Author has written 26 stories for Shugo Chara!, Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Elder Scroll series, Overwatch, X-Men, Destiny, Marvel, Halo, StarTrek: The Original Series, Dragon Age, Batman, Blade, Star Wars, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and Hobbit. Have you looked at the titles of my stories yet? Have they confused you? Well then, let me explain! One of the first things that probably caught your eye is the 'Old Stories' (real creative) series. These are stories I posted when I first joined this sight. That was around five years ago and they have not aged well. When I joined I was even more inexperienced than I am now. They're...really bad. I mean, have you guys read these?! Well, actually, some of you have. And the support I get on them even years after I last updated any of them, is really amazing. So, instead of deleting them, I'm keeping them up. If you want a really crappy story to laugh at, if you want something to riff and joke about, go ahead and read my 'Old Stories' fanfictions. Another something you've probably noticed is 'Preview' stories. What's a Preview story?'s kinda like a movie unedited movie trailer that's posted because the movie isn't finished yet...maybe not that much like a movie trailer. It's there to give you a glimpse into the story I might write somewhere along the line, see if it's something that would interest you or if it's not your thing. Preview stories are also to help me. Reviewing, favoriting and following a story will tell me that you're interested in the story. Will let me know that I should focus on that story. And with so many stories in my head, so many fandoms I like, I have a bunch of different previews to post. So whenever one gets attention over another, the more attention it has the higher it'll go on my priority list. BE WARNED! Even with more attention than another story, some stories might get updated more frequently than others if they're close on the list; even when there is a clearly higher story. Why? Well, simple, some stories take more time than others. My highly detailed Dovahkiin in Middle Earth will take twice as long to write as my more casual Mimicry. So just keep that in mind if you see one update before another clearly higher on the list. Then you have my Snippets and Drabbles. That may sound simple, but hear me out. Snippets and Drabbles don't have to stay Snippets and Drabbles. If they get enough attention and I have an idea for it, they will make it into a real story. It'll depend on how much attention they get, if they can be developed into a real story, and perhaps even how many of my other stories are already complete. While reviewing, favoriting, and following will help, it'll depend on the story and my own ideas if they make it to full stories. Now! With that out of the way, I'm going to leave you with an ever growing list of Fandoms and Characters I like (a hint of what might come): Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Overwatch / Genji X-Men Ultimate Spiderman / Iron Fist Avengers / Pietro Marvel Star Trek / Next Gen / Abrams (09) Star Wars Force Awakens / Kylo Ren Naruto / Kisame Halo / Master Chief Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn / Ranulf Transformers G1/ Prime/ War For(Fall of) Cybertron Thundercats (2011) Destiny / Uldren |
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