her eyes, she could feel a soothing sensation in her mind and she let herself doze off on the trunk of the Divine Beast.

"A request?" Mipha stared at the envelope in her hand with curiosity. "From the Royal Family?"

"It's strange, as that letter has the insignia for both an official meeting and a request. They mention ancient Sheikah technology relating to each of the four races."

Mipha immediately teared open the envelope and pulled out the piece of paper inside, excitement evident in her expression as she read each word. "They want a capable warrior? Please, father, allow me!"

King Dorephan nodded, knowing his daughter was capable and would not change her mind. "I suppose we have no choice. It would make us Zoras look bad otherwise. However I will need to remain here to lead the Zoras. Perhaps I'll get Seggin to escort you?"

"Very well. I'll make my preparations and be on my way." Mipha watched her father walk away to find Seggin, her skillful combat teacher, before turning around and staring at the empty throne.

It took a day before they reached Hyrule Castle Town. As usual, it was a bustling place to be with every race from across Hyrule socializing. After conversing with some Zoras who recognized them, they were at the gate to the castle.

On the way, she saw familiar long blonde hair flowing at his cheeks, the head wearing a hood walking towards the blacksmith. "Lady Mipha, isn't that Link?" Seggin asked, chuckling when Mipha quickly ran over to Link immediately.

When Link noticed, he pulled down his hood. "Seggin? Mipha? What are you doing in town?"

"A request from the King of Hyrule," Mipha answered before observing Link. A longsword was on his back while he was carrying his broken broadsword that he broke when he fought the former Sheikah the other day. "Are you now getting your sword repaired?"

Link rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I didn't really need to. I've been testing this sword out," Link jabbed his thumb at the sword on his back. "This sword can create whirlwinds but who knows what else it can do? So I'm going to give this to the blacksmith to check out."

Seggin placed a hand under his chin. "A sword that can create whirlwinds? Perhaps when this blacksmith is finished you'll allow me to check it out?"

Link nodded immediately with a grin. "Of course! I'd love to see what the finest Zora warrior could do with it."

Seggin nodded in content before turning to Mipha. "We should be going."

"Yes, but Link, are you planning on travelling? Your gear is slightly different from normal."

Link nodded and showed off a large pouch attached to his tunic. "I can hold a lot more elixirs. I think I'll need them when exploring the Lost Woods."

Mipha blinked as she digested his words. "I…see. You have been preparing for this for a long time. As long as you come back safe and sound, I wish you luck." Mipha gestured to Seggin who handed her a bag. She pulled out three elixirs. "Here, just in case."

Link accepted the elixirs graciously and put them in his pouch. "Well I don't think I will have any problems now."

"Don't get too cocky now," Seggin advised.

Link waved him off before gesturing towards the castle. "Don't worry. Anyways, you two should get going. You know where to go but just in case, follow the path from the main gate of the castle and you'll be fine. Ask the knights for directions if you need to." Mipha and Seggin parted ways with Link and followed his advice, Mipha glancing back to see Link go on his own way.

Link himself stopped and looked over his shoulder and the two made eye contact. Giving her a smile, Link exited from her vision. Growing a smile of her own, she quickened her pace much to Seggin's dismay.

Link climbed down from Epona's back and looked up at the forest in front of him. It was odd, he thought, how there was mist circling the forest that seemed to never dissipate no matter the weather conditions. He was aware of the dangers the forest was said to have. There have been many travellers who never returned and those who did said the forest "spit them out."

Link turned to Epona and pulled out a carrot in which she happily ate. "Listen, I don't know how long I will be gone but I do know I will be back. So if I take a day or two, don't feel like you need to stay here waiting, all right?"

Even though Epona nodded, Link could see in her eyes that she wouldn't leave. Giving a wry smile, He rubbed her nose before turning around and stepping into the cursed forest.

The moment he entered, he was enveloped in darkness with only two stone lanterns illuminating the area along with the light of the entrance.

Looking around, Link was surrounded by nothing but dead trees and yet he couldn't help but feel like everything was watching him. And he means everything. Kneeling down, Link touched the grass and could feel its lushness, making him furrow his brows.

The grass is still alive. Are the trees really dead?

Link looked back up and noticed the mist moving, making Link grip the hilt of his broadsword in anticipation for something that would jump out of the mist.

Nothing appeared and Link walked over to the stone lanterns. If I'm too paranoid, I don't think I'll survive. But if there are strong monsters and I'm too lax…

Link spun around in an instant and swung his sword before stopping at what was behind him.

A…tree? When did that get there? And when did those stone lanterns get over there?

Link walked back to the lanterns and decided to venture forth. He could feel many eyes on him but when he looked in any direction all his eyes would meet are the dead trunks of many trees. Link took a deep breath.

I'm getting stressed out by trees. Trees.

Link stopped and took his time regaining his composure. Pulling down his hood, Link wiped the sweat off his head even though the forest was not particularly hot or cold. There was nothing, he noticed, except mist that moved about as if it was alive.

Walking forward, he didn't make it far until the mist began to thicken like fog. Link took a step back and turned around only to be stopped by more fog. "Get away!" Link shouted as the fog began closing in. Extending his right arm, Link spun to try and create wind that would distance the fog but nothing happened.

The fog closed in and covered Link, blocking his vision completely before the sound of hollow giggles filled his head. Link panted as he fell to his knees clutching his head as a headache seeped in.

Then as quickly as it came, the mist and headache went away immediately. Link opened his eyes and noticed he was back at the two stone lanterns. What was different was on the ground was a stick. Any person would pass it off as a branch, since it was difficult to tell in the darkness, but Link looked closely to realize it was a torch.

"I have a feeling burning the forest down won't work…" Link grabbed the torch before lighting it. He watched the flames closely, for any sort of hint. Fire was a mystical force, he learned from the Sheikah and Gorons. Flames can help guide one and there was no way it was a coincidence that there was a torch next to lanterns in the Lost Woods.

When he saw a small ember fly, he raised a brow. There was no wind, if just a very light breeze. Perhaps that was the hint he needed. Following the direction of the ember, he made his way around several dead trees, the direction of the flying embers continuously changing.

Wolves howling in the distance could be heard but Link wasn't worried. Wolves weren't a threat whatsoever. But their meat were worth killing them.

Shaking his head from his hungry thoughts, he soon came to an area where the fog began to lift and the area seemingly brightened. As if life was bestowed to the entire forest.

Maracas and some sort of jingling could be heard, and it was fairly loud. Walking underneath a tree root that was similar to an arc, Link was able to see something he never imagined the forest to be hiding.

A village. There weren't houses, but how else could you describe this place? It was full of life and joy.

But the actual residents were a race he was clueless about.

They weren't the only thing to catch his attention. An old, stone pedestal holding a sword that despite clearly being rusted was still able to gleam with a type of beauty unlike any other weapon.

Walking closer, the residents of this haven stopped everything they were doing to stare at him. He noticed they were more organic than anything. He stopped moving himself, wondering if he intruded in some holy place.

"This is the first time in quite some time that I've seen a Hylian." The voice wasn't particularly loud, but it boomed in Link's ears, echoing in the forest. Link looked in every direction in search of the source to find none.

"Up here, young one."

Up. Looking up and all he could see was an incredibly large tree. It looked fairly old as well. But he could not see anyone on it.

"Yes, you have found me."

It was slight, but the tree seemingly moved slightly, making Link jump. A talking tree. "Um…" Link was at a loss for words. Everything going through his mind at that moment was incomprehensible, even to him.

"It's not every day we have a Hylian visitor. One who can see the Koroks, no less."

Koroks. The term was familiar to him. He read about them in the Castle Library. "Koroks?" Link looked at the small wooden creatures with leaves for faces. "I never thought I would see one…"

"Of course. Hylians normally cannot see them. If you could, would you stand in front of me. I would like to speak to you properly." Link didn't waste any time vaulting up the large root that was directly in front of the tree's hollow face. "Much better. I am the Great Deku Tree, guardian of the forest. May I ask for your name?"

"Link," Link answered, bowing slightly.

"And you are a warrior, I see." Link nodded, and the Great Deku Tree let out a loud hum. "This is no coincidence for you to arrive today of all days. I sense an upcoming tragedy, and the Master Sword has begun to shine."

"Master Sword?" Link couldn't help but blurt. The Sword that vanquishes evil, wielded by the Legendary Hero? That was what the sword was?

"If you may do me a favour, could you please attempt to pull it out? If you are not up for it, you will be able to tell by your draining spirit."

"That's not reassuring or anything…" Link muttered but jumped down off the root. He saw no reason to refuse. He watched as the Koroks stepped aside to let him walk to the pedestal, each staring at him intensely like a child getting a new toy.

Link stared down the Master Sword. Its hilt was a beautiful purple followed by the blade that shone even with all its rust. He gripped the sword's grip with both hands immediately. He looked at the hole the sword was stuck in and for a brief second he wondered if it was even possible to pull it out. Shaking his head, he began to process by pulling upwards.

He was more than surprised when the sword was pulled out with relative ease, the rust on the blade bursting as it shone.

It seemed he was the only one surprised, however. "As I thought. It was no coincidence you came here, Link. Your power will be needed in the upcoming tragedy. The Master Sword wishes to lend you its strength. Will you accept it?"

His back felt heavier and he noticed a fancier, empty sheathe was now on his back. Link stared directly into the dark eyes of the Great Deku Tree before nodding. "I am a Knight of Hyrule. I will do everything I can to protect the kingdom."

"Your courage is admirable. Your wisdom even more so. And with the Master Sword, your power is greater than any. Please, take the time to get acquainted with my children. They will be of use to you, I'm sure."

Link looked around, noticing the Koroks have begun to resume their activities. Giving the Great Deku Tree a nod, Link started to acquaint himself with the fellow Koroks. What's wrong with befriending another race, after all?

The crunching sound of a snapped twig echoed as Link stepped out of the forest covered in a dense fog. Covered in leaves, he sat down next to the river, on his back the purple and blue hilt of a sword evident.

"That was…" He said aloud, staring at his reflection, in particular the hilt of his new sword in the reflection. He then noticed the lighting around him to be different than he expected.

Looking up towards the sky, he didn't see the sun overhead but instead a full moon. "Full…wait how long was I in that forest for!?" Jumping up, Link turned back to the cursed forest that still remained as mysterious as when he first entered. "Wasn't it a waxing gibbous?"

Going through the moon phases in his head, learned from a bard at a stable, he tried to figure out how long it had been. "A week? Maybe less? Regardless, it's been more of a day…Ah Mipha's going to kill me!"

His loud whistle echoed and soon his faithful horse was seen galloping to his side. Link smiled at his devoted companion who had never left the area despite how much time had passed. He rubbed Epona's neck before climbing on.


Link watched in amusement as he saw Mipha almost jump at the sound of his voice. She turned around and met Link's gaze. She slowly walked up to him before sighing. "I…can't say I'm too surprised."

"Sorry," Link apologized while grinning sheepishly. Mipha understood his desire for adventure. It was what he lived for. So that means being gone for a while.

"Well, have a seat," Mipha gestured to her bed, the only place to sit in her room. Link happily complied and almost collapsed on the spot.

"Beds are great…" He mumbled, lying down. He felt Mipha's weight on the bed shortly. Sitting back up, he gave her a smile. "Ask away."

Ash she did, and answer he did. He almost laughed at the way her eyes sparkled. Mipha always had a fascination for the unknown. Ancient technology or forgotten races. "And this sword…" Mipha trailed a finger over the blade. "Amazing…you're a hero. Although I can't say I'm surprised."

"I…don't know. I mean, I always knew I was a really good knight but hero-worthy? I'm more selfish than people realize."

"I don't recall selflessness being a prerequisite of being a hero," Mipha teased, making Link chuckle. "Although you're quite selfless. You've done a lot for Hyrule."

"Yeah, but enough about that. Anything new happen while I was gone?"

"They've almost finish excavating the Divine Beast! And I was chosen to be the one to pilot it!" It was rare for Mipha to show this level of excitement, but it was cute.

But firstly… "Divine Beast? Those incredible Sheikah tech they found a while back?"

Mipha nodded happily. "Yes and the one they found near Zora's Domain will be called Vah Ruta, to honour an ancient Zora Sage."

"Pity," Link said, leaning back while putting his hands behind his head. "I'd name it Vah Mipho…or something."

"I'm really glad you weren't there…"

Link laughed while Mipha sighed in content before shifting closer to Link. "Am I allowed to come and see the grand opening?"

"I don't see why not. You are one of the Hylian Captains, are you not?"

"Don't remind me of my responsibilities," Link joked before letting out a yawn. "Man am I hungry and tired."

Mipha stood up from the bed, smiling sweetly at Link. "Feel free to stay and rest then. I have to go see father."

"Tell him I said hi," Link murmured, his eyelids no longer obeying him and closing. He never got to hear Mipha's response before he fell into his slumber.

"Introduing…Divine Beast Vah Ruta!" Link had to blink several times after Robbie's declaration. Massive, was the only thing going through his mind. That, and how can I beat it? Mipha's reaction was different, if not similar to the Princess's; full of awe. "The princess has already activated each of the terminals so control should be yours, Princess Mipha."

"Ah…yes. I'll see right now!" With no hesitation, Mipha dove into the reservoir before leaping out of the water with incredible height and landing on the lowered trunk of the Divine Beast.

Link allowed himself to smile while watching the ecstatic Mipha. Until he felt a strong hand on his shoulder. Turning slightly, he saw the gruff face of Hyrule. Immediately, Link lowered himself to one knee. "Your Highness."

"Rise Link." Link did just so. "It is my understanding you have a sword on your back. But not any sword, the Sword of Evil's Bane."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Something is going to happen to Hyrule in the near future, and as the boy chosen by the sword, we would like to request your aid in becoming part of a group dedicated to fighting any upcoming tragedy."

It sounded no different than being a Knight, but Link knew it was different. Not to mention he can't just refuse a request from the King. "What is this group, Your Highness?"

The King gestured to his daughter, the Princess, who was holding some strange tablet and aiming it specifically at the Divine Beast. "Consisting of four warriors chosen from the four races across Hyrule and being led by the Princess of Hyrule."

"These four warriors are the ones who will be piloting the Divine Beasts?" Link turned back to the Divine Beast, knowing Mipha was inside and probably having the time of her life. He wants to join her, but he had an image to uphold. Burdens to bear.

"Correct. These individuals are known as Champions. A Goron Champion, a Zora Champion, a Rito Champion, and a Gerudo Champion. Followed by the Princess of Hyrule and her Sealing Magic and the Hylian Champion who is also the boy chosen by the Sword that Seals the Darkness. There wouldn't be a single thing that could oppose them."

"…And Princess Mipha is the Zora Champion?"

"Correct. So what say you, Link?"

"I'll accept." Hearing that Mipha was already a Champion made making the decision even easier. He would have accepted regardless, but it definitely tipped the scales.

"I'm very glad to hear that." The tone of his voice made Link realize he was more than glad. This must have been more serious than he realized. "You're a spectacular swordsman and have done a great service. I think I'll appoint you as Princess Zelda's knight as well. Is that all right with you?"

No. No no no no no no no. "Yes, Your Highness." He never wanted to be a knight for a member of the Royal Family, let alone the Princess who despised him. Glancing over to her, their eyes met and he could practically see the fury in them. Averting his eyes, he looked back towards the Divine Beast.

Sighing, as he realized he may not get to spend too much time with her, Link began walking over to the water's edge.

"I want to see inspect the Divine Beasts myself, if that's all right Your Highness?"

The King nodded. "Very well. Please come to the castle tomorrow. We'll have your Champion's tunic ready. Let's be on our way, Princess Zelda."

She gave Link one last glare before following her father and the many knights and Sheikah around them. When he realized he was alone, he dived into the water and swam to the trunk, which happened to move lower making it easy for Link to climb onto.

After sliding down the trunk (which was as much fun as shield-surfing), Link found Mipha in a room with some waterwheels.

"Isn't this incredible Link? This Divine Beast is made of machinery and yet it's as if it's a live. As if it has a soul."

"Vah Ruta…" Link repeated the name aloud, looking up to see how high the inside of the Divine Beast was. "Amazing…You two are going to get along great, I know it."

Mipha appreciated the comment and smiled brilliantly, almost making Link blush. "Oh, and watch this…" Mipha strode over to another room and suddenly a loud cry was heard.

Before Link knew it, a shadow covered him. Looking up, he saw the trunk of the Divine Beast directly overhead before he was suddenly submerged in water.

"What on earth!?" Link shouted, in annoyance. "It can do that!?"

"Amazing, isn't it?" Mipha returned from the room she was in. "Apparently, according to the Princess of Hyrule and one of the Sheikah Researchers, it may be possible to control the Divine Beasts without using the terminals."

Mipha rose her hand in the air, as if grasping for the overhead trunk, before suddenly the trunk disappeared from view and presumably returned to its original spot.

"That's amazing…You've already gotten the hang of controlling this Divine Beast!"

"It really is amazing. And now I'll be able to help you!" Mipha moved directly in front of Link, grasping his hand in both of hers, making Link complain internally for wearing gloves. "When the time comes, you can count on me to help alongside Vah Ruta."

Link placed his remaining hand on top of both Mipha's. "I always count on you. It won't be any different then or now."

Leaning forward, their lips touched and lingered slightly longer than usual. When they parted, Link frowned. "I've been appointed as the Princess's knight."

"Yes, I overheard the King speaking with one of the Sheikah Researchers about that."

"That means less time for us…"

"And less time traveling for you."

Link sighed in disappointment. The past decade had been seemingly leading to something grand between the two of them. But now…

"Promise me, that when this is all over, you'll take me to another festival."

"'When this is all over', huh?" Link chuckled, before returning her lips on his, giving her his answer.

1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 4 – 7

I guess not much people realized Chapter 6 was up, or LinkxMipha died quietly. Or the new school year is killing everyone.

My guess is number 3.

Anyways, this chapter ended up much longer than I expected. I was barely at 1k words during the Lost Woods part and was like "Well, this will be a short chapter." Nope. 4k words (I mean, that's still short but for this story is pretty long).

I also don't get why people thought this story was dead. I didn't update for, what, one or two months? (...) I know I updated practically weekly during the summer but still. Not to mention a lot of people who asked me if I was going to update were Guests…who I have no way of replying to.

*NEVERMIND didn't realize I didn't update this story since, like, the end of April. NEVERMIND. Now I feel bad…

Story Content:

I'll be honest, my memory of Breath of the Wild lore is rusty so I'm just going off that rusty memory. I think it's fine to have some inconsistencies here and there since, in the end it doesn't matter too much since having confirmed LinkxMipha is already diverging from canon. I'll still try to keep it as close to canon as possible though.

This was my "Link exploring the Lost Woods before getting the Master Sword and later meeting Vah Ruta and Mipha" draft. It was the one I put the most work in before I made Chapter 6. And in the end I ended up erasing most of it because it made no sense to me. So this is a refined version of that draft.

I liked it.

That's it really. The question is: did you guys like it? I'm curious to know your thoughts.

Oh and I'm going to be re-reading all the reviews to see if there's any past suggestions for ideas that I liked. If you have anything you want Link and Mipha to do feel free to suggest them.

Also, if you think the Calamity is near, then you're half right. Yeah, the Calamity is approaching but inbetween now and then, there will be a lot of Champion time. Interactions between the whole group soon!

I feel like I'm forgetting to mention something. Oh well.

Again, criticism, feedback, and ideas are always welcomed! So review if you have any!

EDITS - 14.07.18

- Minor edits