Chapter 14: All Good Things

Claire knew that something was wrong quickly enough. She was still feeling worn out from her battle with Titan… at least, until she approached the Waking Sands and she saw what looked to be a small crowd gathering around the door and looking on with worried expressions.

She was taken aback by this, having never known this to happen before. As far as the people throughout the small settlement knew, this building was mostly a warehouse with only a few 'workers' coming and going at will.

No one ever gave them a second glance before. What was going?

She politely asked someone what was happening and if there was a problem here.

The man that she questioned only shrugged helplessly, explaining that it was just a normal day when they heard sounds earlier that no one liked… it sounded like gunfire and screams. None of them had a clear answer for her, and she looked to the door in worry, not sure what to think.

She spoke with Minfilia barely even a bell ago! How could anything be wrong? She reached up to her linkpearl, trying to contact Minfilia… but was met only with buzzing silence.

Suddenly, the anxiety began to rise in her stomach.

She addressed the crowd that she would look inside and that they should stay back for the time being. She didn't wish to cause any problems for anyone should she just be jumping to conclusions, and instead stepped inside.

Already, she noticed that something was terribly, terribly wrong. First of all, Tataru wasn't sitting at her usual spot in the lobby and she could see papers scattered across the floor as if someone had swept them all aside aggressively.

A feeling of uncontrollable dread suddenly filled her entire being as she dashed straight for the stairs, hoping that this was nothing. Yet, as soon as she forced the doors open, the first thing she realized was that it was dark… for all the torches that had once kept the halls warmly lit had been extinguished… furniture had either been knocked over or smashed… and there were no sounds coming from anywhere.

She gulped as she slowly stepped inside, her heart pounding hard in her ears and her breaths coming out in short gasps. There were no sounds of laughter from other members echoing through the halls… no sounds of arguing or interested discussions, no sounds of papers being turned over or examined… there was nothing… it was as silent as a tomb.

She then took another step… and that was when she heard a squishing noise as her foot in something wet upon the ground. She slowly looked down and saw that what she stepped in was a pool of blood on the floor… and following the trail, she could see the form of a body lying just beyond the next set of doors. With a muffled scream, she ran further in and flung the doors open before seeing, to her horror, that there were bodies everywhere. More dead Scions… people that she knew merely days ago—alive and laughing with each other—were all lying there dead.

She began to run through the small rooms, looking for answers, looking for anyone that was still alive. But no, she ran into storage and she had found the crates and tables smashed to pieces and broken shards of wood scattered all about them along with more bodies. When she backed up, terror rising inside her, almost causing her to trip over another body—when she caught sight of the dead man dressed in Imperial garb—and she understood what must have happened.

Soon, the only place left that she hadn't checked for survivors was the solar… and she dreaded what was waiting for her in there. But as she forced the door open to be greeted by more darkness. There were books and the papers that Minfilia was last seeing working on scattered across the floor… but there were no bodies… at least until she saw what looked like a pile of leaves on the floor move.

"Noraxia," she whispered as she dropped to her knees next to the Sylph. "Are you…?"

She made to reach out and pick her up… but then she realized that the little Sylph's wings having been bent and torn, her eyes looking glassy as they looked through her leaf mask trying to focus upon the movement around them.

She wasn't sure if Noraxia could even see her anymore, but it was clear that she recognized the sound of her voice.

"Friendly one… Claire….?" she squeaked out as she reached out a tiny hand. "This one is glad… friendly one is safe…"

"Noraxia… what happened…?" Claire began but as she looked into the little one's eyes, she felt the now familiar pain enter her head and everything around her faded away as the Echo took hold of her mind and into Noraxia's memories.


She was floating peacefully besides Walking One Minfilia as she spoke over her linkpearl to Friendly One Claire. She had just learned that the Primal One Titan had just been defeated and now everything was alright again. So happy she was to hear of this.

"We will be awaiting your return to the Waking Sands…There is much to discuss. Godsspeed," Minfilia finished saying, and though she had a beaming smile, Walking One Minfilia sighed in relief and said, "Thank heavens she is safe."

Yes, indeed. She was truly happy to hear of this. She couldn't wait for Friendly One Claire to return so that she could talk to her again. She wanted to hear the whole story so that she could tell other Ones when next she visited Little Solace. She was sure that they would love to hear it too.

Walking One Minfilia then looked up to the broken staff that she kept safe up above her desk. Noraxia didn't really understand why she looked at it from time to time, but she did know that the staff belonged to one she truly missed, so she respected that Walking Ones look to it for comfort.

"Louisoix, do you see?" Minfilia said fondly, her eyes distant as she looked at the broken staff. "Your light shines brightly in this one. And in time, it will illuminate the realm once more."

Yes, Elder One said as much. Again, she wasn't sure what they meant by light, but they believed that there was something very special about Friendly One. Elder One Frixio said to her once that they had to help Helpful One, for she was destined to walk a long and difficult road ahead, but one that would bring a lot of good to the world as well. Friendly One was One that needed to be protected. Again, she wasn't sure what they meant, but she agreed, promising to do whatever it took to ensure that Friendly One survived.

But no sooner did she think that did she hear a loud bang from outside in the hall. This took them both by surprise as they turned towards the sound when they heard more bangs and screams of pain. With a gasp, Walking One Minfilia raced to the solar doors, pressing herself against the wall as she listened to the fighting outside.

That was when Noraxia realized she heard those sounds before… gunshots. She had heard them before back in the Twelveswood when Imperial Ones came to Little Solace! What were they doing here?!

That was when a voice—slightly muffled—rang out among the shots, "We have come for the one who slayed Ifrit and Titan! Bring her forth! And you may yet know mercy!"

Noraxia gasped and whispered to Walking One Minfilia, "They're looking for Friendly One!"

"Confound it…" Walking One Minfilia murmured, turning to Noraxia, who was trying to control her trembling.

"Stay out of sight," she told her quietly. "I would leave a message with you…" Noraxia didn't like how she said that as Walking One Minfilia took a deep breath and added, "They will surely either take or kill me here today. But they won't know about you. So, I must beg that you hide and then tell Claire what happened. She will be returning soon and we must be gone by the time that she does; I can only imagine what she will be coming home to. But you must leave here. Together. There is a church in eastern Thanalan where you both will be safe. Just speak our password and they will do their utmost to aid you."

"But…?" Noraxia began in a frightened tone as more shots were sounded off and Walking One Minfilia flinched as if she were struck.

"Please," Minfilia whispered back and she heard more footsteps and screams. "We have to keep her safe from them. I know not what they want with her, but we must protect her. Promise me."

She didn't want to do that… but… Noraxia nodded as Walking One Minfilia led her around the desk and told her to hide in the space underneath it and remain silent. With her magic she could very easily remain invisible to all unfriendly eyes. All she had to do was stay silent until they left.

No sooner did she do as she was bided then she heard the door burst open. It took everything Noraxia had not to cry out in fear.

She was out of sight so she couldn't see what was going on; but she could still hear everything that was happening and it painted a horrible image in her mind. She could hear the Imperial Ones all flocking into the room, with the singing steel of their metal slashing through the air and she knew that they were drawn. That was when she heard more of the metal footsteps, much like that Imperial One in red the day they came to their home.

"I surrender myself," Walking One Minfilia spoke up in a calm way as if nothing was going on, "on the condition that you spare the innocents."

Noraxia shook and trembled as she heard a Walking One, the one who called out before, march in

"Conditions?" the armored Walking Imperial One scoffed. "There speaks the supreme Scion. I'll grant you have courage, but you would be better served by armor."

There was a loud gunshot and Norxia flinched as she saw the bullet over the desk and imbedded in the wall. For one horrible moment, she was certain that Walking One Minfilia was shot. But then she heard her speak again, "Search all you will. The one you seek is not here."

There was a moment of silence before the Armored Imperial One replied, "So it would seem."

Noraxia then heard more footsteps and the clinking of metal as Walking One Minfilia asked, "And yet you knew to look here…but how?"

She then heard a gasp as Armored Imperial One interrupted and said in a mocking tone, "Hold that though."

Noraxia knew that she didn't have to do it… but she couldn't stand not seeing anything that was happening any longer. She came out of her hiding place and flew out to a room full of Imperial Ones with all their weapons drawn. She was shaking, but she flew over and threw herself in front of Walking One Minfilia with her arms raised as if to protect her against the Armored One dressed in cold, hard metal. But Imperial One wasn't moved and the next thing that Noraxia felt was severe pain. She was kicked hard and she heard her wings crack as she was flung against the wall and fell down to hit the floor before she could even scream.

"No!" Walking One Minfilia cried as Noraxia struggled to breath.

Everything after that passed in a painful blur for her. She could barely breathe… let alone breathe. She just whimpered even as the Armored One called out, "Conditions of surrender…denied," she said, her voice dripping arrogance.

Noraxia struggled to push herself up, trying to think of something she could do… she could see the doors were wide open and several Imperial Ones leading away a few of the other friendly Walking Ones. Smart Ones Urianger and Papalymo… and friendly Walking and Singing One Tataru… but her strength quickly faded and her head hit the floor again as everything began to spin around her.

"Have you not done enough?!" Walking One Minfilia cried tearfully.

"Perhaps," Imperial One said. "Enough! We must away. Though we have not found our quarry, the 'High Priestess of the Scions' should suffice for now. They say she also possesses the Echo." She paused there with a laugh that made Noraxia feel as if winter had come as she finished with nasty delight, "I cannot wait to hear her scream."

She then heard another gunshot and Imperial One yelling, "I said 'enough'!"

Noraxia heard someone else fall, but nothing else was said as she felt herself slipping into darkness.

"We leave!" Imperial One commanded, "Bring the prisoners."

And that was when Noraxia heard them leave the room. She struggled to hold on as tried to roll over onto her back so that she could breathe easier. She couldn't die… not yet. She had to hold on at least for a little while longer… just until Walking One Claire returned to them. She had to pass on the message… and so she laid there in the dark… wishing that she could see home just one more time… to see the lively Twelveswood and feel the warm sun on her face.

*End of Echo*

Claire gasped as she returned to the present and felt as if her heart was breaking apart and tears forming in her eyes as she found the little Sylph coughing and wheezing.

"Walking… Walking One Minfilia… asked this one to…" she whimpered out as Claire felt herself flounder, not sure how to help her or even comfort her. In the end, she reached out and gently began to stroke the leaves surrounding the little one's face with a finger.

"In case friendly one Claire r-returned… this one was to say… to say… At church in eastern Thanalan… friendly one Claire must claim sanctuary…" Noraxia gasped, her voice becoming weaker and fainter with every passing second, "This one tried… tried to protect walking one Minfilia f-from imperial ones…"

"Shhh…" Claire whispered back softly. "I know you did… You were so brave, Noraxia… I'm so sorry…"

Noraxia looked back and from the slight twinkle in her eyes, Claire could see that she was smiling before she finished—fighting for every word, "For… give… this… one. Save…"

She then reached up with a trembling hand and Claire found herself taking it and giving it a gentle squeeze as the light faded from Noraxia's eyes and her head fell to the side with her arm falling limply to the floor… and was gone.

Claire looked away, sucking in large lungfuls of air as she wept. She stumbled to her feet before taking a step back… staring around her wildly as the shadows began to spin around her and the bloody faces of those she called companions all stared up at her accusingly.

She shook and grabbed hold of her head as everything began to spin around her wildly as the echoes of the screams of those who died here mere minutes ago began to play themselves again and again as well as the cold laughter of those who came here…?

She began to scream as the voices would not fade and she turned and ran from the hall and the dead.

A few people were asking her what was going on, but she shoved passed them all, not talking to anyone as she felt tears burning in her eyes and she just started running as far and as fast as she could go to get away from there.

She knew that she must have knocked over a few people in her haste, but didn't stop, she was all but blind to everything else around her—even running into a few structures for she was so lost inside her own head.

'My fault… it's my fault… they came here for me…?'

Those words played themselves over and over inside her head like it was spinning around a potter's wheel. She just sprinted out of there as fast as she could go, stumbling out into the deserts and kept on going, not even aware of which direction she was in until, finally, after running what felt like malms, she ended up tripping and collapsed into the dirt.

She was panting hard, desperate for air and water, but she just curled up where she lay and hugged herself.

Some hero she turned out to be… if she had just been quicker…? If she just… she could have done something…! If she had made it back in time she could have fought them… turned herself over or… anything at all! Anything was better than coming back to… that!

And now the order is all but dead and she had no idea what had happened. How did they find them? As far as she knew, the Waking Sands was a secret to most people. So how did the Imperials arrive? How had they found them and entered Vesper Bay without anyone noticing? It didn't make sense!

As she shook with silent sobs she became dimly aware that she couldn't remain here forever. It was getting dark out and judging from the storm clouds she saw on her way into the harbor, it was going to be a stormy night.

But she just couldn't find the strength to move from where she was. She just wanted to lay there and just forget it all. Besides, where was she to realistically go? She was afraid now of getting others involved in case the Garleans came for her again and only more innocent people were killed or taken because of her!

She was lost and didn't know what to do. That was when she felt the gentle brush of something with feathers next to her and she gasped, looking up wildly, only to see a bright yellow beak looking back at her with beady black eyes.

"Muninn," she whispered back as her Chocobo gave a friendly chirp and she reached up to wrap her arms around the bird's long neck as he nuzzled her gently.

"How did…?" she whispered, not remembering if she had called her Chocobo to her side… yet here he was, and then he crouched down before he was lying beside her and she cuddled up against his feathered side. Burying her face in his musky feathers, she immediately felt the comforting sensation of another living creature—that was not connected to those horrible deaths back at the Waking Sands.

She began to cry more openly as she hugged his feathered neck and let him gently peck and nudge her in an affectionate way. He didn't question or judge her tears though, he was just there to listen to her and she felt—well, not better—but at least she didn't feel alone anymore.

She didn't know how long that they laid there like that, only that it was loneg enough for the last few rays of light to disappear over the horizon, and she was able to recognize enough around her to realize that she was back in Central Thanalan, just outside Black Brush Station. She slowly sat up just as she felt the rain drop hit her face, but it was enough to get her to wake up and realize what she was doing.

Muninn, clever bird that he was, brushed his head against her own—silently reminding her that she couldn't stay here.

Claire gave her cheeks a slap as she reminded herself that she couldn't sit here wallowing in pity forever. She had to think of something to do. While the others were dead, it stands to reason that all those that they took were still alive… somewhere.

But what could she realistically do all on her own like this?

She couldn't go back to the Waking Sands like this! But she couldn't stay out here on her own? She remembered the vision and Noraxia's final words… of the church in Eastern Thanalan. Wait, she could remember it… the church stationed right above Camp Drybone! With nowhere else to go, she angrily wiped her eyes as she got back up—causing Muninn to chirp happily as he moved so that she could climb up onto his back before taking off. The rain began to fall thick and fast, which kept falling into her eyes making it hard to see—though she was already half blind by tears.

It was pouring by the time that she made it to Camp Drybone and quickly found the Chocobo Keep. She just wrapped her arms around her steed's once more neck in gratitude for finding her, before promising some fresh greens when she next saw him.

She left Muninn in the care of the Chocobo Keeper before making it to the church, seeking sanctuary. As soon as she stepped inside, giving her some relief from the storm, she found Father Iliud tending the altar. He looked up with a warm and grandfatherly look in his eyes before they widened in shock when he took in her exhausted and battered appearance.

"Oh, dear, child, is something troubling you?" he asked as he came towards her as she continued to drip all over the floor and felt herself trembling from something more than just shock. "You have the look of one who has endured great suffering." He wiped some of her wet hair from her face so that he could see her better and added, "If there is anything I can do to help—anything at all—you need only ask."

Claire just felt her lip tremble as she took several deep breaths and finally croaked out, "The wild roses are dead, Father… and I know not what to do…"

She saw his face visibly pale at her words.

"….The wild roses?" he said softly, "I see… You may speak freely here, child. We are all friends of the Scions."

And so she did… she told him everything. How she was tasked with the slaying of Titan only to return to the Waking Sands to find a massacre and the vision she had of Minfilia and those few who were killed taken with them by Imperials before being told to come here by a dying friend.

It got to a point she couldn't speak any longer, her throat closing up around her and was left unable to speak. She just stood there and hugged herself as she continued to feel like a drowned rat.

Father Iliud just stared at her in shock, shaking his head like he couldn't believe it. But when she just gazed back dully, he could see that she wasn't making this up.

"How…how could this have happened…?" he croaked, "And you are certain that Minfilia was among those taken by the Garleans?"

Claire nodded wordlessly, still unable to mutter a sound after that. And Father Iliud turned to the worn altar and bowed his head.

"Let us pray no further harm comes to them…" he whispered and there was a moment of silence as they did pray together.

After he mustered control of his emotions, he turned his attention back to Claire and gave her a kind, but shaky smile, as he told her, "You may stay here as long as you wish. It is the least I can do for a friend of Minfilia's."

Oh, so that was why he was being so welcoming. She was only sorry she had to be the bearer of bad news as he looked on in concern.

"I have known her since she was but a child…" he sighed, "Well do I recall the day of our first meeting. I swore then to do everything in my power to support her, and I will gladly offer the selfsame service to her brother and sister Scions. So please— no matter what you require, you need not hesitate to ask."

She had tried to thank him, but her voice still would not answer her. Thankfully, he seemed to understand her as he patted her shoulder in a consoling way.

Father Iliud gave her another sympathetic look before leading her inside so that he could get some spare clothes—which were weathered clothes but at least they were dry—for her to change out of before he called to the back of the church, "Marques, would you come here for a moment?"

"Yes, Father…?"

Claire looked up to see who he was talking to, and that was when she saw the cloaked man from before. The same one that she had been told 'prefers the dead to the living'. She could see his face though and saw the rather vacant expression past the snowy white beard and grey eyes.

Father Iliud nodded before addressing Claire and explained, "If you require assistance, pray speak with Marques. He is a trifle shy, but I assure you he means well." He paused, glancing at the man beside him, who was watching with only the mildest form of interest—his eyes still rather glassy. Father Iliud then added in a whisper to her, "I should explain—Marques is a survivor of the battle of Carteneau. Alas, his experiences took a terrible toll upon his mind… Had we not taken him into our care, he would surely have perished in the desert."

Ah, that's right… he must have seen terrible things that day. After returning to the Waking Sands and finding so many of her fellows dead, she could suddenly understand his behavior. Perhaps that was why Father Iliud brought him over and he then told Marques, "Marques, I want you to look after Claire, here. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father…" he answered with a slow nod before turning to Claire with a faint smile that she was unable to return. Father Iliud had shown her to a rather batter screen for privacy and Claire was able to change out of her wet clothes. The good Father was even able to find some bread and Adgoat's milk to give her to fill her stomach.

Claire was still left unable to speak as she took a seat on the pew but found that everything tasted like ash in her mouth. Marques sat with her, not asking her what was wrong or what happened, he just rubbed her back in a soothing way that seemed to help with the ache inside her.

She still didn't know what she was going to do, or even if this was the best move to make but then… she doubted that the Empire was going to stop hunting for her so staying here for too long wasn't the smart thing to do either.

Marques seemed extremely nervous around her as he joined her on the pew, the worn wood creaking under the weight as she left her bread half eaten, no longer hungry, and he wrapped the moth-eaten blanket around her shoulders.

"Y-You should get some rest," he told her, "You've been through a lot."

She knew she should rest but she didn't want to close her eyes and be reminded of those faces… those voices…? She just shook her head, wanting to stay up for as long as possible. But her battle with Titan had taken its toll on her and she felt drained and exhausted. Soon enough, she was struggling to keep her eyes open.

She laid down after a moment of continued silence, the same thoughts in her head. Where was she to go from here? She was all but on her own.

She felt her thoughts drift in and out as she could feel herself drifting, she didn't even realize Marques had draped the blanket. Marques tried his best to help, even offered her some more bread and water as she dully looked on. She just silently stared ahead as she felt tears falling from her face before her eyelids couldn't fight it anymore and she eventually gave in to a deep, deep slumber.

Claire slept and slept and didn't wake up until noon the next day where she was awoken by the church bells. She blinked in confusion, for a moment completely at a loss to where she was and how she got here—only for the painful memories of everything that happened the day before returned to her.

She was so miserable that she didn't want to even sit up, let alone get up and make herself useful. But after reminding herself that she likely couldn't stay here forever, she somehow rallied the strength to sit up, her blanket slipping off from around her shoulders.

She looked around, realizing the church was empty now and judging from the lack of creaking and moaning from the building told her that the rain must have stopped by now. With heavy limbs, and an even heavier heart, she managed to leave her makeshift bed and headed outside. The sky was still slightly cloudy at this point but showed no signs of anymore rain otherwise, and judging from the parched ground, it must have stopped fairly recently.

The members of the church were all about and hard at work tending to the graves and those who needed help the most.

The sight… was oddly comforting to her. Because here were people that had faced death on a daily basis, possibly went through more times than any one person should, but they soldiered on… it caused her to take a deep breath and wipe her eyes, knowing that she would have to solider on as well.

As soon as he saw her, Marques looked up from his own work and immediately came over to her.

"G-Good morning," he said rather nervously, "I hope you are feeling better than you did yesterday?"

She nodded, still feeling terrible, but mayhaps a little less so than she did before.

"Yes," she said, finally able to find herself able to speak again. "Thank you for your kindness last night. Forgive me, I wasn't… myself."

He nodded in understanding and answered, "Do not blame yourself. 'Tis clear you suffered a horrible experience. If… if you are feeling up to it, do you mind if I asked what happened? Father didn't have time to explain…?"

She looked down but she confessed, at least vaguely, what was waiting for her order when she returned. Not everything… but enough that he did understand what she ended up walking right into.

"My most sincere condolences…" he whispered, "That is why… oh, you probably wouldn't know. But Father Iliud is already ordering a carriage to Vesper Bay. I assume that they are going to…?"

He didn't finish, but she didn't need him too, she understood that the bodies couldn't remain there. They were there to collect them and give them proper burials. She supposed she was grateful that someone thought ahead to do so.

Marques spent the rest of the afternoon by her side, trying to speak, but he was very bad at it for he kept stuttering and then forgetting what he was saying a minute later—his mind was so distracted. But she didn't complain. She found something heartening about the way he was trying so hard to take her mind off what happened.

That was when he seemed to remember something and pulled something out of his pocket to show her and she looked over the pieces of metal, cogs, and gears. She looked over it curiously as he told her, "It concerns this broken horologe which was found in the pocket of a man brought here for burial. There is something… familiar about it… but just what I cannot say."

She looked up at his face and watched as he struggled to recall something before giving his head a hard shake before slipping back into one of vague confusion.

It looked like he was trying hard to remember something important but he could not recall what he was supposed to do to remember it.

"Perhaps if I tinker with the device, it will come to me," he mumbled as his hands played around with the strange gadget. "However, I lack the proper tools to do so."

He then asked for her to journey to Ul'dah in his stead to get some tools he would need to repair them, which she did agree to. She figured the best way to take care of herself and keep her mind off everything that happened is to make herself useful. Besides, he had been so kind to her, she felt that it was least she could do. He gave her a rather awkward smile as he thanked her and told her the tools she needed were uncommon and that visiting the Goldsmiths' Guild was probably her best option if she couldn't find them in the markets.

She then went out to the stables where her own Muninn was waiting for her and let out a happy Kweh when she appeared. She just smiled and hugged his feathery neck as she rode out with him to Ul'dah. She was still somewhat paranoid though, and made sure to wear one of the cloaks from the church to hide her face in case any other Garleans were watching them.

And when she made it to Ul'dah, she made sure to give Muninn a barrel of his favorite veggies.

The next two weeks passed by in a bit of a blur. She had been trying to figure out the best way to figure out her plans from here.

She stayed mostly at the church for that fortnight, but did take the time to venture out and join other guilds. She went around signing up for every single guild she could find and trained hard with every weapon she could get her hands on. She couldn't ever let her guard down like that again.

She also began to travel the land once more; across Thanalan, La Noscea, and through the Black Shroud as she took on work wherever she could find it and helped whoever she could. She supposed that she thought that if she looked lent enough she could find the others.

She had tried to see if she could contact the few Scions that had been absent from the vision she had before such as Yda, Y'shtola, or Thancred… but no matter how hard she had tried to reach out to them through the linkpearls, she was met with only silence.

She was growing both frustrated and close to giving up since she didn't have the many connections that they had. She had several adventuring friends, yet whenever she tried to ask them if they heard any news, they were unable to find any information for her.

To repay the church for their kindness to her, she often could be seen running errands and slaying pests that tended to get too close to the church. But it was Marques who was almost always at her side whenever she was there.

It did take a while for Marques to really get used to the idea of having 'friends'. He was nice and did like to help around the church, but with his memory still a mess, it was often difficult for him to hold onto a conversation with others. The others felt kind of weary around him though despite that they never had a bad word to really say about him. The only other person who seemed close to Marques, other than Father Iliud was another member of the church named Sister Eluned, who once asked her to bring him a glass of brazo del sol from a sabotender. But Marques—who seemed confused by the gesture—insisted that Father Iliud take it instead.

That little quest of her brought a smile back to her face for the first time in days.

She did help him with whatever needed fixing around the church, whom seemed to take on the unofficial label of 'handyman' around these parts. He seemed to be a bit taken aback by the job since he knew how to fix things, but strangely he couldn't remember how or where he learned them.

"It's like the answer is right in front of me," he told her once as they sat in the pews one evening after they helped to repair a special alchemist's alembic that they could now use for cooking—which made several other members very happy. They were sharing a meal of home cook stew that she learned to make after joining the culinarian's guild in Limsa and it was a much welcomed relief to go with the dried bread that the church was used to giving out. Marques, at least, seemed to enjoy it and went on trying to explain what it was like inside his head, "Only it's in a locked chest and I have this enormous ring of keys and I can't remember which key it is to unlock it. And no matter how many keys I go through I keep confusing the keys with each other and then I have to start over. It's very frustrating."

He had been a bit disappointed that the horologe that he had repaired before served little to restore some part of his memory.

And Claire had been close to running off earlier when the horologe he repaired was returned to the dead man to be buried with him. The woman, Eluned, was deeply concerned when she learned of it. While there was nothing dangerous about the device, for it was only a means to measure the passing of time, they were very uncommon here in Eorzea. She even had the worry that if this man came from Garlemald, where such technology was common, perhaps it was a Garlean spy.

Claire felt herself run cold and immediately feared that they were looking for her here.

It was Marques who begged that she remain a little longer, just until they knew for sure what was going on. And… he did confess that he had come to enjoy her company.

Perhaps he was feeling as alone as she felt?

She agreed to give it a little more time, but she was now keeping a strong vigil on the surrounding area. If anything seemed strange to her, she did make a note of remembering it.

But perhaps the worst part was the second day she spent at the church. When she was called outside by another church member wished to speak with her on a most important topic. Claire could tell from her sad expression what it was most likely about.

"Allow me to express my deepest condolences for those who lost their lives in the attack," the woman told her sadly, "I apologize if discussing this upsets you, but…you should know that the bodies of your comrades are presently being removed from the Waking Sands and prepared for transport here."

"O-Oh… I… see…" Claire mumbled, looking down once again, knowing that it was all she could mutter.

Sister Eluned looked on softly and told her that if she wished to leave this work to them, she completely understood. However, taking part may help her to find some measure of closure. Claire's first thought was that she never wanted to return to the Waking Sands again. But…?

She didn't know what made her decide to do it. Only that she felt that she owed it to those people to be there for them for their final journey to their resting place. It was the least she could do since she was still to blame for the Garleans coming in the first thing. A part of her mind knew better than to think that she was solely responsible… but she could not help herself.

She followed the trail back to Vesper Bay with only Muninn there to accompany her. When she arrived, one of the shop keepers was outside the front doors with a carriage ready to go. He glanced at her as she dismounted and approached before barking out, "Ye don't look like one of them church fellas. Not that I'll turn ye away if yer here to help, no sir."

He then grimly pointed near the doors to the Waking Sands and explained, "As ye can see, we've got a pile of unidentified bodies over yonder. No one's come to claim 'em, so off to the lichyard they go." Shaking his head, he added to her, "Be thankful ye didn't have to go inside and see the carnage for yerself. 'Twas the stuff of nightmares, I tell ye." He then spit onto the ground and added sourly, "Godsdamned Imperials. I don't know what quarrel they had with these folks, and I sure as hells don't want to know the sooner we put this behind us, the better."

Claire felt herself flinch at his words, but if he noticed it, he didn't say anything as he asked, "Say… ain't I seen you 'round here afore? Or do ye just have one of them faces? Ah, never mind…" He seemed to realize that the sun was high and they had to leave soon.

"Anyroad, there's a carriage come to haul the bodies to the lichyard, out by the east gate. There's only eight left to load up, but seein' as I'm exhausted from carryin' all the others, I've a mind to leave the remainder to you," he instructed, "Might want to cover yer nose while ye work. Some of these folk're startin' to turn…"

She glared at him as he walked away. Biting her tongue though, she miserably went down to the bodies that were lying just in the shade of the staircase. She did recognize them… most she knew only by name… others she had spoken with herself on a few occasions… oh gods… Noraxia was one of them. Her lip trembled as she began to carry them all to the carriage… leaving little Noraxia for last. She cradled the body to her chest like she was holding a newborn babe and gently placed them all up to the carriage and laid each one down respectfully as she prayed for each of them to find peace.

Sister Eluned was waiting for her when Claire returned and hugged her tightly, promising that they were almost done preparing for them. Claire only nodded, shaking slightly from this act, before informing her that for most of them, their deaths were quick. They did not suffer as they were ushered into Thal's halls.

"Rest assured that we will treat them with the utmost respect, and do everything we can to shepherd them to Thal's realm," she promised as Claire asked to be left alone for a time. She may have been a bit harsh there, but Sister Eluned didn't blame her for that.

"There… is one thing I regret to inform you: though we wished to inter your comrades on church grounds, the number of fallen Scions far exceeded our estimates," she told her sadly, "After discussing the matter with Father Iliud, we have concluded that…that we have no choice but to bury the dead in the same plots as those who perished in the Calamity."

Claire looked up at them as the Sister looked on anxiously, as if afraid that Claire would start yelling at her for this. "Please forgive us. We do not wish to dishonor the memory of the fallen. But, as caretakers of the lichyard, these are the realities we must face."

This wasn't fair. They deserved so much better! They desire to be returned to their families and given proper burials surrounded by their loved ones. They deserved to keep going.

But she knew that demanding this was unreasonable at best. But she did make a silent promise that one day they would receive the recognition they were owed and she nodded to her, reassuring her that she did understand.

It seemed that the good Sister knew what was going through her mind and told her, "Claire… What befell your order was an unforgivable crime. If you would have these villains brought to justice, consider making a pilgrimage to the mark of the Warden. Though I do not follow the teachings of Azeyma, it is said that to offer prayers before Her mark is to invoke Her divine judgment."

Perhaps out of a longing for something to do, she agreed and made the trip to where she knew the mark of the Warden was placed. She had never been out this way, but she was able to find it soon enough. It seemed like such an un-extraordinary place where there was just a boulder carved with the symbol of Azeyma.

Stretched out below her was the massive crystal pillars that led down into the Burning Wall—a leftover reminder of the Calamity and Bahamut's wrath. It sparkled in an almost beautiful way but it still felt like a dagger in her back for some reason just looking at it.

She turned her attention to the stone though as she knelt and began to pray. She prayed for her fellow Scions to find peace in the next life and to promise that she would continue on as best as she could. She prayed for justice for those souls and that those who did all this would pay for their actions. But most of all she prayed for forgiveness for not being there to help them.

Was she truly to blame for this?

But nothing was answered to her and she was left kneeling for some time before darkness threatened the landscape once again and she returned, like a dog with her tail between her legs.

But Sister Eluned approached her, still looking sad and now a little apprehensive, as she asked to speak with her again.

"You have honored the dead with your pilgrimage, Claire. Even if Azeyma did not hear your prayers, I believe that they provided comfort to your fallen brethren," she promised her, "Remember that although the body is but a vessel that must one day be surrendered to the Lifestream, our souls shall endure, and the righteous shall find solace in Thal's realm."

Claire forced herself to nod, but at this point no longer knew what to believe in. That was when she finally noticed Sister's Eluned slightly apprehensive expression and asked if there was something else wrong.

"Although we can perform rites for most of the Scions, there is one whom we cannot accept, I'm afraid…" she informed her and Claire blinked in confusion, wondering what was wrong now.

"The little one," Eluned replied, noticing her upset face. "We would like you to return her to her people, the Sylphs of Little Solace. It is only proper that she be given into the care of her friends and family, so that they may mourn her in accordance with sylphic traditions."

Claire didn't even need to think that over as she nodded once, also agreeing with that logic. She was sure that her family there would appreciate that she was brought home as well. So, it was feeling like she was going to break apart as she decided to head out right now.

Sister Eluned tried to insist that she rest for the night and set out in the morning, but Claire politely refused. She needed to do this. So, she was given a small wooden box—the kind that the church used to bury a small child in—and took Noraxia across the deserts to the shaded trees of the Twelveswood.

It was hard enough to bring the other Scions back… but here, she knew that she was going to be breaking more hearts when she returned to Little Solace. She didn't know what she could possibly say to comfort them, nor explained why this had to happen. She just cradled the box in her arms as she continued on through the night… arriving in the East Shroud by early morning.

The Sylphs had all given her a warm welcome when they saw that she had come to a visit, but she couldn't even smile at them when they approached. Realizing that something was wrong, they directed her over to Komuxio, who was by his usual place by the bright blue tent and was humming to himself.

"This one is surprised to see walking one Claire in Little Solace," he said, blinking in curiosity as she approached. "How can these ones assist walking one?"

Afraid of breaking down all over again, she merely set the box down and whispered, "I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…"

Hearing her apology… Komuxio looked from her to the box and back again. That was when worry began to settle in to what could be in this box and he slowly fluttered down to examine it and Claire looked away as he opened the top.

He let out a horrified gasp and shrieked out, "Noraxia!? But… this one does not understand…"

Claire began to tell him what happened, but he was already crying. She felt her own eyes welling up with tears as she watched him wail and shriek, completely heart-broken. After a few minutes, another heard the cries and she looked up to see none other than Frixio appearing.

"Komuxio?" he demanded, "This one has heard much wailing. This one would know what has caused such distress."

"T-Terrible news, elder one! Awful news!" Komuxio wailed as Frixio looked on with concern. When he noticed Claire standing there, his frown caused his face to wrinkle even more and asked, "Walking one has returned to Little Solace? But why? These ones have not requested further aid…."

And then he finally noticed the box and Frixio was so shocked that he almost fell out of the air.

"Noraxia!? How did this happen?" he cried out, looking at her with terror in his eyes before demanding, "Explain everything to this one, at once!"

Claire just looked to her feet and told him of the attack at the Waking Sands.

He was silent the whole time and his hands were covering his mouth as she explained how those who were taken hostage were butchered. She then told him how she was first taken to the church and that the people there wished for her to be returned home so that they would be able to honor and mourn for her as they saw right.

"So… not only Noraxia, but many of walking one's friends were lost as well…" Frixio whispered sadly and she saw a few tears dripping down his wrinkled face as Komuxio continued to sob out Noraxia's name.

"I'm sorry…" was all Claire could croak out, but Frixio was shaking his head.

"Noraxia went to Thanalan at the behest of this one…" he explained. "Walking one was with Noraxia at the end… Tell this one that Noraxia was brave. Tell this one that Noraxia did not suffer."

Claire did reassure him, telling him of her vision and how she stood against the Imperials in a desperate attempt to protect Minfilia being taken. And that she later held on long enough for her to return and told her seek sanctuary with the church with her last breath. She could still remember everything that Noraxia felt in those last moments, and how her body had already become numb at that point. While it wasn't painless, she was able to fight it long enough to pass on her message.

While it did little to comfort them, there was a hint of pride along with their terrible grief when she said that.

"This one is glad to hear walking one's words," Frixio said quietly, "Thank you for bringing Noraxia home, walking one." He paused for a moment before adding, "These ones also wish to thank praying ones. Tell praying ones these ones will remember their kindness."

Claire promised that she would pass along his message as Komuxio seemed to have moved on from grief and onto savage anger.

"This one demands vengeance!" Komuxio cried, tears still sparkling in his green eyes. "Imperial ones must pay! Imperial ones must suffer!" He then turned to Claire and said with no uncertainty, "When the time comes for walking ones to face imperial ones, do not forget these ones! These ones would not have Noraxia's death be for naught! These ones will fight!"

Claire did not know what they were going to do or how this would end, but she did promise him.

"I can't say for sure what will become of us," she whispered, "But I promise that I won't forget. I… I won't let her and the others die for nothing."

Komuxio believed her. That was how he gave wrapped his leafy arms around her neck in a hug before flying down and removing Noraxia's leaf mask. It was the first time that Claire had ever seen her face, but she looked oddly peaceful… as if merely sleeping… and Komuxio kissed her cheek as he muttered a sad goodbye.

Claire left after that, with other words of gratitude from the other Sylphs once they heard the whole story. They were grateful that Noraxia was returned to them, and promised that they would see that she will be put to rest properly. They wanted her to stay with them a little longer but Claire shook her head, saying that she had to try and find her friends and hope that they could decide together what they should do.

After a few days of training herself, she found herself returning to the church, where she was able to pass along Frixio's message to them.

"We thank you for your service to the church and the sylphs, Claire," Sister Eluned told her, "You may be pleased to know that, in your absence, we interred the remaining Scions in the lichyard."

She just nodded, glad that they were taken care of. Sister Eluned then gave her a hug and rubbed her back in a motherly sort of way as she promised, "Perhaps you still wish to do more for your friends? If so, I would remind you that you have already done so much on their behalf."

She pulled away and finished with a firmer tone, "Please, take a rest and set aside your burdens for now, Claire."

"I… I'll try, sister," she promised. Of course, that was also the day she continued her training to become stronger. That horrible day will long live on in her mind.

Though it had already been about two weeks since all that happened, she still was no closer to figuring herself out. That was when she decided that the time came for her to seek out help from the Alliance leaders. She had to at least warn them what had happened.

But the morning that she planned to leave, after going around and thanking the church members for taking care of her and giving her a place to stay all this time. She left Father Iliud and Marques for last, wanting to speak with them both before she set out.

When she tracked Marques down, she could see how anxious he was acting—twisting his hands around and causing the sleeves of his cloak to become even more worn.

"Marques…?" she asked quietly and he jumped when he heard her voice.

"I…" he gasped, looking over his shoulder so often that it appeared that he had a twitch, "I'm not imagining it, Claire. I know I'm being watched…"

It wasn't uncommon for Marques to have sudden episodes of nerves—convinced that his nightmares were real—but it was different this time. She tried to calm him down and inform him of the Sister from before but he was shaking his head so much that his hood flapped.

"No, no… not the girl—I know about her," he told her fearfully, "No, this is different—sinister. It is as if I am… under observation. The feeling comes and goes… but I felt it when last I ventured outside. Yes, I know I felt it." Claire tried to comfort him, but he didn't seem willing to listen too much as he just pleaded with her to look outside for him.

If nothing else, she wanted to calm his nerves and so she agreed to look for his sake.

She stepped outside the church and gave a quick look around the lichyard… but as she did so, she noticed that there was something… not right. She paused there for a moment, her senses going into overdrive at that moment and that was when she knew that Marques wasn't wrong. There was a presence here that made her feel uneasy.

So… just to find out what it was, she took her time wandering around the lichyard, pretending not to notice anything as she strayed farther and farther away from the sight of any other church members. When she moved to an area south of the church, she heard a slight rustle behind one of the graves and she paused there.

She called out as innocently as she could, asking if they were coming here to visit someone and that she would be more than happy to help them find the right stone. But that was when an armed solider—and Imperial no less—leapt out from behind the stone and charged. He didn't even get to deal a blow because the bow she was wearing this day was already in her hands and finished him off with a few arrows. He fell to the ground in a heap.

She glared down at him, wondering if he had been one of the people who attacked the Waking Sands that day, before leaving his body out there for the crows—she would leave the decision of what to do with him with the others.

When she entered the church again, Marques—who had been anxiously waiting for her by the door—jumped at her sudden appearance and rushed to her.

"You were attacked, weren't you? Are you unharmed?" he gasped.

A little surprised that he had heard the commotion from here, she nodded and promised him that she was very much alive and well.

"Thank the Gods…" he said softly, shaking his head. "I knew it. He was watching me. …But why was he watching me? What did he want with me? Did he, perhaps… know something of my past? If only I could have asked him…"

She wanted to tell him that the man who had been watching him was an Imperial, but she didn't know how to break that to him? He already had enough problems and having the thought that an Imperial was watching him for some unknown reason was sure to make whatever troubled him worse. As she struggled to come up with something to say, his hands ran across his face in a frustrated way before pleading with her to allow him a moment alone.

She was secretly glad of this and made to move away before suddenly grabbed her arm to stop her and added, "Wait. Father Iliud must hear of this. Will you tell him for me? It's important. I think others may come for me again."

Now feeling true worry for the man, she promised to do so and left him be as she found Father Iliud at the end of the room, finishing up tending to a child with a cut. He smiled kindly at the boy, who thanked him for the bandage, and then went running out the door. When the Father greeted her, she told him about the situation and he grew visibly pale.

"Heavens forfend… That such a thing should happen on holy ground!" he gasped, shaking his head in incredulity. "Do you have any idea who this man was? Did you notice anything distinctive about his garb or possession?"

She had been dreading that and confessed the uniform the man had been in, all but confirming an Imperial soldier. Now Father Iliud looked scared.

"Gods above…! Make haste to Camp Drybone at once, Claire! We must summon the Immortal Flames before more Imperials come!"

Claire made to try and calm him down, to not draw attention to themselves and was going to promise that she would go and warn the people of Camp Drybone was going on… when the door opened and a familiar figure appeared.

(It's time to try and get back to the adventure and this felt like a good place to continue the story. I hope that the next one will be coming out as quickly as possible as well as the other chapters from other stories. Oh, and in case you are wondering, I did name my Company Chocobo Muninn. And I named the bird I got from Haurchefant Huginn. For those of you who aren't fans of Nordic mythology, Huginn and Muninn were the pet ravens of Odin. With Huginn meaning 'thought' and Muninn meaning 'memory or mind'. And they are known for flying all across the world every day for Odin. I like the names anyway :)