An: This story is done by request of Queen Mab the Second. Thank you for the idea and I hope everyone enjoys the story.

Chapter 1:

Adrian was not looking forward to summer vacation. Now, you might consider it unusual for a teenager to be dreading a few months of school free time, but Adrian was hardly your average teenager. He was the son of the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste as well as a famous model himself. As such his time spent at school was the only time Adrian felt like a normal teenager. While his friends were talking excitedly of their plans for their coming free time, Adrian could only grimace at the likely prospect that his time spent as a model would increase since he no longer had school to fill up his time. Either that or his father would insist that he keep up his studies during the summer and Adrian would have to spend most of his time indoors being lectured by tutors. It was these depressing thoughts that led him to be picking at his dinner that evening rather than actually eating it.

"You really need to eat," Nathalie, his father's personal assistant, commented as she came in. "You don't want to get sick for your last day of school tomorrow."

"Yes Nathalie," Adrian replied dully, forcing a down a few mouthfuls of food. Once she was satisfied, Nathalie handed Adrian a letter she had brought in.

"What is this?" Adrian asked, looking at the letter in curiosity.

"It's a letter from your uncle on your mother's side," Nathalie informed. "He lives in America which is why you haven't seen him that often."

As Nathalie explained that, vague memories came back to Adrian of meeting a man that looked similar to his mother a few times in his childhood. He remembered that the man had his mother's kind smile and would spend hours drawing with Adrian. He particularly liked to show Adrian the adventures of one specific all black and white character and would tell Adrian all sorts of stories to go along with the pictures. Though Adrian could no longer remember the character's name or what it looked like, Adrian remembered loving the character and asking constantly for his uncle to show him the next adventure. His curiosity piqued, Adrian opened the letter.

Hello Adrian,

Sorry, it's been so long since I've last seen you kid. Time sure flies by quickly. It seems like only yesterday you were a small little toddler clinging to your mother as you looked at the world with such big eyes. I couldn't believe how much you had grown in the pictures she would send me.

And then she went missing and it's been hard on all of us as we try to find any trace of her...

But we shouldn't let that drive us apart. If anything, it should motivate us to come closer as a family and appreciate all the time we can together. That's why I would like to have you come and stay with me for the summer. I would love to show you around and get to know you better. Also, feel free to bring any friends you'd like. I'd be glad to welcome them with open arms.

Please let me know your decision as soon as possible and I hope I get to see you soon.


Uncle Henry

Adrian had to read the letter two more times just to make sure he understood it correctly. His uncle that he barely remembered was offering him and even his friends a fun vacation together in another country. It was almost to good to be true. But Adrian's bubbling hope was quickly snuffed out when he remembered that he would need his dad's permission before he could even think about seeing his uncle.

It almost isn't even worth asking… Adrian lamented silently, gazing down sadly at the letter in his hand. With how strict his father tended to be when it came to Adrian, it was unlikely he would ever allow Adrian to leave the country, even if it was to visit family. Still… it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway. That way Adrian would know for sure one way or another and he would be able to move forward.

"Hey Nathalie, is my father home?" Adrian asked, finally looking up from the letter.

"Yes, he's in his study," Nathalie replied, checking her tablet. "You can see him if you wish."

"Thank you," Adrian nodded, rising from his seat and heading to his father's study. Adrian paused outside the door, taking a moment to gather his nerves before he knocked on the door.

"Enter," Adrian heard his father call through the door. Adrian quietly opened the door and closed it silently behind him walking towards his father's desk. He stopped a short distance from the desk and waited for his father to complete the paperwork he was working on.

"Hello Adrian," Gabriel finally said, looking up at his son once he had finished. "To what do I owe this visit?"

"Uncle Henry sent me a letter," Adrian explained, handing his father the letter as he spoke. "He's invited me to come visit him over the summer. And I just wanted to ask if I'd be able to go."

"And you'd want to bring your friends along as well I assume," Gabriel commented, still scanning the letter.

"If it isn't too much trouble…" Adrian agreed politely, trying his best to hide his nerves.

"I don't see a problem with it," Gabriel finally said after a few minutes of silence. "I'll be traveling a lot myself this summer for various business deals and contacts. You have my permission to visit your uncle along with any friends you desire to take with you."

"Thank you father," Adrian beamed, relaxing his tense posture.

"Be sure to let Nathalie know so she can make the arrangements," Gabriel concluded before going back to his work. With that clear dismissal, Adrian left his father's study and hurried to find Nathalie. Maybe this summer wasn't going to be as bad as he thought.