It's only been a little over 6 months since I last updated this...I'm sorry. But, I'm hoping to update more now that I'm done with college. I also wish you could do different fonts and different html codes in stories.
Chapter 45: What's the Plan
{{ Jetfire to Optimus. }}
{{ Optimus here, do you have anything to report? }}
{{ This transmission secure, sir? }}
{{ It is. }}
{{ I'm transmitting coordinates now. }}
|| Coordinates: 44.1125° N, 73.9239° W ||
{{ Thanks, Jetfire. Return to base. }}
{{ I'm on my way. }}
Earlier that day, Optimus had sent Jetfire out to scout for a secure location so that he, Megatron, and Starscream along with Aurora, Joey, and Angelique could meet in order to discuss what needed to be done in order to capture their mysterious foe. Keeping true to his word, he promptly contacted Megatron and Starscream via their private commlinks so that he could transmit the coordinates and a meeting time.
It didn't take long for him to do either and once the meeting time had been established—10 minutes from now—Optimus turned to Aurora who was watching local news reports. Shaking his head, he went over to her and sat beside her.
"Optimus," she breathed as he kissed her neck, sliding the remote away from her as he did so and turning off the monitor.
"You're going to drive yourself crazy."
"I'm not going to sleep soundly until I know he's caught."
"We're going to meet with Megatron, Starscream, Angelique, and Joey in a few minutes to discuss how to best go about doing that as well as how to keep you safe."
"Shhh," she said, her brown irises pooled with fear, "We don't know if he's in here right now listening to us."
"I have my infra-red on. If he was in here—regardless if he was invisible or not—I would know it. Besides," he remarked as he took her hand within his and traced the grooves in her synthetic flesh with his thumb, "I will give up my spark before I allow anything to happen to you."
"Well, I'm not sure how reassuring that is."
He kissed her on the forehead before saying, "Get your coat, you might need it."
"You can't open dimension gates," she said as she got up and went over to get her coat, "How are we getting there?"
"Megatron should be arriving here—
He was interrupted by the flash of a dimension gate yawning open and Angelique stepping through followed by Megatron.
—ah, see?" Optimus finished as he watched Aurora shrug on her coat.
"Hi," Angelique said quietly, "This coat makes me look like a marshmallow."
"That's the least of our worries," Optimus responded as he looked to Megatron, "Shall we be going?"
"Right," Megatron remarked as he opened another dimension gate, this one going to the coordinates Jetfire had sent Optimus. "Come on, marshmallow," he said as he took Angelique by the hand and led her through the gate.
"If you're going to call me that I'm calling you Lego."
Aurora and Optimus watched as Megatron and Angelique passed through the gate before the Autobot leader offered his hand to the gynoid. She placed her hand within his and he closed his larger servo around hers as he led her through the dimension gate. The gate immediately closed behind them once they stepped through to the other side. Aurora glanced around and saw that they were beneath the overhang of what seemed to be a mountain. It was enough to shelter them from the snow and the cold wind.
"So, who's got a plan?" Starscream asked bluntly, stepping forward slightly as he did so, "Because to be honest, I don't think there's really a way to trap Nemesis unless we find out where he is residing."
"Then perhaps our best course of action would be to lure him out and place a tracking beacon on him. If we are lucky, he might even lead us to whoever his master is," Optimus suggested.
"I'm not being a lure," Angelique said.
Optimus nodded, "You wouldn't have to. We could find another way."
"Hey, I'm willing to be a lure if it'll catch this freak," Joey said, "But only if Starscream or someone else is nearby."
"Perhaps the best option would be to relocate the base and pull Angelique and Aurora from school," Megatron said, "At least until we could find a realistic means of capturing this Nemesis Prime. A plan that risks bringing harm to Angelique is not really a plan."
"It's not just me, you know," Angelique remarked.
"Yes, it is just you."
"Megatron," Optimus stated, "If any plan is going to work, you need to think of Aurora and Joey as well, not just Angelique."
The Decepticon leader scoffed as he crossed his arms, "Then let's just tear the town apart, shall we?"
"Megatron," both Optimus and Angelique scolded.
"Maybe we should take a gamble on McHugh," Aurora spoke up, "I don't know who else the master would be. This town is really small; no one else has a personal vendetta against us like he does. I mean, he tried to kill Joey, Angelique, and me, why would he care if we were...violated?"
"That still leaves Nemesis Prime at large," Joey said, "I think we would all feel better if he was caught."
"Well, if we have to keep meeting in secret like this, it will become inconvenient," Starscream stated, "I support the idea of relocating to a new base, even if it's temporary."
"If we relocate, the perpetrator will not be able to find us and we will not be able to find him to catch him," Optimus replied, "Even at a new base, it would only be a matter of time until it was discovered. I support the idea of withdrawing Aurora and Angelique from school until Nemesis Prime is caught."
"So are we to keep the base on lockdown and hope to get lucky enough to stumble upon an opportunity to catch this fiend?" Megatron asked with a scowl.
"I don't think any of us are opposed to having to keep an optic on our mates," Optimus remarked, casting a stern look at Megatron.
"You really should have come with missile launchers," the Decepticon leader muttered, looking to Angelique.
She rolled her eyes before saying, "Optimus, can you please punch him?"
"Trust me, I am always tempted."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Discussion of punching Megatron aside," Starscream interjected, "Do we have a plan or not?"
"I say we go with the tracking device plan," Joey said, "But that everyone in the base has a device on hand to secretly place on Mr. Freak-of-Nature, just in case."
"Does anyone disagree?" Optimus asked. No one said anything and the Autobot leader nodded before continuing, "Very well then. We'll keep the base on lock down. I will speak to Aurora and Angelique's parents about withdrawing them from school temporarily."
"You know what this means," Aurora said as she looked to Angelique, "You need to tell mom and dad what happened."
"Can you tell them?"
"Angelique you—
"You have a right to privacy. I will tell your parents if that is what you wish."
She nodded, "Please."
"Shall we be going then?" Megatron asked as he opened a dimension gate.
Optimus and Aurora looked to him before they went through. Megatron let the gate close behind them, seeing that Joey and Starscream had already left together. He looked to Angelique for a moment before turning from her and opening another gate. "Let's go," he said.
Angelique looked at him quizzically before following him into the gate. As it closed behind them, she pivoted so that she was in front of the Decepticon leader and stopped him. "Hold on," she said.
"What is it?" he asked knowing that since they were in his personal quarters, any conversation would be private and safe—or so he hoped.
"You've been really agitated and I know it's because you haven't gotten the chance to rip apart Nemesis Prime yet."
Tightly, he grit his denta together, "I have not made him pay for what he has done to you."
"You still have me, Megatron."
"I know, but inevitably you are not done suffering. I suspect it will be some time before you desire to interface with me again. I suspect you will have nightmares and night terrors. Will you ever be able to step outside this door and feel safe again?"
"As long as you're here I'll be fine—
"You couldn't even find the strength to tell your parents what happened."
Tears clouded her vision and she looked away from him before mumbling, "Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?"
"Angelique, I have seen this before. I've witnessed my own men try to overcome such attacks and fail. And of course I called them weak for being unable to overcome," he stopped and watched as she looked up to meet his gaze again. He cupped her face carefully in his servo before asking, "Do I make you feel weak?"
"No," she remarked and then quietly added, "But you have said more than once that you wish I came with missile launchers."
"I always thought you were my missile launchers," she said as a tear slipped from her eye and slid down her cheek. She squeezed her eyes closed. "I don't want to cry," she whispered, her voice threatening to break, "It makes me look weak and I know you don't want someone weaker than you."
"My entire life, I've fought to rid myself of weakness," he spoke gently, "But I am still as weak as you feel. You are the only one who gives me strength. I cannot rid myself of you. But I cannot bear to see you fail to overcome this."
Even though she was still wearing her coat, Angelique pressed herself into him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. She pressed her ear to his chest, listening for the familiar pulse of his spark beneath. Around her he eased his arms, pressing her closer into him as he gazed down at her.
"It's going to be okay," she said and then she pulled back a bit to look up at him, "But why did you think they were weak?"
He gazed at her for a moment before he looked away, focusing on some invisible thing behind her. For a while he was silent, absentmindedly trailing his fingers up and down the fabric of her coat as if he was reliving some awful memory. Finally he looked back to her. Stooping down, he drew her face close to his. "I wasn't always leader of the Decepticons. There was once a time where I didn't know how to fight and I wasn't respected as I am now. There was a time where I was taken advantage of, punished, put back in my place. I foolishly believed that any true Decepticon would be able to overcome what I had once endured," he explained solemnly.
"Megatron…you were…" she couldn't finish.
"I was, more than once."
"Megatron," she said again, her voice breaking again.
"Hush, my dear. You can cry. I'll be right here."
Into his chest she wept; she wept for him, for herself, for everything they had gone through as two different people, for everything she had to still overcome, for what they still had to do endure together.
"So, did you catch him yet?"
Aurora glanced to Optimus, watching as an expression of discontentment settled on his features. Sometimes she hated the way her father spoke to the Cybertronians. They were all working so hard, couldn't her father understand for once?
"Not yet," Optimus replied, keeping his voice firm and calm, "We are doing everything in our power to obtain him, but he is not easy to catch."
"I've been watching the news reports," her father stated, "How come Megatron isn't a suspect anymore?"
"Because Megatron was in the room when the perpetrator presented himself to us. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, I have extremely pressing matters to discuss with you."
Steve looked to Optimus, a suspicious look on his face, "Did something else happen?" And his gaze immediately shifted to Aurora to see if she seemed injured at all.
"Steve," her mother stated, "Let him talk."
When silence had been established, Optimus double checked to make sure Nemesis Prime was not in the room to listen in on what he had to say. Finally he spoke, "It is imperative that until the perpetrator is caught that Aurora and Angelique remain under our constant vigilance and protection. We have a suspect named and he is not one of our own. His name is Nemesis Prime and he is a threat unlike any other that I have ever faced. He has attacked both Aurora and Angelique; no one believes they are safe until Nemesis is caught."
"School can wait then if you feel that they are not safe," Mrs. Carlson said, "We'll have their assignments collected and given to them every day so they don't get behind."
"What do you mean Angelique was also attacked?" Steve asked sternly.
"She was raped, but she did not sustain any severe injury," Optimus said, delivering the harsh words quickly. He watched as Mr. Carlson balled his fists and as Mrs. Carlson gasped in horror. "Angelique did not feel comfortable enough tell you herself," the Autobot leader added.
"When you catch him, save a piece of him for me," Mr. Carlson stated, venom in his voice. Angrily he added, "And where was Megatron to protect her?"
"We were in the process of arresting Megatron because we believed him to be the suspect. It wasn't until Nemesis Prime came into the med bay carrying Angelique that we knew it was not him. According to Angelique, Nemesis disguised himself in my form, which means he can take on the form of anyone of us. Humans will not be able to stop him; this is why we request Aurora and Angelique both take a leave of absence until he can be captured."
"And Megatron is to protect Angelique when it's likely he'll do the same thing to her?"
This time, Optimus bit back. "Mr. Carlson," he scolded, "Megatron has committed plenty of wrongs in his lifetime, but just as freedom is the right of every sentient being, so is redemption. Angelique is the only one capable of giving him peace, happiness, and love, things he's never had in his entire life until now and he has been alive longer than this planet has been in existence. No one is capable of loving your daughter as passionately as he does. Fate has chosen them to be together, you cannot change that. He will not hurt what he considers his second self."
Mr. Carlson just grumbled before walking away. Mrs. Carlson shook her head before looking to Optimus and saying, "He'll come around, he's just very stubborn."
"He's very protective," Optimus replied, "He's everything a good father should be."
Nearly two hours later, Angelique ended up crying herself to sleep. It was just after Megatron had placed her upon his berth and tucked her in that there was a loud and demanding knock at the door. Curious though wary, the Decepticon leader went to the door and opened it only to reveal Angelique's father. He contemplated closing the door in his face, but thought better of it.
"I take it Prime told you what happened," he said, deciding to avoid a greeting altogether.
"He did," Mr. Carlson replied, "When did this happen?"
"After you took her from me," Megatron responded before adding, "I was not able to protect her, something I promised her I would do."
"You're going to catch the person who did this to her, right?"
"Absolutely. And then I am going to rip him apart and smear his remains across the floor of this base."
He smirked, "Save a piece for me."
Megatron crossed his arms, returning the smirk that Mr. Carlson had spared him. "As you wish. But I don't believe this means that all is forgiven between us. Your life is short on this Earth, is it not? You should not waste it holding a grudge against me, especially when I regret with every fiber of my being every ounce of pain I've ever caused your daughter."
Mr. Carlson pursed his lips to the side before asking, "Where is she?"
"She is asleep in my berth."
"She sleeps with you?"
"She sleeps where she desires and for now, until her attacker is caught, it's best she does not sleep alone."
The man narrowed his gaze at him, scrutinizing him carefully before turning away to leave. However, he paused when Megatron spoke again. "Nemesis Prime did not steal Angelique's purity. That she gave willingly in a moment of passion to someone she loves and loves her in return."
"So you do love her," Steve said, casting a glance back at him.
"Decepticons do not admit to love easily, nor do they recover quickly when it is ripped away from them. I don't want to lose her, Mr. Carlson. That is the only thing I'll ever beg of you: that I might keep her and make her happy as you once desired."
For a moment, they held one another's gaze in understanding; neither of them wanted to lose her, both wanting her happiness. Without a word, they turned from one another, Mr. Carlson walking away as Megatron closed the door.
Starscream could feel himself growing dizzy as he watched Joey endlessly pace his room, plotting and devising a way to capture Nemesis Prime. "Joey," he spoke up, "You're driving yourself crazy. Come to berth with me."
"I won't be able to sleep, too much on my mind."
"Then perhaps if I French kissed the lips between your legs you might relax enough to slip into recharge."
"Not now, Starscream," she said as she paused her pacing to look at him.
He ex-vented as he lay back on the berth, "If you're worried about having nightmares, then I'll wake you."
"I'm worried that we're not doing enough. He almost killed me, Starscream. And he said he wasn't done. If he's determined, even if we have the base on lockdown, he'll find a way in here. And to be quite honest, I'd rather not be penetrated by him again."
"You won't be," Starscream hissed at the idea of it, "But you are letting him consume you."
She smirked this time, "Kind of like how you want to consume me?"
Starscream was unable to hide a smile as he rose from the berth and approached Joey before taking her in his arms. "Yes, but I will do it only if you desire and as gently as you wish. I worship your beauty, Joey. I do it to show you how much I care. I would be beside myself if I ever hurt you."
Joey smiled as she leaned against him, "You're starting to sound like your old self."
"My old self?"
"The one before your sacrifice—the one before Megatron reformatted you to be completely loyal to him. The one before you lost yourself to corruption and greed. But you are still a king to me. My king."
"And shall you be my queen? I will be your throne if you are my crown."
"Take me to berth, your highness."
"As you wish, your majesty."
Lifting her in his arms, Starscream carried her to the berth and set her down gently before settling down beside her. He drew her into his arms and held her tightly. Against her ear he vented, "Sleep, Joey. Things will be better soon."
But things would get worse before they got better.
Have another cliffie, I know how much you love them. Thanks to everyone still sticking with the story, it means a lot to me. Please review!