![]() Author has written 26 stories for X-Files, Sherlock, Radio Dramas, Star Trek: 2009, and Supernatural. AUDREY. 17. USA. Previously "Wetrustno1" Whovian. Sherlockian. Trekkie-in-the-making. Cumberbitch. Fannibal (is that really what we call ourselves?) Currently on a Hannibal binge. jfc this show is awesome. SHOWS I WATCH: Sherlock Doctor Who X-Files Dexter Hannibal Weeds Breaking Bad Arrested Development Supernatural 30 RockSHIPS I SHIP: John/Sherlock (OTP TO THE GRAVE) Eleven/River Amy/Rory Hannibal/Will Hannibal/Abigail Hannibal/Abigail/Will (this is my fav) Scully/Mulder Spock/KirkKINKS I DIG: HC/Sickfics/Any sort of scenario that requires extreme angst/physical/psychological abuse of a predominately strong/independent character Hannigail daddy!kink/dom/sub type thing (bonus points if Will joins in) Human!Cas stories (because he's such a lost little muffin) Top!John/Angry!John Virgin!SherlockExpect LOTS of Sickfics from me, and know that if you have ever written any flu/cold/pneomonia fics that i have probably read them about 10,000 times, and you should write more because they are just my favorite thing ever. Would love to fill any prompts you may have- my brain gets bored of its own ideas after a while, and would love to mull over yours. I am also a STRONG believer in REVIEWS/COMMENTS, because I think that is what makes us all better writers and proves the point of posting all these drabbles for the world to see, so if you have a moment- please review anything of mine you read! :) Also, feel free to follow my obsessive-nutcase-fangirl blog on tumblr: |