Hey guys! First one-shot ever and first story I've written for Yuri! on Ice. I watched the 10th episode and I couldn't get the restaurant scene out of my head! I was very curious as to their conversation on the way back to the hotel and I haven't seen a one-shot about that space of time yet. So, I wrote one. I hope I got their personalities right! Let me know what you thought, and any feedback is great! I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Yuri! on Ice, and I'm thankful for that. Mainly because I would mess it up so badly in one way or another so I'll leave it to the pros.

PS: Japan is 8 hours ahead of Barcelona. That will be relevant at the very end of the story.

"I was just joking!"

The group of six started to head back to the hotel reserved for the skaters, leaving a despairing Jean Jacque Leroy behind.

"So Yuuri, are you and Viktor really engaged?" Phichit, who jogged up next to Yuuri, asked with sparkling eyes and a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Um, no- I mean- that is to say… Yes?" Yuuri responded, pink face and fiddling with the ring on his finger. He still couldn't believe that Viktor just up and said the rings were engagement rings! He was a pure-blooded Japanese, and he certainly wasn't used to the vulnerability associated with talking about his love life. But he couldn't deny it now unless he wanted to deny not only Viktor's feelings, but his own as well. He knew long ago that he loved the man; he wouldn't have proposed – albeit in the vague traditional Japanese way – otherwise.

Looking down at the ring on his finger, he continued, "It just sort of happened. It was after the Rostelecom Cup when I arrived at the airport. He was waiting for me and I ran to meet him. I then told him that I wanted to stay by his side. At first the words just spilled out of my mouth, but then I realized that they were true. I want to stay by his side and-" he then realized that everyone stopped and was crowding around him, listening to his story, with Viktor having the most beautiful smile on his face. Instantly, his face bloomed into a fierce shade of scarlet.

Phichit was openly crying at this point, Chris had a subdued, sweet smile on his face, Yurio looked like he was going to vomit, Otabek looked on in astonishment, and Mari and Minako's faces were filled with shock, awe, and a little bit of disbelief. "Wait, why are we all listening to me!? I thought we were going back to the hotel!" Yuuri quickly started babbling and only stopped due to a firm hand cupping his cheek from none other than Viktor.

"You have no idea just how big the smile on your face was when you were talking, do you Yuuri?" Viktor said with nothing but adoration, the younger man absentmindedly leaning into the elder's hand. The younger subtly shook his head. "Well, I swear my heart stopped when you did. It was beautiful." Viktor leaning forward, touching his head to Yuuri's, before continuing "You have no idea the affect you have on people. Especially me." Viktor leaned in and pressed a kiss to Yuuri's forehead.

The moment was ruined with a flash and a chirp.

Everyone turned and stared at the culprit.

"P-P-Phichit! Why did you take a picture?" Yuuri was stammering and the blush, having lowered a few shades at Viktor's interaction, returned full-force.

"Because Yuuri, it was s-so beautiful and I couldn't help myself!" Phichit cried, tears flowing down his face, snot dripping from his nose. "It was such a sweet moment, full of such tender love and adoration that my hand moved on its own! My best friend finally finds someone he loves and that affection is returned whole-heartedly and my heart just can't take it!" The tears started pouring like a waterfall, and Phichit's hand – still in front of him – started to shake with emotion.

Christophe Giacometti reached out and pat Phichit on the back in a comforting matter, lowly chuckling. "I totally understand what you mean, Phichit. Seeing one's best friend in the throes of love never before experienced is a beautiful sight." Phichit paled.

"That sounds way too sexual." Chris chuckled once more.

"So? It's true. I know everyone has seen just how these two act around each other during competitions. I can only imagine what it's like behind closed doors." He sexually growled.

"Can you stop talking about us like we're not here?" Yuuri was hiding his face in his hands while Viktor wrapped an arm around his waist and laughed.

"While it is sweet hearing your sentiments about this, it is a little awkward when you're talking about us like we can't hear a word your saying."

Chris smiled sheepishly and said, "Sorry Viktor. But I honestly mean it when I say I am truly happy for you two. Seeing one's best friend fall in love is a beautiful sight and I'm damn near jumping around like a schoolgirl seeing how happy you are." His smile dropped a tad when he continued, "Before all this, you always had this distant look on your face, like you didn't want to be on the ice. You looked as if you had given up on being happy on the ice in favor of merely trying to surprise the audience. That all changed when Yuuri came into the picture."

He smiled gratefully at the younger man. "Yuuri, I don't know if you know this, but you have changed this man's life for the better, and I have to give my sincere gratitude."

"But I-"

"You need to learn to take a compliment, Yuuri." Chris cut the younger man off, knowing he was protesting his effect in Viktor's life. "I've known Viktor since my senior debut and have grown to be his best friend. I've seen the way he's changed over the years and the biggest was when you barged into his life during that banquet." Yuuri flushed while Viktor retreated from Yuuri's form to give Chris a tight hug and muttered thanks.

"Ok. Thank you." Yuuri smiled shyly at Chris and then remembered where they were: in the middle of the street on the way back to their hotel. "Um, shouldn't we be going back now?"

The rest merely nodded, Yurio already walking ahead, but not before Phichit piped in one more time. "So, when's the wedding?" Yuuri gaped and Viktor laughed.

"Phichit, I think all this talk is frying poor Yuuri's brain. I think we best call it a night." Phichit pouted. "But when we do get a date settled, you'll be the first to know." Phichit's eyes started to shine with promise and Viktor laughed at the sudden change in demeanor. "So, why don't we all get back to our rooms? We have an early start tomorrow." Viktor reattached himself to Yuuri's side and linked their hands together, gently pulling him along.

The others started to follow, while Phichit saw a perfect opportunity for social media fame and a way to celebrate his best friend's happiness. He opened his phone back up to camera mode and lined it up with the figures of Yuuri and Viktor smiling lovingly at each other, rings on their right hands shining, and tapped. "Perfect."

He opened up his Instagram and began tapping away at the screen before pressing the 'submit' button.


(Insert picture of them holding hands and focus centered on the rings)

Pichit+chu: What a night! I just found out v-nikiforov and my best friend Yuuri Katsuki are getting married! #ViktuuriWedding #SoCute #LookAtThoseRingsSparkle #GPF

Yuuri was startled awake from his near sleep at 11 PM by his text tone. Groaning, he reached for his phone and opened the frantic message from Yuuko – all but screaming through text about 'Why didn't you tell me you were engaged!' and 'I call being the maid of honor!' – reading and eyes growing wider by the second. He closed out of the messages and immediately swiped over to Instagram and a certain Thai skater's profile.

He scrubbed a hand over his face. "Phichit, why…"

Viktor stirred awake and noticed his fiancé's state of annoyance. "What's wrong?"

Yuuri sighed. "Phichit posted on social media."

"What's so wrong with that?" Viktor sat up and wrapped his arms around Yuuri's torso and looked over his shoulder at the phone. "Oh." He chuckled. "I guess he decided to get a head start on the engagement announcement." Yuuri groaned and leaned into Viktor's chest.

"We're never going to have privacy anymore." Viktor hummed.

"We're public figures. We were never going to have privacy in the first place."

Yuuri sighed and said, "I guess that's true. I'm just not looking forward to being mobbed with all those personal questions." Viktor nuzzled Yuuri's neck and started pulling him back down on the bed, taking Yuuri's phone and setting it on the bedside table.

"That may be true, but we'll take it one step at a time." They quickly became a tangled mess of limbs, getting comfortable for sleep. "Now it's time for some rest. I love you, Yuuri. Goodnight." Viktor place a gentle kiss to Yuuri's forehead and closed his eyes.

"I love you too, Viktor. Goodnight."