Author has written 43 stories for House, M.D., Bones, Dollhouse, Absolutely Fabulous, Extras, Jam & Jerusalem, Doctor Who, Wild West, 2002, Girls on Top, StarTrek: The Original Series, and Murder in Suburbia.
I'm 24 years old, and I live in Canada. I write mostly femslash and het; skip anything that bothers you. I label everything clearly.
I will ship anyone that I like together, regardless of gender. Oh yeah, I'll go there. Things that shut me down fast though are incest or one party being underage while the other's not.
Favourite Pairings
(no particular order, but bold are right at the top)
Bones - Brennan/Angela, Brennan/Booth
House, M.D. - House/Wilson
Dollhouse - DeWitt/Saunders
Women's Murder Club - Lindsay/Cindy
ER - Kerry/Kim, Maggie/Carol, Abby/Susan, Elizabeth/...hell, I don't care: give me ER femslash.
Law and Order: SVU - Olivia/Alex
Law and Order: TBJ - Tracey/Kelly
Absolutely Fabulous - Eddy/Patsy
Jam & Jerusalem (aka Clatterford) - Sal/Tip, Susie/Caroline
Extras - Andy/Maggie
New Avengers - Purdey/Gambit
Wild West (BBC) - Mary/Angela
Doctor Who - Ten/Donna
Torchwood - Jack/Ianto
Girls on Top - Jennifer/Amanda, Shelley/Amanda
The Young Ones - Rick/Vyvyan
Murder in Suburbia - Ash/Scribbs
Sherlock Holmes - Holmes/Watson
Rosemary & Thyme - Laura/Rosemary
Star Trek: TOS - Kirk/Spock