Author has written 17 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, Undertale, and Seraph of the End/終わりのセラフ.
Hello, I'm a fun loving person who likes music, reading, people, and of course Hetalia.
I'm like America/Italy/Canada when shy/France because well hon hon you get the picture.
I got SO much imagination that it bursts into sparkles and ideas.
I also can be serious like Germany and Japan.
Prussia and Romano would probably be my bad side.
Because I am Awesome.
I hope you like the fanfictions I read, and I like reviews.
There like pasta for me.
Also I love Spanish music/food.
Hit it Spain.
Songs that would probably describe me would be:
Castle in the sky
I will survive
Feel this moment
Silent night
Once upon a dream
I'm a goofy goober, ROCK!
I'm a brunette, with blue eyes.
I'm always up for some crazy ideas.
If you need someone to party with or a friend who will listen then I'm your girl.
One of my dreams in life, is to slap someone silly saying, "Get yourself together man!"
I hope for people's dreams to come true, and that one day we all could just have a national party, and have World peace.
I love Karaoke, and I love to sing.
I pratically have my own showtunes when nobody is around or not.
You can say I'm very entertaining.
People usually call me crazy and weird, but hey that's me.
I just want to live my life and if you want to join me, then go right ahead.
To be or not to be that is the question.
Well, I hope that's enough info of me, myself, and I.
I love you guys, and I hope you enjoy my stories.
Lovethehumor101 Out!