Rose took longer to recover from the cold than the Doctor did, due mainly to her non-genetically enhanced immune system, as he pointed out many times. Perhaps it was because of the aforementioned pointing out, that she took complete and total advantage of his guilt over the whole matter. In general, she was just being bossy, ordering him to fetch things for her, or complaining about how bad she felt. He listened patiently for a while, but now it was just getting annoying.
"I wasn't this bad when I was sick," he muttered to himself as he fetched some more tea, "Well, okay I was, but I wasn't so darn annoying," images of him hiding and running from her flashed through his mind, "Well okay, I was that too, but I'm the Doctor, I'm allowed to be that annoying. Or I should be." His mutterings had brought him back to her bedroom, and he passed her the tea.
"Tomorrow you'll be better," he informed her, "I don't care how you feel, I've had enough of this whole ordeal." Rose frowned.
"Don't I get a say in this?" she asked.
"Nope," he said grinning, and after what he thought to be a very convincing cough, he left the room. Truth be told, he hadn't had enough of the whole ordeal, he wanted his chance to annoy her as much as she had him, despite the fact that she was doing it to get him back.
The next morning the Doctor was coughing some more. He coughed and he sniffed, and he wheezed, just to catch Rose's attention. Just as they were getting ready to step through the TARDIS door, he caught her arm.
"I know I said we'd be off again today, but I don't think I'm feeling so well," he said with another cough. Rose sighed.
"Let's get you back to bed then," she said, and it was all he could do to stop from grinning. He let her lead him back down the hallway, but when they entered his room, Rose stopped him.
"You're not really sick," she said, pointedly.
"Am too," he argued and coughed again, as though to illustrate the point.
"No, you're just a rubbish actor," she laughed.
"Hey!" he replied indignantly, "Then why'd we come back down here, if you knew I was faking it?" His eyes widened with realization.
"Rose Tyler, are you trying to get in my pants!?!" he asked, with a mixture of false indignation and delight.
"Took you long enough," she said, pushing him onto the bed, "Here I was thinking you were a genius!"