Well damn it's been three years. When I wrote this fic I was in jr. high and Matt Smith had just become the Doctor. When I re-wrote this fic for this website I was in high school. Now I'm nearly out of college and have just gotten back to it. Probably lost all my followers, but this WILL get finished. All the idea making has been long done...It's just...having the time to write it down.
Simon dashed down the street, trying to figure out the best route to get the closest shot. As he ran, he saw countless people on their doorsteps or on their roofs, looking and pointing to the sky. When he looked up, he could just faintly see the outline of the alien ship looming above the clouds. If he guessed right, it had settled itself around the river.
He knew that he'd never get a bus down that way. Whenever crazy shit like this happened, the whole town went to hell, couldn't even find a stray cab, not like he could afford it.
To walk that type of distance would take forever, but he was determined.
As the hour ticked by, the Ryfalieans readied themselves for the confrontation. The High Commander watched from a balcony in the engine room as power was rerouted from the main drives towards the newly created, completely makeshift, teleporter module.
The Researcher approached her. "Your Majesty, I've just confirmed with the engineers that the device will be ready before the scheduled meeting time."
"I'm amazed by your efficiency," she responded, crossing her arms and leaning onto the rail to get a better view of below her.
"Oh, yes I suppose-" he paused, "I suppose those years in turmoil brought something of it."
The Commander looked at him, her face slightly concerned, "Are you sure that this plan to abduct his vessel is a wise one? I understand the General seems very convinced of such but I can't help that we... we may be mirroring the villains the Time Lord believes us as. Perhaps he won't help us after we do this."
"I-" he began, but stopped, the thought never having entered his mind before now. "Commander, I don't believe I should be giving such advice," he thought over his response, "However, I personally believe that we must take the steps necessary in order to confirm safety with the Time Lord. We need to obtain leverage, regardless of his...compliance."
She noticed his newly shaken state, taking a moment to stand straight again, deciding that he was not one to press. "I apologize. These thoughts of doubt should not be plaguing your Commander. I trust that, if anything may go awry, that the control is altered out of our state, that we will be able to swiftly end our connections with the Doctor, and take our chances with the humans."
"The disconnection would have to be a permanent one. I don't believe the Time Lord would willingly allow that."
She smirked, "The General seems to be rubbing off on you."
The Researcher seemed mildly insulted by this comment, but his rebuttal was muted over the sounds of machinery shrieking back to life. Once the noise died down a new voice was heard at the bottom level.
"The teleport is ready, your Majesty!" the head Engineer shouted.
"Fantastic!" the Commander shouted back. She now turned to the Researcher, "Obtain her instructions and meet me in the central hub. We only have a short time for execution."
"Of course, Commander," he said, turning to leave.
They returned to the main room; new controls were installed around the Researcher's computer, where he was poised and ready.
The General entered the room, heading towards the Commander, who was standing in front of her screen. "I've spoken with the pilots and they have offered small, exploratory pods. They are able to fit three passengers at most. I suggest we take two in order to have full security." For the first time, he seemed relatively at ease.
"No," she rejected, shaking her head, "We promised a single, small ship to meet him on the common ground. For what we are about to do, it's the least we can offer."
"He won't hold up to his end otherwise! Blackmail or not, he's still dangerous."
The Commander rolled her eyes. "Then we will be all the more innocent then, General. We will be taking one pod with you, the Head Researcher, and I. That is final."
The Researcher exclaimed, swiveling around quickly in his chair to face them, "Me?!"
"Of course," the Commander explained, "You were the one to bring this opportunity to us; you should take part in what becomes of it."
"I'm flattered but-"
"Great idea Commander!" the General interrupted, sounding very uncharacteristic. He approached the scientist, wrapping his arm around him and began dragging him out of the Main Hub. The Researcher's fight was useless to break free from his grip, and eventually allowed him to be pushed out. The General turned over his shoulder to call back to the Commander. "I'll start filling him in on the protocol these kind of things."
Once out into the hall, doors closed to the Hub, the General tugged the Researcher into a small alcove.
The Researcher was now able to finish a thought. "General, please! Convince her I am unable to participate! There is so much work left and I am not very familiar with Time Lord etiquette."
"Shh- Listen." The General hushed, pushing him a bit further into the alcove. "You're the only one who can carry out this mission."
"What do you mean?"
Suddenly, it was a whole new General. "Look, I know the Commander believes that I am far too forceful with my precautions and I know she'll be keeping a too close eye on me." He paused, "But she seems to trust you more than me."
The Researcher was very confused. "I don't understand what you mean."
"I mean-" he dug into his jacket, "that when things get suspicious, I need you to do what needs to be done." He found what he was looking for, pulling out a gun, and holding it up.
"Surely!-" The Researcher started before the General's hand clamped over his mouth.
"It's laced with Judas tree poison, you hit that Time Lord with this, he's not getting back up." He freed the Researcher's mouth.
"You can't expect me to do something like this! And you can't possibly know something like that!" The hand was back over his mouth.
"Don't shout! We don't want this back to the Commander; she'll never allow it even if our lives depend on it. The Time Lord cannot be trusted, and I know you are just as afraid of them. Do what has to be done."
The Researcher gave a long look before relaxing, wrapping his hand around the barrel of the gun. The General removed his hand once more before the scientist responded. "Fine, I'll do it; but only if he deceives us."
The General smirked at the Researcher. "I'm glad we're in agreement."
With precise timing the intercom throughout the ship came on, "Personnel to your stations. Prepare for the capture of the enemy vessel."
They returned to the Main Hub; the Researcher took his place at his desk, the General beside the Commander.
The Researcher looked over his screens, adjusting a few settings before turning away toward the Commander, "We're ready to teleport the Tardis on board."
"Let it be done," the Commander ordered.
With a flip of a switch, light filled the room.
A few moments before the Doctor had just excused himself to retrieve tools from Jenny's Tardis, which was sitting across from his, the doors to both of them wide open.
He hopped over the debris, ducking under the console to find the bag when he heard a mechanical screech that could have only been from one place.
Standing as fast as he could, he then spun quickly and began to run when he saw Jenny screaming from the open doors of his Tardis.
"Dad, what's happen-!" Was all he was able to hear before the doors to his Tardis slammed shut, the screeching noise from it hitting a deafening level before the light on top flashed and engulfed the police box.
When the light faded, the Tardis was gone.
A flash of light through the windows of an abandoned warehouse brought Simon to a hard stop. He looked around to see if anyone else had noticed, but he seemed to be the only one brave enough to get this close. He was only ten minutes from the river, the alien ship loomed even bigger in his field of vision. But this flash was now the only thing on his mind.
It was exceedingly bright, nothing he knew could have created something like that. Was it the aliens? Were they secretly sending troops in with no one noticing? Was their peaceful introduction just a front?
He thought for a while before deciding: everyone knew about the message and the ship. He would be the only one to document this moment.
With that his mind was made, and he walked, camera ready, toward the warehouse.
The Doctor stood there in shock, totally unable to process what had just happened.
He knew from the sound the Tardis had not done that herself. He had to conclude that the Ryfalieans were the cause, they were the only ones that knew he was here. Thoughts rushed through his head: They didn't trust him. They took the Tardis. Leverage. They took Jack, Donna, Jenny. He told them he was the only Time Lord on Earth... They have Jenny.
A loud clang echoed through Jenny's Tardis as the Doctor's foot connected to a pillar, a clatter joined it as a pile of rubble was pushed over. He couldn't do this. Not again. Not with the same people. He had no one this time. And it's his fault. It's always been his fault.
The Doctor crumpled into the pile he knocked over. Everything he had been holding back throughout the day suddenly came forward. He had never expected to see Jenny again. When she was created, he promised himself to not get attached. She was going to die and he knew it. But Donna, oh Donna, she had no idea. She got him to look at Jenny, love her. When Jenny sacrificed herself on Messaline it was almost a relief, of course he mourned her like he did any of his children but knowing her was so brief, her idea of her father didn't have time to tarnish. Now suddenly she's back, with THIS Tardis of all things, asking so many questions he doesn't even begin to know how to answer. He snapped on her and now she's going to die again, this time with a grasp of the death that follows him.
He couldn't get her Tardis working again, not in the short amount of time he had left to meet the-
"Oh that's some Monolith shit, right there."
The sound of the sudden voice made the Doctor shoot up faster than the Tardis disappearing. He nearly flew over the debris on the floor, out of the Tardis, and around to the back of it where he saw a sandy-haired kid with a camera.
The kid screamed.