Title: Sneeze
Author: Mad Server
Rating: K
Characters: Dean, Sam
Word Count: 100, on the button
Summary: Dean sneezes.
A/N: This is basically just some shameless Jessie-porn. It was written for the Enkidu07/Onyx Moonbeam drabble challenge extraordinaire, for the prompt word "hitch." Moonlight, I borrowed your eyelids fluttering shut.
Disclaimer: I don't own these guys. You would know, because I would be bragging.

Dean's breath catches, his eyelids fluttering shut. A noisy gasp, hand hovering... then nothing but crickets. Eventually he blows his breath out in a disappointed rush, eyes dropping open, rolls his shoulders. He rubs his reddening nose, snorts irritably, adjusts his grip on the shovel. A couple half-hearted pokes at the dirt and he goes suddenly still... then his breath seizes again in a hitching, tripping, scraping gasp, climaxing at last as the sneeze bursts thunderously against his elbow -- "AASSSHchn!" Snuffing messily, he fumbles in his pocket for an unused tissue, elbow carefully in place.

"Consider antihistamines," says Sam.
