![]() Author has written 1 story for Danny Phantom, and Young Justice. Hey PhantomGoat13 here, mostly started this account to better be able to read and keep up with all the great fanfiction I keep finding! So the artwork for my ID photo is used with the permission of the amazing thefluffyhandgrenade from DeviantArt. She has some pretty good stuff, including quite a few really cool artworks of wolves! Heya, I just want to say thanks to all the people who have favorited, followed and reviewed to my first story! SO as to how the Ghostly Overlord series will be set up, each short story in the series, which will either be based off a rule taken from Peter Anspach’s The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord list, one of his continuations of the list, Cellblocks A or B, or if the inspiration strikes me and I have an original idea that fits with the story. In most cases there will be two chapters to a rule, the Team’s view/ public view and then there will be Miasma, my OC’s view. Just to be clear I only own Miasma! The list and all continuations of it are Peter Anspach’s property, he has just given permission for them to be used as long as credit is given! And Danny Phantom belongs to Butch Hartman and Young Justice to DC, I’m just the kid with too many plot bunnies for their own good! If a reviewer does not have a account I will either leave a response in my author note for my next chapter or as a review in the review section depending on how long it takes me to update. The following portion of my profile contains the meanings for the easter eggs that I hid inside my various chapters. When I post a new chapter that contains new easter eggs I will update the list. Currently the list contains only names that have special meanings, but if you have suggestions for other ones then please by all means let me know about your ideas and I will consider them! Ch.1 Ch. 3.1 Reva- esperanto means rain, (in latin it means regain strength, and hebrew to tie, bind, snare. Tempest-violent storm Acharya -(was used as the last name for the museum director)-teacher Caleb(head of museum security) - Dog or faithful, refering to his faithful service to his country. 3.2 Nekonata (the title for my made up science journal that Miasma was posing as a reporter for)- Esperanto for Unknown. Kaŝita- Esperanto for hidden. 4.1 Ne ŝin -Esperanto for not her Neniam- Esperanto for never been Haringo- Esperanto for herring ( As in Jeremy "Red" Herring!) 4.2 Lolen - "From the Mongsen Ao, a language spoken in Assam, in the northeastern part of India. The Ao belong to the Naga ethnic group and used to be famous for being headhunters... (The) name refers to a warrior who is good in ambushing and attacking quickly." I found this name on Quora when researching names meaning Assassin, it was the response to some one asking the question "what are some names that mean assassin?" The definition in quotes was made by an Andre Muller. Fumo- Esperanto for Smoke. Kaida- Is Japanese for Little Dragon. 5.1 Paco- Esperanto for Peace. 5.2 O'Connell- Irish for strong as a wolf. Tynan-Irish meaning dark or dusty. Facila- (the name for the shipping company) Esperanto for easy. Thank you for reading! 20 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity 1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down. 2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice. 3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries With That. 4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It " In". 5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso. 6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Smuggling Diamonds". 7. Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With The Prophecy". 8. Don't use any punctuation. 9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk. 10. Order a Diet Water when ever you go out to eat, with a serious face. 11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go". 12. Sing Along At The Opera. 13. Go To A Poetry Recital. And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme? 14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area and Play tropical Sounds All Day. 15. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You're Not In the Mood. 16. Have Your Co-workers Address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock Bottom. 17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won! I Won!" 18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking lot, Yelling "Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!" 19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go." 20. And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity post this on your profile!!! 60 things to do in an elevator: 1. Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off. 2. Blow your nose and offer to show the contents of your Kleenex to other passengers. 3. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering: "Shut up, dammit, all of you just shut UP!" 4. Whistle the first seven notes of "It's a Small World" incessantly. 5. Sell Girl Scout cookies. 6. On a long ride, sway side to side at the natural frequency of the elevator. 7. Shave. 8. Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside ask: "Got enough air in there?" 9. Offer name tags to everyone getting on the elevator. Wear yours upside-down. 10. Stand silent and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off. 11. When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open, then act embarrassed when they open by themselves. 12. Lean over to another passenger and whisper: "Noogie patrol coming!" 13. Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Admiral. 14. One word: Flatulence! 15. On the highest floor, hold the door open and demand that it stay open until you hear the penny you dropped down the shaft go "plink" at the bottom. 16. Do Tai Chi exercises. 17. Stare, grinning, at another passenger for a while, and then announce: "I've got new socks on!" 18. When at least 8 people have boarded, moan from the back: "Oh, not now, damn motion sickness!" 19. Give religious tracts to each passenger. 20. Meow occasionally. 21. Bet the other passengers you can fit a quarter in your nose. 22. Frown and mutter "gotta go, gotta go" then sigh and say "oops!" 23. Show other passengers a wound and ask if it looks infected. 24. Sing "Mary had a little lamb" while continually pushing buttons. 25. Holler "Chutes away!" whenever the elevator descends. 26. Walk on with a cooler that says "human head" on the side. 27. Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce "You're one of THEM!" and move to the far corner of the elevator. 28. Burp, and then say "mmmm...tasty!" 29. Leave a box between the doors. 30. Ask each passenger getting on if you can push the button for them. 31. Wear a puppet on your hand and talk to other passengers "through" it. 32. Start a sing-along. 33. When the elevator is silent, look around and ask "Is that your beeper?" 34. Play the harmonica. 35. Shadow box. 36. Say "Ding!" at each floor. 37. Lean against the button panel. 38. Say "I wonder what all these do" and push the red buttons. 39. Listen to the elevator walls with a stethoscope. 40. Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers that this is your "personal space." 41. Bring a chair along. 42. Take a bite of a sandwich and ask another passenger: "Wanna see wha in muh mouf?" 43. Blow spit bubbles. 44. Pull your gum out of your mouth in long strings. 45. Announce in a demonic voice: "I must find a more suitable host body." 46. Carry a blanket and clutch it protectively. 47. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button. 48. Wear "X-Ray Specs" and leer suggestively at the passengers. 49. Stare at your thumb and say "I think it's getting larger." 50. If anyone brushes against you, recoil and holler "Bad touch!" 51. Bring a water pistol. Soak everyone's shoes. 52. Start brushing off invisible bugs from your arms, screaming "Aaughh! Get them off!" 53. Challenge your neighbor to a "Tic-Tac-Toe" tournament. 54. Laugh hysterically for five seconds, stop, and glare at the other passengers like they are crazy. 55. Charge into the elevator dripping wet, holding a towel and wearing only a bath robe. Mutter something about how husbands/wives always come home early just when it's getting to the good part. 56. Make chalk drawings on the walls. 57. As the elevator is going up, jump violently up and down, shouting "Down! I said down, dammit!" 58. Crouch in one corner and growl menacingly at everyone who gets on. 59. Try to get a game of "Twister" going. 60. Wrinkle your nose and smell the air repeatedly. Sniff at your neighbor suspiciously, give a disgusted frown, and take a step away. Darwin Award Winners: Yes, it's that magical time of the year again when the Darwin Awards are bestowed, honoring the least evolved among us. Here then, are the glorious winners. 1. When his 38-caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Long Beach, California, would-be robber James Elliot did something that can only inspire wonder. He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. This time it worked... And now, the honorable mentions: 2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat cutting machine and, after a little hopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance company. The company expecting negligence, sent out one of its men to have a look for himself. He tried the machine and lost a finger. The chef's claim was approved. 3. A man who shoveled snow for an hour to clear a space for his car during a blizzard in Chicago returned with his Vehicle to find a woman had taken the space. Understandably, he shot her. 4. After stopping for drinks at an illegal bar, a Zimbabwean bus driver found that the 20 mental patients he was supposed to be transporting from Harare to Bulawayo had escaped. Not wanting to admit his incompetence, the driver went to a nearby bus stop and offered everyone waiting there a free ride. He then delivered the passengers to the mental hospital, telling the staff that the patients were very excitable and prone to bizarre fantasies. The deception wasn't discovered for 3 days. 5. An American teenager was in the hospital recovering from serious head wounds received from an oncoming train. When asked how he received the injuries, the lad told police that he was simply trying to see how close he could get his head to a moving train before he was hit. 6. A man walked into a Louisiana Circle-K, put a 20 bill on the counter, and asked for change. When the clerk opened the cash drawer, the man pulled a gun and asked for all the cash in the register, which the clerk promptly provided. The man took the cash from the clerk and fled, leaving the 20 bill on the counter. The total amount of cash he got from the drawer...15. 7. Seems an Arkansas guy wanted some beer pretty badly. He decided that he'd just throw a cinder block through a liquor store window, grab some booze, and run. So he lifted the cinder block and heaved it over his head at the window. The cinder block bounced back and hit the would-be thief on the head, knocking him unconscious. The liquor store window was made of Plexiglas. The whole event was caught on videotape. 8. As a female shopper exited a New York convenience store, a man grabbed her purse and ran. The clerk called 911 immediately, and the woman was able to give them a detailed description of the snatcher. Within minutes, the police apprehended the snatcher. They put him in the car and drove back to the store. The thief was then taken out of the car and told to stand there for a positive ID. To which he replied, "Yes, officer, that's her. That's the lady I stole the purse from." 9. The Ann Arbor News crime column reported that a man walked into a Burger King in Ypsilanti, Michigan, at 5a.m., flashed a gun, demanded cash. The clerk turned him down because he said he couldn't open the cash register without a food order. When the man ordered onion rings, the clerk said they weren't available for breakfast . The man, frustrated, walked away. 10. When a man attempted to siphon gasoline from a motor home parked on a Seattle street, he got much more than he bargained for. Police arrived at the scene to find a very sick man curled up next to a motor home near spilled sewage. A police spokesman said that the man admitted to trying to steal gasoline and plugged his siphon hose into the motor home's sewage tank by mistake. The owner of the vehicle declined to press charges, saying that it was the best laugh he'd ever had. In the interest of bettering human-kind please share these with your friends and family ... unless of course, one of these 10 individuals by chance is a distant relative or long lost friend. In that case be glad they are distant and hope they remain lost. 20 Things to do at WalMart 1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking. 2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals. 3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms. 4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, " 'Code 3' in housewares"... and see what happens. 5. Go to the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away. 6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area. 7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department. 8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, "Why can't you people just leave me alone?" 9. Look right into the security camera; & use it as a mirror, and pick your nose. 10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti - depressants are. 11. Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme. 12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different size funnels. 13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through say "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!" 14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream... "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!" 15. Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while; and then yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here! 16. Get several bouncy balls and throw them down an aisle shouting "Go, pikachu, go!" 17. Challenge people to duels in the back aisles with wrapping paper tubes. 18. Have a conversation with yourself loud enough so that people in the other aisles can hear you. 19. Throw things over one aisle into another one. 20. Mark out price tags with a sharpie. To do list: 1. Wear shirt that says "life". Hand out lemons on street corner. 2. Hire two private investigators; get them to follow each other. 3. Go into a crowded elevator and say, "I bet you are all wondering why I gathered you here." with a straight face. 4. Make vanilla pudding. Put in mayo jar. Eat in public. 5. Become a teacher. Make a test in which every answer is "C". Enjoy the show. 6. Wait until someone is about to sneeze, right before they do, scream loudly "PIKA PIKAAA!" 7. Run into a store, ask what year it is. When someone answers, yell "It worked!" and run out cheering. 8. Buy a horse, name it "Oscar takes the lead," enter it in horse races. 9. Invite someone into your office, turn around in office chair and say "I've been expecting you." 10. Change name to Simon. Speak in third person. 11. Become a doctor. Change last name to Acula. 12. Buy a parrot. Teach it to say "Help! I've been turned into a parrot!" 13. Follow joggers in a car blasting "Eye of the Tiger" for encouragement |