Hello, welcome to the second chapter of Kamen Rider Kikai: Automata.
I finally gathered enough inspiration to write a new chapter.
Now, onto the story.
[Kikai Driver]
Gear 2: The Journey [B]egins
Kamen Rider Kikai couldn't help but stare perplexed at the new feminine figure that now stood in front of him.
'A girl?' The Rider thought, slightly tilting his head in confusion as he looked at A2's frame.
But he soon noticed that couldn't be the case…
Her unusual long white hair, the exquisite sword she pointed at him, and the metal parts around her chest, hips, and legs…
The Human/Roidmude finally realized that the person in front of him was not a human being at all…
But a…
"Hey! I asked you a question, goldie head!" A2's outburst snaps Kikai back to reality.
"Eh? Uh… Are you a robot as well? Another sort of machine?" The Kamen Rider asks curiously.
A2's suspicious gaze only deepens as she next questions:
"I'm the one asking questions here! Are you a machine as well?" She asks darkly, frowning as she grips her weapon tightly.
'Hmmm… I don't think she will believe if I say that I'm a human. I wonder, are there other Roidmudes around here like me as well?' Kikai wonders as he proceeds to answer the female android's question. Maybe he should try a direct and honest approach.
"Yeah. I'm a machine, I guess." He says as a matter of fact.
"..." A2 remains quiet, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere around the two of them.
"Uh… Are you okay? So… Who are you-" Kikai tries to ask.
Only to be cut off as A2 suddenly starts to viciously attack the Rider like a maniac. He barely manages to avoid the first swing from her blade.
"That makes things easier!" She exclaims as she keeps attacking him relentlessly.
'What the… What the hell!?' The Kamen Rider is dumbstruck as he keeps dodging her attacks.
He doesn't know why this new android tries to attack him. She seemed to be more intelligent than the little robots he destroyed a few moments ago. Was he perhaps mistaken? Do this girl's processors have some kind of technical glitch?
"Stop moving around!" A2 cries in fury as she keeps attacking Kikai, only starting to get annoyed as her new target just keeps sliding around instead of fighting back against her.
"You crazy bitch! Why are you doing this!?" Kikai asks her back.
"Because you're a damn machine, dumbass!" She cries back as she keeps trying to slash the Kamen Rider back with her Type-4O sword.
Kamen Rider Kikai next performs a somersault backwards to avoid the next series of fatal blows.
'Because I'm a machine!? This doesn't make sense! But she's not human either!' The Roidmude/human thinks.
Realizing that prolonging this fight will the two of them nowhere, the golden Kamen Rider finally decides to try fighting back.
'I guess she only understands the brawl talk.' The Rider thinks as his red optics began to glow as he analyzes his opponent's moves to perform possible counters against A2's blows.
The female gynoid charges at Kikai once again, pretending to slash her target with an upside-down sword strike this time.
Raising both of his arms over his face, the Kamen Rider stops the sword strike.
"What?" A2 looks shocked at the action.
Kikai doesn't waste time and kicks her away in the stomach, pushing his opponent back towards a nearby wall.
"Raharrr!" The Rider gathers electrified ice energy in his right fist and tries to punch the female android in the face.
A2 rolls out of the way at the last instant as Kikai's punch leaves a huge crack at the spot of the wall he hits. His female opponent looks grimly at the damage he caused as she finds herself lucky for avoiding the possible fatal blow.
"Damm! That was close!" The gynoid thinks as she prepares to attack him again.
She now tries several attempts to stab her opponent. While A2 sometimes manages to hit Kikai across his body, it doesn't seem to be enough to not even dent the Kamen Rider's golden mechanic armor.
'What the heck is he made of!?' The white-haired warrior thinks disgruntled.
But she keeps persisting and eventually manages to somehow stab her opponent in the chest…
Only for said Kamen Rider to use this as a chance to grab tightly hold her weapon.
"Argh! What the!? Let go, you piece of scrap!" A2 cries in fury as she tries to pull her sword away from Kikai.
The Kamen Rider doesn't even budge from his position nor replies to her threats. But instead, he uses this moment to catch her off guard and punch A2 in the face, sending the female android stumbling back for a few meters.
"Argh!" The white-haired gynoid grunts in pain as she slowly tries to stand up.
"Hmm… An interesting toy you have here." Kamen Rider Kikai comments as his helmet begins to scan the Type-4O Sword's properties while he starts twirling the around with the weapon, making swordsman like poses.
"Give that back, you bastard!" A2 cries in protest.
"Then make me," Kikai says back, challenging the female android as he now takes a samurai-like stance while wielding the Type-4O Sword. It was as if the scan now allowed him to use and fight with the blade like a true master of swords.
Yes, that was exactly the case due to the Human/Roidmude now possessing a powerful computer-like mind, capable of scanning and processing information very fast. This is what allowed him to immediately adapt and fight against the Machine Lifeforms previously in the first place, eventually making Kikai prevail over them.
The golden Rider feels that only by fully defeating this robot girl in front of him that he will be able to properly talk with her.
"Hmm!?" Kikai notices that A2's body began to shake, with steam pouring out of her like she was on the verge of combustion. All of sudden, her entire body now glowed a bright red. The steam was subsiding afterward. This is the [Berserk Mode], a function solely exclusive to A2. While it boosts the android's functions, it also puts her life in grave danger. A risky recurse only used in desperate times.
'I see… The last trick she only keeps for emergencies, I assume.' Kikai thinks as he scans her.
"This ends now!" A2 cries.
"My exact words." The Rider says back.
Kikai touches the Destructo Reactor's grips of the Kikai Driver. This causes his body to start generating electrified ice energy around his body. But instead of spreading towards his fist or legs, the energy ends gathering around the Type-4O Sword. This causes said weapon to now glow strong blue energy in the blade and to surprisingly release some snowflakes around it.
[Fullmetal Slash!] The Kikai Driver announces.
The two now felt like cold and heat. Two opposing forces ready to clash and unleash their power.
Even though she was unarmed, A2 would not back away from a machine. She never did and never will. Even if it may cost her life one day…
"Ha!" Kikai and A2 were about to clash and-
A new voice calls the two of them, managing to make the two combatants stop fighting against each other.
The person was...
"Rin!?" Kikai asks in shock, worried about her safety as the little girl basically abandoned her hiding spot.
A2 wasn't faring any better. Her eyes were widened and the expression of shock was present on her face. It was as if she saw a ghost. Something that should be impossible…
"W-What? I-It can't be..." She stuttered as she looked at Rin, taking a few steps back as her body stopped glowing red.
'This little girl… Who… What is she!?' The gynoid thought, alarmed.
At the same time, the Type-4O Sword that Kikai was wielding finally stopped glowing blue as the energy in the blade died down.
"Onii-chan!" Rin calls as she approaches the golden Kamen Rider and hugs his left leg.
"Wait… Rin, you know that it's me?" Kikai asked his little sister, crouching down to meet her eyes.
The young brunette nods to him as she replies:
"I-I have heard your voice, Onii-chan. And I was worried… I-I'm sorry for leaving the hiding spot." The girl explains, now looking on the verge to start crying.
Under his helmet, the Roidmude/Human's expression softened a bit. He then starts to comfort his little sister, patting her head.
"Hey, It's okay, Rin. I just didn't want to risk having the bad guys attacking you. I'm not really mad, okay?" The Rider tries to explain gently, wiping a few unshed tears from the girl's eyes.
Rin silently nods to him in understanding.
"Does that mean that this lady is a bad person?" The little brunette asks, pointing to A2 and making the female android snap back into reality while making the Kamen Rider silently swear for almost forgetting about his main issue.
'Crap!' Kikai thought.
"Rin, stay behind me! Now!" The mechanical Kamen Rider commands, making the younger green-eyed brunette comply as she quickly hides behind of him.
As she manages to finally recompose herself and focus again, A2 couldn't help but speak:
"She… Is she a human?" The female gynoid asks, her eyes never leaving Rin's small frame.
"Oh… So now you want to speak, huh?" Kikai now asks back sarcastically while pointing her blade against its owner.
"What do you plan to do with her?" A2 demands, looking warily at her opponent.
"That's none of your business. Why do you care!?" The golden Kamen Rider asks back, glaring at her under his helmet.
Tension seemed to be high once again as it looked like these two were going to resume their fight once more.
Feeling that she needs to do something, Rin quickly gets between the two fighters, raising both of her arms and prompting to get their attention.
"W-Wait! I-I don't think we should be fighting! Why don't we try talking now? P-Please?" She gently asks Kikai and A2, giving puppy-like eyes in an attempt to calm the two of them.
"Rin… I..." Kikai felt uncomfortable at his little sister's pleading look. The innocence behind her eyes would make him hesitate sometimes.
The Kamen Rider subtly glances at his opponent, surprised to find out that the female android was also sharing the same unease feeling like him. Maybe she finally lost the will to keep fighting as well?
"Hey, whitey." He calls the long white-haired girl. She glares back at him, frowning as she hates the nickname he uses to address her.
"I will give your weapon back… But only if you're willing to sit down and talk. What do you say?" He offers, surprising A2.
'What?' She thinks, looking confused at the machine(?) and the little girl.
The gynoid looks at the golden armored warrior, not detecting anything suspicious or hostile within him at all.
'Strange. There were no deceptions in the way he was acting now.' A2 thinks, narrowing her eyes at the Kamen Rider.
But that doesn't mean the white-haired android would lower her guard. Better be careful just in case.
"Fine." A2 concedes as Kikai delivers her Type-4O Sword back into her hands. But not before carefully approaching her and whisper in her ears:
"But if you try something funny with my sister..." He warns, speaking in a cold tone.
A2 can clearly see that this is not an empty threat. It's better to be careful and watch out around this new Machine(?) Lifeform.
The attack android then glances at the little girl… And is soon dumbstruck to see Rin staring back at her while awkwardly smiling in reassurance to her.
This is going to be one long talk…
Some Hours later...
The trio first left the City Ruins, A2 tends to call the area they were, in order to avoid having to face anymore hostile Machin Lifeforms as she explained to the siblings.
They eventually made a rest at a forest, soon setting for a calm place to talk.
A2 got to briefly know about the Oozora siblings while Yuma and Rin got the opportunity to learn a little about her, what are the Androids in general, the 'evil' Machine Lifeforms, aliens invading Earth and how humans retreated into to the Moon while the Androids fought against the Machines for their sake, having been solely built by humanity for that purpose.
'To reclaim Earth…? Damn...' Yuma thought, looking disturbed by the new events presented before him.
How A2 got the patience to explain these things was a mystery. Where are they from? Have these been living under a rock until now?
'Maybe it was because of the pleading way this girl was looking at me before?' A2 thought as she briefly exchanges looks with Rin, who was trying to not stare too uncomfortably at her exposed metallic parts. For some reason, A2 finds herself unable to say no to the little girl.
"This is so messed up..." The Human/Roidmude thinks as he groans slightly before burying his face into his hands.
Meanwhile, Rin now only looks more concerned than her brother as she clutches onto his clothes. She was still trying to make sense of things and about the news regarding the war between androids and machines.
A2 looks intrigued at the two of them and how they act towards each other, not fully understanding how these two could be siblings. What are the circumstances that brought this new pair here? And she is still cautious around Yuma, wondering how dangerous he could prove to be later while trying to figure what exactly the young man is.
'He doesn't seem to be a machine. But not exactly an android either. What the heck is this guy?' A2 thinks, slightly narrowing her eyes at the older blue-eyed brunette.
"What exactly is a Roidmude?" A2 decides to interrogate Yuma, wanting some answers.
"I already told you. Roidmudes are Mechanical Life Forms. I didn't know there was a difference between you androids and the Machine Lifeforms back then. I mean, have you ever considered actually explaining to me before we started fighting? I'm not like one of those round and chubby silly machines that tried to kill me. If anything, I'm closer to you androids rather than them in regards to design and functions." The blue-eyed brunette tries to explain, eyeing his little sister's reactions.
Deep inside, he was grateful that Rin took the news well, understanding that he still is the same person, regardless of what happened with his human body and his current status. The innocence of a child perhaps?
The Kamen Rider then starts to think about how he managed to incorporate his energy into A2's Type-4O Sword. He was certainly sure that the original Kamen Rider Kikai wasn't capable of doing that.
There was also the issue about Makina Rento needing to rely on solar energy from a satellite in order to move, transform, and many other things. If his energy is low, he couldn't move his body properly.
Curiously, Yuma wasn't feeling exhausted even after everything he went through.
'Could it be because of my Roidmude body? I'm certainly not a Humanoise like Rento. Hmm...' The new Rider thought, contemplating on what he should do now.
"So, what are you two gonna do now?" A2 coincidentally decides to ask.
"We… We want to go back home. We have to. And… I don't even know where we are. This… This is Japan, right?" Rin asks, still unsure of what to make of this situation.
"No. You're not in Japan. Look, you're not even in Asia anymore, kid." A2 tries to explain.
At this, Rin only looks initially heartbroken, glancing at her brother for some emotional comfort. Yuma smiles weakly to her as he complies, patting her head slightly. While he does that, the Rider also tries to come up with his several own theories about the two of them possibly being in another world, given that he can use Kamen Rider related equipment after all.
"By the way… Say, what year is it, A2?" The Roidmude Kamen Rider asks, feeling a bit curious. Looking around the City Ruins made him wonder for how long has that city been abandoned for.
"It's the year 11945 now. The war between Humanity's Androids and the Alien's Machine Lifeforms has been going on for… *Sigh* I'm not even sure anymore..." A2 explains, shaking her head as she starts to look mentally tired.
"Oh." Was Yuma's only response. It makes him a bit depressed for some reason as he wonders how this world became something so destroyed and hopeless while he looks down, clenching his fists.
A2 and Rin notice that the boy was upset about something, but they weren't sure of how to deal with this.
'Wait. Why would I even care?' A2 thought, trying to forget what she just wondered and dismiss the idea.
Yuma takes a deep breath as he looks at Rin and begins to think of his next course of action. Unlike him, his sister needs clothes, food, and a safe place in order to stay alive.
Should he try contacting the humans on the Moon later? Perhaps.
But he now has a set of priorities to be made and accomplished. The siblings could later try to find a way to go back to their world.
"There is a Resistance Camp. It isn't too far from here. I can take you two there." A2 explains.
"Really?" Rin asks, looking eager and hopeful at the female android now that she heard about this. The gynoid only nods in reassurance.
"Hmm… Is that so? Still… I'm surprised you are now helping us so friendly. It's very nice of your part. I must say, what made you decide to trust us? Or it's because you feel bad for attacking me before?" Yuma inquiries, looking questioningly at A2.
"*Snort* Don't get it wrong, Yuma. I'm only doing this for… Your sister's sake. Got it? Since she is a human, it's dangerous for her to spend time here. It's not safe." A2 cooly counters, scoffing at the older brunette.
"Heh. Figures. I should expect no less from a simple-minded barbarian like you." Yuma shrugs, rolling his eyes.
"What did you say!?" A2 growls as if ready to jump up on the Roidmude/Human and start stabbing him with her weapon.
"Stop it, you two!" Rin suddenly yells, somehow looking authoritatively at the two older figures.
Yuma only blinks expressionless at this while A2 looks back astounded at the little girl.
"Please… Don't fight..." The young girl now begs softly, with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
This makes A2 and Yuma eventually exchange looks of understanding that bickering and fighting will get them nowhere.
"Alright... Sorry." Yuma apologizes first.
"I… Uh… Yeah, me too. My bad..." A2 struggles a little to say something back. She still can't believe she is actually apologizing to someone.
"Alright. Then, let's go!" Rin says happily, clasping her hands together. She was glad that their misunderstanding was solved and things seemed like they would be fine from now on.
She wasn't acting too optimistically...
City Ruins
As the trio now made their way towards the Resistance Camp, there luckily only a few encounters with hostile Machines.
One thing that bothered Yuma was a lone Small Stubby Machine that was on a high point of the city as if contemplating something. It just stood there, not paying attention to its surroundings. If Yuma wasn't able to now detect and scan these Machines, he would've thought that it was merely off-line or broken.
Since it had nothing with their quest, the trio decides to leave it alone, even when A2 seemed adamant to actually destroy it.
While A2 seemed eager to destroy every single MAchine Lifeform they came across, the Rider reminded her that securing Rin's well being was their priority.
A2 somehow complies in the end, although reluctantly since she seemed upset that she couldn't destroy some of the robots that were too distracted or busy to even notice the three wanderers.
'I suppose I can't blame her… Given that she is programmed to fight these robots, I suppose… But her aggressive nature and fury towards them… It makes me feel like there is more to this story… It's like she has some personal issue with the Machines.' Yuma thought, slightly concerned as he glances at A2 while she was distracted talking with Rin.
That seemed to amuse him in a way, it seems that his sister always had a way to start a talk with anyone she came across.
Children like Rin sure seems to make this look so simple sometimes…
As they advanced through the City Ruins to take a shortcut, the trio suddenly heard a scream…
When they reached the location of the voice, Yuma expected to swoop in, already transformed as Kamen Rider Kikai, and bash as many robot heads as he needed to save the day.
However, he couldn't be more wrong...
Instead, the trio encountered two young women dressed in all black, gothic attire with blindfolds masking their eyes. The cry for help came from one of the women being stabbed to death by the other with a sharp, slender sword.
Yuma's first impulse was to jump out and save the woman being ruthlessly stabbed, but he hesitantly decided to stay hidden, at least for a moment, after A2 told him to wait.
"一You don't have to do this! Please...don't kill me..." The victim android spoke.
"You brought this on yourself, deserter! Don't ever turn your back on humanity!" Her assailant talks back, finally delivering the last blow and killing the first android.
Yuma immediately covered Rin's eyes, asking her to close her ears, not wanting the little brunette to listen to ti whatever was happening in front of them.
An android killing another android…? Why!?
"A2, what's going on!?" Yuma asks confused, narrowing her eyes at the hostile(?) dark clothed android before them.
At this, A2 suddenly grabs Yuma and pulls him out her way, not wanting to let the other android see the siblings walking with her.
"What're you doing this for?!" Yuma demanded.
"That is some personal business of mine… If you go a little further ahead, you and your sister will eventually reach the android's Resistance Camp." A2 explains as she pushed Yuma to the side and proceeds to draw her own weapon.
"Wait… What are you…!" The Rider tries to press for more information, but A2 ignores him and directly rushes towards the killer android, now coming into her view.
"You! Traitor!" The android hisses before proceeding to fight back against the long white-haired warrior.
"You're done for, A2! I get to dispose of another YoRHa betrayer and finish off your sorry existence all in one go." A2 opponent's, 12E, exclaims as she clashes against the long white-haired gynoid.
"Yuma! Rin! Get out of here!" A2 yells to the siblings, not wanting to drag the two in this and get them involved with her personal problems.
Yuma was unsure of what to do, given that he didn't know why the other android wanted to kill A2 so badly. Should he and his sister really leave A2 behind?
As for Rin...
"Onii-chan, you have to help her! Please!" Rin practically begs him, not wanting to see any harm fall upon her new friend(?).
Seeing the pure expression on her face, the new Kamen Rider feels obliged to accept the request.
After all, isn't a Kamen Rider's duty to help those in need?
"Alright. I will hep A2, Rin. Just hide somewhere safe, okay?" He asks the little girl as the young man agrees to fulfill her wish.
"Okay. Please, be careful." She says back to him.
Yuma nos and gives a reassuring smirk of his as he pulls out the Kikai Spannerder and Screwder to transform. The Mirai Driver materializes around his waist as he places the golden tools on its center.
"Henshin!" Yuma chants, now fully determined.
[Dekai! Hakai! Gokai! Kamen Rider Kikai!]
Now fully transformed in his Kamen Rider persona, Kikai heads towards the fight in order to aid A2.
"I'll destroy this entire fucking factory if that's what it takes to see you dead!"
"Please, what makes you think you can beat me this time around!" 22E countered A2 with her bloody Type-4O sword, sounding a screeching noise when their blades met. Pulling her sword back for another go, A2 then hammered down her blade on 22E's sword and summoned enough of her diminishing strength to snap it in half.
"Next is your neck." A2 hissed, winding her sword back.
"Pod, initiate A150: Volt program!"
Suddenly, a tiny box-like robot floating alongside 22E powered on and generated an electrical shock that rendered A2 immovable. Worst of all, it overheated her internal build, causing black smoke to steam out of her body.
"Argh...Uhg..." A2 moaned, collapsing on the ground.
"That'll keep you down." 22E approached A2, holding her sword inches above her neck. "How pathetic, The great Number 2, squad captain of the Pearl Harbour Descent mission and you threw it all away."
"Command was the one who threw me away and they'll throw you away too when you've fulfilled your purpose!" A2 cries back, struggling to get up.
"You sound just like a trait一" 22E was cut when a powerful ice-electrified punch suddenly hits her hard on the face, making her crash against a nearby pile of debris.
"Yuma!" A2 lets out a gasp, not believing that the golden Rider actually stepped in to help her. They have only met a few hours ago. How could someone like him simply decide to suddenly help her like that!?
"A2, are you alright? Can you stand?" The Kamen Rider asks gently, crouching to meet her eyes.
The Attacker android can see her face reflected in his red lense. Before, she looked unfriendly at this.
But now that was no longer the case...
The white-haired gynoid stares deeply at the Rider before answering:
"Yeah… Just give me a sec… My system is self-repairing itself before I can start walking again." She explains, earning a nod of understanding from the mechanical Kamen Rider.
"Who… What are you!? A new Machine Lifeform!?" The two turn to see 22E, noticing that she has somehow managed to recover briefly before glaring at Kikai. Or that is what he assumed to be the case considering that the woman was using a black blindfold.
"Pod, what is that thing!?" The black-clothed android demands while glancing at her unknown assailant.
The flying box robot beside her, Pod 040, begins to scan and analyze the golden Kamen Rider.
"Analysis: The scans indicate that the individual in front of unit 22E is not a Machine Lifeform. And neither is an android." The box robot reveals in its robotic and emotionless tone.
"What!? What are you supposed to be!?" 22E demands, now looking apprehensively at Kamen Rider Kikai as she grips her sword tightly.
"I'm just… A passing trough Kamen Rider. Remember that." The golden mechanical fighter quotes, trying to emulate a certain magenta Destroyer of Worlds Kamen Rider.
"What?" 22E and A2 look confused at his words.
"Analysis: Unknown results for Kamen Rider." Pod 040 says.
"Look… I have no idea why you're trying to kill A2, but I won't let you harm her. This is your only warning. Make the right choice." Kikai warns, taking a fighting stance and charging energy around his golden armor.
"She is wanted for deserting YoRHa. If you plan to aid this criminal, then I will make sure to destroy you as well!" 22E cries as she starts attacking Kikai, trying to cut and stab him.
Kikai starts to fight back, blocking her strikes as he thinks about how to deal with this.
A chance suddenly presents itself for him as he manages to catch 22E's blade with his bare hands, imitating a samurai/ninja in the movies.
"Ha." The Rider releases ice energy from his hands, actually managing to freeze and break 22E's weapon, turning it useless.
"What!? No!" The blindfolded android exclaims in shock, soon receiving a kick on the leg by the Kamen Rider.
"Oof!" 22E stumbles a few meters back from her mechanical adversary as a result.
"..." A2 only looks silent at the fight, slowly starting to become impressed with her new ally(?)'s ever-evolving fighting skills.
'Despite what he said, that actually brings him closer to the machines as well...' A2 thought grimly for a moment before focusing again on the fight.
"Don't make me destroy you, android. Leave. This is your last warning." Kikai states sternly, carefully eyeing his opponent.
"Grr… Never! Don't you dare tell me what to do! Pod, now!" 22E orders Pod 040, who the Rider apparently seemed to have forgotten.
"Affirmative." The box robot obeys, opening itself before firing a powerful white energy beam at the golden Kamen Rider, catching him off guard.
"Arrgh!" Kikai cries in pain as the beam hits him right in the chest.
The Rider is sent flying away, ricocheting against the ground a few times before finally stopping a few inches closer to A2.
"Yuma!" A2 cries, now looking genuinely concerned for the young metal fighter.
"Argh..." Kikai manages to stand up again, clenching his chest in pain before looking back at A2.
"I'm… I'm fine, A2… That's not enough to take me down… I can still keep fighting." He manages to tell her.
The Kamen Rider turns to look again at 22E, who was now feeling confident that she could still destroy the new golden mechanical hero.
"Proposal: Unit 22E must destroy the enemy machine. He is now considered dangerous enough to not be left alone." Pod 040 proposes to its partner, still floating beside her.
"Great..." Kikai mutters, not liking where this now seems to be going towards.
"You seem to have been the type that only talks after all, huh? I suppose I better make sure that you turn into scrap before I kill the traitor." 22E says as a matter of fact before grabbing A2's Type-4O Sword to arm herself with.
"Damm… What should I do now?" The machine Rider thinks, slightly grimacing as he doesn't want to be hit again by the Pod's energy beam.
"Onii-chan! Catch!" A familiar face yells.
Kikai turns in time to catch the…
Wait, what's this?
It seems like the Kamen Rider Chaser Ridewatch he found back in the secret sanctuary he and Rin woke up. Except for the fact that the item no longer reminds him of a watch. But instead, some cog of sorts containing the same white and purple colors of the Ridewatch in question.
And Kikai suddenly starts to feel something new as he carefully analyzed the item. His instincts telling him that this 'gear' of sorts is now compatible with the Kikai Driver.
Still confused, the Rider turns to look back at Rin, who only nods back determined to him.
Use this item! There's a new power within it!
It was clear the silent message that she tried to deliver to him.
Deciding to trust his sister's instincts, the golden armored Rider presses a button present at the top of the new item…
The Rider Gear
Kamen Rider Kikai decides to name the item as such…
[Chaser!] The Kamen Rider Chaser's Rider Gear announces!
A few moments ago…
Rin was watching her brother fight against the mysterious dark-clothed woman, finding it odd that she was using a blindfold. Was she some sort of blind ninja lady?
The brunette didn't know all the circumstances, but hse could tell that this new person was as dangerous as the round and chubby robots that previously tried to attack and kill them.
And Rin couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed as she hid behind a piece of debris while her brother was the one actually fighting to help A2. She is the one that begged him to help their new white-haired android friend.
And yet, she stood there, unable to do anything else to contribute. The feeling of frustration for not being able to do anything to help really hurts.
Rin pulls out the Kamen Rider Chaser Ridewatch that her brother gave her. Yuma wasn't able to make any use of the item, having decided to ask her to look after it.
"If only… If only I could also use this to help." The brunette murmured softly, closing her eyes and praying with all of her heart for Yuma and A2's safety.
Suddenly, as if having been moved by Rin's pure feelings and a genuine wish to help those important to her, the Chaser Ridewatch begins to glow in the girl's hands. The item's form was slowly changing with the process, eventually turning into a Rider Gear.
"Huh?" Rin blinks in surprise as she looks at the new item in her possession, still not fully believing what she just witnessed.
The little girl somehow also starts to form a new idea inside her mind, having the feeling that this new Rider Gear might help her brother after all.
'Please, let this work!' She prays one more time before leaving her hiding spot.
As soon as she gots a better view of her Kamen Rider brother, the young brunette yells:
"Onii-chan! Catch!"
She throws the Rider Gear at Kikai...
"Alright, here we go!" Kikai exclaims.
[Awoken to justice, the Rider who loves humans is... Chaser!] The Rider Gear announces as Kikai places the item on the left slot of the Kikai Driver.
As if on cue, an armor set that reminds him of Kamen Rider Chaser materializes in front of the mechanical fighter, startling everybody.
"What… What the!?" 22E exclaims in disbelief.
The Chaser armor floats around Kikai until the golden Rider finally decides to touch the Destructo Reactor grips of the Kikai Driver.
[Gear up! (Mach Driver Honoh rock music) Chaser~! (Final part of Chaser's Transformation Tune)] The armor set begins to equip itself around the new Kamen Rider.
After the process was done, Kamen Rider Kikai's appearance changed, making him emulate Kamen Rider Chaser's abilities and form.
Kikai's head was now purple, with his lense now having an orange tone. While his jumpsuit was still black, the golden armor was replaced by a silver one with a purple line across it. On Kikai's right shoulder pad was a mark of Chaser's Grim Reaper symbol. And on the back, the black tire similar to the one that the Roidmude Rider possessed(Wheeler Dynamics). Lastly, there was the Riders 'R' symbol mainly used by the Drive Riders on his chest.
This is Kamen Rider Kikai - Chaser Gear
"My armor… I look like Chase!" The mechanical Rider thinks, contemplating his new form.
"It doesn't matter what you have done! I'm gonna still turn you into scrap!" 22E exclaims furiously, charging straight at Kikai.
In response, the Kamen Rider turns his back to the black-clothed android, making her sword clash against his back's tire.
"Urgh…!" 22E was getting frustrated for not managing to cut through the tire with the Type-4O Sword.
Suddenly, the tire on Kikai's back begins to spin fastly, slowly growing before exploding and releasing purple energy that makes 22E's body be repelled.
"Argh!" The android cries in pain as she stumbles back.
Feeling a wave of nostalgia suddenly hit, Kamen Rider Kikai extends his right arm to the side, actually managing to summon the Shingou-Ax with his will.
The Shingou-Ax is Kamen Rider Chaser's default ax-like weapon, shaped like a pedestrian crossing signal light
"What the…? An ax?" A2 asks aloud, surprised, and still not fully comprehending the full extent of Yuma's abilities.
"This feeling… It kinda makes me feel like Kamen Rider Chaser… I can emulate his abilities and soul." Kikai thinks as he inspects the ax-like weapon now in his possession.
And he still feels as if Chase is watching over him in some way…
"Time to end this!" Kikai firmly declares, now fully determined to bring an end to this fight.
Kikai touches the Destructo Reactor grips, gathering energy inside of his body as he prepares to execute a special Rider finisher.
The Shingou-Ax starts to glow blue, now having its blade be covered in an electrified-ice power as the Mechanical Rider prepares to unleash a powerful technique.
"Pod!" 22E commands her box robot, prompting it to attack her new enemy with the same beam from before.
"Affirmative." Pod 040 complies, gathering energy before opening itself and firing the powerful white energy beam once more.
[Fullmetal Hissatsu!]
Kikai strikes the ground with the Shingou-Ax, creating a powerful purple shock wave with black-and-white tracks(resembling a crosswalk) soon appearing as well.
The two attacks clash, with one trying to overcome the other. Both combatants refusing to back down, fully determined to win and prevail at all costs.
But eventually…
"Ahhh! Go!" Kikai exclaims.
Kamen Rider Kikai's finisher attack proves to be more powerful than the Pod's white energy beam, eventually overwhelming 22E and Pod 040 in a purple stream of energy.
"Ahhh!" The black-clothed android screams in terror one last time before the Kamen Rider's attack finally envelops her entirely.
"..." A2 only looks in silence, her eyes widen as she was still astounded by the sheer amount of power unleashed by Kamen Rider Kikai - Chaser Gear.
The Mechanical Rider notices the female android's stunned expression, wondering what got her so much surprised about his technique.
If anything, he expected that having an advanced computer-like brain now should make things easier for him and her to handle. Especially whenever a person like them needs to process things, having to act fast and logically during life or death situations like the ones they just experienced.
"The Chaser Gear, huh?" The new Rider contemplates one more time, gently touching and sensing his newly acquired Rider Gear. He later needs to talk with Rin to understand what exactly she just did.
The Mechanical Hero now turns towards his android opponent, planing to question and confront her.
Only to become suddenly horrified as he finally understood why A2 was so surprised before…
The decaying structures of the area were damaged thanks to his last Fullmetal finisher attack. But that wasn't what mainly concerned the Human/Roidmude.
On the center of the damage he released, now stood the bloodied remains of 22E, whose skin was now slightly burnt, exposing her metallic parts and how an android actually looks deep inside without its synthetic skin. (A/N: Imagine the dead android bodies the player find during the games)
Pod 040's remains stood next to its android partner.
Seeing the facial expression of pure terror on the artificial corpse disturbs Kikai a bit, making him take some steps back before getting on his knees. His transformation is canceled after that.
If he was still fully human, Yuma was sure that he would probably throw up after seeing 22E's dead and beaten body. Thankfully, that's wasn't the case now.
Breathing hard and swallowing a bit, the brunette finds himself almost unable to speak before managing to say:
"No… What… W-What I have done?" His voice was hoarse as he still found himself struggling to even speak a sentence properly.
His final attack was more powerful than he anticipated…
He just wanted to knock 22E out or scare her.
He didn't want to go this far. The androids weren't like the Machine Lifeforms he destroyed. Truth be told, taking her life like this actually made him feel worse, horrible, and sick.
Why? Because these androids greatly resemble human beings.
They look like real people…
In Yuma's mind, this act feels as if he really murdered another person.
This wasn't supposed to end like this…
The final scene of the chapter shows Kikai's Spannerder and Screwder alongside Kamen Rider Chaser's Rider Gear
Gear 2: The Journey [B]egins - End
Author notes:
And this concludes chapter 2 of Kamen Rider Kikai: Automata
Well, I suddenly got the inspiration to write another chapter of this story.
Other than the Machine Lifeforms, Yuma/Kikai will also have to later fight against YoRHa in the future due to two main reasons:
1- His association with A2, something that I plan to develop further in this story.
2- And due to him watching over Rin and taking care of her. This will not sit well with the androids when the word gets out that Rin is the last human on Earth(Or later, of the Nier: Automata world).
The MC may even have to end fighting against 2B and 9S at one point because of this.
Rin will also have an important role in the story:
As the Oozora siblings later embark on a quest to find Machine/Technological-type Kamen Rider related Items(Grease's Robot Sclashjelly, Drive and Mach's Ridewatches, Fourze's Rocket and Drill Astro Switches, Accel's Gaia Memory, etc) trough the Nier: Automata world, Rin will be the one responsible for converting them into Rider Gears for her brother to use. She uses a mysterious power that has yet to be explained later.
I'm not sure if I plan to create an original villain for this story or not. Or if maybe I will bring something later like the Ark from Kamen Rider Zero-One's show. Nor I'm sure if I will only make Kamen Rider Kikai fight against the characters and beings from the Automata game.
You know, writing this chapter actually gave me a crazy idea to later try creating a Kamen Rider Zero-One x Detroit: Become Human crossover. Humagears are certainly similar to the Androids of that game in some ways after all. Humagears' Singularity is very similar to the Androids' Deviancy from a certain point of view.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
Now onto the reviews:
Toa Solaric: Although he can't become Kamen Rider Chaser, Yuma can still use his powers.
brave kid: Thanks!
yogap34712: Not sure if I plan to give Kikai an original form. I mainly plan to make him use powers based on other technological Kamen Riders.
In my opinion, I think Kamen Rider Quiz seems to be a very hard Rider to work with.
Sorry, but I don't have any idea of how to make a Fire Force x GoGoV crossover.
Yeah, I should try taking a break from Ultraman GeeDxD whenever I can.
My Kamen Rider Kikai will have a weapon that is a hybrid of a sword and a gun, like some Protagonist Kamen Riders.
Doctor Bisharp: Thanks! Okay, thanks for the advice!
helioskrill2088: Sure, maybe I will put Accel's Gaia Memory in this story later and have my MC be on a quest to obtain it and gain access to Kamen Rider Accel's abilities.
Nope: Hmm... Yeah, maybe I can.
dino2000: Ok, I will think about it.
nahariyanash: Thanks for all the suggestions you gave me. I will take the time to think about them.
In regards to Kamen Rider Kikai Automata:
I have answered some of your questions regarding A2 and Rin in this chapter. I hope to develop some strong bond between the siblings and A2 in the future chapters.
As for our protagonist encountering 2B and 9S, the Scanner android will be more friendly towards him, making them become friends very quickly.
As for 2B, she will first follow whatever orders Commander White gives her. She will also enter in some serious discussions with Yuma in regards to feelings, especially when the Kamen Rider brings out that Roidmudes use human emotions to evolve and get stronger.
But as she gets to spend more time with Yuma and Rin, 2B will eventually be more open and express herself better with her feelings instead of acting cold and emotionless like most of the time. They will teach her the importance and the power of the emotions.
Commander White will try to destroy Yuma and take Rin away from him, believing that the Kamen Rider's existence is 'dangerous' for the last human. She will see him as 'unfit' to take care of his sister. In response, Yuma will get a lot on her nerves.
When Adam, Eve, and the Red Girls discover the existence of Yuma and Rin, they will go after the two of them. The brothers, mainly Adam, will be interested in 'studying' the siblings' unique situation while the Red Girls will try to perhaps destroy the two of them, finding their existence to be a problem for the Machine Network.
Well, I have some plans later to make a Yuma x A2 romance part in this story, with Rin trying to get the two of them together as if she was some sort of love cupid.
Popola and Devola would later want to approach and get to know Rin. Perhaps even serve the last human as well. But Yuma won't take this so kindly and will be initially overprotective of his sister's safety.
Overall, I don't plan to take a harem route in this story.
So, what do you guys think? Please give me some reviews if possible.
If you be interested, please go check my other stories.
Also, thanks to everybody that followed and favorited the story and gave reviews.
See You Next Time