Hello there, I'm going to start a new Fanfic! I've written a lot of Hetalia fanfics, I just uploaded them to my dA account xD So yeah, here is a new fanfiction! I'll try to update more often for all of my fanfictions soon...

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Hetalia, I just own posters of Hetalia

**BEEP-BEEP-Early one morning,
Just as the sun was rising,
I heard a young maid sing,
In the valley below**

"Huh, what the-?" Arthur groaned, raising his head from his pillow. The digital alarm clock next to him rang on defiantly.

**Oh, don't deceive me,
Oh, never leave me,
How could you use
A poor maiden so?**

Arthur groaned and slammed his hand onto the alarm clock, silencing it. He had a sudden urge to just slip back into a peaceful sleep. But he realised he had school to go to, which was for him a nightmare. He dragged himself out of bed and walked out of his unusually neat bedroom to the grimy bathroom. Arthur washed his blonde hair in the shower, sponging his bruised body lightly. Ten minutes later, he stepped out of the shower and inspected himself in the mirror. His emerald eyes stared back puzzlingly as he counted the new bruises on his body. One… two… three…

"… Eight bruises." Arthur said finally. He sighed heavily, his thick eyebrows furrowing.

"Bloody hell, I was going to wear my short-sleeved shirt and all…" Arthur muttered to himself. He grabbed his towel and walked back into his room and got dressed into a white long-sleeved shirt, a green sleeveless jumper with grey jeans and a red tie. He looked neat and formal, despite the fact that he had a slight bruise on his neck. He could just say he got bit by a fly if anyone had to ask. Although the likeliness of someone even acknowledging him was next to zero. Arthur put his shoes on and prepared his satchel. He put in his notebook, his English Lit book, his Chem book, his Algebra II textbook, his World History book, his pencil case, and a picture. He clicked the clasps together firmly and looked up at the clock with its multiple cracks in it.

'It's already quarter to eight. I need to wake Peter up for school.' Arthur thought to himself. He walked out of his bedroom and only took two steps to reach his brother's room.

His brother was sleeping soundly on his bed in his sailor suit and his brown shoes, which surprised Arthur. Arthur concluded that Peter had woken up early to get dressed and do something. Peter's room was considerately smaller than Arthur's with the blue paint peeling drastically and the floor collecting dirt and dust. Arthur crept towards Peter and shook his shoulder lightly.

"Peter, it's time to wake up." Arthur cooed softly. Peter mumbled in his sleep and shifted a bit before opening his sleepy blue eyes.

"Ngh? Arthur… five more minutes…" Peter groaned, his eyelids drooping.

"Do you want me to cook breakfast for you then?" Arthur asked. Peter sat up from his bed immediately. He grabbed his backpack that gave the sound of pencils clanking with each other.

"I'm up and ready to go!" Peter yelped excitedly. Arthur chuckled. Peter looked at him sheepishly, his cheeks going pink slightly as he looked at the bedroom door.

"… is he gone?" Peter asked softly. Arthur stood rigid.

"I think so… he's probably gone to the nearest bar to get drunk again." Arthur replied, rubbing the back of his neck. He flinched as he rubbed his bruise. Peter looked at his neck intensively.

"Arthur… did Dad… you know… did he-?"

"Come on Peter, let's get to school." Arthur piped, walking towards the bedroom door. Peter followed soon after, grabbing his hand. Arthur was very close to his twelve-year-old brother. Arthur ruffled Peter's blonde hair fondly and Peter started to laugh. They walked down the stairs together and had reached the front door before Peter stopped.

"Wait, Arthur!" Peter said suddenly. Arthur looked at him, frowning.

"What's wrong? I didn't think you wanted breakfast?" Arthur said teasingly, tickling Peter under his armpits. Peter started to squeal.

"Ack! Arthur, not there! No, we forgot to say bye to Mum!" Peter huffed in between giggles. Peter untangled himself from Arthur and rushed towards the lounge, which was decorated with broken glass and slightly splattered with some old blood, vomit and alcohol. Peter picked up a rag doll that was perched on one of the chairs and hugged it. The rag doll had blonde cotton hair and blue button eyes and a stitched on smile. The doll wore a long green silk dress with lilac knitted shoes. The doll was still miraculously in contact and clean.

"Love you, Mum." Peter said softly, kissing the doll on its head before placing it onto the chair again. Arthur remembered how he made that doll for his mother when he was thirteen whilst she was in hospital. Something to keep her company in that large prison. He could remember the tears in her eyes as she hugged him tightly.

"… Arthur, say goodbye to Mum." Peter demanded. Arthur blinked and waved at the doll.

"Bye Mum, we'll see you soon." Arthur called to the doll. He felt a gentle breeze on his cheek, which made him smile. The two Kirklands walked out of the house with Arthur locking the doll behind him. They walked down the street and turned a few corners for twenty minutes before reaching Truman Middle and High School. Arthur noticed Peter clutching his hand tightly. Arthur knelt down so that they were eye level with each other.

"What's wrong sailor?" Arthur asked gently.

"I don't want to go… everyone calls me a nerd because I answer the questions." Peter pouted. Arthur smiled as he patted Peter on the head. He knew that even though Peter was very loud and strong-willed, he had a low self-esteem at school.

"Well, just say that you're a nerd just like your mother was." Arthur offered. Peter's eyes started to glow.

"R-Really? Was Mum really a nerd like me?" Peter asked giddily. Arthur laughed and nodded at Peter. Arthur looked at Peter as Peter smiled. He inherited almost everything off their mother; her blonde hair, her blue eyes, her gentleness, her determination. Arthur envied him sometimes. But Peter was the greatest gift to receive off his mother.

"Alrightey then, are you ready to go?" Arthur asked. Peter nodded and hugged Arthur, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Don't forget, I'm picking you up today, and then we're going to the park for a bit. Sound good to you?" Arthur asked. Peter nodded and rushed towards the middle school. He ran towards his Latvian friend, who waved at him timidly. Peter waved at Arthur for the final time before rushing inside the school, with his friend trying to catch up with him. Arthur couldn't really understand how the fourteen-year-old would hang around with Peter. Arthur turned to the high school section and grimaced slightly. He wasn't really excited to go, but all he could think that the sooner he went inside, the sooner he would be able to take Peter out for his treat.

So, did you like it? If you did, I would really appreciate it if you left me a review on how much you like/how much I could improve/how much you hate it and want me to die. Hey, a troll review is still a review regardless.

Also, check out my other Fanfictions, Hey That's High School, Hey That's High School: Summer Camp Remix, The Grand Duchess Rin Romanov, Hunger Games: A New Generation, Farewell Alfred, The Second Star To The Right, and Mistakes.