I'm soooooooo sorry this was updatee late at night! My associate and I have been busy all day and then my internet was having problems. This chapter was edited not only by me, but also another friend of mine, so fingers crossed for no spelling mistakes this time and i plan to fix the other chapters when I have time. This chapter will be the last of this story (unless fans demand otherwise) and the end of the first part of the Merlin Holmes series. The next story (part 2 of the series) is in the works but might not be up by next saturday so please be patient. :) enjoy chapter 3!

It took Sherlock two days to get everything ready for Merlin. John was surprised to see him doing so much for something that didn't involve his violin, a case, or some weird experiment involving random severed body parts. Sherlock had rearranged his bedroom so all of his possessions were on one side. Then he went out and bought a mattress, a borough, a small wardrobe, and a bed that had a book shelf attached to it with a set of drawers underneath it. He decided Merlin could choose the comforter for the bed when (not if) he got here. Sherlock had also gotten a small desk; he had managed to squeeze it into the corner of the room. When he was done the room was not nearly as cramped as one would think. Sherlock never spent that much time in it anyway so he didn't mind the loss of space.

One the second day Sherlock started looking for schools in London. He left the house to take a tour of several schools before he made his final decision.

"Westminster School." Sherlock said triumphantly at the end of the second day.

"What?" John asked putting down his book.

"Merlin will be attending Westminster School, for the rest of the school year. I've contacted his old school and they've sent Merlin's school record to Westminster. It's perfect. Merlin will be able to get to the school using the public bus route and it's a day school so he'll be home every night."

"Westminster is a good school. You'd need his grades and everything. Where did you get them?" John asked not knowing if he even wanted to hear the answer.

Sherlock held up Merlin's report card. John remembered how Sherlock had helped Merlin get his things from the boot of the car, including his backpack. No wonder Sherlock had been so willing to help.

"What are his grades like?" John asked.

Sherlock unfolded the paper and showed John.

"I'm impressed." John said; he looked up at Sherlock, "You're not though." He added, guessing from the look on Sherlock's face. Merlin had A's in every subject; his best seemed to be English, and History which he had gotten 97 in both. The rest were French: 92, Science: 90, and Mathematics: 90. "He's just got different interests than you Sherlock; he doesn't live for Science and do complicated experiments for fun. He's probably more creative, nothing wrong with that."

They sat in silence for a while, than John spoke again.

"Sherlock I've been meaning to ask you; why are you doing all this? It's a huge responsibility; you've gone through so much trouble and the kids not even here yet. Is it because you feel bad about him getting… kidnapped?" John asked using his gentle, voice that he reserved for patients.

"No, I'm not doing all this because I feel bad." Sherlock said, "It's because Merlin's sixteen, I haven't seen him in five years, and I know Mycroft's only seen him a few times throughout those five years. Merlin's changed a lot, I don't know in what ways but I do know that Mycroft doesn't know how he's changed either and he was supposed to be Merlin's guardian. I want to make sure somebody is looking after him, making sure he's making the right decisions in life. I know that when you first moved in this wasn't part of the plan, I hope you'll stay though."

"I never considered leaving." John said, "It's really kind of you to be willing to do this for your brother though." John said. Honestly, did Sherlock think John was going to miss this? Sherlock, trying to be social with a teenager, this was just too good.

"John I'm not as cruel as to leave a child in Mycroft's care for too long, that would be child abuse." Sherlock said.

Knew it couldn't last long, John thought.

In the end it didn't take Merlin a week to decide, it only took him five days. John was extremely thankful, in the three days that Sherlock was not preparing for Merlin's arrival he was more agitated and annoyed than ever.

When Merlin finally arrived at the flat, Mrs. Hudson, John, and Sherlock were waiting in the living room of 221B Baker Street. Merlin entered with his backpack and suitcase, Mycroft following behind him. Mycroft had apparently taken the news of Merlin leaving surprisingly well, he had agreed with Merlin's arguments. It seemed both of the older Holmes brothers had a soft spot for Merlin. After introductions had been made between Merlin and Mrs. Hudson it became extremely awkward. Sherlock and John were sitting in their normal armchairs, Mycroft sitting in one of the desk chairs, Mrs. Hudson was standing (though she hardly ever sat down) and merlin was sitting on the sofa with his luggage on the floor next to him. The silence would have been absolute if the flat had not been above a busy street.

Mycroft suddenly checked his watch, stood up and declared it was time for him to leave. Merlin stood up and approached Mycroft to say goodbye. There was a moment of slight flailing on Merlin's part between them because Merlin was going for a hug and Mycroft just wanted a handshake. They ended up shaking hands, both Merlin and Mycroft looking extremely uncomfortable. When Mycroft had left Merlin was left standing in the middle of the room until Mrs. Hudson leapt at the opportunity to get to know Merlin.

"So you're the last Holmes boy, I never knew Sherlock had a younger brother, he never mentioned you." Mrs. Hudson said, then, when she had realized how that must have sounded she began to talk rather quickly, "Well I am only the landlady, not your housekeeper. Would you like some tea and biscuits?" She asked quickly.

"No thank you." Merlin said politely.

Mrs. Hudson looked at a loss for what to do next. John was slightly surprised, he thought he heard a bit of an Irish accent when Merlin spoke but he couldn't be sure.

"I'll have some Mrs. Hudson if you wouldn't mind." John said doing his best to break the awkward silence and give Sherlock and Merlin some time together.

"I'm not your housekeeper, John." Mrs. Hudson said as she began to make the tea and get the biscuits.

"I'll show you, our bedroom." Sherlock said to Merlin.

Merlin grabbed his things from the floor and followed Sherlock, "Our?" he asked.

"There are only two bedrooms," Sherlock said as he led Merlin to the room they would be sharing, "John has one so you and I will have to share one." He opened the door to the room and gestured for Merlin to enter. Sherlock stood stiffly in the doorway as Merlin surveyed the room and dropped his things onto the bed that was clearly his. "I picked out the furniture, but we can exchange anything if you don't like it. I didn't pick out a comforter; I didn't know what you'd want. I thought we'd go today, if you are up to it. I arranged the furniture the best I could but if you don't like the set-up we can always…"Sherlock rambled on talking fast.

"It's perfect, Sherlock, thanks." Merlin said giving Sherlock a genuine smile.

Merlin unzipped his suitcase and began to take out his things, putting them into the wardrobe, and the brogue, and in the drawers under the bed. Sherlock was surprised at how many books the boy owned; he filled his bookshelf with them and put the few that wouldn't fit on top. Merlin didn't use a lot of the clothing storage space, having gone to a school with uniforms there was never much need for normal clothes.

"Keep your uniform clothes," Sherlock instructed from his bed which he was sitting on, "Westminster's Uniform is similar but you can get rid of the blazers and the ties though. We'll get you fitted for new ones before school starts."

When all of Merlin's things were put away Sherlock and Merlin went out to buy the comforter. They came back from the store with a blue plaid one and Merlin made his new bed for the first time. When all this was done it was nearly time for dinner.

Dinner was nice; Sherlock and Merlin had brought back some Chinese take-out so it was nothing too special. Sherlock did his best to clear off some of the table so they could eat dinner like civilized people. The three of them sat around the table, mostly in an awkward silence but every now and then someone would be bold enough to try and make some kind of conversation.

"What kind of experiments do you do, Sherlock?" Merlin asked. John wasn't sure if Merlin knew exactly what it was Sherlock did for a living, but at least he knew Sherlock loved science.

"All types really, most are for my work so try not to disturb them." Sherlock said, not one to mince words.

Merlin finished his glass of, milk and then stood up from his chair, "Does anyone want anything, while I'm up?" Merlin asked politely.

Both Sherlock and John shook their heads and Merlin crossed the kitchen to the refrigerator to get himself more milk.

"Um, Sherlock," Merlin began, his voice sounded a bit shaky like he was trying not to freak out "what exactly are these?" he asked hold up a bag of what looked like tongues.

"I'm cataloguing the differences between a human tongue, and a cow tongue." Sherlock answered as though it was the most common thing in the world.

"Oh," Merlin said his voice still a little high, gingerly placed the toughs back in the refrigerator and John noticed Merlin didn't get any more milk and didn't eat anything else either. He just sat at the table with Sherlock and John eyeing the experiment Sherlock had condensed to the other half of the table with a little more caution than before.

That night Sherlock and Merlin lay in their separate beds staring at the ceiling. It was strange for Sherlock who was not used to anybody sharing a room with him and although he couldn't see Merlin he could hear his breathing. Eventually they both fell asleep.

Sherlock was awoken by someone's shouts. He shot up straight in bed and fumbled around trying to find a light switch or a gun, anything to stop the shouting that he was hearing. He fell out of bed and was still trying to untangle himself from his bedcovers when John, awoken by the shouting as well came running into the room, throwing open the door, and hitting Sherlock's head with it in the process.

"Sherlock, what's happening?" John asked.

Sherlock finally got himself untangled from the sheets and turned on the light, now he could see what was happening. Merlin was thrashing around in his bed; eyes shut tight, shouting at some enemy only he could see. "No, stop, don't I-I can't breathe!"

"It's Merlin, John; he's having a night terror. I'll take care of it, go back to bed." Sherlock said and without waiting for an answer shut the door. He crossed the room to Merlin's bed and shook the boy awake. "Merlin, it's just a dream! Merlin, wake up! You're alright, just open your eyes." Finally Merlin's eyes flickered open and his last shout died in his throat.

"Sherlock, what are you… Oh." Merlin said as the realization of where he was hit him.

"Do you want your glasses?" Sherlock asked reaching for them on the bedside table.

"No thanks." Merlin said, he was pretty much blind without them but once he could see things he would wake up. There was something nice about everything being a little blurry; there was no need to look closely at anything. "Sorry about waking you up."

"You where dreaming about Moriarty." Sherlock said; it wasn't a question.

"I-well yeah." Merlin said turning his head to look at the blob that was Sherlock sitting on his own bed. "Do you have bad dreams about him too?" Merlin asked, hating how much like a child he sounded saying it.

"He won't get to you again." Sherlock said, not answering Merlin's question.

"You and I both know that even you can't make a promise like that." Merlin said, a hint of wistfulness in his voice.

Sherlock winced. He had heard about relationships between other sets of brothers and how the younger brothers, when they were small, believed everything the elder would say no matter how preposterous. Merlin and Sherlock never had that kind of relationship. None of the Holmes brothers did. Not only due to their age difference but to the fact that Sherlock always thought himself above either of his brothers; now he found himself sharing a room with a boy who he was supposed to know all about but didn't know anything about. Sherlock couldn't even remember Merlin's middle name, had he deleted it? Wasn't that important, your younger brother's middle name? John knew a lot about Harry, and Harry was an alcoholic who John only associated with because they were siblings. Merlin hadn't done anything wrong; Sherlock actually liked him more than Mycroft, and was a much better sibling than either Mycroft or Harry but Sherlock was pretty sure that he knew more about Mycroft and Harry than he knew about Merlin.

"I hope this works, me living here I mean." Merlin blurted out.

"Do you think it will work?" Sherlock asked, honestly wanting Merlin's opinion on the matter.

"I already like you more than Mycroft." Merlin offered.

Sherlock laughed out loud, "Well that, Merlin, is not saying much."

Merlin chuckled softly.

"John, I said you can go back to bed." Sherlock said loudly.

The floorboards outside their door creaked as did the ones in the hallway as John made his way back to his bed. He had been listening to make sure Merlin was alright. John smiled to himself, even though Merlin thought he was a creep now, he was really starting to think this would work.