BY: Gravenimage

Beta: warrior of six blades

"God of Darkness/God of Light/God/Angelic Beings speaking"
'God of Darkness/God of Light/God/Angelic Beings thinking'


"Speaking in Flashback"

'Thinking in flashback'

*communications device/reading files*

Viewing Portal of Resident Huntsman scenes

AN from warrior: Hey guys! Glad to see you still enjoy my work, despite the unpredictable amount of time needed to do these things for me depending on how I am feeling and what happens in life. I admit...I've been struggling at times with work and wanting to write or just finding the times when I feel inspired to write. Never Rush A Miracle Worker Or You Get Sloppy Miracles. A saying I take to heart and yes, I consider this work a tiny miracle among many others created by geniuses that I enjoy reading at times.

Never underestimate how much a miracle a good story to read is, nor the hard work authors put into them. Rather they be an actual book, a comic, a manga, or a fanfic writer like us. We all put a part of ourselves into these things. For now, I just wish for you all to read and enjoy this chapter!

That said, I am not good at detailing history and REALLY don't want to research this stuff unless I have to. I am NOT a history fan. I don't even care about my own family tree or it's history for crying out loud. Everyone led their own lives and I hope they are proud with how they lived their lives, but it's not my concern what lives they led. I have my own life to think about and deal with. If I was to learn anything from history, I want it to be tactics I can use today or something else I can work with. I wouldn't care if my descendents want to know of what life I led or not. It wouldn't matter in my eyes because what good would knowing HOW I lived serve them? How much it sucks being poor to homeless at certain points in my life? Or how divorce court ruined my family and how I lost any respect I had for my mother? I rather spare them those long pointless bits of history...

So the History Book has served it's brief purpose in my mind FOR NOW. I got maybe basic level knowledge on wars and I was hoping a brief glimpse would be enough. Naive of me?...I am realizing that IS the case and I NEVER should have brought the book in there, that was MY bad. One I wish to apologize about for you who are fans of history. Sorry, but I am NOT that kind of guy.

I now know to NEVER bring in something you remember so little about... But I WILL let Weiss keep the book. In case I change my mind and make another light mention in history during this fanfic. But right now...It's too overwhelming an expectation for me to deal with. Sorry if this bothers you all, but a certain review left my head hurting and making me feel overwhelmed at the idea of researching so many possible wars that I fear you guys expect me to talk about. Please don't be angry at the reviewer...They just made me realize how little I know of history and with it came the overwhelming feeling of expectations of what you all may have for me on something I don't feel comfortable with.

RE history or RWBY history I know of and I am comfortable with...History of my own world in general...I'm far from comfortable with and know very little about. I sincerely apologize again to you all, but for now...please try to understand it's too much expectations for me.

To make up for my blunder in decision making, I decided to do something more interesting. A part of this will be focused on the God of Darkness's own experiences on Earth as he tries to figure out the truth of WHY God and the God of Light are having Jaune of all people on that world, as well as the true reason this deal happened in the first place. But only between RE2 story arc and Code Veronica arc for now, as I am not sure how long he should be in the dark about the reasons behind his brother and the god of this world's actions.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own anything related to Resident Evil or RWBY in any shape or form. Nor am I trying to sell anything related to the series. I'm just a fan who wrote a fanfic because I am a passionate fan who wanted to write this fanfic after being inspired by Gravenimage making a great fanfic that captured my attention and made me eager for more! Seriously people, give Gravenimage the credit he deserves for writing the fanfic this is a reaction of! He is doing great!

Chapter 5: Questioning Deities And The Lost Girl.

Everyone was silently digesting everything they had learned from the God of Darkness. To think that he created the Grimm to give them a reason to work together and better themselves was shocking. Many had believed he genuinely wanted them all erased and had no care for them, wanting to drag it all back to darkness and let the Grimm rule the earth.

Then there is Umbrella's actions and a traitor who has yet to be determined, possibly still out there doing who knows what, that caused the downfall of Raccoon City. Jaune was stuck in a storm of conspiracies and deadly creatures with the deck stacked against him. All because two deities believe he was the one they needed...why?

"I can't believe this...I always told my son he could do great things, but I never imagined he was going to get picked by two deities for something like this...what in the world could warrant them doing this?" Madonna asks to herself with her head in her hands, trying to make sense of everything she is learning happened to her son.

That was the question on everyone's minds. Even the God of Darkness who let them in on the Dark truth of what happened to the young knight.

"I wish I knew, Madonna, but if even the God of Darkness has been kept in the dark. Then it must be serious..." Ozpin tried to comfort her.

"Or they're just being secretive assholes who should just tell us why they took our friend." Yang stated with a growl of annoyance, she hated how Jaune being taken had hurt Ruby, her little sister may be doing better now, but she could see the hurt in her eyes and she hated it. Sadly, even she knew she was no match against the gods if it came to a fight, not one of them had the power to match them.

"Yang, please don't provoke the God of Darkness into anything." Ruby was almost begging, hoping to keep her sister from doing something reckless.

"Relax, Ruby, I won't..." Yang said with a grimace. "I know a losing fight when I see it."

Something none of them wanted to admit, but could agree with her on. It seemed impossible to defeat the gods or even just one at their current abilities and level of skill.

'Yet, Salem thought it a good idea to fight both of them...' Ozpin noted with a heavy heart as he recalled that was what led to their situation. Stuck in a perpetual battle that never seems to end as long as she can't be killed...Assuming that hint the God of Darkness dropped wasn't bearing of some fruit. Was he simply not asking the right question when it came to how to kill Salem? Was it really something so simple as it's not supposed to be HIM who kills her?

"Speaking of the God of Darkness...Where do you think he goes when he disappears like this? I mean we're in his domain and he seems to take his time coming back." Blake asks, looking around nervously, almost expecting him to be standing behind one of them or on his throne behind their seats.

"Who knows, maybe he wants some space from us? I mean we're not his biggest fans and I doubt he is ours either." Qrow stated, knowing being around people who annoy you for long periods of time was not something anyone enjoyed. He wouldn't be surprised if they was annoying in the deity's eyes with how they interacted so far.

"I doubt that's it..." Ren said, earning everyone's attention. "If he was annoyed, he seems to be the type to admit it and would call us out for our behavior somehow, not just avoid us. I think he's looking to understand why they took Jaune to that world as part of their deal. To understand what the God of Light and the other world's God is thinking."

"I mean that does make more sense, he even seemed to like talking to us at times when watching those memories of his." Nora brings up, recalling how the God of Darkness had some nice things to say. Like how he enjoyed Yang's pun and how she hit Adam with her bike.

"I have to agree with Ren on this..." Weiss brings up, everyone looks at her to see her with a hand under her chin in thought. "We all know that Jaune is certainly skilled enough to handle a good deal of these things himself and I think arguably Claire could too, but not as easily. What I am wondering is what happened to make the deities feel Jaune needs to be there as a counter measure..."

"I wonder the same...why would the gods need my brother to fight on some other world if Claire looked capable of winning her own fights..." Saphron agrees, curious and dreading what they expect Jaune to fight against to protect the world they sent him to.

"If I was to guess...there must be something in that world that would be too much for trained humans without aura to fight against." Ozpin suggested with a hand under his chin in thought.

"You really think such a being is there?" Blake asks her former headmaster, feeling there might be a chance that was the case, but had yet to see one from those zombies. The Lickers could give them a hard time, but she doubt that those creatures would be it alone.

"I have to agree with Ozpin on that..." Madonna Arc stated with a grim frown on her face as she thought it over. "Whenever you needed a Huntsman or Huntress, you always get one appropriate for the level of the mission, no asks mere students to handle work that a professional Huntsman or Huntress should be doing.

"Mom?" Saphron asks in shock that her mother agrees with what Ozpin is thinking.

"Think about it, dear. Despite not being one yourself, you know that it'd be a waste of time to send someone who wasn't able to handle the mission." Madonna Arc told her daughter.

"No offense to you, Ozpin, but didn't the brothers already prove to be questionable in judgment by leaving you alone to handle your mission to save Remnant from Salem, who is immortal thanks to them, with no back up?" Nora asks, not feeling very confident in the God of Light involving Jaune in this.

Ozpin felt a small flash of resentment at this, before reluctantly sighing in exhaustion to show how tired the fight has made him. "It's not ideal, Ms. Valkyrie, but I have to finish this now that I'm the one they put on this mission. Just as Jaune is probably stuck with whatever mission they have for him and will have to make the best of it. Because they deemed him perfect for it as the God of Light deemed me perfect for this mission."

With his piece said, Ozpin began to wonder on what the God of Light could be thinking of sending one of his students to this world without any word of warning, at least he was told not to seek comfort from Salem, despite how vague and confusing that was. Jaune never even got that before he was thrust into this, he never even had a choice.

He hoped the God of Darkness would tell them the reason why this is sooner than later, either through the memories he is letting them see or afterwords. As much as he follows them, he doesn't like not knowing what Jaune is in for.


A library was seen entirely empty as the darkness of the night fully set in, not a soul in sight. Only the odd shifting of the shadows, before those shadows rose up to take form of a man with a purple glow to his body with goat horns on his head, but nothing else could be discerned about him, only instead of being his normal size he shrunk himself to be about an average 5'9 to avoid having to bend down as he walks through the library.

"For all the differences these humans that we created have on their respective worlds, they seem to have many similarities. Their need to gather knowledge thankfully one of them." The God of Darkness mused to himself as he looked over the titles as he passed them, trying to decide if he should check another book to "mysteriously disappear" for a little while as he looks for answers. This book on cryptids was certainly strange, but doesn't seem like why they would take Jaune...He did notice some of his Grimm are similar to them though.

"I'm afraid you won't find the information you seek in that book either, God of Darkness." A calm and peaceful voice, one that could be called "Angelic" reached the God of Darkness's ears as he turned his head to see a man in all white robe standing behind him, the man has blue eyes and blonde hair that was neatly combed looking at him in understanding and kindness.

"One of HIS angels I take it, which one are you?" The God of Darkness states before asking, not surprised at all that he would be getting a visit from that deity's servants.

'Though puppet would be a more fitting title for them, no true will of their own after all. Just blindly following his to the letter.' The God of Darkness thought in both annoyance and some sympathy for the being before him, while he wanted respect and others to follow his way of thinking, he knew he can't force the humanity both his brother and himself had made together to do it. At most he could only hope for them to be civil with him and hope they'd worship him on their own terms.

He thought he had that once too...till he learned she was tricking him to revive Ozma after the God of Light turned her down. He should have known that was a pipe dream, though at least he has a little respect from his current guests. Despite they most likely hate him more than respect him, he's learned to accept that as a simple fact of life for who and WHAT he is.

"I am Micheal, I have a message from God for you." The Angel responds curtly, but oddly patient with a smile to the God of Darkness's taste, he knew these beings didn't much like him, nor their god, but to be fair their first meeting was not that great either...

"A message? He's not telling me I am forbidden to step foot here is he?" The God of Darkness asks, feeling cautious and a growing sense of anger if that is the case. But holds it off until he gets confirmation. No reason to bite someone's head off for no reason after all...

"Hardly the case, but rather he wants to let you know that if you are willing to apologize for your rather rude first encounter with our Lord. He will be willing to talk to you more about why Jaune is here." Micheal informs him, making the God of Darkness clench a fist. Apologizing? A part of him would admit he was a little rude, but what did this god expect? His brother made a deal with this deity behind his back and took one of THEIR creations without so much as a word to him about it before hand! He had every right to be angry and demand answers from them! might be a good idea to keep it in mind if he can't find the answers himself for now. He had some pride as a fellow creator after all and he was not going to act like he was the only one in the wrong here, not when his brother is the one going behind his back repeatedly.

"Tell your Lord, that "I'll keep it in mind", but don't expect me to grovel at his feet any time soon." The God of Darkness said, earning a frustrated sigh and narrowed eyes from the angelic being.

"He doesn't want you to grovel at his feet, you're a fellow god, despite being weaker than our Lord. He is not going to make you do something like that. He's not like you." Micheal told him sternly, not liking how the God of Darkness spoke of his Lord's offer.

"I don't make people grovel at my feet for an apology either, Micheal. Get your facts straight." The Lord of Darkness shot back with some anger.

"Oh no, you don't. But you do snap the neck of the one who angered you and revive them so they get that you are serious about not being disrespected in your own domain." Micheal said making the God of Darkness flinch a bit in surprise he knew that. Which only earned a sigh from Micheal.

"Did you REALLY think just because you took those souls to your domain that our Lord wouldn't know or see what was going on? That he would keep it from us? No, He is truly all powerful and all knowing. WE are his children and he trusts us with everything." Micheal tells him sincerely and full trust in his Lord.

'Only cause your wills are purely to whatever his will is. You all cast your own hearts, wants, and desires aside purely for his own, puppet.' The God of Darkness thinks to himself in some small disgust, but restrains it deep in his own heart. Wanting to focus more on the matter at hand.

"So maybe I haven't been the best host to my guests, they shouldn't try to act like they can judge me in my own domain. Especially when I am going out of my way to tell them what happened to their friend after your Lord let my brother kidnap Jaune to this planet." The God of Darkness replied bitterly, earning a disappointed look from Micheal at this. He could hardly believe one so childish could ever become a deity of any world...then again, there was worse ones out there too.

"That's hardly an excuse to treat them so coldly, but I will spare us both the lecture this time and keep to the facts." Micheal told the God of Darkness with a stern glare that showed how he was not happy with any of this, making the God of Darkness scoff.

"Fine by me, tell me then before I go. Do any of the books here have what I seek?" The God of Darkness asks, putting the book he was about to borrow back in the bookshelf. the Arch Angel shook his head negatively to the question.

"No they don't, that's another reason I was sent. You "borrowing" one book was one thing, but he didn't want you making an entire library of books to disappear as "gifts" for your guests to read in hopes they'll stumble on what made our Lord agree to this deal without you having to check them cover to cover yourself." Micheal told him with a look that said not to bother trying to deny this. The God of Darkness sighed silently, of course their God would have figured out his secret reason for giving them that first book.

It seemed somewhat fair really, he was going out of his way to show them what happened, it wouldn't hurt to see if they could discover the reason this world's deity agreed to this deal. By looking at past events that might have come back to haunt everyone. History has a funny way of catching up to the present and causing lots of headaches.

He knew this from experience.

"I have my guests to entertain then, but I will still be back to continue my own investigation for the truth later." The God of Darkness said vanishing into a flare of Darkness that hid the God of Darkness's form and vanished as he disappeared, back to his domain. The Arch Angel shaking his head as his form was being enveloped in a small flash of light that would have blinded anyone.

"The Lord was right, he is a prideful and childish deity. I pity the poor souls..." The Arch Angel mused to himself as he too left the library, the light dying down to reveal the Library was once more empty and this time not a book was missing.

(God Of Darkness's Domain)

"Anyone know when he's gonna be back? He seems to be taking longer this time?" Saphron asks, not liking being left in this realm of Darkness for so long without something to distract her. The memories at least provided that much for everyone, not that conversing was boring, but sooner or later you start to feel that is not enough to truly distract you.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon, sweetie, rude behavior aside, he is still a deity who summoned us here for a purpose. He won't leave us here forever with nothing to do, he'll either be back to let us know if he has changed his mind or if we are going to continue with whatever purpose he has for us here." Madonna tried to comfort her daughter as a portal of darkness appeared as the God of Darkness walked out to his throne again.

"Apologies for being late, I had an unexpected guest I needed to talk to during my investigation into this deal my brother and the god of that world about Jaune." The God of Darkness apologies with not much regret, but enough to show he didn't like being gone for so long. Making those gathered to perk up in interest and hope.

"What did you find out?! Did you learn why they took Jaune?!" Ruby happily asks with hope in her bright silver eyes that reminded the God of Darkness of those little creatures his brother made, puppies if he remember the term correctly.

"I think if he did he would have said he found the answer..." Maria told Ruby who pouts at what the old legend said. "But what did you find out anything, may I ask what you learned?"

"Sharp one for someone your age, glad to see it hasn't hampered your mind. Sadly, I still haven't found enough to satisfy my curiosity to all of this." The God of Darkness said, not wanting to out right say he found nothing, but willing to admit he is still continuing his investigation.

"So you didn't find anything useful?" Yang carefully asks to avoid angering the deity who sighed at this behavior, realizing now why the angel called him out on his earlier behavior.

"Look, you don't need to step on egg shells with me all the time. Just no disrespect to me in my own domain got it, no challenging my authority, or acting like you can order me around. Can we keep this simple?" The God of Darkness says, earning many sighs of relief from his guests. If he had eyebrows he knew they'd be twitching at the puppet being right, but let the matter drop in favor of continuing to show them the truth as he promised them.

"Thanks, we can agree to that." Only to pause for a second at what Ruby told him, looking at her in surprise to see her...smiling at him? She wasn't even the only one, most of the younger ones of his guests seems a bit more friendly and open now. Not Qrow, who was understandably wary of him still, but even he seemed to relax a bit now, while the old wizard seemed thankful if the small relieved smile on his face meant anything.

"...You're welcome, now let us continue with my memories of that night where we left off. Shall we?" The God of Darkness said, not used to people smiling to him or being grateful to him much. However he was glad his guests was slowly getting comfortable with him again. Channeling his power to the portal as he sat down on his throne to let the memories play before them once more.

Chapter 5

The Lost Girl

(Location: Underground Passageway below Raccoon City Police Station Raccoon City Arklay County midwestern USA)

"The Lost Girl? Does Jaune meet another survivor?!" Nora asks shocked at the title the God of Darkness gave this set of memories. Now worried about this new possible survivor.

"Does he save her? How old is she?" Ruby follows up without missing a beat as her own concern grew.

"Quiet down and watch, I'm not spoiling what you will see on these memories." The God of Darkness said calmly, internally he was a little unsure how to broach this subject tactfully without spoiling how close Jaune has become to the girl. Or the fact that Jaune might very well be starting a family with Claire in the future in more than one way. No way in hell was he going to be the one to show or tell them about what he saw that night or spoil the bonding moments Jaune had with the girl. They'd have to wait to see how close Jaune gets as the memories progress.

Seeing the God of Darkness wasn't going to tell them anything made Ruby and Nora huff with a pout. Ren, Summer, and Yang all smiled at how cute they was being. Ren patting Nora's hand to calm down his girlfriend, while Yang and Summer gave a sisterly hug with one arm and a pat to Ruby respectively. This worked to calm the two girls as everyone settled in for the next set of memories.

After saying their goodbyes to Marvin. Jaune and Claire entered the secret passage, once it was closed down. They climbed a short staircase leading to a big office. The Arc was surprised by the sight. The place looks very clean, as if someone has been coming here recently. Maybe it wasn't the first time someone had used the passage. There was a big desk with many books on it, a plenty of bookshelves, a silver carriage with more books, a fire hydrant with a sign above it showing to put a valve on it, he didn't understand. Are they supposed to find another one? Pushing the thought aside, Jaune saw a small round table with a round sphere. Jaune took a good look at it, he was able to see the United States in it. Blue eyes widened, this must be a map of this world. There were so many places, definitely bigger than Remnant, he could stare at it forever and study it. A wooden table with two medium sized statues. One was a unicorn and the other a lion.

"Man, talk about scenery change. This room is WAY nicer than the whole police department." Yang said, surprised at how well kept the room is in comparison.

"Yes, a bit too clean. Jaune is right to suspect someone might have used it before they did." Qrow brings up as he narrowed his eyes over the room Jaune and Claire are in.

"I wonder why that room has so many books...A private study for someone perhaps?" Weiss wonders, considering it was supposed to be a secret entrance that leads out of the Police Station to the Garage, the private study like set up for the room seemed illogical. She knew a private study when she saw it, having seen her father's own study in the past.

"They do have that library in the Police Station, but I understand where you are coming from." Ren said in agreement to Weiss, finding it odd himself.

Another table on the other side with a small model of a familiar building. It looked like the Police Station. There was some flame rounds next to it, so Claire took them. It was a nice and cozy place, for being underground. The Arc didn't mind staying here for a little longer. His eyes were on the blue globe again, a map of this world. Who knows he was going to be here, so might as well use his time to learn of other places. Sure, this wasn't the right time, but another look wasn't going to hurt. The brunette was also taking her time looking around. There was an entrance in the office going further. The blond huntsman gazed at it and there was an elevator. He wondered if it will take them up or down. If they were underground, chances were high it will be down. Maybe he should ask Claire if he can take the world globe. He wasn't good in his studies and his grades were average, but when he is interested in something. He will learn it no matter what.

"Don't I know it, he ran away from home to learn the skills needed to become a Huntsman at Beacon." Madonna said with a glare that promised retribution for worrying his family like that.

"Now calm down, mom. It's mostly worked out for the better, he met good friends and became a good leader who is respected by his teammates. Surely that shows he has potential as a Huntsman." Saphron tries to defend her brother's actions, while she was worried, she was truly proud of her little brother for getting in Beacon and becoming a leader of his team.

"And look where that got him, stuck in another world with only a civilian without aura to back him up on a mission from the God of Light he knows nothing about. He could have died multiple times from his lack of knowledge when he sneaked out to join Beacon. He didn't even know what aura was!" Madonna stressed to her daughter, not happy about this at all.

"Wait, he didn't know about aura? How did he get in?" Weiss asks surprised at this, that sounded like a major slip up to let in a student who didn't even know the basics of being a hunter. Everyone looked at Ozpin who sighed at the attention now on him now, their gazes demanding an answer.

Especially the Arc Matriarch who he swore was trying to peer into his soul for answers.

"Yes, I knew Jaune never had the proper education and let him take the test to prove himself." Ozpin admits as Madonna's gaze hardened.

"Why? Was it because he is an Arc? He wasn't ready by a long shot." Madonna demands from Ozpin who gave her a hard stare back.

"I know potential when I see it, Mrs. Arc. Unlike you, I know all he needed was guidance to unlock his potential not only as a leader, but as a true hunter who is willing to put his life on the line to make a difference in this world. To help those who can't help themselves, instead of looking for fame or fortune like certain others do." Ozpin began to explain.

"That is no-" Madonna was about to rage at Ozpin.

"I wasn't finished, Madonna, if you wish to learn anything be silent." Ozpin cut her off with a heavy glare as his own aura flared for a second, making her reluctantly keep silent, but her glare hadn't backed down.

"What most people take for granted, is how easy it is to be courageous when you have all the power and training in the world. Many students are guilty of this mindset and tend to become either arrogant or sadly, shallow in why they choose to fight. Mr. Arc however had none of this and was willing to risk his life for the sake of others. Despite not having any of the power they had or their experience. He was willing to learn and fight for the sake of others, since none of you seemed to give him a chance to prove himself worthy of the training. I gave him that chance and guess what? Mr. Arc surpassed my expectations in showing the natural traits for not only a Huntsman who is meant to protect others, but also a leader who can think of strategies during the pressuring heat of combat to keep his team safe." Ozpin finishes making Madonna growl under her breath a bit before looking back at the portal, refusing to acknowledge Ozpin on his point.

Saphron however mouthed a silent 'thank you' to Ozpin with a grateful smile, who only gave her a small smile and a nod in return.

'He never had training and Ozpin let him in? To prove himself? I can't...why would he do that?' Weiss tried to understand why Ozpin would take such a gamble. Part of her felt pissed that someone with no training got into such prestigious school like Beacon, where she had to work her ass off learning and training to get where she is. But then remembered all the progress Jaune had made and how he saved Cardin from the Ursa, despite being bullied by him.

'Maybe...Was that why? Did Ozpin see his heart that wants to protect others? I'll admit he is more of a hunter at heart than Cardin was. But still...' Weiss truly felt conflicted as she considered this and Ozpin's words to Madonna.

'Now that I think about it. Who would ever believe such a thing as another world? If I tell this to the others, they will never believe me.' Jaune thought to himself with a small bitter smile at the thought of it, it was all so crazy. If he told them it would sound like he had the craziest nightmare of all time and they'd wave it off in a heartbeat.

"I hate to say it, but vomit boy is right about that..." Yang spoke up earning looks from everyone. "What? If not for us being shown these memories from THE God of Darkness, I wouldn't have believed this ever happened, would you?"

At this many looked sheepish as they couldn't bring themselves to deny her claim, even Ruby found herself hard pressed to say she'd believe such a thing happened without proof.

"I think this place will do." Claire's voice cuts Jaune out of his train of thought.

It did the same to everyone else as they looked up to the portal again.

"How will the place do?" Summer inquired curiously.

"Hm..." He turned to her, who was smiling.

"To teach you how to use a gun." Claire clarified to her friend.

"What? Claire, I don't think we don't have time for a lesson. I said I'm fine the way I am." Jaune tried to argue with her.

"You need to learn Jaune. You can't always rely on your sword and shield. Learning about firearms will help you get through this. I'm not going to wait until something bad happens that forces you to use a gun." Claire shot back stubbornly, she and Jaune stared each other down for a few seconds before Jaune finally sighed seeing she wasn't going to budge from this.

"Okay, I get it. I don't like it, but you're right. And so is Marvin. I'm willing to give this a chance, for him..." Jaune reluctantly agrees, feeling he owed the cop who gave them a chance to escape.

"Good, he will need to know how to use a gun to better protect himself." Ren said, smiling in pride Jaune was finally opening up to learn about it. As a gunner of the team, he knew how useful a firearm could be when needing distance from dangerous foes.

"I still would have made a better teacher for how to use guns..." Ruby mumbles quietly, miffed that Jaune was learning from Claire and not her.

"Great, let's get started." She took the handgun from his pocket. "First, are the basics. This small leaver you see in the handle is the safety mechanism. Right now it's on, so you can't fire it. Just lower it like this and now the gun is armed and ready, or hot. That's what my brother said." Claire told him showing him how the safety works on the gun.

"He's the one who taught you to use a gun?" Jaune asks Claire, watching her carefully to memorize what she is showing him.

"Yeah, he wanted me to learn everything. From using weapons to self defense. He can be a bit paranoid at times, not that I'm complaining. I'm glad he did." Claire said smiling at the memories of him teaching her everything he could to help her learn to defend herself better than most civilians.

"You did say he was a cop or a member of that S.T.A.R.S. group. And I think he taught you because he worries about you."

"More like he's overprotective, that's the better term. Okay," she handed him the gun. "now show me what you've learned so far."

"I guess Claire and I do have somethings in common..." Ruby admits, knowing how overprotective Yang could be, despite how annoying it is, Ruby truly loves her sister too. Much like she can see Claire does for Chris.

"Ruby! I am not overprotective!" Yang tried to protest, only to get three deadpan stares in response from her three teammates.

"Yang, need I remind you of how you threatened Jaune not to try anything funny with your sister or you'd send him flying into Emerald Forest with a semblance empowered punch up his ass?" Blake told Yang, earning shocked looks from Ren, Nora, and Ruby.

While Qrow grinned and Summer glared at her eldest daughter of the family.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Ruby screeched, glaring daggers at Yang for trying to scare him off.

"Yang Xiao Long, that was not a nice thing to do!" Summer scolds Yang who finds herself sinking into her seat a bit and mentally cursing Blake for mentioning that to not only Ruby, but her mom as well!

"Nice one, Firecracker!" Qrow gave her a well deserved complement, which made all the more glad he is sitting next to Ozpin and NOT near Summer and Ruby who was glaring daggers at him now. Yang meanwhile was glad someone understood her need to protect her sister!

"Qrow, don't encourage this!"

"Yeah, it's my love life!"

The God of Darkness couldn't help the small grin on his face as he watched this interaction. He almost forgot how amusing humans and faunus could be when they wanted to be.

"Would you all be quiet! I want to find out what happened to my son!" Madonna screamed making everyone shut up and shamefully quiet as they turned back to the viewing portal. As the Arc Matriarch huffed in annoyance.

"About damn time, I was worried I was going to need hearing aids if that kept up." Maria said putting a finger in her right ear and twisting it a bit, before snapping her fingers near it. Wanting to be sure her hearing was still working.

"The safety mechanism, on and off." Jaune said, showing how to set the safety on the gun handle to on and off positions. Just the way she taught him to, making Claire nod with a smile.

"Good job, usually you should always have the safety on at all times. But since we're in a zombie outbreak. It will be better to have it off every time. Now we can proceed to the next step. Aiming and shooting. First, show me how you would hold it if we were surrounded by zombies."

"Normally I would get on her about the dangers of keeping the safety off, but I can see why she wants the safety off at all times during a zombie outbreak." Ruby reluctantly had to give to Claire, if she was there she would be keeping her baby ready for action at a moment's notice.

"Agreed." Blake and Ren both say at the same time, knowing how Ruby felt about that. Especially when one of your teammates is either a berserker who snaps anytime someone messes with their hair or a very eccentric Valkyrie with a love for pancakes, who gets supercharged on electricity and has a thing for explosive weapons.

That was going to be tricky. He had seen Ruby handle Crescent Rose. Shooting the rifle feature to push her body using a charge, Blake using Gambol Shroud, Weiss firing from Myrtenaster, Yang's Ember Celica, Nora's Magnhild in grenade launcher mode, Ren's Storm Flower, even Emerld's weapons in twin pistols mode. But those weren't ordinary weapons. He was just holding an old fashioned gun. Now that he thought about it, the ammunition, it definitely wasn't dust. New world, no dust, and probably no lien either. But he has seen Claire using her gun, so imitate her hold of it. In return the brunette smiled. That was a good sign he did it right. Yep, another step passed with flying colors. At least that was what he thought.

"Nice try. But you got it wrong."

"What are you talking about? That's how YOU hold your gun."

"Yes, but I'm experienced, you're not. You're supposed to hold it with both hands. I can hold the flashlight and shoot at the same time because I already know how to hold a weapon. A rookie like you needs to properly hold it. You don't want it to fall out of your hands, causing it to fire and hit someone accidentally. Like yourself." Claire explains patiently, a bit proud he was trying to mimic her style, but knew that was dangerous for someone new to guns.

"She is right, when I was first learning how to use Gambol Shroud I had to hold it with two hands when firing." Blake mentions, recalling her early days of learning to use a gun.

"The recoil can sometimes make the gun slip your hands if you aren't careful, it took me a while to get good enough to use my Storm Flower over using one gun that I had to hold with two hands." Ren agreed with Blake with a nod of his head.

"Reminds me of James and when he uses his pistols." Ozpin notes with a bemused smile, the man was truly a skilled marksmen with his two pistols.

"I think if we were surrounded by zombies, I would be their meal by now if I was using a gun," the blond gave a sigh.

"That's why I'm teaching you. Now let me show you how."

Jaune nodded as Claire went behind him. Her arms touching his, holding his hands and his gun. He felt his cheeks reddening at the touch. For someone tough like the Redfield, her hands are very soft.

Ruby felt her a small bit of jealousy in her heart at how Jaune was reacting to Claire's touch. That could have been her holding Jaune's hand as she taught him how to use a gun! The thought soon had Ruby blushing as she pouted in frustration, continuing to watch in silence.

"That's how you hold it. Now, let's aim. Let us find a target."

Guiding him, they were pointing at one of the white statues on the table. The unicorn one to be precise.

"Claire, are you sure we should be shooting something here? This office might belong to someone else and it's too clean, like it's been recently used." Jaune asks in some concern.

"So Jaune noticed it too, but why would he worry about who it might belong to?" Yang asks, that sure wouldn't stop her from training herself to learn to use a gun if she was in his shoes.

"He has some common decency, you brute. You don't go wrecking others offices like that, especially without permission." Weiss scolded her teammate with a glare that Yang waved off.

"You worry too much, Ice Queen. For all we know the office might belong to someone who started that mess. Plus he needs a safe environment to train to get the basics for the handgun down, can't think of anywhere safer than that office." Yang argues her point, Weiss tries to retort against it, but finds Yang was...not exactly wrong. Ugh, she felt a headache coming to her from how wrong that sounded in her head that the brute had a point.

"You're right, let's use you as a target."


"I'm kidding you dork," the smile was present on her lips. "Forget about anything here. Try and shoot that unicorn. Keep both of your eyes open, pull the trigger when you're ready. One important rule, don't hesitate. If you have it in your sight, fire away. Don't think it too much."

Jaune did as told, gazing at the unicorn statue, focusing. The gun was pointed right at it, guided by the brunette's hands. Her words were on his mind, no hesitation, no thinking too much. So, he took the shot. He pulled the trigger, in result, the unicorn statue shattered to pieces. Blue eyes widened, he actually did it. Claire's hands left as he lowered his gun.

"I...I did it..."

"Not that hard, right?" She smiled again.

"I don't think so. If I practice enough, I'll get better."

"Practice makes perfect. Go ahead, see if you can hit the other one." Claire encourages Jaune as she gestures to the other statue.

The Arc nodded, moving the gun slowly until he was aiming right at the lion statue. Following the brunette's advice he did everything he remembers. It was on his sight, so he pulled the trigger and hit the corner of the statue, causing a small break. The blond sighed putting the weapon down.

"Poor Jaune, his first shot was good, but the second was a bit wide..." Ruby said feeling both proud of him and sympathetic of his second attempt.

"Not everyone gets their first shot on their own right, it takes time for some people." Summer coins in with understanding as she pats her daughter's head gently.

"You can't expect to hit on the first try on your own. But I'd say, you did good. You were able to hit it." Claire genuinely complements Jaune on his attempt.

"I guess. I didn't miss it completely and hit something else."

"We'll continue this later. Your aim will get better, I know it."

"Thanks for teaching me, Claire. You're a great teacher. Everything you said really helped." Jaune thanks her sincerely, glad for her help and guidance.

"That's how my brother taught me." Claire told him with a nostalgic smile.

"Still angry with him?"

"I am. But it will never change how I feel about him. He better come back, or I will go to Paris and drag his ass back." Claire told him, a resolute steel in her eyes that Jaune recognized. From the same look his friends had when they first started their journey to Haven and when planning to sneak into Atlas on a stolen Airship.

"Oh yeah, Claire and I would get along just fine." Yang smirks, knowing she would be the same way in Claire's shoes if Ruby ever goes off on her own on a dangerous mission again.

"You aren't the only one." Qrow said, making Ruby groan at how overprotective her family is. But stayed silent as she knew she did have trouble when she and what remained of Jaune's team went to Mistral searching for Haven Academy.

Seems she might never live that one down.

'Like I said, wouldn't want to be in Chris's shoes.' Jaune thinks warily, feeling very grateful her ire isn't toward him.

"Should we get going?"

"Yeah, we spent too much time here already."

They went to the new door, pressing a button on the elevator. They entered as it opened, the doors closing shortly after they was inside the elevator. The elevator goes down.

"Something has been bothering me for a while about your name, Jaune."

"Like what?"

"Are you by chance a descendent of Jeanne D' Arc?"

"Who?" The blond had no idea, no one from his family is named like that.

"Thought so, never mind."

"No, seriously. Who is she?"

"Read some history books and find out."

"Man, Claire is really digging, not that I can blame her." Saphron said, knowing why Claire would be curious if Jaune was related to this Jeanne D' Arc. Just the last name alone would make anyone curious.

"Jaune needs to choose his answers more carefully, not that it will help much. She's already suspicious of him and he's given nothing to sway her to believe his statements yet." Ozpin says, feeling both glad it's not him having to deal with this and yet truly sympathetic for Jaune being the one stuck in this mess because the God of Light making this Jaune's mission.

Like everyone else here, Ozpin really hoped to get some answers soon, it wasn't easy watching one of his students endure so much and no know WHY he was sent there.

The elevator finally reached the designated floor. Jaune guessed they were probably at the bottom floor of the passage. Claire volunteered to use the flashlight because it was dark. Climbing more stairs down. They took a path to the right, nothing construction stuff among other things that weren't useful. The brunette picked up something showing it to him. The Arc was able to tell it was a hand grenade, but it looked like a very old model. He has seen the ones from remnant are more tech-wise.

"Oobleck would definitely love to have seen this..." Ozpin muses softly, making Qrow nod in agreement.

"He's not the only one..." Qrow says eying his youngest niece as she had a familiar gleam to them as she saw the grenade. It also didn't help he spotted Nora grinning and Ren giving her a wary look.

Guess this world was a little behind when it comes to technology. After taking the grenade they went back up, taking the path to the right. Thankfully, it wasn't dark. The sound of steam hissing nearby caught their ears. There were many pipes all around. There was a path with iron pads and railings. Both heard footsteps coming from above, they saw someone running past them.

"You saw that?"

"Looks like we're not alone down here," nodded the Redfield.

"That person looked small...a child perhaps?" Maria says as her cybernetic eyes narrowed a bit, it was quick, so she couldn't get a good look, but the sound of those footsteps was light and hasty. Too light for an adult in her mind.

"It must be the "lost child" this set of memories was hinting toward." Weiss said, feeling sorry for the poor child already and worried, why was the child running? Was one of those zombies after them?

It was hard to tell the person because they weren't able to get a good look. But judging from the light footsteps, it was probably someone small. The duo kept going straight reaching more machines and pipes. There was a door on the left side, before taking the other way. They needed to investigate everywhere. Jaune knew leaving the police station wasn't going to be easy after seeing this. It was like a maze, nothing was easy when you're experiencing a zombie outbreak. And suddenly the blond huntsman had this bad feeling. So bad, he could feel a shiver down his spine. The hair on his arms were probably straight up. Why was he feeling this? Because everything was good so far. In the Living Dead, when things are going according to plan, something always happens to ruin it. Something very bad. This wasn't any different, so he had a right to be worried.

"Trust your instincts, son, those survival instincts warn you for a reason." Madonna said softly as Saphron hugged her mother close, both to comfort her and receive comfort as they two Arcs worried for Jaune's safety.

They weren't out of the clearing yet. Not until they leave the city. There was a metal locker blocking their path, so Jaune volunteered to move it out of the way. As he grabbed it, that bad feeling was getting worse. Why does this have to happen? He was hoping that another Licker doesn't show up. The blond would rather fight zombies than those freaks. Showing their bones, brains, and other body parts. Not to mention they were fast and strong. If it weren't for his shield and armor, he would be in big trouble. Good thing Claire was there to blast to hell with her grenade launcher. She was truly awesome. Strong, tough, nice, and a good looker to boot.

'I'm all of those things too...' Ruby thought with a twitching eyebrow, but stayed silent for now. Her heart aching that Claire was being praised so highly in his thoughts.

'Claire's definitely made a good impression on Fearless Leader.' Nora thinks with a mischievous grin on her face.

Well, it was true, she is attractive. But someone cool like her must have a boyfriend. The Arc erased his thoughts. Why was he thinking that when his bad feeling hasn't gone away? Focusing on the metal locker, it was too heavy, he tried a couple of times, but it wasn't working.

"Damn, it won't budge."

The blond heard someone near, "Claire, hand me the flashlight."

The brunette did as told. Jaune pointed it in the same place where the metal locker was in the way. There was someone here maybe, it was the same person running above them.

"Who's there?"

Everyone except the God of Darkness leaned forward in their seats closer to the portal, making the deity silently chuckle at how eager they are to learn about the child Jaune is to meet.

The person emerged from a pile of boxes. It was a girl around seven or eight years of age. With short blond hair and two short bangs on each side, blue eyes, she had a bracelet on her right arm, and was wearing a blue blouse. The Arc couldn't believe as he looked at her. She resembled his youngest sister, she was probably the same age too. The girl was terrified. Wait, was she here this entire time? A small girl, all alone in the middle of this outbreak? The blond huntsman signaled Claire to get closer and have a look, she was surprised seeing the girl. The brunette came to the conclusion she was the one running above them. But the big question, why was she running? From who was she running? It didn't seem there were zombies down here.

Team RWBY, Ren, Nora, Maria, Oscar, Ozpin, Qrow, Madonna, Saphron, and Summer all felt their hearts go out to the poor child they saw before Jaune hidden away behind the locker.

"Oh really does look like our youngest sister." Saphron said with a hand over her mouth at seeing the poor child looking so scared. She would have hugged her and comforted her in a heartbeat if she could.

"I know sweetie...I know..." Madonna said fighting every instinct to rush the portal and hug the child close, knowing it was only a portal to view memories. Meaning this whole thing has come and gone, she knew this logically, but her emotions and motherly instincts were demanding she comfort and protect the child.

"Where are her parents?" Yang immediately asks, feeling very worried for the poor child. It felt like seeing Ruby as a little kid when she gets lost all over again...and eerily like seeing a younger version of herself due to the hair color. Her big sister instincts demanding to help the child.

"They might be zombies for all we know...poor dear." Maria said, fearing the worst. Hell with how bad the city has become she wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

"I hope not..." Oscar said with a grimace as he looks at the child in sympathy and worry.

"No child should be left alone in such a disaster..."Summer said, holding her two baby girls close, feeling the need to hold them close and keep them safe as she saw how terrified the child is. Much to their embarrassment as they squirmed in her grip at first, before her words registered to them and they hugged her.

"Agreed..." Ozpin said with worry and sorrow, remembering the daughters he once had so long ago. He would never let them be caught up in something like this if he could help it. Especially not alone.

"We're fine, mom, we're here. We're safe and strong enough to protect each other." Ruby tries to comfort her mom who is clearly disturbed by what she is seeing, not that anyone could blame her.

"It's okay, we're not going to hurt you," Jaune said.

"What are you doing here? We can help you." Claire told the girl with concern.

"Take my hand," said the blond. "I promise we will get you to a safe place."

Jaune's friends couldn't help smiling softly at the scene of Jaune offering his hand to the child. He always was good with kids and honestly showed qualities of being a good dad someday. Especially to Ruby who secretly wondered what it would be like having such a family.

A secret dream that will have to remain as such if Jaune can't come back like everyone seems to believe and keep telling her is possible. She knows it is a possibility, but a part of her still hopes for a life with him in the future.

"You two...need help..." She replied in a whisper.

"Wait...what does she mean by that?" Oscar asks, fearing he already knew the answer.

"What?" Claire asks

"You two need help," she replies a little louder.

"Why would you say that?" The Arc asks her.

The little girl pointed. "He's right behind you."

"Not good." Yang said as she felt shivers now, she always hated those moments some threat was standing behind you and you never noticed until it was too late. Much like the time she was trying to tamper with Ozpin's coffee for a prank, but got caught by Goodwitch. She even got a week's detention for it!

"Protect them, Jaune!" Ruby shouts, having faith in Jaune being able to fight off whatever was daring to scare that poor girl and sneak up on them.

The God of Darkness considered pointing out these are only memories, but decided to let them have their moment. It was rather cute seeing Ruby cheer on Jaune like he could actually hear her at the moment. Like those kids who listen to bedtime stories, silently cheering on the heroes in hopes of encouraging them to win, despite the fact the story is already written.

Jaune felt another shiver run down his spine, as he felt something was behind him and Claire. Something big and probably scary. The blond quickly drew his weapons as the brunette followed taking her grenade launcher. Both were in shock. Honestly they were expecting a zombie, a dog heck, even a licker. But definitely not what they were staring at now. It was another creature, one they have never seen before. It attacked them, but they dodged, breaking one of the iron floors. It took a huge metal pipe as the two fell off to the floor below. Jaune helped Claire up as the creature jumped down before them. It wasn't human, yet there was a half of it that had an actual human part and an arm. A blond man with blue eyes. Did this thing use to be human? It's large mutated arm and a big yellow eye on it's left shoulder. It started swinging the big pipe around. Getting hit by that will hurt. The Arc started looking at his surroundings. Looking for the best way to fight this thing.

"What...the that?" Saphron asks in horror, this thing looked like an abomination to anything human.

"Could this be because of Umbrella too? Some sort of human experiment?" Blake asks in fear, remembering everything they learned of Umbrella making zombies out of people and creating B.O.W.s in the past.

'Close, but not quite young Belladonna...' The God of Darkness thinks to himself, not wanting to spoil the origins of that...creature. For lack of a better term of what to call him in that state.

"Kick it's ass, Jaune! Break it's weak legs!" Nora cheered Jaune on, a manic grin on her face as she wanted to do JUST that herself.

"Be careful, Jaune..." Madonna said, fearing for his safety against that...thing.

"Words ain't going to cut it with this freak..."

"Has words actually work on the other things we've fought so far?"

"Good point."

Claire was about to fire, but she realized she needed to reload her grenade launcher. Jaune took the time to try and get behind the creature, slashing it's back. The brunette didn't waste time reloading and using her gun. It was staggered for a moment. It may look big and hideous, but at least they knew it could be hurt. So maybe it could be killed too. The brunette reloads her gun, while the blond huntsman kept slashing at it from its back. The thing lunged it's pipe as he quickly readied his shield. It sent him far away. This shocked the Arc, so it was strong after all!

"Holy shit, that thing is strong enough to send him knock him away like that?!" Yang said in surprise, seeing against such a beast she would need to use her semblance to overpower it.

Ozpin, Qrow, Summer, Maria, and Madonna all narrowed their eyes at the beast that Jaune and Claire was fighting.

"It would seem Mr. Arc has found a difficult foe, even for all the Grimm's ruthlessness, they wasn't smart enough to use their surroundings for weapons, but this mutated man clearly has the strength and endurance to match some of my students in the first and second years." Ozpin noted with some concern for Jaune's safety.

"Kid's gonna have to use a bit of strategy against this guy, they won't get easy quick kills here." Qrow said hoping Arc came up with something fast against this strong unknown of an enemy. It's best to finish fights fast when dealing with powerful unknown opponents when your a Hunter or a Huntress fighting a criminal or a Grimm you never met before.

Claire kept focusing her firing on it's head. All zombies and lickers are vulnerable on the head. This one was probably no exception. The horrid creature was now roaring in agony and anger, as it charged straight at the brunette dragging it's pipe. Jaune took the opportunity that it was going after his companion, running and stabbing Crocea Mors in it's back.

"This thing's gotta go down." Claire said reloading her gun again.

"It must have a weakness! Keep attacking it on the front and I will continue from the back!" Jaune shouts, as he pulls his blade out from it's back in a hasty dodge roll, before a backhanded swing of the pipe could connect with his head. Rolling to his feet quickly as he readied himself to continue the fight.

Claire nodded, resuming firing her gun at the creature's head. Jaune gasped as it was about to charge the brunette with the large pipe. Using his shield to block the hit, he gave her the chance to avoid and get around it. The Redfield reloaded her gun before moving to the big gun. She took her grenade launcher putting in a new flame round. Maybe fire will kill it? She heard the blond shouting at her, warning her. The creature grabbed her head with it's gross mutated arm before she could even try to avoid it.

"No, Claire!" Ruby gasped in worry, not wanting the woman's head to be crushed.

"Jaune needs to save her, NOW! Without aura her head could be crushed in seconds!" Oscar said fearing the worst.

The brunette instantly retaliated using a flash grenade, while the Arc performed a barrage of attacks from behind. He had to give it credit, it was tougher than it looked. They were harming it, but not enough to put it down for good. The blond was certain by now, this thing must have a weak point. He saw Claire warning him to get back, pointing the grenade launcher. The huntsman ran off as she fired the flame round.

"Burn you abomination!" Nora cheers expecting it to burn down and die from this. Ren however wore a frown on his face as he hoped his leader would win, but something in his gut told him the fight wouldn't end just yet...or so easily.

A feeling shared by the veteran huntsmen and their headmaster as they only narrowed their eyes watching this in silence.

It was on fire and Claire reloaded the weapon quickly, before shooting another round. The freak was hurt and screaming, but it wasn't dying! It couldn't be immortal.

'I hope not...' Team RWBY, Ren, Nora, Oscar, Ozpin, Maria, Qrow, and Summer all thought unknowingly at the same time. Thinking of a certain Queen of the Grimm. Bad enough they had THAT to deal with on their world, but Jaune being left on his own to face a creature that is immortal was not something they'd wish to put on anyone.

Suddenly Jaune threw Claire a hand grenade. He must have found it laying around. Claire threw it while it was still on fire. The explosion staggered it, groaning and falling on one knee. Jaune regrouped with her. They needed to think of something, because if they can't kill this thing. It will only be wasting ammo and they still weren't out of the city yet! The Arc decided to change his weapon. Fusing the shield with Crocea Mors turning it into it's Great Sword mode. This surprise Claire a lot, not expecting his weapon could do that.

'Now THAT is a sword.' Ruby thought with a grin admiring the beauty of his weapon, with it's wider and longer blade for more power in his swings. Katanas were good, but that sword she likes...And she is not being biased on this. Nope. Not at all.

Usually they will attack now that now that it didn't seem like it was a threat. That's when on it's shoulder, the giant eye opened. It was that obvious, why couldn't he figure it out before? The weak point was right in their faces this entire time!

"Claire! Aim for the eye!" Jaune orders as Claire instantly understood his line of thought.

The brunette shot her gun right in the big eye on it's left shoulder. The creature screamed in pain. The Arc followed stabbing it, making it staggered again, but the eye closed. At least they knew now what it's weak point was and how to beat it. Head shots hurt it and with enough hits, the eye will eventually open again. The Redfield told the blond to take cover as she changed to her grenade launcher. Hitting this thing hard will make the eye open a lot quicker. The huntsman was able to dodge a strike from the pipe, as Claire fired the flame round. The creature was engulfed in fire making it scream. Jaune swore he heard it say something like "erry", but he wasn't sure. Turning to his companion, she probably heard it too.

Qrow and Ozpin both hearing the scream narrowed their eyes in suspicion, it almost sounded like it was trying to say a name. But why?

It was down on one knee again, Jaune took his chance to strike with a series of combos. Of course, aiming for the head. Then the mutated creature recuperated and was able to hit the blond with the pipe. The Arc hit the ground hard, not having enough time to react and block the attack with his shield. Claire saw that and got pissed, firing more flame rounds at the freak.

"Hell yeah, Claire! Show it no one touches our fearless leader!" Nora cheers on Claire.

"Kick his butt, Claire!" Ruby cheers along, wanting that creature to pay for that attack just as much as Ren and Nora did. Something Summer smiled in a bittersweet manner at seeing, poor girl really did love Jaune...

At this point, she didn't care if she ran out of ammo. It was tough, but she wasn't giving up. Jaune was able to get back up, thanks to his aura that attack didn't hurt him in the least. But it proved it was strong. Without his aura, he might have broken a few bones taking a hit like that. He saw the Redfield reloading her grenade launcher, so he went to get it's attention. The blond hit Crocea Mors in Great Sword mode on the ground a couple of times, making a loud noise. That was enough as the eye creature was swinging the pipe around. Giving the brunette time to finish reloading her guns. She gave the thing hell firing two more shots. Looks like it was over as it dropped the pipe.

"They did it!" Ruby cheers believing they won.

"Don't assume anything, Ruby. This thing isn't like the Grimm." Qrow advises his niece.

"But it dropped it's weapon and look at it! It's shouldn't be able to keep fighting with all that damage!" Yang said supporting Ruby in this.

"Neither should the dead be walking and able to infect other people into being zombies, but clearly that is happening in this world..." Summer supports Qrow's advise for her daughters, both veterans had a bad feeling this thing wasn't finished as it seemed.

An instinct that usually helped experienced huntsmen survive dangerous fights on missions.

A sudden roach shocked both of them as the creature lunged for Claire. Grabbing her by the neck. The Arc charged in stabbing it's arm, but it wasn't hurt. The creature hit him with it's hideous arm, losing Crocea Mors. Blue eyes widened as it planned to kill the brunette, choking her to death. His weapon was on the other side. He could go and get it, but by the time he does, it could be too late.

"Use your gun, Jaune! She needs you!" Blake shouts, hoping he uses it while there is still time. Knowing Claire won't last longer than a few seconds at most against that creature's strength.

Desperate to save her, the blond huntsman took Marvin's handgun. Remembering what the Redfield told him, he held the gun with both arms pointing at the head. No hesitation when the creature was in his sight, and he pulled the trigger. It was a direct head shot as the thing dropped the brunette, she was gasping for air, but she will be fine. The big eye opened again and Jaune's eyes were fixed on it. Another shot, that hit the eye and the creature roared in pain. It walked back, hitting a railing and falling off into the darkness below.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the creature was FINALLY gone. As well as Jaune and Claire being safe, that was too close for comfort.

"Okay...Maybe there IS a reason Jaune was sent there. Cause that thing was tougher than a normal Ursa or an Ursa Major." Yang said, feeling at first it was stupid Jaune alone was sent there with no warning since he could handle zombies and dogs easily. Hell students from Signal Academy could have handled those things once they got past the blood and gore.

But THAT thing...Yeah, it was showing her there would be worse things waiting in Raccoon City for the knight and now she was starting to feel a LITTLE worried. Not a lot, she knew he could handle himself, but...this did make her wonder what else is out there that he will face against.

A thought she was not alone in.

"Agreed, Miss Xiao Long. But I don't think that creature was it on it's own." Ozpin notes as a cup of coffee appeared as he mentally wanted some. Smiling briefly before taking a sip to settle his rising nerves as everyone widened their eyes remembering that feature of this realm. Summoning some drinks or comfort food to settle their nerves too.

A glass of water for most of them to stay hydrated, but Ruby also got a glass of milk and a plate of cookies with it. Yang got a Strawberry Sunrise, Weiss had some cake and milk, Blake Got a tuna sandwich, Nora got pancakes with lots of syrup, Ren got one of his protein drinks, and Maria got more cashews.

"So whatever is out there...Jaune is bound to face it sooner or later." Saphron said in concern after drinking some of her water, while her mother narrowed her eyes at the God of Darkness.

"Excuse me, God of Darkness?" Madonna asks earning his attention on her.

"Yes, Mrs. Arc?" The deity questions, curious what she was to ask.

"I need to know something before we continue...has my son already faced this threat those two deities want him to fight against yet or has he yet to find it?" Madonna asks the God of Darkness who sighed at the question.

"No, I doubt he has from what I have seen. He faced powerful threats that night, but if he had completed his mission than the God of Light would have at least told Jaune so. If not send him back after he was done if Jaune wanted to be sent back." The God of Darkness said to Ruby's alarm and worry, as much as it was for Jaune's family and teammates.

"What do you mean, 'if he wanted to be sent back'? Of course he would want to come back!" Ruby demands of the God of Darkness, which Ren and Nora both nod in agreement with Ruby to support her. The God of Darkness gave her a look she couldn't read for a few seconds before shaking his head slowly.

"You will find out later, for now, keep watching. There is more to see and only THEN will you understand fully." The God of Darkness said as the portal started playing his memories again and everyone reluctantly turns to face it in their seats. Fear dwelling in the hearts of some of Jaune's friends at the cryptic message the God of Darkness gave them.

'That...did it,' he was shocked still holding his handgun.

Claire walked over to the railing, it was too dark. Leaving Claire unable to see what happened to that thing.

"Is it dead?" Jaune questions warily.

"Let's hope so. Wouldn't want to face it again. Not bad Jaune." Claire gave Jaune a relieved, but proud smile.

"Yeah, I was able to hit a head shot and the eye." Jaune replied, feeling proud of himself.

"I'd say your learning quicker than I thought."

"I have a great teacher," he smiled at her now.

"Don't push your luck," Claire turned her head away, as her cheeks got a little red from the complement.

'I could have taught him better if he just told me he wanted to learn to use a gun...' Ruby thought feeling annoyed and maybe, just a wee little bit jealous of Claire getting such praise.

Putting the gun back on his pocket, the blond huntsman picked up Crocea Mors. Marvin was right and so was his female companion. He can't always rely on his sword. This outbreak was completely different than his journey as a huntsman. Fighting zombies who were once human and maybe, that thing too. If it wasn't because he was taught how to use a firearm, just now. Claire would probably be dead by that creature. Guess there was plenty of time to learn something new. The blond can still improve and get better, he knew that. The weapons were old models or as Ruby calls them, the classics.

This made Ruby beam in pride at Jaune knowing her so well and thinking of her. While her team shared a knowing smirk at how much of a weapons nerd she is.

But they were reliable in this world. Undoing his Great Sword mode and sheathing Crocea Mors, putting it on his waist. He follows the brunette further as there stood a ladder. But it wasn't activated. They needed it, if they wanted to proceed. There was only one person that can help them right now.

"Hey! Little girl...?!"

"The monster is gone, you're safe now!" the blond huntsman said in support, trying to coax the girl to come and help them.

"We're not going to hurt you. Please, we could really use your help."

"She's obviously scared," followed the Arc.

"Can't say I blame her, who knows how long that monster has been chasing her or what she has seen being left alone in the city of the dead?" Weiss said feeling for the poor child. She knows as a kid she would be terrified and begging for her big sister to save her.

The girl had suddenly emerged from the top floor next to the ladder. Jaune was able to take a good look at her attire. Blue ribbon, a square jacket with the colors blue, light blue, white, and dark blue, as well as a short sleeved white blouse. Blue shorts that reached below her knees with dark blue socks and white sneakers. It looked like a school uniform. Remembering the uniform from Beacon. He was right, looking at her, she was scared. Who wouldn't be after seeing that thing, whatever it was.

"Are you sure?" The girl asks hesitantly.

"Yeah, I promise. Everything is fine."

"I promise too. You have my word," the Arc says smiling gently as he could to her. Hoping to ease the girl of her fears.

"You..." the blond girl looks at him. "Are you a knight?"

"You bet I am," he flashed her another smile.

This made Ruby smile in pride at this, while Weiss scoffed and Yang snickered with a teasing grin. They all knew he was a huntsman in training, but he truly was doing his best to live up to the knights of old. Wanting to be just like them. Ren and Nora smiled in pride of their leader and see him as a true knight.

Saphron and Madonna could only give fond smiles at how good Jaune is with kids, especially those who remind him of the youngest siblings of the Arc family or of Saphron's own son Adrian.

'Adrian...Terra...wait for me, I'll be back soon as I can.' Saphron thinks worrying for her wife and baby boy, her wife must be worried sick right now. How long was they even here since the God of Darkness first took her?

"Like the ones from fairy tales? Slaying the dragon and saving the princess..."

This made Ozpin smile a bit, remembering the fairy tales he had written in Remnant of his previous incarnations lives. How children loved and adored his light hearted tales of individuals he once was, though some were more edited than others for obvious reasons.

"I'm a knight, but not that cliché. Still, you can count on me to protect you from any dangers. My sidekick here, will protect you too."

"Sidekick?" Claire raised an eyebrow at this.

"Just go with it," he whispered before smiling to the little girl. "think you can lower the ladder for us?"

"If vomit boy tried to make me a sidekick to the kid, I would have slapped him upside the head and remind him WHO is second best among the first years in Beacon." Yang said with a smile that was a bit too sweet.

"Yang! He's trying to comfort a little girl!" Ruby protests in defense of Jaune.

"I don't care, I don't play sidekick to someone weaker than me." Yang said stubbornly as Ruby glared at her, to which yang playfully stuck her tongue out before Summer slapped both of them behind the head.

"Enough of that, both of you. I raised you two better than this." Summer scolds making them instantly stop, much to Weiss and Blake's pleasure in seeing someone get those two in line so quickly. Brothers know those two could be difficult for Blake and Weiss alone to handle at times...

"Will you help me find my mom?"

"Of course we will. Is she around here?" Jaune didn't hesitate, he was definitely helping this girl.

"I think so. I hope so."

"Of course, we'll help you," replied the brunette.

"Good on you, Jaune, you truly have the makings to be a great huntsman." Ozpin said with pride that Jaune was willing to help this poor child. Making his teammates and friends beam in pride at Ozpin's complement to Jaune, while Saphron and Madonna felt both proud and yet...worried about him being involved in all of this.

"I just hope her mother is close by...and alive." Oscar mumbles silently, not wanting to bring down the mood, though Blake's cat ears twitch a bit as she frowned too. Understanding where Oscar is coming from. A city full of zombies, lickers, and worse...zombie dogs, plus whatever else they haven't seen yet? It's difficult to imagine surviving for long periods of time there.

The little girl gave a small smile as she went over and pressed a button on a panel. The ladder lowered. Jaune let Claire climb first, he followed her shortly. As they arrived at the top floor, they had a better look at the little girl. Yup, she definitely resembles his youngest sister. It was the same face and hair length. It made Jaune care more for her. Someone so young was in this whole mess. Now that the Arc thought of it, just how many like this one were involved? Or how many are gone? Or have turned to zombies?

Hearing his line of thought made everyone tense at the realization he was right. Qrow, Summer, Ozpin, Maria, and Madonna all either clenching their fists or gritting their teeth at the thought of innocent kids being turned into monsters or being killed by those things before they could turn. Either way it wasn't pretty and they was NOT looking forward to seeing any kids like that.

They all remembered in times as Huntsmen and Huntresses where they KILLED criminals and Grimm alike to save children in need if they was ever threatened or in danger of being killed.

Saphron covered her mouth in horror as her mind tried desperately not to think of Adrian ever being like that. No! She wouldn't ever let something like that happen to her baby!

"We...aren't going to see kids as zombies are we?" Weiss asks fearfully as she looks at the God of Darkness. Hoping beyond hope they...wouldn't see such young innocent people turned into ravenous monsters.

"I neither confirm nor deny, little Schnee. Wait and see." The God of Darkness replies, making everyone's hearts feel heavy. Did...Did Jaune end up facing child zombies?

The blond erased those horrible thoughts. Little kids dying that was something he could never tolerate. That was why helping this little girl was the most important thing to do. More important than leaving this city. The brunette next to him, noticed something was bothering him. He was the kind of person to think and worry too much. The girl stood a little shy, she didn't know these people. But they were willing to help her find her mom.

"Hi, I'm Jaune and this is Claire. What's your name?"


While many of the girls cooed at how adorable and shy she is, wanting to hug her. Qrow and Ozpin narrow their eyes at the name. Remembering how the monster said "erry" earlier... Did the monster know her name somehow? And if so...why was it calling her name? They had some suspicions, but kept it to themselves for now. Too many possibilities without a way to prove them just yet.

"That's a nice name. Don't worry, we'll help you find your mom."

"Thank you, Jaune."

"It's a knight's job to protect the innocent," he smiled.

"Sherry, do you know this place?" the Redfield asked.

"I've been here for a little while. I know the way out. This way."

"Let's stay close," said the blond.

Sherry went ahead with the two following her. They arrived at a control room where there stood a lever. The blond girl said to pull, so Jaune did. It was moving a large platform to their direction. They knew where to go while she seemed comfortable with them. That was a good thing.

"So...what's your mom like?" asked Claire.

Everyone leaned forward in their seats wanting to know about this mother.

"She works at Umbrella. She's working on an important new medicine."

'Umbrella?' The Arc stood worried, they were the ones responsible for the mansion incident and maybe, the outbreak of Raccoon City, 'and what's this of important new medicine?'

Whatever it was the blond huntsman didn't like it. If a company like Umbrella makes viruses that changed people into zombies and other types of creatures. This new medicine must not be medicine at all. Sherry obviously doesn't know anything. Her mother will never tell her the truth. This girl was just a victim without even knowing it.

"Sherry's mom works for Umbrella?" Summer asks horrified, feeling immense worry for the child and wanted to get her FAR away from the woman, if not the world in general!

"Explains how the kid knows her way around. The mother must have brought her there during work at times, but was clearly careful in how much she allowed Sherry to see." Qrow said with disgust in his tone.

Weiss felt sympathy for the girl, being reminded too heavily how naïve she once was of her father's actions and how it affected her family name to be dragged through the mud. She just knew Sherry was not going to be happy once she learned the truth of everything her mother was most likely doing.

"Umbrella? The big pharmaceutical company?" the brunette pretended she didn't know, after reading her brother's diary, now she knows.

"My mom's always at work. I don't get to see her much."

Jaune mentally sighed, so she was a workaholic. She probably doesn't spend any time with her daughter. Poor Sherry must feel lonely not having her mother around. She was a sweet and nice kid. Just like his youngest sister. He would never do that. His sisters might be a pain in the butt, but he still cares for them and will spend time with them. The huntsman was already attached to the girl.

"Oh Sherry..." Weiss said feeling her heart go out even more to Sherry when she saw more and more how alike they are. Thank goodness she had Winter to lean on when her mother was drinking and her father was prioritizing work and his image over his family's happiness. Sherry didn't have even a big sister to look after her from the look of things.

"How shameful, a mother should never let their child be so lonely and feel neglected like this." Summer said feeling furious at this woman for making her child feel so alone. If she had a choice she never would have let Ruby and Yang grow up without her, but...she thought confronting Salem herself would be best to give them a better future.

'Clearly that didn't work out too well for me or my family.' Summer thinks bitterly with self loathing, feeling foolish for not telling anyone what she was up to. Now Qrow had a drinking problem, Yang lost yet another mother figure in her life, and Ruby never got to know her. Talking to her grave over the years!

'This time...I will make things right, I promise!' Summer resolves in her heart as her eyes briefly glowed with a silver light before returning to their normal hue.

"Some people just aren't meant to be parents..." Madonna said bitterly with rage at how lonely the little girl appeared. She normally wouldn't judge people's parenting methods, but even that had a line to what was okay and what needed a serious intervention.

"Give me five minutes with the woman, I will teach her a few manners." Maria said tapping her cane in anger, she may not be as nimble or spry as she once was, but she still could hurt someone with her old weapon!

"Well, hopefully you'll get to see her soon," said the brunette, "so...where is your dad?"

"Please don't be an alcoholic, please don't be an alcoholic." Weiss prays/begs the universe, she didn't want Sherry to be a parent swapped version of her own life. She was too young and sweet to ever suffer such a thing.

"He, um...Worked with my mom, but...He's gone." Sherry answers hesitantly.

Weiss, Ruby, Yang, Nora, and Ren all wince at this, feeling the urge to hug Sherry. Knowing all too well how much it hurts to lose a parent at a young age.

"Ren let me go, I need to hug that poor girl!" Nora demands of Ren who was holding her back.

"Nora, as much as I understand how you feel. These are memories, as in they already happened. You won't reach her that way." Ren reasons as she pouts and sits back in her seat.

"Did something happen to him?" asked the Arc.

"He just left during his and mom's research. I haven't seen him in a while. And my mom hasn't said a word either."

Jaune had a feeling something bad really happened to her father. While he was in thought, Claire opened a locker finding another hip pouch. This time, she gave it to him and he caught it on time. He put it around his waist with Pyrrha's red sash.

"Wow...Both of my parents are gone- It's just me and my brother."

The Arc was shocked. This was a new piece of information from the brunette. He had a feeling it was that. No wonder she is so caring about her brother. She will worry so easily for his safety, because he is the only family she has left. Now, he was able to understand her anger when she found out he left alone to an Umbrella facility. The blond turned to his female companion, as she was gazing at him. A smile spread her lips, as she didn't mind telling him.

"I feel you Claire..." Yang said softly, it was similar to how she felt about Ruby running off to Haven. Even though she trusted Jaune, Ren, and Nora, she still worried for her baby sister's safety that she pretty much raised herself when her father fell to depression. If Ruby had gone solo instead of with friends...She doubts anything would have stopped her from tracking her down and bringing her home. Even if she had to do it with Ruby kicking and screaming the whole way back.

"Oh I'm sorry...what about you Jaune?"

"I...I have my parents and my seven sisters..."

"You have seven sisters?" Sherry blinked in surprise.

Madonna huffed at this. "Does everyone have to be THAT surprised?"

"Lady, most people can barely handle two or three kids when they're married. You're a brothers damn trooper of a woman!" Maria says with her googles narrowing...before twitching as they shorted again for a moment. Maria tapping them before they corrected themselves. "I really need to get these babies repaired once we are out of here."

Team RWBY, Nora, and Ren smiled amused at this, as Qrow smirked. That old granny truly had a fire to her that was amusing to watch with an even sharper tongue.

"I know, I know, it's a lot of siblings. But, they're very far away. I don't know when I will see them again, or my friends."

This made his friends feel a mix of hopeful to see him again someday, and once again worried what the God of Darkness meant in his cryptic message.

"I hope you can see them again."

"Yeah, me too..." he whispered, but Claire heard him.

"In a way, it means we've got something in common and...That's a good thing, right?"


The trio finally reached a dead end, but there was a ladder. Jaune volunteered to check it out. As he climbed, it was so dark. Maybe something was blocking the exit? And he found he was right. At the end of the ladder he touched something solid. A lid, a manhole lid. The huntsman didn't have a problem removing the heavy object. The Arc gazed at where the passageway has lead them. He was able to recognize the area from Elliot's notebook. It was the parking lot of the police station. This was the way out! He felt so happy and relived they did it. The blond left the manhole, letting Claire and Sherry climb up and out into the parking lot. There were a few cars parked, a van with the initials S.W.A.T. A police car outside of a metal fence. Next to it, the controls. If they can open that fence they will be home free! But, it shouldn't be that easy. Not on a zombie outbreak. Something bad must always happen. There was no such thing as an easy way out.

"Isn't Jaune being a bit paranoid?" Oscar asks thinking maybe all the fighting with zombies was getting to him.

"I think so, it's an easy out! Just use the controls to open the fence and leave! If it won't work, use force!" Yang agrees with Oscar.

"Guys, easy, Jaune is basing this knowledge on comics and that knowledge HAS helped him so far. So don't you think it makes sense he is basing his knowledge on it?" Ruby tries to defend Jaune on his cautiousness.

"Ruby, it's a comic book, this is real life. He shouldn't expect bad things to always come around a corner just because it does in comics." Saphron said with a frown and questioning the girl's mentality to excuse her brother's mindset.

"Questionable source as it is, Jaune has a right to be cautious." Qrow intervened on Ruby's behalf.

"Really Mr. Drunk on my doorstep? You want to add YOUR expert opinion?" Saphron said with sarcasm clear in her tone that made the God of Darkness chuckle a bit, but not for why they thought. He knew what was coming after all and was looking forward to their reactions to see Jaune was RIGHT. So it was easy to ignore the glare Qrow shot at him, the poor bird didn't know after all.

"Yes, I do. As a veteran huntsman you NEVER assume things are going to suddenly turn easy when dealing with a situation that goes from bad to worse. You expect shit to always happen until you are finally safe at home or at a safe house." Qrow said with a glare of his own. "How do you think people like me and your mother stay alive so long against the Grimm?"

"You leave my mother-"

"Saphron, enough." Madonna said with a firm tone that cut off Saphron's response.

"Mom I-"

"Mr. Branwen has a point, Saphron, I was a huntress and I know what he's talking about. There are some missions where you have to expect the worst and be ready for it to mentally prepare yourself." Madonna said as Saphron glared at Qrow as he smirked smugly.

"Mr. Branwen, I would appreciate if you don't rile up my daughter either. So play nice or you deal with me." Madonna said as Qrow held his hands in surrender.

"Sure, sure, whatever. As long as she starts nothing, there won't be nothing." Qrow said before Summer glared at him making him silent as Madonna nodded. "Fair enough, Mr. Branwen."

"Over there!" Sherry ran to the controls of the large gate. "It's closed..."

"Sherry, let's be careful!" Jaune felt like they weren't alone.

"Dammit, we need a key card."

"I knew it wasn't going to be easy." The Arc sighed.

'Come on,' Claire thought, maybe they could lift it up.

"Here, come help."

"Whatever to get the job done," the blond agreed.

The three tried to life the gate, but it wasn't budging. It must be connected to the device that needs the key card. Maybe, using his aura will help. There's been a few times he used to increase his strength. He was sure, he'd be able to lift the gate.

"Finally, Jaune is using his brain!" Yang cheers, glad he is going to do this the simple way instead of wasting time looking for some damn key card!

But doing that might freak out the brunette and little girl. Exposing his special abilities. New world, new rules and he was certain that people aren't this strong here. He was an exception.

"Brothers dammit, Vomit Boy! Are you fucking kidding me?!" Yang cursed, just when she felt a bit happy he was done with overly complicated bullshit in simple situations!

"Yang! Do I need to start up the swear jar again?!" Ruby demands from her big sister with a harsh glare.

"Please Oum no..." Qrow groaned, he hated losing money to that damn jar!

"I'm surrounded by dolts, brutes, perverts, idiots and the God of Darkness himself." Weiss sighs as she pinches her nose.

"'re not entirely wrong." The God of Darkness says with a chuckle as she groans from what he admits.

"And you're sure this is the way?" asked the Redfield.

"This is how my mom took me last time." Sherry told Claire.


Jaune quickly drew Crocea Mors hearing an unfamiliar voice. He knew they weren't alone in the parking lot.

"I've been looking everywhere for you, Sherry..."

The person emerged from the shadows. It was an older man in his mid fifties with gray hair and a mustache, wearing a gray and white suit. On his right shoulder he had a card that said "Parking Permit". That has to be the keycard that will open the gate. This guy has it. Something about him, Jaune didn't like.

He wasn't the only one as Madonna, Qrow, Maria, and Ozpin narrowed their eyes at the man. Saphron felt uneasy by the look he had in them. It was like...something wasn't right or normal about him.

"Brave little girl to leave your house in this mess..."

"Who are you?" Asked the blond huntsman.

"On the ground, hands behind your head." He drew a gun.

"WHAT?! Why?!" Saphron asks shocked in disbelief at this.

"I smell a rat..." Qrow growled having a feeling he knew who the traitor that screwed over the police station was.

"You can't be serious." Claire said not wanting to think he was doing this.

The older man gave a warning shot, shooting near the trio.

"On the ground, now." The older man demanded.

"Oh try it you fucker! That won't do shit to Jaune while he protects them!" Yang said aggressively with her hair burning and eyes blazing red to match how much she wants to punch his face in for threatening Claire and Sherry. Jaune she knew would be fine, but those two were not as lucky as Jaune is.

"Yang, he'd have to cover both Sherry and Claire. Jaune can't cover both at the same time without risking one of them being shot!" Ruby advises with gritted teeth, hating the situation Jaune is in. "Worse, he'd be stuck playing defense in the worst case scenario until the man runs away or runs out of bullets. While in the best case, if he tries shooting back WHILE protecting them. It will be difficult for Jaune to shoot with one hand and be holding his shield in the other."

"I can see why Ruby is the leader of her team..." Madonna said quietly with some respect to the young woman for seeing the problem Jaune was facing right now. As well as feeling some regret for not teaching Jaune how to use firearms now. An experienced gunman can fire one handed with enough training and experience, but Jaune has neither of these and can't afford to waste bullets.

"Damn..." Yang growls at the situation as Weiss puts a calming hand on top of the brawler's own. Drawing her attention to Weiss who gives her an understanding look.

"I get it, Yang, these situations are terrible, but we need to believe Jaune can find a way to handle this as best he can. We can't do anything anyway as these are memories." Weiss said with reluctant acceptance as Yang's red eyes turned lilac again.

"What do you want with Sherry?" The Arc obeyed, lifting his hands in the air.

"None of your business, kid. You're too early for Halloween."

'Here we go again,' Jaune mentally sighed.

"Sherry, tie their hands." he threw her some rope.

"Why're you doing this-"

"Shut up. Tie them." The man cut her off, with a firm, bordering hostile, tone.

"Something tells me you're not taking her to her mother." Jaune glared at the man.

"You will be surprised. I know them very well, those two."

"Her parents?"

"Enough. Sherry, do it or else..."

Before the little girl could react, the Arc drew his handgun, but the man shot him in the middle of his chest. Sending him to the ground.

"Jaune!" Shouted the brunette before glaring at the older man, "you son of a bitch!"

"Jaune?!" Saphron asks in horror seeing him shot. "I thought aura was supposed to protect him!"

"It did, Saphron, I seen him tank worse hits than this." Oscar said trying to calm his older sister.

"Explain why he isn't getting up then!" Saphron said before her mother hugged her and began petting her hair to calm her baby girl.

"Saphron, sweetie, I know what this looks like, but Jaune is probably either surprised by how much blocking it hurts or is playing dead to fool the man. We will see in a few seconds, okay? I assure you he is fine." Madonna tells her daughter who nods, wiping her tears away.

"No..." Sherry mutters shocked.

"See what happened sweetie, when you don't listen. Now, obey or she will join him."

The blond girl immediately nodded as she tied up the brunette. Claire's eyes were on the blond male. He was breathing, so he was still alive.

Saphron sighed in relief as she relaxed in her chair that her brother was alive while Madonna held her daughter's hand to keep comforting her. Ruby was confused on why it was taking him so long to get up. Surely it didn't hurt him that much did it?

"What's this about?"

"Child endangerment for starters," the man took the card and used it on the control panel, opening the gate. "Sherry, come here."

"What are you going to do to her?"

"None of your fucking business."

"If you hurt her, I swear to God, my brother is S.T.A.R.S, I will fucki-"

He kicked the brunette as Jaune got up glaring at him. He pointed his gun, but the older man reacted on time and was now pointing his weapon at his companion.

"Damn it, Jaune wasn't fast enough..." Blake cursed hating to see this vile asshole have another damn hostage to make Jaune hesitate.

"If you make one move, she dies. At this distance, I won't miss. Think carefully." Irons threatens as he keeps his gun trained on Claire.


"I'm impressed you're still standing after getting shot. Even with that silly costume. It's not everyday someone gets back to their feet as if nothing happened. At least, human anyway."

"Jaune, don't let this bastard get away with Sherry!" Shouted the Redfield.

"I doubt she'll be able to survive a bullet to the head."

The blond huntsman kept glaring at him. Sure, he can survive getting shot. Though he admitted the bullets from this world hurt a lot more than the dust rounds from Remnant. Even with his aura and armor, the force of the bullet hurt him.

"So that's why Jaune didn't get up faster, he was caught off guard how much it hurt him." Weiss said interested in this, did their bullets really do more damage than dust rounds? A question Ruby was wondering herself and wishing she could study the guns of that world and their ammunition. Not only because of their classic designs being a new change from the super ultra cool weapons with mecha shift on Remnant, but because of how they seem to have their own advantages compared to what Remnant has to offer if they caught Jaune off guard like that.

But obviously, it was all healed now. Claire however, she wasn't going to live through it. If he moves, the old man will shoot at her and after, he might shoot Sherry. He gritted his teeth as he lowered his gun.

"You did the right thing. Now, Sherry, get over here."

The girl hesitated, but he wasn't kidding around. "What's your name?"

"Fuck you!"

"I said what's your fucking name?" he pointed the gun on the brunette's head.


"Sherry, you come with me now or say goodbye to Claire!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go! You better be taking me to my mom."


"Don't listen to him, he's full of shit."

He hit the brunette again and that was the last straw.

'Not on my watch,' The Huntsman set his eyes on the older man.

He raised his gun and shot him on his left shoulder. Suddenly a pack of dogs arrived at the parking lot growling, they were all hungry for blood.

"Oh Oum not those monsters again..." Blake tensed in fear as Ruby held Blake's hand trying to calm her.

"Blake, it's okay, they-eep!" Ruby started to comfort her only to be hugged close to Blake as she held her in a tight hug. Ruby squirming as she tried to free herself of Blake's tight hug. "Blake, too tight!"

"Just let me have this, Ruby...I hate those things far worse than any dog I ever met." Blake told Ruby keeping her close for comfort.

"It must be tough being a faunus," Saphron said feeling for Blake as it would be natural for her to fear dogs normally, but these zombies dogs are like nightmare fuel for cats. It only makes sense a cat faunus would feel similar.

The man who was the chief of the Raccoon City Police took Sherry and left as the gate closed. Jaune saw them leaving, it was too late to follow them. They were long gone. He fired his gun, but it was empty, he was out of ammo. The blond put the handgun away drawing Crocea Mors, before helping the Redfield to her feet. The blond fired a couple of shots hitting a few dogs, while the others stood their ground growling at the two.

"I'm sorry I let him take Sherry."

"You okay?" She quickly asked checking on him, while keeping an eye on the undead hounds. "You got shot."

"I'm fine. See, my armor protected me, it didn't even scrape it." He removed a small piece of lead. "There you have it, it's more than a Halloween Costume."

The brunette was really taken back he would survive. Even with armor that looked like it could be stronger than a bulletproof vest. He should at least be hurt. But Jaune, he didn't look hurt in the least. There was no time for that, seeing that they weren't alone.

"Claire I...I'm sorry I couldn't react faster. I should have stopped him from taking Sherry."

"It's not your fault, that fat son of a bitch is going to pay. I need to get rid of my anger." Claire shot one of the dogs as they started to charge at them, staggering it.

"We have the perfect targets," Jaune said cutting another zombie dog's head off that tried to attack him on his right.

"YES! Kill all them all!" Blake cheers on Claire and Jaune as they cut down the monstrosities.

"Did you expect this to happen, God of Darkness?" Ozpin asks the deity who shook his head.

"Not really, but then again I PROBABLY should have expected something close from the cat faunus." The deity of darkness admits.

"Will there be other times we see them and have to deal with Blake's...fear and hatred for them?" Ozpin asks silently as possible.

"That and worse, champion of my brother, that and WORSE." The God of Darkness said as Ozpin lowered himself, looking at his mug that his fingers cracked restraining himself from his anger when he saw how Irons handled Sherry...He couldn't help it really, the girl reminded him too much of his own daughters...before they was killed by Salem's rage that is.

'This is going to take some getting use to...' Ozpin thinks knowing the worst has yet to come.

Claire didn't waste time shooting the dogs as they almost touch her. Those that went after the Arc were cut down by his sword or bashed by his shield. Until they were all dead. The brunette put her weapon away, still she wasn't feeling better. Something caught her eyes on the ground, a golden pendant.

"What is that?" asks the blond.

"A pendant. It must have fell off from Sherry when that bastard took her."

"Don't worry, Claire, we'll find her."

"Damn right, we will."

"Still, he said he knows her parents. Is he really planning on taking her to her mother?"

"I don't trust him one bit, he's up to something."

"We're not going to wait. Let's find a way out of here."

"Right, we need to find a key card like the one he had."

"Time for key card hunting, then," the Arc gave a smile. First medallions and now a key card.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME JAUNE!" Yang screams, pissed that Jaune was not going to use his aura to enhance his strength enough to raise the gate so Claire and he can go after Sherry together.

"Miss Xiao Long, Jaune is trying to keep his powers a secret." Ozpin said trying to calm her down. Only to receive a harsh glare from Yang.

"That's part of the problem, he's valuing secrecy of his powers and origins from everyone over a little girl's safety. Who knows what that bastard is up to and he is choosing his secrets over her life?" Yang states angrily.

"Yang, that's not fair! He's not deciding his secrets are more important than her life! That was never once his thoughts!" Ruby defends Jaune.

"What else do you call this, Ruby? If it was you there instead of Jaune, I guarantee you'd be busting down that metal fence first chance you got!" Yang states as she stared down Ruby with her arms crossed over her chest. "Go on, try to say you would rather keep your powers a secret and let the fat bastard get away with a scared little girl, than bust down that fence with your power and chase him down."

"..." Ruby wanted to say she would be secretive, she really did, but...she wasn't sure if she would be able to restrain herself as well as Jaune did. She wanted to save people, to be their hero. Being noticed or unnoticed wasn't an issue for her, but she didn't want innocent people getting hurt or worse if she could do something about it.

"So Jaune has made a mistake, so what? People make them all the time." Madonna voice cut through the tension as everyone looked at her as she gave Yang a level look. "Didn't you ever do things that you look back on and realize was a mistake, but thought was a good move back then?"

This struck a cord in Yang, there was one thing she did that was a thing she regrets not because it affected her, but because she nearly got Ruby and herself killed for it. She started hard for a second before sighing as the fire died down, looking away from the woman who nodded in sad understanding.

"I don't know what the deal is with you all and what you've been through to get where you are now, but you must remember something. No one is perfect, no one ever was...and no one ever will be if I was to guess. Sure, there are those who will come close, but never truly perfect. We are flawed beings and we must keep moving forward regardless. For if we don't, how can we truly live and learn from what happened in the past? To better ourselves into being wiser people than we was yesterday?" Madonna asks them all as everyone was silent, much to the God of Darkness's respect they was taking this lesson seriously.

"If you will God Of Darkness, I would like to finish this set of memories as soon as possible." Madonna says earning a nod from the deity.

"Very well, Mrs. Arc." God of Darkness said as the portal played the memories again.

"If it makes you feel any better, I was aiming for his head." Jaune told Claire.

Claire only shook her head with a smile. That was nice, but at least that bastard got hurt, though he deserves more than a bullet to his shoulder.


"And that's it for this set of memories, I must admit that your reactions to the news is both expected and yet...surprising at times. It's good to see how much you care for him, he needs it from what I can tell." The God of Darkness said as everyone looked at him.

"Can you tell us what you mean by this?" Oscar asks the god curiously.

"Jaune is on an alien world with no one he knows from this world to keep him company. Forced to complete a mission for my brother and another deity. While he has made friends, they could never replace the bond he has for you all, trust me I seen his face when he thinks no one is looking. He misses you all as he is trying to make the best of his new life. It's as simple as that." The God of Darkness stated earning an understanding nod from everyone in the room.

"That's fair I guess, but what about those anti heroes you was talking about? You going to show us more of those?" Blake asks, curious of these beings from other worlds. They existed in a moral gray that made her curious of them, feeling like she can relate in some manner.

"Right, nearly forgot. Allow me to introduce you to what I deem a new anti hero of sorts. Not because of the number of scum he has killed like the Punisher does, but because this poor soul was forced to make a few choices most find...morally questionable when those he thought he could trust betrayed him." The God of Darkness said as a portal opened to show a man with black hair, intense green eyes that stared into your soul, and seemed to wear green armor that made him look like a bandit leader.

"This man is Naofumi, the newest Shield Hero to be summoned among the four legendary heroes. Despite what you may be expecting, he started out rather simple. A simple human with no powers, magic, or training whatsoever that even when Jaune first came to the Beacon had more to offer than he did." The God of Darkness said, earning a scoff from Weiss.

"Forgive me if it seems rude, but I severely doubt anyone was as bad as Jaune was at the beginning. He couldn't barely keep up with us." Weiss said as Ruby glared at her partner for this.

"Feel free to believe what you want, but the facts remain the same regardless of your belief. Now when he was summoned, he had no knowledge of the land he was summoned to...or their plots set against him before he even got there." The God of Darkness said as everyone felt their blood chill at this, why would someone plot to betray you without knowing you?

"Before any of you ask anything, sit back and listen. I will answer any more questions after. Now, things started off for Naofumi rather tame and easy going. Meet your teammates, find out that their weapons repel each other and yours so you must go into different parties, but here is where things slowly begin to happen. When everyone of the guild sent to help the heroes was to choose their partner. No one wanted to work with the Shield Hero. Even when he pleaded to the other heroes to lend him some of their own so he can have someone to help him. It looked like he was going to be alone until one woman changed her mind and became his partner. He was quite taken with her beauty and kindness to work with him when no one believed in him. Calling him weak, useless, and cannon fodder for his weapon being a shield." The God of Darkness said showing the images of Naofumi arriving to a new world, his fellow heroes calling the shield class trash, the guild members choosing the other heroes, and Malty changing her mind to work with Naomfumi and the beginning of what looked like a beautiful story of a hero and his beautiful swordswoman at his side.

"It was all well and good...until the next morning Naofumi found a startling surprise. Not only was he robbed of his money and gear, but the knights came and dragged him to the castle to see Malty accusing him of a crime so heinous most people would be put to death for it...raping Malty. Who turns out to be a princess of the very king who summoned them." Now the scene showed the horrible trial that Naofumi had to endure, how he pleaded his innocence and no one believed him. When he pleaded to Malty to tell them he wasn't guilty, they was shocked to see her mock him.

"As you can see, there was no rape. It was all a false accusation that make Naofumi look like the worst sort of man alive...and everyone ate it up without a second thought." The God of Darkness said as Qrow narrowed his eyes at this.

"The bitch...she ruined his life and made him a dead man walking." Qrow snarled at this, it was rare to happen on Remnant, but he heard of a few cases like this. Where someone says a person raped them, only to find out years later it was false and as for the poor sap who was framed? They're usually either killed, commit suicide, or never trusted by anyone and forced to do questionable jobs just to earn a paycheck. Even with the truth getting out they rarely get any of their old friends and family back. Shunned and sometimes disowned for such things.

"But...why?" Ruby asks, appalled this sort of thing can happen.

"The reason has multiple fronts depending on who you ask. If you ask the woman herself, her reason would be to both help her father make the Shield Hero's life hell and gain support from the church to make her the next queen. If you asked the King, purely spite against the Shield Hero for what happened in his past. Didn't matter it was a new shield hero and not the one who he hated, ALL Shield Heroes are considered the devil in his mind and heart. His hatred is comparable to Adam Taurus in some ways." The god of Darkness said making Blake clench her hands into fists, a human who made an innocent man suffer out of spite just because he was the Shield Hero? It seems hatred and spite truly was a universal issue.

"What decisions does he make that makes him an Anti hero in your mind after this?" Ozpin asks as the deity showed images of multiple slaves in cages.

"What you see before you...are slaves, Naofumi needed someone to fight by his side he could trust to NOT lie or try to back stab him. Since no one wants to work for a known rapist of their princess, his options So he picked, a poor sick raccoon Demi Human known as Raphtalia." The God of Darkness explains as everyone felt sick to their stomachs at this, both because of the poor state the girl is in and how she looks like a faunus(Especially for Blake), but mainly how cold Naofumi's eyes are as he looks at her. It was completely different from the warm friendly gaze he once had before he was charged with rape.

"He bought...a slave?! A faunus child to be his slave and fight for him?!" Blake demands feeling furious at this.

"Again, Demi Human, similar to Faunus, but not exactly the same. Also, if it makes you feel any better, he did more kindness for the girl than her previous master...who put her in that condition. He gave her medicine to get healthy, bought her food, clothes, and even cleaned her up. But of course...he also made her learn to cast aside her fears of bloodshed and violence to be his new sword." The God of Darkness said showing the images of how Naofumi treated Raphtalia. Blake found it hard to decide if she wanted to beat him within an inch of his life or to thank him for treating Raphtalia like a child compared to her last master.

"This doesn't change what he's doing is WRONG." Blake said earning a nod from the God of Darkness. "I know, I told you he did some morally questionable things did I not? Anyway, it turns out everything he did was truly for the betterment of the child. She learned to get over her fears, he made her healthy, strong, and learn to stand for herself. Because he put his life on the line to save her from a two headed dog that tried to kill them both."

They watched as they saw Naofumi bring Raphtalia to the mines, then to Blake's horror the two headed dog that was bigger than Naofumi was and then...the heart aching memory of Raphtalia losing her parents and fearing to lose Naofumi too. Her heart felt for both Raphtalia and Naofumi as they held each other after the beast was was clear Raphtalia truly cared deeply for Naofumi and didn't want to lose him. Just as he seemed to care for her to some degree, not enough to get the light back in those cold jaded eyes filled with pain, but...enough to show a small glimmer of hope in them.

"Over time, they faced many dangerous situations. Gained some new friends in the likes of Filo who helped pull their wagon, and came across a new power. The power of the Curse Series Shields." The God of Darkness said as everyone watched as Naofumi and Raphtalia fought off the wave, go to a banquet only to be forced to a duel with the Spear hero, how Raphtalia stayed by Naofumi's side even after losing the crest.

Blake and Ruby both nearly cried at seeing Naofumi begin to break down to tears as Raphtalia held him, showing how emotionally damaged he has become from what happened.

Everyone felt conflicted s they saw Naofumi defeat the bandits who threatened him, Raphtalia, and the guy riding behind him...only to end up robbing the bandits of their things and planning to sell the new items to earn some money.

"Why won't he just give it back to the people the bandits stole it from?" Ruby asks feeling that was a bit low.

"One, he doesn't know them. Two, no one is going to be on his side judging by how everyone treats him if he tries to return it for free. He's thinking long term to survive, Ruby." Blake answers feeling she could relate, Faunus sometimes did this when humans misplaced their wares and they had no idea who it belonged to. Making it easier to sell it back to them for a price and help feed poorer Faunus families.

"He should have killed them," Qrow said earning a surprised look from Ruby and Yang. "You don't play when it comes to a threat of rape and trust me they was thinking of doing it to Raphtalia. They may have been too weak this time, but not everyone is super powerful like Naofumi. Now they can target someone weaker while he is gone and jump them."

"He'd just target them if they did." Yang said earning a scoff from Qrow.

"You think they care? Yang, they are bandits. Criminals and outlaws in every sense of the words who break the law to get what they want at others expense. They kill, steal, and rape from whoever they can." Qrow said bitterly, remembering his time as a bandit when he was younger. How guarded Raven was around the older boy and adults, how they both became ruthless killers to protect themselves and the tribe before being sent to Beacon. The place that saved him from being a true bandit and gave him things he truly wanted.

Friends and family who love and care for him for who he is, despite his semblance.

"I have to agree with Branwen on this, I would have ended them for such a foolish attempt. After all, bandits live by a code of the strong survive and the weak die. They know it can happen to them too and they expect it every time they go raid villages." The God of Darkness said in agreement with Qrow to his surprise, but was glad he got it.

Yang fell silent thinking of her mother as he said this, did that mean Raven was still doing this after leaving the vault?

'Who am I kidding? Not like she'd head home and turn over a new leaf, when she ran off from me for years and broke dad's heart.' Yang thinks bitterly.

They continued to watch and Ruby found herself conflicted about Naofumi was always looking for profits when aiding others, instead of helping them because it was the right thing to do even without payment. Everyone was a surprised to see him getting a strange giant bird that had one crazy growth spurt...with an appetite to match and was incredibly fast. They saw him, Raphtalia, and Filo face off against a dragon and how Naofumi awakened an ominous black shield after Filo got eaten to their horror.

"Oh no..." Weiss gasped in shock

"What is that?" Ozpin asks feeling a sensation of fear as he saw the sheer HATE in Naofumi's eyes. It reminded him of Salem's own hatred on that horrible day she snapped and kill their children, in a mad attempt to kill him for trying to sneak them away from her.

"The Rage Shield, the first of the Curse Series he unlocks. As the name's a shield that grows in power and burns it's foes to ashes faster the more enraged he is and the deep in hatred he let's himself sink into. A double edged sword as this shield will harm both the enemy, the user, and those near him if they get hit by his flames." The God of Darkness said with pity as everyone watched Raphtalia get burned trying to snap Naofumi out of it before the beast was eventually killed. Wincing as they saw the curse marked burns it left on Raphtalia.

"I could go over his whole story, but I really rather not waste time on it and skip to something I know you will be happier knowing. After many trials and battles, Naofumi was eventually able to not only clear his name of the rape charge, but deliver a little karma on both Malty and the King. See for yourselves." The God of Darkness said as the portal now showed Naofumi, Raphtalia, Filo, the three heroes, the bitch, the spiteful king, and some unknown women who clearly was a queen doing a trial. Qrow cheered for Naofumi as the bitch was forced to have a lie detecting seal on her chest that shocks her every time she lied, revealing how she had lied about Naofumi raping her.

Before later showing how Naofumi decided their punishment shouldn't be death, but to live in shame with the new names...King Trash and Bitch, with the Adventurer name, Slut. Qrow laughed his ass off at this, while many of the women felt the bitch had it coming. As Naofumi left to do his job as one of the heroes, they felt hope rise as they saw everyone finally giving him respect again. Then the portal fades away.

"Wow...I'm glad he cleared his name in the end, he's really kind of a hero and Anti hero too." Ruby said with relief Naofumi was able to get his name cleared, she wished she could learn more about him.

"I am still not happy about his choices early on, but...I am glad it made Raphtalia happier and stronger than she was before." Blake said with some respect for Naofumi.

"I can agree not all of his choices were exactly moral or ideal for a hero, but that is what I respect about him. He has highs and lows when life was treating him as scum when he was truly innocent of the crimes they curse him for. He eventually rose up into a better man and a true hero some could argue." The God of Darkness said with some respect for the man.

"Regardless, I need to get back to my investigation and you all need time to digest everything you seen, maybe get some food from my domain if you wish. Just remember, mentally will it and it will appear." The God of Darkness says vanishing into a portal of darkness to take him to Earth once again.

To Be Continued

AN from Warrior: OH MY GODS YES! I am SOOOO freaking sorry for this being late than my estimated goal I set for myself, I kind of had some internal struggles and financial struggles really hit me hard lately. I'm alright! Don't freak or worry! It's just been a little hard on me lately and I am dealing with it. I am alive, still have my marbles, and I am still serious about this reaction story. It just took me a while and I deeply apologize to you all my readers. You deserve better and I am trying to do better. I haven't even started other stories because I am dedicated to this one being finished first! Trust me I have ideas come to me, but I put them on the back burner because I want to do this and make it good for everyone to enjoy.

Regardless, I hope you all enjoy how I had everyone react to this chapter and the Anti Hero like Hero I chose for the God of Darkness and why I chose him. Naofumi truly hit the rut from the start and had to claw his way back up with the help of his friends that he grew to trust above all. I respect him because to me he acts so human to when the world treats you like shit, you tend to be quite hardened and reluctant to trust until you find those worthy of it, those that can be your light in the darkest days. Anyway, it has been an honor and I am looking forward to when I get to write about Jaune running into Mr. X! Or as I like to call him as I known him for years by, Trenchy! Darkside Chronicles was a great game and I loved playing it as it helped me catch up to the story in a summarized sense after my first RE game was RE4. That one game made me a HUGE fan of RE and had to learn it's lore.

Forgive me if it seems I am making Yang seem too hot headed, but I truly believe Yang is the kind of person that if in Jaune's shoes. Wouldn't think twice to bulldoze her way through the police station to find the medallions or bust through the fence to save Sherry, regardless if she scared them in the process.

Plus I also see Ruby as the type to bust down that fence to save Sherry even if it means exposing her powers. Ruby naturally wants to save people and isn't the kind of person to let them die or be kidnapped in front of her for secrecy. Which I heavily respect, don't get me wrong, but a little subtly never hurts either. Finally I wish to remind you all to PLEASE be kind to gravenimage who has been a freaking saint to me for being so patient and understanding. I will try to do better with this next chapter's release date, but we will see as right now this Corona Virus is making it hard to find jobs and money to pay rent. Be careful out there everybody!

AN from me: hope you have enjoyed this new chapter as much as I did along with that summary of Rise of the Shield Hero.

-Replying to reviews (another long one)

*D.N. Works- yep it sure is but it will serve as a good experience as well as bad for Jaune. Making him stronger, making new friends, a love life etc.

*Gamelover41592- we'll see in the future.

*Batthan The Dark Knight- they already did and they hate him already as expected.

*Nightingale fan- what are you talking about? I'm not writing a Batman fic.

*MeteorElDrago- I don't know I think he will be with Claire and maybe someone else won't say another word.

*Valerious Lake- here you go with the latest one enjoy.

*Guest- I think that will be up to warrior to decide I like when he showed the interaction between the GOD and Michael so he might touch the subject.

*Guest- anti-heroes? What are you talking about?

*X-Agent-Venom666X- thank you as always it depends on warrior if he decides to write the next chapter earlier or late.

*R-king 93- remember to give credit to warrior of six blades the original author and thank you.

*Sigma-del-Prisium- I might bring more of the wars eventually in the future so warrior will do the same thing too.

*francisjrnguni- I don't think Salem will be brought in the story.

*The Greatest Show- I'd say they're going to be very shock they lost it when they saw G1 Birkin. I'm more looking forward to see their reaction when Jaune gets bit by the zombie though it's a long way to go for that to happen.

*Guest- too many all the viruses are very dangerous specially the ones that were created after the T and G virus like Ouroboros and the C-Virus.

*Guest- I have a lot of plans for the story specially after the CVX saga just don't know which ones yet.

*Jlargent- lol I don't know.

*razmire- that's a pretty good comparison they're not perfect, they have their flaws but they won't admit it.

*Guest- don't think he will get mention or I could be wrong.

*Cursed Knight- that I don't know I will have to ask him though.

*Guest- I can add that story to my challenges.

*Guest- I can't guarantee 100% I will write the story or like I said I can add it to my challenges.

*Greer123- the credit goes to warrior of six blades I only upload the chapter when he finishes writing it.

*JustLuck- I don't know if I will be adding anti-heroes against Umbrella.

*BloodedgetheReaper2113- true I noticed my mistake and it's too late to change it so it stays.

*evolution-500- that will have to be up to warrior if he decides to do that.

*Guest- another story that can be added to my challenges.

*Guest- yep me too.

*Aku no Saiyan-jin-Kaiser- oh yeah she's going to be heartbroken.

*RedSazabert- answer Yes as an 80% chance that I will write it when RE3 remake releases which it's only one week away (YES! fan boying). However it won't be Jaune the one to get send to the RE verse I won't say anything to who it will be. It will remain a secret.

*saito- here you go with the new chapter hope you enjoy it.

*A.L.P.H. - Bleach invasion? Nope haven't play it.

*a8- here you go with the new chapter enjoy.

*Fido.123A- here you go with the new chapter.

*Thor10- warrior said it clearly he WON'T be showing the lemon sorry.

-As always please keep supporting warrior of six blades and this story with your favs, follows and reviews we both appreciate it.