Summary: Bloom was sent to Earth when she was a young child, when her kingdom was destroyed. She was sent to London in 1980s. She was adopted by Lily and James Potter as their daughter, thus becoming a younger sister to Harry Potter. After the attack on Halloween Night 1981—Voldemort wasn't killed exactly. He still looms in the dark shadows, waiting, seeking out someone who might resurrect him back to life as he tries to figure out other ways to comeback to the Wizarding world. Follow the two siblings as they enter Hogwarts a School for Witchcraft and Wizardry as they explore the world around them, and discover that the world isn't exactly split into Black and White. Secrets will be discovered. Shocking and horrifying truths lies within the walls. Friendship, trusts, truths. . . will be tested.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter nor Winx Club. *All Recognizable plots belong to JKR*

Author's note: I'm such a huge Harry Potter fan and Winx Club fan! They're my favourite series especially Harry Potter! It's simply amazing!

Sunday, July 12th, 2015

Chapter One: "A Magical Night"

It was dark and cold. Gray clouds had started to cover the clear skies, and the breeze of the wind was very chilly as if snow were about to flow in a half-hour or so. It was wintertime in London, December 5th, city was calm and quite. Everyone was in their warm cottages, drinking hot coco or having s'mores and so on.

A small little cottage that was a bit far out from the city itself, about an hour drive or so. The smoke from the chimney had lifted up into the cold crimson air. The couple decided to go out tonight and left their only son with Remus and Sirius who'd visited not too long ago and decided that they would watch over little Harry who was only a few months old.

Lily was in her bedroom, getting ready to go out with her husband for the night. Ever since Lord Voldemort heard about the prophecy that had involved their infant son, Harry, and young couple had immediately went into hiding—where he wouldn't be able to find them. Lord Voldemort heard of this child, Harry Potter, would be one of the strongest wizards in the Wizarding world and would be the one to defeat him. And he decided to go after the child and kill him for once and for all before he would have a chance to kill him.

James and Lily were highly worried that they would find their son and kill them off. And so, they had left the magical world that they so dearly loved and wished they would raise their only son, but times were getting rather dangerous—many families were being wiped out under Lord Voldemort's orders.

The Potters knew they didn't have much of a choice; if they'd stayed, for sure Lord Voldemort would find them and kill them off. So they had left the Wizarding world, and decided to live among the Muggles for the time being—it was only temporarily. It was the only way for their son to be safe, and away from all the magic until the Dark Lord is defeated.

A knock was heard on the door.

"Are you done yet, Lily?" a voice had asked, which belonged to James Potter.

"I'm done," the woman replied as she took her dark furry coat from the rack that was hanged by the near by door of her bedroom. She wore the coat on, and placed a warm dark scarf around her neck, and ruffled her red hair out.

The redhead witch had walked into the living room where she'd seen Remus, Sirius, and James playing a game with young Harry. Harry loved to see colourful magical sparks coming out from their wands as he continued to giggle as more magic had appeared around him—sparkles of lights dazzled through the air as the young boy had tried to catch it with his chubby hands.

Harry, just like both of his parents, loved magic.

Lily was standing aside the wall gazing at the three men in the room, smiling.

James was wearing his wizard hat and playing peek-a-boo with their son, who'd enjoyed this game with his father. And every time his father would appear, he would create some series of magical sparks and Harry would constantly giggle at the sight of it.

The redhead had walked up to James and wrapped her arms around him, and smiled at Harry brightly. Her bright emerald eyes glowed in joy over the sight of seeing her son who was smiling at both his parents.

"Hey Lils," Remus had spoke, upon seeing her in the living room while Sirius only could chuckle over seeing his godson's facial expression. The black-haired boy was completely stunned, as the magical light spark had vanished upon his mere touch.

"Hello Remus, Sirius," she had greeted them with a grin smile on her face.

"Ah, and I see you and James going out on a date, I suppose," Sirius tossed a grin Lily, as she faintly blush.

"Well, then," James had finished his game with his son, Harry, and handed him over to Remus.

"We better get going then before it gets late."

Lily hand her hands on the side of her hip, gazing at James, and shook her head at him as if she had noticed that he wasn't ready. His black hair was completely messy.

"What?" the man asked, slightly confused, noticing his wife's look; Lily looked displeased by something.

He was ready.

What was wrong now?

Why was she shaking her head at him?

"Your hair," she muttered, as she grabbed her wand and uttered a spell in a low voice and waved her wand in front of James's hair and the spell had fixed his messy hair—tidying it all up—looking a bit more decent than it was from before.

"Now you're ready," she smiled at James.

James had walked over to grab his coat that was placed on the side of the couch, and wore it on. "Well, then, we're leaving now," he had adjusted his glasses.

Lily had clung her arms in James' and looked at Sirius and Remus and said to the two men. "Keep your wands out of Harry's reach. And don't you do anything I wouldn't do," she warned the two men as they chuckled, remembering their last adventure with Harry who had one of their wands at the time, and had destroyed the ugly vase Petunia had sent to Lily last Christmas.

The last time Lily had left the cottage was when she'd left the three men alone with Harry and when she had came back home, she found that the entire cottage was a disaster. The redhead witch had made sure the three Marauders to clean up the entire cottage for getting it all messy.

"Don't worry Lils, Harry will be fine with us," Remus told Lily who was worrying about her child being with them. The red haired woman gave out a sigh. "We will be back before you know it."

"Take as long as you need to. You two deserve to spend quality time together, after all you've been hiding in this house for months. I would already be going crazy." Sirius smirked at the couple before they'd left.

James decided to take Lily to a nice restaurant, which he knew that she would like and enjoy. They decided to sit inside since outside was cold, and it had started to snow again.

Beautiful white snowflakes had fallen from the dark gray clouds. The ground was covered with a blanket of white virgin snow; the brightness of the snow seemed to make it glow during the night.

Once Lily and James had their table, they both took off their coats since it was warm in the restaurant and there was no need for them to keep their coats on.

Lily was wearing a black-sleeved dress that reached above her knees with black heels, and her red hair was in soft curls. She had noticed that James was wearing the shirt that she'd bought him and the shoes as well.

The music in the restaurant was calm and slow, though she had noticed that James had an idea in mind. He placed his hand out to Lily as if asking to dance with him, like the rest of the people who slow dancing to the pace of the music. She instantly blushed, but she placed her hand in his and slowly he had led her to dance floor.

James had one of Lily's hands in his and he placed his other hand on her waist.

He slowly pulled her to him, and they started to dance.

"Aren't you being so romantic, Mr. Potter," the redhead said with a devious smile on her face, as her husband had gently twirled her.

"I have to say, you look ravishing Mrs. Potter," James grinned in return as he pulled her back to him.

"Well, you're handsome then," she gave him a flirtatious smile and kissed the top of her head.

Soon they headed back to their table, and they had the longest night they ever had in all these months. It was romantic. Their night had ended wonderfully, and they kissed passionately.

They were both on the streets walking though the town, noticing that some people were out building snowman, or tossing snowballs at each other as if there were two different teams, and young teenagers were hanging out, some were gossiping and others had done snow angels. The night couldn't even be more perfect than it was.

"I love you James," Lily whispered to him; her voice was soft and warm.

He looked down at her with a grin. "Do you remember the days Lily when you couldn't stand me?"

"Oh, I defiantly remembered those days. You were a jerk back then, but in time, you've managed to change."

Truth to be told, James had matured and changed by the end of their sixth year and by the following year she had seen that change and that's when they had started dating (although he did annoy her the years before that to go out with him, but she refused only because he was being obnoxious).

He chuckled at her comment, though he knew it was true.

And the good thing was: he had changed afterwards—realising how much he was an arrogant-toe-rag he was, which his wife had so politely had put together.

Suddenly, Lily had stopped walking. She heard an odd, an unfamiliar woman's voice was calling out to her.

The redhead witch had smelled a burning crimson sensation in the cold air, which was very unusual.

Something was burning around here, but she couldn't identify it.

The woman glanced at her husband, wondering if he had felt something as well.

"Do you smell something burning?" she had asked her husband, as he too was thinking the same exact thing.

Thick dark ashes were spreading into the cold air.

"Yes, and I thought I was the only one," he replied and added, "it's like something's on fire."

The more they walked; they had seen heavy smokes lift into the dark gloomy skies.

Clearly, something was burning on this December night.

"What's going on?" Lily asked slightly frightened, for all they could know this may be a work of Lord Voldemort. Maybe he was close to finding them? But again, this didn't seem like his work since they had seen an entire building was lit on fire. And there was no signs of Dark Wizards being around this area.

If it had been the Dark Lord's work then he would have conjured the Dark Mark in the sky. The Dark Mark would represent that he's murdered numerous witches and wizards, but that wasn't the case.

"James! Look! Fire!" Lily pointed out to the building on the far end of the street.

An entire building was on fire, but the one thing was strange as well. . .was that the fire wasn't spreading all around, as if it was only flaming this particular building.

Lily heard the unfamiliar woman's voice call out to her, again.

Save her. . . Save her. . . Save her. . .

The voice had kept repeating it over and over again to her for some odd reason. A good thing was, she had her wand with her ever in case of an emergency. Maybe she could do something about the heightened amber blazes without any Muggles seeing her do her magic.

"Lily! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" James shouted after her, also he had his wand with him just incase of an emergency. He followed his wife, who seemed to wonder what was going on out of curiosity.

The fire wasn't even spreading, like as if this fire was some sort of magic.

Flames were only surrounding the same building.

"LILS!" he called out to his wife, who seemed to ignore him.

Lily heard a baby's cries deep in the flames.

Her green eyes widen in pure horror. It couldn't be. . . no she couldn't believe such a thing! Maybe she was hearing things that shouldn't be even heard. The woman heard it again—a baby's cry!


Lily had used her wand to decrease the flames that was surrounding the area.

The cry of a baby was getting louder and clearer. She used her wand to keep the flames away from herself, heading towards the source of the infant's cry. Her heart had nearly shattered in the process upon seeing an infant baby with red hair crying within the barrier that was shielding her from the fierce flames.

The fire wasn't even near the baby at all.

The baby that was within the small barrier like, which was protecting the infant from the severe heat and smoke, though the child was still crying.

A real baby!

Abandoned and all alone with no where to go.

Oh Merlin! That poor, sweet innocent baby, tears had crept into the woman's vibrant green eyes.

It simply horrified her to see such a scene like this!

Who in the bloody hell would leave their baby all alone like this?

The baby was completely neglected by its own parents?!

What kind of parents would neglect their child out of their own flesh and blood?!

She was utterly stunned—in disbelief for what her two eyes were seeing at the very moment.

Obviously, irresponsible parents! Or hateful parents!

Parents who didn't care for the safety of their own child!

"James, come here and see this," she called out to her husband to see this.

Lily was completely shocked to see that a child was all-alone with no one around and highly upset for seeing that sight of the child. She was a mother! Seeing the infant child had crushed her deeply! She was always worried about her son constantly, ever second, minute, hour, days. . .

It had infuriated Lily!

James approached his wife, who was telling him to come and take a look at something in particular. His hazel eyes had fallen over the crying infant who was all alone in some type of barrier, protecting her from the intense heat of the flames—crying.

"Who on Earth would leave a baby all alone in a fire?" the black-haired wizard asked, stunned by the fact that this child was all alone, surrounded by the flames.

It simply baffled him that a child was left on its own. . . and he well. . . he didn't want to imagine the kind of parents that child had.

They had neglected their own baby!

Were they that irresponsible?

Sure, the man had sometimes felt he was irresponsible while being with his son along with his three friends when they would stay over at the cottage for hours.

"I don't know. The child's parents are nowhere to be seen," the redhead replied, looking all around, but there was no one around here since this place was an abandoned orphanage that had been closed down nearly for about thirty-years.

"We can't leave the baby like this," James said, glancing all around the area.

It wasn't even a pleasant atmosphere for the baby to be in.

Lily took a glance at the infant child.

The child had to be brought to a safe place; they couldn't leave the baby surrounded by flames.

"We should bring the child in," the woman suggested to her husband who nodded in agreement.

Maybe after this, they could find the child's parents?

Save the child . . . Save the child. . . the voice had faded away.

James heard the same unfamiliar woman's voice calling out him, as if ordering him to save the baby.

The black-haired wizard had walked over to the baby who strangely looked a bit more calm upon seeing a presence of a man. He had gently picked up the baby girl into his arms and had softly cradled her.

But the moment he carried the child into his safe arms . . . the flames had immediately vanished, leaving him with even more of a questionable face. But how, you have to have some kind of mystical object—like a wand—to make it all disappear?

The child slowly opened its eyes, revealing to be crystal blue like the ocean's surface, and yawned, tiredly, as if finally feeling safe in the arms of an unknown man.

It didn't make any sense to him but then he remembered that children would cause accidental magic since they couldn't control their magic. Accidental magic seemed more logical in his view. After all, that child is obviously magical, so it made sense to him that this was an accidental magic.

He turned around to see Lily who was also having the same thought as him. Lily had walked up to James.

"Magical child then?"

"Probably, Lils," as he noticed that she was gazing at the child he held in his arms. The baby girl had fallen back into deep sleep breathing, as she watched the child's chest rise up and down as if nothing had affected her at all like nothing had happened.

"At least the baby girl wasn't harmed by the flames," she said softly, gazing down at the baby girl in James' arm with pity in her vivid green eyes. It made her feel relieved that the baby girl wasn't hurt or seriously injured for that matter.

There were no scratch, no brunt marks, not even a single scar.

She even doubled checked the baby for anything unusual.

The redhead witch only hoped that the girl wouldn't suffer from any type of lung damage (she would most likely not suffer from anything), but still, it was never okay to just neglect a child in such a horrid condition!

"I wonder who does the baby belongs too exactly?" James had asked quite curiously.

"But where on Earth are her parents?" Lily exasperated, as the witch had noticed that there was no one around here.

Not even a single soul.

James could easily tell when his wife would be on the brink of anger—and the woman was—could see it on her face.

"Better question is: why would they leave the child near the building that was lit in flames? And Lils, how do you even know that child is a girl?" James raised a questioning brow at his wife for an explanation.

She shrugged and replied. "I know this might sound crazy, but I kind of heard a voice calling out to me telling to 'Save her'. And I assumed that someone might've wanted me to save her."

James' hazel eyes widen. "I thought. . .it was only my imaginations, but in my case it was save the child. Hmm. . . this is certainly interesting."

It seemed to him, that someone obviously knew the baby was in trouble and needed someone to save the baby girl. But the question is: why?

Why hadn't the source of the damned voice hadn't done a thing about saving the innocent baby girl from such a horrid condition. Why had it called out to them? The man felt a bit angry at the source of the voice—whoever it was—was definitely not a friendly type of person to allow a defenseless baby to be in harms way.

"Wait, you heard that too?" the redhead woman questioned in daze, as she saw her husband nod.

"Yes, it was telling me to save the child though," James responded.

Lily noticed that on the pink silk blanket was the child's name written on it, in gold thread. Bloom. So that was probably the little girl's name.

"I think her name is Bloom," Lily spoke out after a few minutes of complete silence as they were both in deep thought.

"How do you know that?"

"Because it's written on the blanket."

"So. . . what should we do now?"

"It's obvious that we take her home since. . . well . . .she's abandoned and no child should be alone like this."

At the mention, take her home was his wife completely serious about it?

Taking a child that they'd found in the burning flame that had magically disappeared after he had held her in his arms, which was a bit peculiar.

James wasn't too sure about Lily's idea, but some part of him agreed to it.

The innocent baby girl, who was unaware of what happened to her tonight, shouldn't be in the hands of neglectful people!

Maybe it was destiny for him and Lily to stumble across the infant girl—perhaps she was fated to them, instead of being in the hands of someone else.

But still. . . why would her parents leave her all alone like that?

There was no logic whatsoever!

No parents in their right of mind would ever do that to their own kid!

They both wondered if the girl's parents were magical or nonmagical, and if they aren't and didn't want to have a magical baby in their life, then it was most likely why've they deserted the girl like this.

And if the girl's parents were indeed magical, and yet deserted her for no good explanation, then they were just terrible people to this innocent little girl.

Though James could pick up the child's magical aura, she's a pureblood magical being. For some reason, he picked up that she may be. . . a different type of being as well, which he had no clue to what it is exactly.

"Why don't I hold her James?" Lily's green eyes had lit up brightly, as James handed the girl to his wife.

"I don't know why. . . but for some reason, I like her," the redhead witch gently cooed to the baby girl, as the woman made sure the child was snuggled up warmly in her pink blanket.

"Well, we should talk to Dumbledore about this," James muttered, though his wife had probably hadn't heard him as she was gazing at the young girl.

What would Sirius and Remus say to the both of them?

How would they react when they come back home but not empty handed?

Once Remus and Sirius heard the door being opened, they glanced at Lily and James who'd arrived wonderfully from their lovely date.

"Hey Prongs! So how was tonight's date?" Sirius had asked both of them, well; to be more particular this question was more for James as he watched his friend take off his coat and hanged it on the rack.

"Well, our date was very lovely. I must say, thank you for watching our Harry tonight. It means a lot to Lily and I." James replied as his friend placed an arm on his shoulders; Sirius's hands turning into a fist as he began to mess with James's black hair, getting it all messy again.

"No problem, Potter," he snickered at James.

"Wait, who do we have here?" Remus asked curiously, noticing a small redhead infant squirming in Lily's arms, wrapped in a pink silk blanket.

"Well, it's a story that you ain't going to believe and believe me, it's going to sound a bit strange," Prongs had explained, as he looked at his wife.

"By the way, where's Harry?" Lily asked concerned over her son who wasn't in the room with their two friends.

"He's sleeping. Gotta say, he's not such a fussy child as I imagined him to be," Sirius chuckled.

"Strange you say, I'm quite intrigued about it," Padfoot had began, taking some interest in his best-friend's tale.

"Well. . ." James Potter started, telling to his two friends of the strange tale: Sirius and Remus who were surprisingly shocked about the child they had found near an abandoned orphanage that was in flames and with no soul around. It was very unusual to say the least.

But before James could finish off the tale, Remus had asked just as what they've been wondering about too.

"Where on Earth are her parents?"

"We have no idea. We only found her there, alone. We haven't seen a single soul there," Lily explained, as a mother she is, she was still angry that they've deserted their own baby girl like that.

"Is the girl, like, okay?" Moony had asked, wondering if the girl had suffered any lung damages or skin burns.

Lily shook her head.

"I don't really know, but she seems to be fine," the redhead woman spoke, but it seemed to her the baby was indeed okay. Perhaps the girl should be checked out by a healer—just to see if the baby girl was truly okay.

"Magical child then, it was probably some accidental magic which seemed to be the case. The little girl probably felt something wrong and so. . . she probably wanted to protect herself and that barrier like you said, was protecting her." Sirius noted.

"Hmm. . . shouldn't we like talk to Dumbledore about it? I think he's going to drop by for a visit since we, I mean, you two haven't been in touch with the Wizarding world for quite a while," Remus questioned.

"So. . . the girl doesn't have a name?" Padfoot had asked. "Because if she doesn't. . . I have a tons in my mind at the moment." He winked at Lily who smiled delightfully in return.

"Oh she has a name, Sirius. Bloom. It's written on the blanket in thread," Mrs. Potter spoke as she rocked the girl in her arms.

"Bloom? What a strange name?" Sirius spoke. He wasn't sure he'd agreed with that name. It sounded a little strange, because it wasn't a common flower name that's used often in naming a baby girl.

Lily raised a brow.

"And how so? I think it's a lovely name and somehow, it really suits her. But I don't think her parents are lovely people though."

"How do you know they aren't lovely people?" Moony questioned, as he arched his brow at Lily.

The parents could have all sorts of reasons for why they've left her alone or was in an alley. But the more he thought about it, the stranger it got. They should've made sure—that if they were going to leave her or abandon her—that the girl had a place to stay at the very least or to take her to an actual orphanage so that way they wouldn't represent the wrong image of themselves.

"Well maybe they were Muggles?" Sirius taking a good guess, although he wouldn't pinpoint the Muggles directly (or blame them, but some of them didn't like having magical children around so it might've seem logical to him).

"That's like saying my parents should've abandon me once they'd found out that I'm a witch." Lily said, almost frowning at the idea itself.

"Come on, that's not what I meant by that, Lils," Sirius Black crossed his arms as he looked at James.

"He's saying that some Muggles don't like magic, simple as that, so they would cut off ties with their magical child or children—therefore they would become orphan kids." James explained.

Suddenly this made Lily remember her older sister Petunia who wanted to cut off ties with her for being a witch and what she would see her as a freak in the family.

"Anyways, I doubt that she's born to Muggles anyways. I'd say there's something else too it that we might not know of."

But before Remus could say anything else. . .

A knock was heard on the door.

It's probably Dumbledore. James thought to himself as he opened the door, which revealed to be an elderly wizard who was very familiar to James. He had long white hair and long bread and is dressed in a long blue robe with a matching hat atop his head.

"Hello James," the elderly wizard had greeted politely.

"Professor Albus," James had said, his voice thick and firm.

Though Remus had spoken the words immediately about the Wizarding world and about Lord Voldemort's involvement.

"Any news about Lord Voldemort?"

The elderly wizard had sighed though you could see through his blue eyes that wariness and his face showed years beyond his age. Lord Voldemort had disappeared and hadn't been seen in months (ever since Lily and James went into hiding) and never showed up, which was frightening for the Wizarding world even more than ever.

Dumbledore had sighed. "No. No one had seen him in months even I for that matter hadn't spotted him," his voice was tensed. It made him worry about Lord Voldemort's moves. He was a dangerous wizard and is currently on loose.

Sirius's face had darken at what Dumbledore had to say. This was serious now. He only wondered what was Lord Voldemort was up to. What are his plans? Was he in London, still on the search for the Potter family? It could be. . .if anyone hadn't known where he was in the Wizarding world.

Albus Dumbledore had noticed that Lily was holding an infant child in her arms who wasn't her son. Who was the child in her arms? Taking a notice that the child is wrapped in pink silk blanket, it was a baby girl.

He cleared his throat, and he asked.

"Who is she, Lily?"

Lily turned her attention to her former headmaster who was gazing at the child in curiosity.

"It's a crazy story that you wouldn't even believe," Moony had given a lazy smile to Dumbledore.

"That child was abandon near an orphanage, that was on fire," but Sirius was cut off by Albus, "fire?" he questioned, almost astonished by the fact that this child. . .was found near the fire abandoned by her parents.

"Yes, that's what James and Lily told us," Remus had stated to the headmaster, who'd arched his brows at the four of them.

"It's true. . ." James said as he ended the tale. He agreed with Lily about the whole parents shouldn't leave their child alone or for that matter to abandon their own child. Why? What did the child ever do to the parents?

What were they possibly trying to do? Obviously, not killing the child?

Were they trying to catch someone's attention and if so . . . they had succeeded, but it had reflected badly upon them.

Before Albus could say a word in response to what he thought about this ideal situation.

Lily had spoken up. "Look, a letter!"

She had discovered a letter that was deeply tucked the blanket so whoever would find the letter would understand why.

James had sat down next to his wife, and glanced at the sealed letter, and rest had followed, wondering what was written in the letter, hopefully an explanation for all of this. A pretty good one at that.

To Whom Who Finds Our Beloved Child

Written in cursive gold ink.

And what was written below the words were the names of the girl's parents.

Marion and Oritel

Once Lily had opened the letter, the letter had magically lifted into the air, releasing the long scripted letter.

It was written:

To whoever who reads this letter, you have found our beloved child and we are gladly thankful for taking her in. It means so much to us, you have no idea how hard it is to give up the person that you love the most. We only want what's the best for her future. We want her to have a safe, and happy life. I know you would have millions of questions running through your minds about what happened to us or why we'd disappeared from our daughter's life or why you or anyone else wouldn't be able to find us. We never wanted her to grow up without us, which is very hard and painful for us to accept it. But terrible things were happening and we were worried about her more than you can imagine.

Dark forces had rose up, wanting our family's power that we'd possessed for thousands of years and generations. They want the power that our child has that keeps the Magical Dimension safe from the forces of evil...but three evil witches had wanted to go after our child's power and we know once they get what they want...they would kill her without hesitation and not only that but they would cause serious destruction to the Magical Dimension. We only wanted to protect her, and do what's best for her. She's a fairy with the most powerful magic called "The Dragon Flame."

Normally, all children in the Magic Dimension practices their magic at such a young age and also they know what they'll be when they'll grow up. More to what their ancestors had practiced either: Dark Arts of Magic or Light Arts of Magic, meaning they are either a Fairy or Witch given what their heritage is. Yes, Fairy or Witch are real not only fairytales that you would hear out of books or legends.

Our child is a fairy and so was our ancestors from previous generations were, we'd only practiced Light Arts of Magic for thousands of years. For our daughter, Bloom, we don't want her to know that she's magical until she comes of age...most fairies began to notice their powers is at least when they're ten-years-old, but I know what we're asking is a lot, but please don't reveal to her that she has magic or that she's a fairy until she's fifteen years old. It would only keep her safe, even though she might slightly behind in her magic. It doesn't really matter to us as long as she's safe and well.

As for us, we might be either long gone or possibly dead as we're defending the Magical Universe from the forces of evil. This might be the last letter she would ever read from us. But I don't want her to feel the burden of what happened to us. I want her to know how much we truly loved her, and did everything that we could've want for her. Her father and I will always love her, and she's never truly alone.

I want her to receive this letter when she's about seventeen, when she fully understands what we did for her. My daughter is the princess of a realm called Domino, located in the Magical Universe and I want her to keep this to herself without anyone knowing who she truly is. Her bloodline and power is the one thing that puts her in danger if she ever did go back to the Magic Dimension. Another thing is, she has an amulet that's around her neck, and also give that to her when she's seventeen, it has our names on it and her older sister's name Daphne.

From her loving parents,

King Oritel and Queen Marion.

We love you Bloom, always remember that darling!

Once they were done reading the long letter that was obviously written by her mother, their faces were pale. They have never read something like this before.

It was shocking and utterly depressing!

It was downright heartbreaking!

No one had spoken a word, not even headmaster Dumbledore. Everyone was trying to process everything in—they were all in their own silent thoughts. Shocked about the whole thing.

Even he didn't know what to make out of this, as they all gazed at the sleeping infant who's an orphan by losing her parents and older sister that she didn't know or would never meet again.

Tears had formed in Lily's eyes, as she looked at the infant child who was in deep sleep.

The girl had lost her parents and sister that she would probably never get to see or meet in her life or maybe she would, but it was a very small possibility of that ever happening.

She could only imagine how the girl would feel what had happened to her biological parents when she's older. What a tragedy it is for her family and herself?

Lily finally understood what happened and how this girl ended up alone. She couldn't blame them as she wasn't angry no longer but rather being upset. Now, she and James were facing a similar situation with their infant son, Harry.

It was war. People would protect what they love—keep them out of danger. They would do anything to keep them out of harms, even sending them to somewhere very far. Lily and James would do anything for their son, if it meant to keep him alive and they suffer the severe consequences for their actions.

But of course, war was the only explanation.

War tore families apart.

War destroys people.

It divides people apart.

War spills the blood of innocents.

"How awful," Lily muttered to herself, though James had heard what she had said and placed a hand on Lily's shoulder for comfort.

"What should we do, Lils?" he whispered to his wife.

Even Albus Dumbledore was in lost. He slowly looked over the child. Maybe the best thing to do for the girl is to follow the advice of what her mother had written to her.

"I say, we should do what her parents were asking."

Sirius, Remus, James and Lily had nodded in agreement.

But though, who is going to keep the child? Lily thought to herself.

Clearly, the baby shouldn't be with Sirius or Remus for that matter. They weren't what they would be exactly responsible in raising this girl and frankly they don't know anything about how they should raise a girl anyways.

Her thoughts were instantly shattered when she heard Moony's voice.

"So Dumbledore, who should take care of the girl?" Remus had asked. He felt sorry for the little girl who was unaware of what was going on in her short amount of lifespan she had been living for.

Albus was in complete thought of who should take care of the girl. Maybe the Weasleys should. But before he could say where should the girl go to, Lily had beaten him to it.

"I really want too," she said rather determinedly.

James looked at her, startled out of his thoughts.

His hazel eyes widen for what his wife had just said. "But Lils, I don't know if. . .we can do this. The girl. . . she's . . ." he lost his words of how to convince her of not taking the girl in, well it's not that he doesn't want to, (James definitely would but under different circumstances) he was more afraid and worried that he and his wife might orphan their son just like what happened to girl's parents who had orphaned their baby daughter. The black-haired wizard didn't want to put the baby girl through the same ordeal again despite the girl being unaware of the situation.

It was downright heartbreaking!

But then again, he couldn't really imagine the girl being in anyone else's care since he and his wife were the ones to have found her.

It would be terrifying if the girl ended up with someone else who would misguide her from the absolute truth and gain advantage of her—it terrified James knowing who'll hurt the girl.

"Lily," the elderly wizard had spoken out to her, his voice calm and soft as he addressed Lily and carefully chose his words. "Are you sure you can do this, having responsibilities of raising this girl?"

She nodded, as she slowly ran her fingers through the baby's red hair. Lily wanted to keep this girl and raise her as her own little girl. She wanted to make it up to the girl who'd tragically lost her family.

"Come on Lils, be serious about this." Padfoot had said to her, as she threw him a glare.

"I am serious about this, Sirius."

"Well, Prongs, what do you think about your wife's decision?" he chuckled at the sight of James's expression.

James took a deep breath in and placed an arm around Lily's shoulders, bringing her closer to him and looked at his two friends and the headmaster.

"I support Lily's decision, no matter what it is, and having a girl around would be really nice," James gave a warm smile.

"Well. . .then, you two are fully going to take custody of the girl then," he had stated, and they both agreed to take custody of the girl. "Then we should get the adoption papers settled in and start the process."

Lily couldn't wait until the girl officially becomes hers. She indeed she did see the amulet around the baby's neck and decided to give it to her until she's older—when she would understand and could handle the truth.

James had a feeling that his family is going to change for the better.

But then Lord Voldemort was still out there in search for his family to kill, but James will do everything in his power to ensure his family's safety and to keep them alive no matter what.

Author's Note


I have edited this chapter and fixed a bit of grammar and spelling errors as well. One more thing, I'm used to American English since I'm American, but I'm going to revise my other chapters and try my best to use British English. It made me realize that the characters sound a little off while using American English.

The reason why I have edited this chapter is to improve the dialogue. There isn't much change though. Anyways, I'm currently writing chapter nine and editing chapter 2-8, as I'm trying to make the characters sound British as they are originally, instead of sounding American. Besides, I've read the books up to GoF and honestly, I wished I read it before I've watched the movies. There's so many things I've come to understand in the books and its well explained.

I always wanted to do Harry Potter / Winx Club crossover. . .well like this, when Bloom's adopted by Lily and James Potters, and Harry like becomes her (like brother, well I guess adoptive brother). I find this really interesting and unique.

At first, I was wondering whether or not to post this and so finally I decided to put it up after all this time. I guess, I'm going through all my old drafts again and this story has so much potential that I think it's worth reading.

Until Next Time!