![]() Author has written 25 stories for Doctor Who, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Ultimate Spider-Man, Avengers, Stargate: Atlantis, and Supernatural. Hello, I'm Imagination Live, AKA Ruby, I'm currently writing stories of my own, but one of my favorite things to do is write fanfiction. I'm into photography, drawing, and other art mediums and hope you'll check them out sometime on my Deviantart account; http:/// Enjoy! I'm really hoping to improve on my writing skills so I'd be really appreciative if you critique my stories! Please and thank you ! UPDATE Hey everyone, I know some of you have been asking about updates so I wanted to let you know whats up. I'm having a hard time right now because of a few deaths in my family along with having to go to college full time. I plan on continuing all of the stories I've posted on this site at one point or another except for "The Twelth Doctor", that story is up for adoption. Thank you for your understanding. My Stories (listed together and in order for series): Final Fantasy 7: A Dark and Stormy Night - ACTIVE Lianna's Story - ACTIVE Love Of My Life - ACTIVE Savior - ACTIVE A Day In the Life Of Steve Burton - HIATUS BawkbawkMan (1), Chobukie Friend (2) - HIATUS Don't Use That In Here!!! (1), Not Again! (2) - HIATUS Who You Gonna Call? - HIATUS When Can I Sleep? - HIATUS Don't Use That In Here! - HIATUS What Happened To Me!? - COMPLETE The Best Name - COMPLETE We Three Kings - COMPLETE Sephy's Days of Christmas - COMPLETE Final Fantasy 9: The Sisterhood Chronicles I: Broader Horizons - ACTIVE Doctor Who: Cassia - ACTIVE Twelfth Doctor - Adoptable just PM me Karaoke Madness - COMPLETE Fever, Bieber Fever - COMPLETE Avengers: The Lost Child (Formerly Jasmine's Story) - ACTIVE Her Protector - ACTIVE Forgiveness - ACTIVE Finding a Home - COMPLETE What You Teach Them - COMPLETE Stargate Atlantis: The True Story of Carson Beckett - ACTIVE Crossovers: The Worlds Within - ACTIVE Truce - ACTIVE ff7 and Yu-gi-oh Xover= (I can't think of a name yet D': . I will post when I think of one though) HIATUS A Trip To Fear - HIATUS Never Forget - HIATUS Some of these are on Deviant Art only because of the rules. As of 9/25/17 Favorites: Books; Tamora Pierce's "Tortall" series and her Circle of Magic series, The Last Dragon Chronicles by Chris D'Lacey, C. S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia, the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series (FAVORITE by far! You have to read this!) by Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus series (same author), the Law of the Lycans series by Nicky Charles, the Wolf series by Linda Thomas-Sundstrom, and Cornelia Funke's "Ink" series. Games; Final Fantasy 5, 7, 7 DoC, 8, and 9, Kingdom Hearts (all), Sims 3 (Ehh occasionally), Sims Medieval (Ehh Sometimes), World of Warcraft (Vanilla through Cataclysm :( ), Mario Kart Double Dash, Super Paper Mario, Wizard101, Age of Mythology, and Pharaoh. Manga and Anime; Shugo Chara, Bleach, Detective Conan, Elemental Gelade, Letter Bee, Monster Rancher, Zatch Bell, Yu-gi-oh, Madotte Mamotte Lollipop, Digimon (Seasons 1-3), Final Fantasy Unlimited, Anyimaru Tantei Kiruminzuu, and Alice Academy, as well as a few others. TV shows, cartoons, and movies; Doctor Who, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Castle, How To Train Your Dragon, Frozen, Rise of the Guardians, The X-Men (2000), Guardian's of the Galaxy, Deadpool, The Avengers, Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Young Justice, The Sarah Jane Adventures (RIP Elizabeth Sladen), Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Believe, The Listener, Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children, FF7 Advent Children Complete, Underworld series :D, G-Force, Cats & Dogs, and Comedy, Action, and/or Adventure movies (mostly). Favorite Pairings: FF7; Tifa/Cloud, Aerith/Zack Kingdom Hearts; Sora/Kairi, Namine/Roxas. Shugo Chara; Amu/Tadase Bleach; Ichigo/Rukia. Detective Conan; Ran/Shinichi, Heiji/Kazuha, Miwako/Takagi, Kobayashi/Shiratori, Kaito/Aoko, Makoto/Sonoko. Avengers EMH; Tony/Pepper, Clint/Natasha, Bruce/Betty, Digimon; Takeru/Hikari Worst Pairings (IMO): FF7; Cloud/Zack, Cloud/Sephiroth, Yuffie/Reno, Angeal/Zack, Tifa/Zack, Angeal/Genesis, Tifa/Rude, Marlene/Denzel (They seem like siblings to me), Cid/Vincent, Cloud/Anyone but Tifa, Tifa/ Anyone but Cloud. Kingdom Hearts; Kairi/Riku. Shugo Chara; Utau/Ikuto, Amu/Ikuto. Detective Conan; Miwako/Shiratori. Favorite music: Anything on Air1, Red, Skillet, Nobuo Uematsu's work, Mitis (on YouTube), Christian music ( ;P ), Adrian Von Ziegler's music (go to YouTube to find it), P!nk, most anime theme songs, Loreena Mckennit, and Nicolette Larson. Interests/Hobbies: Writing, reading, video games, games, collecting TCGs, rain and rain dancing, snow and snow dancing, laughing a lot, computers, travel, basketball, swimming, hiking, backpacking, camping, swords, archery, martial arts, cosplay, drawing, dancing, collecting things, dogs, wolves, cats, gemstones, rocks, electronics, and all animals Favorite Quotes: "I see said the blind man to the deaf woman." "Ask and you shall receive what you ask for, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you." Matt 7:7 |