Reviews for In the Eye of the Beholder
RosyMiranto18 chapter 86 . 1/13
This chapter shows up right when i closed ny laptop after playing Persona 4 for the day. Goddamnit. And this chapter contains The in the title, that's not a good news. Ehm, okay, enough about that. Let's go to the reply first.

I know you couldn't and i couldn't expect otherwise knowing how many words i put in reviews not just in this fic, especially when it comes to the Spoilerific contents. Still, thank you for complimenting my details in my reviews. As for Tangibility, you got a point about that, especially in the Real World when it's taxing a lot more than the Valley.

Okay, now that we have get it out of the way, let's start with the chapter then.
1a. The news' out. QIB's screwed.
b. But at least despite being on Sycopantha's side now, Doctor still managed to give advices that are neutral and not directly lead to Sycopantha's cause. Although, maybe these so-called 'Support Groups' are the one.
c. But you didn't think that Dr. Memphis is with Sycopantha by the implication? I start to get disappointed in you to not reacting quicker, QIB. I regrettably do.
2a. At least this story has reaches December, finally.
b. Really, Lynne, your enemy of all people gave you that leaflet, Morgan?
c. As i said, you moved too slow or too reluctant to act. This is unlike other fics where they literally can't act until the villain does. You need to step up your game or else you would lose the people's favor and trust in you, Lydia. This is not just about quelling the Shadows anymore. This is pretty much a political war now.
3a. Hm... On one side, i'm glad an adult can help the affected, but on the other hand, i'm worried that Ms. Moore has taken their side now.
b. Sighs... Called it that Lynne is still going to be involved and putting thoughts directly in those Support Meetings in some way.
c. That's a pretty good metaphor, admittedly.
4a. How many people (left) that got Narcissus Syndrome, by the way?
b. Maybe consulting with these nightmares as a group and not individually is not such a good idea, after all.
c. Well, the easy answer, Shadows. The harder answer, how and why did those Shadows corrupt those trees anyway?
d. Wait, you had Narcissus Syndrome as well, Alice? I started to think that you're going to join QIB or Sycopantha by the end of this Epidemic.
5a. At least you skipped December 3rd, one of the infamous Tragic Persona Date.
b. I gotta admit, saying that part with your own Idol to their face right in the first meeting sounds too overwhelming. So we'll see what happen in the future.
c. Yep, Alice for Sycopantha Flag confirmed. I hope this is not going to be trueby any means other than Alice will get killed though.
d. Still, if Alice do have a Persona in the future. Think how funny it is if hers is that Alice with Die for Me! It's definitely near-impossible to be her though.

I don't know how many chapters this fic left, but i estimate it to be at around Namatame or Sae Arc if we go by the same pace of Arcs in Persona 4/5. So by that extension, i highly doubt that this story will be over in your targeted date, May 19th this year. Anyway, i think that's all for this chapter, so see you later and Keep Update
nightelf37 chapter 85 . 10/8/2019
Wonderful chapter so far. Now the "war" is spilling over to the physical world by way of information and propaganda.

Inane question here, but are there going to be new Persona-users coming this late into the story? If there are, will their Arcana be Temperance? Because there have been ZERO Persona-users of that Arcana so far. This technically applies for the Tower, too, except it has one by the name of Takahisa Kandori, a main villain in the first Persona game.
RosyMiranto18 chapter 85 . 10/4/2019
*pause* Oh dear, two fics in line for a review, and there are potentially two more for the rest of the day. *sighs* This will be fun.
Now for the reply, it is indeed true that both Aigis and Marie’s true situation are being address very late in the Story, the last months, in fact. So I guess while I know I have to wait to know the truth, at least I still can suspect that Morgan has something to do with Philemon. I’ll keep that thought until it’s proven otherwise. Speaking of replies, I’m actually surprised that Valerie have a Chariot. But then again, she’s too overconfident, so… Moving on to the chapter:

1a. I can understand your decision to not bother your brother for the Thanksgiving Week, Lydia, but why roping the rest of QIB into the same agreement too?
b. Really, is there someone in Sycophanta who is academically slacker? Who, Corbin?
c. Yeah, I don’t think the Thanksgiving would be pleasant had you stayed at Crystal rapids, Lydia.
2a. So basically, Sycophanta is changing their tattoo’s appearance for some reason? I don’t know, but that sounds like bad news to me. As if they got a new power or something.
b. Well, considering that he’s a doctor, and these, scientist, and law enforcement are the least likely people to think Supernatural as a cause… of course he has a hard time to believe it.
c. Still, I guess this means that Dr. Memphis is not only now in the loop, but also likely to side with Sycophanta as well. Of course, this also means that Andrea, Declan, and Erika have a very high chance to be brought along as well eventually. This is certainly bad news, since I was really hoping that Lydia managed to discover at least those three first before Lynne managed to recruit them or something. One question though, even though he just been told about Persona now, for how long did Lynne told him about the dreams with Rosalia?
d. Still, looking at another perspective mentioned by another reviewer. I guess that’s an interesting point. In this case of the nightmares, it is now difficult to point out who does the correct thing between QIB and Sycophanta. Both have their side of argument, but there’s no way to tell which one is the correct action until it’s too late. The conflicts is now greying out and it honestly scares me actually. Especially when Lynne has made the first steps to make it public, and the first one to get general masses’ opinion, they will have the trust of most people for the rest of the story. This is going to be the case when Lydia’s secretiveness is going to bite her very very hard.
3a. Speaking of which, where are your uncles and aunts now, especially after you’re leaving for Quartz.
b. Giving Rolls of Flosses everyday sounds like bad news, to be honest. But well, maybe there should be an age limit where eating those rolls is mandatory or not, hahaha.
c. Wait, you didn’t give the names for Lydia’s parents yet?
d. Sure, ignorance is a bliss, but at least you can make them safer by telling them what kind of danger is it. Otherwise it would be a case of Fear of the Unknown… Lydia’s secretiveness is definitely going to bite her in the ass now…
4a. And… in contrast, Lynne told her parents the truth. Other points for their contrast, I suppose, and I gotta admit that I gives more points on Lynne this time. Secretiveness is going to be source of the biggest problems you had, just because you refused to tell them the truth until it’s too late.
b. *spittake* Wait, Lynne, you mean you told your parents about the Rosalia dream for a long time (at least just a few days) like Dr. Memphis, but you didn’t disclose the real truth until now? *sighs* Okay, I just thought that you already told your parents the entire thing, but you did not show them Rosalia yet. Phew…
c. Wait, wait, I just realize it. Since when did you mark changing, Lynne?
d. Uh… you or Dr. Memphic didn’t say anything about calling it Phobetor Disorder before, so… where did it come from? *pause* So Phobetor is Morpheus’ bother and a Personification of Nightmare? Ah… I didn’t know that. That’s a much better choice than Morpheus that I used for a long time.
e. Uh… since when you have a high-pitched voice, Rosalia? I thought yours is quite deep.
f. I actually thought that Personas are intangible if they are summoned in real world all this time, and I guess I was wrong.
g. Uh… I don’t think you cannot count yourself out of being called a Guardian Angel, Rosalia, but I think that Spirit Advisor can do as well.
5a. Some strings of bad luck, I guess? Because I don’t think someone being ‘chosen’ by the Valley out of anything that can be explained until very late in the story.
b. Honestly, Mrs. Faire have a point. While QIB have been thinking of the consequences of every single of their and Sycophanta’s actions, Lynne never did especially regarding her own powers? Though when it turns out that she rarely be on Lynne’s side, I guess it makes sense why she doesn’t fully understand Lynne’s thought in this.
c. While that’s a good analogy, saying War on Two Fronts sounds like you’re jinxing yourself to have the same fate as Napoleon and Hitler was.

As for the last words, thank you for giving out the trips with “The” Chapters. That will help a lot of what’s coming there. Still, this chapter takes a lot of turn for the grays, and it’s honestly concerning for QIB. If they don’t act soon, their PR would be ruined before they even started it. Well, I guess that’s all for now. See you late and Keep Update! There’s so much I need to review now.
Defender31415 chapter 85 . 10/4/2019
So Lynne’s family now knows about Rosalia... and with that, the conflict is heightened. Will the other members of Sycophanta tell their families about their Personas? If so, will that become necessary for the QIB? And will the revelation of the truth behind Phobetor Disorder turn the town of Quartz against the QIB? Only time will tell, but those are my questions!
Solphage chapter 84 . 8/15/2019
Always a great persona fic, and glad to see it updating; you mentioned wanting to make versal collider if you were a game designer, but would you rather versal collider or in the eye of the beholder -the game? Additionally, do all the sycophants have thoth arcana, or just Lynne, with hunger's aspect of opposition/evil? Sudden realization; that means Lydia can get Rosalia, just as Yu can get Magatsu-Izanagi
Solphage chapter 62 . 8/15/2019
Android or no, which is possible because personaverse and at least 3 is canon, the aeon arcana's aspect is inhumanity; aigis is a robolady, marie is a goddess, so morgan is a non-human girl of some flavour
Solphage chapter 54 . 8/15/2019
Well, I have to then ask, if Lydia won't max; true end rewrite when? ;7 but mostly loving the fic, and if you play on the most beautiful server in the world (Zalera) I might do a few runs with you :7
Shadowman-DDT chapter 9 . 8/7/2019
So, this is great. It has a lot of great...ideas...I find it a little hard to finish.
The premise is fine, the other world is good, the Shadows are interesting, the character are fine. The writing's a little clunky. You're kinda over explaining everything, spending way to much time describing things that you could explain in far fewer words. And trying to rationalize game mechanics in a traditional narrative medium is almost always going to be awkward. There's no reason to explain that using clothing mechanic (Which I'm assuming is a substitute for traditional armor) will cost money, or trying to explain why the the Velvet Room would need money.
You also tend to break the "Show don't Tell" rule alot. Like in this chapter; showing how Lydia will be obtaining new Personas (Which is pretty clever I'll admit) and then explaining how switching Personas feels is pretty good. Then you had Ophelia out right explain that she can cast Dia now, and just has Lydia do it for no real reason other than to show she can do it. That really boring. It would have been more interesting if Lydia and Allie were in the middle of a fight, Allie gets hurt and Ophelia whispers in Lydia's mind to casts the spell to save her. It would just make everything flow much better.
Admittedly, I'm only on chapter nine, so you could have gotten better since now.
RosyMiranto18 chapter 84 . 8/4/2019
So Actio is a pun of Acton and Action, got it. Yeah, it’s a nice coincidence. I see. Okay, last day before I go to my Student Study Service Next Week. Not expecting a chapter today, but I should have known when I saw a chapter cliffhangered like that as it’s not usual for you to split Idol Boss Fight in two.

Okay, time to review now.
1a. Wait, didn’t attacking the lamps will destroying it, as in destroying your only source of visibility? :BroughyFacepalm: *pause* But if the spotlights are that bad then… okay, it’s a better trade off.
b. Yes, Damien. What do you expect? It’s rigged.
c. So now Tetrakarn and Makarakarn are colored now? My trick is to use a weak attack to break the shell since it doesn’t depend on what kind of damage it receives then gives all you got on the second hit. So Mark, you should know that Instant-kills is useless on Bosses.
d. Shit, so heat-based attacks could still hit those weak against fire. Maybe everyone should invest in resistant accessories.
e. Poor Jacob.
f. Wait, you can inflict Silence Ailment on yourself? I can understand why to hold off your pain, but still.
g. So Fire and Electricity, i can understand the lightning but the fire feels ironic.
2a. Debuff Lights, damnit.
b. Wait, so Idol Cameron sits on that chair all the time, a Director Chair?
c. Why did Amelia to be the one knocking the chair? IS it because she’s the only one with no Unison Spell (as I call it)?
d. I was questioning if former Idols just turned into pile of Quartz, but it must be because their Host is present, since you still need to have to talk with your defeated Idol in order to obtain your Persona.
e. So… does that mean Idol Cameron will be back, especially if Cameron got dragged into the Valley on his own?
3a. Wait, I thought it’s Rissa who could open a portal, and not Jacob. Since when? But if it’s exclusively the portals to the trees, maybe you can.
b. Is the uncomfort that because Nothing is Scarier, Jacob?
c. I guess this Forbidden Depth agitated even Personas, shit, that’s bad.
d. Nice bubble, but yeah, that seems to easy to be true.
4a. So Lydia feels that she’s guilty for Murder by Inaction, eh? I don’t think you deserved to treat yourself like that, to be honest.
b. Yeah, Ophelia you got a point. Lydia might actually be a suicidal if she never got involved with this entire Shadow Business.
c. Sighs… I can see why Lydia wants to prioritize the others over her own well-being, but I guess Lydia should face her inner demons soon enough for her own good, if it’s possible to happen.
d. Wait, so they can’t see each other inside of the bubble? I thought they can.
5a. Wait, does that mean the Forbidden Depths flows even slower than the real world or even time-stopped?
b. True, QIB may be struggle to get information because there’s too concentrated on Fulton, but they’re a lot easier to get together compared to Sycophanta.
c. Plus, Sycophanta could do the same accidents in retaliation for that.
d. Yeah, splitting the team into two or three and taking care of the tree in turns would be the good idea.
e. Maybe Cameron could have a Persona, Rissa, but he still needs to go to the Valley to talk with the Idol and seal the deal. But if he could, I’m worried that it will end like the same case as how Sycophanta got their Persona.
6a. Poker and Watching Football lazily? Okay, your brother is definitely a scumbag, Quinn. Maybe you should try driving your own car or something. *pause* Oh, you’re not old enough yet. Sorry.
b. Just tell us how’s Ephemeral once you watch it, Morgan…
c. Is Baxter a parody of Pixar?
d. Hm… something tells me that we get Morgan’s proper Arc after we’ve dealt with Cameron here… I mean what kind of brother Phil is, huh? I mean this Phil could even refers to Philemon and not Phillip Hale or something. I mean that might explain why she’s an Aeon, which is usually not used for genuine humans (like Aigis or Marie)
e. And Creeper? AW MAN…!

Okay, that’s it for now. But yeah, it’s too weird the protagonist just rolls through with their personal issues and helping the others all the time instead. SO See you again later and Keep Update!
RosyMiranto18 chapter 83 . 8/2/2019
Sorry for being late, but there’s so much things happening in the aftermath of this event. Okay, in case you didn’t know. There are a lot of trailers for P5 Royal yesterday, from Morgana Report #4, The Second Main Trailer, and Akechi’s Trailer. There’s a LOT to discover, but the largest news of today so far is Akechi surviving and joining the PT for real. Anyway, let’s go to the reply first.
I see. So some people prefer one door compared to others. Perfectly Relatable, I mean everyone including me do that too, right? But honestly, the first door to enter for me is the one closest to the parking spot within the building I want to go to.

Okay, moving on to the review now. Moment of Truth for Rissa’s friends! But sorry if I sounded very frustrated today though. Real-life issues.
1a. Wait, does that mean Quinn’s brother is also be told about the Valley?
b. Hm… your house probably can hold 50 people with that Valley Knowledge, James.
c. So, what is your SUV model, Morgan? *pause* Actually, what are the car models everyone has specifically anyway?
d. Why did you and Allie in a same car, Damien? Are you two dating XD And Lin is unavailable, okay.
e. I almost thought that Rissa’s friends are actually kidnapped. Also, Creeper Van? Aw man…
f. But yeah, looking forward to see your brother getting ticketed soon, Quinn.
g. Speaking of which, what kind of job you had, James? I’m pretty sure it’s not Shadow-related though.
2a. So what’s up with that glare, James, are Quinn and Rissa dating? XD
b. Ah… so Nessa came from Vanessa not Nessie. Now I understand that Sword and Shield character now.
c. More scared to Rissa, why? Is it because she’s a Persona User or is it something else?
d. I honestly expecting Alvin’s car to be a lot more charming than that -_-
e. By the way, how wide your parking space to fit all of these cars, James?
3a. Well, I guess Lydia is a lot more grounded than your expectations. Isn’t it Quinn?
b. Considering that you were replaced by your Shadow, I think it makes sense why no one want to talk to you back then.
c. You got a point, Damien. I mean I actually once doubted Morgan could keep this thing a secret.
d. Oh yeah, classic Truthful Propaganda idea, good one.
e. It’s a good idea to not tell everything until you get their trust. But for me, a case of telling Half-Truth is going to be more likely to backfire.
f. Damn, I know you’re buying a lot of snacks and drinks for these weekly meetings, James, but are you sure you are not bankrupting yourself for it?
g. Yeah, not fighting with your Persona means you had to put more effort into the PR of this entire thing, on top of supporting those who came to the Dark World, of course.
4a. No Sycophanta today, how fortunate.
b. I guess what’s beneath that hole is very dangerous, is that correct?
c. But maybe you should try changing your schedule on a Monthly basis because now I’m paranoid that the Sycophanta will discover it soon.
d. You got a point, Nathan. That might be inside of Cameron’s consciousness.
e. Have you try Fire or Light Persona like Pyro Jack or Angel and put an Agi or Eiha as weak as possible, Lydia?
5a. With a condition like this, I can see why you’re clinging to Mark like that Amelia. Honestly, I think everyone’s going to have a Nyctophobia after this.
b. Nori, now you’re making me question if this endless darkness is happening on all nightmares or just specifically Cameron’s.
c. Red Eyes? Does that mean this Idol Cameron have a Reverse Persona or something? O_o
d. Sighs… an ambush, of course. At least they can communicate normally now though.
6a. Actio: “A term in rhetoric that means the delivery that is given to a speech. Hand gestures, voice variation, speaker to audience eye contact, and an engaging manner are all needed for an effective actio.” I understand the Light reference, but why Actio? *pause* Wait, if these are nicknames for his best friends, it means… *gasp* What the fuck, Cameron? How dare you calling your best friends like that.
b. Reflects Any Light? Is that a pun, Jacob?
c. So you call Malinali Mali, eh? For a second, I mistook it for the African Mali.
d. Hello Darkness, My Old Fried. Sighs… shit, here we go again.
e. Sighs… I guess Rissa fights alone here, isn’t it?

Well, I guess that’s all. I’m glad you managed to expand that idea from Mario and Luigi. So yeah, see you later and Keep Update!
nightelf37 chapter 82 . 6/12/2019
Sometimes, I wonder if this fanfic can ever reach the same league as Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, the Tamers Forever Series, the Reactsverse, Ashes of the Past, etc.

This original Persona fanfic is incredible and needs more attention.
RosyMiranto18 chapter 82 . 6/9/2019
Phew… okay, since I had to return to Surabaya in a few hours or even minutes. I had to make this fast. However, to the reply first.

Oh, I see. So they talks, yet they’re less willing to do so other than Rosalia. Got it. And so they are nicknames, I see. Thanks for the clarification then.

Now let’s move on to the actual review now.
1a. Yeah… even if this tree purification ends quickly, I think they will be dragged regardless.
b. I didn’t know you’ve already told your closest friends about what happened between your imposter of a Shadow, Rissa.
c. But yeah, Lydia’s right? QIB needs more allies on the other schools, especially considering that Sycophanta is more spread out when it comes to schools.
d. That is bad, please endure it, Cameron.
e. I think the QIB will find out about that bark soon enough or even enter it eventually. Also, I hope that doing it wouldn’t affect you negatively, Rissa.
f. But damn, I’m really looking forward to seeing your friends in the next chapter, Rissa.
2a. Hm… I wonder what Morgan is doing this early.
b. When you think about it, Lydia have quite a busy school life compared to you, Lynne.
c. Uh… you’re not getting any hypotension or hypertension, right… Lynne?
d. Well… sure, there’s no Idol Lydia out there, but… I don’t think even the QIB other than Jacob and maybe Rissa know what it might look like if I’m right (i.e. have something to do with Alex’ death)
3a. Hm… maybe you should try to walk to the school sometimes indeed, Lydia.
b. Yeah, I hope Corbin would focus on his test instead of spying on you and Lydia, Lynne.
c. Is the Eastern Entrance cursed or something, wha-?
d. You know Mels, you should just focus on that nightmare instead of continue gossiping, got it?
e. I hope that jealousy wouldn’t escalate into something bad… especially if it’s Forest Valley related.
f. I guess Sycophanta also prepares some… propaganda before they finally leak the secret, is that correct?
4a. Pity? A pity for who? Lydia? And why?
b. I guess the Dinner is a good place to discuss something like this, even if the risks is no different than Junes in P4.
c. I honestly think Government Secrets is a good analogy on what the Forest Valley Business is, Lynne.
d. I think the Mall is a bad idea, especially when there’s a lot more people who could stumble and listen other than the Dinner.
5a. I bet Wendell’s is a parody of Wendy’s, is that correct?
b. Why would a school tried to serve a Lasagna again?
c. Maybe you should try making your own lunches, Lydia.
d. I think this November Breeze will not be as good as the years prior. The reason? Of course, the Forest Valley.
e. Also, I thought a mall like this would be closed off and filled with ACs. Sorry if it’s incorrect, but that’s how Indonesian Malls go.
6a. So… your answer is… that’s it. My guess is the situation might be like Izanami choosing Adachi, Namatame, and Yuu, it feels like a random thing. Though if that’s the basis, I think there’s something that shaped you both into making the Valley choosing to be sets apart from everyone else. Lydia had Alex’s death, while I don’t know what shaped Lynne’s life before her encounter with her Idol. Though I know what shaped them both and why they are chose is how they feel much responsible on their ideals and will stop at nothing to achieve it, even if it destroys them from inside.
b. And considering that there’s no Shadow Selves, just Idol Selves, it will be a lot more difficult to see what ‘the real you’ are.
c. I honestly expecting that Lydia will eventually tells what happened in Crystal Rapids soon… to the rest of QIB, and even Lynne.
d. On a side note, I’m still suspicious that LydiaXLynne will be a thing eventually.

Well, I guess that’s all of this review. But hey, good for you with the next Windy November. I don’t think it will ever happen here, after all. Although, can I ask you to show what are the ones that didn’t really work out, at least for an extra chapter or two, or even just some omakes. Okay, I think that’s it. See you later and Keep Update!
DreamsofIwatodai chapter 1 . 5/13/2019
Oh Shit FemMC. But seriously though reading some of your other works and this one, I can say I really do enjoy your works. This is only chapter one but its done enough to make me want to read more. Applause.
Defender31415 chapter 81 . 5/13/2019
Good job. Can’t say I 100% understand what is going on, but it looks like Cameron is the next target for QIB or Sycophanta. But... I am worried about Lydia- I really hope it’s just the stress of being a Persona user that’s draining her, and not nightmares...
RosyMiranto18 chapter 81 . 5/13/2019
*yawn* fasting, yawning and I am completely bored. Honestly, this is not what I was hoping to pass my time for the next one and a half hours until I can eat again, but I guess it will do. But yeah, I guess so. Rosalia does have some amount of clairvoyance compared to other Personas, but we’ll see about that. Although, I wonder why other than Rosalia, none of Sycophanta’s Persona talks? This sounds suspicious to me. Does it have something to do with how they got their Personas?
Anyway, enough about that. Better continue the review now to keep me awake. Though don’t worry, a breather like this chapter is much needed actually.

1a. I guess yesterday’s events has drained you more than you thought, Lynne.
b. However, I got confused here. Is it Lydia calling Lynne or is it them meeting on the way to the school? You really should start writing the place the scene was in every time there’s a timeframe like this.
c. Wait, where did you jump into Forest Valley (yes, I combine the name now, it’s THAT confusing) again? Are you jumping on your bedroom after telling your father that you go to sleep?
d. Hm… I was theorizing that Sycophanta members could be affected by the nightmares too, but I know it’s completely baseless.
e. And considering the city’s size, I don’t think the news will gone national anytime soon… at least until the Endgame.
2a. Considering how messed up those nightmares are, I’m not surprised if he’s not being closed off about it.
b. Um… I’m just asking this in case, but is Light Cameron’s surname?
c. I guess one of the reasons the shoot messes up is so often is because of Cameron’s random nightmare-caused lashing outs, isn’t it?
d. Yeah… suddenly being care to someone else make you look suspicious, right?
3a. Carla, if you keep this up, you might get that mark on your own as a Karma, you know?
b. I’m surprised no one tried anything about bandages at this point *facepalm*
c. Hm… I don’t really think being a Sycophanta could be counted as being cured from Narcissus Syndrome, to be honest.
4a. Oh, so you’re tired too, Lydia. I guess everyone’s tired from what happened yesterday. Sorry, Lynne.
b. Well, Carla got a point, but… why am I starting to think that it’s eventually going to be LydiaXLynne in the end? :BroughyWut:
c. Damn, I thought the Mels are already cool with Lydia now.
d. Why did I have a feeling that Carla will find out about the Forest Valley sooner or later?
5a. So I guess this means the rest of Sycophanta will wait for the QIB in the latter’s next venture into the Forest Valley, isn’t it?
b. I guess the QIB will have a supplies shopping in one or two chapters, right?
c. Or maybe it’s whatever God you will face as boss in the Endgame, Lydia, and it might as well manipulate both you and Lynne like what happened between Akira and Akechi. It means both of you are the Chosen ones… by something.

But at least I can expect an interesting chapter soon. Well, I guess that’s all for now. Keep Update!
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