Disclaimer: I own neither Mob Psycho 100 or the Persona series

Chapter 1

Reigen enjoyed a morning cup of joe as much as anyone else. He just never liked spending more money than he had to on one. But the moment his coffee maker broke, Reigen was half ready to just skip on morning coffee. But after a long night spent clearing out some old building of spirits with Mob, Reigen was definitely in the mood for a coffee.

"I really need to replace that thing… how much money am I going to waste on a single cup of coffee otherwise?" Reigen grumbled aloud, hands stuffed in his pockets as he walked through the alleys of Yongen-Jaya. In search of a pick-me-up, Reigen had been made aware of a local cafe called Leblanc. Considering its location, Reigen had no doubt that the crowd in there would be light. He didn't have high hopes for the coffee, but it was better than venturing far from his workplace for some streamlined coffee shop.

"Should be around here…" Reigen looked down at his phone at the labelled address, tired eyes trailing back up to a street sign. When he saw a modest poster with the name 'CAFE LEBLANC' and an arrow pointed down the next alley, he couldn't stop a relieved breath.

"Finally…" He turned a corner, getting ready to put his phone away.

"Don't you think it's a bit early to be harassing me?"

Reigen stopped, raising a brow as he heard a woman's voice. A short ways ahead of him was a woman and a police officer. The woman in question had a punk aesthetic that Reigen didn't often see these days. Her hair was dark blue, cut short at the neck and straight. Her complexion was pale, in no small way adding to her gothic appearance. She wore a black leather spiked choker around her neck with blood red lipstick and a dog tag hanging from her neck. Though what clashed with her overall look in Reigen's opinion was the white lab coat.

Never would have guessed a doctor would dress like that…

"I don't know what you mean, doctor," the officer scoffed, no small amount of disdain in his voice. "All I'm doing is keeping an eye on a menace."

"More like being a menace to regular citizens. They must put you on this kind of detail just to get you out of everyone's hair, huh?" The doctor replied, putting a small smirk on Reigen's face.

She's got a sharp tongue.

Reigen shook his head, realizing he had been watching the scene longer than he meant to. I shouldn't get involved. He peered past them, seeing Cafe Leblanc just ahead. Trying to act casual and ignore the scene, Reigen stuffed his hands back into his pockets. As he walked passed, his eyes briefly met with the woman's, her gaze neutral and tired.

"D-Damn it, someone like you can't speak that way to me! I won't take your lip!" The officer spat again, drawing the doctor's attention back to him.

"Look, I'm just trying to get a cup of coffee. Can't you just buzz off and bother me another time?" She huffed, her eyes glaring up at him tiredly.

Reigen found himself hesitating, though neither of the bystanders noticed. Yeah, I know the feeling of dealing with people when all you want is a coffee. Reigen released a sigh, digging into his pant pocket and producing his phone.

"Hmph! Don't go acting so cocky! You can act as casual as you want, but everyone knows what kind of elicit activities you really do!" The cop growled, trying to look intimidating by hovering over the doctor with his greater height.

"That's slander."

The doctor and the officer blinked, looking to the side to see Reigen staring at the officer with a flat look.

"E-Excuse me?!" The officer straightened out, glaring intensely at Reigen.

"Did you not hear me, officer? So sorry. I said that what you just said about the doctor is slander." Reigen yawned, picking at his ear with his pinkie. "Should a police officer of the law really be going out and spouting so loudly about things you have no evidence of? Because obviously, if you had evidence, this conversation wouldn't be going on right now."

"Wh-What?!" The officer recoiled, taken off guard. The woman raised a brow but a small smirk played at the edge of her lips. "Y-You... You better show some respect, you-"

"Ah, can you repeat that again for me?" Reigen asked, pointing at the cellphone sticking out of his breast pocket as a shit eating grin spread across his face. "I want to make sure that when my potential client sues, she has all the evidence she needs."

The officer immediately froze, sweat trailing down his face as he looked at the phone, a camera sticking out of the edge directed his way.

"Let's see… harassment, slander, and possible psychological damage done in the process," Reigen listed off each offense with his fingers, leaning to the side to look at the doctor. "Is there anything else that we need to add to that list?"

The doctor tilted her head to the side, feigning thought. "Well, if you give me some time, I'm sure there's something we could add…"

"W-Why you… you have any idea who you're defending?!" The officer huffed, gritting his teeth as he was suddenly cornered. "This woman is the Plague!"

Reigen noticed a frown spread across the doctor's face, but tried to remain neutral. "Adding a little 'title' to your slander? This is looking like a really good case in the doctor's favor."

"Bah! Whatever! Fine, I'll leave her alone! But don't be surprised if she treats you one day and you end up dead!" The officer grunted out, shooting the doctor a glare before stomping off.

"I'll be sure to rule it as a result of the psychological damage!" Reigen shouted loudly, watching as the officer turned a corner with a loud gruff. With the officer gone, Reigen's eyes trailed to the doctor. "Well, that's one way to start a morning. Are you okay?"

"Well, aside from the psychological damage, I think I'll survive," Takemi smirked, placing a hand on her hip. "So, are you really a lawyer?"

"Sorry, I'm just a local business man looking to get some coffee," Reigen dismissed with a quick wave of his hand and a smile. "But if it helps, I did record what just happened."

"Heh. That's kind of you, but… I don't think much will come of it," she said, causing Reigen to raise a brow in question. "But still, I appreciate your help there. And lucky for you, I was on my way to get some coffee as well. How about I buy you a cup as payment?"

"Hm… well, if you wouldn't mind, who am I to decline?" Reigen chuckled, happy to save some money. "By the way, I'm Arataka Reigen. I run a local supernatural consultation office."

The doctor's brow rose in surprise, but she tilted her head and smirked. "Really? A supernatural consultation office? Now I'm starting to get the picture." Reigen flinched ever so slightly as he felt a bead of sweat roll down his cheek, guessing at what she was implying. "Well, none of my concern, I suppose. I'm Tae Takemi. I'm a doctor who runs a clinic nearby."

"A clinic? Wait, that's your place?" Reigen blinked, remembering a hole in the wall pharmacy he often passed by.

"That's right. Pop in some time if you need a check up," Takemi nodded, walking past him toward the shop. Reigen raised a brow before quickly catching up, pulling the door open for her to walk in. Takemi raised a brow in surprise but said nothing, walking inside without a word. Reigen silently followed her, taking a small glance around.

The shop was modest, to say the least. Though Reigen would also consider it comfy, as well. There were several booths lining the wall and a bar with some stools on the opposite side. It only had one other customer in one old lady sitting in a booth by herself. An older man stood behind the bar, a pointed goatee and glasses on his face.

"Ah, morning doctor. The usual?" He asked, giving Takemi a tired smile.

"Two of the usual. One for my guest, here," Takemi said, sliding onto one of the stools at the bar.

"Morning," Reigen greeted, taking a seat next to her.

"You brought a date, huh? That's new," The old man said, giving Reigen a once over.

Sorry, nothing of the sort. We're just tired people both looking for a pick-me-up." Reigen waved a hand in dismissal.

"I see. Well then, time to get you initiated. Two specials, coming up," the old man said, starting a fresh pot in a fancy set of coffee beakers that Reigen had rarely ever seen before. He picked up a nearby menu, looking through the prices.

Huh. The coffee and the curry isn't overpriced, at least. Though that looks like his only other menu option outside all the different coffee blends. Reigen thought to himself, holding his chin.

"Ah, there's my guinea pig," Reigen pulled his gaze away from the menu, looking up to see a tall young man with messy black hair standing close by. He wore an unfamiliar black uniform and large framed glasses on his face.

"Hey," was his short and plain greeting. His disposition reminded him a bit of Mob, though this kid seemed to have a bit more… charm to him. The cool, silent type maybe? "You're with company?"

"Just someone that helped me out," Takemi answered, spinning her chair around and leaning back on the bar, folding one leg over the other. "Will I be seeing you today for a clinical trial?"

"Sure, I'll stop by," The boy agreed before giving Reigen a small glance. Their eyes met briefly, but they didn't linger on one another. "I'll see you later."

"Have a good day at school," Takemi turned back around, leaning forward on the bar. Reigen watched him leave before turning back to Takemi, a brow raised.

"Did you… call him your guinea pig?"

"Maybe. Nothing to be concerned about, though," Takemi answered vaguely, a small smirk on her lips.

"You really are a dangerous woman," Reigen laughed, looking up at the barista as he brought them their coffee. "Thank you." he took the cup, giving it a quick sniff to take in the aroma. "Well, it certainly smells good…" Reigen took a small sip, a small smile spread across his lips. "Oh, this is really good!"

"You should try it with the curry sometime. It might sound strange, but the coffee goes well with it," Takemi suggested, sipping on her own cup.

"With curry? What kind of combo is that?" Reigen asked, brow raised in disbelief.

"One you shouldn't knock until you try," the old man said, walking up to the two and setting a plate of curry down for Reigen.

"Ah-but I didn't order any."

"Consider it on the house. The doctor is a long time customer. Might as well make sure I have another one," The old man said, crossing his arms.

"That's pretty confident. We'll see about that," Reigen challenged, forking a scoop of curry and rice and eating it. His eyes snapped open in surprise. "Oh, wow! This is good!"

"Told you," Takemi giggled, holding her cup close to her face. The barista only smirked, turning his back to the two and moving to the end of the bar and watching the television.

"I've never tasted curry like this… it really threw me off," Reigen admitted, scooping more and more into his mouth before sipping on his coffee. "And it goes with the coffee so well… I barely believe it…"

"I guess the boss really does have a new customer," Takemi said, tilting her cup side to side and watching her coffee swish around gently. A frown spread across her lips, her eyes becoming tired. "So… are you going to ask?"

"What about?" Reigen said, his attention seemingly focused on his plate.

"You know what about. The cop, the nickname. You know, everything that happened just a few minutes ago," She said, her voice sounding short on patience.

Reigen swallowed the curry and rice in his mouth, letting out a thoughtful hum. "Only if you want me to. It's not really my business. We just met, after all… but if you want an ear to listen, I don't mind hearing you out. You are paying for my coffee, after all," He said, giving Takemi a small but kind smile.

Takemi didn't say anything at first, but a smile of appreciation edged at her lips. "Perhaps another time. If I see you again. Judging from how you're gorging on the coffee and curry though, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw you here."

"Who knows. I was planning to buy a new coffee maker, but…" Reigen looked down at his plate and cup, holding his chin. "I suppose getting some of the good stuff now and again wouldn't hurt, either."

"I often come for the quiet. Not a terribly busy place, in case you haven't noticed," Takemi said, giving a small wave to the rest of the cafe.

"Yeah, no kidding. Definitely a bit quiet for a place like this. Maybe it's the location?" Reigen said, sparing a look around the empty cafe.

"The boss seems to satisfied with the crowd he brings in, either way." Takemi shrugged, a small smirk rising at the edge of her lips. "So… a psychic agency, huh?"

"That's right. I'm the up and coming world's greatest psychic!" Reigen flailed his hand rapidly before pointing his thumb at himself with a confident grin. "Feel free to google me."

"Right~. I'm sure you're quite impressive," Takemi didn't even try to veil her amusement as she sipped on her coffee.

"I'm serious. In fact, if you or someone you know ever gets cursed or haunted, feel free to come by. I'm sure I can take care of it," Reigen said, wagging a finger as he turned in his seat to face her.

"I'll be sure to drop by your office if my fridge starts to make funny sounds," Takemi did the same, folding one leg over the other.

"Sorry, but haunted fridges are a bit difficult... You'd probably need to purchase my premium pack," Reigen feigned thought as he held his chin. Takemi couldn't stop from letting out a laugh, shaking her head.

"You're one odd guy… but I guess coming from a quack like me, that doesn't mean much," Takemi set her cup down. "Well, as much as I'd like to stay and keep chatting, I do have to open my clinic soon."

"Ah, right. I probably need to get things ready at my agency, too," Reigen said, checking his wrist watch for the time.

"Well, Reigen. It was interesting meeting you. I… hope we get a chance to chat, again," Takemi said, giving him a small smile as she set some cash on the counter as she stood up.

"Maybe we will. This coffee and curry is pretty amazing," Reigen smiled back, looking up at her. "It was nice meeting you, Takemi."

Takemi gave him a small wink before looking up at the cafe owner. "I'll catch you later, boss."

"Take care," the owner said, both he and Reigen watching as Takemi took her leave. Reigen focused back on his food, attempting to finish it off. "Never thought the doc would have company with who are you?"

"Just a local psychic is all," Reigen shrugged, focusing on his meal.

"Oh, right. I think I saw your sign a couple times," The old man scoffed, not sounding impressed. "Didn't think a guy would mention a job like that so casually to a lady."

"I wasn't really trying to impress her, if that's what you mean," Reigen said, looking up at the barista. "I just take pride in my work."

"If you say so," the old man leaned against the back counter by the jars of coffee grains. "So, think you'll be coming back here?"

"Yeah. The place is close to my office and your coffee and curry is definitely good," Reigen admitted, standing from his seat. "Thanks for the hospitality. I hope the place fills up soon."

"It probably won't, but I'm not too worried about it."

"Well, try to stay in business long enough for me to get another few cups of coffee at least," Reigen snarked, causing the old man to huff.

"Smartass…" The old man watched Reigen leave, giving a small smirk. "Seems like a decent guy, at least."

Reigen stepped outside the cafe, looking up at Cafe Leblanc's sign and humming. "Hm… I wonder if my customers would like the coffee…" Reigen said, an idea popping in his head. Giving a shrug, the 'psychic' walked out of the alley and headed for work.

To be continued…

Alright, so this is just a small story for fun like a few others I have. It won't get updated on any sort of schedule, I know that much. Still, this seems like a fun side project to have around that I might update when I feel like taking a small break from some of my other works.

I've been watching the latest season of Mob lately and I have to say, it has actually become a contender for my favorite anime of all time. Season 1 was great, no doubt, but season 2 kicked it up a notch and surprised the hell out of me. I especially loved what happened with Reigen in his own arc as he's always been one of my favorite characters. I do love Mob and would make a story based around him, but I've already got a few long running stories to worry about, which is why he's not the main focus here.

That may change in the future, but for now enjoy these little stories revolving around Reigen helping out some of the P5 cast in what ways he knows best. Heck, considering the nature of this story, I won't say that characters that make an appearance are limited to Mob and P5. But I would say they're the primary focus. If you guys have any ideas for other characters for Reigen to meet and possibly help, feel free to leave a review regarding it :)

Anyways, that's it for this chapter, please be sure to leave a follow, a favorite and a review if you'd be so kind. Thanks!