Reviews for Mister Greeter
Guest chapter 10 . 5/23
Reda chapter 10 . 7/29/2019
Ohhhhh this is so good. I read it all in one sitting. Beautiful. Going into my favorites. I love Arthur's development if feelings toward Alfred from curiosity into love or whatever. His characterization is so nice here. I love it. And dragging Francis along with him haha. Your whole setup of the demons and angels kind of reminds me of the setup in Good Omens which is awesome, I love it. And oh the end! Perfect! I was so curious to see how you ended it, if things all work out in the end, and ah just I love what you did. Perfect way of bringing back the beginning. It's awesome. Thanks for writing!

curiositykills chapter 10 . 1/12/2019
so wait does arthur look like donald trump in your opinion? ive wondered this since chapter 1
randomfandomboredom chapter 10 . 12/23/2018
I love this au so much, kudos to you dude.
NoMeLlamoAlfred chapter 10 . 6/28/2018
AAAAAAA chapter 10 . 1/16/2018
This was so perfect! It’s such a sweet fic and after all of the adversity Alfred faced the ending is very satisfying!
Land of Insanity chapter 10 . 1/12/2018
GAHHHHH! SO AWESOME! I LOVE IT! OMG MY HEART! YOU SIR ARE AN AMAZING AUTHOR! This story was thrilling, adventurous and had me hanging onto my seat. Could not stop reading! Good work! Keep on writing!
Shibby-One chapter 10 . 9/9/2017
I am obsessed with this story. I'm mainly obsessed with the other side of the story; Alfred pre-death and that whole situation. Also, what Alfred is doing in heaven. I NEED IT. Anyway this story is amazing, thanks
The reader chapter 10 . 9/7/2017
That was such a happy ending, I loved it aww makes want to reread it again.
Spagna Conquistador chapter 10 . 6/13/2017
Oh my god. This is... this is the goal of fanfiction writers. I cannot even begin to emphasize everything you did so, so well. The eay you described how much Arthur enjoyed his job in the beginning, extracting amusement from soul's screaming, and then he starts shifting his views all because of Alfred. I don't even mind that this is UsUK(I ship FrUK). You allowed a picture to form in my mind; I could imagine every single detail, imagine it as if I were living it. Thank you. Thank you for bringing this heavenly artwork.
jessicangel chapter 10 . 4/17/2017
"Welcome to Heaven, you jerk. Name please".
That was the best way it could have ended it; dang, I...can't believe those seven words made me cry. God.
This was such an unique and beautiful story:') I think I'll never read anything like it. It's such an original concept, and it was elaborated perfectly. The organization and the functioning of Hell was clear and really interesting to read.

I read the last four chapters in a row till five in the morning, ha! I was so anxious while reading; it really caught me. I loved the phone call with Lucifer (poor Alfred); and I almost screamed when Ludwig and Feli appeared! (I love those two). The blackmailing part was stressful, believe me. But everything went all right in the end:')

Thank you for writing this story with my all time favorite pair. For writing Alfed as a good, pure soul; and Arthur finding his own good and salvation in Alfred. For being able to find and love each other, even in Hell.

One of the best stories I'll ever read. Thank you and congrats.
CodeVassie chapter 10 . 1/23/2017
What a marvelous idea! Such an interesting fic and I loved how you did the quotes at the beginning of each chapter. Thank you for this great story!
FlyingLemonKitteh chapter 1 . 1/7/2017
Oh Lord, this is the second time reading this fic and can I just say what a masterful example of how to foreshadow discreetly. The insistence that he is incapable of pity doesn't strike you as bullshit until you know about Peter. This is a wonderful fic and you are a very good writer.
Novale 133 chapter 10 . 12/23/2016
JEEZ This story was beutiful in all forms
Shin.Miyagami chapter 1 . 11/18/2016
Well so I actually didn't plan on rewieving ths but since I can't sleep at all I'm gonna do just that.

I simply loved of actuall touching and well USUK but that doesn't matter!The first Chapter really got me thinking about Supernatural at some points and if you hasn't me before you had me thoughful story and quite good writen!I was pleased reading this.I hope I will see another one of your plendid fanfictions and if not I'm gonna check out your profil!See ya!
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