First off: sorry this took for fuggin ever. I pretty much procrastinated as much as I possibly could on this, and I only feel /slightly/ guilty. Yay.
Anyways, no this isn't another lemon chapter! Sorry if y'all's be disappointed :P its the followup chapter to the collab with 008764! (she wanted me to say that shes re-writing the story and it wont be posted on her end till shes done, too. Japan and Germany are her characters) if you would still be willing to read this, then DANKE und ICH LIEBE DICH! ! ! :D
Now. Maybe we should start the story? Hm, good idea!
..also I went to a convention and it was FUCKING AWESOME.
Prussia rushed into the building, pulling a slightly nervous Canadian behind him. The two looked around and spotted Germany and Japan sitting in a booth with their heads resting on the table. They looked absolutely bored out of their minds, but seemed to perk up slightly when Prussia and Canada slid into the booth across from them.
"Hey, West!" Prussia leaned over the table and shook his brother roughly by the shoulder, eyes sparkling. "We saw a deer!" Canada groaned quietly and nodded.
"Really?" Germany lifted his head slightly, but his eyes still drooped. He nudged Japan slightly and made him sit up more. Only Canada seemed to notice their boredom, or Prussia simply refused to acknowledge it. Canada shifted and sighed lightly, smiling apologetically towards the two.
"He-" Canada was cut off by a sharp glare from Prussia, "we had to stop and take, oh, only a million pictures of it.."
Japan stifled a short laugh and Germany quirked an eyebrow. He sat up fully and fingered the corner of his menu. "Get any decent pictures, bruder?" Prussia blushed and slid further into the seat. Canada rubbed his shoulder softly.
"Well I think they're awesome.. Birdie said I shouldn't go into photography.." Germany glanced over to see the quiet Japanese man beside him snickering quietly. After a moment, he pulled his features into his regular serious expression.
"I think that would be a fun activity.." he commented quietly. Germany simply shook his head slightly and looked back at his brother. Canada sighed softly and rubbed the sad Prussian's back. He hesitated slightly before leaning over and planting an apologetic kiss on his cheek. Prussia leaned into it quickly and smiled happily. Sometimes, it amazed Canada how quickly he could change emotions. Prussia acted so much like a girl sometimes, it was a little scary. Canada's eyes flicked to the menu still in Germany's hand. His lips parted and a string of soft words left his mouth.
"Anyways," Canada paused to smile and flick a lock of golden hair from his eyes, "sorry we kept you waiting. Are you guys hungry?"
Germany and Japan exchanged quick glances and nodded to each other. Germany gripped the menu fully in his fingers and nodded gruffly to the Canadian. "Ja. This one," he shoved Japan playfully, but due to Japan being so light, ended up pushing him from the booth, "has been complaining about the lack of food." Japan grabbed Germany's extended hand and pulled himself back beside him. His face was a soft shade of red, but his eyes twinkled with the slightest hint of annoyance.
Prussia gasped and gripped the table in his fists as best he could. Suddenly, he reached forward and wrapped his fingers around Japan's shoulders, shaking him slightly. "Japan, are you starving? We need to get you food!" Before Japan could even react to being grabbed, Prussia had let go of him and stood from his seat. He proceeded to wave his arms widely and shout at the farthest waitress from them. Of course there were closer ones, but Prussia had to be a nuisance or else he wouldn't be Prussia, now would he? Before he could really say much, though, hands were quickly on the hem of his shirt and tugging him back down. Canada smacked him lightly, his wide purple eyes filling with fear.
"Maple, Prussia, we're in public.." he whispered desperately. Prussia smiled lightly and hugged him reassuringly.
Germany coughed oddly, his lips tugging upwards into a very much unwelcome smile as he tried not to laugh. "He acts like that a lot anymore. As soon as he gets some food, he will stop complaining so much. Right, Japs?" Japan grumbled and shifted downward slightly, his black hair falling into his eyes.
"Yeah, whatever." All four glanced around a little and spotted a tall blonde woman, maybe mid-twenties, approaching their table. Her hair was tied back with a confederate flag bandanna, and she had bright aqua eyes like America. Her ears and the corner of her eyebrow sparkled with piercings, and the tail of an elaborate dragon spiraled from underneath her shirt sleeve, twisting around her arm to meet with a black bird that looked awfully familiar to a certain Prussian. She smiled warmly and directed her attention to Germany and Japan.
"Is this the rest of your party, sirs?" Japan nodded curtly in response. Germany shot a quick glance to her chest, eyeing her white name tag that read 'Faith'. She turned to Prussia and Canada, her eyes going wide ever so slightly as she looked to Prussia. A soft blush broke across her cheeks and she smiled wider. Though she didn't realize it, her sole was currently being ripped to shreds by a protective Canadian. "Um, hehe, okay! What can I get you to drink?"
"Whiskey for me," said Germany, pulling her attention away from the albino. He wrapped his arm around the quiet man, making him blush. "And my buddy here will take some Sake."
Canada peeked out from behind Prussia, gripping his shoulder so he could pull him back into the seat again. "I'll have the maple bomb, and he-" Canada tapped Prussia's shoulder with his delicate index finger lightly, "will juice." Canada sunk backwards, a small victorious smirk on his lips.
Prussia's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. "Hey! What-" he groaned as a harsh kick was delivered to his shin, effectively shutting him up. Canada grinned to Faith and folded his hands on the table in front of him.
Germany smiled, slightly forced, and nodded a thanks. "That should be all for now, thank you." Faith nodded absently, giving Prussia a weird look.
"Okay, I'll get right on that.." As soon as she left, Japan scrunched up his face and shot a questioning look to Canada.
"Why apple juice, Prussia?" Canada glanced to Prussia and squeezed his hand. He leaned over and whispered gently into his ear.
"You don't have to tell him if you aren't ready, Prussia.." Prussia simply shook his head and turned quickly, planting a small kiss on Canada's lips.
"It's okay." Prussia smiled weakly at Japan and sighed into the collar of his jacket. "I'm a recovering alcoholic. So far I would say its going pretty well, thanks to Birdie here, but it's still rough." He nodded to nobody in particular, maybe to himself, and stared out the window. After a brief moment, he snapped back to attention and resumed his normal self, grinning stupidly.
Japan reached out and hesitantly squeezed Prussia's hand, his face shifting into a friendly smile. Germany smiled too and spoke softer than he normally did. "Glad you're doing better, East." Prussia stared at Japan's hand blankly. Slowly, a wide grin split across his face.
"Bruder.. Danke, guys." Prussia leaned over slightly and rest his head on Canada's shoulder. The Canadian rubbed his back and tried his best to fight the blush creeping across his face, but to no avail.
"Germany, we were wondering if-well-um-..maybe if Prussia could move in with me? Permanently?" Canada looked up at him with a shy and hopeful glance, his eyes twinkling irresistibly. Prussia joined in, pulling his bottom lip into an adorable pout and looking at his younger brother with big, ruby eyes.
Germany smiled brightly at the two across from him. "Of course. Besides, I don't think you want to have to deal with this one. He can sure be a mess." Germany pulled Japan closer by the waist and shyly pecked his cheek.
"Wait... Are you asking me to move in with you, Sempai?" asked Japan softly, his brown eyes growing bigger and filling with hope. Germany gave a short nod and went in for a kiss, but saw Faith and stopped.
Faith set down the drinks and grabbed her order pad, flicking the tip of her pen at the menus on the table. "Are you guys ready to order?" she asked sweetly, completely oblivious to her obvious bad timing. Japan and Germany looked at the two across the booth simultaneously.
"Ja." Faith smiled again and looked to Germany expectantly.
"It says here," he pulled up his menu and jabbed a finger at the page, "that you have sushi." Japan's hand flew to his forehead as Germany continued. "What kind do you carry?" Faith shifted, slightly confused.
"Well, we have the California roll and a few others if that's what you mean.. But if you want something else," she raised her hand and gestured to a sushi bar in the middle of the restaurant, "I suggest you go check out the bar." Prussia paled at the word and instantly shot up. Canada tightened his grip and stroked his arm softly, drifting his arm down to hook around Prussia's waist secretly.
"I will have the..second option," sputtered Germany quickly. This was quickly turning incredibly strange for Faith, and she shifted awkwardly again. Japan piped up quietly.
"I will just have a bowl of the soup of the day." Faith scribbled it down and turned to Prussia and Canada, her eyes clouding over as she wondered why the strange albino man was acting so jittery all of the sudden. She gave a faint smile to Canada and armed her pen again.
"And for you two?" Canada glanced a the open menu quickly before turning back to her.
"Um, is your breakfast an all day thing?" Faith nodded sortly. "Great! I think we will split ten of them." Prussia smiled happily and handed the menus to her. Faith faltered slightly as she wrote the orders down. Ten pancakes was an awful lot. She floated away to the kitchen and was gone without another word.
Japan looked at Germany as soon as she left and kissed him on the lips quickly. "Are you serious about me moving in with you?" Germany smiled at the men around him, resting finally on the timid Japanese beside him.
"Yes, I am dead serious." Before Japan could really do anything, Prussia slammed his hands down on the table. Canada yelped, jumping slightly and retracting his arm quickly in reflex.
"We should have a sleepover! You know, to celebrate? Oh, Birdie, it'll be so awesome!" Prussia shouted excitedly. He turned to Canada and grabbed his face, smiling brightly at him. Canada laughed, but he was cut off as Prussia arched his back and pressed his lips against Canada's own in a rushed, passionate kiss that seemed completely random, but Canada was /not/ complaining. Prussia looked back to Germany and pouted again. "Please, west?" There was a moments pause, filled by Germany trying to avoid Prussia's gaze but failing. Finally, he sighed.
"Ja, of course. When do you want to do this?" Japan rest his head on Germany's shoulder lightly. He yawned and, eyes sparking deviously for a brief second, bit Germany's arm playfully. Prussia clapped his hands twice and hugged the frozen Canadian on his side. He completely fazed over Germany's last question.
"Yes! Aren't you excited, Birdie?!" Canada gulped. Japan must have noticed, because he squinted his eyes and fixed his gaze on him.
"Canada, you are alright with this, right?" Canada nodded hesitantly and held onto Prussia's arm slightly, pressing his lithe body tightly against the muscled man and glancing around anxiously. He swallowed again and flicked his eyes to the ceiling in efforts to keep any stray tears at bay.
"Y-yeah, I've just never been to a sleepover before, eh?" His nightmares had always been too much of a problem for him, forcing him to stay home and writhe in his bed alone each and every night. Even though Prussia had seemed to be his cure, the panic still rose in his stomach. What if? When he was beside Prussia, held warmly in his arms, they were kept locked away in his mind, and they never disturbed his sleeping state. But even in the protected grasp of the Prussian, he still feared.
Germany looked down, his cheeks red hot in embarrassment. "Me neither..." Prussia started to laugh but was stopped by a very rough shove from Canada.
"Prussia, stop, he's your brother!" he hissed in a menacing whisper. Prussia grumbled and sunk into the seat more, folding his arms across his chest defiantly. Just then, Faith returned with a bowl of soup. She set it down gingerly before Germany and smiled.
"This was yours, right?" Japan squinted. He hooked the bowl with one finger and slid it across the table, glowering at her wickedly. He didn't like how she looked at Germany.
"It was mine..." Faith blushed and squirmed in her sneakers. She messed with her apron idly and panicked as her eyes flitted between the two.
"Oh, I'm so sorry it's just you're Jap- I mean you," she pointed to Germany, "must have wanted the sushi and I just assumed he.. I.. Sorry.." Faith waved her hands, as if she could just shoo the awkwardness away, and rushed off while calling, "I'll bring your pancakes soon!" Germany shook his head slowly.
"That was just stupid. She sucks at her job." Canada nodded but looked over his shoulder sympathetically.
"It must have been a long day.. I, um, don't think we should come back here again." Prussia smirked lightly.
"I think she's just intimidated by my awesomeness." He poked Canada's cheek, "And birdies hotness." Canada blushed and pushed up his glasses, clearing his throat. Japan's spoon hovered before his lips as he sputtered, shocked. He wasn't exactly used to Prussia's statements. Germany laughed and kissed Japan's cheek.
"What about Liebe's cute shyness?" chortled Germany. Japan put the spoon back in the bowl and punched Germany's arm.
"I am /not/ cute!.." He paused shortly, "or shy.." Prussia and Canada laughed.
"And I'm not awesome," drawled Prussia sarcastically. Germany looked slightly shocked. He didn't know his brother was capable of stringing those words together in a sentence, even if it was just sarcasm. He had always figured it would blow his ego too much.
"You know you are, Liebe." He kissed Japan on the lips quickly. Faith scampered around a table with two plates stacked tall with ten pancakes each. She set them down, slightly frantic, and wiped her brow nervously.
"Sorry for the wait! As you can see we're a little swamped!" Prussia and Canada each blew tiny sighs, but still gave her a warm smile and unfolded their silverware from their napkins. Prussia splayed his neatly across his leg, while Canada crumpled his and tossed it beside his plate lazily.
"Danke, er, Faith," smiled Prussia. Canada smiled, too, and lifted his fork to his mouth. Faith gave a quick little bow, unintentionally pulling her apron into a curtsy as she did. Her face screwed in confusion, and she hesitated before regaining herself and rushing off to another table. Germany nudged Japan and made him get up, sliding out of the booth and heading towards the sushi bar.
The table fell into an awkward silence with Germany gone. The three ate their food quietly, choosing to keep to themselves rather than partake in uncomfortable conversations nobody really wanted to have anyways. Canada set down his fork with a soft clan as the metal clicked against the plate, and he smiled up at Japan.
"So, how's the soup?.." he squeaked softly. Japan tore his eyes from the bowl to nod at him and continued sipping. Prussia gulped and leaned over, whispering into Canada's ear too softly for Japan to hear.
"Does /he/ want to do the sleepover?.." Canada shivered at the feeling of Prussia's hot breath tingling on his skin. He swallowed and stuffed his mouth full quickly, denying the burning sensation in his crotch. He chewed slowly, thinking, and finally reached his free hand under the table, where he let rest on Prussia's thigh gently. Prussia perked slightly and smiled.
Then, Germany came back with a plate loaded full of all different kinds of sushi. The stupidest grin danced across his lips as he slid into the booth.
Time Skip because I'm Lazy and This is Long
Germany burped loudly when he fianally finished his plate. Japan scowled and whispered to him softly, "Pig.." Faith skated by, pausing only for a second to drop the bill on their table. She started to curtsy again before she stopped her self and cursed. She ran away, blushing.
Prussia turned towards him and scanned it quickly, pointing out the fact that she had significantly cut down their bill with a very generous discount and a little apology note at the bottom.
"I wonder what that's about?" squeaked Canada. Germany simply shrugged.
"How much is it?" asked Japan, quirking an eyebrow.
"Um..$18.00 flat!" Prussia smiled brightly and pulled out his wallet. Germany did the same and slapped four ones and a five down.
"That's our half." Canada and Prussia piled on their half, plus a little tip. Canada shook his head lowly and frowned, muttering "poor girl," under his breath. Prussia lifted him by his arm and kissed him gently before turning back to the other two.
"Are we ready?" smiled Prussia, taking a step towards the door. Japan nodded, but Germany bit his lip and glanced at Prussia shyly.
"Yeah, before we go though... When I we having that sleepover-thing? I don't think Japan can wait for it." Prussia laughed and clutched his stomach.
"Right. Um how about..tomorrow night?" He glanced at Canada for approval. Canada stuttered, grabbing on to Prussia instinctively. Prussia wrapped his arm around the slightly shaking nation and looked at him sweetly. Canada nodded slowly and Prussia grinned.
"Alright. Sound good to you, Liebe?" Japan nodded silently. Prussia found it funny that both he and his brother could have such shy nations, but only they knew just how loud they really were. Prussia nuzzled his head against Canada's softly and smiled as his mind began to wander.
"O-okay. Uh, see you guys tomorrow then I guess." Canada tugged on his sleeve nervously, effectively bringing him back to Earth. All four walked outside into the brisk night air and shivered as they stepped out of the threshold. Prussia slipped his hand lower around Canada's waist and drew him closer, reassuring him silently. Prussia bent to whisper in his ear for the last time that night.
"Birdie, it's okay, you'll do fine.."
I think my favorite part about the bonus chapter was the pre-script. It was a lot of fun to make, especially because of all the random little off comments that we would make :P
Well, guys, this has been a very epic journey! I'm very thankful to all of you who have stuck around! I really do love you all! Um, I'm going to be posting a little USUK one-shot sometime soon, so if any of you are interested in that, keep an eye out! I promise I will write more PruCan for you guys in the future!
Again, I'm really sorry about the delay. Love ya!