Chapter 10: "It's Over"

Arthur paced back and forth; his duty was to protect Peter and his family. He felt like pulling out his hair. Did he have the strength to fight them off? He couldn't look out the window, if he did; he would most likely abandon his duty in favor of helping his lover. Alfred wouldn't want that. He put up a barrier that would prevent entrance to any demon. Fortunately, Alfred was different, it wouldn't work on him. Arthur turned to the family and pursed his lips. What would he tell them? He took a deep breath before speaking. "I'm Arthur, and I am here to protect your son."

His mother had fainted. His father was holding Peter close, "What are you people?"

Arthur let out his wings spreading them out to their full length. "I am what the heavens call fallen; I am a form of angel. It is my duty to protect Peter. The other one with the black wings, he is also a protector…" Arthur paused. "The ones with the bat wings that tired to take your son… They are demons," He started explaining, attempting to only share the information they needed to know. Arthur couldn't stop moving, his mind was on Alfred. Three hours had passed and yet, no sign of the boy.

Peter's mother woke up some time earlier and now she looked at Arthur. Suspicious of the complete quiet outside. "Is it safe?"

Peter ran to the window to peek outside.

Arthur looked up. "What do you see?" His eyes glanced to the window but he wasn't able to see anything.

Peter backed away with a pale face. "… There's nobody there… But… There's blood… And a big black thing on the driveway…" He looked at Arthur. "Wh… Where's Alfred?"

"He's-he's." Arthur cursed under his breath. "Stay in here." He ordered. He ran out the door.

Peter was right. It was empty, the car was left behind though and a heap of small bones, muscle, and black feathers lay on the driveway. It was over half of Alfred's right wing, laying lifeless as if it had been ripped right off his back.

Arthur's heart clenched. "Fuck!" He spat quietly. His whole body was shaking. He fell to his knees and let out a cry.

Peter peeked from the doorway, his parents behind him. His dad squeezed his shoulders. "The other one… is he… dead?"

"Arthur loves him dad… He… He can't die, then they can't be together!" Peter's father blinked at him and began to speak, but the boy ignored him and ran to Arthur and hugged him. "No!"

"They took him." Arthur said, his voice barely audible. "I-I have to save him," His eyes never once left the wing. Tears began to fall from his eyes.

"They took him where?" His mother and father approached hesitantly behind him.

"To hell…" His voice cracked and he couldn't stop himself from shaking.

"Why? Why would they want him down there?!"

His mother touched Peter's shoulder. "Peter… Come on… Come inside I think Arthur wants to be alone."

Alfred wasn't dead, but he defiantly wished he was.

Alfred stumbled forward as the guard shoved him to the foot of his master's throne. He was slammed onto to his knees. The guard grabbed his hair, forcing the other bow his head to the king. Alfred's hands were tied tightly behind his back; he could feel the thick rope cutting into his feeble skin.

The king rose from his throne and walked over to his once faithful knight of darkness. "You have really done it this time Alfred." The king said bitterly. "You know the punishment for what you have done." He shook his head in disappointment. "Such a shame." Slender fingers ran along the crown of Alfred's black feathered wings. "I must say I am surprised at you. What could have possibly come over you that would make you save a human; to disobey a direct order from me?" The man questioned.

"Love." The single word that left Alfred's lips made the kings eyes fill with fire. In a rage he lashed out at Alfred sending him to the ground with a painful thud.

"Love?!" The king spat, "What a cursed word, you will soon see how true my words are." Alfred attempted to regain balance and sit up but he was pushed back down by the heavy boot of the king. "I had put my trust in you Alfred, I welcomed you into my court, you, who was once a lowly piece of trash floating along the outskirts of my city." He smiled when he saw the small trail of blood that dripped to the ground. "No matter. You'll learn your place soon enough. Your beloved angel should be on his way here soon. It's just a matter of time." He smiled, running his hand across Alfred's face. "When he gets here." He laughed. "He won't live long. Nor will that Peter."

Alfred glared and lunged at him, but the other demons held him back. "Don't touch them!... And don't touch me either." He pulled his face away from the king's hand.

"Oh dear looks like I hit a nerve." He smiled as his hand trailed down Alfred's back, until he reached the clump of bloody feathers on his shoulder blade, a bone that was once the structure of his wing was broken and pertruding from his back. Once more the king smiled. "Looks painful."

"Don't toy with me bastard." He cringed and pulled away. "Why do you insist on touching me?!"

He laughed. "I can do as I please boy." He turned to a group of guards, his hand still lingering at Alfred's chin. "Take a group of men to earth. You know what to do."

Alfred glared and bit the king's hand, bearing his fangs.

"You little rat." The king howled and yanked his hand away. His boot made contact with he demons face and he looked at Ivan. "Strip him of his wings."

Ivan grinned. "With pleasure."

Alfred stared at him with wide eyes, remembering the pain on the driveway. He gulped but forced a determined face. "You can do anything you want, but a demon has to give up on life in order to die. I guarantee you I won't EVER give up. I'm not going to die down here in Hell...There are no roses here."

He smiled. "That just makes it more fun when you break."

Arthur stumbled into the house. "I have to go. Do you still have that marble Peter?"

"I...yeah I do...Are you gonna go after Alfred?"

He nodded. "I need you to keep that with you, if you need help call me with it. I've asked an old friend to protect you." At that, there was a knock on the door and Arthur opened it. "This is Kiku."

"Oh good heavens more strange people in our house!"

"We have to mom!"

"I know, I know."

Arthur thanked Kiku and bolted. He wasn't too sure exactly how to get to Hell but he was determined to find a way.

It wasn't long however, before he found himself in the schoolyard he had found Alfred, in their first face to face encountere as demon and angel. Perhaps there would be a portal. He tried his best to sense things, but everything was muffled. He sighed and hung his head. "Why?! Damnit what do I do?" A hand suddenly touched his shoulder and he turned.

The blonde man from the car was there. "Greetings mon cher." He grinned wickedly

"Great, he's French."

"I'm afraid you'll have to come with me." He twisted the Angel's wrist behind his back

Arthur thought for a second then faked an attempted to escape. He couldn't help but smile to himself. This was exactly what he needed.

"Funny. This is all too easy. I didn't even need backup..."

Arthur pretended to have given up. His head hung low in a defeated manner.

"I don't buy it." Another demon said.

"He knows he's lost. I think he's given up...actually...I think he WANTS to be with Alfred. All the better for us." He jerked Arthur around to the other side of a tree. Somebody prepare the portal." He called

There were a few mumbles from the unseen demons but soon a portal flashed before them, and before Arhtur knew it, he was in Hell

Before the demon had a chance to react, Arthur pushed himself away and sent the freanch man to the ground. Two more jumped on top of him but he was ready, they took off into the air and flew at top speed. He looked straight ahead and saw a massive castle.

"That's my bet." He went straight for it.

The demon king took his hand away from Alfred's now blood coated back, ordering Ivan to dispose of his other wing, this one came clean off the boys back, taking skin with it, rather than a few feathers and the rim of his wing being left over, there was only a giant strip of blood down his shoulder blade. "I sense him coming Alfred...he fell right into it." He smiled. "What are you going to do now?"

Alfred shuddered, he could hardly think, the pain was too much, but he had refused to give the king satisfaction by making a sound. He had stayed silent through the whole process.

The king pushed the boy over. "You idiot, and your stupid know there used to be black roses on the edge of the city. I got rid of them when I disposed of your memory..."

Alfred could see white surrounding his sight. He didn't have the strength to sit up again, but he tried. Oh how he tried. It wasn't enough.

The king knelt in front of the wounded demon. "You want to know the most satisfying thing about doing that?...knowing you would be so miserable, and you wouldn't even know it. you would honestly think this was all you could do...this was as good as it would get...and I would just sit there...laughing...because I knew...I knew you were so miserable and you tried to hide it so was pathetic..." He came within an inch of Alfred's face. "And you're going to go right back to it...I'll make you an empty, broken, miserable little boy again, trying with all your tiny little might to keep me from hearing your cries at night...I'll love it...and then you'll finally give up and die like the pathetic wretch you are." He stood. "Slit his wrists Ivan."

Ivan moved closer to Alfred, knife in hand. He followed the demon king's orders, his childish smile growing wider.

Alfred let out a strangled sort of squeak, and then cursed himself for making a sound. He swallowed a huge gulp of air. "You're PATHETIC!" He screamed. "You can't even hurt me yourself! You sick Ivan on me like he's your stupid dog! If you're going to face me, face me yourself you coward!" He caught the demon king's eyes with his own, tears running down his face. "I'm completely finished being scared of you. Why don't you untie me and we can settle this properly."

The king cocked his head to the side and laughed. "You want to fight me boy?" A grin formed on his face. "You can hardly stand what are you going to do to me?"

Alfred glared. "We'll see wont we?"

The king thought for a long while before smiling and smoothing back his red hair. "Untie him Ivan."

Ivan hesitated but did as he was told. Alfred slowly pushed himself to his feet, still unsteady, using the wall to stay up. "I'm not scared of you."

"You said that already Creature."

"Then come here...I know I'm no about you?" He grinned.

The king took a few steps forward, his arms wide open, with a large grin plastered on his face.

Alfred didn't move for a long time but finally, without a word or any preparation, he boomed forward and punched the demon king square in the face. "That's for everything you bitch!"

The king stumbled backwards, unprepared for Alfred's attack. He wiped the blood from his face and smiled. "So it would seem you do have some form of strength."

"You can beat me as much as you want but I will NEVER go back to the way things were! NEVER!" his tail wrapped around the king's arm and pulled him closer. "You can't beat've tried and should know by now, all you can do is wipe my brain and hope for the best't...beat me."

The king grabbed his tail and pulled him into a choke hold, "Hand me that torch would you please?" He called to Ivan, who did as was requested. "Now Creature, do you still not fear me?"

My name is fucking ALFRED! I am Alfred F. Jones and I am NOT scared of you!"

"Suit yourself." He brought the fire to the boy's skin.

A shudder ran through Alfred's body like a tremor and he bent backward in an unnatural way. But he didn't scream. He wouldn't. His tail twitched as a new presence came to the area.

Arthur stood at the entrance to the chamber. He was going to think up a plan until he saw the state Alfred was in. "Fuck" He cursed under his breath and charged inside.

The king smiled and threw Alfred to the ground, then spun around and grabbed Arthur by the throat. "So you decided to show up."

"Of course I did you sadistic bastard." Arthur fought against the demons hold, his legs now kicking franticaly through the air.

"How nice...I'll let you give him your last regards then." He took a knife out and stabbed the angel in the shoulder, throwing him down. "Tie him up."

Ivan moved to grab the angel, but Arthur scrambled away from him, clinging to his shoulder.

Alfred coughed and writhed on the floor for a moment. "Arthur you IDIOT. Why are you here?!"

"Why do you think?" He stood up and faced Ivan.

"Damnit Arthur!" Alfred pulled himself to his hands and knees. "This is what he wanted. What about Peter!"

"He is in good hands."

The king kicked Alfred. "Silence." He said. "Are you ready to die angel?"

"Not quite." He smiled. "I have been ready to die for the last hundred years...but not today." Arthur stared at the king, unafraid and ready for a fight.

The king glared at him. "...Are you both idiots?"

"No we're just not scared of you! All you are is a coward hiding behind your power!" Alfred yelled.

"A weak king, who can't even control one single demon."

"You're both idiots. I control all of Hell."

"No! You scare them into following you! You're the only person who wants Peter dead! Do you think any of them care if Peter becomes great?! They have nothing to do with earth! You are the one that makes Hell entwine with it! Why? Are you scared of Peter?"

Arthur tilted his head. "You are scared of him aren't you?"

"No! You're all like incolent children! Ivan, tie them both up...Ivan!"

At that moment, an entire flock of demons came through the window murmuring things like "Damn he flies fast"

Ivan didn't move. It was then that Matthew entered the room, with a small smile. "It would seem our king is no longer suited for the crown." Matthew shook his head in mock sadness.

Alfred looked up at Mathew with wide eyes. "'ve been waiting haven't you?" Mathew silenced him. "My fellow demons...our so called king...has manipulated his way into control...I believe I have spoken to all of you about this before...he has scared us into following him...but tell me this, if our...dear Creature not afraid of the man who crushed him then why should we be?!"

The king moved quickly and punched Mathew. "You DARE turn on me Mathew?! You were one of my best!" He looked around. "So was Creature. These men are mad seize them!"

No one moved. Every man and women stared at one another.

Mathew grunted and wiped away some blood from his face. "Think about this for a moment everybody. He is scared of Peter so he sent others to crush him. Seeing what he did Alfred." Mathew seemed to struggle with the new name. "It's logical to assume he's scared of him as well. Why else would he put so much effort into breaking him?!"

The demon king grabbed Mathew's neck and slammed him against the wall. "You don't know a thing! Do you want me to break you too? You've been in this palace, you know what I've put Creature through, do you truely want to sudder that same fate?"

Mathew tried to push the king away. "See? I posed a threat, and so he is trying to eliminate me too! he is scared of me, he is scared of all of us? It's all of Hell against one! I say we fight!" His words were cut off by a gasp as the king threw him to the ground.

"Nobody will hear you Mathew! Ivan, take him to the prison." he said quickly, turing to the others.

they all only stood in silence, some looking at Mathew, and some at the king. Ivan looked at Alfred's broken body for a long while, before he made the first move. Blade in hand he moved to their 'King'. "We no longer serve you."

Several more voices broke in and Alfred stumbled to Arthur. Matthew put a hand on his shoulder after standing up. "Thanks for keeping my secrets Cre... Alfred...I think you two might want to leave...We'll take it from here and you've seen enough blood in your life."

Arthur blinked. Just like that? "Thank you."

"This has been a long time coming..." He led the two out of the room as the demons began swarming the king. "I have suffered enough...go on..." He looked at Alfred sadly. "I'm sorry about your wings"

Arthur wrapped Alfred's arm around his neck so he could support the boy's weight.

Several unpleasant sounds were heard from the room behind him. "...I'll see you don't belong with're… Much better." Mathew smiled. "Goodbye Alfred." And like that, they were in the park Arthur had been compromised in.

Alfred was no longer able to hold himself up and collapsed into Arthur's arms.

"Hey. Alfred. Wake up." He shook the boy. "You can't sleep just yet, we're almost home."

" it...really?" His knees buckled.

Arthur tried to hold more of his weight. "Bloody Hell." He mumbled. The boy was too heavy.

"Sorry." He muttered, trying to stand.

"No, no you're fine." Arthur winced as he adjusted his shoulder to hold Alfred's weight. "Ah...ow."

"You've got Peter taken care of so...can we go home?"

"Yes we can. Do you think you can walk? I can help support your weight but I doubt I can carry you."

"Yeah I'll figure somethin' out."

"We need to stick to the shadows so nobody will see us, despite how late it is, one can never be too careful."

"Fine by me." Alfred groaned and took a step with his lover's help. It took longer than it normally would to get to the house, but they made it soon enough. After coming through the door Alfred moaned in pain. "Good Hell I think I'm going to faint."

"Just a few more seconds, I need to dress your wounds."

"Thanks." Alfred grumbled and slumped into a chair. "Then I'll get yours...Hey Arthur my tattoo doesn't hurt. I...I think he's dead or at least imprisoned."

Arthur sighed in relief. He kissed Alfred's forehead then hurried to find supplies to clean and bind his wounds. When he returned, Alfred had slumped in the chair and fell asleep.

Arthur kissed him once more. "Sorry love, this may hurt." He whispered.

The demon woke up during the process, but he didn't complain. What was left of his right wing only twitched with his tail every now and then. "I'm relieved Arthur but...What now."

"I don't know." Arthur winced at the pain in his shoulder. "I'm almost done I just need to wrap it."

"I'll get your shoulder after this okay?"

"Thanks." He kissed the boy's lips then took off his own shirt after finishing Alfred up. Alfred patched him up quickly but stiffly, in an effort not to further his injuries.

Alfred wrapped his arms around the angel. "I'm exhausted."

"I know." Arthur leaned against the other's shoulder.

Alfred squeezed his love tightly. "Lets...Let's go to sleep."

Arthur touched Alfred's face. "Yes, lets." He helped the other walk as they made their way to the bed. They embraced and collapsed into the sheets. They were both asleep in minutes, and for the first time in a long while, they slept peaceful.

Now that everything was settled with Peter's protection, the very next morning an angel appeared in their room to take Arthur back to the heavens for his reward. He was now qualified to become a true angel again after all. After recovering from the shock and embarrassment of an angel disturbing their sleep together, they were both taken there. It was only once they reached the gates to meet the king of the heavens that Arthur saw him.

Adam. Standing at the gates to the palace with the keys in hand.

Arthur felt sick, but he always knew Alfred didn't want to be avenged. "I am not going back to heaven." He said to the angel. "I have a differant request.

Gabriel turned to him with a cocked eyebrow and Alfred's wide eyes fell on Adam; he remembered those eyes and his breath suddenly stopped.

The angel cleared his throat. "Don't look at me like'll have to talk to the king." He said, putting the key in the lock and twisting it while muttering something.

Arthur pulled Alfred through the gates with him. They walked through the palace doors to the king's chambers. Alfred was ordered to stay outside.

"If anything happens just call for me." Arthur whispered before he reluctantly left his love's side.

Arthur entered the white chamber, two humble silver thrones sat across the room, a man stood by the large window, gazing out at the sky, a woman with long blonde hair standing near him. He turned and looked at Arthur and smiled. "It has been quite some time hasn't it?"

"Yes it has."

"I honestly wasn't sure what I was expecting of this mission for you Arthur...but it certainly wasn't this." He turned his whole body to face the angel, his wing folded tightly to his back. "You accomplished your mission and went well beyond expectations. Thanks to you the king of the underworld is no longer a problem...but..." He glanced out the window towards a nervous Alfred, who had been escorted to the entrance by Adam. "What to do..."

Arthur pressed his lips together, waring with himself internally before finally bursting out. "Send us back, as humans. We want to spend the rest of our lives together." His eyes pleaded with the king. "Please."

The king looked at him for a long while. "Arthur...Sit down." He gestured to one of the thrones.

Arthur blinked. "What?"

"Just sit down, it's only a chair, I don't mind." He said with a kind smile. "Come." He sat down in the one next to the chair he had gestured to. "I just want to talk, and you look nervous standing there."

"Alright?" He sat down in the silver throne and eyed the king.

"...Tell me he...the human from all those years ago Arthur?"

"He is. His name is Alfred."

"I see...and that would mean, he was also the demon you began this mission fighting against...correct?"

"Yes, he was." Arthur nodded, unsure where the king was going with this.

" an interesting development...Arthur...I do want you to be happy...and by all means you've earned it over the past 100 years... but you do realize that if I make you both will no longer be immortal, your powers will vanish...but I can't remove your wings I'm would be difficult for the both of you to Hide them...well...I suppose it would be a tad simpler for him now, but the tail would be a problem..."

"Well then what would you propose? Forgive me, but I cannot stay here."

"...No...You wouldn't be happy here...I wouldn't ask you to...but...everything will change for you. You may look different but you will be just like every other human. The hosts of Heaven will have to hide from you. You'll be vulnerable should Hell target you."

"I don't care. Besides I highly doubt hell would target us."

" love him? You can't take this decision back"

"I do love him."

The king sighed and looked back at the window. "...You truly wouldn't mind growing old then?...your life would start at twenty three.."

"I know." Arthur nodded. "It would be a dream to be able to grow old with him."

The king smiled lightly. "...I always knew you were special Arthur...your spirit is're do understand have disobeyed twice now...and there is a certain balance I must keep..." He sighed and looked to the woman who now stood next to him.

She knelt next to the chair, holding his arm. "But...what about the human? He did nothing wrong...if anything...You could have Arthur care for him...Simply to make up for what he was put through...The poor boy...I can only imagine."

The king sighed and glanced form Arthur to his queen. "...I think..." A grin spread over his features and he stood. "Thank you dear, you always think of things I can't." He held his hand out to Arthur. "Will you come with me for a moment?"

Arthur nodded. "Yes." He stood up to follow the king

The Queen smiled softly and followed as well. The king led them both to the front where Alfred was waiting nervously. On his way to the gate his wife handed his a golden scepter of sorts. "Oh, I forgot it. Thank you love." They reached Alfred, who looked like he might be sick form anxiety. The king looked at Alfred. "...Your life was difficult young one...because of his mistakes..." He looked at Arthur then winked. "Arthur Kirkland, kneel."

Arthur did as directed and knelt in front of the king, he was still unsure of what was happening.

The king taped his head with the scepter. "Arthur Kirkland. As punishment for your sins, I will strip you of your powers and your immortality. Then you will be banished to earth, your one duty will be to see to this boys happiness. You will see to his needs, and remain by his side until the day you die." A golden flash and a loss of energy told Arthur he was suddenly very much human.

The lack of strength made him stumble forward. The pain from his shoulder worsened, no longer was it a small annoyance tugging at his mind, now it was very much real.

The king turned to Alfred. "And you...of course you are not sinless as well...I will turn you into a human too, you will be stripped of your powers and immortality." He tapped Alfred on the head with his scepter and Alfred gasped, pain rocketing through his body from his wounds.

The Queen quickly ran her fingers over his shoulder blades, and the pain didn't cease, but it was dulled. The giant wounds were no longer bleeding. She leaned over and whispered in his ear quickly. "I can't do anything about the scars, but that should help." Then she rose and stood by the King.

"You are hereby banished to earth." The angel that had escorted them there approached, Alfred looked around, still not quite comprehending what was happening, but the king winked at him and pulled Arthur toward this lover. "Off you go."

Arthur gave the king a thankful look before he took Alfred's hand.

Adam escorted them to the gates. "Come on." He mumbled. Alfred still looked confused. He glanced back and the King waved to him, kissed the Queen and turned to walk inside. "Arthur...d...does this mean we're..."

"We are human now... well at least, mortal. We have no ties to heaven nor Hell. Though as you can see, you still have your tail and I, my wings." He let out a sigh. "What am I going to do about these? I can no longer conceal them with magic."

"...oh...fold them I guess?...They are smaller..."

Adam cleared his throat and made a shaft of light appear. "There you go..." He glanced nervously at Arthur. "Listen...I'm sorry."

" were following orders." Arthur sighed. "Though for a long time I was vengeful. I find that my mindset has changed quite a bit.

Adam just looked away. "Be careful you two."

They nodded and stepped into the light, sending them back to Earth. Arthur tightened his grip on his love hand as they returned. "This is the first step of a new journey together." He smiled.

Alfred smiled back and pressed their lips together as they a ppeared in the park, he couldn't stop tears of joy from streaming down his cheeks. "...It took us 100 fucking years but...we're home free huh?"

He smiled. "Yes we are." As they walked home Arthur began to think. "So, we're no longer being supported by heaven... How do you suppose we pay the bills?"

"...I...huh..." He looked at the other with a smile. "...So...what about that flower shop?"

"It takes money to start one of those." He smiled. "But fortunately, I've been around for a long time."

Alfred smiled. "Well...we've got to start somewhere." He gripped his lover's hand and pulled him down the road, laughing like Arthur hadn't heard him laugh since he wore cowboy boots. Finally, they were together, and they were free.

Two years later, Alfred woke up to an alarm blaring. He reached and hit the snooze, watching Arthur unwrap Alfred from his arms to rub his eyes.

"Morning Art." He planted a kiss on the other man's lips, taking a moment to rub circles on the winged man's bare back. "How are you feeling?"

Arthur smiled, as his eyes fluttered open. "Good morning love." He said as he leaned up to kiss the other once more. He could never get enough of them.

Alfred smiled. "Good morning..." He let go of the other to stretch, "how do you feel?" On his way down, his wrist bumped against something metal hanging from the bedpost and he blushed in remembering. "So...good as you thought?"

"Mmmhmm." Arthur mumbled as he rolled over so he could sleep more.

Alfred pouted and nudged the other's butt with his knee. "You're mean. I love you though...I'm gonna go take care of the roses..." He waited for a reaction. "Arthuuuur say something!" He blushed.

Arthur chuckled. "It was perfect. I'm tired let me sleep." He complained.

Alfred kicked him playfully. "You say as I get up to tend to the shop. You're a bum." He chuckled and rolled out of the bed, stretching and planting a kiss on the other's head. "But for the was embarrassing but I could definitely get used to time you're wearing the handcuffs." He pulled away and walked to the wardrobe.

He laughed. "In your dreams." Arthur stayed in place not yet wanting to leave the warmth of their bed. He sighed. "I guess I can't let you do all the work." He stood, mumbling about Alfred and always waking up too early.

"...You're right I think I like your dick too much...I wouldn't know what to do on top." He grinned like a dork. "And clearly you sleep too much. We need to open in a couple hours, and I'm NOT leaving the roses untended on top of everything else. I have to get up early."

"The roses will be fine." Arthur chuckled rolling his eyes at the other.

"Maybe so...but you know how I get about it obsessive if you will...but I'm fine with it."

Arthur smiled and kissed the younger boys lips. "I had hoped that I was your obsession, but I guess I lost to the roses haven't I?" He glanced at the boy with a smirk.

"N...No! Hell, Arthur why've you gotta do thaaat?" He grabbed the other and pulled him close, pressing their bare bodies together. "If I wasn't obsessed with you I wouldn't let know." He leaned in for a kiss. "I don't think I need to describe it..."

Arthur smiled. "Well, I'm glad we have that settled. I was beginning to get jealous." Arthur patted the boy's cheek before stepping into the bathroom to shower. "Would you care to join me?"

Alfred smiled. "...Well...the roses can wait a little longer." He followed hurriedly with a giant grin

Alfred and Arthur were finally together. After suffering, living and dying for it, the scars on Alfred's back, and the hundred years of wounds in Arthur's heart, were all nothing compared to the happiness awaiting them now. I suppose one could call this an end. But it would be more properly called a beginning. The beginning of the rest of their lives. And after years of darkness, nothing could look brighter.

The Fucking End

And yes I'm pretty sure that is our official ending statement for those of you that read fearless. Some of you may have already noticed to poll on our profile for what you want us to work on next out of all our random thoughts. all of them will happen eventually, but the order is an issue. So go ahead and vote on the poll so we can gather some opinions on what to get started on :D

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~Through The Loop