How long has it been since I last did my favorite hobby? Four years? Five maybe?

I was on my way home from work, when a recently opened card shop caught my eyes, especially the certain kind of cards it sells.

Yu-Gi-Oh. A game I used to play with my friends when we were kids or teenagers. It was practically my life back then. But after we went out separate ways, I stopped playing, especially since the people I've been meeting after that split up never played the game either. It's been lonely lately. Almost like, what I thought was a hobby, was actually the one thing that connects me to the real world.

"This is unusual," came a voice. My mind was sent back in reality as I found myself inside the shop. "We don't get female adults in here."

"I'm... getting something for my son," I lied, considering that I don't even have a boyfriend.

"That so? A birthday gift?" the guy, who I assumed is the clerk, asked.


"Take a nice look around then. Choose whatever catch your eyes for the boy."

And a look around I did. Truth be told, I had been collecting these cards for sometime, but stopped due to how busy I've gotten. Most of the cards in the store didn't catch my eyes, or the decks, mainly because I already have them. I may have stopped playing, but that doesn't mean I stopped collecting. After looking around, I found nothing that seemed to interest me.

"You must have good eyes there," the clerk spoke.

"Huh? I wouldn't say that," I denied.

"But you do. You're not buying a deck or some cards. Usually, all rookie and pro duelists do that."

"I suppose so."

"I got something." The clerk walked to what seemed to be the storage room.

Few minutes later, he came back out with a package.

"Why don't you take this? I've a feeling these guys were waiting for you. And it'll be on the house." I almost revealed how happy I was to hear that when I remembered the lie I told him.

"But I just said-"

"Oh that's right. This is for your... 'son'." The way he said that sounded like he knew I was telling a lie. "Don't worry. I think you'll find this deck a huge surprise. Unwrap it at midnight in your room."

Although I was unsure of his words, curiosity got the better of me as I took the package, thanking him for the... gift.

It was minutes away from midnight. I was on my bed with the package on my lap, watching the clock ticking its way to midnight. The clerk's words never left my head.

'Cards were waiting for me? That couldn't be possible, could it?' I wondered. I looked away from my clock, looked at all the Yu-Gi-Oh cards I have collected all over my room. I opened the drawer of my nightstand, revealing it to have so many deck boxes in it. I took out one of the box and opened it, revealing to contain my very first deck with my Ace card at the front of it.

Ring Ring Ring

'Good thing I set my alarm to midnight,' I thought, as I closed my deck box and put it away. I stared at the box for some time, wondering if I should open it. Then again, I already waited this long to see what was inside the thing. That being said, I cautiously opened the box... only to find nothing.

"Is this some kind of joke?!" I wondered out loud. "And to think I actually believed that guy." Finding that thinking about it would be a more waste of time, I put the box on the floor and went to sleep.

I woke up to the feeling of grass. I even feel my face pressed on the ground. Curious, I opened my eyes and rubbed sleep out of them. Doing so, I found myself, not in my room, but under a small bridge at a riverbank. I was shocked at the scene before me, I shot up from my spot. Not only that, my body felt a little weird. I assumed it was from dehydration and walked closer to the river near me. I saw a reflection of myself from the water and was even more shock at what I was seeing.

I saw myself as a teenager. As if that wasn't enough to surprise me, I was also wearing different clothes. I was in a white shirt with a red coat over it, blue jeans, and brown boots. I also have greenish blue hair instead of plain black and a black scarf. I was in complete shock at what happened to me I couldn't help but take steps back. This led me to tripping over something. Looking at my feet, I saw some deck boxes by them. They weren't just any deck boxes; they were my deck boxes, my decks. As proof of that, my name was on each of them, proving them all to be mine.

"This is getting weirder and weirder," I muttered. I began to collect them when I saw something on my left arm. It was a white iPad. At least, that's what it looks like. I tried to get the device off my arm, only to activate it instead. Surprisingly, the device had information on me. My birth date, where I'm from.

'Yeah... Definitely getting even more weird,' I thought. After messing with my new device, I picked up my deck boxes, six in total, and apparently have a place for them on my belt. 'Might as well, find out what happened to me.' With that in mind, I walked off to wherever.