*one week before the end of year*

"You know.. I think we should perhaps have dinner tonight." He says slowly. A small smile appears on my face.

"Oh is that so?"

"Mhm... I think you should meet me in the common room at 7 and we'll go have dinner."

"And if this dinner were to happen should I prepare any food?"

"No. Leave it all up to me."

I giggle.

"Then I guess we're having dinner tonight."

Sirius is not one to disappoint.

As the clock reaches 7 I am preparing myself to make my decent into the common room. Lily has been helping me get ready for the last two hours. Why it took that long? I dunno.

Clad in my red cocktail dress, the colours of Gryffindor, don'tchaknow, black flats and whatever the hell lily did with my hair... I begin to walk down the staircase.

"It's really not a big deal." I had told lily. "We've had dinner before."

"But have you ever looked this good while having dinner?" Was her reply.

"I don't know.. You won't let me see what I look like."

"True. Just take my word for it then."

As I reach the bottom of the staircase I see Sirius. In a suit. Can you imagine Sirius in a suit? I just about melt right there. Luckily Sirius extends his arm for me to hold. I can't help but smile at the gentlemanly behaviour he is displaying.

"Ready to go, my lady?" I giggle.

"Ready when you are, good sir."

Although I expect to head down to the kitchens for our dinner, he leads me along the seventh floor. The room of requirements. He lets go of my arm to pace back and forth three times. When the door appears he opens it for me, gesturing for me to enter.

As I do so I stand still. Shocked. It's stunning. Never before have I seen such a beautifully decorated room, with almost a romantic feel to it. And in the centre of the room, one table.

Two wine glasses and a bottle of firewiskey and some other wizarding wine were on a small table next to the big one. Two identical silver dishes were set up, concealing the food and probably keeping the heat in. One red rose in a tall, skinny vase in the centre of the table. It looked perfect.

Sirius took my arm and walked forwards towards the table. He pulled out my chair for me, which I then sat in. He then sat himself in the chair opposite.

He smiled and put his hand on top of his container, ready to lift and indicating that I should do the same. Once we lift together I see huge portions of spaghetti carbonara. My favourite.

"How did you know?" I ask, staring at the delicious looking meal.

"I have my sources." Was his reply.

I look up at him and say, "thank you."

Then we tuck in.

"Mmm the house elves did an amazing job." I say after my first mouthful. He chuckles, to which I send him a questioning glance.

"The house elves didn't make it."

"What? Who did then..? Wait. You mean to tell me that you cooked this?" He only chuckled again, nodding his head.

"That was unexpected. You're an amazing cook though."

As the night continues it only seems to get better, us laughing together and eventually even cuddling on a small sofa which appeared next to the fireplace.

Sirius tilts his face towards me and kisses my forehead. I look up at him.

"I know that the war is looming Sophia, and that everyone is in danger of loosing someone they love. I'm going to be fighting in the war and I know you are too, which means that we're even more likely to loose one another. But I am in love with you and I want you to be mine forever."

"I.. I love you too."

It's the first time I have ever said it, and Sirius' face shows both shock and joy. He leans down and kisses me gently, again filling me with the same magic as before.

I lean my forehead against his, looking into his eyes and whisper,

"We'll make it through the war. Together."