Matthew couldn't help but to bite his lips.
The Prussian before him just woke up with the thirst for some maple syrup, on sweet hot bun cakes.
Matthew had the thirst for his saliva.
Slowly, deliberately he dragged his fingertip across the surface of the kitchen table, the temptation so right , yet . . . not the mood.
He needed a distraction, an excuse to pounce.
Oh maple indeed.
"Hey, Gil."
"Can you pass the salt?"
Matthew reached forward, touching his fingertip with his own, to feel that strike of electricity that caused him to shift, as the salt came back to him.
"Merci." He purred, giving his lover a hint.
Gilbert coughed a bit, unknowingly arousing the entity of desire.
Matthew poured some salt into his palm, eyeing Gilbert's mouth, to lick it off, the flavor expressing the thrive for the needed sugar that only Gilbert could give him.
"You know it's been awhile."
"Since what?"
"Since we've really connected."
He slyly moved out of his seat.
"Vat do you mean?"
Matthew affectionately smiled from the cute worried expression that graced the once powerful nation's face . . . at one point no one wanted to believe in his existence but to Matthew, that night was all but real.
The smirk of the devil . . . the ecstasy that followed . . .
"Mon dieu!"
"Oh, you know."
Matthew instantly turned the chair so that Gilbert faced him.
The surprized look was all that he needed.
"Do you remember, when we first made l'more loup?"
He saddled himself comfortably onto Gilbert's lap, for the Prussian to automatically grip his sides.
"Get on your back."
Matthew chuckled, to whisper huskily in his ear.
"Get on your back."
Gilbert complied, by kissing his neck, for Matthew to shiver.
"Hush liebeling, I'm almost there."
Gilbert's throat rumbled mercifully, for his deep red eyes to meet lovely lavender.
"You are mine." The fox growled, biting the pale exposed chest.
"My only one, Fuchs." The wolf submitted.
"My only one, Fuchs."
Matthew smirked.
So, for translation.
l'more loup? - Love wolf?
Liebeling - love/darling
Fuchs - Fox
Google translations, enough said. Thank you for reading. Danke. Merci.